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We studied the macroinvertebrate fauna of a rocky shore in the freshwater tidal Hudson River during 1992–1994, the early years of the zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) invasion. The macroinvertebrate community was numerically dominated by chironomids, nematodes, oligochaetes, gastropods, zebra mussels, and planarian flatworms. The community was a mixture of species typical of stony warm water rivers and lake shores, freshwater generalists, and semiterrestrial species. Overall macroinvertebrate densities were moderate to low (2,800–14,600 m−2). Density was a strong function of season and elevation, with consistently low densities in the early spring and in the intertidal zone. This pattern suggests that physical harshness (alternating submergence and desiccation;ice and low temperatures) limits the distribution of invertebrates at this site. Zebra mussels occurred at our study site chiefly below the low tide mark, but only at moderate abundance (usually <1,000 m−2). A weak correlation between the densities of zebra mussels and those of other macroinvertebrates nonetheless suggests that the zebra mussel invasion may have affected community structure.  相似文献   

We summarize rates of metabolism and major sources and sinks of organic carbon in the 148-k long, tidally influenced, freshwater Hudson River. The river is strongly heterotrophic, with respiration exceeding gross primary production (GPP). The P:R ration averages 0.57 (defined as the ratio of GPP to total ecosystem respiration) if only the aquatic portion of the ecosystem is considered and 0.70 if the emergent marshes are also included. Gross primary production (GPP) by photoplankton averages approximately 300 g C m?2 yr?1 and is an order of magnitude greater than that by submersed macrophytes. However, the river is deep, well mixed, and turbid, and phytoplankton spend a majority of their time in the dark. As a result, respiration by living phytoplankton is extremely high and net primary production (NPP) by phytoplankton is estimated to be only some 6% of GPP. NPP by phytoplankton and submersed macrophytes are roughly equal (approximately 20 g C m?2 yr?1 each) when averaged over the river. Emergent marshes are quite productive, but probably less than 16 g C m?2 yr?1 enters the aquatic portion of the ecosystem from these marshes. Heterotrophic respiration and secondary production in the river are driven primarily by allochthonous inputs of organic matter from terrestrial sources. Rates of metabolism vary along the river, with depth being a critical controlling factor. The P:R ratio for the aquatic portion of the ecosystem varies from 1 in the mid-river to 0.2 in the deeper waters. NPP is actually negative in the downstream waters where average depths are greater since phytoplankton respiration exceeds GPP there; the positive rates of NPP occurring upriver support a downstream advection of phytoplankton to the deeper waters where this C is largely respired away by the algae themselves. This autotrophic respiration contributes significantly to oxygen depletion in the deeper waters of the Hudson. The tidally influenced freshwater Hudson largely fits the patterns predicted by the river continuum model for larger rivers. However, we suggest that the continuum model needs to more clearly distinguish between GPP and NPP and should include the importance of autotrophic respiration by phytoplankton that are advected along a river. The organic carbon budget for the tidally influenced freshwater Hudson is balanced to within a few percent. Respiration (54%) and downstream advection into the saline estuary (41%) are the major losses of organic carbon from the ecosystem. Allochthonous inputs from nonpoint sources on land (61%) and GPP by phytoplankton (28%) are the major sources to the system. Agricultural erosion is the major source of allochthonous inputs. Since agricultural land use increased dramatically in the last century, and has fallen in this century, the carbon cycle of the tidally influenced freshwater Hudson River has probably changed markedly over time. Before human disturbance, the Hudson was probably a less heterotrophic system and may even have been autotrophic, with gross primary production exceeding ecosystem respiration.  相似文献   

Weather and water-quality data from 1980 to 1989 were correlated with fluctuations in submersed macrophyte populations in the tidal Potomac River near Washington, D.C., to elucidate causal relationships and explain population dynamics. Both reaches were unvegetated in 1980 when mean growing-season Secchi depths were <0.60 m. Macrophyte resurgence in the upper tidal river in 1983 was associated with a growing-season Secchi depth of 0.86 m, total suspended solids (TSS) of 17.7 mg l?1, chlorophyll a concentrations of 15.2 μg l?1, significantly higher than average percent available sunshine, and significantly lower than average wind speed. From 1983 to 1989, mean seasonal Secchi depths <0.65 m were associated with decrease in plant coverage and mean seasonal Secchi depths >0.65 were associated with increases in plant coverage. Changes in mean seasonal Secchi depth were related to changes in mean seasonal TSS and chlorophyll a concentration; mean Secchi depths >0.65 generally occur when seasonal mean TSS is <19 mg l?1 and seasonal mean chlorophyll a concentration is ≤15 μg l?1. Secchi depth is highly correlated with plant growth in the upper tidal river and chlorophyll a and TSS with plant growth in the lower tidal river. Wind speed is an important influence on plant growth in both reaches.  相似文献   

The mid Hudson River is a heterotrophic system where allochthonous inputs apparently fuel the largest proportion of secondary production and ecosystem metabolism. We have analyzed a 6-yr dataset collected quarterly at six stations spanning a 150-km reach to assess variability at inter- and intra-annual time scales and regional spatial scales. The major components of the lower food web: bacterial biomass, detrital particulate organic carbon (POC), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), show surprisingly discordant patterns in temporal and spatial variability. Bacterial abundance shows significant variability at all three scales, but the interannual variability is by far the greatest. DOC concentrations showed greatest variability among years, with intra-annual and spatial variability roughly equal. Freshwater flow is commonly considered a major driving force in river-estuarine variability but simple discharge was not a strong predictor of any component of suspended matter or DOC. For organisms in the Hudson River food web, these multiple scales of variability indicate highly unpredictable food resources in time and space, and these fluctuations may contribute to the variability in higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

A 1978–81 survey of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the tidal Potomac River showed that there were virtually no plants in the freshwater tidal river between Chain Bridge and Quantico, Virginia, decades after the disappearance of plants in the late 1930’s. Plant populations were monitored in subsequent years (1983–85) using qualitative shoreline surveys and quantitative resampling of the original 1978–81 transects. In 1983, 12 species of submersed aquatic macrophytes were found in the tidal river. Population increases were dramatic; by fall 1985, plants had colonized all shallow areas between Alexandria and Gunston Cove, Virginia.Hydrilla verticillata dominated in Dyke Marsh-Hunting Creek and Swan Creek. Most other areas contained a variable mixture ofHeteranthera dubia, Myriophyllum spicatum, Ceratophyllum demersum, Vallisneria americana, Najas guadalupensis andHydrilla verticillata. No plants were found along the main river or in tidal embayments in the reach between Gunston Cove and Quantico, Virginia. Total dry weight collected in the upper tidal river in fall 1985 was 14.5 times that of spring 1985, and four times that of fall 1984.  相似文献   

Macroinvertebrates are a major food source for fish species and macrophyte beds are hypothesized to harbor a rich community of these organisms. Macroinvertebrates inhabiting the water column in two macrophyte beds and an adjacent open area were sampled in a small embayment of the tidal freshwater Potomac River. One macrophyte bed consisted of an almost complete monoculture ofHydrilla verticillata, while the second community was a more diverse mixture of plant species. In samples with substantial amounts of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV), macroinvertebrate density was two orders of magnitude higher than and substantially more taxa were found than at the open water site. Total macroinvertebrate abundance was significantly greater at theH. verticillata site than at the mixed site in July, but no significant difference was observed in August. Taxa richness did not vary between the two vegetated sites in July but was higher in the mixed bed in August. While the two vegetated sites shared similar taxa, they differed in their abundance. TheH. verticillata site harbored more hydrobiid snails, and the mixed site was characterized by more chironomids and hydroptilid caddisflies. Differences between July and August collections were even greater than between sites. Numbers of hydroptilid caddisflies, baetid mayflies, and coenagrionid damselflies were substantially higher in August, while oligochaetes, hydrobiids, and chironomids were reduced. Results support the hypothesis that water-column macroinvertebrates are greatly enhanced in the presence of macrophytes. The ecological significance of the less substantial differences in macroinvertebrates between macrophyte beds requires further study.  相似文献   

Changing light availability may be responsible for the discontinuous distribution of submersed aquatic macrophytes in the freshwater tidal Potomac River. During the 1985–1986 growing seasons, light attenuation and chlorophylla and suspended particulate material concentrations were measured in an unvegetated reach (B) and in two adjacent vegetated reaches (A and C). Light attenuation in reach B (the lower, fresh to oligohaline tidal river) was greater than that in reach A (the recently revegetated, upper, freshwater tidal river) in both years. Reach B light attenuation was greater than that in reach C (the vegetated, oligohaline to mesohaline transition zone of the Potomac Estuary) in 1985 and similar to that in reach C in 1986. In reach B, 5% of total below-surface light penetrated only an average of 1.3 m in 1985 and 1.0m in 1986, compared with 1.9 m and 1.4 m in reach A in 1985 and 1986, respectively. Water column chlorophylla concentration controlled light availability in reaches A and B in 1985, whereas both chlorophylla and suspended particulate material concentrations were highly correlated with attenuation in both reaches in 1986. Reach C light attenuation was correlated with suspended particulate material in 1986. The relationship between attenuation coefficient and Secchi depth was KPAR=1.38/Secchi depth. The spectral distribution of light at 1 m was shifted toward the red portion of the visible spectrum compared to surface light. Blue light was virtually absent at 1.0 m in reach B during July and August 1986. Tidal range is probably an important factor in determining light availability for submersed macrophyte propagule survival at the sediment-water interface in this shallow turbid system.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns and faunal composition of freshwater ostracods in large tidal river systems are poorly documented. In summer 1987, a faunal and distributional survey of freshwater ostracods was conducted at Stockport Flats on the Hudson River. The ostracod fauna of this tidal freshwater wetland contains exclusively freshwater species. Seven genera were represented among 2,928 specimens collected from three intertidal sampling stations. The ostracod fauna of the tidal freshwater Hudson is similar to that of large lakes, and is numerically dominated by a few widely distributed species.  相似文献   

The establishment of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) at unvegetated sites in the freshwater tidal Potomac River was limited primarily by factors other than propagule availability. For two years, traps were used to quantify the amount of plant material reaching three unvegetated sites over the growing season. The calculated flux values provided a gross estimate of the flux of propagules that could potentially survive if other site factors were suitable. The mean flux ofHydrilla verticillata and all other species (≥0.01 gdw m?2 d?1) appeared sufficient to favor the establishment of vegetation, particularly considering the high viability (70–100%) of whole plants and fragments under controlled conditions. However, median water clarity values (i.e., for light attenuation, Secchi depth, total suspended solids, and chlorophylla) were below SAV restoration goals at all unvegetated sites. Additionally, sediments from unvegetated sites showed a potential for nitrogen limitation of the growth ofH. verticillata. Our findings support the hypothesis that in the tidal Potomac River, water clarity and nutrient (especially nitrogen) levels in sediment are key to plant community establishment.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal dynamics of N and P were examined in the tidal Hudson River between 1992 and 1996. For all seasons and at all locations in the river nutrient concentrations were generally quite high. TN averaged 60 μM and was above 50 μM in 75% of samples. TP averaged 1.7 μM and was above 1.2 μM in 75% of samples. NO3 was the dominant form of N (60% of TN) while PO4 comprised about 40% of TP. Seasonal and spatial variation in most N and P components was quite low but patterns were apparent. Seasonally, forms of N (TN, NO3 and NH4) and PO4 showed opposite patterns. All N components showed summertime decreases, but PO4 increased over the summer. Spatially, along the 200 km fresh to oligohaline stretch, N and P showed similar patterns—declining from upper to mid sections of the river but subsequently increasing in most down river, oligohaline stretches. The down river increase in nutrients is likely caused by a combination of sewage inputs and salinity-related geochemical release of P. A preliminary budget of the upper to the mid section of the river (a 100 km stretch) suggests that the decline in nutrient concentration in this section is due to the net retention of almost 2,000 mT N and 200 mT P per year or about 20% of the N and P input to this section of river. The retention in tidal rivers, like the Hudson, occurs immediately above the estuary and may, therefore, be relatively more significant than retention occurring higher in the watershed.  相似文献   

Large, recreationally or commercially important populations of Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus), American shad (Alosa sapidissima), and striped bass (Morone saxatilis) occur in the Hudson River. Members of the Hudson River populations of these fishes also occur over a broad range along the Atlantic coast where they mix with conspecifics from other anadromous populations. For management purposes, it is imperative to be able to discriminate among individual stocks so that weak stocks may be protected and harvest may be allocated equitably. Because of their sensitivity and resistance to environmentally-induced temporal variation, molecular approaches have been increasingly employed in stock identification studies. However, post-Pleistocene recolonization of the Hudson River must have occurred less than 10,000 years ago—a relatively brief period for genetic divergence among populations. We tested whether various measures of DNA variation between Hudson River populations and adjacent populations of Atlantic sturgeon, American shad, and striped bass were sufficient to discriminate among their conspecific populations. American shad populations surveyed for mtDNA variation were highly diverse genotypically, but genotypic frequencies among the populations of the Connecticut, Hudson, and Delaware rivers were statistically homogenous (p>0.05). In contrast, Atlantic sturgeon (surveyed for mtDNA variation) and striped bass (surveyed for mtDNA and nuclear DNA variation) populations of the Hudson River were not genotypically diverse, but they were differentiated from northern and southern populations. Our results suggest higher gene flow (and lesser homing fidelity) among American shad populations in comparison with the two other species.  相似文献   

The growth, morphology, and chemical composition ofHydrilla verticillata, Myriophyllum spicatum, Potamogeton perfoliatus, andVallisneria americana were compared among different salinity and light conditions. Plants were grown in microcosms (1.2 m5) under ambient photoperiod adjusted to 50% and 8% of solar radiation. The culture solution in five pairs of tanks was gradually adjusted to salinities of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 12‰. With the exception ofH. verticillata, the aquatic macrophytes examined may be considered eurysaline species that are able to adapt to salinities one-third the strength of sea water. With increasing salinity, the inflorescence production decreased inM. spicatum andP. perfoliatus, yet asexual reproduction in the latter species by underground buds remained constant. Stem elongation increased in response to shading inM. spicatum, while shadedP. perfoliatus had higher concentrations of chlorophylla. In association with high epiphytic mass, chlorophylla concentrations in all species were greatest at 12‰. The concentration of sodium increased in all four species of aquatic macrophytes examined here, indicating that these macrophytes did not possess mechanisms to exclude this ion. The nitrogen content (Y) of the aquatic macrophytes tested increased significantly with higher sodium concentration (X), suggesting that nitrogen may be utilized in osmoregulation (Y = X × 0.288 + 6.10, r2 = 0.71). The tolerance ofV. americana andP. perfoliatus to salinity was greater in our study compared to other investigations. This may be associated with experimental methodology, whereby macrophytes were subjected to more gradual rather than abrupt changes in salinity. The two macrophytes best adapted to estuarine conditions in this study by exhibiting growth up to 12‰, includingM. spicatum andV. americana, also exhibited a greater degree of response in morphology, tissue chemistry (including chlorophyll content and total nitrogen), and reproductive output in response to varying salinity and light conditions.  相似文献   

We compiled information about the distribution of exotic organisms in the fresh waters of the Hudson River basin. At least 113 nonindigenous species of vertebrates, vascular plants, and large invertebrates have established populations in the basin. Too little was known about the past or present distributions of algae and most small invertebrates to identify exotic species in these groups. Most established exotic species in the Hudson River basin originated from Eurasia or the Mississippi-Great Lakes basins, and were associated with vectors such as unintentional, releases (especially escapes from cultivation), shipping activities (especially, solid ballast or ballast water), canals, or intentional releases. Rates of species invasions of fresh and oligohaline waters in the basin have been high (ca. one new species per year) since about 1840. For many well-studied groups, introduced species constitute 4% to nearly 60% of the species now in the basin. Although the ecological impacts of the invaders in the Hudson River basin have not been well studied, we believe that about 10% of the exotic species, have had major ecological impacts in the basin. Since, the rates, of entry and composition of exotic species in the Hudson basin are similar to those observed., previously for the Laurentian Great Lakes, invasions tended to occur earlier in the Hudson basin, probably reflecting the earlier history of human commerce. While most exotics have had negative impacts on local flora and fauna, some fish species have provided unique angling opportunities and important economic benefits.  相似文献   

Sediment particle size in the Hudson River Estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The particle sizes in bottom and suspended sediments from the ocean upstream for 80 km in the Hudson River Estuary were analysed. Several modes at 4, 8 and 30 μm were prevalent throughout the estuary. The average size of particles in bottom samples varied from 150 μm near the ocean to 15–20 μm in Haverstraw Bay. The bottom sediment size appears to be controlled by two components; (1) sand from the ocean and (2) the particles in the flocs.  相似文献   

We sampled epiphytic and benthic macriinvertebrates in 20 beds of submersed vegetation throughout the Hudson River estuary to assess the importance of plant beds in providing habitat for macroinvertebrates and to determine which characteristics of plant beds affected the density and composition of macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrate densities in plant beds were 4–5 times higher, on average, than densities in unvegetated sediments in the Hudson. The macroinvertebrate community in plant beds was dominated by chironomid midges, oligochaete worms, hydroids, gastropods, and amphipods. Many species of macroinvertebrates were found chiefly on submersed plants, showing that plant beds are important in supporting biodiversity in the Hudson. Macroinvertebrates were most numerous in beds with high plant biomass and in the interiors of beds, whereas neither bed size nor position along the length of the estuary affected macroinvertebrate density. Community composition varied strongly with position along the river (freshwater versus brackish), habitat (epiphytic versus benthic), and position within the bed (edge versus interior). Plant biomass also influenced macroinvertebrate community composition, but bed area had relatively little influence.  相似文献   

Sediment transport and trapping in the Hudson River estuary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Hudson River estuary has a pronounced turbidity maximum zone, in which rapid, short-term deposition of sediment occurs during and following the spring freshet. Water-column measurements of currents and suspended sediment were performed during the spring of 1999 to determine the rate and mechanisms of sediment transport and trapping in the estuary. The net convergence of sediment in the lower estuary was approximately 300,000 tons, consistent with an estimate based on sediment cores. The major input of sediment from the watershed occurred during the spring freshet, as expected. Unexpected, however, was that an even larger quantity of sediment was transported landward into the estuary during the 3-mo observation period. The landward movement was largely accomplished by tidal pumping (i.e., the correlation between concentration and velocity at tidal frequencies) during spring tides, when the concentrations were 5 to 10 times higher than during neap tides. The landward flux is not consistent with the long-term sediment budget, which requires a seaward flux at the mouth to account for the excess input from the watershed relative to net accumulation. The anomalous, landward transport in 1999 occurred in part because the freshet was relatively weak, and the freshet occurred during neapetides when sediment resuspension was minimal. An extreme freshet occurred during 1998, which may have provided a repository of sediment just seaward of the mouth that re-entered the estuary in 1999. The amplitude of the spring freshet and its timing with respect to the spring-neap cycle cause large interannual variations in estuarine sediment flux. These variations can result in the remobilization of previously deposited sediment, the mass of which may exceed the annual inputs from the watershed.  相似文献   

Changes in groundwater tables brought about by sea level increases in the Delaware River Basin (near Philadelphia) about 2,500 years B.P., initiated wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson Branch of the Woodbury Creek marshes. Continual increases in sea level pushed groundwater tables further upward, and by approximately 800 years B.P., groundwater tables had risen to the upper limits for woody vegetation at the site. By the time European settlers arrived in the late 1600s nontidal sedge marshes dominated the site. Upon arriving colonists began manipulating the hydrology of the Delaware River Basin by constructing dams and dikes for flood control. Soon many areas were cut off from direct contact with the river. During the next one and one-half centuries sea level continued to rise, and because of channelization of the Delaware River the tidal range doubled. During the early 1900s flood control structures began to fail allowing tidal waters to periodically inundate these protected sites. At that time the site was dominated by a Quercus-Castanea swamp forest with hummocks of Cyperaceae interspersed throughout. In 1940 the dike surrounding the Princeton-Jefferson marsh collapsed and the site was immediately inundated with tidal waters on a regular basis. Within a short period of time tidal freshwater marsh developed and has continued to the present day. It is clear from this investigation that changes in hydrology brought about by cultural modifications have been directly responsible for the ontogeny of this tidal marsh. The influence cultural impacts have had on wetland development at the Princeton-Jefferson marsh suggest that it may be necessary to reevaluate the extent humans have modified the development and structure of the present day upper Delaware River estuary. Although the ability to discern historic vegetation zonation patterns is limited, these marshes can record individual events that have shaped these wetlands through time. Due to differences in the structure of the plant community, rates of decomposition, and processes of accretion, Redfield’s model (1972) of tidal salt marsh development does not apply to the Princeton-Jefferson marsh. Along a submerging coast, the development of tidal freshwater marsh in many estuaries may be necessary for the establishment of brackish and salt marshes by creating and maintaining a suitable habitat for the eventual colonization of more salt-tolerant plant species. The roles these wetlands have played in the development of the estuaries has been underestimated in the past.  相似文献   

Phosphatase activity was measured in sediments from tidal freshwater habitats adjacent to the Cooper River in South Carolina representing different stages of ecological succession. It was found that sediment (0–5 cm) acid phosphatase activity, alkaline phosphatase activity and phosphodiesterase activity increased with increasing successional stage and phytomass. Acid phosphatase activity in creased from 7.5±1.2 (±1 SD) in subtidal sediment from a shallow open water habitat without vegetation to 61.2±4.9 μmol g−1 hr−1 (μmol of p-nitrophenol released per gram of dry sediment per hour) in intertidal sediments colonized by emergent macrophytes, while alkaline phosphatase activity increased from 2.1±0.1 to 19.01±1.5 μmol g−1 hr−1. Phosphodiesterase activity increased from 1.8±0.1 to 20.2±2.0 μmol g−1 hr−1 along the same gradient. Acid phosphatase activity was highly correlated (R2=0.92, P<0.001) with the organic matter content of the sediment. A study of phosphatase kinetics showed that Vmax of all phosphatases also increased along the successional gradient. Trends in phosphatase activity and Vmax correlated positively with plant biomass and negatively with concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus in porewater, sediment extractable phosphorus, and total phosphourus. The porewater N∶P atom ratio decreased along the succession gradient from 25.3 in an early stage, open water community to 13.0 in a community dominated by emergent vegetation. The data also show that the distribution of the forms of phosphorus changed with successional stage. The change in distribution and the increased biological demand for phosphorus that paralleled succession were mediated by the activity of phosphatase enzymes.  相似文献   

We made direct measurements of the partial pressure of CO2 (PCO 2) in the tidal-freshwater portion of the Hudson River Estuary over a 3.5-yr period. At all times the Hudson was supersaturated in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere. PCO 2 in surface water averaged 1125±403 (SD) μatm while the atmosphere averaged 416±68 μatm. Weekly samples at a single, mid-river station showed a pronounced and reproducible seasonal cycle with highest values (~2000 μatm) in mid-to-late summer, and lowest values (~500 μatm) generally in late winter. Samples taken along the length of the 190-km section of river showed a general decline in CO2 from north to south. This decline was most pronounced in summer and very slight in spring. Diel and vertical variation were small relative to the standing stock of CO2. Over six diel cycles, all taken during the algal growing season, the mean range was 300±114 μatm. CO2 tended to increase slightly with depth, but the gradient was small, about 0.5 μmol m?1, or an increase of 190 μatm from top to within 1 m of the bottom. For a large subset of the samples (n=452) we also calculated CO2 from measurements of pH and total DIC. Calculated and measured values of CO2 were in reasonably good agreement and a regression of calculated versus measured values had a slope of 0.85±0.04 and an r2 of 0.60. Combining our measurements with recent experimental studies of gas exchange in the Hudson, we estimate that the Hudson releases CO2 at a rate of 70–162 g C m?2 yr?1 from the river to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The effects of estuarine circulation and tidal trapping on transport in the Hudson estuary were investigated by a large-scale, high-resolution numerical model simulation of a tracer release. The modeled and measured longitudinal profiles of surface tracer concentrations (plumes) differ from the ideal Gaussian shape in two ways: on a large scale the plume is asymmetric with the downstream end stretching out farther, and small-scale (1–2 km) peaks are present at the upstream and downstream ends of the plume. A number of diagnostic model simulations (e.g., remove freshwater flow) were performed to understand the processes responsible for these features. These simulations show that the large-scale asymmetry is related to salinity. The salt causes an estuarine circulation that decreases vertical mixing (vertical density gradient), increases longitudinal dispersion (increased vertical and lateral gradients in longitudinal velocities), and increases net downstream velocities in the surface layer. Since salinity intrusion is confined to the downstream end of the tracer plume, only that part of the plume is effected by those processes, which leads to the largescale asymmetry. The small-scale peaks are due to tidal trapping. Small embayments along the estuary trap water and tracer as the plume passes by in the main channel. When the plume in the main channel has passed, the tracer is released back to the main channel, causing a secondary peak in the longitudinal profile.  相似文献   

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