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Over the last 40 years, X-ray astronomy missions have revealed long-term, superorbital periods in a variety of X-ray binaries. These modulations can provide significant constraints on the physical properties of accretion discs. Some of these modulations are Her X-1-like and are interpreted as irradiation-driven, tilted, precessing accretion discs. Others show more complex light curves, with the period changing on timescales >1000 d, and are interpreted in terms of the Ogilvie and Dubus [Ogilvie, G.I., Dubus, G., 2001, MNRAS 320, 485 (OD01)] disc stability criteria. We suggest a categorisation of superorbital periods into six different types, based on their observed characteristics.  相似文献   

Burnt-out Population III remnants are thought to have acted as protogalactic seeds. Once tepid pancakes have formed such seeds (≈106 M⊙) could be subject to considerable growing by quasi-stationary accretion.  相似文献   

The National Ignition Facility (NIF), a 192-beam Nd-glass laser facility capable of producing 1.8 MJ and 500 TW of ultraviolet light, is now operational at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). As the world??s largest and most energetic laser system, NIF serves as the national center for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and National Nuclear Security Administration to achieve thermonuclear burn in the laboratory and to explore the behavior of matter at extreme temperatures and energy densities. By concentrating the energy from all of its 192 extremely energetic laser beams into a mm3-sized target, NIF can reach the conditions required to initiate fusion reactions. NIF can also provide access to extreme scientific environments: temperatures about 100 million K, densities of 1,000 g/cm3, and pressures 100 billion times atmospheric pressure. These conditions have never been created before in a laboratory and exist naturally only in interiors of the planetary and stellar environments as well as in nuclear weapons. Since August 2009, the NIF team has been conducting experiments in support of the National Ignition Campaign (NIC)??a partnership among LLNL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, General Atomics, the University of Rochester, Sandia National Laboratories, as well as a number of universities and international collaborators. The results from these initial experiments show promise for the relatively near-term achievement of ignition. Capsule implosion experiments at energies up to 1.2 MJ have demonstrated laser energetics, radiation temperatures, and symmetry control that scale to ignition conditions. Of particular importance is the demonstration of peak hohlraum temperatures near 300 eV with overall backscatter less than 10%. Cryogenic target capability and additional diagnostics are being installed in preparation for layered target deuterium-tritium implosions to be conducted later in 2010. Important national security and basic science experiments have also been conducted on NIF. This paper describes the unprecedented experimental capabilities of NIF and the results achieved so far on the path toward ignition, for stockpile stewardship, and the beginning of frontier science experiments. The paper will also address our plans to transition NIF to a national user facility, providing access to NIF for researchers from the DOE laboratories, as well as the national and international academic and fusion energy communities.  相似文献   

Peaks at high redshifts in individual samples of quasars can be explained as due to selection effects. It is concluded that peaks in quasar redshift distribution do not obey any generalformula that can constitute a periodicity, even though individual samples may favour some redshifts of smaller values, viz. z < 1.  相似文献   

We explore an accretion model for low luminosity AGN (LLAGN) that attributes the low radiative output to a low mass accretion rate, , rather than a low radiative efficiency. In this model, electrons are assumed to drain energy from the ions as a result of collisionless plasma microinstabilities. Consequently, the accreting gas collapses to form a geometrically thin disk at small radii and is able to cool before reaching the black hole. The accretion disk is not a standard disk, however, because the radial disk structure is modified by a magnetic torque which drives a jet and which is primarily responsible for angular momentum transport. We also include relativistic effects. We apply this model to the well known LLAGN M87 and calculate the combined disk-jet steady-state broadband spectrum. A comparison between predicted and observed spectra indicates that M87 may be a maximally spinning black hole accreting at a rate of ∼10−3 M  yr−1. This is about 6 orders of magnitude below the Eddington rate for the same radiative efficiency. Furthermore, the total jet power inferred by our model is in remarkably good agreement with the value independently deduced from observations of the M87 jet on kiloparsec scales.  相似文献   

The accretion disc eclipse mapping method is an astrotomographic inversion technique that makes use of the information contained in eclipse light curves to probe the structure, the spectrum and the time evolution of accretion discs in cataclysmic variables. This paper presents examples of eclipse mapping results that have been key to improve our understanding of accretion physics. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are powerful probes of the early Universe, but locating and identifying very distant GRBs remain challenging. We report here the discovery of the K -band afterglow of Swift GRB 060923A, imaged within the first hour post-burst, and the faintest so far found. It was not detected in any bluer bands to deep limits, making it a candidate very high- z burst  ( z ≳ 11)  . However, our later-time optical imaging and spectroscopy reveal a faint galaxy coincident with the GRB position which, if it is the host, implies a more moderate redshift (most likely   z ≲ 2.8  ) and therefore that dust is the likely cause of the very red-afterglow colour. This being the case, it is one of the few instances so far found of a GRB afterglow with high-dust extinction.  相似文献   

We have analysed the available spectra of WW And and for the first time obtained a reasonably well defined radial velocity curve of the primary star. Combined with the available radial velocity curve of the secondary component, these data led to the first determination of the spectroscopic mass ratio of the system at qspec = 0.16 ± 0.03. We also determined the radius of the accretion disc from analysis of the double-peaked Hα emission lines. Our new, high-precision, Johnson VRI and the previously-available Strömgren vby light curves were modelled with stellar and accretion disc models. A consistent model for WW And – a semidetached system harbouring an accretion disc which is optically thick in its inner region, but optically thin in the outer parts – agrees well with both spectroscopic and photometric data.  相似文献   

The group of galaxies RXJ1340.6+4018 has approximately the same bolometric X-ray luminosity as other bright galaxy groups and poor clusters such as the Virgo cluster. However, 70 per cent of the optical luminosity of the group comes from a dominant giant elliptical galaxy, compared with 5 per cent from M87 in Virgo.The second brightest galaxy in RXJ1340.6+4018 is a factor of 10 fainter (Δ m 12=2.5 mag) than the dominant elliptical, and the galaxy luminosity function has a gap at about L *.
We interpret the properties of the system as a result of galaxy merging within a galaxy group. We find that the central galaxy lies on the Fundamental Plane of ellipticals, has an undisturbed, non-cD morphology, and has no spectral features indicative of recent star formation, suggesting that the last major merger occurred ≳4 Gyr ago. The deviation of the system from the cluster L X− T relation in the opposite sense to most groups may be caused by an early epoch of formation of the group or a strong cooling flow.
The unusual elongation of the X-ray isophotes and the similarity between the X-ray and optical ellipticities at large radii (∼230 kpc) suggest that both the X-ray gas and the outermost stars of the dominant galaxy are responding to an elongated dark matter distribution. RXJ1340.6+4018 may be part of a filamentary structure related to infall in the outskirts of the cluster A1774.  相似文献   

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), such as Seyfert galaxies, quasars, etc., show light variations in all wavelength bands, with various amplitude and in many time scales. The variations usually look erratic, not periodic nor purely random. Many of these objects also show lognormal flux distribution and RMS–flux relation and power law frequency distribution. So far, the lognormal flux distribution of black hole objects is only observational facts without satisfactory explanation about the physical mechanism producing such distribution in the accretion disk. One of the most promising models based on cellular automaton mechanism has been successful in reproducing PSD (Power Spectral Density) of the observed objects but could not reproduce lognormal flux distribution. Such distribution requires the existence of underlying multiplicative process while the existing SOC models are based on additive processes. A modified SOC model based on cellular automaton mechanism for producing lognormal flux distribution is presented in this paper. The idea is that the energy released in the avalanche and diffusion in the accretion disk is not entirely emitted instantaneously as in the original cellular automaton model. Some part of the energy is kept in the disk and thus increase its energy content so that the next avalanche will be in higher energy condition and will release more energy. The later an avalanche occurs, the more amount of energy is emitted to the observers. This can provide multiplicative effects to the flux and produces lognormal flux distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract– Unequilibrated ordinary chondrites (UOCs) of all groups (H, L, LL) contain unique chondrite clasts, which are characterized by a close‐fit texture of deformed and indented chondrules. These clasts, termed “cluster chondrites,” occur in 41% of the investigated samples with modal abundances between 5 and 90 vol% and size variations between <1 mm and 10 cm. They show the highest chondrule abundances compared with all chondrite classes (82–92 vol%) and only low amounts of fine‐grained interchondrule matrix and rims (3–9 vol%). The mean degree of chondrule deformation varies between 11% and 17%, compared to 5% in the clastic portions of their host breccias and to values of 3–5% found in UOC literature, respectively. The maximum deformation of individual chondrules is about 50%, a value which seemingly cannot be exceeded due to geometric limitations. Both viscous and brittle chondrule deformation is observed. A model for cluster chondrite formation is proposed where hot and deformable chondrules together with only small amounts of co‐accreting matrix formed a planetesimal or reached the surface of an already existing body within hours to a few days after chondrule formation. They deformed in a hot stage, possibly due to collisional compression by accreting material. Later, the resulting rocks were brecciated by impact processes. Thus, cluster chondrite clasts are interpreted as relicts of primary accretionary rocks of unknown original dimensions. If correct, this places a severe constraint on chondrule‐forming conditions. Cluster chondrites would document local chondrule formation, where chondrule‐forming heating events and the accretion of chondritic bodies were closely linked in time and space.  相似文献   

J. Veverka 《Icarus》1973,18(4):657-660
The disk-integrated polarization of Titan has been measured at phase angles ranging from 0°.4 to 6°.l. The observed polarization is positive throughout this interval. This fact, when combined with published photometric data, suggests a model in which an optically thin Rayleigh atmosphere overlies an opaque cloud deck.  相似文献   

Kerridge JF 《Icarus》1993,106(1):135-150
Analysis of the most primitive meteorites can yield detailed information about environmental conditions and physical/chemical processes in the earliest Solar System, including the nebular stage during which planetesimals were accreted. Such information pertains to time scales, thermal and chemical evolution, inhomogeneity and mixing, magnetic fields, and grain growth in the solar nebula. Nebular processes identified include evaporation, condensation, localized melting, and fractionation both of solids from gas and among different solids. Little direct evidence remains even in primitive meteorites of the actual accretion process. The absence of intrinsic factors capable of enhancing accretion among meteoritic constituents suggests that gravitational instabilities might have been important in promoting planetesimal accretion.  相似文献   

Observations are providing increasingly detailed quantitative information about the accretion flows that power such high energy systems as X-ray binaries and Active Galactic Nuclei. These observations have been modeled in some detail by a variety of accretion scenarios, but such models rely on unavoidable assumptions such as regular flow geometry and a simple, parameterized stress. Global numerical simulations offer a way to investigate the basic physical dynamics of accretion flows without these assumptions. We are now carrying out fully three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of time-dependent inflows into Kerr black holes. The results from recent global simulations of black hole accretion disks will be reviewed, and some implications of those results for observations will be discussed.  相似文献   

The fast radio burst, FRB 171019, was relatively bright when discovered first by ASKAP but was identified as a repeater with three faint bursts detected later by GBT and CHIME. These observations lead to the discussion of whether the first bright burst shares the same mechanism with the following repeating bursts. A model of binary neutron star merger is proposed for FRB 171019, in which the first bright burst occurred during the merger event, while the subsequent repeating bursts are starquake-induced, and generally fainter, as the energy release rate for the starquakes can hardly exceed that of the catastrophic merger event. This scenario is consistent with the observation that no later burst detected is as bright as the first one.  相似文献   

We present a multi-epoch quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the Type IIn supernova (Type IIn SN) 1994W, an event interpreted by Chugai et al. as stemming from the interaction between the ejecta of a SN and a  0.4 M  circumstellar shell ejected 1.5 yr before core collapse. During the brightening phase, our models suggest that the source of optical radiation is not unique, perhaps associated with an inner optically thick cold dense shell and outer optically thin shocked material. During the fading phase, our models support a single source of radiation, an hydrogen-rich optically thick layer with a near-constant temperature of ∼7000 K that recedes from a radius of  4.3 × 1015  at a peak to  2.3 × 1015 cm  40 d later. We reproduce the hybrid narrow-core broad-wing line profile shapes of SN 1994W at all times, invoking an optically thick photosphere exclusively (i.e. without any external optically thick shell). In SN 1994W, slow expansion makes scattering with thermal electrons a key escape mechanism for photons trapped in optically thick line cores, and allows the resulting broad incoherent electron-scattering wings to be seen around narrow-line cores. In SNe with larger expansion velocities, the thermal broadening due to incoherent scattering is masked by the broad profile and the dominant frequency redshift occasioned by bulk motions. Given the absence of broad lines at all times and the very low 56Ni yields, we speculate whether SN 1994W could have resulted from an interaction between two ejected shells without core collapse. The high conversion efficiency of kinetic to thermal energy may not require a SN-like energy budget for SN1994W.  相似文献   

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