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宋薇  彭珍  邹钧  孙鉴泞 《气象科学》2024,44(1):157-165
本文利用位于南京市郊区的南京大学仙林校区SORPES观测站多层湍流观测数据分析了湍流谱特征,以白天不稳定条件下垂直速度能谱谱峰对应的长度尺度也就是离地高度为判据,探讨了运用该方法确定复杂下垫面零平面位移的可行性。统计分析表明,该方法确定的长度尺度呈现出较为一致的概率分布形状,概率最大的长度尺度对应于离地高度,在复杂下垫面情况下这个高度就是零平面位移高度到观测高度之间的距离,将观测点的离地高度减去这个距离就能得到零平面位移。本文同时运用不稳定条件下垂直速度方差在近地层中的相似关系来确定零平面位移,并与谱方法得到的结果进行对比。结果表明,谱方法和方差法得到的零平面位移非常接近。  相似文献   

空气动力学粗糙度和零平面位移高度是很多气候模型和陆面模式中的重要参数,采用气象学方法推导这两个参数对于大范围长时间序列的计算需要大量长期的野外观测,而遥感方法可以快速经济的提供大范围数据,在本研究中采用形态学模型,以MOD IS产品数据作为数据源,计算植被冠层面积指数,估算了中国东部2001—2003年归一化到植被高度的1 km空间分辨率时间序列空气动力学粗糙度和零平面位移高度,结果表明空气动力学粗糙度和零平面位移高度均存在季节变化特征,并对所采用的模型和参数估算的结果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Flux parameters, zero-plane displancement height and roughness length of a forest canopy are determined taking into consideration a transition layer and atmospheric diabatic influences. The present study, unlike previous studies by DeBruin and Moore (1985) and Lo (1990) that accounted for the velocity profile alone, make use of information from both wind and temperature profiles in formulating the governing equations. However, only the top level measurement is assumed to be within the logarithmic regime. In addition to the mass conservation principle (e.g., Lo, 1990; DeBruin and Moore, 1985), an analytic relationship between the Monin-Obukhov length and the bulk Richardson number is employed as the closure equation for the governing system.The present method is applied to profile measurements taken at Camp Borden (den Hartog and Neumann, 1984) in and above a forest canopy with mean crown height of about 18.5 m. Profile data under neutral or near-neutral conditions yieldedd=12.69 m andz 0=0.97 m, which are realistic values. In general,z 0 increases slightly with increasing wind yet remains relatively constant with respect to small variation of stabilities. On the other hand, increases of wind speed reduced values of displacement height,d, by as much as 50%. The influence, if any, of stability ond, however, is not clear from the results of the present study. The validity of using profile data of limited height is also carefully examined. At least for neutral or near-neutral stabilities, the present method can yield realistic results even though the profile heights are substantially below the transition layer height suggested by Garratt (1978).  相似文献   

Using a previous treatment of drag and drag partition on rough surfaces, simple analytic expressions are derived for the roughness length (z 0) and zero-plane displacement (d) of vegetated surfaces, as functions of canopy height (h) and area index (). The resulting expressions provide a good fit to numerous field and wind tunnel data, and are suitable for applications such as surface parameterisations in atmospheric models.  相似文献   

A method based on the principle of the Method of Weighted Residuals for evaluating the roughness-length (z 0) and zero-plane displacement (d) is presented. This method not only can minimize errors involved during the calculation process but can also smooth and re-distribute the already minimized error in a most favourable manner via using appropriate weighting functions. With the inclusion of d in addition to z 0, formulae for wind and temperature profiles in the surface layer are presented by:% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacaWGvbGaeyypa0% ZaaSaaaeaacaWG1bWaaSbaaSqaaiaacQcaaeqaaaGcbaGaam4Aaaaa% daWadaqaaiGacYgacaGGUbWaaeWaaeaadaWcaaqaaiaadQhacqGHsi% slcaWGKbaabaGaamOEamaaBaaaleaacaaIWaaabeaaaaaakiaawIca% caGLPaaacqGHRaWkcqaHipqEaiaawUfacaGLDbaaaaa!43FC!\[U = \frac{{u_* }}{k}\left[ {\ln \left( {\frac{{z - d}}{{z_0 }}} \right) + \psi } \right]\]and% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafeart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4baFfea0dXde9vqpa0lb9% cq0dXdb9IqFHe9FjuP0-iq0dXdbba9pe0lb9hs0dXda91qaq-xfr-x% fj-hmeGabaqaciGacaGaaeqabaWaaeaaeaaakeaacqaH4oqCcqGHsi% slcqaH4oqCdaWgaaWcbaGaaGimaaqabaGccqGH9aqpcqaH4oqCdaWa% daqaaiGacYgacaGGUbWaaeWaaeaadaWcaaqaaiaadQhacqGHsislca% WGKbaabaGaamOEamaaBaaaleaacaaIWaaabeaaaaaakiaawIcacaGL% PaaacqGHRaWkcqaHipqEdaWgaaWcbaacbmGaa8hvaaqabaaakiaawU% facaGLDbaaaaa!485A!\[\theta - \theta _0 = \theta \left[ {\ln \left( {\frac{{z - d}}{{z_0 }}} \right) + \psi _T } \right]\]where and T are the integrated diabetic influence functions' for velocity and temperature profiles respectively.Analytical expressions for both and T as functions of wind shear or, implicitly in terms of the Richardson number have been derived.Presented at the 10th Annual Congress of the Canadian Meteorological Society, Quebec City, Canada, May 26–28, 1976.  相似文献   

We have measured profiles of an onshore wind 200 m upwind and 200 m downwind from an abruptly rising shore using a remote-sensing Doppler lidar anemometer. Data were taken at heights between 4.7 and 66.5 m above sea level. Results show that the onshore velocity vector slopes upward 16.6 to 9.6°, the amount depending on the height of measurement, due to the combined effects of a 1.7-m high bluff shoreline and the frictionally decelerated flow over land. The profile 200 m inland has the expected deceleration at lower levels because of increased surface roughness and implies a velocity vector at 66.5 m height with an upward slope of approximately 18° (2.6 m s-1 upward component, 8.4 m s-1 vector magnitude), an acceleration to 0.3 m s-1 greater than the upwind value, or a combination of both effects. All three options are consistent with mass continuity. The experiment exhibits the usefulness and limitations of a backscatter Doppler lidar for boundary-layer profile measurements in a horizontally inhomogeneous environment.  相似文献   

利用2013年7月1日至2014年6月30日鄱阳湖东岸70 m铁塔涡动相关观测资料,应用Martano方法和TVM(Temperature Variance Method)方法分别计算了该地地表零平面位移d和粗糙度z0,通过代回Monin-Obukhov相似性理论的风廓线关系计算摩擦速度,以验证与实测摩擦速度的一致性。速度和温度标准差的归一化拟合线分别与Panosky等和Tillman给出的曲线趋势一致,表明该站观测数据总体满足近地层相似性。Martano方法计算结果随季节变化较大,春夏季的粗糙度是秋冬季的6.3倍;陆面方向零平面位移和粗糙度分别为来自湖面的2倍和10倍;Martano方法比TVM方法对季节和方向的敏感性更强。Martano方法计算得到零平面位移和粗糙度对摩擦速度造成了约9.9%的高估;而TVM方法对摩擦速度造成了约32.8%的高估;Martano方法计算的摩擦速度和观测值的一致性更好。  相似文献   

Aerodynamic roughness over an inhomogeneous ground surface   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The aerodynamic roughness parameter z 0 over inhomogeneous ground surfaces, such as cities, rural towns and so on, is determined by analyzing the wind data at AMeDAS observatories in the Tohoku and Kanto districts of Japan, by making use of Rossby number similarity theory. It is found that the aerodynamic roughness parameter is proportional to the average size of the roughness elements.A practical method of estimating the aerodynamic roughness parameter over an extensive area with various inhomogeneities is developed. In this method, the Digital National Land Information data bank is employed. As an example, the roughness parameter distribution around Tsukuba Academic City is presented.  相似文献   

针对水泥厂烟囱高度的确定,已不单纯从满足工艺生产的需要,还应从满足环境保护的要求出发,以本溪市辽宁公路水泥厂(5000 t/d新型干法水泥生产)为例,阐述了窑尾烟囱高度、地形条件与气象因素之间的内在联系。通过对窑尾烟囱高度的合理性论证,最后得出窑尾烟囱高度宜取130m的结论。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the importance of the aerodynamic characteristics of forest and other similar canopies to modelling of boundary-layer flow and to estimating the diffusivity coefficients of turbulence transfer mechanisms over such canopies.The hypothesis of Marunich (1971) reported by Tajchman (1981) that the zero-plane displacement, d, equals the upward displacement of the flow trajectory, is critically examined. It is concluded that Marunich's hypothesis is conceptually incorrect and that calculations of d based on Marunich's hypothesis are inherently in error.This paper presents a method based on the mass conservation principle and uses wind profiles in and above a forest canopy as the sole input for determining d, z 0 and u *.Sensitivities of calculated results to measurements errors of wind profile data are evaluated. It is found that an error of less than 1% in wind in the logarithmic regime above the canopy can introduce up to 100% errors in calculated values of d, z 0 and u *. It is also found that the high sensitivity to wind data accuracy, characteristic of the present method, can be used as a guide for the selection of high quality canopy wind data.  相似文献   

Turbulence data collected in an area of three-dimensional complex terrain using instruments atteched to the tether cable of a captive balloon together with radiosonde ascents are presented. In addition, data collected using only radiosonde ascents in an area of two-dimensional complex terrain of large slope are also shown. Eddy correlation measurements of the turbulent momentum flux and wind velocity profiles are used to deduce the magnitude of the effective roughness from the drag coefficient and normalised velocity profiles. A relationship connecting the terrain characteristics and the roughness length is compared with the experimental data for both types of terrain plus previous experimental estimates of the roughness length over complex terrain. The formula taken from previous work by Grant and Mason (1990) is found to agree with the data when representing an area of order 100 km2.  相似文献   

Neutral surface layer flow over low hills and varying surface roughness is considered with emphasis on closure schemes in relation to the prediction of turbulence quantities. The equations are linearised, Fourier transformed in the two horizontal directions and solved by means of a finite difference method in the vertical. Three closure schemes are. employed, namely mixing length, E- and e-- closure where E, and indicate that differential equations are used for turbulent kinetic energy, dissipation rate and shear stress. Model calculations are compared with experimental data for the step in roughness problem and for the Askervein hill. The mean flow results turn out to be relatively insensitive to the closure scheme. The shear stress and the dimensionless shear, however, are much better predicted with the E- equations than with mixing length closure. In the outer layer of the hill problem, advection of shear stress becomes important. An equation for is needed here.  相似文献   

一种确定地表粗糙度的独立方法   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出一种只用单一超声风温仪的平均风速和湍流量测定值确定地表空气动力学粗糙度的方案.该方法经Kansas实验资料验证,效果甚好,由5.66m和22.6m两层超声风温仪数据计算的z_0彼此一致,并且完全符合风速廓线确定的数值.将其用于确定HEIFE实验区平坦戈壁滩的地表粗糙度,1988年和1990年两批数据的估值结果大致相符,z_0分别为1.5×10~(-3)m和1.1×10~(-3)m.由精细风廓线观测发现该地z_0=1.2×10~(-3)m,证实了所建议的方法和z_0估值的可靠性.  相似文献   

Aerodynamic roughness of the sea surface at high winds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The role of the surface roughness in the formation of the aerodynamic friction of the water surface at high wind speeds is investigated. The study is based on a wind-over-waves coupling theory. In this theory waves provide the surface friction velocity through the form drag, while the energy input from the wind to waves depends on the friction velocity and the wind speed. The wind-over-waves coupling model is extended to high wind speeds taking into account the effect of sheltering of the short wind waves by the air-flow separation from breaking crests of longer waves. It is suggested that the momentum and energy flux from the wind to short waves locally vanishes if they are trapped into the separation bubble of breaking longer waves. At short fetches, typical for laboratory conditions, and strong winds the steep dominant wind waves break frequently and provide the major part of the total form drag through the air-flow separation from breaking crests, and the effect of short waves on the sea drag is suppressed. In this case the dependence of the drag coefficient on the wind speed is much weaker than would be expected from the standard parameterization of the roughness parameter through the Charnock relation. At long fetches, typical for the field, waves in the spectral peak break rarely and their contribution to the air-flow separation is weak. In this case the surface form drag is determined predominantly by the air-flow separation from breaking of the equilibrium range waves. As found at high wind speeds up to 60 m s−1 the modelled aerodynamic roughness is consistent with the Charnock relation, i.e. there is no saturation of the sea drag. Unlike the aerodynamic roughness, the geometrical surface roughness (height of short waves) could be saturated or even suppressed when the wind speed exceeds 30 m s−1.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of the zero-plane displacement, d, and roughness length, z 0, for tall vegetation is described. A new relationship between d and z 0 is developed by imposing the condition of mass conservation on the logarithmic wind profile. Further, d and z 0 can be evaluated directly if independent measurements of friction velocity are available in addition to wind profile measurements. The proposed method takes into account the existence of a transition layer immediately above the vegetation where the logarithmic wind profile law is not valid. Only one level of wind speed measurements is necessary within the inertial sub-layer.The method is applied to wind profile and eddy correlation measurements taken in and above an 18.5 m pine forest to yield d = 12.7 m and z 0 = 1.28 m. The choice of height for the upper level of measurement and problems with measuring canopy flow are discussed.Work carried out while on leave at the Institute of Hydrology.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical model is used to determine the sensitivity of the urban climate of mid-latitude cities to heat addition and surface roughness. Nocturnal winter conditions are considered. Artificial heating is found to be the major factor in controlling the urban temperature field, and roughness the controlling factor for the wind field. Present rates of heat addition are found to warm the urban air by 2 to 4K. Results from the model are compared with observational data for Montreal. The effects of varying the heights of heat addition and the use of greenbelts are also examined.  相似文献   

Summary Profile measurements of wind and temperature have been performed at the Agricultural University of Norway on a routine basis since 1997. 10-min. averages are stored in a database together with other relevant meteorological parameters. The database can be used to determine the seasonal variation of surface aerodynamic roughness, showing the growth of grass between cutting during the growing season, the effect of snowfall and the melting of snow etc. However, careful screening of the data must be conducted before reliable estimates can be made. The main objective of this study is to establish simple practical rules for filtering out unreliable datasets for the evaluation of the surface roughness parameter z0, and to present its annual variation. The resulting values for the summer period agree well with values found in the literature for homogenous grass covered surfaces. In the transition periods during autumn and spring, and during wintertime in mild weather conditions, the surface is generally non-homogenous with a mixture of snow patches, ponds of melting water and shrubs of withered grass. The results show that the mechanical interaction between a non-homogeneous land surface and the boundary layer flow can be described by one roughness parameter, with a numeric value somewhere in between the ideal values for the different surface characteristics. Another use of the database is to investigate drainage flow and the relationship between drainage flow, prevailing wind direction and the mean vertical velocity of the air. Most micrometeorological studies of the fluxes of heat and water vapour in the surface layer, assume the mean vertical velocity to be zero, focusing on eddy fluxes and thereby excluding any transport in the mean flow. In certain situations, this may lead to serious errors. This work shows that convergence of horizontal flow leads to an upward movement of air, which is enhanced if the prevailing direction of the wind opposes the outflow of the cold drainage winds from the area.  相似文献   

A series of experiments carried out in a pasture field during a growing season, allowed a radiometric determination of the scalar roughness for sensible heatz oh,r . The values ofz oh,r are shown to vary over the range of 10–1–10–7m both diurnally and seasonally, and an existing theoretical model for the estimation of scalar roughness for sensible heat is found to be inappropriate for the precise estimation ofz oh,r . To parameterizez oh,r better, a multiple regression analysis was performed, with predictor candidates such as solar elevation, solar radiationR s , leaf area index LAI, canopy height, the ratio of the solar radiation and the extraterrestrial radiationR s /R e , the ratio of the direct and the total solar radiationR d /R s , and the roughness Reynolds number among others. The best regression equation which usesR s , LAI,R s /R e , andR d /R s is derived withr=0.75; with smaller numbers of predictors, values ofr tend to deteriorate gradually down tor=0.52 when only one predictor, LAI, was incorporated into the equation.  相似文献   

Mean wind velocity profiles were measured by means of radio-windsondes over the Landes region in southwestern France, which consists primarily of pine forests with scattered villages and clearings with various crops. Analysis of neutral profiles indicated the existence of a logarithmic layer between approximately zd 0 = 67(±18)z 0 and 128(+-32)z 0 (z is the height above the ground, z 0 the surface roughness and d 0 the displacement height). The upper limit can also be given as zd 0 = 0.33 (±0.18)h, where h is the height of the bottom of the inversion. The profiles showed that the surface roughness of this terrain is around 1.2 m and the displacement height 6.0 m. Shear stresses derived from the profiles were in good agreement with those obtained just above the forest canopy at a nearby location with the eddy correlation method by a team from the Institute of Hydrology (Wallingford, England).  相似文献   

The testing of a simple correlation for the height of the internal layer, found from dimensional analysis, is described. It is shown that the internal layer is controlled by the larger of the upstream and downstream roughness length scales.  相似文献   

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