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海岸带综合管理的若干问题   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
陈国强  王颖 《海洋通报》2003,22(3):39-44
根据海岸带综合管理实践经验,阐述和讨论了当前海岸带综合管理存在的地位、法律、科学、人才等主要问题,并提出了强化综合管理意识、构筑法律框架、统一定义与标难和加强培训等策略,为加快实施海岸带综合管理提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理中面临的科学问题   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带综合管理中存在的最主要问题之一就是政策的制定者与科学家之间缺少必要的信息交流。一方面科学家很少能参与政策的制定,他们不清楚该为决策者们提供什么科学信息;另一方面,政策的制定者又很少了解和利用科学家的研究成果。其结果是科学家辛苦劳动得来的成果不能被管理决策层所利用。海岸带生态系统普遍退化的基本原因之一就是在海岸带开发和管理中缺乏必要的科学技术支撑。  相似文献   

众所周知,21世纪是海洋世纪,在这个海陆相互作用相当微妙和人类经济活动十分频繁的海岸带区域实施综合管理这是沿海地区经济社会发展的内在需求和必然趋势。县级海岸带作为国家海岸带实施综合管理的一个基本单元,其海岸带综合管理如何,将直接影响海岸带的可持续发展。但是任何一种管理职能的实现均需与之相适应的管理体制来保证,而管理运行机制又受到体制的制约,直接影响管理目标的控制和监督。因此,县级海岸带综合管理职能的实现与其海岸带综合管理体制和运行机制密切相关,有关县级海岸带综合管理我国研究甚少,本文就此方面作一探…  相似文献   

试论我国海岸带综合管理中的边界问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
海岸带CoastalZone,又称海岸地区,是陆地与海洋相互作用的地区。最近十几年来,该地区倍受世人瞩目,尤其在1992年联合国环境和发展大会以后,开发海岸带综合管理IntegratedCoastalZoneManagement,简称ICZM已成为众多沿海国家的共同选择,各沿海国家纷纷制定了海岸带综合管理计划。海岸带综合管理是一种通过控制开发来保护海岸带资源与环境的特定政府规划SorensenMc-Creary19901,其主要价值乃在于对海陆一体化的认识,即海岸带的海陆相互联…  相似文献   

论厦门市海岸带综合管理   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
杨圣云  周秋麟 《台湾海峡》1997,16(4):490-497
本文在分析厦门市海洋管理现状和存在问题的基础上,提出了厦门海岸带综合管理的指导思想;并在海岸带综合管理体制,协调机制,立法与执法,海洋资产资产化管理,海洋资源与海洋环境监测监督与评价,海洋管理信息系统,财政支持机制,公众海洋意识教育和参与海洋管理等方面提出了海岸带综合管理对策。  相似文献   

周鲁闽  卢昌义 《台湾海峡》2006,25(3):452-458
本文阐述了东亚海区海岸带综合管理实践如何从地方性的示范发展到区域性的合作管理框架,如何实现海洋和海岸带资源的可持续利用.文中着重突出了厦门市政府在维持环境保护和经济发展的平衡,启动和实施海岸带综合管理,以及与沿海国在国际合作方面的经验,总结了厦门实施海岸带综合管理的主要经验,包括多部门间综合协调机制、海岸带综合管理法律框架、科技支撑体系的建立,海洋功能区划、环境剖面和战略环境管理计划的制定,以及实现海上联合执法等等.同时阐述了东亚海域环境管理区域合作计划(PEMSEA)与澳大利亚合作伙伴之间的关系在推动沿海城市的国际合作中将起到的作用.  相似文献   

文章在综述了海岸带综合管理(ICZM)的发展和我国ICZM的必要性和意义的基础上,根据海岸带的特性和海岸带管理长期以来存在的不足,提出了海岸带综合管理的七个原则。  相似文献   

全球变化与海岸带和海岸带综合管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
1全球变化的发展与研究计划“全球变化”一词,最早是在20世纪70年代,由一些社会科学组织首先开始使用,用于指国际社会、经济和政治系统的变化,尤其是指国际安全的变化和生活质量的降低。20世纪80年代,自然科学家开始使用它,表征以地球环境为中心的一些事件,包括全球大气圈、水圈、生物圈和岩石圈等的变化状况。1983年,G伽伦德GeorgeGarland教授在国际科学联合会ICSU大会上提出了全球变化的概念,阐明了物理过程与生物过程相互作用的观点。自此,“全球变化”开始以地球环境为中心,更多地…  相似文献   

水产养殖业与海岸带综合管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水产养殖系指为获取食物或商业目的而进行的水生生物养殖活动,过去的水产养殖以淡水为主,近年来逐步扩展到海岸带区域与开阔海域。因此,“海岸带水产养殖”的诠释应该包括多种水体如海水、池塘、海湾、河口。湖等海洋生物物种的养殖。“海水养殖”则多指在开阔水域进行的养殖活动。水产养殖业在其发展过程中也存在不少制约因素,病害防治失效、管理不善和水质下降,使不少密集型养殖企业破产,如对虾养殖在许多国家难以为继。据估计,亚洲水产养殖业仅虾病造成的损失每年已超过10亿美元。由于产量下降、养殖费用高昂及市场波动,使许多养…  相似文献   

海岸带综合管理规划的前景构架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
规划就是决定谁做什么、何时做、在哪做、如何做(采用什么技术、由何机构实施)、工作的成本处于什么水平、成本由谁支付等基本经济和政策问题,对资源进行预配置的决策蓝本。制定海洋管理规划是加强海岸带管理的一个重要方法,联合国有关组织向各国推荐这种方法,一些国家也推出了制定海岸带综合管理规划的模式和技术。但是,海岸带综合管理规划作为一种崭新的规划,其许多问题都有待明晰。本文力图就海岸带管理规划的特点和编制技术做些探讨,希望在新世纪到来之际引起大家的讨论,营造出按规划对海岸带综合管理的氛围。一、海岸带综合管…  相似文献   

以生态系统管理为工具开展海岸带综合管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从海岸带和海岸带综合管理的几大特征出发 (包括海岸带的中心地带———海 陆生态交错带、海岸带综合管理需要解决的主要问题———生态环境危机、海岸带综合管理的管理对象———社会 经济 自然复合生态系统等方面 ),提出生态学应成为海岸带综合管理的主要科学依据,海岸带综合管理应遵循并且充分运用生态学的理念和方法;文章通过对生态系统管理与海岸带综合管理的比较分析,指出生态系统管理正是生态学中有助于海岸带综合管理的最佳工具,海岸带综合管理应以生态系统管理为基础,并进一步阐述了生态系统管理在海岸带综合管理规划中的具体运用.  相似文献   

Belize has one of the most extensive reef ecosystems in the Western Hemisphere, comprising one of the largest barrier reefs in the world, three atolls and a complex network of inshore reefs. Until recently, the main impacts were probably from natural events such as hurricanes. However, anthropogenic threats such as sedimentation, agrochemical run-off, coastal development, tourism and overfishing are now of concern. To limit these impacts, Belize is taking the approach of integrated coastal zone management. The programme is building on the existing legislative framework and involves the development of an appropriate institutional structure to co-ordinate management activities in the coastal zone. A Coastal Zone Management Plan is being prepared, which will include many measures that will directly benefit the reefs: a zoning scheme for the coastal zone, incorporating protected areas; legislation and policy guidelines; research and monitoring programmes; education and public awareness campaigns; measures for community participation; and a financial sustainability mechanism.  相似文献   

The experience and teaching approach of the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU, former Institute) in Integrated Coastal Zone Management are discussed. In order to practice effective coastal zone management training and to improve the understanding of different interests of coastal users, the students and post-graduates of the Faculty of Oceanography of RSHU have been involved in research projects concerning the assessment of the changing environmental state in the White Sea-Barents Sea Region. The field work was conducted at UNESCO-IOC-HELCOM cosponsored Baltic Floating University (BFU) facilities. The results and training capacity of the RSHU approach to coastal management education and resource use are discussed.  相似文献   

1 信息在ICZM中的效应 海岸带综合管理(ICZM)不同于传统的管理方式,它促进了人们对每岸带特有的自然资源及其在人类各种活动影响下可持续利用的了解,丰富管理者的知识。同时,ICZM通过综合环境、社会和经济信息,使海岸带资源系统的综合利用达到最优化。 在ICZM的实践中,如果缺乏必要的信息,将被视为影响ICZM进程的障碍因素。此外,ICZM的特点之一,它不是对资源利用的直接管  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》1999,42(2-4):165-185
We present here the essential elements which describe the genesis, development, results and status of an initiative known as EcoPlata. EcoPlata is a long-term joint venture between Uruguay and Canada in the area of marine science. Its preliminary goal was to develop a strategy to improve Uruguayan national capacity in integrated coastal management through the application of good scientific principles, while the ultimate goal was to influence ongoing national policy discussions related to scientific research. The EcoPlata program was designed in two successive phases: the first was devoted to planning; during the second, a work strategy to promote institutional research was implemented using well-defined scientific objectives. A future phase will advance activities to a more sophisticated level in order to involve a broader array of institutional participants, as well as move the decision process into the realm of integrated management. As a consequence of these impending changes, every effort will be made to maximize budgetary resources available to EcoPlata from all sources.  相似文献   

1 MAJN CHARAcrERISTICS OF MARINE DISA5TEROwing to marine natural environment anomaly and imense changr, alI those disastersthat cause Peoples life and propedy loss over the sea aod coast area are called marinedisasters. China is a country with big sea area, of coast line l8000 km length, precinctsea area 3,000,000 km', more than 6500 islands bigger than 500 m2 with coast line of allislands 14000 km length. The Pacific Ocean is ocean with the most frequent marine disasters,further…  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the current situation of education and training for ICZM in Europe. This overview results from the analysis of the general characteristics, contents and orientation of a significant number of courses from a representative set of countries and international organizations in Europe. This type of comparatively systematic information provides a framework within which education and training efforts can be meaningfully evaluated from a regional perspective. Based on the survey conclusions, the paper reflects on the level of interconnection between the way in which ICZM is currently taught in Europe and the capacity needs arising from the scenario in which it takes place. In view of such scenario, and in order to advance ICZM practice in Europe, some broad recommendations to enhance education and training efforts are finally provided.  相似文献   

《Ocean & Coastal Management》2003,46(3-4):261-276
Caribbean coastal ecosystems are increasingly being threatened by natural and anthropogenic factors. The scale of these factors is at local, national, regional and global levels. Threats include the effects of fisheries and extraction, eutrophication, siltation, and pollution as well as global climate events such as El Niño and global climate change. Integrated coastal management (ICM) should clearly demonstrate the adverse effects of environmental impacts, thus justifying the need for mitigation and should evaluate the success of management efforts. ICM requires robust indicators that gauge the ‘health’ of the coast in relation to environmental, social and economic activities. Biological indicators (bioindicators) offer a signal of the biological condition in an ecosystem. Using bioindicators as an early warning of pollution or degradation in an ecosystem can help sustain critical resources. Biological indicators in the Caribbean are focused around particular ecosystems, especially coral reefs, seagrass beds and mangrove forests and include a range of biological parameters relating to particular species, groups of species and biological processes. The use of these indicators is critically reviewed and the presence or absence of a relevant framework for their use in Caribbean ICM programs is discussed.  相似文献   

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