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The time and space variations of the ten-day mean surface sensible heat flux have beenanalyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP/NCAR from January of 1979 to December of1995 in the South China Sea(SCS)monsoon region.It is found that large variations of the surfacesensible heat flux standard deviations exist in the northwestern Indochina Peninsula and the IndianPeninsula regions,and their locations and strength change significantly during the onset period ofSCS monsoon.The negative deviations appear evidently earlier in the Indocbina Peninsula than inthe Indian Peninsula but the deviation strength in the Indian Peninsula is stronger than that in theIndochina Peninsula.The appearance of the zonal negative mean deviations in the southern part ofthe Indochina Peninsula corresponds to the date of the SCS summer monsoon onset,while theoccurrence of the deviation decrease corresponds to the date of the South Asian monsoon onset.The sensible heat flux increases dekad by dekad before the onset of the summer monsoon in theIndian Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula and decreases after the monsoon onset.Therefore,the surface sensible heat flux changes in the Indochina and the Indian Peninsula regions maybe havesome connections with the SCS monsoon onset and the Indian monsoon onset,and the IndochinaPeninsula maybe becomes the sensitive or key region to the SCS monsoon onset and the land maybeplays an important role in triggering summer monsoon onset.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations of the ten-day mean surface latent heat flux (TMLH) have been analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP from January of 1979 to December of 1995 in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region.It is found that there exist maximum centers of TMLH standard deviation in the northwest Indochina and the Indian Peninsula as well as the western Pacific,SCS,the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal,and their locations and strengths change significantly during the period of SCS monsoon onset.A positive zonal deviation of TMLH occurs first in the Indochina Peninsula,apparently earlier than that in the Indian Peninsula.The appearance of maximum positive zonal deviations of TMLH approximately coincides with the summer monsoon onset.Over the Indochina and Indian Peninsulas,the TMLH increases gradually with a small amplitude of variation before the onset of summer monsoon,and the rate of increase is significantly enhanced after the onset of the monsoon; whereas over the ocean,TMLH decreases before the monsoon onset,varies little during the period of monsoon and increases gradually after the ending of monsoon.Therefore,it seems that the surface latent heat flux plays an important role in the maintenance of the summer monsoon,and its variation is an phenomenon accompanying the onset of summer monsoon.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variations of the ten-day mean surface latent heat flux (TMLH) havebeen analyzed in this paper based on the data of NCEP from January of 1979 to December of 1995in the South China Sea (SCS) monsoon region. It is found that there exist maximum centers ofTMLH standard deviation in the northwest Indochina and the Indian Peninsula as well as thewestern Pacific, SCS, the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal, and their locations and strengthschange significantly during the period of SCS monsoon onset. A positive zonal deviation of TMLHoccurs first in the Indochina Peninsula, apparently earlier than that in the Indian Peninsula. Theappearance of maximum positive zonal deviations of TMLH approximately coincides with thesummer monsoon onset. Over the Indochina and Indian Peninsulas, the TMLH increases graduallywith a small amplitude of variation before the onset of summer monsoon, and the rate of increase issignificantly enhanced after the onset of the monsoon; whereas over the ocean, TMLH decreasesbefore the monsoon onset, varies little during the period of monsoon and increases gradually afterthe ending of monsoon. Therefore, it seems that the surface latent heat flux plays an importantrole in the maintenance of the summer monsoon, and its variation is an phenomenon accompanyingthe onset of summer monsoon.  相似文献   

亚洲季风区地面感热通量的区域变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用1979-1995年(缺1986、1987、1993)NCEP/NCAR再分析资料中的逐旬感热通量资料,对亚洲季风区地面感热通量的空间结构及时间演变进行了旋转经验正交函数(REOF)分析。结果表明:印度半岛和中南半岛地区感势通量的变化与亚洲季风的爆发及演变有密切关系,是季风爆发的主要关键区。这两个地区的感热积累是东亚季风爆发的触发因素之一,尤其是印度半岛北部感热通量的突变对印度夏季风演变十分重要。印度半岛北部与青藏高原西部的热力差异在季风的爆发和维持中占有重要地位。而东北亚与西北太平洋的热力差异只对东亚夏季风的演变有影响,与冬季风则无直接关联。在东亚季风的爆发中居主导地位的还是印度半岛北部和青藏高原西北部的感热加热作用。  相似文献   

文中对 1 998年 1月 1日到 8月 31日共 2 4 3d的南海季风试验再分析资料的地面感热场和潜热场进行 EOF分析 ,由感热的第一特征向量场发现 ,中南半岛地区、青藏高原的东北部和印度半岛的大部分是感热通量大值区 ,而海洋上是小值区 ,海陆热力差异十分明显 ,这种海陆感热对比是促使季风爆发的大背景。由感热的时间经度演变图可以看出 ,中南半岛所在经度范围内南北连续的感热分布对南海季风的早爆发具有重要作用。由温度平流项的分布可发现 ,中南半岛的加热作用明显早于青藏高原地区 ,使得中南半岛对南海季风的早期爆发有重要作用 ,而青藏高原对于南海季风的维持具有重要意义。由于印度半岛与中南半岛的海陆分布的差异 ,使得两个地区的温度平流项也有所不同  相似文献   

Based on NCEP/NCAR reanalysis monthly data,the relation between the surface sensible heat flux,(SHTFL) in the Tibetan Plateau and its vicinity and the East Asian winter monsoon is revealed as follows:on the inter-annual and longer time scales,the difference between SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau last spring has influence on the East Asian winter monsoon,that is,SHTFL anomaly in the east of the Tibetan Plateau was positive and that in the southern slope was negative last spring,then the East Asian winter monsoon would become more vigorous,and vice versa.Both the most significant period of the difference between SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau and that of the East Asian winter monsoon index are 2 to 4-year time scales.On the 2 to 4-year time scales,the heterogeneous spatial distribution of SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau last spring has effect on the East Asian winter monsoon,after SHTFL anomaly in the east of the Tibetan Plateau was positive and that in the southern slope was negative last spring,then the East Asian winter monsoon would be more powerful,and vice versa.The lag influence of the difference of SHTFL anomalies in the east and southern slope of the Tibetan Plateau on the East Asian winter monsoon brings into effect mainly on 2 to 4-year time scales.In the end an reasonable explanation for their relationship has been discussed.  相似文献   

The latest dataset from the SCS(South China Sea) Monsoon Experiment is used to investigate the features of abrupt change in some meteorological elements before,during and after the summer monsoon's establishment in 1998 and explore its onset characteristic process.We have arrived at a preliminary conclusion that the 1998 Asian summer monsoon is established first in the SCS as early as May 23,which is representative of the earliest indicator of the conversion from a winter into a summer monsoon situation in Asia;the continued retreat eastward of the western Pacific subtropical high from the SCS region has direct effect on the SCS summer monsoon establishment because the withdrawal favors the release of unstable energy,responsible for the sudden onset of the monsoon.Our tentative investigation indicates that the eastward extension of the westerly and rainfall band from the equatorial Indian Ocean into the Indo-China Peninsula and the southward spreading of an active South-China stationary front,acting as the interaction between mid and low latitude systems,are likely to be the characteristic events contributing to the subtropical high's eastward retreating and the summer monsoon's onset over the SCS.  相似文献   

By using the NCEP reanalysis data set in 1979-1995, the fluxes of the latent heat, thesensible heat and the net long-wave radiation in the South China Sea (SCS) are expanded by meansof EOF in order to discuss the basic climatological features in the SCS. The detailed analysis showsthat the air-sea heat exchanges in different SCS regions have different seasonal variations. Themiddle and the north of the SCS are the high value regions of the air-sea heat exchanges during thewinter and the summer monsoon periods, respectively, the seasonal variations of air-sea heatexchanges in the south of the SCS are small. In addition, the proportions of different componentsin the total air-sea heat exchanges have different seasonal variations in different regions. Theresults show that the SCS monsoon and the air-sea heat exchanges in the SCS region are theaccompaniments of each other, the great difference of the sensible heat flux between the IndochinaPeninsula and the SCS before the SCS summer monsoon onset may be one of the triggers of thelatter. There maintains a high value center of the sensible heat flux before the 13th dekad, itsdisappearing time consists with that of the summer monsoon onset. It means that as far as the SCSlocal conditions are concerned, the northwest of the Indochina Peninsula is probably a sensitiveregion to the SCS summer monsoon onset and the land may play a leading role in the SCS summermonsoon onset.  相似文献   

The latest dataset from the SCS(South China Sea)Monsoon Experiment is used to investigatethe features of abrupt change in some meteorological elements before,during and after the summermonsoon's establishment in 1998 and explore its onset characteristic process.We have arrived at apreliminary conclusion that the 1998 Asian summer monsoon is established first in the SCS as earlyas May 23,which is representative of the earliest indicator of the conversion from a winter into asummer monsoon situation in Asia;the continued retreat eastward of the western Pacificsubtropical high from the SCS region has direct effect on the SCS summer monsoon establishmentbecause the withdrawal favors the release of unstable energy,responsible for the sudden onset ofthe monsoon.Our tentative investigation indicates that the eastward extension of the westerly andrainfall band from the equatorial Indian Ocean into the Indo-China Peninsula and the southwardspreading of an active South-China stationary front,acting as the interaction between mid and lowlatitude systems,are likely to be the characteristic events contributing to the subtropical high'seastward retreating and the summer monsoon's onset over the SCS.  相似文献   

蒙伟光  郑彬 《气象学报》2006,64(1):81-89
在对南海夏季风的爆发及中南半岛陆面过程的可能影响进行了诊断分析的基础上,应用MM5/NOAHLSM模式,研究了中南半岛陆气相互作用对2004年南海夏季风爆发过程的可能影响。结果发现:在南海夏季风爆发前,中南半岛南海地区低层气温差确实出现低值,甚至负值;尽管短期内中南半岛土壤湿度和降水的变化没有引起季风爆发日期的改变,但对季风爆发的强度有影响。土壤湿度和降水变化引起的干异常可导致地表感热通量的增大和地表温度的升高,致使中南半岛与南海之间低层的温差异常(负温差)减小,季风爆发强度减弱;不同的是,湿异常可引起季风爆发强度增强。这一结果说明,在南海夏季风爆发前期,中南半岛上空对流活动和降水异常及其引起的土壤湿度的异常变化在一定程度上会影响到季风爆发的过程。文章还比较了不同温湿地表条件下低层大气状态的差异和地表能量、水分平衡过程的不同,分析了陆气相互作用对季风活动产生影响的物理机制。  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发前后海-气界面热交换特征   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
文中利用 2 0 0 0与 2 0 0 2年二次南海海 气通量观测资料和同期西沙站资料 ,研究了南海夏季风爆发前后海洋表面热收支变化特征。研究表明 :南海夏季风爆发前后 ,影响海面热收支变化的主要分量是净短波辐射通量和潜热通量 ,在季风爆发前后不同阶段 ,二个分量的变化有不同表现形式 ,但不论二者如何变化 ,季风爆发与活跃期 ,海面热收入减小或为净支出 ;季风爆发前及中断期间 ,海面热收入逐渐增加 ;由于大的热惯性 ,海温变化落后于海面热收支的变化 ,海温的这种滞后效应通过影响潜热通量调节海面热收支的变化 ,又反过来影响自身的变化 ,形成短期振荡过程 ,这种振荡过程与季风的活跃、中断过程相对应。  相似文献   

By using the NCAR CCM1 model, we have designed six sensitive experiments, which areincreased and decreased SST (sea surface temperature) by 1℃ each in the SCS (South China Sea)and in the West Pacific warm pool, increased and decreased SST by 1℃ in the warm pool withincreased SST by 1℃ in the SCS. All experiments are integrated from April to July. Comparingwith the control experiment, we have analyzed the anomalies of the wind field at the upper andlower layers, the anomalies of the seasonal variability of the monsoon and precipitation for eachexperiment. In the result, we have found that the SST anomaly (SSTA) in the SCS greatly affectsthe seasonal variability of the SCS monsoon and precipitation in China, especially during the coldperiod of SST in the SCS. The impact of SSTA in the warm pool on SCS monsoon is also found.but is weak as compared to the effect of SST anomaly in the SCS. Besides, its impact on rainfall inChina is uncertain.  相似文献   

By using the NCAR CCM1 model, we have designed six sensitive experiments, which are increased and decreased SST(sea surface temperature) by 1℃ each in the SCS(South China Sea) and in the West Pacific warm pool, increased and decreased SST by 1℃ in the warm pool with increased SST by 1℃ in the SCS. All experiments are integrated from April to July. Comparing with the control experiment, we have analyzed the anomalies of the wind field at the upper and lower layers, the anomalies of the seasonal variability of the monsoon and precipitation for each experiment. In the result, we have found that the SST anomaly(SSTA) in the SCS greatly affects the seasonal variability of the SCS monsoon and precipitation in China, especially during the cold period of SST in the SCS. The impact of SSTA in the warm pool on SCS monsoon is also found.but is weak as compared to the effect of SST anomaly in the SCS. Besides, its impact on rainfall in China is uncertain.  相似文献   

南海夏季风爆发的大气热源特征及其爆发迟早原因的探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用ECMWF(1979~1993年)的再分析资料分析了南海夏季风爆发前后的大气热源演变特征,并由此确定了南海夏季风爆发的大气热源判据。将该判据应用于1979~1993年总共15年的平均场,可判定南海夏季风平均于28候(5月第4候)爆发。而且,对于逐年南海夏季风爆发,该判据也有较好的指示意义。本文还发现,南海夏季风爆发的迟早与4月份40 S纬圈平均的大气热源垂直积分有着非常密切的联系,由此得到的南海夏季风爆发时间的前期判定指标能较好地判断南海夏季风的爆发时间。南海夏季风爆发迟早的原因,及其与4月份40 S纬圈平均之间的联系,可以通过南北半球哈得莱环流的变化得到解释。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the Ishii 700 m heat content (HC) in the South China Sea (SCS). During the 1978–2012 period, the HC in the SCS changed dramatically on interannual timescales. Three main findings emerged from the analysis. 1) The first spatial pattern of the empirical orthogonal function (EOF1) was consistently distributed over most of the SCS, whereas that of the second empirical orthogonal function (EOF2) showed a dipole signal. 2) The HC anomalies in the SCS were closely related to the SCS summer monsoon intensity. When the HC over most of the SCS increased (decreased) in previous winter, the SCS summer monsoon was strengthened (weakened). Therefore, the HC behavior in the SCS during previous winter can well predict the intensity of the SCS summer monsoon. 3) HC anomalies in the SCS largely influence the monsoon and Walker circulations, in turn affecting the western Pacific subtropical high and finally the SCS summer monsoon.  相似文献   

The characteristics of atmospheric heat source associated with the summer monsoon onset in the South China Sea (SCS) are studied using ECMWF reanalysis data from 1979 to 1993. A criterion of the SCS summer monsoon onset is defined by the atmospheric hea…  相似文献   

Described in this paper is an experiment on atmosphere-surface turbulent exchange and boundary layer turbulence properties conducted in July 1994 over the Kerqin Grassland,Jilin,China.The characteristics of the turbulent spectrum,and the relationships of the standard deviation of the turbulent velocity components and sensible heat flux with the atmospheric stability are studied using data from a sonic anemometer and a fast-response platinum resistance thermometer mounted on a 100 m tower.The results show that in the surface layer over a flat,uniform and open grassland,for a broad stability range(-22.12≤ZiL≤17.98),the velocity spectra obey the-2/3 power law in the inertial subrange,and 1 power law at low frequencies.Under near neutral stratification,σu/u*=1.20,σv/u*=1.23 and σw/u*=1.02.For Zi/L≤-0.2,the standard deviations of the turbulent velocity components follow a 1/3 power law.For Zi/L≤-0.1,the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations follows a-1/3 power law,and as Zi/L≤-0.08,it exhibits nonlinear behavior.Sensible heat flux is well correlated to the stability parameter.  相似文献   

亚洲季风区感热凝结潜热对副高带季节演变的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
利用1958-1998年NCEP/NCAR的逐日再分析资料,探讨了亚洲夏季风建立期间感热、凝结潜热和副高带季节演变的气候特征,并重点分析它们相互耦合的特征。结果表明:亚洲季风区的地表感热、凝结潜热影响印缅槽生成和阿拉伯副高西移的机制是相似的,5月初,印度半岛较强的感热通量和中南半岛较强的凝结潜热共同影响副高带的断裂及印缅槽的生成,5月底-6月上旬阿拉伯半岛较大的感热通量和印度半岛西侧较强的凝结潜热有利于阿拉伯副高的西移。  相似文献   

南海海洋站观测海气热通量的时间演变特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索西沙和南沙海气热通量时间演变特征,用海洋站观测资料计算了1998年南海夏季风爆发前后,海气界面热量交换值及海面热收支年循环。结果表明:季风爆发前,西沙海气界面热量交换较弱,水汽通量较小,以海洋获得热量为主;季风爆发后,海气界面热量交换接近平衡。南沙全年主要是海洋对大气加热。南沙和西沙海面吸收短波辐射年周期特征明显,极大值出现在冬半年。西沙海面潜热通量存在半年周期特征,极大值也是出现在冬半年。结论:冬半年海面热通量变化对翌年的季风将产生重要影响。  相似文献   

The seasonal variations of convective activities over the South China Sea(SCS) and its neighborhood.as well as the similarities and differences of convection in the different key regions during the strong and weak convection years are analyzed by using the pentad data of TBB from 1980 to 1993.The results show that in winter and summer the seasonal variations of the convective activities are synchronous over the SCS and its neighborhood,the anomalous convection amplitudes are obviously different in different regions.The significant extents of convective activities have somewhat seasonal differences in the strong and weak convection years.In the strong convection years,it is in winter,spring and autumn that the convection anomaly is more evident than that in the normal years,however,after the summer monsoon onset the convection is sustained.stable and similar to that in the normal years.In the weak convection years.the convection weakens greatly in each season.but the primary weakening occurs in spring.summer and autumn.No matter in the strong or the weak convection years.the convective activities are somewhat of difference in the Bay of Bengal.the Indochina Peninsula.the SCS and the Philippines.In addition.the convective activities are also different over the south and the north parts of the SCS.the convection variation in the strong year is similar to that in the weak year over the north part of the SCS.but over the south part there are great differences.  相似文献   

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