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徐家围子断陷火山岩岩性种类多,岩性复杂,不同岩性岩石特征差异大,火山岩岩性、储层的地震预测难度大,亟待通过岩石物理的分析,有效指导火山岩储层地震预测。通过对13种弹性参数敏感性交会分析,首次利用密度和剪切模量将徐家围子断陷营城组复杂火山岩岩性划分为玄武岩类、安山岩类和流纹岩类3类,且同一岩类岩性都具有相同的储层参数特征,在区分岩性基础上,利用密度和纵波速度双参数可对3类岩性组的储层进行直接识别,为火山岩储层叠前反演预测技术提供理论基础。   相似文献   

Y faulted depression is located in the southeast of Songliao basin, which is another important area explored for natural gas in deep Formation after Xujiaweizi. But it is lowly explored and is not likely to make a major breakthrough in nature gas exploration for shallow and medium layers. The data on the geochemistry and geology indicate that the deep source rocks, especially the Jurassic mudstone bas great potentials of natural gas generation. Based on this, the paper examines the conditions of natural gas generation and further points out the favorable prospective gas - bearing area. The results show that the amount of natural gas generated from the Jurassic mudstone in the Y faulted depression is 8.42 × 1012m3 and the favorable gas - generating area is the body of the faulted depression.  相似文献   

1IntroductionVolcanic reservoirs are widespread in basins from China to the world,such as Songliao Basin,Subei Basin,Bohaiwan Basin, etc in China(Chen,1988;Chen and Li,1996;Dai and Jiang,1997;Dong,1988). As deeper study of volcanic reser-voirs,its calculated porosity is a difficult point for the appraisal of volcanic reservoirs (Dong,1991;Fujita-Yoshihiko,1985;Guo and Liu,1997;He,1999;Li,1999;Liu,1998;Luo and Shi,1996;Tang,1988;Uchida,1992;Wang,1997;Wang,1991;Yan and Yu,1996). Its …  相似文献   

In Wangjiatun area of the Northern Songliao Basin, reservoir space can be divided into three types: primary pore, secondary pore and fissure according to their origins,which can be subdivided into eight subtypes: macro-vesicule,shrank primary vesicule, alteration pore, groundmass corrosive pore, normal structural crack, corrosive structural crack,filled structural crack and groundmass shrank crack according to texture and origin of the pore space. It has characteristic of double pore medium. Volcanic porosities of small diameter samples (with diameter of ca. 2.5 cm) and large diameter samples (with diameter of ca. 21.5 cm) were tested in accordance with the characteristic of volcanic reservoir space. Volcanic porosities for small diameter samples correspond with matrix porosities and those of large diameter samples correspond with total porosities including matrix and fractured porosities. Models of the calculated porosity by acoustic wave or density of volcanic reservoir are established in view of those measured data. Comparison of calculated and measuredporosities shows that precision of calculated porosities is lower for rhyolite and tuffites, and higher for basaltand andesite.Relative errors of calculated porosities by model of large diameter samples are lower than those of small diameter samples, i. e. precision of the former is higher than that of the later.  相似文献   

In the northern Songliao Basin, volcanics are fre-quently found and related closely to tectonic activi-ties during Early Cretaceous. The lava is mainly erupted along deep faults and distributed along the margine of the faulted depression. In deep part of Xujiaweizi area, natural gas exploration has been very successful, such as in the well Wang 9-12, well Shengshen 101 and well Fangshen 9 which are all highly-yield gas wells. Anda fault depression is lo-cated in the north of Xujia…  相似文献   

The Yuchon Group in the Late Cretaceous of Haenam and Mokpo area on the southwest coast of Korea peninsula can be divided into two Formations: (1) the intermediate volcanic Formation (Hwawon Formation), about 500m thick, (2)the acidic volcanic Formation (Hwangsan Formation), about 400m thick in ascending order.The former comprises intermediate volcaniclastics interlayered with volcanic rocks, and red mudrock and tuffaceous sandstone indicating fluvial deposits. The latter is subdivided into the upper part (Hwangsan Tuff Member) consisting of subaerial pyroclastics and intercalated rhyolites, and the lower part (Byeongonri Member) including subaqueous volcaniclastics, lake deltaic sandstone and gravelstone, lacustrine black shale and limestone and chert, and lake turbidite sandstone.The Late Cretaceous basin including Haenam subbasin in southwest Korea was largely formed of extensional nonmarine depressions (volcano- tectonic) bounded by NE- SW sinistral fault system.The thermal maturation based on geochemical and mineralogical studies for the black shales and tuffaceous sandstones reached the late stage of oil generation zone or gas generation stage. It seems that black shales and limestones are fairly good as source rock. The porosity of potential reservoir sandstone and tuff ranges from 5 % to 11%, but their permeability except the fractured rocks is very low ( <1md) because of fine pore throats reduced by diagenetic cementation of tuffaceous sandstones. Numerous potential traps might have been formed by the later folding and faulting along with lateral facies change and abundant mudrocks and volcaniclastics should make excellent seals.  相似文献   

The oil-gas migration and accumulation in the Songliao Basin were analyzed in the view of fluid dynamics by the authors. The key point of fluid dynamics is hydrodynamics. Oil-gas migration and accumulation are related closely with formation and evolution of hydrodynamic field. Based on abundant data, initial formation pressure and other parameters, such as water head were studied. They can be used to understand the present distribution of hydrodynamic field and its hydrochemical features. Generally, the hydrodynamic field in the basin is obviously asymmetrical. In its north and east part, there are the areas of centripetal flow caused by topographic relief when meteoric water permeate downwards. Its south part is an evaporation-concentration area. The central depression is an area of centrifugal flow driven by sediment compaction and its cross-formational flow area. Only at the basin margin and in the local uplifted and denudated area are the meteoric water permeating downwards areas. The centrifugal flow driven by sediment compaction is the main dynamic factor that induces oil-gas migration and accumulation and its formation period corresponding to the main stage of oil-gas migration and accumulation. Moreover, the evolution of hydrodynamic field has the cyclic property, which results in phased oil-gas migration by stages, and further dominates the terraced annular oil and gas distribution, concentric with their corresponding sags.  相似文献   

A number of isolated fault sags in Late Jurassic--Early Cretaceous were developed in the early stage of southern Songliao Basin,and unified to a depression basin in the late stage.Therefore,multiple isolated lower petroliferous systems were formed with fault sags as source rocks.The source rocks of fault sags in Late Jurassic--Early Cretaceous were mainly described with gas generation as favorable source rocks,leading to the southern Songliao Basin rich in natural gas resources combined with organic gas resources in Nenjiang Formation.A number of tectonic movements in southern Songliao Basin led to the formation of abundant structural traps and complex fault systems,and controlled the distribution strata and positions of sources rocks in Late Jurassic--Early Cretaceous fault sags.The oil-gas reservoirs can be divided into two types,i.e.,primary and secondary ones.The primary oil-gas reservoirs were distributed in the fault sag strata and the bottom of overlying depression strata(lower Quan-1 Member).The oil-gas reservoir accumulation depended on the trap development situation and the distance from source rocks.The preservation conditions of oil-gas reservoirs depended on the degree of reconstruction in the late tectonism.The secondary oil-gas reservoirs were distribution in the Quantou Formation of depression strata,where oil and gas reservoir accumulation depended on three conditions,i.e.,trap development situation,deep gas sources and the fault to connect the shallow traps and deep gas sources.The southern Songliao Basin is rich in lower coal type gas,upper oil-gas and biogas resources,which are important resources in the future.  相似文献   

展布为重点,同时还要结合油气的时空匹配性进一步对成藏可能性展开分析。   相似文献   

Methane-rich fluids were recognized to be hosted in the reservoir volcanic rocks as primary inclusions.Samples were collected from core-drillings of volcanic gas reservoirs with reversed δ12C of alkane in the Xujiaweizi depression of the Songliao Basin. The volcanic rocks are rhyolite dominant being enriched in the more incompatible elements like Cs, Rb, Ba, Th, U and Th with relative high LREE, depleted HREE and negative anomalies of Ti and Nb,suggesting a melt involving both in mantle source and crustal assimilation. Primary fluids hosted in the volcanic rocks should have the same provenance with the magma. The authors concluded that the enclosed CH4 in the volcanics are mantle/magma-derived alkane and the reversed δ13C of alkane in the corresponding gas reservoirs is partly resulted from mixture between biogenic and abiogenic gases.  相似文献   

Methane-rich fluids were recognized to be hosted in the reservoir volcanic rocks as primary inclusions. Samples were collected from core-drillings of volcanic gas reservoirs with reversed δ^13C of alkane in the Xujiaweizi depression of the Songliao Basin. The volcanic rocks are rhyolite dominant being enriched in the more incompatible elements like Cs, Rb, Ba, Th, U and Th with relative high LREE, depleted HREE and negative anomalies of Ti and Nb, suggesting a melt involving both in mantle source and crustal assimilation. Primary fluids hosted in the volcanic rocks should have the same provenance with the magma. The authors concluded that the enclosed CH4 in the volcanics are mantle/magma-derived alkane and the reversed δ^13C of alkane in the corresponding gas reservoirs is partly resulted from mixture between biogenic and abiogenic gases.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Haenam Depression filled with the LateCretaceous sediments and volcanics lies to the southwestern coast of Korea peninsula. The Cretaceousstrata (Yucheon Group) cover an area of ca. 200km2in the Haenam and Mokpo area. Regional geologicalsu…  相似文献   

The volcanism in Qiangtang Basin is very frequent due to the divergence and subduction of the various plates. The study indicates that these volcanics are formed in different tectonic settings: 1 )Hercynian volcanics are mainly basalts and are formed in the intraplate and intercontinental rift. 2 ) Indosinian volcanics markedly vary in the distribution and composition and reflect transitional MORB and island are environments respectively. 3) Yanshanian volcanics consist predominantly of basalts, andesites, dacites and rhyolites and are characterized by calc- alkaline volcanic suite, indicating island arc setting. 4)Himalayan volcanics are complicated and associated with intraplate orogency. The volcanism provides important tectonic information for recognizing the evolution of Qiangtang Basin.  相似文献   

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