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A one-particle three-dimensional stochastic Lagrangian model fortransport of particles in a horizontally-homogeneous atmosphericsurface layer with arbitrary one-point probability density functionof Eulerian velocity fluctuations is suggested. A uniquely definedLagrangian stochastic model in the class of well-mixed models isconstructed from physically plausible assumptions. These assumptionsare: (i) in the neutrally stratified horizontally homogeneous surface layer, the vertical motion is mainly controlled by eddies whose size is of order of the current height; and (ii), the streamwise drift term is independent of the crosswind velocity. Numerical simulations for neutral stratification have shown a good agreement of our model with the well-known Thomson's model, with Flesch and Wilson's model, and with experimental measurements as well. However there is a discrepancy of these results with the results obtained by Reynolds' model.  相似文献   

The dispersion of heavy particles and pollutants is often simulated with Lagrangian stochastic (LS) models. Although these models have been employed successfully over land, the free surface at the air-sea interface complicates the implementation of traditional LS models. We present an adaptation of traditional LS models to the atmospheric marine boundary layer (MBL), where the bottom boundary is represented by a realistic wavy surface that moves and deforms. In addition, the correlation function for the turbulent flow following a particle is extended to the anisotropic, unsteady case. Our new model reproduces behaviour for Lagrangian turbulence in a stratified air flow that departs only slightly from the expected behaviour in isotropic turbulence. When solving for the trajectory of a heavy particle in the air flow, the modelled turbulent forcing on the particle also behaves remarkably well. For example, the spectrum of the turbulence at the particle location follows that of a massless particle for time scales approximately larger than the Stokes’ particle response time. We anticipate that this model will prove especially useful in the context of sea-spray dispersion and its associated momentum, sensible and latent heat, and gas fluxes between spray droplets and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

A new parameterization for turbulentdispersion in a convective boundary layer isproposed. The model is based on turbulentkinetic energy spectra and Taylor's diffusiontheory. The formulation, included in an advanceddispersion model, has been tested and comparedwith vertical and lateral dispersion schemesreported in the literature, using data from fieldexperiments. The application of a statisticalevaluation shows that the proposedparameterization has the best overall fit to the data.  相似文献   

We present a Lagrangian stochastic model of vertical dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). This model is based on a generalized Langevin equation that uses the simplifying assumption that the skewed vertical velocity probability distribution is spatially homogeneous. This approach has been shown to account for two key properties of CBL turbulence associated with large-scale coherent turbulent structures: skewed vertical velocity distributions and long velocity correlation time. A 'linear-skewed' form of the generalized Langevin equation is used, which has a linear (in velocity) deterministic acceleration and a skewed random acceleration. 'Reflection' boundary conditions for selecting a new velocity for a particle that encounters a boundary were investigated, including alternatives to the standard assumption that the magnitudes of the particle incident and reflected velocities are positively correlated. Model simulations were tested using cases for which exact, analytic statistical properties of particle velocity and position are known, i.e., well-mixed spatial and velocity distributions. Simulations of laboratory experiments of CBL dispersion show that (1) the homogeneous linear-skewed Langevin equation model (as well as an alternative 'nonlinear-Gaussian' Langevin equation model) can simulate the important aspects of dispersion in the CBL, and (2) a negatively-correlated-speed reflection boundary condition simulates the observed dispersion of material near the surface in the CBL significantly better than alternative reflection boundary conditions. The homogeneous linear-skewed Langevin equation model has the advantage that it is computationally more efficient than the homogeneous nonlinear-Gaussian Langevin equation model, and considerably more efficient than inhomogeneous Langevin equation models.  相似文献   

Large-eddy simulation and Lagrangian stochastic dispersion models were used to study heavy particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer (CBL). The effects of various geostrophic winds, particle diameters, and subgrid-scale (SGS) turbulence were investigated. Results showed an obvious depression in the vertical dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL and major vertical stratification in the distribution of particle concentrations, relative to the passive dispersion. Stronger geostrophic winds tended to increase the dispersion of heavy particles in the lower CBL. The SGS turbulence, particularly near the surface, markedly influenced the dispersion of heavy particles in the CBL. For reference, simulations using passive particles were also conducted; these simulation results agreed well with results from previous convective tank experiments and numerical simulations.  相似文献   

A laboratory convection tank has been established following thepioneering work of Willis and Deardorff, but with many improvements and enhancements thattake advantage of modern technology. The main emphasis in the current design was toprovide the ability to conduct a virtually unlimited number of realizations under essentiallyidentical conditions in order to obtain reliable statistics on the dispersion of plumes and puffsreleased within the simulated atmospheric convective boundary layer. Described herein is the tankitself and its auxiliary systems, including a laser-induced-fluorescence and video-imaging system for makingnon-intrusive, full-field measurements of concentrations, and the interfacing of varioussubsystems with a master controller that automates essentially all operation and measurement functions.The current system provides unprecedented resolution, control, and data volumes. Exampleresults are presented from two types of releases: continuous plumes and instantaneous puffs.These data sets clearly show penetration of the highly buoyant plumes and puffs into theinversion above the convective boundary layer, gravity spreading within the inversion, andrapid diffusion within the mixed layer. They also show extreme `spottiness' in the instantaneousconcentration cross-sections.  相似文献   

The turbulence field obtained using a large-eddy simulation model is used to simulate particle dispersion in the convective boundary layer with both forward-in-time and backward-in-time modes. A Lagrangian stochastic model is used to treat subgrid-scale turbulence. Results of forward dispersion match both laboratory experiments and previous numerical studies for different release heights in the convective boundary layer. Results obtained from backward dispersion show obvious asymmetry when directly compared to results from forward dispersion. However, a direct comparison of forward and backward dispersion has no apparent physical meaning and might be misleading. Results of backward dispersion can be interpreted as three-dimensional or generalized concentration footprints, which indicate that sources in the entire boundary layer, not only sources at the surface, may influence a concentration measurement at a point. Footprints at four source heights in the convective boundary layer corresponding to four receptors are derived using forward and backward dispersion methods. The agreement among footprints derived with forward and backward methods illustrates the equivalence between both approaches. The paper shows explicitly that Lagrangian simulations can yield identical footprints using forward and backward methods in horizontally homogeneous turbulence.  相似文献   

The mean concentration distributionwithin a plume released from a point source in the atmosphericboundary layer can be greatly influenced by the systematic turningof wind with height (i.e. vertical wind direction shear). Such aninfluence includes a deflection of the plume centroid, with anassociated shearing of the vertical plume cross-section, and anenhancement of dispersion, in the horizontal plane. Wind directionshear is normally not accounted for in coastal fumigation models,although dispersion observations with shear acting as acontrolling parameter are not uncommon. A three-dimensionalLagrangian stochastic model is used to investigate the influenceof uniform wind direction shear on the diffusion of a point-sourceplume within the horizontally homogeneous convective boundarylayer, with the source located at the top of the boundary layer.Parameterisations are developed for the plume deflection andenhanced dispersion due to shear within the framework of aprobability density function (PDF) approach, and compared with theLagrangian model results. These parameterisations are thenincorporated into two applied coastal fumigation models: a PDFmodel, and a commonly used model that assumes uniform andinstantaneous mixing in the vertical direction. The PDF modelrepresents the vertical mixing process more realistically. A moreefficient version of the PDF model, which assumes a well-mixedconcentration distribution in the vertical at large times, isapplied to simulate sulfur dioxide data from the Kwinana CoastalFumigation Study. A comparison between the model results and thedata show that the model performs much better when the wind-sheareffects are included.  相似文献   

Rotach, Gryning and Tassone constructed a two-dimensional Lagrangian stochastic model to describe the dispersion of passive tracers in turbulent boundary layers with stabilities ranging from ideally-neutral (w* = 0) to fully-convective (u* = 0). They found that the value of the Kolmogorov constant, C0, as determined by optimizing model agreement with the measured spread of passive tracers, was dependent upon stability. Here, it is shown that the non-uniqueness, associated with satisfaction of the well-mixed condition, can be exploited to construct an alternative version of the model of Rotach et al. for which C0 = 3 is universally applicable over the entire range of stabilities under consideration. This alternative model is shown to be in very close agreement with predictions, obtained in large-eddy simulations, for the dispersion of passive tracers in turbulent boundary layers with stabilities ranging from ideally-neutral to fully-convective.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional model for correlation functions and spectra in theatmospheric, convective boundary layer (CBL) is presented. The modelincludes vertical inhomogeneities introduced by eddy-blocking at the ground.By assuming the disturbance to the turbulent flow resulting from the groundblocking is irrotational, an equation is developed which allows one to writethe inhomogeneous, two-dimensional (2D) cross spectra for the blocked flowin terms of the 2D cross spectra for a homogeneous flow. VonKármán's energy spectrum then is used to determine thehomogeneous, 2D cross spectra. Although there are only two adjustableparameters in the model, the variance and a length scale, the model is shownto agree quite well with a diversity of previous results for the CBL.  相似文献   

A numerical model for the computation of the wind field,air temperature and humidity in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) including the urbancanopy was developed for urban climate simulation. The governing equations of the modelare derived by applying ensemble and spatial averages to the Navier–Stokes equation, continuityequation and equations for heat and water vapour transfer in the air. With the spatial averagingprocedure, effects of buildings and other urban structures in the urban canopy can be accounted for byintroducing an effective volume function, defined as the ratio between the volume of air in acomputational mesh over the total volume of the mesh. The improved k - model accounts for the anisotropyof the turbulence field under density stratification. In the improved k - model, the transportof momentum and heat in the vertical direction under density stratification is evaluated based onthe assumption of a near-equilibrium shear flow where transport effects on the stresses andheat fluxes are negligible. The heating processes at surfaces of buildings and ground are alsomodelled. The comparison of the computational results obtained with the present modeland existing observational data and numerical models shows that the present model is capableof predicting the structure of turbulence in the urban canopy layer under density stratification.Numerical experiments with the new model show that the flow behaviour of the air in the urbancanopy layer is strongly affected by the existence of buildings and density stratification.  相似文献   

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