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土地景观形态能够反映土地利用空间行为特征。在对鄱阳湖地区1995年、2000年、2015年和2018年4个时间点的土地利用现状进行描述的基础上,通过分形维数、分形稳定性、斑块密度、斑块形状破碎度和景观隔离指数分析区域景观格局变化,并运用分形理论对土地利用空间行为进行分析。研究结果显示在1995年到2018年的20多年间,建设用地一直是分形维数最高的土地类型;但从时间尺度上,建设用地的分形维数呈下降趋势,表明建设用地空间形态在土地利用空间行为的作用下逐渐向有序方向发展。水田、旱地和有林地一直是分形维数最低的土地利用类型,且处于景观分形不稳定状态。斑块密度、斑块形状破碎化指数以及景观分离度指数的计算结果支持了分形维数分析的结论。从实现区域土地合理布局的角度,建议通过科学合理的规划,降低区域建设用地的分形维数,引导建设用地有序发展。对于诸如有林地、灌木林地、高覆盖度草地和水域等自然景观,应增加其分形维数以减少人为干扰,维护其稳定性。同时建议在国土空间规划中引入分形维数,将分形维数作为评价区域土地利用格局合理性的一项指标。  相似文献   

中国土地利用空间分形结构及其机制   总被引:45,自引:8,他引:45  
朱晓华  蔡运龙 《地理科学》2005,25(6):671-677
应用分形理论对中国土地空间分形结构及其机制问题进行了有益探讨。首先计算了中国不同土地利用类型空间结构的分维与稳定性指数;其次,分析了北京、安徽、江苏、广东、贵州、新疆、西藏、辽宁等8省区的土地分形结构;进而,在计算北京等8省区土地结构分维与图斑数、平均图斑面积、平均图斑形状指数、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业关联度的基础上,探讨了区域土地图斑数和相应图斑形状指数对土地空间结构分维的重要影响。指出:土地结构分维所能体现出的信息主要还是受到土地类型本身几何属性的影响。  相似文献   

Land use intensity quantifies the impacts of human activities on natural ecosystems, which have become the major driver of global environmental change, and thus it serves as an essential measurement for assessing land use sustainability. To date, land-change studies have mainly focused on changes in land cover and their effects on ecological processes, whereas land use intensity has not yet received the attention it deserves and for which spatially-explicit representation studies have only just begun. In this paper, according to the degree and reversibility of surface disturbance by human activities, there are four main classes of land use intensity: artificial land, semi-artificial land, semi-natural land, and natural land. These were further divided into 22 subclasses based on key indicators, such as human population density and the cropping intensity. Land use intensity map of China at a 1-km spatial resolution was obtained based on satellite images and statistical data. The area proportions of artificial land, semi-artificial land, semi-natural land, and natural land were 0.71%, 19.36%, 58.93%, and 21%, respectively. Human and economic carrying capacity increased with the increase of land use intensity. Artificial land supports 24.58% and 35.62% of the total population and GDP, using only 0.71% of the total land, while semi-artificial land supported 58.24% and 49.61% of human population and GDP with 19.36% of China's total land area.  相似文献   

Taking the emergy requirements of the five input indexes as the foundation, this paper analyzes the total temporal and spatial changes in cultivated land use intensity in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone from 2000 to 2010. The results are obtained as follows:(1) Over a period of 10 years, the cultivated land use intensity has increased exponentially in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone; agricultural machinery intensity has been the largest proportion of the total inputs, comprising more than 99.50% and increasing year by year, which indicates that agricultural mechanization is a basic trend in agricultural development in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone.(2) The total number of counties belonging to the moderate- and low- intensity cultivated land use categories is the largest, while the number of counties belonging to the high-intensity cultivated land use and extensive cultivated land use categories is the smallest.(3) This zone can be divided into five areas: an eastern area of high-intensity cultivated land use, a central and eastern area of low-intensity cultivated land use, a central area of low-intensity cultivated land use, a southern area of moderate-intensity cultivated land use, and a northern area of moderate-intensity cultivated land use.(4) The counties which had a coordinated development between cultivated land use intensity and their socio-economic development level increase year by year, and the socio-economic development level had increasingly obvious effects on the cultivated land use intensity. Finally, this paper presents suggestions for the development of cultivated land use intensity in the Poyang Lake Eco-economic Zone, especially for different levels of intensity among counties.  相似文献   

内蒙古是我国北方重要的生态屏障区,在区域生态系统防风固沙中发挥了重要的作用。本研究基于RWEQ模型模拟了内蒙古2010年和2015年生态系统防风固沙物质量,通过恢复成本法估算了其价值量,分析了内蒙古各盟市以及各生态系统防风固沙物质量和价值量变化的空间格局。结果表明2015年内蒙古防风固沙物质量和价值量总量分别为73.87亿t和738.66亿元,相比于2010年共减少了4.61亿t和46.16亿元。在各盟市中,锡林郭勒盟防风固沙总量最高,2015年达18.65亿t,乌海市最少,呼伦贝尔市防风固沙总量增长幅度最大,达4.37亿t;在各生态系统中草地生态系统防风固沙总量最高,占比在55%以上,但总量降低了1.05亿t,森林生态系统防风固沙增长量最高,达0.19亿t。结合生态系统变化及造林实施情况分析,发现造林等工程的投入实施通过增加森林面积、提升森林质量等有效增加了防风固沙物质量,但不合理的土地利用导致沙漠化土地的增加造成了内蒙古防风固沙量的显著降低。  相似文献   

This study is proposed to reconstruct a high-resolution spatial distribution of historical land use pattern with all land use types to overcome low-accuracy and/or the monotonic land use type in current historical land use reconstruction studies. The year of 1820 is set as the temporal section and the administrative area of Jiangsu Province is the study area. Land use types being reconstructed include farmland, residential land(including both urban land and rural residential land), water body, and other land(including forest land, grassland, and unused land). Data sources mainly refer to historical documents, historical geographic research outcomes, contemporary statistics, and natural environmental data. With great considerations over regional natural resources and social and economic conditions, a few theoretical assumptions have been proposed to facilitate the adjustment on prefecture farmland, urban land, and rural residential land. Upholding the idea that the contemporary land use pattern has been inherently in sequence with the historical land use pattern as well as the land use pattern shall be consistent to its accessibility, this study reconstructs the land use pattern in Jiangsu Province in 1820 with 100 m*100 m grids based on accessibility analysis and comprehensive evaluation. The outcome has been tested as valid by regionalization and correlation analysis. The resulted spatial distribution shows that back in 1820 in Jiangsu Province:(1) farmland, urban land, rural residential land, water body, and other land take about 48.49%, 4.46%, 0.16%, 15.03%, and 31.86% of the total land area respectively;(2) the land use pattern features high proportion of land in farming while low-proportion land in non-farming uses while population, topography, and the density of water body lead to great spatial variations; and(3) the reconstruction methodology has been tested as reasonable based on significant positive correlations between 1820 data and 1985 for both farmland and rural residential land at the prefecture level.  相似文献   

旅游小城镇作为新型城镇化的重要形式,已成为乡村振兴和旅游业升级的新热点,备受关注。本文基于旅游小城镇的地理坐标,利用最近邻指数、地理集中度指数、区位熵等研究方法,定量分析了武陵山区289个旅游小城镇的空间分布特征,并归纳其影响因素。研究表明:旅游小城镇的数量因地区而异,旅游发展水平也各不相同;旅游小城镇的分布一般呈现出一定的地理集中度,形成多密度中心和大量的小型聚落;由于交通便利性好,旅游小城镇明显分布在交通路线沿线;不同类型的旅游小城镇有各自的分布类型;旅游小城镇的空间分布是由地理环境、社会因素、旅游资源和文化政策共同决定的。本文通过分析武陵山区旅游小城镇的空间格局特征和影响因素,为探索全球各地旅游小城镇的时空分异规律、构建地区间要素协同机制提供了思路。  相似文献   

Construction of road infrastructure is fundamental to city operation and development, as well as an important pathway and focus in physical urban-rural integration. The long-term implementation of a system of ring roads plus radiating roads in Beijing has strongly impacted urban infrastructure construction and space-time accessibility. Particularly, recent rapid growth of private car ownership in Beijing has imposed greater loads on its road system, seriously hampering urban commuting efficiency and negatively impacting quality of life. To address such challenges and enhance the rapid development of transport infrastructure, Beijing has accelerated rail transit construction since 2008 in an effort to improve commuting capacity. This paper aims to measure time accessibility and its spatial characteristics in urban areas of Beijing by applying a comprehensive method that combines vector and raster attribute data generated from road network and subway transport infrastructure. By using a dual index of accessibility and road density, the study further reveals the features of and differences in spatial accessibility and the construction of road systems in urban areas of the northern and southern parts of Beijing. The findings of this study can provide a scientific basis for future urban planning and road system construction both in general and with respect to Beijing, given its aspirations to become a world city.  相似文献   

本文基于预期效用假设提出了可结合竞争学习算法(CLG–LUSA)的新方法,即土地利用适宜性分析的GIS模型。该模型使用了Kohonen的自组织映射法和线性矢量化法来实现多选项的综合排序。该模型还利用决策者的优选位置和环境数据,来构造一个分支决策属性空间。决策和不确定性映射来自于该分支算法。使用该模型算法的一个例子就是在古巴市选择椰子最合适的生长环境。结果表明,CLG–LUSA模型能够提供决策过程中关键环节的精确视觉反馈,从而制定最适合个人或群体决策支持方法。  相似文献   

Urban land intensive use is an important indicator in harmonizing the relationship between land supply and demand. The system dynamics(SD) can be used to construct the feedback loop between urban construction land supply and demand and index variable function. Based on this, this study built a supply and demand system dynamic model of urban construction land for Chang-Zhu-Tan urban agglomeration. This model can simulate the change trends of supply and demand of construction land, industrial land, and residential land in 2016–2030 by three scenarios of low, medium, and high intensity modes. The results showed that the scale of construction land of urban agglomeration is expanding, with a rapid increase rate for the urban construction land. The scale and speed of land use based on the three intensity modes existed differences. The large scale and supply of construction land in the low intensity mode caused easily the waste of land resources. In high intensity mode, the scale and supply of construction land were reduced against the healthy development of new-type urbanization. In the medium intensity mode, the scale and supply of land use adapted to the socio-economic development and at the same time reflected the concept of modern urban development. In addition, the results of this study found that the proportion of industrial land in construction land ranged from 15% to 21%, which increased year by year in the low intensity mode, and decreased slowly and stabilized in medium and high intensity modes. The proportion of residential land in construction land ranged from 27% to 35%, which decreased in the low and the medium intensity modes, and maintained a high level in the higher intensity mode. This study contributes to provide scientific reference for decision-making optimization of land supply and demand, urban planning, and land supply-side reform.  相似文献   

本文采用生态足迹理论方法对鄱阳湖地区6个城市(南昌、景德镇、九江、新余、鹰潭、抚州)1991-2010年生态足迹进行了测算,以生态足迹度量生态资源投入,与劳动力、资本一起作为投入要素对经济增长的内在贡献度进行了分析,并研究了全要素生产率与经济增长率的关系以及三大产业对生态足迹的影响。结果表明:(1)1991-2010年鄱阳湖地区6个城市生态足迹呈现逐年上涨的趋势,其中化石能源地、耕地与草地的生态足迹对总生态足迹的影响较大;(2)生态资源、劳动力与资本等要素对经济增长的贡献度呈现出地区性的差异,南昌、九江、新余和鹰潭属于资本主导型,资本对经济增长的贡献率最大,景德镇和抚州属于劳动力主导型,劳动力对经济增长的贡献率最大,生态资源要素的贡献率在6个城市中均居于最后,说明生态资源要素的使用效率过低;(3)全要素生产率对经济发展水平起到了关键作用,但6个城市的全要素生产率总体水平都很低,说明鄱阳湖地区经济增长的技术含量较低,要素的使用属于粗放型,这不利于该区域经济长期快速发展的要求;(4)第一产业对生态足迹的影响最大,第三产业对生态足迹的影响最小,鄱阳湖地区各城市应转变经济发展方式,大力发展第三产业。最后,在此基础上提出了鄱阳湖地区可持续发展的对策。  相似文献   

The complex relationship between the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake controls the exchange of water and sediment between the two,and exerts effects on water resources,flooding,shipping,and the ecological environment.The theory of energy is applied in this paper to investigate the physical mechanisms that determine the nature of the contact between the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake and to establish an energy differenceindex to quantify the interactions between the two systems.Data show that Fe values for this interaction have increased since the 1950s,indicating a weakening in the river effect while the lake effect has been enhanced.Enclosure of the Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR)has also significantly influenced the relationship between the river and the lake by further reducing the impacts of the Yangtze River.The river effect also increases slightly during the dry season,and decreases significantly at the end of the flooding period,while interactions between the two to some extent influence the development of droughts and floods within the lake area.Data show that when the flow of the five rivers within this area is significant and a blocking effect due to the Yangtze River is also clearly apparent,floods occur easily;in contrast,when the opposite is true and the flow of the five rivers is small,and the Yangtze River can accommodate the flow,droughts occur frequently.Construction and enclosure of the TGR also means that the lake area is prone to droughts during September and October.  相似文献   

揭示喀斯特城市流域土地利用对生态系统服务功能的影响机制,对喀斯特地区的社会经济发展与生态环境保护具有重要意义。本研究以贵州典型喀斯特城市流域—南明河流域为例,基于Arc GIS技术平台揭示了2000–2020年3个时期流域的土地利用时空演变规律,采用In VEST模型对流域不同土地利用类型的生态系统服务功能进行了系统评价。结果表明:(1)流域土地利用以林地、耕地和草地为主,土地利用变化方式主要表现为建设用地的增长,增长了13.07%;(2)流域水源涵养功能显著提升,碳储存功能略微减弱,空间上两者的物质量均呈现东北高、西南低的分布特征;(3)林地对流域水源涵养和碳储量的贡献率均超过57%,林地转为建设用地,耕地转为林地分别是生态系统服务功能减弱和增强的两种土地利用变化形式。本研究可为喀斯特生态脆弱区土地利用结构优化、水土资源开发和生态系统可持续管理提供重要数据支撑与科学参考。  相似文献   

豫西黄河流域土地利用空间格局地形梯度特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
豫西黄河流域土地利用空间格局在水平和垂直方向上都具有明显区域特征。利用DEM数据对研究区土地利用空间格局地形梯度规律进行了分析,结果表明:(1)各土地利用类型的空间分布规律随高程和坡度的变化具有显著的特点:受人类活动干扰影响较大的各类农业用地、建筑用地、果园、水域和湿地主要分布在海拔相对较低和坡度相对较小的区域;而受人类活动干扰影响较小的各类林地(除果园外)、草地和未利用地则比较均匀地分布在海拔相对较高和坡度较大的区域。(2)不同的海拔段和坡度段内各土地类型的分布也存在一定的分布规律:农业用地类型和林地类型在各个地形梯度内都占有较大的面积比重,这是由于其基数较大,在区域内占据优势地位决定的;在低海拔小坡度地段内农业用地具有相对的面积优势;有林地随着海拔升高和坡度增大,面积比例不断增大,其主导地位随之增强。  相似文献   

With the socio-economic development associated with urbanization, the urban-rural relationship has changed across the world. In China, due to the urban-rural dual structure, these changes turn out to be more complicated. Spatial restructuring are suggested as the main strategies and spatial supporting platforms for urban-rural development. However, the theory still lacks solid methodology and support from systematic empirical studies. This study seeks an adequate scientific methodology and discusses the difference of urban-rural transformation in plains and mountainous areas. A case in Shanghang County, China, demonstrates: 1) The compound ecological niche model can be a suitable approach in urban-rural restructuring, especially in mountainous areas. 2) The urban-rural development area with highly inappropriate, slightly appropriate, moderately appropriate, and highly appropriate areas are 1273.2 km2(44.69%); 906.1 km2(31.80%); 509.4 km2(17.88%); and 160.1 km2(5.62%), respectively. 3) The "deserting villages" in mountainous areas play positive synergistic roles in urbanization, in contrast to the "hollowing villages" common in plain areas. 4) The central town-village will become the most important settlement in mountainous areas. Therefore, we suggest more attention should be paid to environmental capacity in the construction of central town-villages. This study significantly extends the understanding of "hollowing village" theory and regional planning.  相似文献   

Land use patterns arise from interactive processes between the physical environment and anthropogenic activities. While land use patterns and the associated explanatory variables have often been analyzed on the large scale, this study aims to determine the most important variables for explaining land use patterns in the 50 km~2 catchment of the Kielstau, Germany, which is dominated by agricultural land use. A set of spatially distributed variables including topography, soil properties, socioeconomic variables, and landscape indices are exploited to set up logistic regression models for the land use map of 2017 with detailed agricultural classes. Spatial validation indicates a reasonable performance as the relative operating characteristic(ROC) ranges between 0.73 and 0.97 for all land use classes except for corn(ROC = 0.68). The robustness of the models in time is confirmed by the temporal validation for which the ROC values are on the same level(maximum deviation 0.1). Non-agricultural land use is generally better explained than agricultural land use. The most important variables are the share of drained area, distance to protected areas, population density, and patch fractal dimension. These variables can either be linked to agriculture or the river course of the Kielstau.  相似文献   

土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形信息特征分析   总被引:39,自引:11,他引:39  
运用地理图形信息理论和景观生态学理论,探讨了土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形化描述方法,并以吉林省前郭县为例,在GIS空间分析和统计分析模型的支持下,分析了研究区土地利用空间格局及其变化的图形特征。结果表明:每一土地利用类型图斑特征都可以用几个图形参数来刻画,图形参数随面积变化而变化的曲线可以有效地揭示和区分不同的土地利用类型特征,而土地利用空间格局及其变化则可用VCM曲线来描述。  相似文献   

正21世纪以来,中国乡村的重构已成为全球社会经济变化最重要的组分之一。短短几十年间,中国从一个具有深厚乡土文化根基的传统农业大国转变为一个极为先进和高度城市化的国家。这次转变的规模和意义堪比19世纪到20世纪初欧洲所经历的工业化与城市化,其影响也如20世纪欧洲所经历的那样,遍及整个世界。尽管当中存在趋同,今时的中国并非维多利亚时代的欧洲,我们不能期望二者的转变轨迹、产生的影响和收获的响应会完全相同。  相似文献   

The interaction between urban space and individual behavior has led to essential social, economic and environmental consequences. Behavioral geography provides a new effective theoretical and methodological framework to investigate behavior patterns in cities. In recent years, behavior approach has become an influential analytical paradigm in Chinese urban geography. This paper provides an overview of behavioral geography research in China, by introducing the theoretical and empirical progress in behavior analysis. It is argued that behavioral approach offers a new perspective to understanding China's urban sociospatial reconstruction and addressing social and environmental issues at micro scale. Although theoretical development still lags behind developed countries, Chinese scholars have made much progress in empirical investigations of classical socio-spatial behavior theories. This paper also provides an overview of new trends in Chinese behavioral geography that has started to apply the behavioral approach to urban social, economic and environmental issues. This paper suggests that social dimensions of behavior should be addressed more comprehensively and rigorously by using interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological frameworks, to better understand the complexity of Chinese cities and research the critical social and environmental issues in cities.  相似文献   

China is now experiencing rapid urbanization. Powerful tools are required to assess its urban spatial policies before implemented toward a more competitive and sustainable development paradigm. This study develops a Land Use Transport Interaction(LUTI) model to evaluate the impacts of urban land-use policies on urban spatial development. The model consists of four sub-models, i.e., transport, residential location, employment location and real estate rent sub-models. It is then applied to Beijing metropolitan area to forecast the urban activity evolution trend based on the land-use policies between 2009 and 2013. The modeling results show that more and more residents and enterprises in the city choose to agglomerate on outskirts, and new centers gradually emerge to share the services originally delivered by central Beijing. The general trend verifies the objectives of the government plan to develop more sub-centers around Beijing. The proposed activity-based model provides a distinct tool for the urban spatial policy makers in China. Further research is also discussed at the end.  相似文献   

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