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Using the 78 focal mechanism solutions of the fore shocks, main shock and after shocks of the earthquake sequence for the Yao'an earthquake, the characteristics of the focal faults and stress field for the earthquake sequence are analyzed. The results show that the main rupture plane of the Yao'an earthquake sequence is a tectonic fault with N50°W strike and steep dip and all the main shock, the fore shocks and the vast majority of after shocks occurred on the main rupture plane. A tectonic fracture with NNE-NE strike also participated in development process of the sequence. The focal stress field of the sequence dominated by principal compressional stress with nearly horizontal orientation SSE is consistent with the regional tectonic stress field. In the sequence development, the stress field in the focal region was complex with multi-azimuths and multi-action models and the focal rupture showed complex features with multi-directions and multi-patterns.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONThe active blocks refer tothe geologic units that formedinlate Cenozoic (100 ~120 ka BP) andhave been highly active as fault zones since late Quaternary with relatively uniform motion styles(Zhang Guomin,et al .,2000 ;Zhang Peizhen,et al .,2003) .The active blocks are relativelyintactand have uniformmotion modalities ,their boundary zones (also called the active boundaries) are thelocalized or centralized zones of interactions and differential movement among the active block…  相似文献   

The data of earthquakes with M≥3.0 during the 7 years from September 21, 1993 to September 20, 2000 recorded by the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau (CWB) show that there were 6 types of clear characteristics of seismicity during the Chi-Chi strong earthquake swarm of September 21. These 6 types of characteristics are (1) foreshock types, (2) seismic gaps, (3) seismic bands, (4) clustering activity of foreshocks and signal shock, (5) quiescence before the main shock and (6) secondary aftershocks in the aftershock sequence. Using the procedures for analyzing the yearly strong earthquake tendency, further tracing based on the earthquake sequence characteristics, and taking the Chi-Chi earthquake sequence as an example, tracing analysis of the earthquake tendency was attempted using the shorter time range of monthly rather than in a yearly time scale. An attempt was made to establish the procedures for tracing analysis of shallow-focus earthquakes in the seismic belt of western Taiwan. It is hoped that this can provide an analystical method for approaching the short-imminent time scale of seismometry-based earthquake forecasting.  相似文献   

Focal Fault of the 1999 Datong Ms5.6 Earthquake in Shanxi Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several earthquakes with Ms≥5.0 occurred in the Datong seismic region in 1989,1991 and 1999,The precise focus location of the earthquake sequence was made by the records of the remote sensing seismic station network in Datong.Using that data together with macro-intensity distribution and focal mechanism solutions,we analyze the difference among three subsequences.The results show that the focal fault of the 1999 Ms 5.6 earthquake was a NWW-trending left-lateral strike-slip fault.It is 16km long and 12km wide.It developed at the depth of 5km and is nearly vertical in dip.The two previous earthquake subsequences,however,were generated by activity along NNE-trending right-lateral strike-slip fault.It can be found that the rupture directioin of the 1999 earthquake has changed.It is generally found that a rupture zone has more than two directions and has different strength along these two directions.The complicate degree of focal circumstance is related to the type of earthquake sequences.There is the NE-trending Dawangcun fault and the NW-trending Tuanbu fault in the seismic region,but no proof indicates a connection between focal faults and these two tectonic faults.The feature that focal faults of three subsequences are strike-slip is different from that of the two tectonic faults.It is suggested that the 1999 earthquake subsequence was possibly generated by a new rupture.  相似文献   

The opinions of two papers carried in the journal "Seismology and Geology" are discussed in the paper.One is that the Tangshan fault is a high-angle,west-dipping and thrust with strike-slip fault.The other is that the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault distributed on the east side of Tangshan city is the seismogenic fault that caused the Tangshan earthquake.For the former opinion,it needs to explain the relationship between the active style of the thrust Tangshan fault and the formation genesis of a Quaternary depression along the west side of Tangshan city.For the latter opinion,if the Fuzhuang-Xihe fault is the seismogenic fault of the Tangshan earthquake,it needs to explain the genesis relationship between this west-dip slip fault zone and the strike-slip surface fissure zone that extends through Tangshan city.And it needs more evidence exclude the possibility that the surface rupture belongs to the rupturing of a secondary structure.This paper suggests doing more work on the active fault that controls the Caobo Quaternary depression.  相似文献   

An M 8.1 earthquake that occurred west of the Kunlun Mountains Pass has caused more than 20 collapse bodies or zones, which are mainly distributed near the surface seismic rupture zone, west of Hoh Sai Lake. The collapses are of four types, bedrock, soil mass and ice mass collapses and avalanches. The spatial distribution and the characteristics of development of the collapses are analyzed in the paper. Comparised with those caused by other earthquakes, the collapses are smaller in scale. In addition to the lithological characteristics of the crustal media, topographic, geomorphic and climatic factors, weaker seismic ground motion is an important cause for formation of the smaller-scale collapses. The long surface rupture zone and weaker ground motion are important features of the seismic rupture, which may be related to the structure of the preexisting fault.  相似文献   

Based on other previous researches,we recalculate the micro-displacement along the Heizi fault with recent deformation data of the Heizi reservoir.The result shows that activity characteris-tics of Heizi fault has changed greatly since 1973 and have experienced four phases.The third phase is characteristics of normal fault, and others characteristic of reverse faults.Construct-ing the reservoir dam and reservoir sluice has important effect on present activity of the fault, even changed the activity characteristics of faults in some phases.Seismicity has some effect on deformation data and fault activity.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION TheTianqiaogou Huangyangchuanfault(alsocalledGulangfault)isanimportantpartofanactivefaultzoneontheeasternsectionofthenorthernQilianMountains.Therecentactivityofthefaulthasbeenstudiedtodifferentdegrees(WanFuling,1987;InstituteofGeology,StateS…  相似文献   

Dong Di 《中国地震研究》2006,20(4):435-448
According to the epicenter distance and the site classification, the 404 groups of earthquake recordings of the main shock of the Chi-Chi, Taiwan China earthquake in 1999 are catalogued. Based on these data, we analyze the statistical features of duration, PGA, envelopes and the response spectra ratio of the horizontal and vertical components of the acceleration recordings. The results of these analyses show that the effect of site classification on the acceleration of various components is obvious; furthermore, fault direction also has certain effects on the characteristics of the horizontal components of ground motion. The detailed research results are as follows: ( 1 ) the duration of the horizontal components of acceleration records increases with the softening of the site; (2) the direction of fault slip has some effects on PGA's attenuation features; (3) the average envelopes of acceleration records at different distances and site dames are basically single peak functions of time and the envelopes of horizontal and vertical components of ground motion are obviously different; (4) with the same epicenter distance, EW/NS response spectrum ratios tend to approximate 1.0 as the site becomes softer and the period shorter. V/H response spectrum ratios in short periods (〈 0. 1s) increase with the softening of site, however, V/H ratios within the long-period range ( 〉 characteristic period) decrease with the softening of the site, and the decrease of V/EW ratio speeds up relatively.  相似文献   

近 10年来 ,合成孔径雷达差分干涉测量技术 (D INSAR ,DifferentialInterferometricSyn theticApertureRadar,简称 :雷达差分干涉测量 )取得了令世人瞩目的成绩 ,已成为极具有潜力的空间对地观测新技术。但如何利用D INSAR测量结果来揭示震源破裂信息 ,成为目前被关注的问题。本文简单地论述了震源位错模型的基本原理 ,并以 1998年 1月 10日张北 -尚义地震为例 ,利用差分干涉形变场图像 ,采用弹性半空间介质中的震源位错模型 ,正演了发震断层某些几何学和运动学性质。结果表明 :张北 -尚义地震破裂面属左旋逆走滑断层 ,走向SEE NWW2 72° ,倾角 4 6° ;破裂方向为由SEE至NWW的单侧破裂 ;破裂面长 9km ,宽 8km ,深度 8km ;三个方向的位移矢量分别为 :2 90mm、5 6 0mm和 0mm。  相似文献   

The regional seismotectonic environment for the Zhangbei- Shangyi earthquake is described, and in combination with the distribution of macroscopic seismic intensity, source mechanism solution, and interpretation of lineaments on satellite images, the seismogenic structure for the earthquake and possible seismogenic fault are discussed in this paper. It is suggested that the Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake is a result of the latest movement along the northwestern termination of the Zhangjiakou-Penglai fault zone and we should pay serious attention to the future trend of seismic activity along this fault zone.  相似文献   

High-value subsurface fluid anomalies appeared in the northern part of North China region for more than two years before the Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake. Some of the anomalies have appeared alternately and were correlated with moderate and moderately strong earthquakes in the region during the last year (1997). Typical short-term subsurface fluid anomalies have appeared in the area at 100 km ~ 200 km distance from the epicenter for two months before an earthquake. Tracing these anomalies during the last two years and repeatedly improving the knowledge of seismic regime, we have more successfully performed short-term and imminent earthquake prediction at half a month before its occurrence.  相似文献   

基于D-InSAR技术的西藏改则地震同震形变场特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年1月9日在西藏改则地区发生6.9级地震, 接着1月16日又发生6.0级余震, 表现为双震型。 本文利用差分干涉测量技术(D-INSAR), 通过对欧空局ASAR数据进行处理获取了其同震干涉形变场。 通过分析表明: 改则地震干涉形变场呈双贝壳状, 影响范围约33 km×30 km, 以北东向地震破裂带为分界线分为西北视线向沉降盘与东南视线向隆升盘, 最大视线向沉降形变量约53.2 cm, 最大视线向隆升形变量约11.3 cm。 西北沉降盘又存在东、 西两个形变中心, 推测西部形变中心受6.0级余震的控制, 东部形变中心受6.9级主震的控制。 宏观震中位置应位于左旋走滑改则—洞错断裂与依布茶卡—日干配错断裂的分阶部位(左阶), 构造应力场以张性拉伸为主, 导致地震破裂为典型的正断层破裂, 与此次地震的干涉形变场特征及哈佛大学震源机制解吻合。  相似文献   

The study of deep-seated structure in the Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake area and its surroundings indicates that in comparison with the Shanxi rift system, the North China rifted basin, the Yanshanian fold belt on both sides, and the Zhangjiakou-Penglai tectonic belt have lower resistivity, and a distinctly different velocity interface in the crust and depth distribution of Moho discontinuity. The Yanqing- Huai'lai basin bisects the Zhangjiakou-Penglai tectonic belt into two segments, the northwestern and the southeastern segments. The latest magnetotelluric sounding and investigation indicate that the electrical structure within the Zhangbei-Shangyi earthquake area is different to a certain degree from that in its surroundings. There exists a nearly NNW-trending structure in the crust. The main shock and most aftershocks occurred above the low-resistivity zone in the crust.  相似文献   

2000年1月15日姚安6.5级地震的震源断层与震源应力场   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
用姚安地震序列前震、主震和余震的 78个震源机制解 ,分析了序列震源断层和震源应力场特征。结果表明 ,姚安地震序列的主破裂面是走向N5 0°W、倾角陡立的构造断裂 ,主震、前震和绝大多数余震都发生在主破裂面上。此外 ,NNE NE向构造断裂在序列发展过程中也参与了活动。序列震源应力场以SSE方位、接近水平的主压应力为主 ,与区域构造应力场一致。在序列发展中 ,震源区应力场出现多方位和多作用方式共存的复杂状态 ,震源破裂出现多方向和多表现形式的复杂性特征  相似文献   

利用1997-1998年伽师强震群中强地震震源机制系统聚类及震源区应力场反演,得到以下主要结果:(1)伽师强震群中强地震主要以走滑和正断层为主,伽师震源区主压应力方向为NNE或近NS向,与相邻的柯坪块体区域构造应力场方向不一致;伽师强震群的破裂面沿NEE方向,属左旋破裂;(2)4~5级中强地震应力场反演得到最大主压应力轴为NNE向,最小主压应力轴为NWW向,中等主应力轴倾角为65°,比较直立;(3)伽师强震群震源区应力场在强震前后经历了一系列变化。最后对所得结果进行了一定的讨论。  相似文献   

田建慧  罗艳 《地震》2022,42(1):1-17
使用近震波形反演方法求解2019年6月17日四川长宁Ms6.0地震序列的震源机制解和震源深度, 共得到30个可靠的M>3.0地震震源机制解和震源深度, 结合该地区已有的震源机制解, 开展震源区构造应力场反演, 小尺度探讨震源区的构造应力环境。 反演结果显示, 震中附近区域主要以逆冲型应力性质为主, 局部地区包括少量走滑分量以及混合类型。 最大主压应力方向主要以NEE向或NE向为主。 在筠连以东地区, 不同于北部的逆冲型, 应力性质以走滑型兼少量混合类型为主, 最大主压应力方向近EW向。 构造应力场方向与形成长宁背斜的构造应力存在一定交角, 2019年长宁6.0级地震可能是由NE或NEE向近水平应力挤压产生的该地区滑脱面之上背斜核部的逆断层活动造成的。  相似文献   

利用甘肃省数字地震台网的波形资料,采用CAP方法反演得到2012年5月3日金塔-阿拉善盟5.4级地震的震源机制解。震源性质为走滑型,断层破裂面为78°,主压应力P轴方向为N32°E,震源深度为9km。  相似文献   

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