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徐兆邦  周健  李素华 《岩土力学》2014,35(Z1):227-232
岩土的流变性质使建(构)筑物基础的承载性能具有时间相关性,对运营期建筑结构的安全性造成较大的影响。为了进一步探讨城市桥梁桩基础承载性能随时间的变化规律,对某桥梁工程的2根试验桩进行了长效荷载试验研究,得出了桩顶沉降和桩身承载性能随时间的变化规律。利用桩基承载性能时空效应新理论对试验结果进行分析拟合,获得真实的桩土力学参数,得到工程桩桩顶沉降随时间变化的解析解。试验成果进一步揭示了桩在长效荷载作用下自然而真实的发展变化规律,为检验验证理论研究成果提供可靠的依据,可用于指导同等条件下工程桩设计和施工时预测桩的工后沉降变化趋势,控制基础稳定性,同时为解决路桥的工后运营期沉降控制提供科学合理的理论依据。  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from a pile load testing program for a bridge construction project in Louisiana. The testing includes two 54-in. open-ended spun cast concrete cylinder piles, one 30-in. open-ended steel pile and two (30- and 16-in.) square prestressed concrete (PSC) piles driven at two locations with very similar soil conditions. Both cone penetration tests (CPTs) and soil borings/laboratory testing were used to characterize the subsurface soil conditions. All the test piles were instrumented with vibrating wire strain gauges to measure the load distribution along the length of the test piles and measure the skin friction and end-bearing capacity, separately. Dynamic load tests were performed on all test piles at different times after pile installations to quantify the amount of setup with time. Static load tests were also performed on the PSC and open-ended steel piles. Due to expected large pile capacities, the statnamic test method was used on the two open-ended cylinder piles. The pile capacities of these piles were evaluated using various CPT methods (such as Schmertmann, De Ruiter and Beringen, LCPC, Lehane et al. methods). The result showed that all the methods can estimate the skin friction with good accuracy, but not the end-bearing capacity. The normalized cumulative blow counts during pile installation showed that the blow count was always higher for the PSC piles compared to the large-diameter open-ended cylinder pile, regardless of pile size and hammer size. Setup was observed for all the piles, which was mainly attributed to increase in skin frictions. The setup parameters “A” were back-calculated for all the test piles and the values were between 0.31 and 0.41.  相似文献   

袁建新 《岩土力学》1988,9(1):83-94
一、前言随着国民经济的迅速发展,大量的基本建设工程在全国各地普遍兴起,在建设过程中不断提出很多岩土力学问题,其中最突出的问题之一就是桩基基础问题。目前各种类型的桩包括打入桩及钻孔灌注桩正在城市高层建筑及其他工程建设中大量被采用,随之而来的桩的质量检测及桩的承载力问题已引起广泛重视,特别是桩的质量检测问题更为引人注意。目前所采用的检测方法其精度及可靠性究竟如何,是人们非常关心的问题。  相似文献   

分析了复合基桩中每根桩桩顶的受力分配状况,考虑到承台周边土的侧向和竖向变形而引起的影响,并将其与不考虑土的侧向和竖向变形情况进行对比,从理论上定量解释了桩基规范JGJ94-94[1]中的有关规定,为筏板桩基础的计算打下了基础.  相似文献   

为了在求解双排全长桩和后排沉埋-前排全长桩中前桩后侧坡体推力的同时也可得到其分布模式,以便更合理确定前排桩受力特征,针对双排桩加固的基岩-覆盖层式滑坡,采用斜条分法将排间滑体分割成若干斜向平行滑面的土条;对所形成的在不同深度位置的4类典型土条,根据静力平衡条件,推导了其作用于前桩受荷段后侧的推力计算公式,进而可确定出前排桩受荷段后侧坡体推力分布模式及其合力。实例分析表明,本文方法所确定的前桩后侧坡体推力呈不规则抛物线形分布,其峰值点接近于滑面;后排桩沉埋模式时前桩后侧坡体推力比后排桩全长模式时的值小8.6%~10.6%;本文方法比传递系数法的计算值偏大10.6%~13.4%,且相对更接近于FLAC3D模拟结果。  相似文献   

刘志峰  俞臻  何跃平  黄雨  陈宝  叶为民 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):855-859
有限元数值计算方法在岩土工程中已有较多的应用,但在水平受荷桩分析计算中的应用尚不普遍。有关水平受荷桩土体系水平承载力及变形的数值模拟方法少有文献报道。采用有限元数值模拟方法来研究水平受荷桩土体系的水平位移。首先简要分析了水平受荷桩的主要计算方法及原理。然后,基于ABAQUS软件建立了桩土系统二维及三维的有限单元模型,分别通过按现行规范推荐的m法和按Poulos的弹性理论法计算的两个算例,将数值计算方法与解析方法进行了对比计算分析。有限元数值计算结果与解析解基本吻合,说明了所采用有限元数值模拟方法的可靠性及有效性。  相似文献   

目前对悬臂式双排抗滑桩桩排距的研究还很少,其主要根据设计人员的经验来取值。本文首先分析悬臂式双排抗滑桩破坏的三种模式,然后对悬臂式双排抗滑桩的作用机理进行分析,提出影响桩排距的破坏模式。在土拱理论和极限平衡理论的基础上,建立力学计算模型,推导悬臂式双排抗滑桩桩排距的计算公式,提出桩排距的计算方法。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(10):1907-1919
Soil from an infiltration trench for highway runoff was leached in columns alternately with NaCl and de-ionised water to simulate the runoff of de-icing salt into the trench followed by snowmelt or rainwater. Simultaneously, two columns with the same soil were leached with de-ionised water throughout the experiment. In addition, the groundwater below the infiltration trench was sampled on some occasions. The column leachate and groundwater were split into two sub samples, one was filtered though a 0.45 μm filter; both were analysed for Pb, Cd, Zn, Fe and total organic carbon (TOC). The column experiment showed clearly that an extensive mobilisation of Pb occurred in low electrolyte water leaching following NaCl leaching. The high Pb concentration coincided with peaks in Fe and TOC concentrations and implied colloid-assisted transport. Conversely, Cd and Zn concentrations were raised in the NaCl leachate and a high correlation with Cl showed that Cl complexes are important for the mobilisation, although a pH effect and ionic exchange cannot be excluded. Only 0.15% and 0.06% of the total amount of Pb was leached from the columns leached with alternating NaCl and deionised water confirming the usual hypotheses about the high immobility of Pb in soils. However, on one occasion when the ionic strength and pH was the lowest measured the concentration of Pb in groundwater sampled from 2.5 m depth was 27 μg L−1 in the dissolved phase (<0.45 μm) and 77 μg L−1 in the particle phase (>0.45 μm). These Pb concentrations are almost 3 and 8 times above the Swedish limit for drinking water quality. Accordingly, in spite of the immobility of Pb the accumulation in roadside soils is so large that groundwater quality is threatened. In conclusion, the study suggests that roadside soils impacted by NaCl from de-icing operations contribute Pb to groundwater by colloid-assisted transport.  相似文献   

柔性群桩承台下变截面角桩与地基相互作用的线性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对桩侧土及桩端土均采用线性荷载传递函数,同时考虑桩周土所分担的荷载及桩型对桩基荷载传递规律的影响,利用力学理论及微分方程的近似解法—子域法,推导出了柔性群桩承台下变截面角桩与地基相互作用的近似的解析算式,并通过算例将等截面桩桩侧摩阻力和桩身轴力与变截面桩桩侧摩阻力和桩身轴力作了对比,表明改变桩型能提高桩侧摩阻力。为验证本文方法的可行性,将模型试验结果与本文计算结果进行了比较,表明本文方法有较好的精度。  相似文献   

楔形桩与圆柱形桩复合地基承载性状对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘杰  何杰  闵长青 《岩土力学》2010,31(7):2202-2206
基于剪切位移法,引入Mylonakis & Gazetas桩-土相互作用及Winkler地基模型,导出了复合地基中桩-桩、桩-土及土-土相互作用柔度系数;在此基础上,提出了一种综合考虑桩-土-垫层共同作用的复合地基分析方法,并利用Matlab软件编制了相应的计算程序。为了验证该方法的可行性,对楔形桩和圆柱形桩复合地基进行了模型对比试验,并利用该方法对两个模型试验进行了计算分析,试验及理论结果均表明,桩顶平面处的桩间土反力保持着类似天然地基的马鞍形分布,圆柱形桩复合地基的承载力明显低于楔形桩复合地基的承载力,同时,圆柱形桩复合地基的桩土平均应力比明显高于楔形桩复合地基的桩土平均应力比,楔形桩对缓解复合地基中桩顶应力集中,充分利用天然地基的承载能力具有良好的调节作用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the soil displacements and excess pore pressures induced by driven piles using a combined 3D finite and infinite element approach. The analyses are compared with analytical evaluations and field measurements. Consolidation analysis is conducted to illustrate the variation in pore pressure with time. A technique of drilling drainage holes on the pipe pile is proposed in this paper to accelerate the dissipation of pore pressure to improve the performance of displacement piles. It has been noticed that optimal performance of piles can be obtained by assigning openings in piles within the bottom 50% of the pile length.  相似文献   

Thermokarst features occur widely in the younger ice-cored moraines and kame terraces in the Dry Valleys region of Victoria Land, Antarctica Common forms are melt dolines, caves, natural bridges, and subsurface. flow. Such features typically develop in stagnant glacial ice with a low material exchange.
The development of a thermokarst cave system near the Taylor Glacier during the southern summer of 1973–74 is described, and the role of the thermokarst process in land-form development in the Dry Valleys area is discussed.  相似文献   

为了充分考虑桩间距范围内滑体对抗滑桩受力的影响,从单排抗滑桩加固边坡的整体稳定角度出发,在采用传递系数法分析指定设计安全系数情况下抗滑桩的内力时,提出对一个桩间距范围内的加固坡体进行整体分析,将抗滑桩所在部位单独划分条块,该条块包括桩体受荷段及其两侧桩间距范围内的滑体。推导了与此分析模型相应的桩体受荷段底端内力计算公式,并给出了在滑坡推力线性分布条件下作用于受荷段的净滑坡推力计算表达式。分析结果显示,在不考虑与完全考虑受荷段两侧桩间距范围内滑体抗力作用时,得到是桩体内力及位移的上、下边界值。实例分析进一步表明,理论分析与数值模拟结果具有良好的一致性。所提出的方法比传统方法更有利于抗滑桩设计的经济性。  相似文献   

It is common in the analysis of piles under lateral loads to use a model of a beam on elastic foundation, or a finite element model with the pile represented by a one dimensional beam–column with its axis coinciding with the central line of the finite element mesh. In both cases the lateral stiffness of the pile itself, as a structural element, is a function of the product of its Young’s modulus of elasticity by the moment of inertia of the cross section (EI). For solid piles the moment of inertia is directly related to the radius but this is not the case when dealing with hollow piles where the value of the radius corresponding to a given moment of inertia is not unique. Both of the above models ignore the effect of the value of the radius of the soil cavity occupied by the pile. In this work a more accurate model of the pile with the soil around it represented. A consistent boundary matrix valid for static and dynamic analyses is used to evaluate the accuracy of the results provided by the model of a beam on elastic foundation. In addition, a 1D model of the pile is analyzed with finite elements for the soil. This analysis considers a fixed value of the product EI, but a variable radius in order to illustrate the importance of the radial dimension. Results are obtained for a pile fixed at the bottom, but long enough so that the top boundary conditions do not affect the results and for a shorter floating pile were the shear and moment at the bottom resulting from the underlying soil would not be zero. For the beam on elastic foundation model, the top of the pile was assumed to be fixed.  相似文献   

根据温州港状元岙港区化工码头工程的地层条件和码头的特殊要求,其桩基础设计了嵌岩斜桩,斜度1∶5~1∶6。施工中应用冲击成桩施工工艺。通过自行设计的钢护筒导向架控制桩孔斜度、筒柱式空心锤冲击成孔、橄榄球式混凝土灌注导管灌注混凝土等针对性很强的施工措施,顺利圆满地完成了施工任务。通过桩基检测,桩基质量完全满足规范和设计要求。为类似工程的施工提供了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

Using pile foundations as heat exchangers with the ground provides an efficient and reliable energy source for the heating and cooling of buildings. However, thermal expansion or contraction of the concrete brings new challenges to the design of such structures. The present study investigates the impact of temperature variation on the mobilised bearing capacities of geothermal piles. The mechanisms driving the variations and redistribution of mobilised bearing forces along geothermal piles are identified using Thermo-Pile software. The EPFL and Lambeth College test piles are modelled and analysed as real-scale experiments. Three simple representative cases are used to investigate the impact of over-sizing geothermal piles on their serviceability. It is found that the mechanisms responsible for the variations and redistribution of mobilised bearing forces along the piles are unlikely to cause geotechnical failure, even if the ultimate bearing force of a pile is reached. Furthermore, over-sizing geothermal piles compared to conventional piles can have a negative impact on their serviceability.  相似文献   

加筋效应对群桩相互作用系数的影响   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
梁发云  陈龙珠  李镜培 《岩土力学》2005,26(11):1757-1760
群桩相互作用系数通常是采用平面应变模型进行分析,其研究方法具有较多的近似性。基于更为严格的虚拟桩模型,应用群桩相互作用的积分方程解答,以两桩相互作用的基本模型为例,研究加筋效应对群桩相互作用的影响。与弹性理论法和Mylonakis & Gazetas解答的对比表明,加筋效应对群桩相互作用系数有着较为明显的影响,并指出Mylonakis & Gazetas基于剪切位移法所得解答中存在的一些主要问题。  相似文献   

Monitoring systems along roads are needed to facilitate decisions on improving protection of water resources and decreasing the impact of road-related pollutants on the roadside environment. This paper presents a monitoring system using permanently installed electrodes and monthly measurements of resistivity at a motorway in Sweden with heavy loads of de-icing salt. A significant increase in resistivity in the vadose zone with increasing distance from the road was shown in both sand and glacial till areas during the whole year. By measuring temporal variations in a less affected environment further from the road, a distinction could be made between more natural variations and variations due to de-icing salt and melting of roadside snowbanks. The highest resistivities occurred in October–November and the lowest in January–March, while the more natural resistivities showed an opposing temporal variation. The difference was up to 35% on a log-scale in the sand area during the latter period. Hence, the time-lapse resistivity measurements clearly showed a strong influence of de-icing salt on roadside soils and groundwater during winter and spring. The measurement system and the analysis methods proved useful for monitoring both the spatial and seasonal variation in resistivity.  相似文献   

申永江  孙红月  尚岳全  刘健 《岩土力学》2011,32(6):1838-1842
在大型滑坡治理工程中常常采用双排抗滑桩,锚索双排桩和刚架双排桩是常见的两种型式。采用有限元程序ANSYS分别建立锚索双排桩和刚架双排桩的有限元分析模型,对比分析这两种型式双排桩的内力分布,找出能更好发挥抗滑效果的结构型式。通过对比分析可知,锚索双排桩的前后两排桩的内力分布差距十分明显,刚架双排桩的前后两排桩的内力分布差距较小,所以,刚架双排桩能够更好地发挥抗滑效果。选取锚索双排桩和刚架双排桩2个工程实例,监测分析发现锚索双排桩的前排桩侧向位移和弯矩均远小于后排桩,刚架双排桩前后两排桩的位移和弯矩比较接近,这与有限元分析结果相吻合,因此,双排抗滑桩的设计中建议采用刚架双排桩  相似文献   

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