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ObservationalStudyontheOnsetoftheSouthChinaSeaSouthwestMonsoonYanJunyue(阎俊岳)NationalClimateCenter,Beijing100081ReceivedNovemb...  相似文献   

The scientific achievements of travelling waves in a barotropic atmosphere are introduced, including i) the existence conditions of periodic solutions (wavetrain solutions) and solitary wave solutions (pulse solutions), together with the solution finding methods and a series of related problems, ii) seeking solutions of monotonous wave (wave front) and of nonmonotonous travelling wave (oscillatory wave) by using phase plane shooting technique and hi) progress in the study of travelling wave solution at home and abroad. The investigation of travelling wave solutions in recent years has been found in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences. Over the past decade the problem has been the subject of much interest and become an important area of research. So it is no doubt of great significance to investigate the travelling wave solutions and thereby explain phenomena of weather.  相似文献   

Studies on the seasonal to extraseasonal climate prediction at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) in recent years were reviewed. The first short-term climate prediction experiment was carried out based on the atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) coupled to a tropical Pacific oceanic general circulation model (OGCM). In 1997, an ENSO prediction system including an oceanic initialization scheme was set up. At the same time, researches on the SST-induced climate predictability over East Asia were made. Based on the biennial signal in the interannual climate variability, an effective method was proposed for correcting the model predicted results recently. In order to consider the impacts of the initial soil mois ture anomalies, an empirical scheme was designed to compute the soil moisture by use of the atmospheric quantities like temperature, precipitation, and so on. Sets of prediction experiments were carried out to study the impacts of SST and the initial atmospheric conditions on the flood occurring over China in 1998.  相似文献   

回顾了近年来在中国科学院大气物理研究所开展的有关短期气候预测研究的进展。第一个短期气候数值预测是曾庆存等利用一个耦合了热带太平洋海洋环流模式的全球大气环流模式作出的。1997年,一个基于海气耦合模式的ENSO预测系统,包括一个海洋初始化方案被建立起来,同时也开展了基于海温异常的东亚气候可预测性研究。利用气候变动的准两年信号,王会军等提出了一个可以显著改进模式预测准确率的模式结果修正方案。为了考虑土壤湿度的初始异常对夏季气候的影响,一个利用大气资料如温度、降水等经验地反演土壤湿度的方法也被建立起来。还通过一系列的数值试验研究了 1998年夏季大水发生当中海温异常和大气环流初始异常的作用。  相似文献   

Meteorological satellite and satellite meteorology are the fastest developing new branches in the atmospheric sciences. Today the meteorological satellite has become a key element in the global atmospheric sounding system while the satellite meteorology is covering the main components of earth's system science. This article describes the major achievements that China has made in these fields in the past 30 years. The following contents are involved: (1) History and present status of China's meteorological satellites. It covers the development, launch, operation, technical parameters of China's polar and geostationary meteorological satellites. (2) Major achievements on remote sensing principle and method. It describes the retrieval of atmospheric temperature and humidity profiles, cloud character retrieval, aerosol character retrieval, precipitation retrieval as well as the generation of cloud wind. (3) Achievement on the studies of meteorological satellite data application. This part covers the applications of meteorological satellite data to weather analysis and forecast, numerical forecast, climate monitoring, and prediction of short-term climate change. Besides, the new results on data assimilation, climate monitoring, and forecast are also included.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionObservations of surface air temperature indicatethat a significant global average warming has occurredduring the 20th century. The Intergovernmental Panelon Climate Change (IPCC, 2001) concludes that thereis new and stronger evidence that man has influencedthe climate. International negotiations have led to afirst step in combating climate change with the UnitedNations Framework Convention on Climate Change(UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, but further stepsare needed in …  相似文献   

The Study of the Continent Atmospheric Baseline (SCAB) is one of Fundamental Research Projects of the PRC Ministry of Science and Technology. It was formally started at the beginning of 2000. Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Mt. Wa Liguan GAW/ WMO baseline observatory (Qinghai Province), atmospheric background stations in Lin'an (Zhejiang Province), Shangdianzi (Beijing) and Longfengshan (Heilongjiang Province) participated in the project. The main stipulated tasks are fulfilled, and the final summery report is being prepared. The main advances and achievements in the SCAB are as follows:  相似文献   

Features of structure and propagation of the 30 to SO day atmospheric oscillations are investigated using the ECMWF analysis of 1980-1983. Evidence is provided to confirm the characteristics of the oscillation in the equatorial region. Those in the mid-high latitudes, however, are revealed to be very different from the tropics and pose a strong barotropic structure. Horizontal coherence shows teleconnection patterns which can be identified as EAP and PNA. The wind field of the specified time scale of the oscillation appears as long-lived vortices and vortex pairs. Mid-latitude perturbations propagate clearly westwards, especially during the winter season. In the high latitudes, they propagate westwards in the winter but eastwards in the summer. Meridional propagations are rather different from region to region.  相似文献   

StudyontheThermalinternalBoundaryLayerandDispersionofAirPollutantinCoastalAreabyNumericalSimulation¥JiangWeimei(蒋维楣)andYuHong...  相似文献   

The effects of the Beta term on the typhoon structure are examined within the linear framework in terms of an analytical method of 2-D Fourier representation and numerical experiments by a Beta-plane quasi-geostrophic barotropic model. Results show that the joint effects of the difference of Rossby phase velocities and the dispersion of typhoon energy keep the maximum wind velocity reasonably evolving rather than irrestrictively increasing. On the one hand, the nonlinear advection accelerates typhoon vortex damping, and on the other, the high pressure system formed downstream due to energy dispersion makes it easy to maintain.  相似文献   

南海季风试验与东亚夏季风   总被引:66,自引:14,他引:66  
南海季风试验是一次国际性大气与海洋的联合试验 ,旨在更好地了解南海季风的爆发、维持与变化 ,以改进东亚和东南亚地区的季风预报。 1998年 5~ 8月进行的外场试验取得了圆满成功 ,获得了大量气象与海洋资料。不少国家对这些资料进行四维资料同化 ,并改进数值模拟和预报 ;同时也为东亚与南海地区季风的研究提供了必要的资料集。文中总结了中国科学家在这方面的主要研究成果 ,共包括 6个方面 :(1)南海夏季风的爆发过程与机理 ;(2 )南海季风爆发过程中对流与中尺度系统的发展及其与大尺度环流的相互作用 ;(3)低频振荡与遥相关作用 ;(4 )南海海 气通量的测量及其与季风活动的关系 ;(5 )夏季风时期南海海洋的热力结构、环流和中尺度涡旋及其与ENSO事件的关系 ;(6 )南海与东亚季风的数值模拟。  相似文献   

华北雨季降水集中度和集中期的时空变化特征   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
运用新定义的降水集中度和集中期,讨论了我国华北地区雨季降水在时间上和空间上的分布特征和变化规律。结果表明,华北东部地区的降水较西部更为集中;集中期较晚,华北地区雨季降水集中期空间分布有较好的整体一致性;从长期趋势上看,集中度、集中期和雨季降水量都呈显著的下降趋势,但三者在空间上则表现出较大的区域差异,发生突变的时间都集中在20世纪70年代末至80年代初。集中度和集中期周期振荡不一致,但二者和雨季降水量在一定时间内存在相同周期;华北地区的降水量与集中度和集中期存在一致的正相关性,采用合成分析方法,华北地区多水年和少水年降水集中度的空间分布有明显的不同。青藏高原北部到蒙古高原的低压可能是影响华北降水集中度的最重要因子。华北地区雨季集中期和雨季降水量与东亚夏季风具有较好的正相关关系,华北北部地区为集中期与东亚夏季风的显著相关区。  相似文献   

ThePresentStatusandFutureofResearchoftheEastAsianMonsoonMaHenian(马鹤年)ChinaMeteorologicalAdministration,Beijing100081DingYihui...  相似文献   

区域海气耦合模式是研究局地海气相互作用过程影响气候变率的重要平台,也是对全球气候模式进行"动力降尺度"的重要工具.本文介绍了LASG(State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics)/IAP(Institute of Atmospheric Physics)发展的区域海气耦合模式FROALS(Flexible Regional Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model),并总结了过去五年围绕该区域海气耦合模式开展的研究工 作.FROALS的特点之一是有两个完全不同的大气模式分量和海洋模式分量选项,可以适应不同的模拟研究需 求.针对区域海气耦合模式在西北太平洋地区的模拟偏差,通过分步骤考察不同大气模式分量和不同海洋模式分量对模式模拟性能的影响,指出大气模式是导致区域海气耦合偏差的主要分量.通过改进对流触发的相对湿度阈值标准,有效地改善了此前区域海气耦合模式在亚洲季风区普遍出现的"模拟海温冷偏差".改进的FROALS对西北太平洋地区的大气和海洋环境有较好的模拟能力,合理地再现了西北太平洋地区表层洋流气候态和年际变率.较之非耦合模式,考虑区域海气耦合过程后,改进了东亚和南亚地区的降水和热带气旋潜势年际变率的模拟.最后,针对东亚—西北太平洋地区,利用FROALS对IAP/LASG全球气候模式模拟和预估的结果进行了动力降尺 度,得到了东亚区域50 km高分辨率区域气候变化信息.分析显示,FROALS模拟得到的东亚区域气候较之全球气候模式和非耦合区域气候模式结果具有明显的"增值",显示出区域海气耦合模式在该区域良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

The SCSMEX is a joint atmospheric and oceanic experiment by international efforts, aiming at studying the onset, maintenance, and variability of the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon, thus improving the monsoon prediction in Southeast and East Asian regions. The field experiment carried out in May-August 1998 was fully successful, with a large amount of meteorological and oceanographic data acquired that have been used in four dimensional data assimilations by several countries, in order to improve their numerical simulations and prediction. These datasets are also widely used in the follow-up SCS and East Asian monsoon study. The present paper has summarized the main research results obtained by Chinese meteorologists which cover six aspects: (1) onset processes and mechanism of the SCS summer monsoon; (2) development of convection and mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) during the onset phase and their interaction with large-scale circulation; (3) low-frequency oscillation and teleconnection effect; (4) measurements of surface fluxes over the SCS and their relationship with the monsoon activity; (5) oceanic thermodynamic structures, circulation, and mesoscale eddies in the SCS during the summer monsoon and their relationship with ENSO events; and (6) numerical simulations of the SCS and East Asian monsoon.  相似文献   

关于ENSO本质的进一步研究   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
基于ENSO是热带太平洋海气相互作用产物的科学观点,一系列的分析研究表明:赤道太平洋次表层海温异常(SOTA)有明显的年际变化(循环),并且与ENSO发生密切相关;ENSO的真正源区在赤道西太平洋暖池,赤道西太平洋暖池正(负)SOTA沿赤道温跃层东传到东太平洋,导致El Nino(La Nina)的爆发;在暖池正(负)SOTA沿赤道温跃层东传的同时,将有负(正)SOTA沿10°N和10°S两个纬度带向西传播,从而构成SOTA的循环;热带太平洋SOTA年际循环的驱动者主要是由异常东亚季风所引起的赤道西太平洋纬向风的异常.进而,可以提出关于ENSO本质的一种新理论,即ENSO实质上主要是由异常东亚季风引起的赤道西太平洋异常纬向风所驱动的热带太平洋次表层海温距平的年际循环.    相似文献   

北半球冬季风时期越赤道气流的初步分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用1980—1986年格点风资料,分析了各年北半球冬季风期间(12—2月)东半球对流层低层及高空的越赤道气流通道。在该地区冬季低空具有气候意义的通道是105°E、125°E、45°E、80°E及150°E 5条,其中以100°—130°E为主要通道。高空则主要集中在80°–120°E区间。在1983—1984、1984—1985年两个冬季,45°E处出现较强的低空北风越赤道气流,这与高纬度大西洋东部上空持续的强阻塞形势有关。这支强越赤道气流与南印度洋及南太平洋多热带风暴也有联系。由平均经圈环流分析指出,  相似文献   

南海季风爆发与随后爆发的东亚季风,与夏季东亚地区旱涝关系密切,而相伴的南海对流活动与季风爆发的维持和发展存在何种相互关系,是需要探究的.为此,利用热带测雨卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission,TRMM)的雷达(Precipitation Radar,PR)、微波成像仪(TRMM ...  相似文献   

亚洲夏季风的年际和年代际变化及其未来预测   总被引:19,自引:12,他引:19  
本文是对我们近五年在亚洲夏季风年代际与年际变率及其未来预测方面研究的一个综述.主要包括下列三个问题:(1)根据123年中国夏季降水资料和印度学者的分析,检测出亚洲夏季风具有明显的年代际尺度减弱,这种年代际变化使中国东部(包括东亚)和南亚夏季降水的格局在过去60年中发生了明显变化.在东亚,从1970年代后期开始,主要异常雨带有不断南移的趋势,结果造成了南涝北旱的降水分布,这主要受到60~80年年代际振荡的影响.青藏高原前冬和春季积雪的年代际减少与热带中东太平洋海表温度的年代际增加是东亚降水型改变的主要原因,这是通过减弱亚洲地区夏季海陆温差与夏季风强度而实现的.未来亚洲夏季风的预测表明,东亚夏季风和南亚夏季风对气候变暖有十分不同的响应.东亚夏季风在本世纪将增强,雨带北推,尤其在2040年代之后;而南亚夏季风环流将继续减弱.这种不同的变化是由于两者对高低层海陆热力差异的不同响应造成.(2)年际尺度的变率在亚洲夏季风区主要表现为2年与4~7年的振荡.本文着重分析了2年振荡(TBO)形成的过程、机理及其对东亚降水的影响.对TBO-海洋机理进行了具体的改进,说明了东亚夏季风降水深受TBO影响的原因,尤其是阐明了长江型(YRV) TBO和淮河型(HRV) TBO的特征及其形成的循环过程.(3)在总结亚洲夏季风时期遥相关型的基础上,本文提出了季节内和年际尺度的低空遥相关型:即西北太平洋季风的遥相关型与印度“南支”和“北支”遥相关型.它们基本上反映了沿低空夏季风强风速带Rossby波群速度传播的结果.据此可以根据西北太平洋和印度夏季风的变化分别预测中国梅雨和华北雨季来临和降水异常.最后研究还表明,在本世纪亚洲夏季风可能更显著地受到人类活动造成的全球变暖的影响,未来的亚洲夏季风活动是人类排放的CO2引起的全球变暖与自然变化(海洋和陆面过程(积雪))共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

青藏高原感热气泵影响亚洲夏季风的机制   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文回顾了二十年来关于青藏高原感热驱动气泵(TP-SHAP)及其影响亚洲夏季风的研究进展,并从能量(θ)、位涡—加热(PV–Q)、和角动量守恒(AMC)的不同角度阐述其影响机制。指出高原斜坡上的表面感热加热改变了移向高原的大气质块的能量从而出现垂直抽吸的重要性。强调了高原加热产生的位涡强迫在近地层制造了强度大范围广的、环绕高原的气旋式环流,把丰沛的水汽从海洋输运到大陆,为季风对流降水提供充足的水汽条件。证明高原加热还通过改变其上空的温、压场的结构从而制造出高原上空近对流层顶的绝对涡度和位涡的最小值,在角动量平衡约束下,在亚洲季风区激发出与Hadley环流反向的季风经圈环流,从而为季风发生发展提供了大范围上升运动的背景。文中还对近年来有关青藏高原影响亚洲夏季风机制的讨论进行概述,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

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