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我们对第12周至第22周的太阳黑子月平均面积数进行统计分析,并与相应的太阳黑子月平均数相比较,结果表明太阳黑子月平均面积数活动周与太阳黑子月平均数活动周有一定的关系。在多数情况下,太阳黑子出现最大值的时间与太阳黑子面积数出现最大值的时间上不一致;太阳黑子平滑月平均数活动周上升期与太阳黑子平滑月平均面积数上升期在大多数情况下不相同;太阳黑子平滑月平均数活动周平均效果的瓦德迈尔效应(Waldmeier effect)一般要比太阳黑子平滑平均面积数的活动周明显;文中还对太阳黑子平滑月平均面积数活动周的特征进行了分析.  相似文献   

利用已知的22个完整太阳活动周平滑月平均黑子数的记录,对正在进行的太阳周发展趋势给出了预测方法,并应用于第23周,同时与其他预报方法的结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

利用最新的太阳黑子观测资料和线性相关统计模式,对第23太阳活动周的极大月平滑黑子相对数和黑子数的极大年均值进行预测.预报因子分别是每个太阳周上升相第26个月的月平滑黑子相对数和第三年的黑子数年均值.预测结果表明,第23周太阳黑子数的极大值不会高,极大月平滑黑子相对数为115.4±14.9,极大年均值为118.9±11.6.平滑黑子数极大不会出现在1999年,很可能出现在2000年.  相似文献   

本文分析了第21 、22 、23 太阳活动周的上升期23 个月( 月均值) 太阳黑子资料。结果表明:太阳黑子相对数和面积南北不对称。23 周的太阳黑子相对数和面积(23 个月的平均) 高于22 周,但低于21 周。我们估计第23 周峰年为2000 年3 月或1999 年12 月。  相似文献   

第23太阳活动周不会是强活动周   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
利用最新的太阳黑子观测资料和线性相关统计模式,对第23太阳活动周的极大月平滑黑子相对数和黑子数物极大年均值进行预测,预报因子分别是每个太阳周上升相第26个月的月平滑黑子相对数和第三年的黑子数年均值,预测结果表明,第23周太阳黑子数的极大值不会高,极大月平滑黑子相对为115.4±14.9,极大年均值为118.9±11.6,平滑黑子数极大不会出现在1999年,很可能出现在2000年。  相似文献   

本文讨论了子波变换用于信号突变检测的原理,用它分析了1700-1993年间的太阳黑子数的年均值.精确地检测到了太阳活动的突变点,用相邻两个突变点的时间长度求得了不同尺度下太阳黑子变化的周期.结果表明:利用子波变换检测太阳黑子周期与传统方法相比具有独到之处.  相似文献   

探讨太阳周极小年的性质关系到确定极小值的位置及太阳周的长度,从而与太阳活动周的研究、太阳活动预报及水文、气象等地球物理现象的研究密切相关.当前对第22黑子周特征值的预报相当弥散,第22周起始极小是否已经出现的问题受到普遍关注.不同的太阳活动指标达到极值的时间不同,一般以太阳黑子数月均平滑最低值的位置来定义极小年.  相似文献   

黑子数用国际系统RI作标准,与云南天文台RY、国内联合RL比较,分别求出总平均值:q(Y)=0.93004±0.00472,q(L)=0.91409±0.00444。这是后者删除“偶然误差”次数多于前者的结果。对国内联合数据的处理,应以一个观测点为准,以此归算作补充的部分数据,才有可能使数据系列保持相对的稳定  相似文献   

LSTAR模型用于太阳黑子相对数预测的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本采用了1891年至1988年期间的太阳黑子相对数的月均值资料序列,进行了用非线性时间序列分析的跳步门限自回归(LSTAR)模型作预测的研究。三年的预测结果表明,预测值与实际月均值之间的相对误差约为17%,预测值的平滑值与实际月均值的平滑值之间的相对误差接近8%左右,该方法预测的初步尝试结果表明,1992年每月的太阳黑子相对数仍将可能稳定在100以上,第22周太阳黑子相对数的谷值期将可能发生在1996年。  相似文献   

In this paper, we used the same four-parameter function as Hathaway, Wilson, and Reichmann (1994) proposed and studied the temporal behavior of sunspot cycles 12–22. We used the monthly averages of sunspot areas and their 13-point smoothed data. Our results show the following. (1) The four-parameter function may reduce to a function of only two parameters. (2) As a cycle progresses, the two-parameter function can be accurately determined after 4–4.5 years from the start of the cycle. A good prediction can be made for the timing and size of the sunspot maximum and for the behavior of the remaining 5–10 years of the cycle. (3) The solar activity in the remaining and forthcoming years of cycle 23 is predicted. (4) The smoothed monthly sunspot areas are more suitable to be employed for prediction at the maximum and the descending period of a cycle, whereas at the early period of a cycle the (un-smoothed) monthly data are more suitable.  相似文献   

本文对太阳活动第21周、22周(1976年—1992年间)97个质子活动区进行统计分析,包括活动区的面积、型别、磁结构、半影纤维等,结果表明:75%的质子耀斑产生于面积为500≤Sp≤3000单位的黑子群中;耀斑爆发前一天及后一天活动区面积有显著减少;质子活动区含δ复杂磁结构的占70%;具有半影旋涡形态的质子活动区中,约77%的耀斑发生在旋涡黑子出现以后。  相似文献   

本文用云南天文台在第22周太阳活动峰年期间拍摄到的大太阳黑子群照相资料,太阳黑子目视描述资料,以及Nimbus—7卫星上辐射计测量的太阳总辐照度,分别计算了太阳总辐射照度与大黑子群的本影视面积,大黑子群全群视面积和日面上全部黑子的总视面积的相关系数。结果表明,太阳总辐射照度与这三种视面积均存在强的负相关。其中与大黑子群本影视面积的相关最强,其次是与全群视面积的相关,最后是与日面上全部黑子的总视面积的相关。并对以上结果和其它有关结果进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

We analyze the Wolf number daily series WN (1849 to present) as well as two other related series characterizing solar activity. Our analysis consists in computing the amplitude of a given Fourier component in a sliding time window and examining its long-term evolution. We start with the well-known 27.03- and 27.6-day periods and observe strong decadal variations of this amplitude as well as a sharp increase of the average value starting around 1905. We then consider a packet of 31 lines with periods from 25.743 to 28.453 days, which is shown to be a better representation of the synodic solar rotation. We first examine the temporal evolution of individual lines, then the energy of the packet. The energy of the packet increases sharply at the beginning of the 20th century, leading by more than two decades the well-known increase of the Wolf number. The nonaxisymmetry of sunspots increases before the total increase of activity and may be considered as a precursor. We discuss briefly and tentatively this observation in terms of solar dynamo theory.  相似文献   

本文讨论了第22太阳活动周的下列重要特点:1.呈现双峰,并在双峰期的槽中又突起孤立的单峰。2.黑子面积峰值滞后相对数峰值的仅占16.67%;黑子面积与相对数同步占58.33%;二者峰值不能对应占25%。3.1986年10月以后,纬度≥30°的有半影的黑子群共出现87群;延迟在峰年期间出现的有53群,占60.92%;对应有M级以上X射线爆发的活动区18个,占20.69%。这一现象与“蝴蝶图”规律不符。  相似文献   

在柱坐标下将黑子周围的环形区域(黑子除外)内的振荡分解为朝向黑子传播的(入射的)波和离开黑子传播的(出射的)波。对无黑子的环形区域内的振荡也进行了同样的分解。将黑子周围的入射波看成是被黑子磁流管磁化了的介质(介质内的磁场基本是水平的)中的波。而无黑子区的入射波看成是非磁化介质中的波。比较这两种波在固定波数下功率随频率的分布发现,在磁化介质中不同径向除n的声波(p模)频率系统降低,同时功率也降低,降低的功率最高达非磁化介质中波的功率的30%。而比较在固定频率下功率随波数的分布发现,磁场中f模及n=1,2,3的p模的脊向高波数方向位移,功率的降低受频率调制,即声波在某些有限的频带中被吸收。这些观测表明,在磁场中p模与磁声重力波(MAG)产生了模式混合或耦合。模式混合的存在支持了模式转换作为p模式被黑子吸收的机制的解释。此外,本文还分析了转换的MAG波进入黑子磁流管(其中的磁场基本上是垂直的)后进一步被吸收,吸收的功率最高达MAG波的20%。在磁流管内没有进一步观测到模式的转换  相似文献   

Sunspot activity is usually described by either sunspot numbers or sunspot areas. The smoothed monthly mean sunspot numbers (SNs) and the smoothed monthly mean areas (SAs) in the time interval from November 1874 to September 2007 are used to analyze their phase synchronization. Both the linear method (fast Fourier transform) and some nonlinear approaches (continuous wavelet transform, cross-wavelet transform, wavelet coherence, cross-recurrence plot, and line of synchronization) are utilized to show the phase relation between the two series. There is a high level of phase synchronization between SNs and SAs, but the phase synchronization is detected only in their low-frequency components, corresponding to time scales of about 7 to 12 years. Their high-frequency components show a noisy behavior with strong phase mixing. Coherent phase variables should exist only for a frequency band with periodicities around the dominating 11-year cycle for SNs and SAs. There are some small phase differences between them. SNs lag SAs during most of the considered time interval, and they are in general more asynchronous around the minimum and maximum times of a cycle than at the ascending and descending phases.  相似文献   

统计分析了云南天文台声光频谱仪在22周峰年期间记录到的米波尖锋事件与光学活动及相关事件的关系。从它们的观测特征:短寿命,窄频带,频率快速漂移,及尖峰事件与磁结构复杂的大黑子活动区密切相关等,认为这些事件的辐射机制可能是电子回旋脉泽不稳定直接放大电磁波所致。  相似文献   

The hemispheric coupling phenomenon of solar activity cycle was discovered as early as the mid-20th century, and it is one of the most common topic in the long-term spatio-temporal evolution of the Sun, while the observational features and physical mechanism of hemispheric coupling have not been completely understood. The theoretical model of solar magnetohydrodynamics driven by this phenomenon is helpful in studying the basic information of the spatio-temporal evolution of solar activity cycle, and is also of great value to the short- and medium-term forecast of solar activity as well as the space weather. Here, we first give the discovery and observational history of the hemispheric coupling of solar activity. And then, the basic observational features of hemispheric coupling at different spatio-temporal scales and their possible mechanism are summarized. Finally, we give a discussion about the important unresolved issues and development trends in this important field.  相似文献   

The forecast of the decadal average sunspot number (SN) becomes possible with an extension of telescopic observations based on proxy reconstructions using the tree ring radiocarbon data during the Holocene. These decadal numbers (SNRC) provide a powerful statistic to verify the forecasting methods. Complicated dynamics of long-term solar activity and noise of proxy-based reconstruction make the one-step-ahead forecast challenging for any forecasting method. Here we construct a continuous data set of SNRC which extends the group sunspot number and the international sunspot number. The known technique of nonlinear forecast, the local linear approximation, is adapted to estimate the coming SN. Both the method and the continuous data set were tested and tuned to obtain the minimum of a normalized average prediction error (E) during the last millennium using several past millennia as a training data set. E=0.58σ D is achieved to forecast the SN successive differences whose standard deviation is σ D=7.39 for the period of training. This corresponds to the correlation (r=0.97) between true and forecasted SN. This error is significantly smaller than the prediction error when the surrogate data were used for the training data set, and proves the nonlinearity in the decadal SN. The estimated coming SN is smaller than the previous one.  相似文献   

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