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Field experiments were completed to determine patterns of evapotranspirative water loss from salt and tidal freshwater marshes in Virginia. Water losses from “Mariotte systems” attached to open-water lysimeters and lysimeters vegetated by dominant marsh macrophytes were used to calculate hourly rates of open-water evaporation (Eo) and evapotranspiration (ET), respectively, during low tide. In the tidal freshwater marsh, ET was significantly greater than Eo (p=0.002, n=6); in the salt marsh, there were no differences between mean rates of ET and Eo (p=0.200, n=3). The ratio ET:Eo was highly correlated with leaf area index (LAI) (r2=0.82). In the tidal freshwater marsh, the amount of water loss due to plant transpiration was partitioned from total evapotranspiration by covering the water surface of the lysimeters with styrofoam beads. Measured transpiration rates in the tidal freshwater marsh were strongly correlated with leaf area index according to the following linear regression equation: T=0.355(LAI)?0.084 (r2=0.797, n=10). Because LAI was shown to be a good predictor of the relative increase in ET over Eo, it is likely that in vegetated tidal freshwater marshes with high leaf densities most atmospheric water loss comes from plants, not from the surface of the marsh. In salt marshes, low plant densities do not contribute substantially to atmospheric water loss, suggesting that paths of water transport and patterns of solute concentration in the subsurface environment are different compard to the tidal freshwater marsh.  相似文献   

The exchange of dissolved nutrients between marshes and the inundating water column was measured using throughflow marsh flumes built, in two microtidal Louisiana estuaries: the Barataria Basin estuary and Fourleague Bay. The flumes were sampled between September 1986 and April 1988, coincident with an extended period of low sea level on the Louisiana coast. The Barataria Basin estuary is in the later, deteriorating stage of the deltaic cycle, characterized by low freshwater inputs and subsiding marshes. Both brackish and saline marshes supplied dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), inorganic nitrogen (ammonium + nitrate + nitrite = DIN), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and total nitrogen (as total Kjeldahl nitrogen = TKN) to the water column. The export of DIN is probably related to the N accumulated in earlier stages of deltaic development and released as these marshes deteriorate. Coastal brackish marshes of Fourleague, Bay, part of an accreting marsh system in an early, developmental stage of the deltaic cycle, exported TKN to the open water estuary in all samplings. This marsh apparently acted as a short-term buffer of DIN by taking up NH4 + in spring, when baywide concentrations were high, and supplying DIN to the estuary in summer and fall, when concentrations, in the bay were lower. Differences in phosphorus (P), DOC, and DON fluxes between these two estuaries were also observed. The Fourleague Bay site exported soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total phosphorus (TP) and imported DOC. This P export may be related to remobilization of sediment-bound riverine P by the reducing, soils of the marshes. Fluxes of SRP at the Barataria Basin sites were variable and low while DOC was imported. Most imports of dissolved nutrients were correlated with higher upstream [source] concentrations, and flux rates were fairly consistent throughout the tide. Dissolved nutrient exports, did not correlate with upstream concentrations, though, and in many cases the flux was dominated by early, flood tide nutrient release. This pulsed behavior may be caused by rapid diffusion from the sediments early in the tidal cycle, when the sediment-water concentration gradient is largest. Interestuary differences were also seen in particulate organic matter fluxes, as the Fourleague Bay marsh exported POC and PON during all samplings while Barataria Basin imported these nutrients. In general, the magnitude and direction of nutrient exchanges in Louisiana marshes, seem to reflect the deltaic successional stage of the estuary.  相似文献   

An experimental chamber is described which is closed to the water column but encompasses a selected section of the marsh surface. The microcosm is connected to a subsurface collapsible reservoir which functions as a flood water source. Head differences due to tidal fluctuations force reservoir water into and out of the microcosm, so that over complete tidal cycles the net exchanges of materials can be quantified. For this study, seasonal patterns of ammonium and phosphate dynamics in a tidal freshwater marsh were determined using four experimental chambers. On average, phosphate was removed from the water column during the spring, and released to the water column during summer and early fall. Seasonal patterns of ammonium dynamics were less clear, but the marsh removed ammonium from the water column on two of three summer sampling dates. Ammonium and phosphate removal from replicated chambers in vegetated sections of the marsh complex was greater than from unvegetated sections, indicating spatial heterogeneity of nutrient processing. The use of chambers in tidal marshes creates the opportunity to run controlled experiments in situ without imposing artificial hydrologic regimes.  相似文献   

0-group sea bass,Dicentrarchus labrax, colonize intertidal marsh creeks of Mont Saint Michel Bay, France, on spring tides (e.g., 43% of the tides) during flood and return to coastal waters during ebb. Most arrived with empty stomachs (33%), and feed actively during their short stay in the creeks (from 1 to 2 h) where they consumed on average a minimum of 8% of their body weight. During flood tide, diet was dominated by mysids,Neomysis integer, which feed on marsh detritus. During ebb, when young sea bass left tidal marsh creeks, the majority had full stomachs (more than 98%) and diet was dominated by the most abundant marsh (including vegetated tidal flats and associated marsh creeks) resident amphipod,Orchestia gammarellus. Temporal and tidal effects on diet composition were shown to be insignificant. Foraging in vegetated flats occurs very rarely since they are only flooded by about 5% of the tides. It was shown that primary and secondary production of intertidal salt marshes play a fundamental role in the feeding of 0-group sea bass. This suggests that the well known nursery function of estuarine systems, which is usually restricted to subtidal and intertidal flats, ought to be extended to the supratidal, vegetated marshes and mainly to intertidal marsh creeks.  相似文献   

Turnagain Arm is a macrotidal fjord‐style estuary. Glacier Creek is a small, glacially fed stream which enters the estuary tangentially near Girdwood, Alaska. Trenches and daily sedimentation measurements were made in a mudflat along the fluvio–estuarine transition of Glacier Creek during several summers since 2003. Each year, the flats appear to erode during the winter and then accrete vertically in the spring and summer. In each of the years studied, tidal laminae in vertically thickening and thinning laminae bundles were deposited by twice daily tides in neap–spring tidal cycles. In 2004, bundles of thickening and thinning laminae couplets were noted in trenches cut into the flats. Five laminae bundles alternated between thicker and thinner bundles, corresponding to the perigean (high spring) and apogean (low spring) tides. Well‐preserved apogean–perigean cycles have rarely been documented in modern tidal flat sediments. At this location, vertical accretion of tidal rhythmites with well‐developed neap–spring cyclicity is possible because of the near‐complete removal of the flat from the previous year, which creates accommodation space for vertical accretion without significant reworking. Macrotidal conditions, no reworking by infaunal invertebrates, protection from the main tidal channel by a gravel bar and protection from storm waves and fluvial erosion by a recess in the sedge marsh that surrounds the flats all aid in preservation of rhythmites during aggradation. The position of the flats relative to tidal range allows for accumulation of complete spring cycles and incomplete neap cycles. In the summer of 2004, apogee and perigee were closely aligned with the new and full moons, resulting in successive strong perigee and apogee tides which probably aided in the accumulation of successive thick–thin spring cycles encoding the apogean and perigean tidal cycle. The apogean–perigean signal was not observed in subsequent years.  相似文献   

Tidal freshwater marshes are diverse habitats that differ both within and between marshes in terms of plant community composition, sediment type, marsh elevation, and nutrient status. Because our knowledge of the nitrogen (N) biogeochemistry of tidal freshwater systems is limited, it is difficult to assess how these marshes will respond to long-term progressive nutrient loading due to watershed development and urbanization. We present a process-based mass balance model of N cycling in Sweet Hall marsh, a pristine (i.e., low nutrient)Peltandra virginica-Pontederia cordata dominated tidal freshwater marsh in the York River estuary, Virginia. The model, which was based on a combination of field and literature data, revealed that N cycling in the system was largely conservative. The mineralization of organic N to NH4 + provided almost twice as much inorganic N as was needed to support marsh macrophyte and benthic microalgal primary production. Efficient utilization of porewater NH4 + by nitrifiers and other microbes resulted in low rates of tidal NH4 + export from the marsh and little accumulation of NH4 + in marsh porewaters. Inputs of N from the estuary and atmosphere were not critical in supporting marsh primary production, and served to balance N losses due to denitrification and burial. A comparison of these results with the literature suggests that the relative importance of tidal freshwater marsh N cycling processes, including plant productivity, organic matter mineralization, microbial immobilization, and coupled nitrification-denitrification, are largely independent of small changes in water column N loading. Although very high (millimolar) concentrations of dissolved inorganic N can affect processes including denitrification and plant productivity, the factors that cause the switch from efficient N recycling to a more open N cycle have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

Tidal currents and the spatial variability of tidally-induced shear stress were studied during a tidal cycle on four intertidal mudflats from the fluvial to the marine part of the Seine estuary. Measurements were carried out during low water discharge (<400 m3 s−1) in neap and spring tide conditions. Turbulent kinetic energy, covariance, and logarithmic profile methods were used and compared for the determination of shear stress. The cTKE coefficient value of 0.19 cited in the literature was confirmed. Shear stress values were shown to decrease above mudflats from the mouth to the fluvial part of the estuary due to dissipation of the tidal energy, from 1 to 0.2 N m−2 for spring tides and 0.8 to 0.05 N m−2 for neap tides. Flood currents dominate tidally-induced shear stress in the marine and lower fluvial estuary during neap and spring tides and in the upper fluvial part during spring tides. Ebb currents control tidally-induced shear stress in the upper fluvial part of the estuary during neap tides. These results revealed a linear relationship between friction velocities and current velocities. Bed roughness length values were calculated from the empirical relationship given by Mitchener and Torfs (1996) for each site; these values are in agreement with the modes of the sediment particle-size distribution. The influence of tidal currents on the mudflat dynamics of the Seine estuary was examined by comparing the tidally-induced bed shear stress and the critical erosion shear stress estimated from bed sediment properties. Bed sediment resuspension induced by tidal currents was shown to occur only in the lower part of the estuary.  相似文献   

Optical in situ chemical sensors enable sampling intervals and durations that rival acoustic techniques used for measuring currents. Coupling these high-frequency biogeochemical and physical measurements in estuaries to address ecosystem-scale questions, however, is still comparatively novel. This study investigated how tides affect ecosystem metabolism in a mesotidal estuary in central California (Elkhorn Slough). Dissolved oxygen measurements were used to estimate the terms in a control volume budget for a tidal creek/marsh complex at tidal timescales over several weeks. Respiration rates were 1.6 to 7.3 g O2 m?2 day?1; net community production approached 20 g O2 m?2 day?1. We found that aquatic NCP integrated throughout the creek complex varied significantly over the spring-neap cycle. The intertidal contribution to aquatic metabolism was net heterotrophic during spring tides and generally in balance during neap tides because spring-tide marsh inundation was limited to nighttime, and therefore the marsh could not contribute any primary production to the water column. At the estuary scale, the fortnightly export of oxygen from the main channel to the intertidal was largely balanced by an advective flux up-estuary.  相似文献   

Bertioga Channel is a partially mixed (type 2) tidal estuary on the coastal plain of São Paulo, Brazil. Hourly current and salinity measurements during neap and spring tides in July 1991 yielded information about the physical structure of the system. Peak along-channel velocities varied from 40 cm s?1 to 60 cm s?1 during flood tides and from 70 cm s?1 to 100 cm s?1 during ebb tides. Net vertical velocity profiles indicate that the net current reverses directions at a depth of 2.5–3.0 m in the halocline. Due to appreciable fortnightly tidal modulation, the estuary alternates from being highly stratified (type 2b) during neap tides, with advection and diffusion contributing equally to the net upstream salt flux, to being moderately stratified (type 2a) during spring tides, when 90% of the net upstream salt transport is the result of effective tidal diffusion. Decomposition of the salt flux indicates that the relative contribution to the upstream salt transport by gravitational circulation shear is greater than the oscillatory tidal flux by a factor of 2.6 during neap tides. The oscillatory tidal flux is generated by the correlation of the tidal components of the u-velocity and salinity and is responsible for approximately the same amount of upstream salt transport, during neap and spring tides. However, during spring tides, this oscillatory term is greater than the other salt flux terms by a factor of 1.4. The total salt transport, through a unit width of the section perpendicular to the flow, was within 2% of the sum of the seven major decomposed, advective and dispersive terms. On the assumption that the Bertioga Channel is laterally homogeneous, the results also indicate that the estuary is not in steady state with respect to salt flux.  相似文献   

Transports of nitrate and suspended solids were measured six times from January 1984 until January 1985 in a small freshwater tidal bayou in south-central Louisiana. The bayou and adjacent marshes are influenced by Atchafalaya River discharges, tides, and coastal weather patterns. Large net ebb-directed water transports occurred in winter, spring, and summer, coincident with high river discharges, indicating riverine dominance. A very small net flood-directed water transport occurred in fall, indicating tidally dominated hydrology. Nitrate and suspended solids transports were net ebb-directed in all seasons, but were two orders of magnitude higher during high river flow. Exports changed as hydrology switched from river dominated to tidally dominated, and as concentrations of materials changed. Comparison of suspended solids and nitrate concentrations in the river and bayou shows that these materials were usually lower in the bayou, indicating retention by the marsh/aquatic system.  相似文献   

Salt marshes are an important transition zone between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and in their natural state, they often function to cycle or trap terrestrially derived nutrients and organic matter. Many US salt marshes were ditched during the twentieth century, potentially altering their functionality. The goal of this 4-year study was to assess the impact of water from ditches within seven salt marshes on estuarine water quality and plankton communities within four estuaries on Long Island, NY, USA. We found that concentrations of inorganic nutrients (ammonium, phosphate), dissolved and particulate organic nitrogen and carbon (POC, PON, DOC, DON), and total coliform bacteria were significantly enriched in salt marsh ditches compared to the estuaries they discharged into. In addition, concentrations of ammonium and DON became more enriched in ditches as tidal levels decreased, suggesting these constituents were generated in situ. Quantification of nitrogen sources in Flanders Bay, NY, suggested salt marsh ditches could represent a substantial source of N to this estuary during summer months. Experimental incubations demonstrated that water from salt marsh ditches was capable of significantly enhancing the growth of multiple classes of phytoplankton, with large diatoms and dinoflagellates displaying the most dramatic increases in growth. Experiments further demonstrated that salt marsh ditchwater was capable of significantly enhancing pelagic respiration rates, suggesting discharge from ditches could influence estuarine oxygen consumption. In summary, this study demonstrates that tidal draining of salt marsh ditches is capable of degrading multiple aspects of estuarine water quality.  相似文献   

This study provides new insights in the relative role of tidal creeks and the marsh edge in supplying water and sediments to and from tidal marshes for a wide range of tidal inundation cycles with different high water levels and for marsh zones of different developmental stage. Net import or export of water and its constituents (sediments, nutrients, pollutants) to or from tidal marshes has been traditionally estimated based on discharge measurements through a tidal creek. Complementary to this traditional calculation of water and sediment balances based on creek fluxes, we present novel methods to calculate water balances based on digital elevation modeling and sediment balances based on spatial modeling of surface sedimentation measurements. In contrast with spatial interpolation, the presented approach of spatial modeling accounts for the spatial scales at which sedimentation rates vary within tidal marshes. This study shows that for an old, high marsh platform, dissected by a well-developed creek network with adjoining levees and basins, flow paths are different for tidal inundation cycles with different high water levels: during shallow inundation cycles (high water level <0.2 m above the creek banks) almost all water is supplied via the creek system, while during higher inundation cycles (high water level >0.2 m) the percentage of water directly supplied via the marsh edge increases with increasing high water level. This flow pattern is in accordance with the observed decrease in sedimentation rates with increasing distance from creeks and from the marsh edge. On a young, low marsh, characterized by a gently seaward sloping topography, material exchange does not take place predominantly via creeks but the marsh is progressively flooded starting from the marsh edge. As a consequence, the spatial sedimentation pattern is most related to elevation differences and distance from the marsh edge. Our results imply that the traditional measurement of tidal creek fluxes may lead in many cases to incorrect estimations of net sediment or nutrient budgets.  相似文献   

Hydrographic patterns and chlorophyll concentrations in the Columbia River estuary were compared for spring and summer periods during 2004 through 2006. Riverine and oceanic sources of chlorophyll were evaluated at stations along a 27-km along-estuary transect in relation to time series of wind stress, river flow, and tidal stage. Patterns of chlorophyll concentration varied between seasons and years. In spring, the chlorophyll distribution was dominated by high concentrations from freshwater sources. Periods of increased stream flow limited riverine chlorophyll production. In summer, conversely, upwelling winds induced input of high-salinity water from the ocean to the estuary, and this water was often associated with relatively high chlorophyll concentrations. The frequency, duration, and intensity of upwelling events varied both seasonally and interannually, and this variation affected the timing and magnitude of coastally derived material imported to the estuary. The main source of chlorophyll thus varied from riverine in spring to coastal in summer. In both spring and summer seasons and among years, modulation of the spring/neap tidal cycle determined stratification, patterns of mixing, and the fate of (especially freshwater) phytoplankton. Spring tides had higher mixing and neap tides greater stratification, which affected the vertical distribution of chlorophyll. The Columbia River differs from the more tidally dominated coastal estuaries in the Pacific Northwest by its large riverine phytoplankton production and transfer of this biogenic material to the estuary and coastal ocean. However, all Pacific Northwest coastal estuaries investigated to date have exhibited advection of coastally derived chlorophyll during the upwelling season. This constitutes a fundamental difference between Pacific Northwest estuaries and systems not bounded by a coastal upwelling zone.  相似文献   

The salt marsh surface is not a homogeneous environment. Rather, it contains a mix of different microhabitats, which vary in elevation, microtopography, and location within the estuarine system. These attributes act in concert with astronomical tides and meteorological and climatological events and result in pulses of tidal flooding. Marsh hydroperiod, the pattern of flooding events, not only controls nekton access to marsh surface habitats directly but may also mediate habitat exploitation through its influence on other factors, such as prey abundance or vegetation stem density. The relative importance of factors affecting marsh hydroperiod differ between the southeast Atlantic and northern Gulf of Mexico coasts. Astronomical tidal forcing is the primary determinant of hydroperiod in Atlantic Coast marshes, whereas predictable tides are often overridden by meteorological events in Gulf Coast marshes. In addition, other factors influencing coastal water levels have a proportionately greater effect on the Gulf Coast. The relatively unpredictable timing of marsh flooding along the Gulf Coast does not seem to limit habitat utilization. Some of the highest densities of nekton reported from salt marshes are from Gulf Coast marshes that are undergoing gradual submergence and fragmentation caused by an accelerated rise in relative sea level. Additional studies of habitat utilization are needed, especially on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Investigations should include regional comparisons of similar microhabitats using identical quantitative sampling methods. Controlled field experiments are also needed to elucidate the mechanisms that affect the habitat function of salt marshes.  相似文献   

Systematic morphological changes of the coastline of the outer Yangtze River mouth in response to storms versus calm weather were documented by daily surveys of tidal marshes and flats between April 1999 and May 2001 and by boat surveys offshore during this and earlier periods. The largest single event during 1999 to 2001 was Typhoon Paibaian, which eroded the unvegetated tidal flat and lower marsh and led to accretion on the middle-to-upper marsh and in the subtidal channel. The greatest erosion of 21 cm occurred at the border between the marsh and the unvegetated flat due to the landward retreat of the marsh edge during the storm. Strong waves on the flats increased suspended sediment concentration by 10–20 times. On the upper marsh, where the frequency of submergence by astronomical tides is only 3%, Typhoon Paibian led to 4 cm of accretion, accounting for 57% of the net accretion observed over the 2-yr study. Typhoon Paibian led to 4 cm of accretion, accounting for 57% of the net accretion observed over the 2-yr study. Typhoon Paibian and other large storms in the 1990s caused over 50 cm of accretion along the deep axis of the river mouth outlet channel. During calm weather, when hydrodynamic energy was dominated by tides, deposition was centered on the unvegetated flats and lower, marsh with little deposition on the high marsh and erosion in the subtidal channel. Depositional recovery of the tidal flat from typhoon-induced erosion took only several days, whereas recovery of the subtidal channel by erosion took several weeks. A conceptual model for the morphological responses of tidal marshes, flats, and subtidal channels to storms and calm weather is proposed such that sediment continually moves from regions of highest near-bed energy towards areas of lower energy.  相似文献   

A study of the dynamics of a marine sandwave   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The movement of the crest of a sandwave was studied using cross-sectional profiles obtained from lines of sea-bed reference stakes. Measurements were made, over a six month period, before and after flood and ebb tides in relation to both spring and neap tides and surface wave conditions. Additional observations were obtained on a daily basis, over an equinoctial neap to spring to neap tidal period, in conjunction with boundary layer flow measurements. Tracer experiments were conducted to study the dispersion of sediment from the sandwave crest. The results showed that the sandwave was relatively stable at neap tides, whilst at higher tidal ranges, the crest position oscillated with successive flood and ebb tides. Net flank erosion occurred on the less steep, upstream slope during the dominant ebb tide. This, together with increased deposition on the lee slope, caused the crest to advance. It was not possible to extrapolate sandwave migration over long periods as the tidal dynamic trends were interrupted by wind stress and surface wave activity. High particle orbital velocities, generated at the sea-bed by storm waves, caused major reductions in crestal heights. Calculated volumes of sediment eroded and accreted were used, with boundary layer flow measurements, to calculate threshold velocities for the movement of the sediment and sediment transport rates.  相似文献   

Dissolved inorganic nutrient elements were analyzed from the samples collected in the South Passage of the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary in March 2003, including NH4 , NO3-, NO2- and PO43-. The water samples were collected with a Niskin sampler hourly at the near-surface, middle and near-bottom depths at the three stations -A1, A2 and A3-during two complete tidal cycles of neap tide and spring tide. Results showed that 1) the concentrations of NH4 , NO3- and NO2- were a little higher respectively during the neap tide than those during the spring tide, while PO43- showed an opposite trend, and each was higher in the ebb tide than in the flood tide, either for the neap tidal cycle or the spring tidal cycle; 2) higher stratification of the nutrients existed obviously in this area, with the concentrations of which increased from the bottom to the surface, especially for NH4 and NO3-; 3) the coefficient of variation (C.V.) values of all dissolved inorganic nutrients varied from 4.06% to 36.8% beyond different influences of the tidal current and Changjiang runoff; 4) with increasing suspended matter in the water column, the concentrations of PO43- became lower in the filtered water; and 5) the total transport of each tidal cycle was much more in the spring tide than in the neap tide, and the positive values indicated that the nutrients had been exported to the East China Sea. Studies on the variations and net transport of dissolved inorganic nutrients in the South Passage of the Changjiang Estuary will provide the scientific basis for the study of the mechanism of red tide in the East China Sea.  相似文献   

We used high-resolution in situ measurements of turbidity and fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) to quantitatively estimate the tidally driven exchange of mercury (Hg) between the waters of the San Francisco estuary and Browns Island, a tidal wetland. Turbidity and FDOM??representative of particle-associated and filter-passing Hg, respectively??together predicted 94?% of the observed variability in measured total mercury concentration in unfiltered water samples (UTHg) collected during a single tidal cycle in spring, fall, and winter, 2005?C2006. Continuous in situ turbidity and FDOM data spanning at least a full spring-neap period were used to generate UTHg concentration time series using this relationship, and then combined with water discharge measurements to calculate Hg fluxes in each season. Wetlands are generally considered to be sinks for sediment and associated mercury. However, during the three periods of monitoring, Browns Island wetland did not appreciably accumulate Hg. Instead, gradual tidally driven export of UTHg from the wetland offset the large episodic on-island fluxes associated with high wind events. Exports were highest during large spring tides, when ebbing waters relatively enriched in FDOM, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and filter-passing mercury drained from the marsh into the open waters of the estuary. On-island flux of UTHg, which was largely particle-associated, was highest during strong winds coincident with flood tides. Our results demonstrate that processes driving UTHg fluxes in tidal wetlands encompass both the dissolved and particulate phases and multiple timescales, necessitating longer term monitoring to adequately quantify fluxes.  相似文献   

A field investigation of temporal and spatial changes in wind and wave characteristics, runup and beach water table elevation was conducted on the foreshore of an estuarine beach in Delaware Bay during neap (April 9, 1995) and spring (April 16, 1995) tides under low wave-energy conditions. The beach has a relatively steep, sandy foreshore and semi-diurnal tides with a mean range of 1.6 m and a mean spring range of 1.9 m. Data from a pressure transducer placed on the low tide terrace reveal a rate of rise and fall of the water level on April 16 of 0.09 mm s−1 resulting in a steeper tidal curve than the neap tide on April 9. Data from three pressure transducers placed in wells in the intertidal foreshore reveal that the landward slope of the water table during the rising neap tide was lower than the slope during spring tide, and there was a slower rate of fall of the beach water table relative to the fall of the tide. Wave heights were lower on April 9 (significant height from 17.1 min records <0.16 m). The water table elevation was 0.08 m higher than the water in the bay at the time of high water, when maximum runup elevation was 0.29 m above high water and maximum runup width was 2.0 m. The elevation of the water table was 0.13 m higher than the maximum elevation of water level in the bay 74 min after high water, when wave height was 0.12 m and wave period was 2.7 s. The use of mean bay water level at high tide will underpredict the elevation of the water table in the beach, and demarcation of biological sampling stations across the intertidal profile based on mean tide conditions will not accurately reflect the water content of the sandy beach matrix.  相似文献   

Periodic frontogenesis in a region of freshwater influence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Observations are presented from a series of three conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) surveys of the salinity and temperature structure of Liverpool Bay, a region that is strongly influenced by the input of fresh water from the rivers of northwest England. The surveys demonstrate the development, seaward movement, and eventual decay of a haline front. The frontogenesis is driven by the relaxation of a freshwater-induced horizontal density gradient following the decrease in tidal range at neap tides. It results in the area of Liverpool Bay being stratified for a period of 8 d before the increase in tidal mixing as the spring tide approaches returns the region to its initial vertically mixed state. In Liverpool Bay this process usually repeats on the spring-neap cycle, though strong wind-mixing may prevent the frontogenesis and subsequent stratification. Analysis with a 1-dimensional numerical model suggests that relaxation of an initially nonlinear horizontal density field, creating the front, is triggered by the stability produced by tidal straining of the water column during the ebb half-cycle. The reduction in tidal mixing energy approaching neap tide does not lead to frontogenesis without this initial stability. Such a regular stratification signal will have a marked effect on the local environment. The periodic frontogenesis will act as a tidal pump, moving buoyant substances in the water column offshore, while the onshore residual currents lower in the water column will more deeper dissolved substances inshore. The cycling of stability on the springneap time scale is considerably faster than the seasonal cycle of thermal stratification in the shelf seas, but is similar in creating the conditions required for phytoplankton blooms. Conditions favorable for enhanced primary production may therefore occur frequently in such regions of freshwater influence.  相似文献   

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