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We described seasonal fish-assemblages in an estuarine marsh fringing Matagorda Bay, Gulf of Mexico. Habitat zones were identified by patterns of fish species abundance and indicator species optima along gradients in salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and depth in our samples. Indicators of the lower brackish zone (lower lake and tidal bayou closest to the bay) were gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus), bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli), silver perch (Bairdiella chrysoura), and spotted seatrout (Cynoscion nebulosus) at salinity >15‰, DO 7–10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. Indicators of the upper brackish zone (lake and fringing salt marsh) were pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) and spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) at salinity 10–20‰, DO >10 mg l−1, and depth <0.5 m. In the freshwater wetland zone (diked wetland, ephemeral pool, and perennial scour pool), indicators were sheepshed minnow (Cyprinod on variegatus), rainwater killifish (Lucania parva), mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis), and sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth ≥1 m. In the freshwater channelized zone (slough and irrigation canal), indicators were three sunfish species (Lepomis), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis), and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) at salinity <5‰, DO <5 mg l−1, and depth >1.5 m. In brackish zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with temperature, but assemblage structure also was influenced by depth and DO. In the freshwater zones, seasonal variation in species diversity among sites was positively correlated with depth, DO, and salinity, but assemblage structure was weakly associated with temperature. Species diversity and assemblage structure were strongly affected by the connectivity between freshwater wetland and brackish zones. Uncommon species in diked wetlands, such as tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) and fat sleeper (Dormitator maculatus), indicated movement of fishes from the brackish zone as the water level rose during natural flooding and scheduled (July) releases from the diked wetland. From September to July, diversity in the freshwater wetland zone decreased as receding waters left small isolated pools, and fish movement became blocked by a water-control structure. Subsequently, diversity was reduced to a few species with opportunistic life histories and tolerance to anoxic conditions that developed as flooded vegetation decayed.  相似文献   

Data are presented on dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations and their relationship to salinity, suspended particulate matter (SPM), concentrations, and the turbidity maximum in the Humber-Ouse Estuary, United Kingdom, during summer 1995. Measurements in the upper Humber during March 1995 showed DO in the range 82% to 87% of saturation. Suspended particulate matter concentrations were <5000 mg l?1 and salinity was in the range 0.5 to 12. In contrast, a pronounced DO sag occurred in the upper reaches of the Ouse during medium and spring tide, summer conditions. The DO minimum was essentially an anoxic level and was associated with the location of the turbidity maximum, at salinities between about 0.4 and 1.5. SPM concentrations at 1 m beneath the surface reached 25,000 mg l?1 in the turbidity maximum, between about 20 km and 40 km from the tidal limit. Suspended particulate matter concentrations were much lower at neap tides, although dense suspensions of SPM (>60,000 mg l?1) occurred within 1 m of the bed in the turbidity maximum region. A spring-neap record showed a dramatic and tidally controlled decrease in DO at very low salinities as the tides progressed from neaps to springs. An anchor station located down-channel of the turbidity maximum showed that about 95% of the variance in DO, which varied from 28% at low-water slack to 67% at high-water slack, could be explained in terms of salinity variation. At the up-channel margins of the turbidity maximum, DO increased from zero (anoxia) near high water to 60% near low water slack, in contrast to the behavior down-channel of the turbidity maximum. About 82% of the variance in DO could be explained in terms of salinity variations alone. Only 43% of the DO variance could be explained in terms of SPM alone. Up-channel of the turbidity maximum, SPM concentrations were relatively low (<3000 mg l?1) and DO levels varied from 48% of saturation near high water to 83% near low water slack. About 76% of the variance in DO could be explained in terms of salinity variations alone. Within the turbidity maximum region, DO varied from <2% saturation on the early flood and late ebb and maximized around 7% at high water slack. About 63% of the variance in DO could be explained in terms of salinity variation alone. This increased to 70% when suspended particulate matter was taken into account. Only 29% of the DO variance could be explained in terms of suspended particulate matter alone. Because bacteria were likely to have been the cause of the observed reduction in DO, the numbers of bacteria, both free-living and attached to particles, were measured in the turbidity maximum region. Numbers of free-living bacteria were low and most of the bacteria were attached to sediment particles. There was a linear correlation between total bacterial number and suspended particulate matter concentration, suggesting that the strong DO demand was exerted locally as a result of bacterial activity associated with increased suspended particulate matter concentrations. An order of magnitude analysis of DO consumption within the Ouse’s turbidity maximum, based on the premise that DO depletion was directly related to suspended particulate matter concentrations and that DO addition was due to reaeration, indicates that complete deoxygenation could have occurred with an oxygen depletion rate of ~0.01 mg DO h?1/g suspended particulate matter during the residence time of waters within the turbidity maximum (~7 d). This rate was sufficiently fast that anoxic to aerobic conditions were able to develop a spring-neap periodicity within the turbidity maximum, but too slow to generate substantial intratidal fluctuations in DO. This is in accordance with the observations, which show that relatively little of the intratidal variance in DO could be explained in terms of suspended particulate matter fluctuations, whereas most of the variance could be explained in terms of salinity, which behaved as a surrogate measure for the proximity of the turbidity maximum.  相似文献   

Seasonal hypoxia [dissolved oxygen (DO)?≤?2 mg?l?1] occurs over large regions of the northwestern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf during the summer months (June–August) as a result of nutrient enrichment from the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River system. We characterized the community structure of mobile fishes and invertebrates (i.e., nekton) in and around the hypoxic zone using 3 years of bottom trawl and hydrographic data. Species richness and total abundance were lowest in anoxic waters (DO?≤?1 mg?l?1) and increased at intermediate DO levels (2–4 mg?l?1). Species were primarily structured as a benthic assemblage dominated by Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) and sand and silver seatrout (Cynoscion spp.), and a pelagic assemblage dominated by Atlantic bumper (Chloroscombrus chrysurus). Of the environmental variables examined, bottom DO and distance to the edge of the hypoxic zone were most strongly correlated with assemblage structure, while temperature and depth were important in some years. Hypoxia altered the spatial distribution of both assemblages, but these effects were more severe for the benthic assemblage than for the pelagic assemblage. Brown shrimp, the primary target of the commercial shrimp trawl fishery during the summer, occurred in both assemblages, but was more abundant within the benthic assemblage. Given the similarity of the demersal nekton community described here to that taken as bycatch in the shrimp fishery, our results suggest that hypoxia-induced changes in spatial dynamics have the potential to influence harvest and bycatch interactions in and around the Gulf hypoxic zone.  相似文献   

Stratification and bottom-water hypoxia in the Pamlico River estuary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relationships among bottom-water dissolved oxygen (DO), vertical stratification, and the factors responsible for stratification-destratification in this shallow, low tidal-energy estuary were studied using a 15-yr set of biweekly measurements, along with some recent continuous-monitoring data. Hypoxia develops only when there is both vertical water-column stratification and warm water temperature (>15°C). In July, 75% of the DO readings were <5 mg 1?1, and one-third were <1 mg 1?1. Severe hypoxia occurs more frequently in the upper half of the estuary than near the mouth. Both the time series data and correlation analysis results indicate that stratification events and DO levels are tightly coupled with variations in freshwater discharge and wind stress. Stratification can form or disappear in a matter of hours, and episodes lasting from one to several days seem to be common. Estimated summertime respiration rates in the water and sediments are sufficient to produce hypoxia if the water is mixed only every 6–12 d. There has been no trend toward lower bottom water DO in the Pamlico River Estuary over the past 15 yr. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY059 00002  相似文献   

Sediment-water oxygen and nutrient (NH4 +, NO3 ?+NO2 ?, DON, PO4 3?, and DSi) fluxes were measured in three distinct regions of Chesapeake Bay at monthly intervals during 1 yr and for portions of several additional years. Examination of these data revealed strong spatial and temporal patterns. Most fluxes were greatest in the central bay (station MB), moderate in the high salinity lower bay (station SB) and reduced in the oligohaline upper bay (station NB). Sediment oxygen consumption (SOC) rates generally increased with increasing temperature until bottom water concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) fell below 2.5 mg l?1, apparently limiting SOC rates. Fluxes of NH4 + were elevated at temperatures >15°C and, when coupled with low bottom water DO concentrations (<5 mg l?1), very large releases (>500 μmol N m?2 h?1) were observed. Nitrate + nitrite (NO3 ?+NO2 ?) exchanges were directed into sediments in areas where bottom water NO3 ?+NO2 ? concentrations were high (>18 μM N); sediment efflux of NO3 ?+NO2 ? occurred only in areas where bottom water NO3 ?+NO2 ? concentrations were relatively low (<11 μM N) and bottom waters well oxygenated. Phosphate fluxes were small except in areas of hypoxic and anoxic bottom waters; in those cases releases were high (50–150 μmol P m?2 h?1) but of short duration (2 mo). Dissolved silicate (DSi) fluxes were directed out of the sediments at all stations and appeared to be proportional to primary production in overlying waters. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was released from the sediments at stations NB and SB and taken up by the sediments at station MB in summer months; DON fluxes were either small or noninterpretable during cooler months of the year. It appears that the amount and quality of organic matter reaching the sediments is of primary importance in determining the spatial variability and interannual differences in sediment nutrient fluxes along the axis of the bay. Surficial sediment chlorophyll-a, used as an indicator of labile sediment organic matter, was highly correlated with NH4 ?, PO4 3?, and DSi fluxes but only after a temporal lag of about 1 mo was added between deposition events and sediment nutrient releases. Sediment O:N flux ratios indicated that substantial sediment nitrification-denitrification probably occurred at all sites during winter-spring but not summer-fall; N:P flux ratios were high in spring but much less than expected during summer, particularly at hypoxic and anoxic sites. Finally, a comparison of seasonal N and P demand by phytoplankton with sediment nutrient releases indicated that the sediments provide a substantial fraction of nutrients required by phytoplankton in summer, but not winter, especially in the mid bay region.  相似文献   

Environmentally sensitive benthic foraminifera (protists) from Chesapeake Bay were used as bioindicators to estimate the timing and degree of changes in dissolved oxygen (DO) over the past five centuries. Living foraminifers from 19 surface samples and fossil assemblages from 11 sediment cores dated by210Pb,137Cs,14C, and pollen stratigraphy were analyzed from the tidal portions of the Patuxent, Potomac, and Choptank Rivers and the main channel of the Chesapeake Bay.Ammonia parkinsoniana, a facultative anaerobe tolerant of periodic anoxic conditions, comprises an average of 74% of modern Chesapeake foraminiferal assemblages (DO-0.47 and 1.72 ml l−1) compared to 0% to 15% of assemblages collected in the 1960s. Paleoecological analyses show thatA. parkinsoniana was absent prior to the late 17th century, increased to 10–25% relative frequency between approximately 1670–1720 and 1810–1900, and became the dominant (60–90%) benthic formaniferal species in channel environments beginning in the early 1970s. Since the 1970s, deformed tests ofA. parkinsoniana occur in all cores (10–20% ofAmmonia), suggesting unprecedented stressful benthic conditions. These cores indicate that prior to the late 17th century, there was limited oxygen depletion. During the past 200 years, decadal scale variability in oxygen depletion has occurred, as dysoxic (DO=0.1–1.0 ml l−1), perhaps short-term anoxic (DO<0.1 ml l−1) conditions developed. The most extensive (spatially and temporally) anoxic conditions were reached during the 1970s. Over decadal timescales, DO variability seems to be linked closely to climatological factors influencing river discharge; the unprecedented anoxia since the early 1970s is attributed mainly to high freshwater flow and to an increase in nutrient concentrations from the watershed.  相似文献   

A Poisson catch rate model for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) anglers in Chesapeake Bay was developed that incorporates the effect of bottom temperature and dissolved oxygen (DO). Angler catch rates are shown to be negatively affected by low DO. Predicted angler catch rates were then used in a random utility model of striped bass fishing location choice. Where anglers choose to fish is significantly related to expected catch rate and the travel cost and time from the anglers residence to the fishing location. Results from the random utility model were then used to simulate the economic welfare changes that result from changing DO levels in the Patuxent River. Since there are many substitute sites for fishing in the Patuxent River, the welfare effects are small. Increases in DO from current levels have a small effect on angler welfare, but if levels are allowed to deteriorate so they never exceed 5 mg l−1, the welfare effects are much larger. Under this latter scenario, the net present value of angler losses exceeds 100,000, and are almost100,000, and are almost 300,000 if the fishing grounds are anoxic. Losses are considerably higher as the area impacted by low oxygen conditions increases.  相似文献   

Nekton abundance and water quality were examined over 8 yr (1986–1993) in Isaac Creek, a small (2.5 km long), shallow (1–2 m), estuarine creek draining to Adams Creek (Neuse River system), North Carolina, United States. Water quality and nekton were sampled at 8 to 12 stations at 2–3 wk intervals from April to October (76 dates). The nekton assemblage, sampled by trawl, included 42 taxa but was dominated by 11 species (7 fish and 4 decapod crustaceans). Nekton and water quality (temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen [DO], salinity gradient) data were grouped and analyzed by three (upper, middle, and lower) creek zones to determine if estimated abundance was correlated with water quality. Potentially stressful water quality conditions for salinity (<5 ppt), temperature (>30°C in morning), and DO (<2 mg 1−1) mainly occurred in the upper and middle zones. The most frequent occurrence of potentially stressful conditions for salinity was in the spring and for dissolved oxygen and temperature in middle to late summer. The frequency of potentially stressful conditions increased during a 3-yr period following timber harvest of a large portion of the watershed. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) suggested little correlation between the top 11 species and water quality and indicated an assemblage with regular seasonal changes. Comparison of nekton use of the middle and upper zones of the creek for 3-yr pre- and post-harvest periods showed an increase in proportion of nekton caught in those zones, despite the higher frequency of potentially stressful water quality conditions. This observation suggests that a complex set of factors, including water quality, influence the pattern of nekton use in Isaac Creek.  相似文献   

Widespread use of septic tanks in the Florida Keys increase the nutrient concentrations of limestone groundwaters that discharge into shallow nearshore waters, resulting in coastal eutrophication. This study characterizes watershed nutrient inputs, transformations, and effects along a land-sea gradient stratified into four ecosystems that occur with increasing distance from land: manmade canal systems (receiving waters of nutrient inputs), seagrass meadows, patch reefs, and offshore bank reefs. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), the primary limiting nutrient, was significantly elevated in canal systems compared to the other ecosystems, while dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN; NH4 + and NO3 ?) a secondary limiting nutrient, was elevated both in canal systems and seagrass meadows. SRP and NH4 + concentrations decreased to low concentrations within approximately 1 km and 3 km from land, respectively. DIN and SRP accounted for their greatest contribution (up to 30%) of total N and P pools in canals, compared to dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) that dominated (up to 68%) the total N and P pools at the offshore bank reefs. Particulate N and P fractions were also elevated (up to 48%) in canals and nearshore seagrass meadows, indicating rapid biological uptake of DIN and SRP into organic particles. Chlorophylla and turbidity were also elevated in canal systems and seagrass meadows; chlorophylla was maximal during summer when maximum watershed nutrient input occurs, whereas turbidity was maximal during winter due to seasonally maximum wind conditions and sediment resuspension. DO was negatively correlated with NH4 + and SRP; hypoxia (DO<2.5 mg l?1) frequently occurred in nutrient-enriched canal systems and seagrass meadows, especially during the warm summer months. These findings correlate with recent (<5 years) observations of increasing algal blooms, seagrass epiphytization and die-off, and loss of coral cover on patch and bank reef ecosystems, suggesting that nearshore waters of the Florida Keys have entered a stage of critical eutrophication.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the amount of particulate organic carbon (POC) introduced to the Gulf of Mexico by the Mississippi River and assess the influence of POC inputs on the development of hypoxia and burial of organic carbon on the Louisiana continental shelf. Samples of suspended sediment and supporting hydrographic data were collected from the river and >50 sites on the adjacent shelf. Suspended particles collected in the river averaged 1.8±0.3% organic carbon. Because of this uniformity, POC values (in μmol l?1) correlated well with concentrations of total suspended matter. Net transport of total organic carbon by the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River system averaged 0.48×1012 moles y?1 with 66% of the total organic carbon carried as POC. Concentrations of POC decreased from as high as 600 μmol l?1 in the river to <0.8 μmol l?1 in offshore waters. In contrast, the organic carbon fraction of the suspended matter increased from <2% of the total mass in the river to >35% along the shelf at ≥10 km from the river mouth. River flow was a dominant factor in controlling particle and POC distributions; however, time-series data showed that tides and weather fronts can influence particle movement and POC concentrations. Values for apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) increased from ~60 μmol l?1 to >200 μmol l?1 along the shelf on approach to the region of chronic hypoxia. Short-term increases in AOU were related to transport of more particle-rich waters. Sediments buried on the shelf contained less organic carbon than incoming river particles. Orgamic carbon and δ13C values for shelf sediments indicated 3 that large amounts of both terrigenous and marine organic carbon are being decomposed in shelf waters and sediments to fuel observed hypoxia.  相似文献   

We used growth rates of juvenile winter flounderPseudopleuronectes americanus to assess anthropogenic influence on habitat quality at three sites in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island. The upper bay site, Gaspee Point, had the highest population density and concentration of total nitrogen; human inputs decreased down bay. Growth rates of individually marked fish were measured in three 15-d experiments from June 8 to July 6, 1998 in 1-m2 cages placed at upper, middle, and lower bay sites. Water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and benthic food were also measured. Stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon were measured in experimental fish as possible indicators of nutrient enrichment and to identify organic carbon sources. Growth rates were 0.22–0.60 mm d−1, with the highest average at the mid-bay site. Growth was initially fastest at Gaspee Point, but dropped off as DO concentrations fell. Step-wise multiple regression indicated that location (upper, middle, or lower bay) explained most of the variability in fish growth (40%). Coefficients of other significant variables indicated that fish grew faster at lower salinities, smaller sizes, and with decreased time that DO was below 2.3 mg l−1. Benthic prey varied among sites and there was significantly less food and fewer species at Gaspee Point.Polydora cornuta was a favored food at all sites and was found in over half the stomachs. Values of δ15N in fish and sediments did not reflect differences in total nitrogen concentrations recorded near the sites. We suggest that anthropogenic influences, such as nutrients and sewage, affected habitat quality by reducing DO, which lowered fish growth rates.  相似文献   

Weather and water-quality data from 1980 to 1989 were correlated with fluctuations in submersed macrophyte populations in the tidal Potomac River near Washington, D.C., to elucidate causal relationships and explain population dynamics. Both reaches were unvegetated in 1980 when mean growing-season Secchi depths were <0.60 m. Macrophyte resurgence in the upper tidal river in 1983 was associated with a growing-season Secchi depth of 0.86 m, total suspended solids (TSS) of 17.7 mg l?1, chlorophyll a concentrations of 15.2 μg l?1, significantly higher than average percent available sunshine, and significantly lower than average wind speed. From 1983 to 1989, mean seasonal Secchi depths <0.65 m were associated with decrease in plant coverage and mean seasonal Secchi depths >0.65 were associated with increases in plant coverage. Changes in mean seasonal Secchi depth were related to changes in mean seasonal TSS and chlorophyll a concentration; mean Secchi depths >0.65 generally occur when seasonal mean TSS is <19 mg l?1 and seasonal mean chlorophyll a concentration is ≤15 μg l?1. Secchi depth is highly correlated with plant growth in the upper tidal river and chlorophyll a and TSS with plant growth in the lower tidal river. Wind speed is an important influence on plant growth in both reaches.  相似文献   

Community Oxygen and Nutrient Fluxes in Seagrass Beds of Florida Bay, USA   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We used clear, acrylic chambers to measure in situ community oxygen and nutrient fluxes under day and night conditions in seagrass beds at five sites across Florida Bay five times between September 1997 and March 1999. Underlying sediments are biogenic carbonate with porosities of 0.7–0.9 and with low organic content (<1.6%). The seagrass communities always removed oxygen from the water column during the night and produced oxygen during daylight, and sampling date and site significantly affected both night and daytime oxygen fluxes. Net daily average fluxes of oxygen (?4.9 to 49 mmol m?2 day?1) ranged from net autotrophy to heterotrophy across the bay and during the 18-month sampling period. However, the Rabbit Key Basin site, located in the west-central bay and covered with a dense Thalassia testudinum bed, was always autotrophic with net average oxygen production ranging from 4.8 to 49 mmol m?2 day?1. In November 1998, three of the five sites were strongly heterotrophic and oxygen production was least at Rabbit, suggesting the possibility of hypoxic conditions in fall. Average ammonium (NH4) concentrations in the water column varied widely across the bay, ranging from a mean of 6.9 μmol l?1 at Calusa in the eastern bay to a mean of 0.6 μmol l?1 at Rabbit Key for the period of study. However, average NH4 fluxes by site and date (?240 to 110 μmol m?2 h?1) were not correlated with water column concentrations and did not vary in a consistent diel, seasonal, or spatial pattern. Concentrations of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) in the water column, averaged by site (15–25 μmol l?1), were greater than mean NH4 concentrations, and the range of day and night DON fluxes (?920 to 1,300 μmol m?2 h?1), averaged by site and date, was greater than the range of mean NH4 fluxes. Average DON fluxes did not vary consistently from day to night, seasonally or spatially. Mean silicate fluxes ranged from ?590 to 860 μmol m?2 h?1 across all sites and dates, but mean net daily fluxes were less variable and most of the time contributed small amounts of silicate to the water column. Mean concentrations of filterable reactive phosphorus (FRP) in the water column across the bay were very low (0.021–0.075 μmol l?1); but site average concentrations of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) were higher (0.04–0.15 μmol l?1) and showed a gradient of increasing concentration from east to west in the bay. A pronounced gradient in average surficial sediment total phosphorus (1.1–12 μmol g DW?1) along an east-to-west gradient was not reflected in fluxes of phosphorus. FRP fluxes, averaged by site and date, were low (?5.2 to 52 μmol m?2 h?1), highly variable, and did not vary consistently from day to night or across season or location. Mean DOP fluxes varied over a smaller range (?8.7 to 7.4 μmol m?2 h?1), but also showed no consistent spatial or temporal patterns. These small DOP fluxes were in sharp contrast to the predominately organic phosphorus pool in surficial sediments (site means?=?0.66–7.4 μmol g DW?1). Significant correlations of nutrient fluxes with parameters related to seagrass abundance suggest that the seagrass community may play a major role in nutrient recycling. Integrated means of net daily fluxes over the area of Florida Bay, though highly variable, suggest that seagrass communities might be a source of DOP and NH4 to Florida Bay and might remove small amounts of FRP and potentially large amounts of DON from the waters of the bay.  相似文献   

Hypoxic events in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, during the summer of 2001   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bottom water hypoxic events were observed in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island during the summer of 2001 using a towed sensor, vertical casts at fixed stations, and continuous monitoring buoys. This combination of approaches allowed for both extensive spatial and temporal sampling. Oxygen concentrations below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) acute hypoxia criterion of 2.3 mg l?1 were observed in the northern parts of Narragansett Bay, including the Providence River. We estimate 39% of the area of the Providence River was affected by acute hypoxia between July and September 2001. All other regions experienced only small areas of acute hypoxia (<5%), and no acute hypoxia was observed from Quonset Point south. The area encompassing oxygen concentrations below the EPA chronic hypoxia criterion of 4.8 mg l?1 was much more extensive in the upper half of Narragansett Bay, sometimes covering the majority of the region, though it is unclear whether exposure to concentrations below this criterion persisted long enough to significantly affect marine species in these areas. Vertical profiles of dissolved oxygen typically exhibited a mid water oxygen minimum near the pycnocline, followed by a slight increase in oxygen with depth. The surface waters above the pycnocline were typically supersaturated with oxygen. The northern portions of the Bay where the most extensive hypoxia was observed corresponded to the regions with both the greatest thermohaline stratification, the highest nutrient inputs, and the highest primary productivity.  相似文献   

Rainfall events cause episodic discharges of groundwaters contaminated with septic tank effluent into nearshore waters of the Florida keys, enhancing eutrophication in sensitive coral reef communities. Our study characterized the effects of stormwater discharges by continuously (30-min intervals) measuring salinity, temperature, tidal stage, and dissolved oxygen (DO) along an offshore eutrophication gradient prior to and following heavy rainfall at the beginning of the 1992 rainy season. The gradient included stations at a developed canal system (PP) on Big Pine Key, a seagrass meadow in a tidal channel (PC), a nearshore patch reef (PR), a bank reef at Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary (LK), and a blue water station (BW) approximately 9 km off of Big PIne Key. Water samples were collected at weekly intervals during this period to determine concentrations of total nitrogen (TN), ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate plus nitrite NO3 ? plus NO2 ?), total phosphorus (TP), total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), and chlorophyll a (chl a). Decreased salinity immediately followed the first major rainfall at Big Pine Key, which was followed by anoxia (DO <0.1 mg I?1), high concentrations of NH4 + (≈24 μM), TDP (≈1.5 μM), and chl a (≈20 μg I?1). Maximum concentration of TDP (≈0.30 μM) also followed the initial rainfall at the PC, PR, and LK stations. In contrast, NH4 + (≈4.0 μM) and chl a (0.45 μg I?1) lagged the rain event by 1–3 wk, depending on distance from shore. The highest and most variable concentrations of NH4 +, TDP, and chl a occurred at PP, and all nutrient parameters correlated positively with rainfall. DO at all stations was positively correlated with tide and salinity and the lowest values occurred during low tide and low salinity (high rainfall) periods. Hypoxia (DO <2.5 mg I?1) was observed at all stations follwing the stormwater discharges, including the offshore bank reef station LK. Our study demonstrated that high frequency (daily) sampling is necessary to track the effects of episodic rainfall events on water quality and that such effects can be detected at considerable distances (12 km) from shore. The low levels of DO and high levels of nutrients and chl a in coastal waters of the Florida Keys demand that special precautions be exercised in the treatment and discharge of wastewaters and land-based runoff in order to preserve sensitive coral reef communities.  相似文献   

The decline of submersed aquatic vegetation (SAV) in tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay has been associated with increasing anthropogenic inputs, and restoration of the bay remains a major goal of the present multi-state “Bay Cleanup” effort. In order to determine SAV response to water quality, we quantified the water column parameters associated with success of transplants and natural regrowth over a three-year period along an estuarine gradient in the Choptank River, a major tributary on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay. The improvement in water quality due to low precipitation and low nonpoint source loadings during 1985–1988 provided a natural experiment in which SAV was able to persist upstream where it had not been for almost a decade. Mean water quality parameters were examined during the growing season (May–October) at 14 sites spanning the estuarine gradient and arrayed to show correspondence with the occurrence of SAV. Regrowth of SAV in the Choptank is associated with mean dissolved inorganic nitrogen <10 μM; mean dissolved phosphate <0.35 μM; mean suspended sediment <20 mg l?1; mean chlorophylla in the water column <15 μg l?1; and mean light attenuation coefficient (Kd) <2 m?1. These values correspond well with those derived in other parts of the Chesapeake, particularly in the lower bay, and may provide managers with values that can be used as target concentrations for nutrient reduction strategies where SAV is an issue.  相似文献   

We examined high frequency fluctuations in water quality parameters in two tropical coastal plain estuaries in response to changing tidal flow conditions. The variability in total suspended sediments (TSS), volatile suspended solids (VSS), total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations, and indicators of water quality, including pH, temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen, over one spring tidal cycle during the early wet monsoon season was measured in two estuaries in eastern Sumatra. The relatively high rainfall experienced throughout the year, in combination with the recent extensive vegetation clearing and modification of the landscape, resulted in significant concentrations of TSS, VSS, and TOC being discharged to coastal waters. Maximum values are reached on the ebb tide (TSS > 1,013 mg l−1; VSS > 800 mg l−1; TOC >60 mg l−1). The influence of freshwater discharge and tidal flow on water properties of the lower estuaries is also marked by the variability in salinity, dissolved oxygen, and pH over the tidal cycle, with minimum values for each of these parameters following maximum current velocities and after the completion of the strong ebb tide. Estimation of seaward sediment fluxes, which are of significant interest in a region where rapid environmental change is occurring, would require further examination of sedimentary processes, such as resuspension and advection of sediment, as well as a consideration of neap-spring tidal variations and the effect of seasonality on estuarine circulation.  相似文献   

We continuously measured dissolved silicate concentrations and fluxes discharged from various Rhode River subwatersheds for a period of 14 yr from 1984 to 1998 and for 15 mo in 1971–1972. We also measured dissolved silicate concentrations along a transect from the head of the tide in Rhode River estuary to Chesapeake Bay. The average concentration of dissolved silicate discharged from the Rhode River watershed was 10.8 mg Si l?1. There were consistent and significant differences in silicate concentrations discharged over time and space among subwatersheds. Mean annual silicate flux from the watershed was 26.6 kg Si ha?1 and 93% of this occurred during the winter and spring seasons. There were large interannual variations in silicate flux, due primarily to differences in precipitation and water discharge, rather than silicate concentration. Land use had little or no effect on silicate flux from various subwatersheds. Silicate concentrations discharged from a subset of subwatersheds in 1995–1996 were 25% to 35% lower than in a period with similar precipitation in 1971–1972. Mean annual concentrations of silicate discharged from nine subwatersheds have been declining about 1.5% yr?1 or by 0.21–0.26 mg Si l?1 yr?1 over the last 25 yr. Despite high average silicate fluxes from the watershed, at times the Rhode River estuary developed low dissolved silicate concentrations, which could have been limiting to the growth of diatoms. Examples were in the spring after a winter with low watershed discharge (as low as 0.019 mg Si l?1 in 1995) and after protracted drought (as low as 0.041 mg Si l?1 in 1993).  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in conjunction with the Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study (ILWAS) to examine the chemistry and leaching patterns of soluble humic substances in forested watersheds of the Adirondack region. During the summer growing season, mean dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in the ILWAS watersheds ranged from 21–32 mg C l?1 in O/A horizon leachates, from 5–7 mg C l?1 in B horizon leachates, from 2–4 mg C l?1 in groundwater solutions, from 6–8 mg C l?1 in first order streams, from 3–8 mg C l?1 in lake inlets, and from 2–7 mg C l?1 in lake outlets. During the winter, mean DOC concentrations dropped significantly in the upper soil profile. Soil solutions from mixed and coniferous stands contained as much as twice the DOC concentration of lysimeter samples from hardwood stands. Results of DOC fractionation analysis showed that hydrophobia and hydrophilic acids dominate the organic solute composition of natural waters in these watersheds. Charge balance and titration results indicated that the general acid-base characteristics of the dissolved humic mixture in these natural waters can be accounted for by a model organic acid having an averagepKa of 3.85, an average charge density of 4–5 μeq mg?1 C at ambient pH, and a total of 6–7 meq COOH per gram carbon.  相似文献   

Long-trend trends in dissolved oxygen (DO) and total coliform bacteria concentrations are used to evaluate the impact of almost 60 yr of sewage abatement and treatment in the lower Hudson River near New York City. Although some water pollution control plants have been in operation in the region since the 1930s, the most significant abatement of untreated sewage in the lower Hudson River has occurred since the late 1970s, when most of the existing plants were upgraded to secondary treatment, and additional plants were constructed. From at least 1922 through the early 1960s, average summer DO percent saturation varied between 35% and 50% in surface waters and 25% and 40% in bottom waters. Beginning in the late 1970s, DO concentrations generally increased through the 1980s and especially into the 1990s, coinciding with the upgrading of the 7.4 m3 s?1 (170 million gallons per day, mgd) North River plant to secondary treatment in the spring of 1991. Average summer percent saturation in the early 1990s exceeded 80% in surface waters and 60% in bottom waters. In addition, summer DO minima have increased from less than 1.5 mg 1?1 in the early 1970s to greater than 3.0 mg 1?1 in the 1990s, and the duration of hypoxia during summer months has been reduced. Total coliforms also display strong declining trends from the 1970s into the 1990s, with declines attributed to plant upgrades, construction of two New York City plants (North River and Red Hook) in the mid 1980s, and improved operation of the sewer system.  相似文献   

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