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Christiansen, C. & Bowman, D.: Sea-level changes, coastal dune building and sand drift, North-Western Jutland, Denmark. Geografisk Tidsskrift 86: 28–31. Copenhagen, June 1986.

Two main models linking dune building and sea level changes have so far been proposed. Application of the low sea level model suggests that the major Danish dune building period from 1550 to 1750 need not necessarily be the result of human activity. The dune building period is probably related to a low sea level and the reworking of exposed shallow marine sand.  相似文献   

Average sea-level rise in the northern part of the Danish Wadden Sea has been 1.3 mm a?1 during the last 100 years but during the last 25 years a rise of 4.2 mm a?1 was observed. Concurrent with the recent sea-level rise the Skallingen barrier spit has migrated landward by 3–5 m a?1. Long term sediment budgets for each of the morphological units involved in the migration are reviewed (e.g. onshore in the shore face +90.000 m3 a?1, longshore -641.000 m3 a?1, foredunes +65,000 m3 a?1, overwash fan including shorenormal dunes +11,000 m3 a?1, spit terminus -96,000 m3 a?1, tidal flat + 10,000 m3 a?1 and backbarrier salt marsh +33,000 m3 a?1) and used to establish the relative importance of sediment transport processes involved in barrier migration. Strong interannual variations exist in the long term budget making evaluation of barrier behaviour based on short term measurements doubtful. In a cross shore sense the barrier spit is accreting in spite of the sea level rise. This is specially pronounced at an active overwash fan. However, due to substantial sediment losses to longshore transport the barrier, gets narrower and shorter during its transgressive behaviour. This may indicate that preservation of barriers in the geological record during rapid sea level rise is promoted when sediment loss to longshore transport is insignificant.  相似文献   

全新世中晚期福建海岸沙丘记录的海岸环境与人类活动   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
选取福建长乐典型海岸沙丘进行研究,在光释光(OSL)年代学基础上,结合环境代用指标分析和地质雷达图像,探讨研究区晚全新世以来沙丘发育历史及其古环境意义。结果显示:1东山(DS)沙丘发育过程主要存在5个沉积期和3个沉积间断。主要反映了东亚季风强度变化,是东亚冬季风的区域响应结果。同时与火山活动、中国东部冬半年气温、夏季风降水具有良好对应关系;2 DS剖面保存了近6 ka以来福州盆地海平面变化信息。清晰记录了存在于闽粤台地区的大范围的高海面期,分别是5.6~2.8 ka BP、2.8~1.7 ka BP、1.7~0.8 ka BP,其中1.7~0.8ka BP阶段最为明显。3 DS沙丘发育过程与闽东北区域人类活动记录以及新石器文化序列具有良好对应关系。5.6~2.8 ka BP、2.8~1.7 ka BP阶段的人类活动主要受到自然环境影响。~1.7ka BP之后,唐代至五代是福建社会经济的复苏阶段。  相似文献   

The response of a barrier island to an extreme storm depends in part on the surge elevation relative to the height and extent of the foredunes which can exhibit considerable variability alongshore. While it is recognized that alongshore variations in dune height and width direct barrier island response to storm surge, the underlying causes of the alongshore variation remain poorly understood. This study examines the alongshore variation in dune morphology along a 11 km stretch of Santa Rosa Island in northwest Florida and relates the variation in morphology to the response of the island during Hurricane Ivan and historic and storm-related rates of shoreline erosion. The morphology of the foredune and backbarrier dunes was characterized before and after Hurricane Ivan using Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis and related through Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). The height and extent of the foredune, and the presence and relative location of the backbarrier dunes, varied alongshore at discrete length scales (of ~ 750, 1450 and 4550 m) that are statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Cospectral analysis suggests that the variation in dune morphology is correlated with transverse ridges on the inner-shelf, the backbarrier cuspate headlands, and the historical and storm-related trends in shoreline change. Sections of the coast with little to no dune development before Hurricane Ivan were observed in the narrowest portions of the island (between headlands), west of the transverse ridges. Overwash penetration tended to be larger in these areas and island breaching was common, leaving the surface close to the watertable and covered by a lag of shell and gravel. In contrast, large foredunes and the backbarrier dunes were observed at the widest sections of the island (the cuspate headlands) and at crest of the transverse ridges. Due to the large dunes and the presence of the backbarrier dunes, these areas experienced less overwash penetration and most of the sediment from the beachface and dunes was deposited within the upper-shoreface. It is argued that this sediment is returned to the beachface through nearshore bar migration following the storm and that the areas with larger foredunes and backbarrier dunes have smaller rates of historical shoreline erosion compared to areas with smaller dunes and greater transfer of sediment to the washover terrace. Since the recovery of the dunes will vary depending on the availability of sediment from the washover and beachface, it is further argued that the alongshore pattern of dune morphology and the response of the island to the next extreme storm is forced by the transverse ridges and island width through alongshore variations in storm surge and overwash gradients respectively. These findings may be particularly important for coastal managers involved in the repair and rebuilding of coastal infrastructure that was damaged or destroyed during Hurricane Ivan.  相似文献   

High-precision RTK GPS technology was used to survey the movements of typical coastal dunes, including a coastal crescent dune and a coastal transverse ridge, in the Feicuidao region of the Changli Gold Coast in Hebei Province in 2006–2008. Our data provide information on the direction, type, and velocity of coastal dune movements, and indicate that the coastal dunes in this region are characterized as slow and landward advancing, with to-and-fro fluctuations. The bottom of the studied coastal transverse ridge was stable during the observation period but the position of its crest advanced eastward (seaward) during summer and autumn, and moved landward (westward) in winter and spring. Thus, its crest moved generally landward (westward) but fluctuated to-and-fro eastward and westward. In contrast, the entire coastal crescent dune advanced landward (westward) in a to-and-fro manner, and the velocity of its movement was faster than that of the transverse ridge dune. These results are mainly related to the wind conditions in the research area, the height and volume of the two types of coastal dunes.  相似文献   

Preservation and effective management of highly dynamic coastal features located in areas under development pressures requires in-depth understanding of their evolution. Modern geospatial technologies such as lidar, real time kinematic GPS, and three-dimensional GIS provide tools for efficient acquisition of high resolution data, geospatial analysis, feature extraction, and quantification of change. These techniques were applied to the Jockey's Ridge, North Carolina, the largest active dune field on the east coast of the United States, with the goal to quantify its deflation and rapid horizontal migration. Digitized contours, photogrammetric, lidar and GPS point data were used to compute a multitemporal elevation model of the dune field capturing its evolution for the period of 1974– 2004. In addition, peak elevation data were available for 1915 and 1953. Analysis revealed possible rapid growth of the dune complex between 1915–1953, followed by a slower rate of deflation that continues today. The main dune peak grew from 20.1 m in 1915 to 41.8 m in 1953 and has since eroded to 21.9 m in 2004. Two of the smaller peaks within the dune complex have recently gained elevation, approaching the current height of the main dune. Steady annual rate of main peak elevation loss since 1953 suggests that increase in the number of visitors after the park was established in 1974 had little effect on the rate of dune deflation. Horizontal dune migration of 3–6 m/yr in southerly direction has carried the sand out of the park boundaries and threatened several houses. As a result, the south dune section was removed and the sand was placed at the northern end of the park to serve as a potential source. Sand fencing has been an effective management strategy for both slowing the dune migration and forcing growth in dune elevation. Understanding the causes of the current movements can point to potential solutions and suggest new perspectives on management of the dune as a tourist attraction and as a recreation site, while preserving its unique geomorphic character and dynamic behavior.  相似文献   

Field measurements of drainage ditch sedimentation and suspended sediment transport were used to construct a simple sediment budget and relate seasonal variations in vegetation and the hydrological characteristics of storms to sediment dynamics in a small agricultural watershed in North Carolina. Results indicate that seasonal variations in crop coverage and vegetation in drainage ditches influence sediment delivery. Following the harvesting of crops and mowing of drainage ditches in late autumn, conditions are favorable to soil erosion and sediment transport through early spring. Storms need not be very intense or produce large rainfall totals to transport significant sediment loads. The maturation of field crops and ditch vegetation in spring produces conditions less conducive to both soil erosion and sediment transport. Intense summer thunderstorms, however, are capable of mobilizing and transporting significant amounts of sediment. The computed sediment yield of 0.1 Mg/ha/yr probably represents a low estimate that, nevertheless, is an order of magnitude less than measured ditch storage and more than two orders of magnitude less than regional estimates of soil loss on Coastal Plain croplands. The results show that headwater ditches may be decoupled from slopes so that much of the eroded soil is stored within small watersheds rather than being transported out of the basin.  相似文献   

The establishment and succession of vegetation on migrating, low-profile barrier islands is greatly affected by the physical hydrogeomorphological processes that regulate island topography, saline and fresh groundwater table surfaces. Apart from the physical destruction of plants by overwash processes, fluctuations in water table elevations and variations in groundwater salinity, both spatially and temporally, also appear to have significant impact on the nature and distribution of vegetation on these islands. Species composition, community structure and biodiversity on the Virginia barrier islands are controlled by the same processes that give rise to landforms and maintain their form. These processes include marine water inundations, groundwater salinity variations and changes in depth to the fresh-water table. Land surface elevation, landform morphology and position on the barrier island determine exposure to high tides, storm surges, sand burial, and the extent of the fresh-water reserves.In this article, the underpinnings of a Long-term Ecological Research Program in which 25 geologists, geomorphologists, climatologists, and ecologists have a common research plan is presented and several examples of the product of this research partnership dealing with geomorphological and hydrologic controls on vegetation dynamics are detailed. Among the aspects of ecological dynamics examined in terms of geomorphological processes are vegetation zonation, succession, disturbance, and ecosystem state change.  相似文献   

Controls on the formation of coastal ventifacts   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Jasper Knight 《Geomorphology》2005,64(3-4):243-253
Ventifacted boulders are present within the intertidal zone of a mixed sand and boulder beach in Gweebarra Bay, northwest Ireland. The boulders show features typical of wind abrasion by sand including polished surfaces, pits and grooves. Orientation of ventifact keels was measured and direction of prevailing winds responsible for ventifaction was inferred from a sample of 50 boulders in each of two adjoining locations on the beach (30 m apart). The keel orientations and inferred wind direction are both strongly clustered but results from each location differ by 90° from one another, and neither corresponds closely to the present-day regional wind regime. Since wind flow patterns were not significantly different during the Little Ice Age, when the ventifacts were likely formed, the orientation of ventifact keels cannot be used uncritically, as in many studies, as a proxy record of prevailing wind direction. It is likely that ventifact development in Gweebarra Bay was controlled by sediment availability rather than by wind direction.  相似文献   

Because of its coal potential the basal Tertiary Firkanten Formation on Spitsbergen has received much attention. The formation is an offset stacked (overall transgressive) sequence comprising at least eight coastaVdeltaic units each of which has a regressive character and is 10 to 30 m thick. The lowermost coal-bearing unit (Todalen Member) represents deltas which were largely fluvial-and tide-dominated while the upper unit deltas (Endalen Member) were wave-dominated. One of the transitional deltaic units, the Askeladden Sequence, has been examined in some detail along depositional dip (–15 km) and strike (–55 km). This unit represents wave-(tide)dominated delta conditions, and two main facies associations are recognized:
  • Delta front/shoreline deposits (Facies Association I).

  • Delta plain/coastal plain deposits (Facies Association II).

Askeladden sequence accumulated in a shallow, low-gradient embayment (Nordenskiold Land sub-basin) open to the south and southwest. Periodic, strong longshore currents caused a net northwards transport of sediment. Tidal range is considered close to the micro/meso-tidal boundary, and estimates of ancient wave regime indicate overall moderate wave conditions, suggesting that the extensive wave-reworking of the delta front/shoreline sands is related to relatively slow rates of fluvial input. Climate and tectonics are considered important contributory controls on sedimentation.  相似文献   

Coastal dunefields have developed on the west coast of Jutland in Denmark over the past 5000 years. The dunefields are situated in a temperate climate zone with frequent high energy wind events. Dunefield development was characterized by repeated periods of transgressive dune formation punctuated by periods of dune stabilization and soil formation. The chronology of dunefield evolution is based on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) radiocarbon dating of peaty palaeosols (24 samples) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of aeolian sand deposits (19 samples). These dates indicate that the completeness of the stratigraphic record varies considerably, but that the timing of aeolian activity events was identical in the dunefields examined here. Initiation of aeolian activity occurred around 2200 BC, 800 BC, AD 100, AD 1050–1200, and between AD 1550 and 1650. Proxy-climate data from bogs in southwestern Sweden suggest that these periods of dunefield activity were initiated during wet/cool summers. Most likely these climatic situations were associated with a more frequent passage of cyclones across Denmark in the summer seasons (increased storminess) causing aeolian sand movement and dune formation. The continued removal of vegetation in Jutland between 4000 BC and AD 1850 allowed the aeolian sand, when first activated, to move more and more easily across the coastal plains; the final phase of aeolian sand movement between AD 1550–1650 and 1900 had catastrophic implications for many coastal inhabitants in the region.  相似文献   

王为  吴正 《地理研究》1999,18(4):382-390
华南全新世海岸沙丘岩和海滩岩同是热带、亚热带海岸线附近的胶结的岩石,其沉积儿构造极为相似,很容易混淆。人工神经网络是最近发展起来的一种信息处理方法,可以处理模糊的,非线性的、含有噪声的数据,为海滩岩和沙丘岩的识别提供了一种新方法。用华南海岸风成砂和海滩砂的粒度参数作为训练样本,华南海岸全新世沙丘岩和海滩碉的粒度参数作为测试样本,经过训练的B-P网络能够根据海滩砂和海岸沙丘砂的粒度参数来区分大部分的  相似文献   

Beach–dune seasonal elevation changes, aeolian sand transport measurements, bathymetric surveys and shoreline evolution assessments were used to investigate annual and seasonal patterns of dune development on Sfântu Gheorghe beach, the Danube delta coast, from 1997 to 2004. Dune volume increased consistently (1.96 m3 m− 1 y− 1 to 5.1 m3 m− 1 y− 1) over this 7-year period with higher rates in the southward (downdrift) direction. Dune aggradation is periodically limited by storms, each of which marks a new evolutionary phase of the beach–dune system. As a consequence of the variable beach morphology and vegetation density during a year, foredune growth occurs during the April–December interval while between December and April a slightly erosive tendency is present. The pattern of erosion and deposition shown by the topographical surveys is in good agreement with the sand transport measurements and demonstrates the presence of a vigorous sand flux over the foredunes which is 20–50% smaller than on the beach. This high sand flux, due to low precipitation and sparse vegetation cover, creates an aerodynamically efficient morphology on the seaward dune slope. The seaward dune face accretes during low to medium onshore winds (5.5–12 m s− 1) and erodes during high winds (> 12 m s− 1).  相似文献   

Summary. Samples from the Nexø Sandstone of the Lower Cambrian- Precambrian boundary in South Bornholm reveal a stable NRM with a direction after magnetic cleaning of D = 226°, I = - 30° (α95= 11.5°). This NRM appears to originate in the detrital hematite grains rather than in the red cement of the sandstone. The stable NRM is likely to be of primary origin and reflects a Lower Cambrian pole at 104° W, 38° N (dp = 7°, dm = 11°). Apparent discrepancies between the Bornholm pole and the few other published Early Cambrian/Late Precambrian poles from the Baltic Shield are consistent with the suggestion of large polar movements in those times.  相似文献   

Research into aeolian dune form and dynamics has benefited from simple and abstract cellular automata computer models. Many of these models are based upon a seminal framework proposed by Werner (1995). Unfortunately, most versions of this model are not publicly available or are not provided in a format that promotes widespread use. In our view, this hinders progress in linking model simulations to empirical data (and vice versa). To this end, we introduce an accessible, graphical user interface (GUI) version of the Werner model. The novelty of this contribution is that it provides a simple interface and detailed instructions that encourage widespread use and extension of the Werner dune model for research and training purposes. By lowering barriers for researchers to develop and test hypotheses about aeolian dune and dune field patterns, this release addresses recent calls to improve access to earth surface models.  相似文献   

Sheep herd sustainability in Patagonia is limited by reproductive efficiency. As the herds graze on natural vegetation year round, efficiency is constrained by biophysical factors. Our aim was to characterize the environmental controls over effective lambing rate in northwest Patagonia. We related remotely sensed data [surface temperatures and Normal Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a surrogate for forage availability] and climatic information to lambing rates. A spatial model explained 63% of the variability in mean lambing rate, based on mean annual NDVI and mean spring surface temperature. The relative inter-annual variability in lambing rates was of similar magnitude to that of annual NDVI. Both lambing rate and NDVI were less variable than climatic factors. Two regional temporal models explained approximately 25% of the variability, based on NDVI values representative of ewes’ nutrition during late gestation and lambing. These models predicted, with 65% and 76% accuracy respectively, the occurrence of better-than-average and worse-than-average yearly lambing rates. These results provided insights into the factors limiting reproduction, and they form the basis for important decision tools for ranch managers. Prediction of lambing rates based on remotely sensed data will reduce the uncertainty and risk in sheep production, increasing the economic sustainability of sheep production.  相似文献   

Sand dunes across the Mojave and Great Basin Deserts house rich bee communities. The pollination services these bees provide can be vital in maintaining the diverse, and often endemic, dune flora. These dune environments, however, are threatened by intense off-highway vehicle (OHV) use. Conservation efforts adopted by land managers often consist of setting aside a portion of a dune system that is off-limits to OHV use, but little work has been done showing the extent to which this protects native bee communities. A two-year study of bee communities on a Great Basin sand dune complex in Dugway Proving Ground located in northwestern Utah revealed low similarity index values between closely situated collecting plots (1–40 km apart). Similarity values ranged from 0.13 to 0.70 for species composition, and from 0.07 to 0.57 when similarity was weighted by abundance. Distance between plots had no significant relationship to similarity when richness and abundance were considered. Bee similarity between plots was significantly correlated with floral similarity. These results indicate that dune conservation strategies that preserve “representative” portions of dune systems may be insufficient to protect bees and the pollination services they provide.  相似文献   

Intensive grazing in spring–summer has been responsible for environmental degradation of the Gurbantunggut Desert in recent years. The coverage of plants and biological crusts, sand surface stability and physicochemical characteristics of soil on the dune surface were conducted in 2002 (winter grazing) and 2005 (spring–summer grazing). The results showed that over 80% of the total area of the dune surface was covered by well-developed biological crusts and plants in 2002, when the interdune and middle to lower part of dune slopes were stabilized and only the crest had 10–40 m wide mobile belt. Affected by spring–summer grazing in 2005, over 80% of the total cover of biological crust was destructed and the plant coverage only reached 1/5 of that in 2002, especially the ephemeral plant cover had a great change. The value of sand transport potential in 2005 only reached 1/3 of that in 2002, but the total surface activity in 2005 was 1.6 times stronger than that in 2002. Meanwhile the mobile area began to expand from the dune top to the whole dune surface following spring–summer grazing. Compared with 2002, medium sand content of the dune surface soil increased by 13.9%, while that of fine and very fine sands decreased by 7.4% and 8.0% respectively in 2005 and the soil organic matter in 2005 was only about 1/2 of that in 2002. It is obvious that the presence of snow cover and frozen soil in winter could avoid the surface structure destruction in winter, while spring–summer grazing made excessive damage to biologic crusts and ephemeral plants. Spring is the main windy season in Gurbantunggut Desert and therefore intensive activity of dune surface occurred following spring–summer grazing, which led to a great loss of fine sand and organic matter. It can be seen that grazing season have a significant influence on the sustainable development of the desert ecosystem in Northwest China.  相似文献   

Reconstructing climate change quantitatively over millennial timescales is crucial for understanding the processes that affect the climate system. One of the best methods for producing high resolution, low error, quantitative summer air temperature reconstructions is through chironomid analyses. We analysed over 50 lakes from NW and W Iceland covering a range of environmental gradients in order to test whether the distribution of the Icelandic chironomid fauna was driven by summer temperature, or whether other environmental factors were more dominant. A range of analyses showed the main environmental controls on chironomid communities to be substrate (identified through loss-on-ignition and carbon content) and mean July air temperature, although other factors such as lake depth and lake area were also important. The nature of the Icelandic landscape, with numerous volcanic centres (many of which are covered by ice caps) that produce large quantities of ash, means that relative lake carbon content and summer air temperature do not co-vary, as they often do in other chironomid datasets within the Arctic as well as more temperate environments. As the chironomid–environment relationships are thus different in Iceland compared to other chironomid training sets, we suggest that using an Icelandic model is most appropriate for reconstructing past environmental change from fossil Icelandic datasets. Analogue matching of Icelandic fossil chironomid datasets with the Icelandic training set and another European chironomid training set support this assertion. Analyses of a range of chironomid-inferred temperature transfer functions suggest the best to be a two component WA-PLS model with r 2 jack = 0.66 and RMSEP = 1.095°C. Using this model, chironomid-inferred temperature reconstructions of early Holocene Icelandic sequences show the magnitude of temperature change compared to contemporary temperatures to be similar to other NW European chironomid sequences, suggesting that the predictive power of the model is good.  相似文献   

海南岛西海岸沙丘形成动力过程的风洞模拟试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The western coast of Hainan Island exhibits a savanna landscape. Many types of sand dunes, including transverse dune ridges, longitudinal dune ridges, elliptical dunes, coppice dunes, and climbing dunes, are widely distributed in the coastal zone. In winter, high-frequency and high-energy NE winds (dominant winds) are prevalent, with a resultant drift direction (RDD) of S35.6°W. In spring, low-frequency and low-energy SW secondary winds prevail, with a RDD of N25.1°E. Wind tunnel simulations revealed that the airflow over the dune surface is the main factor controlling the erosion and deposition patterns of dune surfaces and the morphological development of dunes. In the region’s bidirectional wind en- vironment, with two seasonally distinct energy levels, the airflow over the surface of elliptical dunes, barchan dunes, and transverse dune ridges will exhibit a transverse pattern, whereas the airflow over longitudinal dunes ridges exhibits a lateral pattern and that over climbing dunes exhibits a climbing-circumfluent pattern. These patterns represent different dynamic processes. The coastal dunes on the western coast of Hainan Island are influenced by factors such as onshore winds, sand sources, coastal slopes, rivers, and forest shelter belts. The source of the sand that supplements these dunes particularly influences the development pattern: when there is more sand, the pattern shows positive equilibrium deposition between dune ridges and dunes; otherwise, it shows negative equilibrium deposition. The presence or absence of forest shelter belts also influences deposition and dune development patterns and transformation of dune forms. Coastal dunes and inland desert dunes experience similar dynamic processes, but the former have more diversified shapes and more complex formation mechanisms.  相似文献   

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