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Prof. Dott. Ing. Giulio Giulietti 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1941,3(1):52-65
Riassunto L'A. descrive alcune bussole ad induzione, da lui realizzate, atte alla individuazione nello spazio di un camp magnetico debole, per es. il terrestre, o di una sua componente e delle corrispondenti direzioni. Lo scopo si raggiunge generando una f. e. m. indotta in avvolgimento (privo di nucleo) assoggettato a un flusso di induzione provocato da materiali, di conveniente permeabilità e di isteresi trascurabile, eccitati dal campo da individuarsi. L'A. pone in evidenza l'applicabilità delle bussole congegnate, sia nel campo geofisico, sia per determinazioni magnetometriche, sia per la navigazione (aerea e marittima) con descrizione di un modello particolare per la navigazione esente da effetti di variazione di inclinazione magnetica ed attualmente in corso di pratica attuazione.
Zusammenfassung Der Verf. beschreibt einige von ihm erdachten und konstruierten Kompasse, die nach dem Prinzip der magnetischen Induktion arbeiten. Für den letzten Typen, dessen Anzeige durch die Variationen der erdmagnetischen Inklination nicht beinflusst wird, der Kompass besteht hauptsächlich aus drei völlig gleichartigen, durch einen gemeinsamen kleinen Motor angetriebenen Erdinduktoren besonderer Konstruktion, die so auf einem gemeinsamen Grundbrett angeordnet sind, dass bei einer bestimmten Orientierung des Aggregates in bezug auf die magnetische Nordsüdrichtung zwei der Induktoren entgegengesetzt gleiche Strome erzeugen, während in dem dritten Induktor in dieser Stelle kein Strom induziert wird. — Für die beschriebenen Kompasse, ausser der Verwendung in der Luftnavigation welche schon unternommen wurde, wird an verschiedenen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten hingewiesen.相似文献
Dr. Ing. Vicente Inglada 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1941,3(1):189-193
Riassunto L'A. ha calcolato i valori di tpP-tp, in centesimi di secondo, usando la formola di Berlage, per profondità crescenti di 50 in 50 km fino a 800 km e per distanze epicentrali di 200 in 200 km sino a 11.400 km; partendo dai valori di vo e 1/V dati da Gutenberg e Richter. I valori degli intervalli tsS-tS sono stati ottenuti moltiplicando per 1,8 quelli di tpP-tp.
Zusammenfassung Ausgehend aus einer Formel von Berlage, hat der Verf. die Werte von tpP-tp, in Hunderstel von Sekunden, berechnet und zwar für Tiefen von je 50 km bis 800 km und für Herdentfernungen von je 200 km bis 11.400 km. Für die Werte von vo und 1/V wurden diejenigen von Gutenberg und Richter zugrunde gelegt. Die Werte von tsS-tS wurden durch Multiplikation mit 1,8 derjenigen von tpP-tp erhalten. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A2919006 00005相似文献
Prof. Dr. N. A. Critikos 《Pure and Applied Geophysics》1942,4(1):82-96
Riassunto L'A., ponendo a base le registrazioni sismiche raccolte presso la Stazione sismica di Atene, analizza il comportamento dell fase preliminare dei sismogrammi di terremoti vicini a questa Stazione in funzione delle relative regioni epicentrali, dimostrando come queste ultime possano venir raggruppate geograficamente in dipendenza del carattere della medesima fase preliminare. Successivamente discute le diversità nella forma di questa fase iniziale dei terremoti vicini, per procedere quindi ad un'analisi dei terremoti profondi e di quelli superficiali relativi ad una stessa regione epicentrale. E per le regioni adiacenti ad Atene sviluppa infine varie considerazioni illustrative dei processi geomeccanici e geologici che determinano la genesi dei terremoti.
Zusammenfassung Der Verf., unter Zugrundelegung der seismischen Registrierungen der Station von Athen, untersucht die Anfangs-Phase der Vorläufer-Wellen für Nahbeben von derselben Station im Verhältnis zu den entsprechenden Herdgebieten, und beweist somit wie diese Letzten geographisch zusammengefasst werden können und zwar je nach der Form der Anfangs-Phase der Vorläufer. Nachher erläutert er die Verschiedenheiten in der Form dieser Anfangs-Phase der Nahbeben um dann die Tiefbeben und Oberflächenbeben in Abhängigkeit von demselben Epizentralgebiet zu analysieren. Für die Gegenden um Athen entwickelt der Verf. zuletzt einige Betrachtungen über die geomechanischen und geologischen Prozesse, welche für die Auslösung der Erdbeben verantwortlich sind.相似文献
ABSTRACTWhile threats to water availability are concerning worldwide, the coastal, rapidly urbanizing state of Florida, USA, is especially at risk. This study used a value approach to determine the propensity to support 10 and 50% monthly water bill increases to inform potential social marketing strategies to protect Florida’s freshwater supply from depletion. The results from five years of public opinion data indicate an increasing percentage of consumers who are willing to support the protection of Florida’s water supply since 2013, with a slight dip in 2017. Upon examination of socio-demographic characteristics, income appeared consistently as an influencer of the propensity to support water bill increases, while factors such as age and race inconsistently appeared throughout the models. Decision makers should consider the significance of income along with heterogeneity in the propensity to support water bill increases to protect Florida’s freshwater. The recommendations for application and research incorporate insights from social marketing, agricultural economics, extension education and sociology. 相似文献
Reconstruction of eroded and deposited sediment volumes of the embanked River Waal,the Netherlands,for the period ad 1631–present 下载免费PDF全文
In the last few centuries humans have modified rivers, and rivers have responded with noticeable changes in sedimentary dynamics. The objective of this study is to assess these responses of the sedimentary dynamics. Therefore, we calculated a sediment budget for eroded and deposited sediment volumes in a ~12‐km long floodplain section of the largest semi‐natural embanked but still dynamic lower Rhine distributary, for ~50‐years time slices between ad 1631 and present. This is the period during which embanked floodplains were formed by downstream migration of meander bends between confining dykes. Our sediment budget involves a detailed reconstruction of vertical and lateral accretion rates and erosion rates of floodplain sediment. To do so, we developed a series of historical geomorphological maps, and lithogenetic cross‐sections. Based on the maps and cross‐sections, we divided the floodplain into building blocks representing channel bed and overbank sediment bodies. Chronostratigraphy within the blocks was estimated by interpretation of heavy metal profiles and from optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results. Sediment budgets were hence calculated as a change of volume of each building block between time steps. The amount of lateral accretion initially increased, as a result of island and sand bar formation following embankment. From the eighteenth century onwards, there was a decrease of lateral processes in time, which is a result of straightening of the river by human activities, and a reduction of water and sediment supply due to the construction of a new upstream bifurcation. With straightening of the river, the floodplain area grew. Artificial fixation of the channel banks after ad 1872 prevented lateral activity. From then on, overbank deposition became the main process, leading to a continuous increase of floodplain elevation, and inherent decrease of flooding frequency and sediment accumulation rate. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献