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姬书安  张培  陆道林 《地质通报》2022,(9):1509-1515
广西扶绥县那派盆地早白垩世新隆组中产有以蜥脚类、兽脚类、禽龙类等恐龙为代表并包含弓鲛类、辐鳍鱼类、龟鳖类、鳄形类的脊椎动物群,其与泰国东北地区Khorat群Khok Kruat组(阿普特阶)脊椎动物群面貌相近。最新发现于那派盆地的棘龙类牙齿化石新材料,其齿冠横断面为宽略小于长的亚圆形,齿冠前后缘无小锯齿,齿冠表面具明显纵嵴和纵沟,单侧面纵嵴数目12~15条。这些形态表明,那派盆地的棘龙类牙齿可归入棘龙亚科(Spinosaurinae),且与泰国东北地区Khok Kruat组棘龙类牙齿的形态类型Ⅱ(Siamosaurus形态类型)可对比。新发现的牙齿化石还显示,那派盆地目前仅存在一种类型的棘龙类,其可能与泰国的暹罗龙(Siamosaurus)关系较密切。  相似文献   

根据以下特征,建立驰龙类恐龙一新属新种——河南栾川盗龙(Luanchuanraptor henanensisgen.etsp.nov):牙齿后缘每5mm有24个小锯齿;前部背椎椎体具有小的椎体侧孔;后部脉弧的前后突短且为三分支;最后部的尾椎体的椎体前突拉长且包裹与其相邻的前部椎体,两椎体前突之间夹有低的刀片状的神经棘;乌喙骨的内面强烈凹陷;肱骨骨干直,肱骨三角脊几乎占肱骨长度的前部一半。河南栾川盗龙代表除在亚洲戈壁地区及中国东北地区之外发现的第一件驰龙类化石标本。  相似文献   

在辽西义县组新发现了一具近完整的禽龙类化石骨架.据头骨和牙齿特征建立了一新属、新种--义县薄氏龙(Bolong yixianensis gen.et sp.nov.).它的自近裔性状包括:上颌骨与泪骨之间有一凹坑;在眼眶之上,前额骨后部发育有一前后延长的凹陷;前额骨后侧边缘发育一厚嵴,在厚嵴之上有一前后延长的凹陷;前齿骨腹突向后延伸并与前齿骨腹缘平行;齿骨背侧的前齿骨关节面高度不足齿骨高度的2/3,齿骨前尖位于齿骨自下向上1/3高处;上颌骨牙齿主脊位于牙齿颊面后1/3处,并向后弯曲.与同样在辽西义县组发现的锦州龙Jinzhousaurus的头骨和牙齿相比较,薄氏龙至少有14处不同.包括上颌骨前端不下弯、前齿骨腹突分叉和上颌骨齿齿冠有多条副脊等.它也是迄今在亚洲发现的几种最原始的禽龙类之一.  相似文献   

报道了河南省栾川县秋扒乡晚白垩世秋扒组发现的甲龙类化石。化石包括单枚牙齿、一几乎完整的背椎体、不完整的肋骨和坐骨。虽然化石材料少,难以确立属种,但是这是除中原龙产地外,中原地区发现的第二个甲龙类化石点。该化石的发现为研究甲龙类的迁徙及其古地理分布特点提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

豫西栾川地区晚白垩世秋扒组一新的驰龙类化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据以下特征,建立驰龙类恐龙一新属新种——河南栾川盗龙(Luanchuanraptor henartens/sgen.et sp.nov):牙齿后缘每5mm有24个小锯齿;前部背椎椎体具有小的椎体侧孔;后部脉弧的前后突短且为三分支;最后部的尾椎体的椎体前突拉长且包裹与其相邻的前部椎体,两椎体前突之间夹有低的刀片状的神经棘;乌喙骨的内面强烈凹陷;肱骨骨干直,肱骨三角脊几乎占肱骨长度的前部一半。河南栾川盗龙代表除在亚洲戈壁地区及中国东北地区之外发现的第一件驰龙类化石标本。  相似文献   

从浙江天台白垩纪蛋化石复原恐龙类群   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
浙江天台盆地白垩纪地层中,已发现了甲龙类及慢龙类等恐龙骨骼化石及数以千计的蛋化石,其中许多为恐龙蛋化石。根据国内外相同类型的蛋化石中迄今已发现的恐龙胚胎化石研究成果,可大致确定其中一部分蛋化石分别是由鸭嘴龙类、巨龙类、慢龙类、盗蛋龙类、伤齿龙类和暴龙类等恐龙所产。并发现鸭嘴龙类、巨龙类和慢龙类的圆形蛋、副圆形蛋在数量上占绝大多数,盗蛋龙的长形蛋和伤齿龙的棱柱形蛋较少,暴龙类的巨型长形蛋最少,从而反映了他们各自在生态金字塔中的位置。  相似文献   

河南汝阳白垩纪一新的结节龙类恐龙化石   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
根据一新材料,命名了一新的结节龙类甲龙——洛阳中原龙(新属新种),Zhongyuansaurus luoyangensis gen et sp. nov.。其头骨的形态和尾椎的特征显示该标本属于结节龙类甲龙。它以头骨长宽比约为1.4∶1、头骨顶骨区平坦,顶视,头骨的后边缘及眼眶之后的侧边缘平直;肱骨远端与近端的宽度几乎相等,肱骨近端后表面的M.latissimus dorsi和M.teres major附着处为凹陷面而不是疤结,以及坐骨主干较平直等特征区别于其它的结节龙类甲龙。  相似文献   

邢立达  董辉  彭光照  舒纯康  胡晓冬  江华 《地质通报》2009,28(10):1390-1395
记述了自贡地区的和平永川龙(和平中华盗龙)(Yangchuanosaurus(Sinraptor)hepingensis)ZDM 0024存在一断裂后愈合的肩胛骨,这是中国兽脚类病理学的首次详细记录。该肩胛骨有骨皮质不连续、成角畸形、骨痂形成,符合骨折后愈合的表现,而且从其病理特征看,病理性骨折的可能性很小,直接暴力所致骨折的可能性极大。还分析了同时期动物群中可能存在暴力施加者,拥有尾锤的合川马门溪龙(Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis)可能性最大,这为和平永川龙的骨折提供了一种有趣的解释。  相似文献   

侯彦冬  姬书安 《地质通报》2017,36(7):1097-1103
鄂尔多斯盆地下白垩统志丹群产出丰富的四足类动物化石:龟类、离龙类、鳄形类、鹦鹉嘴龙类、剑龙类、甲龙类、兽脚类、鸟类和早期哺乳类。采自内蒙古杭锦旗老龙豁子志丹群罗汉洞组剑龙类关联的荐椎与肠骨化石新标本,其形态特征显示该标本可被归为鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus ordosensis)。该标本解剖学研究表明,鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙腰带还具有以下特征:上髋臼面前缘向后凹而后缘内侧更加内凹。鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus ordosensis)和新疆准噶尔盆地的平坦乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus homheni)在腰带上存在明显区别:(1)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙肠骨前突延伸较短,肠骨前突背缘向后逐渐向背侧拱曲、高度逐渐加大,而平坦乌尔禾龙肠骨前突后端背腹缘大致平行;(2)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙上髋臼面较小;(3)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙左右肠骨前突延伸方向与中轴线之间的夹角略小于平坦乌尔禾龙。这些区别进一步表明,鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙和平坦乌尔禾龙是不同的种。  相似文献   

胡晋元  姜涛  李志广 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):595-598
中国已知的豆齿龙类化石有贵州关岭晚三叠世新铺中国豆齿龙、多板砾甲龟龙及云南富源中三叠世康氏雕甲龟龙。记述了一件楯齿龙目豆齿龙亚目的新材料,产自云南富源法郎组竹杆坡段,时代为中三叠世拉丁期,标本(编号C.1924)现收藏于重庆自然博物馆,该标本保存有完整的背甲、尾椎和四肢的部分骨骼,背甲由500多枚小骨板组成,背甲整体结构与康氏雕甲龟龙相似,但背甲中部无沟和脊,背甲骨板表面无放射沟和嵴,排列更加致密,侧壁相对更为发达,由连接紧密的3~4排骨板组成,四肢骨相对于康氏雕甲龟龙来说更为粗壮。根据上述特征,认为是雕甲龟龙属的一个新种——粗壮雕甲龟龙(Glyphoderma robusta sp. nov.),这是继康氏雕甲龟龙之后在云南富源发现的第二个豆齿龙类物种。  相似文献   

The bivalved arthropod Branchiocaris? yunnanensis Hou, 1987 is redescribed on the basis of new fossil material from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota, South China. In total, 81 specimens have been examined. The carapace comprises two identical valves, each valve are sub-circular in outline, ranging from 24 mm to 58 mm in length, and from 15 mm to 46 mm in height. The dorsal margin is straight and bears two short cardinal spines. The valve surface is either smooth or ornamented with polygonal reticular structures, which may result from different preservation conditions. Two morphotypes have been recognized based on the presence or absence of a subdorsal swelling of the valve, which is convex dorsolaterally and extends beyond the dorsal margin when it appears. Statistic and ontogenetic analyses show both morphotypes grow isometrically and have the same growth trajectory. Therefore, the two morphotypes are interpreted as dimorphism within the same species. Our results are helpful for investigating the taxonomy and ontogeny of arthropod fossils and suggest that dimorphism might be fairly common in these early arthropods.  相似文献   

Abstract: The structure and orientation of the posterior extremity (tail club) of the caudal vertebrae of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis Young and Chao, 1972 from the Upper Jurassic Shangshaximiao Formation has been analyzed to determine the tail club function using Finite Element Analysis. Of the four caudal vertebrae composing the tail club, the second largest (C"1") was probably the most proximal, and is fixed with the preceding sequence of the caudal vertebrae, whereas the smallest (C"4") is free and forms the termination of the tail club. Our analysis also suggests that the tail club is more efficient in lateral swinging rather than up-and-down motion, and that the best region for the tail club to impact is at the spine of the largest of the four caudals (C"2"), with a maximum load for impact at about 450 N. The tail club of Mamenchisaurus hochuanensis probably also had limitations as a defense weapon and was more possibly a sensory organ to improve nerve conduction velocity to enhance the capacity for sensory perception of its surroundings.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Hexigten is situated at the eastern part of the Inner Mongolian Plateau, south of the Da Hinggan Mountains and northwest of Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, China. It is also at the junction of the Da Hinggan Mountians, Inner Mongolian Plateau and Yanshan Mountains. It is about 650 km north of Beijing. The geographic coordinates are 116?30'?118?20'E and 42?20'?44?10'N (Fig. 1). The elevation range is from 1100 m to 1700 m, and the highest peak (2029 m) of the Da Hinggan…  相似文献   

The complete osteology of the abelisaurid Viavenator exxoni, from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Santonian, Upper Cretaceous) is described. Viavenator is characterized by a series of autapomorphies, including: transversely compressed parietal depressions on both sides of the supraoccipital crest; ventral edges of the paraoccipital processes located above the level of the dorsal edge of the occipital condyle; basioccipital-opisthotic complex about two and a half times the width and almost twice the height of the occipital condyle, in posterior view; well-developed crest below the occipital condyle, diverging ventrally and defining the subcondylar recess; deeply excavated and sub-circular basisphenoidal recess, with its major axis transversely oriented; basipterygoid processes horizontally placed with respect to the cranial roof and located slightly dorsally to the basal tubera; mid and posterior cervical centra with slightly convex lateral and ventral surfaces; hyposphene-hypanthrum articular complex present from dorsal 2 onward; presence of an interspinous accessory articular system in middle and posterior dorsal vertebrae; presence of a pair of pneumatic foramina within the prespinal fossa in anterior caudal vertebrae; distal end of the scapular blade posteriorly curved. Particularly, Viavenator shows plesiomorphic cranial characters, i.e. flat frontals lacking domes or horns, combined with derived postcranial characters, e.g. the interspinous accessory joint system of dorsal vertebrae. This combination between plesiomorphic and derived traits suggests that Viavenator is a transitional form, which is an idea supported by its intermediate stratigraphic and phylogenetic placement between the basal and older (e.g. Skorpiovenator, Ilokelesia) and derived and younger members of the clade (e.g. Aucasaurus, Carnotaurus).  相似文献   

Many animals show sexual dimorphism, one sex being consistently larger and heavier than the other. No doubt, examples of the same phenomenon also occur in the fossil record, but they may be difficult to spot and even more difficult to prove. The problems are greater still when considering trace fossils such as footprints. Even so, there seems reason to believe that some types of footprint do show sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

由于探地雷达系统大多采用超宽带窄脉冲信号,因此要求天线具有极宽的工作带宽。利用矩量法对线性离散电阻加载蝶形天线进行分析,结果表明,线性离散电阻加载在使天线获得宽带特性的同时,并使辐射的脉冲信号拖尾变得平稳,因此能够满足探地雷达系统的需要。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the nature and origin of subsurface sediment mobilization processes in deep marine clay-rich environments. In the studied area of the southern Barbados accretionary prism, new geophysical acquisitions have emphasized the spectacular widespread development of mud volcanoes that are well-developed along ramp anticlines and along sigmoidal rises with trends that are oblique to the axes of the main folds of the accretionary wedge. On some active mud volcanoes, heat-flow measurements show high positive anomalies related to high fluxes of mud transfer. The mobilized solid fraction expelled by the mud volcanoes does not originate from a unique source bed but from various formations pierced by the mud conduits and is driven by the water phase. The area studied also exhibits trends of structures corresponding to sub-circular massive local uplifts of deformed but well-preserved stratified sediments (turbidites and hemipelagics). No piercing shale diapirs have been encountered in this area. Some of these local uplift structures are complicated by the development of collapses, calderas, and superimposed mud volcanoes. Mud volcanism corresponds fundamentally to fluid displacement (water and gas), whereas massive sedimentary uplift corresponds to large vertical displacements of stratified solid levels but for which the deep cause could be partly the intrusion of mud plugs. Both are dynamic phenomena controlled by the development of overpressure at depth, contributing to sedimentary mobilizations.  相似文献   

黄河北煤田煤系广泛发育潮坪沉积体系,通过对其沉积特征及沉积模式的研究,认为潮坪沉积体系主要包括潮道(潮沟或潮渠)、泥坪、沙坪、砂泥混合坪及潮坪沼泽和潮坪泥炭沼泽相等沉积相类型,其特征是砂泥比值较高,沉积厚度大,为含煤地层发育提供物质基础;在沉积环境演化方面与整个鲁西南地区沉积特征相似,整体为海水逐渐衰退的过程;在潮坪沼泽和潮坪泥炭沼泽中形成含硫量相对较高的煤层与海平面的变化密不可分,潮坪沉积物中发育的10煤、8煤、7煤、6煤等与潮坪泥炭沼泽沉积在该区分布特点具有一致性,由此可知,潮坪沉积体系的沉积物与煤层形成特点和形成规律有着密切关系,为研究区成煤作用研究提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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