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Relation of streams, lakes, and wetlands to groundwater flow systems   总被引:24,自引:10,他引:14  
 Surface-water bodies are integral parts of groundwater flow systems. Groundwater interacts with surface water in nearly all landscapes, ranging from small streams, lakes, and wetlands in headwater areas to major river valleys and seacoasts. Although it generally is assumed that topographically high areas are groundwater recharge areas and topographically low areas are groundwater discharge areas, this is true primarily for regional flow systems. The superposition of local flow systems associated with surface-water bodies on this regional framework results in complex interactions between groundwater and surface water in all landscapes, regardless of regional topographic position. Hydrologic processes associated with the surface-water bodies themselves, such as seasonally high surface-water levels and evaporation and transpiration of groundwater from around the perimeter of surface-water bodies, are a major cause of the complex and seasonally dynamic groundwater flow fields associated with surface water. These processes have been documented at research sites in glacial, dune, coastal, mantled karst, and riverine terrains. Received, April 1998 · Revised, July 1998, August 1998 · Accepted, September 1998  相似文献   

On the basis of the isotopic composition of water in the northern part of Epirus, Greece, from springs at different altitudes with well-defined recharge areas, the altitude effect on the δ18O value of groundwater is –0.142±0.003ö (100?m)–1 and is uniform over the entire study area. Using the δ18O composition of surface water and groundwaters, the contribution of Ioannina Lake and the channel draining the lake water to the Kalamas River to the recharge of springs and boreholes was confirmed and quantitatively defined. In contrast, the Voidomatis and Vikos Rivers are not sources for recharge of the big springs along their banks. However, water from the Aoos River does replenish the aquifer in the unconsolidated deposits underlying the plain of Konitsa. In addition, limestones of Senonian–Late Eocene ages, dolomites, and limestones of the "Vigles" facies are hydraulically interconnected, and the limestones of the "Pantokrator" facies are hydraulically isolated from the other carbonate formations.  相似文献   

Water resources in New Zealand are not evenly distributed across the country which makes it difficult to adequately allocate the use of water resources in every basin. Groundwater is a fundamental water resource in New Zealand for agricultural, industrial and domestic use. Detailed knowledge regarding groundwater recharge potential is a pre-requisite for sustainable groundwater management, including the assessment of its vulnerability to contamination by pollutants. In this study, a comprehensive GIS approach was used to map the potential groundwater recharge zones across New Zealand. National data sets of lithology, slope, aspect, land use, soil drainage and drainage density were converted to raster data sets with a spatial resolution of 500 m × 500 m and superimposed to derive groundwater potential zones. The resultant maps demonstrate that the potential is low in urban and mountainous areas, such as the Southern Alps, whereas the highest potential can be found in regions with large lakes and in the lower elevation plains areas, where Quaternary sediments prevail. The resulting maps can be used to identify areas of high nutrient leaching in zones where high groundwater recharge potential exists.  相似文献   

 Groundwater in alluvial aquifers of the Wakatipu and Wanaka basins, Central Otago, New Zealand, has a composition expressed in equivalent units of Ca2+≫Mg2+≅Na+>K+ for cations, and HCO3 ≫SO4 2->NO3 ≅Cl for anions. Ca2+ and HCO3 occur on a 1 : 1 equivalent basis and account for >80% of the ions in solution. However, some groundwater has increased proportions of Na+ and SO4 2-, reflecting a different source for this water. The rock material of the alluvial aquifers of both basins is derived from the erosion and weathering of metamorphic Otago Schist (grey and green schists). Calcite is an accessory mineral in both the grey and green schists at <5% of the rock. Geological mapping of both basins indicates that dissolution of calcite from the schist is the only likely mechanism for producing groundwater with such a constant composition dominated by Ca2+ and HCO3 on a 1 : 1 equivalent basis. Groundwater with higher proportions of Na+ and SO4 2- occurs near areas where the schist crops out at the surface, and this groundwater represents deeper and possibly older water derived from basement fluids. Anomalously high K+ in the Wakatipu basin and high NO3 concentrations in the Wanaka basin cannot be accounted for by interaction with basement lithologies, and these concentrations probably represent the influence of anthropogenic sources on groundwater composition. Received, June 1996 Revised, March 1997, July 1997 Accepted, July 1997  相似文献   

 Due to rapid economic growth in the Pingtung Plain of Taiwan, the use of groundwater resources has changed dramatically. Over-pumping of the groundwater reservoir, which lowers hydraulic heads in the aquifers, is not only affecting the coastal area negatively but has serious consequences for agriculture throughout the plain. In order to determine the safe yield of the aquifer underlying the plain, a reliable estimate of groundwater recharge is desirable. In the present study, for the first time, the chloride mass-balance method is adopted to estimate groundwater recharge in the plain. Four sites in the central part were chosen to facilitate the estimations using the ion-chromatograph and Thiessen polygon-weighting methods. Based on the measured and calculated results, in all sites, including the mountain and river boundaries, recharge to the groundwater is probably 15% of the annual rainfall, excluding recharge from additional irrigation water. This information can improve the accuracy of future groundwater-simulation and management models in the plain. Received, April 1996 Revised, March 1997, November 1997 Accepted, March 1998  相似文献   

 Spain is a relatively large European country (ca. 500,000 km2) with extensive semiarid areas in which there exists a large number of good aquifers. In some areas, these aquifers are intensively developed and are the most important sources of fresh water. Nevertheless, groundwater development and protection has rarely been duly considered by the Spanish Water Administration, despite the pressure to remedy this situation by various groups of experts, some of them members of the Water Administration. The Spanish Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (IAH) has been very active during the last decade in promoting activities to spread groundwater science, technology, and management in Spain and outside, mostly in Latin America, and in trying to orient water policy toward issues of groundwater. These activities include mainly the organization of technical and scientific meetings on current topics such as groundwater in the new Water Act, overexploitation, groundwater in water-resources planning, groundwater pollution, natural-recharge estimation and others. The impact of these activities on the recent water policy of Spain seems significant, and the experience gained may be applicable to other countries. Received, February 1997 · Revised, July 1997 · Accepted, July 1997  相似文献   

 The Dawu well field, one of the largest in China, supplies most of the water for the Zibo City urban area in Shandong Province. The field yields 522,400–535,400 m3/d from an aquifer in fractured karstic Middle Ordovician carbonate rocks. Much of the recharge to the aquifer is leakage of surface water from Zihe Stream, the major drainage in the area. Installation of the Taihe Reservoir in 1972 severely reduced the downstream flow in Zihe Stream, resulting in a marked reduction in the water table in the Dawu field. Since 1994, following the installation of a recharge station on Zihe Stream upstream from the well field that injects water from the Taihe Reservoir into the stream, the groundwater resources of the field have recovered. An average of 61.2×103 m3/d of groundwater, mostly from the Ordovician aquifer, is pumped from the Heiwang iron mine, an open pit in the bed of Zihe Stream below the Taihe Reservoir. A stepwise regression equation, used to evaluate the role of discharge from the reservoir into the stream, confirms that reservoir water is one of the major sources of groundwater in the mine. Received, May 1998 / Revised, May 1999 / Accepted, June 1999  相似文献   

 A lumped-parameter model of groundwater balance is proposed that permits an estimate of discharge variability in comparison with the variability of recharge, by taking into account the influence of aquifer parameters. Recharge–discharge relationships are analysed with the model for cases of deterministic and stochastic recharge time-series variations. The model is applied to study the temporal variability of groundwater discharge in a river valley in the territory of Tajikistan, an independent republic in Central Asia. Received, April 1996 Revised, August 1997 Accepted, March 1998  相似文献   

 The 1995 Water Consumer Protection Act of Tucson, Arizona, USA (hereafter known as the Act) was passed following complaints from Tucson Water customers receiving treated Central Arizona Project (CAP) water. Consequences of the Act demonstrate the uncertainties and difficulties that arise when the public is asked to vote on a highly technical issue. The recharge requirements of the Act neglect hydrogeological uncertainties because of confusion between "infiltration" and "recharge." Thus, the Act implies that infiltration in stream channels along the Central Wellfield will promote recharge in the Central Wellfield. In fact, permeability differences between channel alluvium and underlying basin-fill deposits may lead to subjacent outflow. Additionally, even if recharge of Colorado River water occurs in the Central Wellfield, groundwater will become gradually salinized. The Act's restrictions on the use of CAP water affect the four regulatory mechanisms in Arizona's 1980 Groundwater Code as they relate to the Tucson Active Management Area: (a) supply augmentation; (b) requirements for groundwater withdrawals and permitting; (c) Management Plan requirements, particularly mandatory conservation and water-quality issues; and (d) the requirement that all new subdivisions use renewable water supplies in lieu of groundwater. Political fallout includes disruption of normal governmental activities because of the demands in implementing the Act. Received, December 1996 · Revised, October 1997 · Accepted, October 1997  相似文献   

 The sustainability of community water supplies drawn from shallow aquifers in the arid southwest of the Northern Territory has been evaluated using the radioactive isotope chlorine-36 (36Cl). These aquifers include fractured sandstones of the Ngalia Basin, fractured metamorphic rocks and Cainozoic sands and gravels. 36Cl/Cl ratios for these shallow, regional groundwaters exhibit a bimodal distribution with peaks at 205 (±7) and 170 (±7)×10–15. The higher ratio probably represents modern (Holocene) recharge, diluted with windblown salts from local playa lakes, and occurs mostly around the margin of the basin. The lower ratio corresponds to a 36Cl "age", or mean residence time, of 80–100 ka, implying that the last major recharge occurred during the last interglacial interval (Oxygen Isotope Stage 5). These values are mainly observed in the interior of the Ngalia Basin. Lower values of the 36Cl/Cl ratio measured near playa lakes are affected by addition of chloride from remobilised salts. Finite carbon-14 (14C) data for the groundwaters are at variance with the 36Cl results, but a depth profile suggests low recharge, allowing diffusion of recent atmospheric carbon to the water table. The 36Cl results have important implications for groundwater management in this region, with substantial recharge only occurring during favourable, wet, interglacial climatic regimes; most community water supplies are dependent on these "old" waters. Received, September 1997 · Revised, August 1998, March 1999 · Accepted, March 1999  相似文献   

 The Hadejia–Nguru Wetlands are annually inundated flood plains in semi-arid northeastern Nigeria. The area has a unique ecosystem that forms a natural barrier against the encroachment of the Sahara desert. Both the rich wetland vegetation and local farmers using shallow tube wells depend on a groundwater mound (with a water table less than 6 m below the surface) that is present in the unconfined aquifer under the flood-plain area. Using well records (1991–97) and a hydrogeologic profile based on piezometers that were monitored for two years, it is shown that recharge through the annually inundated flood plains is the source of the groundwater mound. Maintenance of the groundwater-recharge function of the flood plains depends on wet-season releases from two large upstream dams. On the basis of a water-budget method, the mean (1991–97) wet-season unconfined groundwater recharge in the flood-plain area between Hadejia and Nguru and in the immediate vicinity (1250 km2) is estimated to be 132 mm (range, 73–197 mm). Outflow from the unconfined flood-plain aquifer to the unconfined upland aquifer is approximately 10% of the wet-season flood-plain recharge. The unconfined groundwater outflow from the flood-plain area can provide a significant contribution to the present-day rural water supply in the surrounding uplands, but it does not offer much potential for additional groundwater abstraction. In addition to outflow to the upland aquifer (∼14 mm), the distribution of the annually recharged water volume of the shallow flood-plain aquifer is (1) domestic uses (3 mm), (2) small-scale irrigation (∼15 mm), and (3) evapotranspiration ( 1 100 mm). Along the hydrogeologic profile, the recharge in the upland (i.e., outflow from the unconfined flood-plain aquifer and possibly diffuse rain-fed recharge) is in balance with the water uses (i.e., domestic uses, groundwater outflow, and evapotranspiration). The absence of a seasonal water-level trend in the two piezometers in the upland indicates that no rain-fed recharge occurs through preferential path-way (macropore) flow. Received, June 1998 / Revised, November 1998, January 1999 / Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

Sustainable development and groundwater resources exploitation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 In evaluating groundwater development both the positive and negative effects must be considered; otherwise biased conclusions may be reached. Only with equal concern for the needs of present and future generations, fair exchange of technology between countries and user involvement can sustainable groundwater development be achieved. Examination of the use of the term aquifer overexploitation shows that there is no agreement on a single definition. In most cases it relates to the overuse of aquifers, but in other cases it is a planned overuse. In Spain, overexploitation is dealt with in the water act and implemented by the regulations that enforce that act. Experience has shown that without the cooperation of the water users themselves, good results are not obtained. Relevant education is urgently needed for the public and those decision makers responsible for determining the correct use of groundwater resources for the present and future generations. Received: July 1997 · Accepted: 15 September 1997  相似文献   

The Basin of the Valley of Mexico is a closed basin of 9600?km2, where average annual precipitation (1980–85) is 746?mm (226.7?m3/s). Calculated actual evapotranspiration is 72–79% of the precipitation. The surrounding mountain ranges of the Sierra de Las Cruces, Sierra Nevada, and Sierra Chichinautzin are the main recharge areas for the enclosed Basin, in decreasing order. Calculated recharge rate is a maximum of 19?m3/s in the Metropolitan Zone, whereas a recent estimate of the groundwater exploitation rate indicates that 51.35?m3/s is being withdrawn from the Basin aquifer systems, resulting in a deficit of more than 30?m3/s. Taking into account infiltration processes by leaking water-supply systems, the calculated deficit is reduced to 20.5?m3/s. Overexploitation of the natural aquifer systems is also indicated by an average annual decline of 1?m of the potentiometric levels of the shallow groundwater systems. Possible solutions include: (1) the use of surface runoff water (unused amount in 1995?:?17.6?m3/s) for consumption purposes, which is currently pumped to areas outside the Basin; (2) an increased number and capacity of treatment plants; (3) the renovation of the leaky water-distribution network; (4) the reinjection of treated water; and (5) possible exploitation of deep regional aquifer systems.  相似文献   

 The Judea Group, a limestone and dolomite karstic aquifer of late Albian–Turonian age, is one of the most important sources of water in Israel. In the western part of the country, the Judea Group aquifer is also known as the Yarkon–Taninim basin. In the northern Negev, the Judea Group is a recipient for fresh water flowing southward from the Hebron Mountains and of brackish paleowater flowing northward from Sinai. Very little is known of the hydraulic properties of this aquifer. In order to outline assumed natural flow paths that existed in this karstic environment prior to groundwater exploitation, use was made of lithological, structural, and paleomorphological features. A detailed hydrogeological conceptual model of the Judea Group aquifer in northern Negev was established by the geological interpretation of high-resolution seismic reflection and by analysis of lithological evidence from boreholes. Isopach, isolith-contour, and isolith-ratio maps were compiled for the main lithological components. Increase in transmissivity values is inversely proportional with the cumulative thickness of argillaceous components. The lithological and hydraulic evidence provides the basis for subdividing the subsurface into distinctive permeability zones for the upper and lower sections of the aquifer; for outlining possible preferential groundwater flow paths for both subaquifers; and for improving understanding of groundwater-salinty variations that result from lithological variability, direction of groundwater flow paths, groundwater flow rates, and the duration of rock/water interactions. In an earlier conceptual model of the basin, the Judea Group aquifer was regarded as a continuous and undisturbed entity. The present study reveals an intricate groundwater flow pattern that is controlled by lithological and structural factors that create zones of preferential flow. This interpretation bears on the overall evaluation of groundwater resources and their management and exploitation. Received, December 1996 · Revised, October 1997, June 1998 · Accepted, July 1998  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the hydrological properties, groundwater potential, and water quality of the Çürüksu basin, western Turkey, and to contribute to the efforts of providing an adequate water supply for the city of Denizli. To achieve these objectives, the study consisted of mapping the geology and hydrogeology, determining the water balance, and defining the water quality. The basement rock units in the study area include several impervious metamorphic rock types and Mesozoic karstic limestone, which are overlain by Oligocene fluvial and lacustrine strata, Pliocene travertine and limestone, and Quaternary alluvium. The karstic limestone and the travertine and limestone strata constitute potential aquifers in the Çürüksu basin. The discharge regimes of the 22 springs in the two basins show little change through the year. The flow systems of the springs also have a large storage capacity and drainage occurs very slowly. The discharge of the springs does not appear to be affected immediately by monthly variations in precipitation. According to the water balance, the precipitation in the Çürüksu basin cannot provide all of the measured surface runoff. Excess runoff is 2?m3?s–1 in the Çürüksu basin, and in the adjacent Gökp?nar basin the deficit in surface runoff is also 2?m3?s–1. Thus, the underground catchment area of the springs extends beyond the surface drainage area of the Çürüksu basin. Although the P?narba??, Kazanp?nar, and Böceli springs emerge from the karstic limestone aquifer in the Çürüksu basin, these springs are fed from the adjacent Gökp?nar basin. The spring waters emerging from karstic limestone are fresh, of the calcium bicarbonate type, soft, and potable. The spring waters emerging from the travertine and limestone aquifer are low-temperature, brackish, of the calcium sulfate type, very hard, and not potable but useful for the irrigation. The occurrences of coal strata and hydrothermal activity have caused some deterioration of groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Sustainability and sustainable pumping are two different concepts that are often used interchangeably. The latter term refers to a pumping rate that can be maintained indefinitely without mining an aquifer, whereas the former term is broader and concerns such issues as ecology and water quality, among others, in addition to sustainable pumping. Another important difference between the two concepts is that recharge can be very important to consider when assessing sustainability, but is not necessary to estimate sustainable pumping rates. Confusion over this distinction is made worse by the Water Budget Myth, which comprises the mistaken yet persistent ideas that (1) sustainable pumping rates cannot exceed virgin recharge rates in aquifers, and (2) that virgin recharge rates must therefore be known to estimate sustainable pumping rates. Analysis of the water balance equation shows the special circumstances that must apply for the Water Budget Myth to be true. However, due to the effects recharge is likely to have on water quality, ecology, socioeconomic factors, and, under certain circumstances, its requirement for numerical modeling, it remains important in assessments of sustainability.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

 The objective of the present paper is to show that groundwater is a general geologic agent. This perception could not, and did not, evolve until the system nature of basinal groundwater flow and its properties, geometries, and controlling factors became recognized and understood through the 1960s and 1970s. The two fundamental causes for groundwater's active role in nature are its ability to interact with the ambient environment and the systematized spatial distribution of its flow. Interaction and flow occur simultaneously at all scales of space and time, although at correspondingly varying rates and intensities. Thus, effects of groundwater flow are created from the land surface to the greatest depths of the porous parts of the Earth's crust, and from a day's length through geologic times. Three main types of interaction between groundwater and environment are identified in this paper, with several special processes for each one, namely: (1) Chemical interaction, with processes of dissolution, hydration, hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction, attack by acids, chemical precipitation, base exchange, sulfate reduction, concentration, and ultrafiltration or osmosis; (2) Physical interaction, with processes of lubrication and pore-pressure modification; and (3) Kinetic interaction, with the transport processes of water, aqueous and nonaqueous matter, and heat. Owing to the transporting ability and spatial patterns of basinal flow, the effects of interaction are cumulative and distributed according to the geometries of the flow systems. The number and diversity of natural phenomena that are generated by groundwater flow are almost unlimited, due to the fact that the relatively few basic types are modified by some or all of the three components of the hydrogeologic environment: topography, geology, and climate. The six basic groups into which manifestations of groundwater flow have been divided are: (1) Hydrology and hydraulics; (2) Chemistry and mineralogy; (3) Vegetation; (4) Soil and rock mechanics; (5) Geomorphology; and (6) Transport and accumulation. Based on such a diversity of effects and manifestations, it is concluded that groundwater is a general geologic agent. Received, December 1998 · Revised, January 1999 · Accepted, January 1999  相似文献   

Humboldt, Arago, and the temperature of groundwater   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Historically, rights in water originated as public property and only later became individualized rights to utilize the public resource, in a manner consistent with the public welfare needs of society, but protected by principles of property law. Five basic regulatory systems for rights in groundwater in the United States have evolved to date. The problems raised by the hydrologic differences between groundwater hydraulically connected to stream systems and groundwater in non-replenished aquifers have been resolved to some extent by a couple of leading court cases. Numerical modeling and other technical methodologies have also evolved to evaluate the scientific issues raised by the different hydrologic conditions, but these are not immune from criticism. The current role of aquifers is evolving into that of storage facilities for recycled water, and their utilization in this manner may be expanded even further in the future. The policy implications of the choices relating to joint management of ground and surface water cannot be overstated. As this paper demonstrates, proactive administration of future groundwater depletions that affect stream systems is essential to the ultimate ability to plan for exploitation, management and utilization of water resources in a rational way that coordinates present and future demand with the reality of scarcity of supply. The examples utilized in this paper demonstrate the need for capacity building, not just to develop good measurement techniques, or to train talented lawyers and judges to write good laws, but also for practical professional water managers to keep the process on a rational course, avoiding limitless exploitation of the resource as well as conservative protectionism that forever precludes its use.
Charles T. DuMarsEmail: Phone: +1-505-3460998Fax: +1-505-3460997

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