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Habitat selection capabilities of the recruiting larval stages of marine invertebrates are limited, in part, by their ability to maneuver in flowing water. Distributional and experimental evidence suggest that blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) megalopae may preferentially settle into vegetated habitats. However, the behavior and swimming capabilities of megalopae in flowing water have not previously been investigated. Laboratory experiments were conducted in a small, recirculating seawater flume to determine the swimming response of megalopae to varying flow velocities. Nighttime trials were conducted at six flow velocities: 0, 1.9, 3.6, 4.8, 6.3, and 9.3 cm s?1. Behavior and swimming velocities of field-collected C. sapidus megalopae were video recorded. Megalopae exhibited negative phototaxis and were found in the water column at all flows in the dark. The maximum sustained swimming speed observed was 12.6 cm s?1 and the mean swimming speed in still water was 5.0 cm s?1, with short bursts in excess of 20 cm s?1. Megalopae frequently oriented into the current and were capable of swimming upstream against the current at flow speeds <4.8 cm s?1; at greater velocities they were not able to do so. The results suggest that at low to moderate current velocities C. sapidus megalopae have the ability to actively move in search of settlement sites and to maintain their positions in desirable sites rather than relying strictly on passive movements by currents.  相似文献   

Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, showed the same antennular flicking response to brief (<2 min) salinity fluctuations as they have previously shown in detecting chemical food cues during other studies. The threshold concentrations at which 50% of the crabs detected the salinity changes were 29.9‰ and 32.7‰ or 96% and 105% of ambient seawater (31.0‰). At the maximum salinity changes used, other behaviors accompanied the flicking response. In a second experiment where salinity rose or fell continuously, two previously undescribed behaviors, pulsing and closure, occurred. In pulsing, crabs showed a rapid coordinated opening and closing of the outer maxillipeds with rapid beating of the maxillipedal flagellae. In closure, crabs stopped all overt activity, retracted their appendages and tightly closed the buccal cavity with the outer maxillipeds. Under increasing salinity crabs exhibited pulsing at 34.9‰ or 113% of ambient seawater and closure at 36.2‰ or 117% of ambient. Under decreasing salinity crabs showed pulsing at 23.2‰ or 75% of ambient seawater and closure at 15.5‰ or 50% of ambient.  相似文献   

Extensive trawl surveys were conducted in two large estuaries (Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay) on the Washington coast during 1983–1987, and in adjacent areas of the open coast. These surveys have shown that both English sole and Dungeness crab rely heavily on these estuaries as nursery areas, although the pattern of utilization differs substantially. Juvenile migration patterns can show substantial interannual variability and can only be delineated by concurrent surveys in both coastal and estuarine areas, conducted over a period of several years. English sole eggs and Dungeness crab larvae are released in coastal waters. Larvae of both species transform to the benthic stage in both coastal and estuarine areas, but most English sole eventually migrate into the estuaries during the first year of life, even if initial settlement is along the open coast. By the time English sole have attained a length of 55 mm (TL), most of them are found in estuaries. English sole begin emigrating from the estuaries at about 75 mm, and few remain there during the second year of life. In contrast, Dungeness crab appear to remain in the area of initial settlement throughout the first year of life. Growth is substantially faster in estuaries where 0+ crab reach a mean size of about 40 mm carapace width (CW) by September, with those off the coast are only about 14 mm CW. Juveniles remain in the area of settlement over their first winter but, in contrast to English sole, most coastal 1+ crab immigrate to estuaries to join siblings that settled there the previous year. By September of the second year, crab at about 100 mm CW emigrate to the open coast where they reach maturity. Advantages to juvenile stages that reside in estuaries are discussed in terms of accelerated growth at higher temperatures and potentially greater food supplies than found nearshore along the coast.  相似文献   

Density, habitat use, and growth of intertidal 0+ age Dungeness crabs, Cancer magister, were examined at five northern Puget Sound (Washington, USA) sites between June 1984 and September 1987. Sampling was conducted biweekly during settlement, from June to September, and approximately monthly or bimonthly thereafter. Northern Puget Sound Dungeness crab populations appear to be largely supported by recruitment from inland parental stocks, but a smaller proportion of recruits originate from coastal or oceanic stocks, as evidenced by earlier settlement and larger size of the first instar. Settlement of Dungeness crabs in inland waters typically peaked in August, and interannual variation in year-class strength at settlement (measured as intertidal density) was low relative to that reported for coastal crab populations. Spatial and interannual differences in settlement densities were mediated by high postsettlement mortality, which varied inversely with habitat complexity. Seasonal densities were highest in mixed sand and gravel with an overstory of attached or drift macroalgae, intermediate in eelgrass (Zostera marina), and lowest on open sand. Postsettlement growth rates corresponded to seasonal water temperatures and were greatest for the coastal cohort that settled in May and June. This cohort was larger as first juvenile instars (7.2 mm carapace width, CW) and grew rapidly at summer temperatures in excess of 15°C to a size (>30 mm CW) that allowed emigration from intertidal to subtidal areas by September. The late summer cohort settled in August at 5.3 mm CW and soon after was subjected to decreasing autumn water temperatures. There crabs experienced little growth while over wintering in the intertidal, but growth rates increased in March, and the crabs emigrated in April and May, approximately 10 mo after settlement.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of meroplankton and water properties off southern Washington and simultaneously measured time series of larval abundance and water properties in two adjacent estuaries, Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay. The cruise period, in late May 1999, coincided with large variation in the alongshore wind stress that caused dynamic change in the position of the Columbia River plume, coastal upelling and downwelling, and offshore phytoplankton production. In the coastal ocean, meroplankton groups responded differently to this wind event and the associated advection of water masses. Dungeness crab (Cancer magister) megalopae were largely indifferent to the wide salinity variation, and were found throughout the surveyed area in both plume and recently upwelled waters. Megalopae of kelp crab (Pugettia producta) and hermit crab (Pagurus spp). were more abundant in upwelled water and low numbers were caught in the plume water. Barnacle cyprids appeared to track the advective transport suggesting that they may be more passively dispersed. Within the estuaries, hydrography responded rapidly and synchronously to variation in wind stress. Intrusions of both plume and newly upwelled waters were detected at estuarine sites, depending on the type of water present at the coast, indicating a tight link between the estuaries and the coastal ocean in this region. A 90-d record ofC. magister megalopae abundance was made at 3 estuarine sites using light traps. The bulk of theC. magister recruitment was limited to a relatively brief period in late May through June. Within this window, megalopae occurred in distinct pulses of 3–5 d interspaced with periods of low or zero abundance.C. magister megalopae recruited to the estuaries over a wide range of wind forcing, and were transported into the estuary within varied water types. There were no periodic patterns indicative of spring-neap tidal variations in the abundance time series. Abundance was only weakly cross-correlated between the adjacent Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay estuaries, which contrasts with the more synchronous estuarine-coastal linkages measured for water properties. These results suggest the interaction of larval aggregation size in the ocean with estuary-ocean exchange processes likely controls patterns of estuarine recruitment.  相似文献   

Complex intertidal habitats characteristic of northeastern Pacific coastal estuaries provide critical nursery environments for young-of-the-year Dungeness crab,Cancer magister, yet their role in supporting subsequent year classes remains unclear. SubadultC. magister (40–130 mm; 1+ and >1+ year classes), which reach densities as high as 4,300 crabs ha?1 in subtidal channels during low tides, migrate during flood tides from subtidal refuges into intertidal habitats to forage. As with other brachyuran species that undertake extensive tidally-driven migrations, intertidal foraging may contribute significantly to the energy budget of subadultC. magister. In order to explore the energetic incentive for intertidal migrations by subadult crabs, we developed an ontogenetically-based bioenergetics model for crabs within Willapa Bay, Washington. The model showed that energetic demand varied spatially across the bay, with the highest average energetic demand of a population of subadult crabs (2.13×106 kJ ha?1) occurring in a habitat stratum termed lower side channel (LSC) and characterized by relatively little subtidal area and extensive intertidal flats. Comparison of model results with subtidal prey production revealed that the latter could not satisfy subadultC. magister energetic demands, especially in LSC where modeled crab predation depleted subtidal prey biomass within 17 simulation days. We estimate that 1 ha of subtidal crabs from LSC would minimally require an additional 1.6 ha of intertidal area to satisfy energetic demands without depleting prey biomass. Our model results support the assertion thatC. magister make regular migrations to forage on productive intertidal flats, and suggest that intertidal foraging may contribute significantly to the diet of subadult crabs in coastal estuaries.  相似文献   

Hypoxia (dissolved oxygen?<?2 mg L–1) has emerged as a worldwide threat to coastal and estuarine ecosystems. Beyond direct mortality, secondary ecological impacts caused by hypoxia-driven distributional shifts may be equally important. From July–November 2009 and June–September 2010, we quantified the movement patterns of Dungeness crab (Metacarcinus magister) and English sole (Parophrys vetulus) in Hood Canal, Washington USA, a seasonally hypoxic estuary. Although highly mobile (mean cumulative distance?±?SD?=?11.0?±?25.6 km, N?=?60), there was little evidence of either species exhibiting large-scale directional movement out of the hypoxic region. However, Dungeness crab showed significant shifts towards shallower waters and elevation in activity in the hypoxic region, potentially increasing their vulnerability to crabbing and other indirect ecological consequences. Our findings suggest hypoxia could have a more localized impact on the mobile fauna in Hood Canal. However, more detailed information concerning the local-scale oxygen dynamics and responses of these species, such as English sole vertical movement, is essential for grasping the population and community level effects of hypoxia.  相似文献   

Estuaries provide nursery habitat for juvenile stages of several commercial decapod crustaceans worldwide, and those in the Northeastern Pacific are viewed as providing this function for Dungeness crab,Cancer magister. It is difficult to ascertain the degree to which such estuarine production of juveniles eventually contributes to coastal adult populations and fisheries since there are no direct surveys of adult abundance. As other authors have done, we used fishery landings data to compute the long-term average contribution of 1 + juvenile crab populations reared in estuaries to future coastal fisheries. We focused on Oregon and Washington states, but grouped landings in two large geographic zones by combining fishery ports as adjacent to Large Estuarine Zones (LEZ; Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay, Washington, and both sides of the Columbia River) and Small Estuarine Zones (SEZ; all other ports in Oregon). Mortality estimates were used to reduce 1 + crab abundance to surviving legal males, and portrayed as percent of the fisheries. Trends in the SEZ indicate that an average of only about 5–7% of estuarine production adds to the coastal adult population and contributes about $0.7 million to the fishery. The contribution is 25–30% in the LEZ (but may be higher since interannual density varies up to 5 times) and is worth about $3.9 million based on present ex-vessel value. Analyses of crab distribution and density indicate that the majority of an estuarine population (50–80%) is located in lower side channels (LSC) in spring and summer where temperature is higher and prey within and on adjacent intertidal flats is high. The potential average dollar value of equivalent legal male crab produced from the juvenile population is about $180 ha?1 in LSC (but $280 ha?1 in Grays Harbor where long-term density is highest), and lower in other estuarine habitats ($50–100 ha?1). Estuarine juvenile production provides a relatively stable source of recruits to coastal adult populations, and large systems in the LEZ are important nurseries. Since direct coastal settlement of larvae does occur but is highly variable, the estuarine contribution may be especially important when physical forcing or unusual events lead to low survival of the coastal 0+ cohort. An unusually long period of very low landings in the LEZ from 1981–1987 is interpreted in light of the Mount St. Helens eruption (1980) and subsequent transport and deposition of very fine silt fractions over much of the LEZ nearshore shelf that may have adversely affected several year classes of small, early benthic phase juveniles at that time.  相似文献   

An increasing number of examples suggest that interactions among introduced species are ecologically important and relevant to the management of invaded systems. We investigated the potential for the introduced cephalaspidean sea slug Philine orientalis to interfere with the feeding of the introduced European green crab (Carcinus maenas) and the native Dungeness crab (Cancer magister). We observed co-occurrence of crab species and P. orientalis at field sites in Bodega Harbor and Tomales, San Pablo, and San Francisco Bays. In laboratory and field experiments, we determined whether crab feeding was suppressed by P. orientalis and the duration of this suppression for individual crabs. We also used foraging response models to explore changes in the feeding rate of crabs with varying densities of P. orientalis and small bivalve prey. We found that P. orientalis deterred predation by green and Dungeness crabs on small clams in laboratory feeding trials, but not in field experiments with green crabs and P. orientalis. Foraging models predicted that P. orientalis would only affect crab feeding in the field under specific conditions of crab, P. orientalis, and prey densities. These foraging models bridged an important gap between lab and field experiments and allowed us to predict how changes in species abundances at two trophic levels might alter the importance of crab suppression by P. orientalis.  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs,Uca pugilator, collected from the field showed no avoidance to burrowing in 1 μg g?1 tributyltin (TBT)-contaminated sand held in laboratory trays. Treatment ofU. pugilator with levels of tributyltin as low as 0.5 μg l?1 for 1–3 wk resulted in an acceleration of the righting reflex in females, indicative of hyperactivity. Crabs of both sexes exhibited a reduction in burrowing activity, as measured by the number of burrows dug at 15 and 60 min after release into laboratory trays containing sand, and by the number of crabs within burrows at those times. The reduction in burrowing activity was not dose-dependent at concentrations of 0.5 to 50 μg l?1, and was unchanged between one and three weeks of exposure. Since fiddler crabs are dependent on burrows for many aspects of their lives, the reduction in burrowing behavior, should it occur in nature, would have serious consequences for the species.  相似文献   

Previous stratigraphical investigations of Romney Marsh have tended to be local in scale, and this has hindered efforts to establish a unifying stratigraphical framework for this area. This paper addresses this problem, by describing the results of a 12-km transect across Romney Marsh, linking previously studied back- and fore-marsh sites (Horsemarsh Sewer and Broomhill respectively), and presenting additional pollen, diatom and radiocarbon data from an intermediate, mid-marsh site (Brookland). One main organic unit is recorded across much of Romney Marsh, although its age, altitude and composition varies. Microfossil and radiocarbon data from Brookland and elsewhere on Romney Marsh show that this organic unit accumulated under a general removal and return of marine conditions that took place between ca. 5100 and 2000 yr BP. A recently proposed model of barrier development is used to investigate the history of back-barrier sedimentation in Romney and Walland Marshes. This model suggests a three-phase life-history for gravel barriers, which consists of initiation, stability and breakdown. Although there are problems in relating back-barrier deposits directly to barrier dynamics, nevertheless the Romney Marsh data do, for the most part, agree with the expected number and sequence of sea-level tendencies predicted by this model. The back-barrier stratigraphical data suggest that initiation, stability and breakdown of the Dungeness foreland occurred between ca. 6000 and 5000 yr BP, 5000 and 2000 yr BP and 2000 yr BP and present, respectively.  相似文献   

Using a solar energy in water desalination system is regarded as one of the most effective ways to resolve the problem of freshwater shortages in this world. Experimental and theoretical approaches were carried out to design and test multistage solar still. The experimental tests were conducted for five months in the city of Kirkuk, north of Iraq, at 43.39° longitudinal and 35.17° latitude. The performance requirement of the design is dependent on many factors such as circumstances, work and designation variables. Designating variables, mainly length, width, height and volume of each stage besides the number of all stages, are determined via theoretical analysis approach. The results obtained by both approaches have shown that there is a 10% deviation in still water productivity. Also, the results indicated that the minimum and maximum daily average of still water productivity is 1.7 and 3.8 kg. MATLAB software was employed to model and simulate the experimental processes of evaporation and condensation. The simulation model results were found to agree well with the experiments carried out in many other papers and studies. The test results reported that the system produces about 5 kg of clean water per day with 87% distillation efficiency and 26% of the overall efficiency due to heat losses in the system. Such system is not only promising, but can offer a new technology that can particularly be used in remote and rural areas. The theoretical calculations were compared with the experimental results, and there is a good agreement between the two .  相似文献   

The chemical and physical treatment mechanisms by which crab shell removes metals from mine impacted water (MIW) were evaluated under anaerobic and biologically limited conditions in closed systems and kinetic tests. Raw (R-SC20) and deproteinized (DP-SC20) crab shell were tested and compared to limestone to quantify the contribution of chitin-associated minerals and proteins to alkalinity generation and metal precipitation. Single-metal closed systems (initial Mn and Fe = 0.18 mM and Al = 0.34 mM) containing 5 g/L of either R- or DP-SC20, yielded an increase in pH from 3 to 9.2-10.2, generation of 0.83-1.87 mM of alkalinity, and resulted in ?95% removal of metals within 72 h. In contrast, 5-125 g limestone/L only raised the pH to 7.8-8.3, produced lower alkalinity (0.56-0.63 mM), and resulted in less metal removal (?85%). In kinetic tests with 5 g-DP-SC20/L, removal of ?95% of the initial metal load was achieved after 0.5, 6, and 48 h for Al, Fe, and Mn, respectively. Geochemical calculations (PHREEQC) indicate that limestone-treated systems were close to equilibrium with calcite (CaCO3), whereas octacalcium phosphate (Ca4H(PO4)3) appears to be a controlling phase in systems treated with R- and DP-SC20. The probable mechanisms for Mn removal are the precipitation of rhodochrosite (MnCO3) and/or sorption. In the case of Al and Fe, geochemical calculations point to the precipitation of hydroxides; however, visual observations in Fe systems suggest the formation of green rust, a precursor of other, more stable phases like goethite or lepidocrocite. Several factors may account for the faster changes observed with R- and DP-SC20 compared to limestone: increased dissolution and degree of supersaturation, the presence of phosphates, the release of organic compounds, and a significantly larger surface area. These results are the first to verify and quantify the capacity of crab shell-associated minerals to treat MIW under biologically limited conditions.  相似文献   

Genetic variability of the blue crab,Callinectes sapidus, was estimated for populations in Chesapeake and Chincoteague Bays. Genetic similarity between these populations was attributed to larval intermixing in the mid-Atlantic Bight.  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2002,17(3):285-300
Strontium and particularly 87Sr/86Sr ratios in stream water have often been used to calculate weathering rates in catchments. Nevertheless, in the literature, discharge variation effects on the geochemical behavior of Sr are often omitted or considered as negligible. A regular survey of both Sr concentrations and Sr isotope ratios of the Strengbach stream water draining a granite (Vosges mountains, France) has been performed during one year. The results indicate that during low water flow periods, waters contain lower Sr concentrations and less radiogenic Sr isotope ratios (Sr=11.6 ppb and 87Sr/86Sr=0.7246 as an average, respectively) than during high water flow periods (Sr= 13 ppb and 87Sr/86Sr=0.7252 as an average, respectively). This is contrary to expected dilution processes by meteoric waters which have comparatively lower Sr isotopic ratios and lower Sr concentrations. Furthermore, 87Sr/86Sr ratios in stream water behave in 3 different ways depending on moisture and on hydrological conditions prevailing in the catchment. During low water flow periods (discharge < 9 l/s), a positive linear relationship exists between Sr isotope ratio and discharge, indicating the influence of radiogenic waters draining the saturated area during storm events. During high water flow conditions, rising discharges are characterized by significantly less radiogenic waters than the recession stages of discharge. This suggests a large contribution of radiogenic waters draining the deep layers of the hillslopes during the recession stages, particularly those from the more radiogenic north-facing slopes. These results allow one to confirm the negligible instantaneous incidence of rainwater on stream water chemistry during flood events, as well as the existence in the catchment of distinct contributive areas and reservoirs. The influence of these areas or reservoirs on the fluctuations of Sr concentrations and on Sr isotopic variations in stream water depends on both moisture and hydrological conditions. Hence, on a same bedrock type, 87Sr/86Sr ratios in surface waters can be related to flow rate. Consequently, discharge variations must be considered as a pre-requisite when using Sr isotopes for calculating weathering rates in catchments, particularly to define the range of variations of the end-members.  相似文献   

Diffubenzuron (Dimilin) is used as an insecticide for control of the gypsy moth. Because it is a chitin synthetase inhibitor, it can be a potential threat to other arthropods, including crustaceans. We used a static renewal testing paradigm to determine the LC50 of Dimilin WP-25 to juvenile blue crabs (carapace width: 25–60 mm). Both molt stage of dose frequency effect toxicity. When we exposed the crabs at random molt stages, LC50=3.5 mg l?1. When crabs were exposed on the day of molt, LC50=300 μg l?1. If initial exposure occurred on the day of molt and the crabs were subsequently exposed to repeated doses, LC50=18.5 μg l?1. Effects were age and molt-stage sensitive. We include a review of the data available on Dimilin effects in the marine and estuarine environments.  相似文献   

咸化水体中DIC的同位素组成及环境过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
系统采集了天津地区地表水样品,对其溶解无机碳的稳定碳同位素比值(δ13CDIC)及相关化学组成进行了全面测定,以期对咸化并且受到污染水体中的溶解无机碳的来源和迁移转化特征进行探讨.研究结果显示,天津地表水中溶解无机碳的δ13CDIC值主要分布于0.27‰~ -14.9‰之间,显示了相对较宽的分布范围.同时,天津地表水体...  相似文献   

Average summer densities of the xanthid crab,Eurytium limosum, in an intertidal salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgia were in the range of 7.5 to 80.0 individuals m?2. Crab densities were lowest in wet, lowlying marsh and highest in well-drained creekbank and mussel mound habitats. An analysis of crab stomach contents indicated that feeding occurred mostly around high tide, especially at night. Although the diet included some plant material,Eurytium limosum is primarily predatory and consumed crabs, polychaetes, ostracods, bivalves, and snails. In the laboratory, under simulated low-tide field conditions, both small (11–15 mm carapace width) and large (20–37 mm CW)Eurytium could capture and consume young killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Large crabs consumed the entire size range (7–19 mm total length) of larval/juvenile fish offered, but small crabs did not prey upon fish >11.5 mm TL. The potential importance ofE. limosum as a predator on young killifish may not be realized in the field because alternative prey are available and the crabs feed primarily at high tide, when young killifish are dispersed in the water column and are less vulnerable to benthic predators.  相似文献   

The effects of acute and chronic exposure to tributyltin (TBT) were examined in bioassays using horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus) embryos and “trilobite” larvae. Larvae had>95% survival after 24-h exposure to nominal concentrations of 1–500 μg l?1 TBT. Survival was also high following 48-h and 72-h exposure to ≤100 μg l?1 TBT; >50% mortality was seen only after 48-h and 72-h exposure to 500 μg l?1 TBT. Estimated median lethal concentrations (LC50) were >1000 μg l?1, 742 μg l?1, and 594 μg l?1 for 24-h, 48-h, and 72-h exposure, respectively. Much higher toxicity LC50=42 μg l?1) was seen following chronic exposure of larvae to TBT. Acute exposure to TBT significantly increased the time required by larvae to molt into the first-tailed stage. LC50 for horseshoe crab embryos exposed to TBT were 44 μg l?1, 20 μg l?1, and 14 μg l?1 for 24, 48, and 72 h acute exposure, indicating that this earlier developmental stage was about 30–40 fold more susceptible to TBT than larvae. Horseshoe crabs are highly tolerant of TBT in comparison to early developmental stages of other marine arthropods. The ability of horseshoe crab embryos and larvae to survive in the presence of organotin pollution suggests the possibility of bioaccumulation and movement into the estuarine food chain via shorebirds, gulls, and fish.  相似文献   

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