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The measurement of column content of carbon monoxide,methane,and other atmospherictraces gases as well as aerosols has been conducted during the fall of 1992 and 1997,using aninfrared spectrometer of moderate resolution in the cooperation of the Laboratory for MiddleAtmosphere and Global Environment Observation(LAGEO),Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Russian Academy ofSciences.The variation characteristics of atmospheric CO column content in Beijing area arepresented.The analysis of the measurement shows that the CO column concentration of 0.10 mgcm~(-2)can be considered as the background over Beijing area.and the concentration as high as 0.75mg cm~(-2)was observed under some unfavorable meteorological situations.  相似文献   

This paper describes briefly the sounding capabilities of TOVS/ATOVS onboard the NOAA polar-orbiting meteorological satellites,followed by a more detailed review of the retrieval schemes.The ICI physical retrieval scheme with some adaptations is implemented in our experiment.The analyses of the Chinese regional NWP model are utilized to create a rolling library of initial guess field.Retrieval results validated against both NWP analyses and radiosondes indicate good agreement between ICI retrievals and conventional observations.Preliminary result from the PC-ATOVS Windows display system of NSMC will also be shown.  相似文献   

Analysis is done of the distribution of odd and even symmetric components of circulations on a global basis in terms of observations and technique for the odd/even symmetry,indicating that climatic features of the component patterns and their temporal evolution are able to reveal their influence of land-sea discrepancy in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres,the time scale of atmospheric response to radiation heating,circulation waveform structure and seasonal adjustment of global circulation.  相似文献   

Wavelet analysis,EOF and CCA are used to analyze the variations of atmospheric circulation factors,including the key atmospheric oscillations,W,C,E and subtropical high (SH),and their relationships.The results are shown that the variations of atmospheric circulation factors both in troposphere and lower atmosphere layer are different on different time scales.The most significant variation of atmospheric circulation factors is in the period less than 7 years.The correlation relations of atmospheric circulation factors are different on different time scales.Combination patterns of circulation factors have impact on the relationships of factors.There are lag correlations between combination patterns of circulation factors in former year and that of in next year.  相似文献   

16 aircraft missions were conducted for the measurement of atmospheric aerosols in separate days of late spring and early summer of 1996 and 1997.The paper deals with detailed analysis of the variation in vertical/horizontal distributions of the concentration of the particles and their size distribution at 0-5 km above ground,and with the relations to temperature and relative humidity documented in general.Evidence suggests that the concentrations show different distribution features in vertical above and below the cap of the mixed layer:the particle size distribution is subject to a range of forming mechanisms,displaying a multi-modal pattern:the horizontal concentration experiences remarkable variation:temperature and relative humidity stratifications have conspicuous influence on the concentration and size distribution of aerosols.  相似文献   

位势场中槽脊的分布、遥相关型的形态和准定常波的传播路径是1月份500hPa月平均高度场的重要特征。通过资料分析和数值试验,本文证明此三者之间是彼此关联的整体,它们与青藏高原和落基山的强迫作用有关。东亚大槽和北美大槽的强度在中高纬度上存在显著的负相关。这种负相关和槽前急流强度的年际变化导致北美和东亚存在相似的相关型分布,准定常波在两大地形下游传播的不同则导致两区域相关波链形态的明显差异。  相似文献   

The time damping rate of gravity wave in the range of 30-70 km is calaclated in three circumstances:(1) adiabatic process,(2) diabatic process caused by atmospheric cooling,and(3) diabatic process resulting from atmospheric photochemical heating and cooling.The results indicate that the photochemical heating is as important as Newtonian cooling and its contribution to the time damping rate of gravity wave can not he negligible.  相似文献   

Proposed are a set of new regional flood/drought indices and a scheme of grading their severity whereby 1951-2000 summer wet/dry events are investigated for North China (NC) in terms of 160 station monthly precipitation data from NCC (China National Center of Climate).Results suggest that 7 heavy droughts during 1951-2000 are 1965,1968,1972,1980,1983,1997 and 1999,while 6 heavy floods are 1954,1956,1959,1964,1973 and 1996. Based on 1951-2000 summer flood/drought severity graded by the new scheme,atmospheric circulation characteristics associated with the disasters over the NC are addressed in terms of monthly NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) reanalysis of geopotential heights,winds,surface temperature and PW (precipitable water).Evidences suggest that prominent anomalies benefiting to the heavy droughts occur over the Northern Hemisphere.The variations over middle-high latitudes especially the negative ones on Ural Mountain to western Siberia deepen the normal trough there and are indicative of stronger than normal cold air activity. At middle latitudes,remarkable positive anomalies present on the south to Baikal lead to the fact that the normal ridge shifts eastward over NC concomitant with anomaly sinking motion in the whole troposphere,which is helpful for the maintenance of the continent high.And the opposed ones over Korea and Japan force the trough moving eastward running against northwestward shifting of the western Pacific subtropical high.In addition,the anomaly west-east pressure gradient at middle latitudes profits northerly flow there.The southerly monsoon flow at low levels is weaker than normal with weak East Asian summer monsoon,and the related water vapor transportation is also weak with deficit PW over NC.Besides,sea surface temperature (SST) rises in the equatorial eastern and central Pacific and associated convective region moves to the east accordingly companied with weak Walker circulation in the droughts.And the opposed situations will occur during the floods.  相似文献   

Infrared solar spectra on clear days were measured automatically by an infrared solar spectrometer(ISS) with 0.4 cm-1 resolution developed by us.A line-by line(LBL) computation method was used to calculate theoretical atmospheric absorption.In the wavelength range of 3.410-3.438 μm.the absorption is mainly due to atmospheric methane and water vapor.Columnatmospheric methane was retrieved from the recorded infrared solar spectra.The seasonal variation of column atmospheric methane in Hefei has been obtained from the measuremental data of nearly 18 months since the April of 1997.and found that it is similar to that of background data.The instruments.principles of measurement and some of results were introduced,and the results are also discussed briefly in the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper,an interactive model between land surface physical process and atmosphere boundary layer is established,and is used to simulate the features of soil environmental physics,surface heat fluxes,evaporation from soil and evapotranspiration from vegetation and structures of atmosphere boundary layer over grassland underlying.The sensitivity experiments are engaged in primary physics parameters.The results show that this model can obtain reasonable simulation for diurnal variations of heat balance,soil volumetric water content,resistance of vegetation evaporation,flux of surface moisture,and profiles of turbulent exchange coefficient,turbulent momentum,potential temperature,and specific humidity.The model developed can be used to study the interaction between land surface processes and atmospheric boundary layer in city regions,and can also be used in the simulation of regional climate incorporating a mesoscale model.  相似文献   

By using a 2-layer AGCM designed by Institute of Atmospheric Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.this paper investigates influences of thickness and extent variations in Arctic sea ice on the atmosphere circulation,particularly on climate variations in East Asia.The simulation results have indicated that sea ice thickness variation in the Arctic exhibits significant influences on simulation results,particularly on East Asian monsoon.A nearly reasonable distribution of sea ice thickness in the model leads directly to stronger winter and summer monsoon over East Asia.and improves the model's simulation results for Siberia high and Icelandic low in winter.On the other hand,sea ice thickness variation can excite a teleconnection wave train across Asian Continent,and in low latitudes,the wave propagates from the western Pacific across the equator to the eastern Pacific.In addition,the variation of sea ice thickness also influences summer convective activitiesover the low latitudes including South China Sea and around the Philippines.Effects of winter sea ice extents in the Barents Sea on atmospheric circulation in the following spring and summer are also significant.The simulation result shows that when winter sea ice extent in the target region is larger (smaller) than normal.(1)in the following spring (averaged from April to June).positive (negative) SLP anomalies occupy the northern central Pacific.which leads directly to weakened (deepened)Aleutian low.and further favors the light (heavy) sea ice condition in the Bering Sea:(2)in the following summer,thermal depression in Asian Continent is deepened (weakened).and the subtropical high in the northwestern Pacific shifts northward(southward) from its normal position and to be strengthened (weakened).  相似文献   

Based on the primitive equations of the atmosphere,we study the effects of external forcing.dissipation and nonlinearity on the solutions of stationary motion and non-stationary motion.The results show that the asymptotic behavior of solutions of the forced dissipative nonlinear system is essentially different from that of the adiabatic non-dissipative system,the adiabatic dissipative system,the diabatic non-dissipative system and the diabatic dissipative linear system,and that the joint action of external forcing,dissipation and nonlinearity is the source of multiple equilibria.From this we can conclude that the important actions of diabatic heating and dissipation must be considered in the models of the long-term weather and the climate.  相似文献   

In correspondence with the establishment of the "upper high and lower high" pressure pattern due to the activities of 500 hPa high over the Tibetan Plateau in summer,a series of changes of the East Asia atmospheric circulation will take place.In this paper,the distributions of divergence and vertical velocity of 500 hPa high,the evolutions of atmospheric heat source,the variations of vorticity and zonal wind at 100 hPa level and vertical meridional cell over the Tibetan Plateau etc.are statistically analyzed.Thus,we can see that the ascending motion and the convective heating over the Tibetan Plateau,the South Asia high and the westerly jet on the north of the Plateau at 100 hPa level are weakned.The northern branch and the southern branch of the easterly jet on the south of the Plateau merge into a single whole and situate on the south of the former northern branch.In the meantime,thermodynamic land-sea discrepancy in South Asia and the convective heating over the Bay of Bengal is enhanced.It will play an important role in the maintenance of the easterly jet and the South Asia monsoon.  相似文献   

A global two-dimensional chemistry model is developed to study long-term trends of CH4 since industrial revolution.The sources of CH4,CO and NOx are parameterized as functions of latitude and time.With two long-term emission scenarios,long-term trends of CH4 are simulated.The results have a good agreement with observation from ice cores.The modeled CH4 increased from 760 ppbv in 1840 to 1611.9 ppbv in 1991, while the modeled number concentration of tropospheric OH decreased from 7.17×105 cm-3 in 1840 to 5.79×105 cm-3 in 1991.The increase of atmospheric CH4 can be explained by the increase of emission of CH4 and build-up because of decrease of OH radicals that remove CH4 from the atmosphere.The model is also used to simulate the distribution of CH4.Comparisons between the model results and observations show that the model can simulate both latitudinal distribution and seasonal variation of CH4 well.  相似文献   

Described in this paper is an experiment on atmosphere-surface turbulent exchange and boundary layer turbulence properties conducted in July 1994 over the Kerqin Grassland,Jilin,China.The characteristics of the turbulent spectrum,and the relationships of the standard deviation of the turbulent velocity components and sensible heat flux with the atmospheric stability are studied using data from a sonic anemometer and a fast-response platinum resistance thermometer mounted on a 100 m tower.The results show that in the surface layer over a flat,uniform and open grassland,for a broad stability range(-22.12≤ZiL≤17.98),the velocity spectra obey the-2/3 power law in the inertial subrange,and 1 power law at low frequencies.Under near neutral stratification,σu/u*=1.20,σv/u*=1.23 and σw/u*=1.02.For Zi/L≤-0.2,the standard deviations of the turbulent velocity components follow a 1/3 power law.For Zi/L≤-0.1,the standard deviation of the temperature fluctuations follows a-1/3 power law,and as Zi/L≤-0.08,it exhibits nonlinear behavior.Sensible heat flux is well correlated to the stability parameter.  相似文献   

In this paper,the response of the atmospheric general circulation to winter anomalous snow cover was investigated through observations studies and model simulation.Results from the observations show that:(1)the anomalous winter snow cover in the extratropics of Eurasian Continent bears an intimate relation to the contemporary atmospheric general circulation.The positive anomaly of winter snow cover is usually accompanied by positive atmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and stronger East Asian winter monsoon:or vice versa.(2)The linkage between them suggests that the abnormal winter snow cover has an important impact on winter atmospheric general circulation.The anomalous snow cover pattern can lead to the anomaly of winter atmospheric EUP teleconnection pattern and thus influence East Asian Winter monsoon.With NCAR CCM2 including BATS land surface scheme,three groups of experiments were performed to examine the atmospheric response to the anomalous snow cover pattern and explore the relevant mechanism.Simulated results agree well with the observations,which testify the significant response of the atmosphere to snow cover anomaly.It is found that the radiative cooling induced by anomalous snow cover plays an important role in above processes,and the feedback of long-wave radiation can not be neglected.  相似文献   

In terms of observational analysis and numerical simulations,study is performed of the synergistic effects of the tropical Indian Ocean and Pacific SSTA on the atmosphere in northern winter.It turns out that the SSTA features show in-phase variation for the Indian Ocean and the central/eastern Pacific at low latitudes and anti-phase change compared with that in the neighborhood of the western Pacific "warming pool".When negative SSTA in the western Pacific and positive SSTA in the central/eastern Pacific and the Indian Ocean are available,the 500 hPa height anomaly exhibits a wave train of a positive-negative-positive anomaly following a great-circle path emanating from the subtropical western Pacific via the NW portion to North America,with enhanced westerly jet over midlatitude East Asia and the NW Pacific,and v.v.The comparison to the results from the numerical modeling of the tropical western Pacific SSTA reveals the importance of the synergistic effects of the oceans on atmospheric circulations.  相似文献   

Large vortices with scales ranging from hundreds meters to tens of kilometers are generally found in the atmospheric convective boundary layer(CBL).These vortices play important roles in the vertical transport of momentum,heat,water vapor and other tracers in the boundary layer.On the basis of the view of interaction between the convection in CBL and the gravity waves in the upper stable layer the authors developed a convection-wave theory on the formation of large vortices.According to the theory the wavenumber spectrum of the large vortices mainly depends on the atmospheric conditions in both of the upper and lower layers,such as wind speed,wind direction shear,stratification as well as temperature jump.In the present paper satellite image and weather data in a case of cold air outbreak over warm ocean are analyzed to study every stage of the convective processes,such as cloud street,convective cell as well as their transformation.According to the theory the wavenumber compositions for cloud street and convective cell are calculated,respectively,on the basis of the atmospheric conditions at every stage.The distributions of vertical motions,convergent band and disturbed interface are obtained and compared with the cloud patterns in the convective processes.Thus the study seems to offer a likely explanation for the origin of large vortices in CBL.  相似文献   

McFarline's gravity drag theory is simply reviewed,and it is indicated that the fault of McFarline's theory is that the effect of dissipation induced by gravity wave breaking on mean flow is not fully considered.Based on McFarline's theory,in this paper,the effect mentioned above is well considered.A new dissipation coefficient D is calculated,and a relatively complete parameterized scheme of the influence of gravity wave breaking on meanflow is put forward here.This is a better parameterized scheme than McFarline's if it is used in GCM.  相似文献   

From June 30 to September 14,1989,about 2000 cloud-to-ground lightning location data have been collected by a three-direction-finder network in Beijing.These data have been used to study the spatial distribution of lightning including thunderstorm day,thunder density and thunderstorm hour.As a result of the terrain elevation,a clearly identifiable influence from the underlying topography was found.The lightning activity was mainly concentrated on the sunny side of the mountain,i.e.,the east slope of Taihang Mountain,then eastward along the south side of Yanshan Mountain.The comparison analysis of lightning data and radar echoes from several mesoscale convective systems in 1989 and 1990 suggests that lightning data can be used to determine the convective activity,its development probability and intensity.It can also be used to identify the different stages of a storm.The grid lightning data may be used in regional forecasting of storm.Case analysis shows that it is possible to forecast the position of active echo 30 minutes to an hour after lightning occurrence by using grid lightning data.  相似文献   

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