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In the context of 1982—1994 NCEP/NCAR wind at 12-level isobaric surfaces on a global basiscalculation is made of the barotropic(mass-weighed vertical mean)and baroclinic components(difference between the actual wind at each level and barotropic component)of atmospheric flowfields,followed by dealing with the distribution features of barotropic and baroelinie patternsglobally in winter and summer,alongside with the classification of global monsoons according tothe surface barotropic/baroclinic patterns.Evidence suggests that the seasonal variation of bothcomponents will lead to the reversal of a prevailing wind between winter and summer,thus causinga related monsoon:the baroclinie flow pattern is indicative of a thermal circulation driven byatmospheric inhomogeneous heating chiefly from land-sea thermal contrast whilst the barotropiccounterpart represents the result mainly from dynamic effects,which is helpful to theunderstanding of monsoon nature.And further study shows that the classical monsoon regions intropical Asia,Africa and South America fall into a baroclinic category,those in the bi-hemispheriesubtropical Pacific into a barotropic type and the East Asian subtropical monsoon generated underthe joint action of both the patterns falls into a mixed category.  相似文献   

大气环流的正斜压流型特征与季风类型   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
朱乾根  刘宣飞 《气象学报》2000,58(2):194-201
利用 NCEP/NCAR的 1 982~ 1 994年全球 1 2层等压面上的风场资料 ,计算了大气流场的正压分量 (即质量加权垂直平均 )和斜压分量 (即各层实际风与正压分量的差值 ) ,分析了全球冬夏季正斜压流场的分布特征 ,并从地面风场的正斜压流型角度对全球季风进行了分类。指出 :斜压流场和正压流场的季节变化都可以产生冬夏季盛行风向的反转 ,因而都能够产生季风。斜压流场反映了大气中不均匀加热 (主要是海陆热力差异 )所驱动的热力环流 ,而正压流场则主要代表动力作用所产生的环流 ,这对认识季风的性质很有意义。进一步分析表明 :亚洲热带地区、非洲、南美等典型季风区属斜压流型季风区 ,南、北半球太平洋中部的副热带地区也为季风区 ,但属正压流型季风区 ,而东亚副热带地区则属正斜压流型共同组成的混合流型季风区。  相似文献   

南亚高压季节变化中的正斜压环流转换特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1958~1997 年的 N C E P/ N C A R 再分析资料,采用将大气环流在垂直方向分解为正压和斜压环流两个分量的方法,讨论了南亚高压季节演变中的正斜压环流的转换特征。指出(1)夏季,南亚高压以斜压性为主,其斜压分量约占 70 % 的比重,冬季以正压性为主,其正压分量约占 70 % 的比重;(2)由冬季的正压性高压向夏季的斜压性高压的季节演变中,南亚高压是在其斜压分量环流的引导下移动的,即其斜压分量环流的变化超前于其自身的变化;(3)由夏季的斜压性高压向冬季的正压性高压的季节演变则相反,南亚高压是在其正压分量环流的引导下移动的。  相似文献   

程麟生  冯伍虎 《气象学报》2003,61(4):385-395
用非静力中尺度模式MM5.V3全物理湿过程和双向四重嵌套网格技术及四维资料同化分析张弛方法,对1998年7月20~22日(简称"98.7")鄂东武汉沿江地区特大暴雨进行了36 h数值模拟,结果大大改进了原二重和三重嵌套网格的模拟,特别是水平分辨率为2 km的嵌套子域D04能更正确地模拟出暴雨的落区及雨强中心,进而揭示了强暴雨β中尺度系统发生和发展的结构及演变. 其主要结果包括(1)β中尺度切变线在鄂东沿江低空强烈发展及辐合中心的出现与其β中尺度低涡的形成和发展直接关联.(2)β中尺度切变线强烈发展的垂直结构强辐合层和强辐散层复式迭置并与强上升运动耦合发展;强涡度层和强位涡度层与强辐合层互伴发展;低空湿位温中心与中空饱和水汽带共存.(3)β中尺度低涡生成的垂直结构散度和上升运动均呈双支柱状发展;涡度和位涡度均呈单支柱状发展;高湿能柱呈双支耦合发展,水汽通道呈阶梯斜升状.(4)β中尺度低涡发展的垂直结构V字型散度柱和上升运动柱互耦发展;涡度和位涡度呈双支柱状;双支高湿能柱强烈发展,阶梯斜升水汽通道变宽增厚.至此低涡发展达最强,其结构具有典型性.模拟结果还指出,发展时空分辨率更高的多重嵌套网格模拟技术和应用四维资料同化方法,将有助于更细致的了解β中尺度强对流系统发生和发展的结构及其演变,并能进一步提高对暴雨落区及雨强的预报水平.  相似文献   

用正斜压分解法,对1998年发生在鄂霍茨克海的阻高进行涡度和涡度拟以分析,结果发现:在阻高的不同阶段,正压涡度和正压涡度拟能远大于斜压涡度和斜压涡度拟能且在不同的阶段有着不同的演变过程;在阻塞的酝酿阶段正压和斜压涡度和涡度拟能不稳定增长,且向西南传播;在维持阶段,正压和斜压涡度和涡度拟能的增长达到最大值,阻塞形势建立并维持在阻塞区域内;在消亡阶段,正压涡度和涡度拟能与斜压涡度拟能则呈现出不稳定减少,向东南传播,阻塞崩溃,然后又增长。  相似文献   

使用NCEP/NCAR40年(1958~1997年)月平均再分析资料,通过动力学论断研究了大气斜压/正压运动动能的变化及其相互转换,分析了亚洲季风变动与这两种动能变化的联系。指出:季风区大气运动动能的组成和变化具有独特的特征。冬季风时期大气斜压运动动能与正压运动动能具有正相关线性关系,斜压运动能向正压运动动能转换;春、秋季无论是东亚还是印度季风区斜压运动动能与正压运动动能之间转换都处于极小值,只是  相似文献   

使用ECMWF1980—1986年7a格点资料对大气运动的正压模进行了分析。指出:对流层中大气正压运动流场显示的副热带高压带仅能反映出行星风带的季节性移动;与亚洲夏季风有关且反映季风局地性的则是副热带高压带南侧的东风带上的波状扰动;东风带上的经向风分量存在着纬向传播且传播方向和扰动幅度与印度、东亚季风子系统有关;随着北半球夏季的到来,亚洲季风区大气运动的斜压模有较大的增长且斜压运动动能占气柱内整层平均总动能的绝大部分,而在赤道附近的其他经度上则是正压运动动能的成分明显增长。  相似文献   

By using the low-spectral model simplified from quasi-geostrophic approximation two-levelmodel,we obtained the result that the equivalent barotropic state is an equilibrium state of theatmosphere in that model,and discussed the conditions needed for existing the Rossby wavepossessing the equivalent barotropic structure.And then we derived the oscillation equation reflectingthe phase change of Rossby wave between higher and lower levels from the basic state of equivalentbarotropic stationary Rossby wave,indicating the relations between the change of difference of phaseat higher and lower levels and the disturbance of vertical shear,the amplitude disturbance of the partof waves of stream function and thermal wind stream function on the average level (A′ and B′).It isconcluded that the inter-transformation exists between Rossby waves possessing the equivalentbarotropic and baroclinic structure.  相似文献   

In operating the quasi-geostrophic two-layer model,the quasi-resonance occurs possibly in two cases:(1)pure barotropic waves;(2) two baroclinic and one barotropic waves.For case (2),we find the analytical solution of triad amplitude of quasi-resonance and approximate expression for the period of wave energy variation.Both the approximate expression and numerical calculation indicate that this period tends to approach the period (2πε)/(△ω) of the quasi-resonance frequency mismatch △ω itself for the baroclinic atmosphere than for the barotropic atmosphere.Physically,there is a feedback mechanism between the wave phase and amplitude,and the slowly varying phase difference between the barotropic wave and the baroclinic wave causes the conversion of kinetic energy and available potential energy,which gives rise to the wave-related low-frequency oscillation alternatively strengthening and weakening with the oscillation period identical to the above approximate formula.For △ω~(0.1-0.02) 0(ωj),the averaged energy period is 12-43 days and when △ω=0,it is 366 days.Therefore,the occurrence of frequency mismatch △ω is probably a new important mechanism for the formation of extratropical low-frequency oscillation in baroclinic atmosphere as well.  相似文献   

正、斜压流场演变及相互转换所伴随的偶极型阻塞生命史   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
将阻塞过程中的大气运动流场分解为正,斜压流场,研究了它们在乌拉尔山偶极型阻塞个例中的演变特征。揭示了正、斜压流场的演变及相互转换所源发的阻塞生命史的全过程。  相似文献   

一个正压和斜压不稳定的充要条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一个新的李雅普诺夫函数,首次得到了正压和斜压不稳定的充要条件,大大改善了热知的Rayleigh-郭晓岚定理和Fjortoft定理,解决了Rayleigh(1880)提出的无粘切变流正压稳定性问题。  相似文献   

Infrared solar spectra on clear days were measured automatically by an infrared solar spectrometer(ISS) with 0.4 cm-1 resolution developed by us.A line-by line(LBL) computation method was used to calculate theoretical atmospheric absorption.In the wavelength range of 3.410-3.438 μm.the absorption is mainly due to atmospheric methane and water vapor.Columnatmospheric methane was retrieved from the recorded infrared solar spectra.The seasonal variation of column atmospheric methane in Hefei has been obtained from the measuremental data of nearly 18 months since the April of 1997.and found that it is similar to that of background data.The instruments.principles of measurement and some of results were introduced,and the results are also discussed briefly in the paper.  相似文献   

通过定义流场的斜压性度量参量,利用观测资料,对大气运动的斜压特征量与夏季风变动的联系进行了探讨。结果表明:夏季风流场具有较强的斜压性;纬向气流的斜压强弱的时间变动与夏季风进退相吻合;强斜压区的范围可反映夏季风活动的基本范围。经向斜压运动强弱的水平分布及时间-经度剖面上斜压运动动能的纬向传播都与亚洲季风体系中季风子系统有关  相似文献   

季风的季节、年际和年代际变化   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
区域季风和全球季风的分布依赖于季风的定义。基于“季风是热带大气水汽中心随越赤道气流向赤道外季节扩展”的定义总结并讨论了东亚季风的区域特征、亚洲季风的季节进程和全球季风的分布以及季风的年际和年代际变化。最后对季风研究的潜在方向作了适当的讨论。  相似文献   

In this paper the relationships between the sea surface temperature (SST) of Xisha and that in the northern Indian and northern Pacific Oceans,the geopotential height at 500 hPa level of the Northern Hemisphere,and rainfall in China are studied statistically using data in the period of 1961-1992.Results show that in winter,the interannual variation in SST of Xisha describes that for a large oceanic region off the East Asia coast,and is closely related to the activity of East Asia winter monsoon.On the other hand,there exist very high values of auto-correlation of Xisha SST anomaly from December through the following July,but the anomalous condition is hardly correlated to that in the preceding autumn.The winter monsoon related anomalous SST condition in Xisha has a strong tendency to persist through the succeeding summer monsoon season with the same sign.In addition,correlation maps of monthly mean rainfall in China with respect to Xisha SST of the same month show positive correlations with confidence level above 95% to the east of 110°E and to the south of Changjiang (Yangtze) River during the months of October through April;the region becomes smaller in May and changes correlation sign in June;the positive correlation region is located in the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River from July to September.The air-sea interaction plays an important role in these processes.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis,EOF and CCA are used to analyze the variations of atmospheric circulation factors,including the key atmospheric oscillations,W,C,E and subtropical high (SH),and their relationships.The results are shown that the variations of atmospheric circulation factors both in troposphere and lower atmosphere layer are different on different time scales.The most significant variation of atmospheric circulation factors is in the period less than 7 years.The correlation relations of atmospheric circulation factors are different on different time scales.Combination patterns of circulation factors have impact on the relationships of factors.There are lag correlations between combination patterns of circulation factors in former year and that of in next year.  相似文献   

Values of the net radiative heating(QRT)at the top of atmosphere(TOA) are derived from the satellite-observed outgoing long wave radiation(OLR)and the TOA short wave net irradiance (SHT) for the region of the Tibetan Plateau and surrounding areas(40°S-40°N,0-180°E)and the period of months from January 1979 to December 1988.The anomalous QRT(QRTA)in relation to the interannual variability of Asian monsoon is discussed.QRTA for the earth-atmosphere system in the domain may be linked to the thermal contrasts between continents and oceans and between the plateau and surrounding free atmosphere.  相似文献   

After the manner for studying atmospheric kinetic energy,concepts of atmospheric enstrophy(ζ2/2)m and barotropic and baroclinic enstrophy (ζm2/2,ζs2/2) are developed with their relationsinves tigated,whereupon are established,separately,equations for the 1000-100 hPa extentaveraged ζm2/2 and ζs2/2 over a limited area and on a local basis.Study shows that controlling theirchanges are the following factors:the terms of their fluxes (viz.,divergences).β effect,their mutual conversions,production and dissipation.Analysis is undertaken of these terms-dependent physical mechanisms for the variations in barotropic and baroclinic enstrophy and by means of the equations,calculation is conducted of the terms during the development of an Okhotsk blocking circulation,indicating that the total,harotropic and haroclinic enstrophies experience noticeable variations,from which we see that the latter two factors can really characterize the development as a whole,thus revealing the mechanisms at different stages of the circulation history.  相似文献   

Through a simple review of low-frequency variation of blocking pattern and diagnoses of observational data and combining some experience in forecast practice,we put forward some thought about the mechanism of formation and maintenance of the blocking flow pattern from the synoptic/climatological point of view,It is emphasized that eastward moving and deepening of troughs in the upstream of the blocking high,the SST anomalies and topography effect are the main factors of impelling the variation of the blocking high.During the maintenance of Ural blocking high wave-flow interactions are studied through disposition of baroclinic trough(transient wave)and the blocking flow.This study will offer a primary basis for the further theoretical study on the formation mechanism of the blocking high.  相似文献   

The dynamics of tropical cyclone is investigated in a nondivergent barotropic model with no basic flow. The effect of nonlinear term on the movement and development of tropical cyclone is emphatically demonstrated. The advection of asymmetric vorticity by the symmetric flow(AAVS) produces the small-scale gyres(SSGs). The SSGs counterclockwise rotate around the tropical cyclone center. The interaction of SSGs with the large-scale beta gyres(LSBGs) leads to the oscillation in translation speed and vacillation in translation direction for tropical cyclone. The advection of symmetric vorticity by the asymmetric flow(ASVA) steers the symmetric circulation of tropical cyclone. The ventilation flow vector determined by the asymmetric flow is close correlated with the motion vector of tropical cyclone. The nonlinear advection of relative vorticity is an order of magnitude greater than the linear advection of planetary vorticity, However, the asymmetric circulation created by the planetary vorticity advection provides a background condition for anomalous motions of the tropical cyclone. The combination of the linear and nonlinear effects results in accelerated, decelerated, changing direction and/or counterclockwise looping motions of the tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

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