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张家口市地处生态脆弱的农牧交错地带,地表水资源匮乏,地下水超采严重,可利用的地表水资源有限。同时,张家口市又处于京津冀协同发展中的水源涵养区,其水资源安全对于整个京津冀至关重要。根据水资源安全风险大小进行水资源分区管理和决策工作意义重大。本文在遵循科学性、可比性、可操作性和数据可获取性原则指导下,构建水资源安全风险评价指标体系,利用层次分析法求取指标权重,采用数理统计和3S技术空间分析获取张家口市基于水资源分区的以县域为单位的多源数据,进行数据归一化处理和加权水资源安全风险评价,结果表明:张家口市水资源安全风险在地貌单元与县域行政尺度上和在流域尺度上分异明显。坝上高风险区面积较大,但高风险极端值在坝下市辖区;流域尺度上水资源安全高风险区分布在内陆河流域和永定河流域,所辖的滦河流域、潮白河流域、大青河流域水资源安全风险值呈现由北向南降低的趋势。坝上偏西偏北区域,"孕灾环境脆弱性"对水资源安全风险的贡献率最大,坝下农区农业用水虽然会挤占其它产业发展和生态用水空间,在水资源禀赋不足的条件下,市辖区城市人口的集聚和工业经济的发展造成的水资源数量短缺和水环境污染所引发的水资源安全风险更大。张家口市水资源安全风险的空间分异研究,可为农牧交错带水资源安全风险分区管理和决策工作提供重要科学参考。  相似文献   

The urban vulnerability poses a serious challenge to achieving sustainable development. With the concentration of the population and the economy,cities must manage the higher frequencies and risks of various hazards and are becoming more vulnerable. Research on the assessment and regulatory control of urban vulnerability is of great significance for both urbanization quality improvement and sustainable development in China or other countries in the world. Because of the complexity of cities and vulnerability concepts,existing studies have focused on different aspects of urban vulnerability. And the research content of urban vulnerability is scattered and relatively independent,leading to a lack of comparability among the research data and resulting in tremendous difficulties in summarizing the conclusions through comparison of independent research data. Therefore the goal of this study was to construct urban vulnerability index(UVI) from the perspective of sustainable development that could assess urban vulnerability comprehensively. In this study,we selected 10 subindexes involving 36 specific parameters from four aspects(resources,eco-environmental systems,economics,and social development) to construct a comprehensive index system. We also established the standard values of measurements. Then we take 288 prefecture-level cities in China as a study area and evaluate its overall urban vulnerability and its spatial differentiation. Results indicate that urban vulnerability of China has a remarkable spatial differentiation of both "gradient distribution" and "clustered distribution"; the extent of urban vulnerability corresponds to city size,the bigger the city,the lower its vulnerability; resource-based cities are more vulnerable than comprehensive cities; a city's economic growth rate does not reflect the extent of its urban vulnerability. Further,we offer a few suggestions to cope with urban vulnerability in China.  相似文献   

Coal is a basic resource and its use guarantees the development of national economies and human society. Thus, coal transportation is an important part of China's overall transportation system. In this system, ports are the vital transit nodes. This study considered coastal ports in China and analysed the evolution of coal transportation from 1973 to 2013. We focused on the spatial pattern of coal loading and unloading, and summarized the main characteristics and development of the processes. Then, we examined the volumes of coal transported and regional changes in these amounts using mathematical models and indicators. Finally, we analysed the specialized function and spatial differentiation of the ports involved in coal transportation to reveal their spatial relationship and temporal evolution. We found that the spatial pattern of coal transportation changed from "south input and north output" to "all input and north output". However, the prominent ports used for coal unloading are still concentrated in areas south of the Yangtze River. Coal loading is concentrated on the west bank of Bohai Bay. In addition, some ports around Bohai Bay, such as Dandong, Dalian, Yantai, and Qingdao, changed from traditional coal loading ports to unloading ports. This study further developed the theory of transport geography, and improved our understanding of China's coal transportation system.  相似文献   

Based on the data of relative soil moisture in 653 agricultural meteorological stations during the period of 1993-2013 in China, the characteristics and regularity of spatial and temporal variation of relative soil moisture in China's farmland were analyzed and discussed using geostatistical methods. The results showed that the relative soil moisture of China's farmland has shown a fluctuant increasing trend since 1993. The relative soil moisture of China's farmland is more than 60% in general, its distribution area has been expanded northward and westward with the summer monsoon since mid-April and began to shrink eastward and southward in late October. The value of relative soil moisture increases with the increase of soil depth. On an interannual scale, the relative soil moisture of farmland increased fastest in summer and autumn, and its variation range decreased with the increase of soil depth. The relative soil moisture was positively correlated with precipitation, and negatively correlated with potential evaporation and temperature. The correlation between relative soil moisture and various meteorological factors weakened as soil depth increased. The meteorological factors have a great influence on relative soil moisture of dry land in spring, summer and autumn and they also have a greater impact on relative soil moisture of paddy fields in winter.  相似文献   

Optimizing rural settlements is an important measure to cope with rural decline, and improve the quality of rural life and attractions. This study introduces the "life quality theory". Based on the mechanisms governing the interactions between rural settlement space and life quality, this study examines how to optimize the spatial organization of rural settlements. Three aspects are evaluated – the integration of rural settlement spatial functions, optimization of spatial structure, and regulation of spatial scale – with the objective of building an optimization mode and framework for the spatial organization of rural settlements with high life quality. Our results suggest the following:(1) The settlement is the spatial carrier of life quality, which is an essential settlement component, and these two aspects influence and improve each other. Therefore, reasonable rural settlement space is an important precondition for higher life quality.(2) The spatial function types of rural settlements can be divided into those that maintain livelihoods, develop industry, and upgrade life quality. Optimizing spatial organization of rural settlements based on life quality requires promoting the maintenance of livelihood, integration of industrial development, and implantation in quality improvement.(3) There are two important components of optimizing the spatial organization of rural settlements. One is promoting the organic concentration of living, agricultural, and industrial spaces, the reasonable distribution of social intercourse, recreational, and services spaces, and the organic balance of living, production, and ecological spaces, so as to reasonably optimize the combination of internal spatial types in settlements. The other is forming a functional structure level of a "comprehensive village–featured village" and building spatial organization settlement modes connected by rural roads by relocating and adjusting the function of villages. These changes would require the destruction of underdeveloped villages, retaining normal villages, enlarging important villages, and constructing new villages.(4) As an ideal mode for optimizing rural settlements space based on life quality, the Rural Road-Oriented Development Model(RROD model) should be built at a rational scale for unit settlement and distance between settlements, leading to a fully functional RROD system with rational structure, auxiliary facility, and well-organized distribution.  相似文献   

北京冬奥会部分项目于2022年在张家口举办,张家口作为重要的冰雪旅游地,在其建设过程中其景观格局的变化速率、景观生态安全水平、生态系统服务价值尤其是旅游生态服务价值的研究极为必要。本研究运用2000–2020年间的土地利用数据,综合分析张家口土地利用动态度、土地利用转移矩阵、景观脆弱度、景观干扰度、生态系统服务价值、旅游生态服务价值等的动态变化。结果表明,2015–2018年张家口市景观格局发生大幅扰动,景观生态安全在景观格局调整的过程中受到威胁,直至2020年景观格局经过调整并稳定以后,景观生态安全重新恢复,生态系统服务价值尤其是旅游生态服务价值得以显著提升。本研究结果将为张家口冰雪旅游地景观格局的优化,以及旅游生态价值的提升起到重要的推动作用,同时,可对我国其他冰雪旅游地的发展提供重要借鉴。  相似文献   

河口湿地无机碳的储存对于缓解全球气候变暖具有重要意义。本文选择胶州湾大沽河口与洋河河口为采样区,应用Duncan方法进行数据分析,探讨了土壤无机碳(soil inorganic carbon, SIC)储量的分布特征及其影响因素。结果表明,距入海口越远,平行海岸带的光滩SIC储量越高,海洋潮汐的冲刷作用是主要驱动因素;在垂直剖面上,40–60cm土层SIC储量相对较高,占0–60cm土层的34.11%,这是海水淋溶作用水盐运移的结果。垂直海岸带的河漫滩SIC储量随距海距离的增加呈现出先降低后升高的趋势,在垂直剖面上,0–20 cm土层SIC储量相对较高,占0–60 cm土层的38.18%,这主要归因于海洋因素和人类活动等综合因素的影响。互花米草的入侵降低了湿地的SIC储量,植物根系的转化作用与自身生长特性和年限的差异是导致SIC储量低值的主要原因。养殖活动改变了养殖池塘土壤的理化性质,进而改变了SIC储量的分布规律。  相似文献   

The Babao River Basin is the "water tower" of the Heihe River Basin. The combination of vulnerable ecosystems and inhospitable natural environments substantially restricts the existence of humans and the sustainable development of society and environment in the Heihe River Basin. Soil temperature(ST) is a critical soil variable that could affect a series of physical, chemical and biological soil processes, which is the guarantee of water conservation and vegetation growth in this region. To measure the temporal variation and spatial pattern of ST fluctuation in the Babao River Basin, fluctuation of ST at various depths were analyzed with ST data at depths of 4, 10 and 20 cm using classical statistical methods and permutation entropy. The study results show the following: 1) There are variations of ST at different depths, although ST followed an obvious seasonal law. ST at shallower depths is higher than at deeper depths in summer, and vice versa in winter. The difference of ST between different depths is close to zero when ST is near 5℃ in March or –5℃ in September. 2) In spring, ST at the shallower depths becomes higher than at deeper depths as soon as ST is above –5℃; this is reversed in autumn when ST is below 5℃. ST at a soil depth of 4 cm is the first to change, followed by ST at 10 and 20 cm, and the time that ST reaches the same level is delayed for 10–15 days. In chilling and warming seasons, September and February are, respectively, the months when ST at various depths are similar. 3) The average PE values of ST for 17 sites at 4 cm are 0.765 in spring 0.764 in summer 0.735 in autumn 0.723 in winter, which implies the complicated degree of fluctuations of ST. 4) For the variation of ST at different depths, it appears that Max, Ranges, Average and the Standard Deviation of ST decrease by depth increments in soil. Surface soil is more complicated because ST fluctuation at shallower depths is more pronounced and random. The average PE value of ST for 17sites are 0.863 at a depth of 4 cm 0.818 at 10 cm 0.744 at 20 cm. 5) For the variation of ST at different elevations, it appears that Max, Ranges, Average, Standard Deviation and ST fluctuation decrease with increasing elevation at the same soil depth. And with the increase of elevation, the decrease rates of Max, Range, Average, Standard Deviation at 4 cm are –0.89℃/100 m, –0.94℃/100 m, –0.43℃/100 m, and –0.25℃/100 m, respectively. In addition, this correlation decreased with the increase of soil depth. 6) Significant correlation between PE values of ST at depths of 4, 10 and 20 cm can easily be found. This finding implies that temperature can easily be transmitted within soil at depths between 4 and 20 cm. 7) For the variation of ST on shady slope and sunny slope sides, it appears that the PE values of ST at 4, 10 and 20 cm for 8 sites located on shady slope side are 0.868, 0.824 and 0.776, respectively, whereas they are 0.858, 0.810 and 0.716 for 9 sites located on sunny slope side.  相似文献   

进一步利用国际农产品市场、世界农业资源和拓展对外农业合作潜在空间,是保障新时期中国粮食安全和优化国内粮食消费结构的有效路径。本研究基于分国别潜在耕地和粮食自给率的估算,并结合上述两个指标对中国海外粮食合作国家进行分类,从而初步刻画其空间格局。结果显示,中国的粮食进口目标空间主要位于澳大利亚、北美、南美、东欧和中亚;中国粮食企业"走出去"的目标空间重点应在撒哈拉以南非洲和拉丁美洲的北部区域。研究提出,在维持好与美国、加拿大、巴西、阿根廷和澳大利亚等传统粮食贸易关系的同时,中国可以面向"一带一路"沿线国家拓展粮食合作空间:可加大从俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和乌克兰等东欧中亚国家的粮食进口量,粮食企业"走出去"的重点方向可以是撒哈拉以南非洲。  相似文献   

Climate change and water resource issues are global problems of common concern to the international community, and they are major bottlenecks affecting the eco-environment and sustainable socio-economic development in the arid region of Northwest China. On the basis of results from previous studies, this paper points out that the unique landscape of Northwest China increases the complexity and uncertainty of the climate system. This paper analyzes the key constraints on socio-economic development and ecological security in the region, discusses the impact of climate change on water resources in Northwest China, identifies common themes and the main problems present in research on climate change and water resources in the arid northwest region, and finally, based on the importance and urgency of conducting research on the region's water resources, proposes scientific problems that need to be addressed: first, the impact of climate change on the formation, conversion and future trends of water resources in the region; second, bidirectional coupling of high-resolution regional climate models and water cycle models of arid region land surface patterns; third, the impact of climate change and human activities on water resources of the arid northwest region. Through consideration and discussion of the above, this paper seeks to further clarify specific areas of research on pressing issues related to climate change and water resources in Northwest China, so as to establish a solid scientific basis for significantly enhancing our ability to respond to climate change and water shortages.  相似文献   

作为资源环境承载力主要组成部分,水资源承载力研究起步较晚,但近年来无论在概念、计算方法还是实证研究等方面均有较快发展,也已成为区域水资源合理开发与利用的重要判据。本文简要回顾了一下水资源承载力的发展历程,选取常规趋势法、系统动力学方法、多目标模型分析法、综合评价法和动态模拟递推法为代表对水资源承载力的主要研究方法进行评述与对比。研究认为:(1)水资源承载力的研究方法虽然种类较多,但主要方法往往已定型多年,新方法与新技术较为欠缺;(2)当前主要研究方法在指标体系、评价标准制定的科学性、全面性等方面尚显不足,需要进一步完善;(3)未来水资源承载力需要加强动态研究,同时注意与实际结合,尝试建立一套监测预警体系并选取部分地区进行先行示范,满足新时期水资源管理的需求。  相似文献   

退化的生态环境一直是全球资源型城市可持续发展的挑战。尽管此问题已经引起了学界的广泛关注,但从自然与人为因素相互作用的角度探讨资源型城市生境质量的空间分异格局及其影响机理的研究较少。本文以唐山市为例,基于综合生态系统服务价值和InVEST-HQ模型对生境质量进行评估,利用空间自相关识别唐山市生境质量的空间分异特征,并借助地理探测器模型和空间生产理论探讨唐山市生境质量空间分布差异的影响因素及其影响机理。结果表明:(1)2019年唐山市生境质量总值为3.45×10~(10)元,每公顷生境质量价值为24435.05元。唐山市生境质量值呈现出"南北偏热,中西偏冷"的分布格局。(2)县域尺度上迁西县生境质量最优,路北区生境质量最差;乡镇单元上上营乡生境质量均值最高,开平街道最低。(3)自然环境条件是影响唐山市生境质量空间分异的重要基础因素。城市化和工业化因素是唐山市生境质量空间分异的重要外在动力。平均海拔、平均坡度、原材料业密度和人口密度对生境质量空间分异的贡献均大于0.40。任意两因子对生境质量的交互作用均为增强。人口聚集、工业资源丰富、交通便利的区域成为生境质量低值区,景观格局优美、降雨充沛、气候舒适的区域成为生境质量高值区。空间生产理论可以用来解释生境质量空间分异的形成机理。  相似文献   

随着我国农业生态文明建设的推进,农业生态安全也日益受到重视。如何确保农业生态的安全,已经成为不少学者关注的话题。湖北省作为我国重要的农业大省、全国粮食生产基地,确保其农业生态安全对全国粮食安全与农业可持续发展具有重要意义。本文首先运用层次分析法(AHP)与"压力—状态—响应"(PSR)模型构建湖北省农业生态安全评价指标体系与安全等级,接着将2015年全国农业生态安全平均值作为基数,对湖北省农业生态安全进行评价,发现其安全度从2005年的0.90150提升到了2015年的0.97716,提高了0.07566,但没有达到全国的平均值。这说明湖北省农业生态安全虽然得到改善,但是压力还很大,安全度还有待提升。特别是人均水资源量、人口密度、单位面积耕地农药负荷、森林覆盖率、草地退化率、年均降水量等部分指标还呈现恶化趋势。基于此,我们对影响湖北省农业生态安全的因素进行了分析,发现人口布局不合理、农业不当的生产行为、农业自然灾害、农业生态技术的缺失是主要因素。最后,笔者从影响因素层面提出了提升湖北省农业生态安全度的对策建议,希望以此来改善农业生态安全。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the spatial patterns and driving forces of housing prices in China using a 2,872-county dataset of housing prices in 2014.Multiple theoretical perspectives on housing demand,supply,and market,are combined to establish a housing price model to explore the impact of land prices on housing prices.The relative impacts of land prices on housing prices at different administrative levels are then analyzed using the geographical detector technique.Finally,the influencing mechanism of land prices on housing prices is discussed.The main conclusions are as follows.(1) Housing prices have a pyramid-ranked distribution in China,where higher housing prices are linked to smaller urban populations.(2) Land prices are the primary driver of housing prices,and their impacts on housing prices vary over different administrative levels.To be specific,the effect of land prices is the strongest in the urban districts of provincial capital cities.(3) The internal influence mechanisms for land prices driving housing prices are:topographic factors,urban construction level,the agglomeration degree of high-quality public service resources,and the tertiary industrial development level.The urban land supply plan(supply policies) is the intrinsic driver that determines land prices in cities;through supply and demand,cost,and market mechanisms,land prices then impact housing prices.  相似文献   

The risk posed by natural disasters can be largely reflected by hazard and vulnerability. The analysis of long-term hazard series can reveal the mechanisms by which risk changes. Drought disasters are one of the main types of disaster in the Tibet Region(TR) of China. In this study, using statistical drought disasters data in the TR from 1912 to 2012 and socio-economic statistics for five periods between 1965 and 2015, and adopting standard statistical analyses, a wavelet analysis, and a risk assessment model, we first construct the index system for drought disaster risk assessment, and then assess the risk of drought disasters and analyze the mechanisms of changes in risk. The results showed that the occurrence of drought in the TR had three distinct cycles during this study periods, with durations of 5, 15, and 27 years respectively. The frequency of drought in the TR showed increasing trends, and the cycle of drought had been prolonged. From 1965 to 2015, the risk of drought disaster in the TR is significantly increased with the growth rate of 6.8% in high-risk area. In addition, the severity of drought had enhanced, especially in Qamdo. The increased vulnerability locally and significantly enhanced hazard of drought disaster, with a shrinkage of 16.3% in the low-value area and an expansion of 7.4% in the high-value area, being the determinants of drought disaster risk. Therefore, agricultural areas of the TR are the focal locations where risk of drought disaster needs to be managed.  相似文献   

山地占中国国土面积比重高,是我国破解区域发展不平衡矛盾的焦点区域,也是生态系统服务重要供给区,长期面临着经济发展和生态保护的双重压力与挑战。研究选取我国石漠化山地、新构造运动活跃区山地和北方土石山区的典型区域黔桂岩溶山地、横断山地和太行山地为案例,以支持服务中NPP (Net Primary Productivity)、调节类服务水源涵养和供给类服务农产品供给三类生态系统服务为代表,采用线性回归、相关分析等方法探讨了1990–2015年三大山地生态系统服务权衡与协同关系的时空特征。主要结论如下:(1)三大山地农产品供给服务相对下降,NPP和水文调节等支持和调节服务提升更为显著;(2)三大山地NPP与水文调节服务存在彼此增益的协同关系,黔桂岩溶山地协同关系增强,而横断山地和太行山地变弱,且前者变弱的程度更大;三大山地NPP、水文调节服务与农产品供给服务存在此消彼长的权衡关系,其中黔桂岩溶山地NPP与农产品供给服务权衡关系变弱,而横断山地和太行山地权衡关系增强,且后者变强的程度更大;(3)三大山地生态系统服务权衡与协同关系存在显著的空间分异。  相似文献   

生产水足迹是指支持一个国家(地区)在其本地产品生产与服务供给过程中所需要的淡水资源量,无论产品与服务在哪里被消费,生产水足迹由蓝水足迹、绿水足迹和灰水足迹组成。水资源压力是指一个国家或地区生活、生产需要消耗的地表或地下水资源量(等于区域总生产水足迹与绿水足迹的差值)占该地区可更新水资源总量的比重。本文评估了1985–2009年中国生产水足迹,分析了中国水资源压力及其时空分布特征。研究结果显示:中国生产水足迹从1985年的7815.8×108 m~3到2009年的11097.6×108 m~3逐年升高,大型城市、农业不发达地区的生产水足迹水平低,以农业经济为主的地区生产水足迹高;中国水资源高度至重度压力地区主要集中华北、华中等黄河和长江的下游地区,且大多地区水资源压力逐渐加重,有从北方向南方演变的趋势。总体来说,中国水资源利用现状不容乐观。  相似文献   

GIS支撑下的干旱区水资源及其利用的空间分异研究   总被引:6,自引:9,他引:6  
王永兴  陈曦 《干旱区地理》2003,26(2):110-115
干旱区水资源的空间分布不均衡是一种普遍情况。利用GIS的空间分析功能,可以方便的进行干旱区水资源分布和利用状况的空间分析与评价。本文用新方法对新疆水资源分布和利用状况的分析表明,新疆大部分流域水资源丰度较差,水资源总体比较紧张;水资源利用上,除天山北坡各流域已超采或高度开发,不宜进一步开发外,其它流域均有一定开发潜力.尤其是地下水开发潜力较大。  相似文献   

开展资源环境承载约束地域类型研究是推进我国工业化和城镇化发展的重要基础工作之一。本文以人均可利用土地资源潜力、人均可利用水资源潜力、环境胁迫度、生态制约度为关键指标,通过构建分步式或集成式测算方法,按县级单元分别对我国水、土、环境和生态等资源环境要素的承载约束进行了测算、空间差异分析和地域类型划分。结果表明:(1)我国有近90%的国土已处于资源环境的强约束状态,其中近半受到双要素的强约束,且主要分布在贺兰山-龙门山线以东的人口产业密集区。(2)我国东、中部人口密集地区以及青藏高原已处于土地资源缺乏的强约束状态;华北、西北、东北、四川盆地以及南方城市地区已处于水资源缺乏的强约束状态;华北平原、长三角及苏北、川渝黔桂省区、东北平原、黄土高原地区北部等地已达到环境胁迫强约束程度;生态强约束区域主要集中在天山-大别山线的西南部,该线东北部的黄土高原、阿拉善盟、东北周边及苏北沿海也有成片分布。(3)资源环境承载约束的要素交叉类型多样,多要素约束类型空间分布相对集中,除青藏高原为土地-生态约束类型外,其它交叉约束类型主要集中在贺兰山-龙门山线以东地区。  相似文献   

China's investments, financial incentives and deductions in terms of ecological conservation are based at the county level. Therefore, the monitoring and assessment of the effects of ecological conservation at the county level is important to provide a scientific basis for the assessment of the ecological and environmental quality at the county scale. This paper quantitatively estimated the dynamics of high-quality ecosystems and vegetation coverage over the past 15 years, and their relationships with the number of ecological conservation programs at the county level were analyzed. Then, the effects of ecological conservation measures on ecological changes at the county level and their regional suitability were assessed and discussed. The results showed that counties with a percentage of high-quality ecosystems greater than 50% were primarily distributed in northeastern China, southern subtropical China and the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and those with a percentage lower than 20% were mostly distributed in northwestern China, the southwestern karst region and the North China Plain. In recent decades, ecological conservation has focused on ecologically fragile regions; more than five ecological conservation programs have been implemented in most counties of the Three River Source Region in Qinghai Province, southeastern Tibet, western Sichuan, the Qilian Mountains, southern Xinjiang and other western regions, while only one or zero have been implemented in the eastern coastal area of China. Over the past 15 years, the proportional area of high-quality ecosystems has increased in approximately 53% of counties. The vegetation coverage of counties in the Loess Plateau, Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei(Jing-Jin-Ji), Sichuan-Guizhou-Chongqing, and Guangdong-Guangxi provincial-level areas has increased significantly. However, it decreased in northern Xinjiang, central Tibet, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, the Yangtze River Delta and other regions. The relationships between the numbers of ecological conservation programs and the indicators of ecosystem restoration response, such as high-quality ecosystem and vegetation coverage, do not show positive correlations. These results suggest that ecological conservation programs should be planned and implemented according to the distribution patterns of high-quality ecosystems and that restoration measures such as afforestation should follow natural principles and regional differentiation under the background of climate change.  相似文献   

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