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By means of a three-dimensional meteorological model(MM5)and a chemical model,thedistributions of tropospheric ozone and its precursors over China have been simulated in summerand winter time,16—18 August 1994 and 7—9 January 1995.The distribution of ozone over theTibetan Plateau in summer time is deeply discussed.The simulated results indicate that thedistributions of surface ozone and NO_x are in good agreement with observed results,and humanactivities and photochemical reactions are the main factors controlling the surface ozone and NO_xconcentrations.In addition,higher ozone concentrations are coincided with the air convergence,and the lower concentrations are related to the air divergence.In summer,over the TibetanPlateau the strong flow convergence results in higher ozone concentrations in the lowertroposphere:and the strong flow divergence results in lower ozone concentrations in the uppertroposphere.In winter time ozone concentrations show Iarge-scale characteristics controlled bywesterly flow,and in the jet area they are lower than those outside the jet.  相似文献   

中国地区对流层臭氧变化和分布的数值研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
王喜红  李兴生 《气象学报》1998,56(3):333-348
利用三维中尺度非静力模式MM5和化学模式,对1994年8月16~18日,1995年1月7~9日冬夏两个不同时期中国大陆大气对流层臭氧及其前体物质的分布进行了数值模拟。同时深入地分析了青藏高原地区夏季对流层臭氧的分布。模拟结果地面臭氧和NOx的分布与观测结果基本一致,人类活动和光化过程是决定地面臭氧和NOx的主要因子。对流层臭氧浓度的分布与气流的辐合辐散存在较好的对应关系,辐合区臭氧浓度较高,辐散区臭氧浓度较低。夏季,青藏高原中低空存在很强的辐合气流,使周边臭氧向高原辐合;而高原高空,受南亚高压控制存在很强的反气旋环流,臭氧由高原向周边辐散。冬季,受西风气流控制,臭氧分布表征大尺度特征。西风急流区臭氧浓度偏低,而急流两侧臭氧浓度偏高。  相似文献   

A simulated study of mechanism for variations and distributions of ozone and its precursors was made by using the three-dimensional regional Eulerian model.The results showed that the ozone production was controlled by NOx,but there is a complicated nonlinear relation between them.The photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation are the determinative factors affecting the variations of the surface ozone and its precursors.The relations of ozone and CO,PAN were studied.We compared the simulated and observed results during the PEM-WEST A in order to better understand the photochemical processes of ozone and its precursors.  相似文献   

A simulated study of mechanism for variations and distributions of ozone and its precursors was made by using thethree-dimensional regional Eulerian model.The results showed that the ozone production was controlled by NO,butthere is a complicated nonlinear relation between them.The photochemical reactions controlled by solar radiation arethe determinative factors affecting the variations of the surface ozone and its precursors.The relations of ozone and CO,PAN were studied.We compared the simulated and observed results during the PEM-WEST A in order to better under-stand the photochemical processes of ozone and its precursors.  相似文献   

Ozone photochemical production and loss in very different environments at Waliguan baseline station and Lin'an background station were simulated by using the measurement data and photochemical box model.The results show that net ozone photochemical production rate is negative,about 0.5 ppb/d,at Waliguan baseline sation,because of very low precursor concentrations.But at Lin'an background station,the net photochemical ozone production is positive,about 2-3 ppb/h.which is very closed with the measurement at Lin'an.That means ozone production was controlled by photochemical reactions at Lin'an background station,because of the higher precursor concentrations.The net destruction rate,at Waliguan Mt.,is not large,so that future increase in anthropogenic emission of reactive nitrogen will lead to larger production rates of steady-state O3 concentration.  相似文献   

An updated version of the Regional Acid Deposition Model(RADM)driven by meteorologicalfields derived from Chinese Regional Climate Model(CRegCM)is used to simulate seasonal variationof tropospheric ozone over the eastern China.The results show that:(1)Peak O_3 concentration moves from south China to north China responding to the changing ofsolar perpendicular incidence point from south to north.When solar perpendicular incidence pointmoves from north to south,so does the peak O_3 concentration.(2)In the eastern China.the highest O_3 month-average concentration appears in July.thelowest in January and the medium in April and October.The pattern mainly depends on the solarradiation,the concentration of O_3 precursors NO_x and NMHC and the ratio of NMHC/NO_x.(3)Daily variations of O_3 over the eastern China are clear.Namely,O_3 concentrations rise withthe sun rising and the maximums appear at noon.then O_3 concentrations decrease.The highest dailyvariation range of O_3 appears in summer(40×10~(-9) in volume fraction)and the lowest in winter(20×10~(-9) in volume fraction).(4)Daily variations of O_3 over the western China are not clear.The daily variation range of O_3 isless than 10×10~(-9) in volume fraction.  相似文献   

A 2-D global chemistry-transport model is set up in this paper.The model simulates the atmospheric ozone distributions well with specified dynamical conditions.The analysis of ozone variation mechanism shows that ozone is chemically in quasi-equilibrium except for the polar night region where the variation of ozone concentration is under the control of dynamical processes,that the oxygen atoms which produce ozone are mainly provided by the photolysis of O2 in the upper stratosphere and by the photolysis of NO2 in the lower stratosphere and the troposphere.and that the ozone is destroyed mainly by NOx:the reactions between NOx and O3 and the odd oxygen cycle contribute 80% to more than 90% of the ozone destruction.  相似文献   

Ozone photochemical production and loss in very different environments at Waliguan baselinestation and Lin'an background station were simulated by using the measurement data and photo-chemical box model.The results show that net ozone photochemical production rate is negative,about 0.5 ppb/d,at Waliguan baseline sation,because of very low precursor concentrations.Butat Lin'an background station,the net photochemical ozone production is positive,about 2—3 ppb/h.which is very closed with the measurement at Lin'an.That means ozone production was con-trolled by photochemical reactions at Lin'an background station,because of the higher precursorconcentrations.The net destruction rate,at Waliguan Mt.,is not large,so that future increase inanthropogenic emission of reactive nitrogen will lead to larger production rates of steady-state O_3concentration.  相似文献   

Through one and half year continuous in-situ measurements,the distributions and variations of surface ozone and its precursors at a typical mixed agricultural and metropolitan area-Changshu,Yangtze Delta region,were studied.The preliminary analysis on the concentration levels and variations of surface ozone indicated the obvious seasonal and diurnal cycles during the experiment.The hourly averaged concentrations of surface ozone were high,in about 17% of total valid hours the surface ozone concentration exceeded 50 ppb,and in 22 days the hourly averaged ozone concentration was greater than 100 ppb.There were about 40% of the days in that the daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentration was greater than 50 ppb.The days with daily maximum 8-hour ozone concentration greater than 80 ppb were about 33 days that accounted for about 8% of the observational days.The variations of 5-day moving averaged ozone concentrations depended both on the weather conditions and on the changes of ozone in background atmosphere.Photochemical process had the significant impacts on ozone productions.  相似文献   

A 2-D global chemistry-transport model is set up in this paper.The model simulates theatmospheric ozone distributions well with specified dynamical conditions.The analysis of ozonevariation mechanism shows that ozone is chemically in quasi-equilibrium except for the polar nightregion where the variation of ozone concentration is under the control of dynamical processes,thatthe oxygen atoms which produce ozone are mainly provided by the photolysis of O_2 in the upperstratosphere and by the photolysis of NO_2 in the lower stratosphere and the troposphere.and thatthe ozone is destroyed mainly by NO_x:the reactions between NO_x and O_3 and the odd oxygen cyclecontribute 80% to more than 90% of the ozone destruction.  相似文献   

Based on some advanced urban parameterization schemes for mesoscale model,a new urban canopy parameterization (UCP) for MM5 is developed.The UCP takes into account the impacts of urban infrastructure and anthropogenic activity on the dynamic,thermal structures of urban surface layer and the urban surface energy budget in a more rational way according to conformation of MMS.The UCP is implemented in MM5 and validated by IOP data in 2001 winter BECAPEX and automatic meteorological station data in Beijing area.The results illustrate that UCP versus traditional urban parameterization in MM5,it can make MM5 reproduce main characteristics of winter UBL in Beijing,which include urban heat island and its diurnal evolvement,nocturnal elavated inversion in downtown area,and some dynamic stuctures such as TKE peak at the top of urban canopy,lower wind speed in urban surface layer and so on.  相似文献   

From October 1995 to August 1996.a total of 50 ECC(electrochemical concentration cell) ozonesoundings were made in Xining(36.43°N,101.45°E,2296 m ASL)to study the distribution and seasonal characteristics of ozone profile,and intercompare the Brewer Umkehr ozone profiles obtained at Waliguan Baseline Station over the Qinghai Plateau.It was demonstrated that(1) Umkehr produced estimates of the ozone comparing with ECC profiles were accurate to better than 25% in the 20-38 km altitude range,and where 23-33 km region was the most accurate,within about 15% of the ECC ozonesonde:(2)higher differences between Brewer Umkehr and ECC ozonesonde occurred in the troposphere and lower stratosphere;and ozone amounts were overestimated in Umkehr layers 1,2 and 3,and were underestimated in Umkehr layers 6 and 7 by Brewer Umkehr method.  相似文献   

The track,landfall,dynamic and thermodynamic and cloud-rain physical mesoscale structures and their evolution of typhoon HERB 1996 in 36 h from 0000 UTC 31 July to 1200 UTC 1 August 1996 were simulated by using the non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5.This period covered the process of typhoon HERB landfall at Taiwan and Fujian Provinces.Results show that the model successfully simulated the landfall process of typhoon HERB,revealed the most important characteristics of the mesoscale dynamic and thermodynamic and cloud-rain physical structure during its landfall.The simulated typhoon track was close to the observation.The center of cyclonic circulation simulated at 0000 UTC on 1 August 1996 (24 h integration) was located in shore near Fuqing,Fujian Province at which the typhoon was reported to landfall two hours later.It shows that strong upward motion formed by low level convergence existed in the eye-wall and subsidence at the eye.The wind field shows clear asymmetrical structure near the typhoon center.The cloud and rainband was screw-typed distributed around typhoon center,and consisted of meso-β scale rain cores.During the period of typhoon HERB staying near and passing over Taiwan,the lower cloud was developed in the eye region so that the previous clear typhoon eye on the satellite pictures became fuzzy.Observation shows that the typhoon center was "warm",but the model simulations with higher space resolution show that in the mid-troposphere the region of eye-wall with stronger upward motion and more cloud-and rain-water was warmer than the eye.During the period of typhoon passing over Taiwan and its following landfall at Fujian,the track of model typhoon deviated about 30 km northward (i.e.,rightward) because of the orographic effects of Taiwan Island,but the strength of the typhoon was not affected remarkably.The amount of rainfall on Taiwan in the 36 h simulations was enhanced more than six times by the orographic lifting of Taiwan Mountain.  相似文献   

In this paper,based on the data at 70 stations selected evenly over China for 31 years from 1961-1991.three methods to estimate climatic noise have been discussed and then the climatic noise and potential predictability of monthly precipitation(January.July.April and October)have been examined.The estimating of climatic noise is based on the method of Madden and improved methods of Trenberth and Yamamoto et al.(1985).The potential predictability is approximated by the ratio of the estimated interannual variation to the natural variation.Generally.the climatic noise of monthly precipitation over China has obvious seasonal variation and it is greater in summer than in winter,a bit greater in autumn than in spring.In most areas,the climatic noise is prominently decreasing from south to north and from coast to inland.The potential predictability of monthly precipitation also has obvious seasonal and regional difference,but the potential predictability is greater in winter than in summer in most parts of China.Whereas the comparison of spring and autumn is not obvious.Comparing with the method of Madden,the estimated values of climatic noise based on the improved methods of Trenberth and Yamamoto et al.are relatively lower.  相似文献   

In the context of measurements from all the thermal balance stations over China,two methods of calculating surface latent heat for its climatic features are proposed through experiments with a range of schemes,one being the empirical type based on the relationship between ground latent heat and vapor pressure,and the other upon the Bowen ratio parameterization.Either of them has its unique merits so that they can be considered in specific case to have higher accuracy.On this basis,investigation is done of the feature of geographic distribution and annual variability of the heat across the country.  相似文献   

To build land surface dataset for climate model,with application of remote sensing technique as well as the Geographic Information System(GIS),the data of surface type,roughness and albedo over China in 1997 were retrieved,resolutions being 10 km×10 km.Based on these data,an analysis is conducted on the geographic distributions and seasonal variations of surface vegetation cover and roughness as well as albedo over China.Results show that surface vegetation cover is mainly located to the south of Yangtze River,in Southwest and Northeast China andsparse vegetation cover is in the Northwest.The variation of land surface cover affects the variations of land surface roughness and albedo.High albedo occurred in the north of Xinjiang Autonomous Region,the north of Northeast China and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau in winter,in correspondence with the location of snow cover.For most part of China,surface roughness decreases and albedo increases in winter,while the roughness increases and the albedo decreases in summer,which could mainly result from land surface cover(snow cover and vegetation cover)and soil moisture changes.This shows that the geographic distribution and seasonal variation of the albedo are almost opposite to those of the roughness,in agreement with theoretical results.Temporally,the amplitude of surface roughness change is quite small in comparison with the roughness itself.  相似文献   

Investigated are effects of the total cloudiness and other factors on earth-atmosphere net radiation(EANR) and analyzed is its relation to other components and ground surface net radiation in the context of ERBE and ISCCP.Evidence suggests that planetary scale albedo and earth-atmosphere short wave absorption radiation have maximum effect on the net radiation under study,with the influence of cloud and latitude displayed predominantly through the two factors;OLR has relatively weak effect;the earth-atmosphere net radiation is well correlated with surface net radiation.Analysis is also performed of the geographic distribution of the earth-atmosphere net radiation throughout China,and the annual curve of the net radiation on a local basis is marked by high(low) value in summer(winter) with the impact of factors.including total cloudiness responsible largely for the shift of the months with maximum.  相似文献   

Based on the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and observations collected during the SCSMEX,a mesoscale convective system (MCS) occurring over South China during 23-24 May 1998 has been studied with a numerical simulation using the Fifth Generation Penn-State/NCAR Mesoseale Modeling System (MMS).The successful simulations present us some interesting findings.The simulated MCS was a kind of meso-β scale system with a life cycle of about 11 hours.It generated within a small vortex along a cold front shear line.The MCS was characterized by severe convection.The simulated maximum vertical velocity was greater than 90 cm s-1,and the maximum divergence at about 400 hPa.The rainfall rate of MCS exceeded 20 mm h-1.To the right of the simulated MCS,a mesoscale low-level jet (mLLJ) was found.A strong southwesterly current could also be seen to the right of MCS above the mLLJ.This strong southwesterly current might extend up to 400 hPa.A column of cyclonic vorticity extended through most part of the MCS in the vertical direction.Additionally,the simulated MCS was compared favorably with the observational data in terms of location,precipitation intensity and evolution.  相似文献   

Based on yearly precipitation and Φ20 evaporation pan data during 1951 to 1999 of 295 stations,the aridity index is calculated in this paper.According to the aridity index,the climatic regions in China are divided into three types:the arid zone,the semi-arid zone and the humid zone. Isoline 0.20 is the boundary between arid and semi-arid zones.Isoline 0.50 is the boundary between semi-arid and humid zones.The fluctuations of dry and wet climate boundaries are very substantial,have greatly regional difference,and have the features of the whole shifting along the same direction and of the opposite moving along the contrary direction over the past 50 years.The semi-arid zone is a transitional zone between humid and arid zones,a border belt of monsoon,and a susceptible zone of environmental evolution in China. In the period of the late 1960s to the early 1970s,remarkable change had occurred for dry and wet climate in China.It manifests significantly that climate is from wetter into drought in most regions of northern China.Moreover,drought has an increasing trend.The fluctuations of climatic boundaries and the dry and wet variations in climate have substantial inter-decadal features. The main factors affecting the dry and wet climate boundary fluctuations and the dry and wet variations of climate in China are East Asian summer monsoon,Indian Monsoon,plateau monsoon in the Tibetan Plateau,westerly circulation,and West Pacific subtropical high.The different types of circulations and the strong and weak combinations of these circulations result in the regional differences of dry and wet climate changes in China.Inter-decadal variations of the dry and wet climate boundary fluctuations and of the arid and humid climate result from the inter-decadal changes of East Asian summer monsoon,Indian Monsoon,plateau monsoon,westerly circulation, and West Pacific subtropical high.The anomalous general atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere during the late 1960s to the early 1970s is the causes of arid and humid climate remarkable change in China.  相似文献   

ERBE and ISCCP data are used to investigate the cloud forcing and latitude and atmospheric temperature effects on outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) in the earth-atmosphere system,and the similarity of OLR field to 500 hPa and surface effective radiation fields.Also,discussion is taken up of the OLR distribution on a nationwide basis,indicating that the winter(summer) OLR pattern is roughly a zonal type(asymmetrical saddle) with the annual pattern analogous to the January one.In the end the yearly OLR variation features are addressed on a regional basis.  相似文献   

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