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Abstract— Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) from the reduced CV chondrites Efremovka, Leoville and Vigarano are irregularly‐shaped objects, up to 5 mm in size, composed of forsteritic olivine (Fa<10) and a refractory, Ca, Al‐rich component. The AOAs are depleted in moderately volatile elements (Mn, Cr, Na, K), Fe, Ni‐metal and sulfides and contain no low‐Ca pyroxene. The refractory component consists of fine‐grained calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) composed of Al‐diopside, anorthite (An100), and magnesium‐rich spinel (~1 wt% FeO) or fine‐grained intergrowths of these minerals; secondary nepheline and sodalite are very minor. This indicates that AOAs from the reduced CV chondrites are more pristine than those from the oxidized CV chondrites Allende and Mokoia. Although AOAs from the reduced CV chondrites show evidence for high‐temperature nebular annealing (e.g., forsterite grain boundaries form 120° triple junctions) and possibly a minor degree of melting of Al‐diopside‐anorthite materials, none of the AOAs studied appear to have experienced extensive (>50%) melting. We infer that AOAs are aggregates of high‐temperature nebular condensates, which formed in CAI‐forming regions, and that they were absent from chondrule‐forming regions at the time of chondrule formation. The absence of low‐Ca pyroxene and depletion in moderately volatile elements (Mn, Cr, Na, K) suggest that AOAs were either removed from CAI‐forming regions prior to condensation of these elements and low‐Ca pyroxene or gas‐solid condensation of low‐Ca‐pyroxene was kinetically inhibited.  相似文献   

Abstract– We report on mineralogy, petrography, and whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg systematics of eight amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) from the oxidized CV chondrite Allende. The AOAs consist of forsteritic olivine, opaque nodules, and variable amounts of Ca,Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) of different types, and show evidence for alteration to varying degrees. Melilite and anorthite are replaced by nepheline, sodalite, and grossular; spinel is enriched in FeO; opaque nodules are replaced by Fe,Ni‐sulfides, ferroan olivine and Ca,Fe‐rich pyroxenes; forsteritic olivine is enriched in FeO and often overgrown by ferroan olivine. The AOAs are surrounded by fine‐grained, matrix‐like rims composed mainly of ferroan olivine and by a discontinuous layer of Ca,Fe‐rich silicates. These observations indicate that AOAs experienced in situ elemental open‐system iron‐alkali‐halogen metasomatic alteration during which Fe, Na, Cl, and Si were introduced, whereas Ca was removed from AOAs and used to form the Ca,Fe‐rich silicate rims around AOAs. The whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg systematics of the Allende AOAs plot above the isochron of the whole‐rock Allende CAIs with a slope of (5.23 ± 0.13) × 10?5 reported by Jacobsen et al. (2008) . In contrast, whole‐rock 26Al‐26Mg isotope systematics of CAIs and AOAs from the reduced CV chondrite Efremovka define a single isochron with a slope of (5.25± 0.01) × 10?5 ( Larsen et al. 2011 ). We infer that the excesses in 26Mg* present in Allende AOAs are due to their late‐stage open‐system metasomatic alteration. Thus, the 26Al‐26Mg isotope systematics of Allende CAIs and AOAs are disturbed by parent body alteration processes, and may not be suitable for high‐precision chronology of the early solar system events and processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— It was suggested that multilayered accretionary rims composed of ferrous olivine, andradite, wollastonite, salite‐hedenbergitic pyroxenes, nepheline, and Ni‐rich sulfides around Allende calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) are aggregates of gas‐solid condensates which reflect significant fluctuations in physico‐chemical conditions in the slowly cooling solar nebula and grain/gas separation processes. In order to test this model, we studied the mineralogy of accretionary rims around one type A CAI (E104) and one type B CAI (E48) from the reduced CV3 chondrite Efremovka, which is less altered than Allende. In contrast to the Allende accretionary rims, those in Efremovka consist of coarse‐grained (20–40 μm), anhedral forsterite (Fa1–8), Fe, Ni‐metal nodules, amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and fine‐grained CAIs composed of Al‐diopside, anorthite, and spinel, ± forsterite. Although the fine‐grained CAIs, AOAs and host CAIs are virtually unaltered, a hibonite‐spinel‐perovskite CAI in the E48 accretionary rim experienced extensive alteration, which resulted in the formation of Fe‐rich, Zn‐bearing spinel, and a Ca, Al, Si‐hydrous mineral. Forsterites in the accretionary rims typically show an aggregational nature and consist of small olivine grains with numerous pores and tiny inclusions of Al‐rich minerals. No evidence for the replacement of forsterite by enstatite was found; no chondrule fragments were identified in the accretionary rims. We infer that accretionary rims in Efremovka are more primitive than those in Allende and formed by aggregation of high‐temperature condensates around host CAIs in the CAI‐forming regions. The rimmed CAIs were removed from these regions prior to condensation of enstatite and alkalies. The absence of andradite, wollastonite, and hedenbergite from the Efremovka rims may indicate that these rims sampled different nebular regions than the Allende rims. Alternatively, the Ca, Fe‐rich silicates rimming Allende CAIs may have resulted from late‐stage metasomatic alteration, under oxidizing conditions, of original Efremovka‐like accretionary rims. The observed differences in O‐isotope composition between forsterite and Ca, Fe‐rich minerals in the Allende accretionary rims (Hiyagon, 1998) suggest that the oxidizing fluid had an 16O‐poor oxygen isotopic composition.  相似文献   

Abstract— Amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) are irregularly shaped, fine‐grained aggregates of olivine and Ca, Al‐rich minerals and are important primitive components of CR chondrites. The AOAs in CR chondrites contain FeNi metal, and some AOAs contain Mn‐rich forsterite with up to 0.7 MnO and Mn:Fe ratios greater than one. Additionally, AOAs in the CR chondrites do not contain secondary phases (nepheline and fayalitic olivine) that are found in AOAs in some CV chondrites. The AOAs in CR chondrites record a complex petrogenetic history that included nebular gas‐solid condensation, reaction of minerals with the nebular gas, small degrees of melting, and sintering of the assemblage. A condensation origin for the Mn‐rich forsterite is proposed. The Mn‐rich forsterite found in IDPs, unequilibrated ordinary chondrite matrix, and AOAs in CR chondrites may have had a similar origin. A type A calcium, aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) with an AOA attached to its Wark‐Lovering rim is also described. This discovery reveals a temporal relationship between AOAs and type A inclusions. Additionally, a thin layer of forsterite is present as part of the Wark‐Lovering rim, revealing the crystallization of olivine at the end stages of Wark‐Lovering rim formation. The Ca, Al‐rich nodules in the AOAs may be petrogenetically related to the Ca, Al‐rich minerals in Wark‐Lovering rims on type A CAIs. AOAs are chondrite components that condensed during the final stage of Wark‐Lovering rim formation but, in general, were temporally, spatially, or kinetically isolated from reacting with the nebula vapor during condensation of the lower temperature minerals that were commonly present as chondrule precursors.  相似文献   

Abstract– Metamorphosed clasts in the CV carbonaceous chondrite breccias Mokoia and Yamato‐86009 (Y‐86009) are coarse‐grained, granular, polymineralic rocks composed of Ca‐bearing (up to 0.6 wt% CaO) ferroan olivine (Fa34–39), ferroan Al‐diopside (Fs9–13Wo47–50, approximately 2–7 wt% Al2O3), plagioclase (An37–84Ab63–17), Cr‐spinel (Cr/(Cr + Al) = 0.19–0.45, Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.60–0.79), nepheline, pyrrhotite, pentlandite, Ca‐phosphate, and rare grains of Ni‐rich taenite; low‐Ca pyroxene is absent. Most clasts have triple junctions between silicate grains, indicative of prolonged thermal annealing. Based on the olivine‐spinel and pyroxene thermometry, the estimated metamorphic temperature recorded by the clasts is approximately 1100 K. Few clasts experienced thermal metamorphism to a lower degree and preserved chondrule‐like textures. The Mokoia and Y‐86009 clasts are mineralogically unique and different from metamorphosed chondrites of known groups (H, L, LL, R, EH, EL, CO, CK) and primitive achondrites (acapulcoites, brachinites, lodranites). On a three‐isotope oxygen diagram, compositions of olivine in the clasts plot along carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line and the Allende mass‐fractionation line, and overlap with those of the CV chondrule olivines; the Δ17O values of the clasts range from about ?4.3‰ to ?3.0‰. We suggest that the clasts represent fragments of the CV‐like material that experienced metasomatic alteration, high‐temperature metamorphism, and possibly melting in the interior of the CV parent asteroid. The lack of low‐Ca pyroxene in the clasts could be due to its replacement by ferroan olivine during iron‐alkali metasomatic alteration or by high‐Ca ferroan pyroxene during melting under oxidizing conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract— We have investigated the mineralogy, petrography, bulk chemistry, and light element isotope composition of the ungrouped chondrites North West Africa (NWA) 1152 and Sahara 00182. NWA 1152 contains predominantly type 1 porphyritic olivine (PO) and porphyritic olivinepyroxene (POP) chondrules. Chondrule silicates are magnesium‐rich (Fo98.8 ± 1.2, n = 36; Fs2.3 ± 2.1 Wo1.2 ± 0.3, n = 23). Matrix comprises ?40 vol% of the sample and is composed of a micron sized silicate groundmass with larger silicate, sulfide, magnetite, and Fe‐Ni metal (Ni ?50 wt%) grains. Phyllosilicates were not observed in the matrix. Refractory inclusions are rare (0.3 vol%) and are spinel pyroxene aggregates or amoeboid olivine aggregates; melilite is absent from the refractory inclusions. Sahara 00182 contains predominantly type 1 PO chondrules, POP chondrules are less common. Most chondrules contain blebs of, and are often rimmed with, Fe‐Ni metal and sulfide. Chondrule phenocrysts are magnesium‐rich (Fo92.2 ± 0.6, n = 129; Fs4.4 ± 1.8 Wo1.3 ± 1.1, n = 16). Matrix comprises ?30 vol% of the meteorite and is predominantly sub‐micron silicates, with rare larger silicate gains. Matrix Fe‐Ni metal (mean Ni = 5.8 wt%) and sulfide grains are up to mm scale. No phyllosilicates were observed in the matrix. Refractory inclusions are rare (1.1 vol%) and melilite is absent. The oxygen isotope composition of NWA 1152 falls within the range of the CV chondrites with δ17O = ?3.43%0 δ18O = 0.70%0 and is similar to Sahara 00182, δ17O = ?3.89%0, δ18O = ?0.19%0 (Grossman and Zipfel 2001). Based on mineralogical and petrographic characteristics, we suggest NWA 1152 and Sahara 00182 show many similarities with the CR chondrites, however, oxygen isotopes suggest affinity with the CVs. Thus, neither sample can be assigned to any of the currently known carbonaceous chondrite groups based on traditionally recognized characteristics. Both samples demonstrate the complexity of inter‐ and intra‐group relationships of the carbonaceous chondrites. Whatever their classification, N WA 1152 and Sahara 00182 represent a source of relatively pristine solar system material.  相似文献   

An amoeboid olivine inclusion in CK3 NWA 1559 (0.54 × 1.3 mm) consists of a diopside‐rich interior (approximately 35 vol%) and an olivine‐rich rim (approximately 65 vol%). It is the first AOI to be described in CK chondrites; the apparent paucity of these inclusions is due to extensive parent‐body recrystallization. The AOI interior contains irregular 3–15 μm‐sized Al‐bearing diopside grains (approximately 70 vol%), 2–20 μm‐sized pores (approximately 30 vol%), and traces of approximately 2 μm plagioclase grains. The 75–160 μm‐thick rim contains 20–130 μm‐sized ferroan olivine grains, some with 120º triple junctions. A few coarse (25–50 μm‐sized) patches of plagioclase with 2–18 μm‐thick diopside rinds occur in several places just beneath the rim. The occurrence of olivine rims around AOI‐1 and around many AOIs in CV3 Allende suggests that CK and CV AOIs formed by the acquisition of porous forsteritic rims around fine‐grained, rimless CAIs that consisted of diopside, anorthite, melilite, and spinel. Individual AOIs in carbonaceous chondrites may have formed after transient heating events melted their olivine rims as well as portions of the underlying interiors. In AOI‐1, coarse plagioclase grains with diopside rinds crystallized immediately below the olivine rim. Secondary parent‐body alteration transformed forsterite in the rims of CV and CK AOIs into more‐ferroan olivine. Some of the abundant pores in the interior of AOI‐1 may have formed during aqueous alteration after fine‐grained melilite and anorthite were leached out. Chondrite groups with large chondrules tend to have large AOIs. AOIs that formed in dust‐rich nebular regions (where CV and CK chondrites later accreted) tend to be larger than AOIs from less‐dusty regions.  相似文献   

We performed in situ oxygen three‐isotope measurements of chondrule olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase from the newly described CVRed chondrite NWA 8613. Additionally, oxygen isotope ratios of plagioclase in chondrules from the Kaba CV3OxB chondrite were determined to enable comparisons of isotope ratios and degree of alteration of chondrules in both CV lithologies. NWA 8613 was affected by only mild thermal metamorphism. The majority of oxygen isotope ratios of olivine and pyroxenes plot along a slope‐1 line in the oxygen three‐isotope diagram, except for a type II and a remolten barred olivine chondrule. When isotopic relict olivine is excluded, olivine, and low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxenes are indistinguishable regarding Δ17O values. Conversely, plagioclase in chondrules from NWA 8613 and Kaba plot along mass‐dependent fractionation lines. Oxygen isotopic disequilibrium between phenocrysts and plagioclase was caused probably by exchange of plagioclase with 16O‐poor fluids on the CV parent body. Based on an existing oxygen isotope mass balance model, possible dust enrichment and ice enhancement factors were estimated. Type I chondrules from NWA 8613 possibly formed at moderately high dust enrichment factors (50× to 150× CI dust relative to solar abundances); estimates for water ice in the chondrule precursors range from 0.2× to 0.6× the nominal amount of ice in dust of CI composition. Findings agree with results from an earlier study on oxygen isotopes in chondrules of the Kaba CV chondrite, providing further evidence for a relatively dry and only moderately high dust‐enriched disk in the CV chondrule‐forming region.  相似文献   

Knowledge of Martian igneous and mantle compositions is crucial for understanding Mars' mantle evolution, including early differentiation, mantle convection, and the chemical alteration at the surface. Primitive magmas provide the most direct information about their mantle source regions, but most Martian meteorites either contain cumulate olivine or crystallized from fractionated melts. The new Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 6234 is an olivine‐phyric shergottite. Its most magnesian olivine cores (Fo78) are in Mg‐Fe equilibrium with a magma of the bulk rock composition, suggesting that it represents a melt composition. Thermochemical calculations show that NWA 6234 not only represents a melt composition but is a primitive melt derived from an approximately Fo80 mantle. Thus, NWA 6234 is similar to NWA 5789 and Y 980459 in the sense that all three are olivine‐phyric shergottites and represent primitive magma compositions. However, NWA 6234 is of special significance because it represents the first olivine‐phyric shergottite from a primitive ferroan magma. On the basis of Al/Ti ratio of pyroxenes in NWA 6234, the minor components in olivine and merrillite, and phosphorus zoning of olivine, we infer that the rock crystallized completely at pressures consistent with conditions in Mars' upper crust. The textural intergrowths of the two phosphates (merrillite and apatite) indicate that at a very last stage of crystallization, merrillite reacted with an OH‐Cl‐F‐rich melt to form apatite. As this meteorite crystallized completely at depth and never erupted, it is likely that its apatite compositions represent snapshots of the volatile ratios of the source region without being affected by degassing processes, which contain high OH‐F content.  相似文献   

Abstract– A metamorphosed lithic clast was discovered in the CM chondrite Grove Mountains 021536, which was collected in the Antarctica by the Chinese Antarctic Research Exploration team. The lithic clast is composed mainly of Fe‐rich olivine (Fo62) with minor diopside (Fs9.7–11.1Wo48.3–51.6), plagioclase (An43–46.5), nepheline, merrillite, Al‐rich chromite (21.8 wt% Al2O3; 4.43 wt% TiO2), and pentlandite. Δ17O values of olivine in the lithic clast vary from ?3.9‰ to ?0.8‰. Mineral compositions and oxygen isotopic compositions of olivine suggest that the lithic clast has an exotic source different from the CM chondrite parent body. The clast could be derived from strong thermal metamorphism of pre‐existing chondrule that has experienced low‐temperature anhydrous alteration. The lithic clast is similar in mineral assemblage and chemistry to a few clasts observed in oxidized CV3 chondrites (Mokoia and Yamato‐86009) and might have been derived from the interior of the primitive CV asteroid. The apparent lack of hydration in the lithic clast indicates that the clast accreted into the CM chondrite after hydration of the CM components.  相似文献   

Knowledge of Martian igneous basaltic compositions is crucial for constraining mantle evolution, including early differentiation and mantle convection. Primitive magmas provide direct information about their mantle source regions, but most Martian meteorites either contain cumulate olivine or crystallized from fractionated melts. The recently discovered Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 5789 is an olivine‐phyric shergottite. NWA 5789 has special significance among the Martian meteorites because it appears to represent one of the most magnesian Martian magmas known, other than Yamato (Y) 980459. Its most magnesian olivine cores (Fo85) are in Mg‐Fe equilibrium with a magma of the bulk rock composition, suggesting that the bulk represents a magma composition. Based on the Al/Ti ratio of its pyroxenes, we infer that the rock began to crystallize at a high pressure consistent with conditions in Mars’ lower crust/upper mantle. It continued and completed its crystallization closer to the surface, where cooling was rapid and produced a mesostasis of radiating sprays of plagioclase and pyroxene. The mineralogy, petrology, mineral chemistry, and bulk rock composition of NWA 5789 are very similar to those of Y‐980459. The similarities between the two meteorites suggest that NWA 5789 (like Y‐980459) represents a primitive, mantle‐derived magma composition. They also suggest the possibility that NWA 5789 and Y‐980459 formed in the same lava flow. However, based on the mineralogy and texture of its mesostasis, NWA 5789 must have cooled more slowly than Y‐980459. NWA 5789 will help elucidate the igneous geology and geochemistry of Mars.  相似文献   

Meteoritic matrices are commonly classified by their modal mineralogy, alteration, and shock levels. Other “textural” characteristics are not generally considered in classification schemes, yet could carry important information about their genesis and evolution. Terrestrial rocks are routinely described by grain morphology, which has led to morphology‐driven classifications, and identification of controlling processes. This paper investigates three CV chondrites—Allende (CV3.2oxA), Kaba (CV3.0oxB), and Vigarano (CV3.3red)—to determine the morphologic signature of olivine matrix grains. 2D grain size and shape, and crystallographic preferred orientations (CPOs) are quantified via electron backscatter diffraction mapping. Allende contains the largest and most elongate olivine grains, while Vigarano contains the least elongate, and Kaba contains the smallest grains. Weak but notable CPOs exist in some regions proximal to chondrules and one region distal to chondrules, and CPO geometries reveal a weak flattening of the matrix grains against the edge of chondrules within Allende. Kaba contains the least plastically deformed grains, and Allende contains the most plastically deformed grains. We tentatively infer that morphology is controlled by the characteristics of the available population of accreting grains, and aqueous and thermal alteration of the parent body. The extent of overall finite deformation is likely dictated by the location of the sample with respect to compression, the localized environment of the matrix with respect to surrounding material, and the post deformation temperature to induce grain annealing. Our systematic, quantitative process for characterizing meteorite matrices has the potential to provide a framework for comparison within and across meteorite classes, to help resolve how parent body processing differed across and between chondritic asteroids.  相似文献   

Lunar breccias preserve the records of geologic processes on the Moon. In this study, we report the occurrence, petrography, mineralogy, and geologic significance of the observed secondary olivine veinlets in lunar feldspathic breccia meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 11273. Bulk‐rock composition measurements show that this meteorite is geochemically similar to other lunar highland meteorites. In NWA 11273, five clasts are observed to host veinlets that are dominated by interconnecting olivine mineral grains. The host clasts are mainly composed of mafic minerals (i.e., pyroxene and olivine) and probably sourced from a basaltic lithology. The studied olivine veinlets (~5 to 30 μm in width) are distributed within the mafic mineral host, but do not extend into the adjacent plagioclase. Chemically, these olivine veinlets are Fe‐richer (Fo41.4–51.9), compared with other olivine grains (Fo54.3–83.1) in lithic clasts and matrix of NWA 11273. By analogy with the secondary olivine veinlets observed in meteorites from asteroid Vesta (howardite–eucrite–diogenite group samples) and lunar mare samples, our study suggests that the newly observed olivine veinlets in NWA 11273 are likely formed by secondary deposition from a lunar fluid, rather than by crystallization from a high‐temperature silicate melt. Such fluid could be sulfur‐ and phosphorous‐poor and likely had an endogenic origin on the Moon. The new occurrence of secondary olivine veinlets in breccia NWA 11273 reveals that the fluid mobility and deposition could be a previously underappreciated geological process on the Moon.  相似文献   

Abstract— High‐precision Mg isotopic compositions of Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions (CAIs) from both Ningqiang (ungrouped) and Allende (CV3) carbonaceous chondrites and amoeboid olivine aggregations (AOAs) from Allende were analyzed by multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC‐ICP‐MS). The CAIs from Allende plot on a line, with an inferred initial 26Al/27Al ratio of (4.77 ± 0.39) × 10?5 close to the canonical value. This indicates a relatively closed Al‐Mg system in the CAIs and no significant Mg isotope exchange with ambient materials, although two of the CAIs are severely altered. The AOAs contain excess 26Mg and plot close to the CAI regression line, which is suggestive of their contemporary formation. The CAIs from Ningqiang define a different line with a lower inferred (26Al/27Al)0 ratio of (3.56 ± 0.08) × 10?5. None of the CAIs and AOAs studied in this work shows significant mass fractionation with enrichment of the heavier Mg isotopes, arguing against an evaporation origin.  相似文献   

Abstract— The lherzolitic Martian meteorite Northwest Africa (NWA) 1950 consists of two distinct zones: 1) low‐Ca pyroxene poikilically enclosing cumulate olivine (Fo70–75) and chromite, and 2) areas interstitial to the oikocrysts comprised of maskelynite, low‐ and high‐Ca pyroxene, cumulate olivine (Fo68–71) and chromite. Shock metamorphic effects, most likely associated with ejection from the Martian subsurface by large‐scale impact, include mechanical deformation of host rock olivine and pyroxene, transformation of plagioclase to maskelynite, and localized melting (pockets and veins). These shock effects indicate that NWA 1950 experienced an equilibration shock pressure of 35–45 GPa. Large (millimeter‐size) melt pockets have crystallized magnesian olivine (Fo78–87) and chromite, embedded in an Fe‐rich, Al‐poor basaltic to picro‐basaltic glass. Within the melt pockets strong thermal gradients (minimum 1 °C/μm) existed at the onset of crystallization, giving rise to a heterogeneous distribution of nucleation sites, resulting in gradational textures of olivine and chromite. Dendritic and skeletal olivine, crystallized in the melt pocket center, has a nucleation density (1.0 × 103 crystals/mm2) that is two orders of magnitude lower than olivine euhedra near the melt margin (1.6 × 105 crystals/mm2). Based on petrography and minor element abundances, melt pocket formation occurred by in situ melting of host rock constituents by shock, as opposed to melt injected into the lherzolitic target. Despite a common origin, NWA 1950 is shocked to a lesser extent compared to Allan Hills (ALH) 77005 (45–55 GPa). Assuming ejection in a single shock event by spallation, this places NWA 1950 near to ALH 77005, but at a shallower depth within the Martian subsurface. Extensive shock melt networks, the interconnectivity between melt pockets, and the ubiquitous presence of highly vesiculated plagioclase glass in ALH 77005 suggests that this meteorite may be transitional between discreet shock melting and bulk rock melting.  相似文献   

Abstract— NWA 1950 is a new lherzolitic shergottite recently recovered from Morocco and is the first sample of this group found outside Antarctica. Major constituent phases of NWA 1950 are olivine, pyroxenes, and plagioclase glass (“maskelynite”) and the rock shows a two distinct textures: poikilitic and non‐poikilitic typical of lherzolitic shergottites. In poikilitic areas, several‐millimeter‐sized pyroxene oikocrysts enclose cumulus olivine and chromite. In contrast, pyroxenes are much smaller in non‐poikilitic areas, and olivine and plagioclase glass are more abundant. Olivine in non‐poikilitic areas is more Fe‐rich (Fa29–31) and shows a narrower distribution than that in poikilitic areas (Fa23–29). Pyroxenes in non‐poikilitic areas are also more Fe‐rich than those in poikilitic areas that show continuous chemical zoning suggesting fractional crystallization under a closed system. These observations indicate that pyroxene in non‐poikilitic areas crystallized from evolved interstitial melts and olivine was re‐equilibrated with such melts. NWA 1950 shows similar mineralogy and petrology to previously known lherzolitic shergottites (ALH 77005, LEW 88516, Y‐793605 and GRV 99027) that are considered to have originated from the same igneous body on Mars. Olivine composition of NWA 1950 is intermediate between those of ALH 77005‐GRV 99027 and those of LEW 88516‐Y‐793605, but is rather similar to ALH 77005 and GRV 99027. The subtle difference of mineral chemistry (especially, olivine composition) can be explained by different degrees of re‐equilibration compared to other lherzolitic shergottites, perhaps due to different location in the same igneous body. Thus, NWA 1950 experienced a high degree of re‐equilibration, similar to ALH 77005 and GRV 99027.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous chondrites are classified into several groups. However, some are ungrouped. We studied one such ungrouped chondrite, Y‐82094, previously classified as a CO. In this chondrite, chondrules occupy 78 vol%, and the matrix is distinctly poor in abundance (11 vol%), compared with CO and other C chondrites. The average chondrule size is 0.33 mm, different from that in C chondrites. Although these features are similar to those in ordinary chondrites, Y‐82094 contains 3 vol% Ca‐Al‐rich inclusions and 5% amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs). Also, the bulk composition resembles that of CO chondrites, except for the volatile elements, which are highly depleted. The oxygen isotopic composition of Y‐82094 is within the range of CO and CV chondrites. Therefore, Y‐82094 is an ungrouped C chondrite, not similar to any other C chondrite previously reported. Thin FeO‐rich rims on AOA olivine and the mode of occurrence of Ni‐rich metal in the chondrules indicate that Y‐82094 is petrologic type 3.2. The extremely low abundance of type II chondrules and high abundance of Fe‐Ni metal in the chondrules suggest reducing condition during chondrule formation. The depletion of volatile elements indicates that the components formed under high‐temperature conditions, and accreted to the parent body of Y‐82094. Our study suggests a wider range of formation conditions than currently recorded by the major C chondrite groups. Additionally, Y‐82094 may represent a new, previously unsampled, asteroidal body.  相似文献   

We report an occurrence of hexagonal CaAl2Si2O8 (dmisteinbergite) in a compact type A calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusion (CAI) from the CV3 (Vigarano‐like) carbonaceous chondrite Northwest Africa 2086. Dmisteinbergite occurs as approximately 10 μm long and few micrometer‐thick lath‐shaped crystal aggregates in altered parts of the CAI, and is associated with secondary nepheline, sodalite, Ti‐poor Al‐diopside, grossular, and Fe‐rich spinel. Spinel is the only primary CAI mineral that retained its original O‐isotope composition (Δ17O ~ ?24‰); Δ17O values of melilite, perovskite, and Al,Ti‐diopside range from ?3 to ?11‰, suggesting postcrystallization isotope exchange. Dmisteinbergite, anorthite, Ti‐poor Al‐diopside, and ferroan olivine have 16O‐poor compositions (Δ17O ~ ?3‰). We infer that dmisteinbergite, together with the other secondary minerals, formed by replacement of melilite as a result of fluid‐assisted thermal metamorphism experienced by the CV chondrite parent asteroid. Based on the textural appearance of dmisteinbergite in NWA 2086 and petrographic observations of altered CAIs from the Allende meteorite, we suggest that dmisteinbergite is a common secondary mineral in CAIs from the oxidized Allende‐like CV3 chondrites that has been previously misidentified as a secondary anorthite.  相似文献   

Abstract— The outer portions of many type I chondrules (Fa and Fs <5 mol%) in CR chondrites (except Renazzo and Al Rais) consist of silica‐rich igneous rims (SIRs). The host chondrules are often layered and have a porphyritic core surrounded by a coarse‐grained igneous rim rich in low‐Ca pyroxene. The SIRs are sulfide‐free and consist of igneously‐zoned low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxenes, glassy mesostasis, Fe, Ni‐metal nodules, and a nearly pure SiO2 phase. The high‐Ca pyroxenes in these rims are enriched in Cr (up to 3.5 wt% Cr2O3) and Mn (up to 4.4 wt% MnO) and depleted in Al and Ti relative to those in the host chondrules, and contain detectable Na (up to 0.2 wt% Na2O). Mesostases show systematic compositional variations: Si, Na, K, and Mn contents increase, whereas Ca, Mg, Al, and Cr contents decrease from chondrule core, through pyroxene‐rich igneous rim (PIR), and to SIR; FeO content remains nearly constant. Glass melt inclusions in olivine phenocrysts in the chondrule cores have high Ca and Al, and low Si, with Na, K, and Mn contents that are below electron microprobe detection limits. Fe, Ni‐metal grains in SIRs are depleted in Ni and Co relative to those in the host chondrules. The presence of sulfide‐free, SIRs around sulfide‐free type I chondrules in CR chondrites may indicate that these chondrules formed at high (>800 K) ambient nebular temperatures and escaped remelting at lower ambient temperatures. We suggest that these rims formed either by gas‐solid condensation of silica‐normative materials onto chondrule surfaces and subsequent incomplete melting, or by direct SiO(gas) condensation into chondrule melts. In either case, the condensation occurred from a fractionated, nebular gas enriched in Si, Na, K, Mn, and Cr relative to Mg. The fractionation of these lithophile elements could be due to isolation (in the chondrules) of the higher temperature condensates from reaction with the nebular gas or to evaporation‐recondensation of these elements during chondrule formation. These mechanisms and the observed increase in pyroxene/olivine ratio toward the peripheries of most type I chondrules in CR, CV, and ordinary chondrites may explain the origin of olivine‐rich and pyroxene‐rich chondrules in general.  相似文献   

Abstract— All groups of chondritic meteorites contain discrete grains of forsteritic olivine with FeO contents below 1 wt% and high concentrations of refractory elements such as Ca, Al, and Ti. Ten such grains (52 to 754 μg) with minor amounts of adhering matrix were separated from the Allende meteorite. After bulk chemical analysis by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), some samples were analyzed with an electron microprobe and some with an ion microprobe. Matrix that accreted to the forsterite grains has a well‐defined unique composition, different from average Allende matrix in having higher Cr and lower Ni and Co contents, which implies limited mixing of Allende matrix. All samples have approximately chondritic relative abundances of refractory elements Ca, Al, Sc, and rare‐earth elements (REE), although some of these elements, such as Al, do not quantitatively reside in forsterite; whereas others (e.g., Ca) are intrinsic to forsterite. The chondritic refractory element ratios in bulk samples, the generally high abundance level of refractory elements, and the presence of Ca‐Al‐Ti‐rich glass inclusions suggest a genetic relationship of refractory condensates with forsteritic olivine. The Ca‐Al‐Ti‐rich glasses may have acted as nuclei for forsterite condensation. Arguments are presented that exclude an origin of refractory forsterite by crystallization from melts with compositions characteristic of Allende chondrules: (a) All forsterite grains have CaO contents between 0.5 and 0.7 wt% with no apparent zoning, requiring voluminous parental melts with 18 to 20 wt% CaO, far above the average CaO content of Allende chondrules. Similar arguments apply to Al contents. (b) The low FeO content of refractory forsterite of 0.2‐0.4 wt% imposes an upper limit of ~1 wt% of FeO on the parental melt, too low for ordinary and carbonaceous chondrule melts, (c) The Mn contents of refractory forsterites are between 30 to 40 ppm. This is at least one order of magnitude below the Mn content of chondrule olivines in all classes of meteorites. The observed Mn contents of refractory forsterite are much too low for equilibrium between olivine and melts of chondrule composition, (d) As shown earlier, refractory forsterites have O‐isotopic compositions different from chondrules (Weinbruch et al., 1993a). Refractory olivines in carbonaceous chondrites are found in matrix and in chondrules. The compositional similarity of both types was taken to indicate that all refractory forsterites formed inside chondrules (e.g., Jones, 1992). As refractory forsterite cannot have formed by crystallization from chondrule melts, we conclude that refractory forsterite from chondrules are relic grains that survived chondrule melting and probably formed in the same way as refractory forsterite enclosed in matrix. We favor an origin of refractory forsterite by condensation from an oxidized nebular gas.  相似文献   

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