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The mixed layer depth (MLD) front and subduction under seasonal variability are investigated using an idealized ocean general circulation model (OGCM) with simple seasonal forcings. A sharp MLD front develops and subduction occurs at the front from late winter to early spring. The position of the MLD front agrees with the curve where \({\rm D}T_{\rm s}/{\rm D}t = \partial T_{\rm s} /\partial t + {\user2{u}}_{\rm g} \cdot \nabla T_{\rm s} = 0\) is satisfied (t is time, \({\user2{u}}_{\rm g}\) is the upper-ocean geostrophic velocity, \(T_{\rm s}\) is the sea surface temperature (SST), and \(\nabla\) is the horizontal gradient operator), indicating that thick mixed-layer water is subducted there parallel to the SST contour. This is a generalization of the past result that the MLD front coincides with the curve \({\user2{u}}_{\rm g} \cdot \nabla T_{\rm s} = 0\) when the forcing is steady. Irreversible subduction at the MLD front is limited to about 1 month, where the beginning of the irreversible subduction period agrees with the first coincidence of the MLD front and \({\rm D}T_{\rm s}/{\rm D}t =0\) in late winter, and the end of the period roughly corresponds to the disappearance of the MLD front in early spring. Subduction volume at the MLD front during this period is similar to that during 1 year in the steady-forcing model. Since the cooling of the deep mixed-layer water occurs only in winter and SST can not fully catch up with the seasonally varying reference temperature of restoring, the cooling rate of SST is reduced and the zonal gradient of the SST in the northwestern subtropical gyre is a little altered in the seasonal-forcing case. These effects result in slightly lower densities of subducted water and the eastward shift of the MLD front.  相似文献   

To estimate benthic denitrification in a marginal sea, we assessed the usefulness of \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) , a new tracer to measure the excess nitrogen gas (N2) using dissolved N2 and argon (Ar) with N* in the intermediate layer (26.6–27.4σ θ ) of the Okhotsk Sea. The examined parameters capable of affecting \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) are denitrification, air injection and rapid cooling. We investigated the relative proportions of these effects on \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) using multiple linear regression analysis. The best model included two examined parameters of denitrification and air injection based on the Akaike information criterion as a measure of the model fit to data. More than 80 % of \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) was derived from the denitrification, followed by air injection. Denitrification over the Okhotsk Sea shelf region was estimated to be 5.6 ± 2.4 μmol kg?1. The distribution of \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) was correlated with potential temperature (θ) between 26.6 and 27.4σ θ (r = ?0.55). Therefore, we concluded that \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) and N* can act complementarily as a quasi-conservative tracer of benthic denitrification in the Okhotsk Sea. Our findings suggest that \({\text{N}}_{2}^{*}\) in combination with N* is a useful chemical tracer to estimate benthic denitrification in a marginal sea.  相似文献   

The distribution of the fugacity of CO2 ( $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ) and air–sea CO2 exchange were comprehensively investigated in the outer estuary to offshore shallow water region (lying adjacent to the Sundarban mangrove forest) covering an area of ~2,000 km2 in the northern Bay of Bengal during the winter. A total of ten sampling surveys were conducted between 1 December, 2011 and 21 February, 2012. Physico-chemical variables like sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, pH, total alkalinity (TAlk), dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and in vivo chlorophyll-a along with atmospheric variables were measured in order to study their role in controlling the CO2 flux. Surface water $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ranged between 111 and 459 μatm which correlated significantly with the SST (r = 0.71, p < 0.001, n = 62). Neither DIC nor TAlk showed any linear relationship with varying salinity in the estuarine mixing zone, demonstrating the significant presence of non-carbonate alkalinity. An overall net biological control on the surface $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ distribution was established during the study, although no significant correlation was found between chlorophyll-a and $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ (water). The shallow water region studied was mostly under-saturated with CO2 and acted as a sink for atmospheric CO2. The difference between surface water and atmospheric $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ( $ \Updelta f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ ) ranged from ?274 to 69 μatm, with an average seaward flux of ?10.5 ± 12.6 μmol m?2 h?1. The $ \Updelta f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ and hence the air–sea CO2 exchange was primarily regulated by the variation in sea surface $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ , since atmospheric $ f_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }} $ varied over a comparatively narrow range of 361.23–399.05 μatm.  相似文献   

From the moored buoy observation at \(33.9^{\circ }\)N, \(144.9^{\circ }\)E south of the Kuroshio Extension (KE), we obtained Eulerian time series of dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) at 200, 400, and 600 m depths from June 2012 to March 2013. We observed ventilation by meso- and submesoscale processes that transport water southward across the KE jet. First, the cyclonic mesoscale eddy in June 2012 substantially depressed DO at depths of 400 and 600 m but maintained DO at 200 m, suggesting near-surface lateral transport of high-DO water derived from the north of the KE. Second, subduction of high-DO (>230 \({\upmu }\)mol kg\(^{-1}\)) water to a depth of 600 m was observed from early February to March 2013, associated with a mesoscale/submesoscale meandering of the KE jet. In mid-March 2013, shipboard hydrographic data were collected where the water mass at the mooring site would be advected by the eastward current on the southern flank of the KE. Based on these data, the subduction event was identified as an intrusion of an anomalously thick water mass from approximately 400–900 dbar. Ventilation of the subtropical mode water at a depth of 200 m around a subsurface DO maximum layer was detected as a rapid rise in DO in January 2013. This occurred after a significant seasonal decrease in DO at a rate of \(-0.130 \pm 0.007\) \({\upmu }\)mol kg\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\) from July to December 2012.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial distribution of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), alkenones, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in particulate organic matter collected at four sites along a depth transect from the continental shelf to the Okinawa Trough in the East China Sea during the spring bloom in 2008. The maximum alkenone concentration appeared in the top 25?m at all sites and the $ U_{37}^{{{\text{K}}'}} $ values were consistent with in situ water temperatures in the depth interval, suggesting that the alkenones were produced mainly in surface water. At the slope and shelf sites, GDGTs in the water column showed a concentration maximum at 74?C99?m depth, and the $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ agreed with in situ water temperatures, suggesting the in situ production of GDGTs in the depth interval. The low-salinity surface water above 20?m depth was characterized by low GDGT concentrations and low $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{L}} $ -based temperatures, suggesting either the production of GDGTs in winter season or the lateral advection of GDGTs by an eastward current. At the slope and Okinawa Trough sites, TEX86-based temperatures were nearly constant in the water column deeper than 300?m and corresponded to temperatures at the surface and near-surface waters rather than in situ temperatures. This observation is consistent with a hypothesis that Thaumarchaeota cells produced in surface waters are delivered to deeper water and also indicates that the residence time of suspended GDGTs in the deep-water column is large enough to mix the GDGTs produced in different seasons.  相似文献   

Severe red tides due toChattonella antiqua occur sporadically during summer in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, and cause significant damage to the fishing industry. In order to assess the chemical environment with respect to the outbreak ofC. antiqua, environmental factors that affect the growth ofC. antiqua were monitored around the Ie-shima Islands, the Seto Inland Sea, in the summer of 1986. In addition, a growth bioassay of the seawater usingC. antiqua was conducted under a semicontinuous culture system. Although temperature, salinity and light intensity were optimum for the growth ofC. antiqua, red tides by this species did not occur. Concentrations of NH 4 + , NO 3 ? and PO 4 3? were low (<0.4, <0.2, <0.06 µM, respectively) above the thermocline (8–12 m) and high below it (0.6–2, 4–8, 0.4–0.8 µM, respectively). Vitamin B12 concentrations did not change significantly between the surface (0 m) and below the thermocline (25 m) in the level of 2–4 ng·l?1. The growth bioassay revealed that in the surface waters, concentrations of N- as well as P- nutrients were too low to support a rapid growth ofC. antiqua. At the depth of 25 m, neither N, P nor B12 limited the growth rate. In order to obtain more quantitative information on the growth rate as a function of the concentrations of N- and P- nutrients,C. antiqua was grown in a semicontinuous culture system by changing nutrient concentrations systematically. The observed growth rate (μ) can be approximated as follows: $$\mu = \mu _{\max } .\frac{{S_N }}{{K_g ^N + S_N }}.\frac{{S_{PO4} }}{{K_g ^P + S_{PO4} }},$$ whereS N is the concentration of NO 3 ? plus NH 4 + (0–6 µM),S PO, the concentration of PO 4 3? (0–0.6 µM), μmax (0.97 d?1) the maximal growth rate,K 0 N (1.0 µM) andK 0 P (0.11 µM) the half saturation constants for NO 3 ? and PO 4 3? , respectively. Using the above equation with nutrient concentrations measured, the rate at which seawater supports the growth ofC. antiqua can be estimated and this can be used for the assessment of chemical environments with respect to the outbreak ofC. antiqua.  相似文献   

Weller??s allometric model assumes that the allometric relationships of mean area occupied by a tree $ \bar{s} $ , i.e., the reciprocal of population density $ \rho $ , $ \bar{s}\left( { = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\rho = g_{\varphi } \cdot \bar{w}^{\varphi } }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\rho = g_{\varphi } \cdot \bar{w}^{\varphi } }}} \right) $ , mean tree height $ \bar{H}\left( { = g_{\theta } \cdot \bar{w}^{\theta } } \right) $ , and mean aboveground mass density $ \bar{d}\left( { = g_{\delta } \cdot \bar{w}^{\delta } } \right) $ to mean aboveground mass $ \bar{w} $ hold. Using the model, the self-thinning line $ \left( {\bar{w} = K \cdot \rho^{ - \alpha } } \right) $ of overcrowded Kandelia obovata stands in Okinawa, Japan, was studied over 8?years. Mean tree height increased with increasing $ \bar{w} $ . The values of the allometric constant $ \theta $ and the multiplying factor $ g_{\theta } $ are 0.3857 and 2.157?m?kg???, respectively. The allometric constant $ \delta $ and the multiplying factor $ g_{\delta } $ are ?0.01673 and 2.685?m?3?kg1???, respectively. The $ \delta $ value was not significantly different from zero, showing that $ \bar{d} $ remains constant regardless of any increase in $ \bar{w} $ . The average of $ \bar{d} $ , i.e., biomass density $ \left( {{{\bar{w} \cdot \rho } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\bar{w} \cdot \rho } {\bar{H}}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\bar{H}}}} \right) $ , was 2.641?±?0.022?kg?m?3, which was considerably higher than 1.3?C1.5?kg?m?3 of most terrestrial forests. The self-thinning exponent $ \alpha \left( { = {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\varphi = }}} \right. \kern-0em} {\varphi = }}{1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 {\left\{ {1 - \left( {\theta + \delta } \right)} \right\}}}} \right. \kern-0em} {\left\{ {1 - \left( {\theta + \delta } \right)} \right\}}}} \right) $ and the multiplying factor $ K\left( { = \left( {g_{\theta } \cdot g_{\delta } } \right)^{\alpha } } \right) $ were estimated to be 1.585 and 16.18?kg?m?2??, respectively. The estimators $ \theta $ and $ \delta $ are dependent on each other. Therefore, the observed value of $ \theta + \delta $ cannot be used for the test of the hypothesis that the expectation of the estimator $ \theta + \delta $ equals 1/3, i.e., $ \alpha = {3 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {3 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2} $ , or 1/4, i.e., $ \alpha = {4 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {4 3}} \right. \kern-0em} 3} $ . The $ \varphi $ value was 0.6310, which is the same as the reciprocal of the self-thinning exponent of 1.585, and was not significantly different from 2/3 (t?=?1.860, df?=?191, p?=?0.06429), i.e., $ \alpha = {3 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {3 2}} \right. \kern-0em} 2} $ . Thus the self-thinning exponent is not significantly different from 3/2 based on the simple geometric model. On the other hand, the self-thinning exponent was significantly different from 3/4 (t?=?6.213, df?=?191, p?=?3.182?×?10?9), i.e., $ \alpha = {4 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {4 3}} \right. \kern-0em} 3} $ . Therefore, the self-thinning exponent is significantly different from 4/3 based on the metabolic model.  相似文献   

A formulation for the aerodynamic roughness length of air flow over wind waves $$z_0 = \gamma {\text{ }}u_* /\sigma p$$ which was proposed by Toba (1979) and Toba and Koga (1986) from dimensional considerations with some data analysis, is shown to correspond with a formulation for irregular solid surfaces $$(z_0 /h) = a(h/l)^{1 + \beta } $$ which resulted from work by Woodinget al. (1973) and Kustas and Brutsaert (1986);u * is the friction velocity,σ p the spectral peak frequency of wind waves,h the mean height of the solid obstacles,l the mean distance between their crests, andα,Β, andγ are constants. This correspondence is reached by the existence of a statistical 3/2-power law and an effective dispersion relationship for wind waves. Because both approaches of parameterizingz 0 were arrived at independently, they provide each other mutual reinforcement.  相似文献   

Trace concentrations of labile dissolved organic phosphorus (LDOP) in oligotrophic seawater were measured by use of an enzymatic procedure and a nanomolar phosphate analytical system consisting of a gas-segmented continuous flow analyzer with a liquid waveguide capillary cell. LDOP, defined as DOP hydrolyzed by alkaline phosphatase (AP) from Escherichia coli, was quantified as the difference between the phosphate concentrations of the seawater sample with and without AP treatment. For sensitive measurement of LDOP, we found that phosphate contamination derived from commercially available AP must be corrected, and azide treatment before AP treatment proved effective in removing biological effect that occurs during DOP hydrolysis. Field observations at six stations of the western North Pacific and the East China Sea during the boreal summer revealed that, in the upper 200 m of the water column, LDOP concentrations ranged from the detection limit (3 nM) to 243 nM, and phosphate concentrations ranged from 5 to 374 nM. The spatial distribution patterns of LDOP were similar to those of phosphate. Most of the depth profiles for LDOP and phosphate showed concentrations were extremely low, <25 nM, between the surface and the deep chlorophyll maximum layer (DCML) and increased below the DCML. Strongly depleted LDOP and phosphate above the DCML suggest that LDOP is actively hydrolyzed under phosphate-depleted conditions and utilized by microbes.  相似文献   

Environmental challenges such as ocean acidification and eutrophication influence the physiology of kelp species. We investigated their interactive effects on Saccharina japonica (Laminariales, Phaeophyta) under two pH conditions [Low, 7.50; High (control), 8.10] and three NH 4 + concentrations (Low, 4; Medium, 60; High, 120 μM). The degree of variation of pH values in the culture medium and inhibition rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution by acetazolamide were affected by pH treatments. Relative growth rates, carbon, nitrogen, and the C:N ratio in tissue samples were influenced by higher concentrations of NH 4 + . Rates of photosynthetic oxygen evolution were enhanced under elevated CO2 or NH 4 + conditions, independently, but these two factors did not show an interactive effect. However, rates of NH 4 + uptake were influenced by the interactive effect of increased CO2 under elevated NH 4 + treatment. Although ocean acidification and eutrophication states had an impact on physiological performance, chlorophyll fluorescence was not affected by those conditions. Our results indicated that the physiological reactions by this alga were influenced to some extent by a rise in the levels of CO2 and NH 4 + . Therefore, we expect that the biomass accumulation of S. japonica may well increase under future scenarios of ocean acidification and eutrophication.  相似文献   

Isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and alkenones were analyzed in sediment samples retrieved from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1241 covering the last 150000 years to understand the hydrological evolution of the eastern Pacific warm pool (EPWP). GDGT and alkenone concentrations showed higher values in marine isotope stage (MIS)-2 and MIS-6, which suggests the enhancement of primary production at glacial maxima. $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ - and $ U_{ 3 7^\prime }^{\text{K}} $ -derived temperature depicted different temperature evolutions. $ U_{ 3 7^\prime }^{\text{K}} $ -derived temperature was marked by small variation during the glacial–interglacial cycles, whereas $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ -derived temperature showed pronounced glacial–interglacial variation that was similar to Mg/Ca-derived temperature records from nearby cores in the EPWP. Given that enhanced primary production during glacial maxima suggests nutricline shoaling, unchanged $ U_{ 3 7^\prime }^{\text{K}} $ over glacial–interglacial cycles can be interpreted as the shift of alkenone production depth. $ {\text{TEX}}_{86}^{\text{H}} $ seems not to be influenced by glacial–interglacial changes in nutricline depths, recording an integrated temperature in surface and thermocline water. The shallow nutricline in the EPWP during glacial maxima most likely reflected the intense formation of Antarctic intermediate water.  相似文献   

A large number of tar globules with sessile organisms were collected from the surface tows taken with larval nets in the waters around the Ryukyu Islands during November and December, 1973. Bryozoans (one species), tubeworms (Serpulidae,Janua (Dexiospira) foraminosa (Moore &Bush)) and goose barnacles (Lepas pectinata Spengler,L. anatifera Linné) were the most important species of sessile animals found on these tar globules. Sinking of tar globules byLepas of middle or large size was suggested from the differences in their specific gravity.  相似文献   

Correlations of the single scattering albedo ω0 and the probability of backscattering \(\tilde b_b \) with the beam attenuation coefficient c are presented for a wavelength of 550 nm in waters of cases 1 and 2. Correlations based on more than 70 measurements in different regions of the World Ocean in the range of c from 0.08 to 2.5 m?1 are compared with the data of observations of c and ω0 available in the literature.  相似文献   

Deep currents measured by moored current meters over the shelf-slope off Cape Shiono-misaki, Kii Peninsula during the period from 28 April, 1981 to 4 May, 1982 are analyzed to determine characteristics of the deep current before and after the large meander of the Kuroshio formed. The observed deep currents show some different characteristics between the periods before and after the formation of the large meander of the Kuroshio,i.e.:
  1. The mean current direction over the shelf slope changed to westward after the meander was formed, though it was eastward at two offshore stations before the meander was formed.
  2. The eddy kinetic energy, \(ke((\overline {u'^2 } + \overline {\upsilon '^2 } )/2)\) became large at all stations after the meander formed.
  3. It appears that there were current variations in the period band shorter than 10 days which propagated offshore before the meander formed but inshore after the meander formed.
  4. After the meander formed, the current variations with a period of O(25 days) were amplified at two of the three stations. The current variations in this period band showed high coherence among the three stations.
Data from tidal stations showed that sea level variations with a period of O(30 days) were also amplified along the south coast of Japan after the meander was formed. But sea level variations were not coherent with current variations in this period band.  相似文献   

Absolute calibration of sea level measurements collected from space-borne radar altimeters is usually performed with respect to collocated sea level in situ records from tide gauges or GPS buoys (Ménard et al. 1994 Ménard, Y., Jeansou, E. and Vincent, P. 1994. Calibration of the TOPEX-Poseidon altimeters at Lampedusa: Additional results at Harves. J. Geophys Res., 99(C12): 2448724504. http://dx.doi.org/10.1029%2F94JC01300 [Google Scholar]; Haines et al. 1996 Haines, B. J., Christensen, E. J., Norman, R. A., Parke, M. E., Born, G. H. and Gill, S. K. 1996. Altimeter calibration and geophysical monitoring from collocated measurements at the Harvest oil platform. EOS Trans. Suppl., 77(22): W16 [Google Scholar]; Bonnefond et al. 2003; Haines et al. 2003 Haines, B. J., Dong, D., Born, G. H. and Gill, S. K. 2003. The Harvest experiment: Monitoring Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon from a California offshore platform. Mar. Geod., 26: 239259. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Schum et al. 2003 Schum, C. K., Yi, Y., Cheng, K., Kuo, C., Braun, A., Calmant, S. and Chambers, D. 2003. Calibration of Jason-1 Altimeter over Lake Erie. Mar. Geod., 26: 335354.  [Google Scholar]; Watson et al. 2003 Watson, C., Coleman, R., White, N., Church, J. and Govind, R. 2003. Absolute calibration of TOPEX/ Poseidon and Jason-1 using GPS buoys in Bass Strait, Australia. Mar. Geod., 26: 285304. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Watson et al. 2004 Watson, C., White, N., Coleman, R., Church, J., Morgan, P. and Govind, R. 2004. TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1: Absolute calibration in Bass Strait, Australia. Mar. Geod., 27: 107131. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080%2F01490410490465373[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Such a method allows regular and long-term control of altimetric systems with independent records. However, this approach is based on a single, geographically dependent point. In order to obtain more significant and accurate bias and drift estimates, there is a strong interest in multiplying the number of calibration opportunities. This article describes a method, called the “offshore method” that was developed to extend the single-point approach to a wider regional scale. The principle is to compare altimeter and tide gauge sea level data not only at the point of closest approach of an overflying pass, but also at distant points along adjacent satellite passes. However, connecting sea level satellite measurements with more distant in situ data requires a more accurate determination of the geoid and mean ocean dynamic topography slopes, and also of the ocean dynamical changes. In this demonstration experiment, 10 years of averaged TOPEX/Poseidon mean sea level profiles are used to precisely determine the geoid and the mean ocean circulation slope. The Mog2d barotropic ocean model (Carerre et Lyard 2003 Carrère, L. and Lyard, F. 2003. Modelling the barotropic response of the global ocean to atmospheric wind and pressure forcing-comparisons with observations. GRL, 30(6): 1275 [Google Scholar]) is used to improve our estimate of the ocean dynamics term. The method is first validated with Jason-1 data, off Corsica, where the dedicated calibration site of Senetosa provides independent reference data. The method is then applied to TOPEX/Poseidon on its new orbit and to Geosat Follow On. The results demonstrate that it is feasible to make altimeter calibrations a few tens to hundreds of kilometers away from a dedicated site, as long as accurate mean sea level altimeter profiles can be used to ensure the connection with reference tide gauges.  相似文献   

An improved Strickland and Parsons' method, in which silicate correction is made, is described for the colorimetric determination of phosphate in seawater. Silicate correction is made by subtracting the value of 0.025 (C/100)2, whereC is silicate concentration (µg atoms 1?1), from the observed phosphate concentration. The relative standard deviations are 2 % at the 1 µg atom PO 4 3? ?Pl?1 level and less than 1 % at the 3 µg atoms PO 4 3? ?Pl?1 level in seawater.  相似文献   

Non-dimensional equations of motion are derived for the A.C.C. of the barotropic mode, including the bottom friction and the horizontal eddy viscosity. Integration of the vorticity equation along a streamline leads to the zeroth order stream function which is dependent only on depth divided by Coriolis parameter. Integration of the momentum equation along a streamline yields the relation between the momentum input by wind stress and its dissipation by the bottom friction and by the horizontal eddy viscosity. This relation determines the magnitude of the stream function. It explains differences in the total transport of the A.C.C. obtained byBryan andCox (1972), though it gives only one third of the total transport obtained byKamenkovich (1972) with his vertical eddy viscosity of 102cm2 s?1. With 1 cm2 s?1 of this viscosity,Bryan andCox obtained the transport of about 650 or less than 32×106m3s?1 for constant or variable depth models, respectively. The higher transport is mainly due to broadening of the width of the A.C.C., whereas the lower value is due to its narrowing and meandering which in turn make the horizontal eddy viscosity more effective (by exercising friction on both sides of the A.C.C.) and the wind stress input smaller than the almost zonal streamlines for constant depth. In the Appendix dynamics of the bottom boundary layer is treated to give rational estimates of the bottom stress in terms of the geostrophic flow and is compared to the recent observations of the benthic boundary current in the Straits of Florida and off San Diego.  相似文献   

A numerical study of the decay of an alongshore baroclinic jet (ABJ) formed by transient wind stress favorable for upwelling and downwelling is carried out. The study is based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM) applied to a circular stratified basin with a constant depth. In the case of a fully developed upwelling (downwelling), the alongshore jet is subjected to baroclinic instability, and its decay is predominantly accompanied by selective formation of cyclonic (anticyclonic) mesoscale eddies. If the upwelling or downwelling is not fully developed, the necessary condition for the baroclinic instability of the ABJ in a basin with a constant depth is the presence of the β-effect. The β-effect causes separation of the ABJ from the shoreline in the eastern part of the basin and thereby stimulates baroclinic instability. As a result, mesoscale meanders and eddies can be generated in the eastern part of the basin only if the diameter of the basin D is large enough to satisfy the inequality D > $\sqrt {{{R_I f} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{R_I f} \beta }} \right. \kern-0em} \beta }} $ , where R I is the baroclinic Rossby radius, f is the Coriolis parameter, and β = df/dy.  相似文献   

Within the framework of a project comprising part of the Spanish Space Program related to the JASON-1 CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales)/NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) mission, a campaign was conducted from June 9–17, 2003, on the Absolute Calibration Site of the island of Ibiza. The objective was to determine the local marine geoid slope under the ascending (187) and descending (248) Jason-1 ground tracks, in order to allow a better extrapolation of the open-ocean altimetric data with on-shore tide gauge locations, and thereby improve the overall precision of the calibration process. For this we have used a catamaran with two GPS antennas onboard, following the Corsica/Senetosa design (Bonnefond et al. 2003a Bonnefond, P., Exertier, P., Laurain, O., Menard, Y., Orsoni, A., Jeansou, E., Haines, B., Kubitschek, D. and Born, G. 2003a. Leveling Sea Surface using a GPS catamaran. Marine Geodesy, 26(3–4): 319334. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Five GPS reference stations were deployed in order to reduce the distance between the areas covered by the catamaran and the fixed GPS receiver used in the kinematic process. The geodetic activities (e.g., GPS, leveling) have enabled the building of a very accurate (few mm) network in a reference frame compatible with the satellite altimetry missions (ITRF 2000). The GPS kinematic data were processed using two different software programmes, allowing checking of the consistency of the solutions. If the standard deviation of the differences (3.3 cm) is close to the kinematic process precision, they exhibit some large values (up to 14 cm). These large discrepancies have been reduced using a weighting based on the crossover differences. Inasmuch as the distances between the tide gauges and the areas covered by the GPS catamaran were becoming large, we have used the MOG2D ocean model (Carrère and Lyard 2003 Carrère, L. and Lyard, F. 2003. Modelling the barotropic response of the global ocean to atmospheric wind and pressure forcing—comparisons with observations. Geophys. Res. Letters, 30(6) [Google Scholar]) to correct the sea surface from tides. In the farthest areas, the crossover differences show an improvement by a factor of two. Finally, we also present preliminary results on Jason-1 altimeter calibration using the derived marine geoid. From this analysis, the altimeter bias is estimated to be 120 ± 5 mm. The quality of this first result validates the whole GPS-based marine geoid processing, for which the accuracy is estimated to be better than 3 cm rms at crossovers.  相似文献   

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