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李维波  李江海  王洪浩  傅臣建  毛翔 《地质学报》2015,89(12):2225-2235
盆地结构记录了盆地演化特征,盆地群结构和构造特征由其所处的构造背景和板块边界决定。随着油气勘探的不断深入,积累了大量地震剖面,为盆地群剖面特征对比,提供了大量的基础资料。本文从大地构造背景着手,通过筛选地震与地质剖面,大致沿北纬39°绘制了欧亚大陆东西向剖面(在东部北黄海盆地有向南的偏转):西起黑海盆地,东至琉球海沟,剖面长约12000km,横穿18个盆地,涵盖克拉通盆地(塔里木原型盆地等)、裂谷盆地(太原盆地、渤海湾盆地等)、前陆盆地(黑海盆地、南里海盆地等)和弧后盆地(东海盆地)等多种盆地类型。其中,陆壳上的盆地发育在前寒武基底上,演化历史悠久;褶皱基底、洋壳基底和洋陆过渡壳基底上发育的盆地主要发育在中新生代。通过详细对比剖面各段结构和构造演化特征,发现中新生代构造活动决定了欧亚大陆中部盆地群最终格架,盆地多具有多期叠合改造的特征。剖面西段盆地群普遍具有中生代伸展断陷,叠加后期挤压坳陷的特征;剖面东段盆地群具有中生代断陷,叠加后期坳陷的特征。现今构造格架由西到东表现为前陆坳陷到弧后坳陷,鄂尔多斯盆地和沁水盆地是本剖面线结构特征分段的枢纽。  相似文献   

由多陆块汇聚而成的亚洲大陆发育类型多样的沉积盆地,是认识盆地构造演化的理想地区。本文通过绘制4条穿过亚洲大陆不同盆地群的超长剖面图,探讨不同盆地的结构类型及沉积盆地群与板块边界、深部构造背景之间的关系。与其他大陆相比,亚洲大陆沉积盆地规模普遍小,原型盆地保存较差。在盆地基底组成上,时代差异较大。古老克拉通陆块基底上的盆地保存较好,而造山带、洋壳基底上的盆地沉降幅度较大,并且易被叠加改造。不同类型盆地的构造演化受控于板块构造边界作用。由于亚洲大陆板块边界运动性质多变和陆块规模较小,造成其盆地群构造上强烈不稳定。中亚、特提斯、西太平洋三大构造域,西伯利亚、印度、华北、塔里木、扬子、印支等克拉通陆块群,及地幔柱活动(如西西伯利亚玄武岩省)的时空叠加,控制了亚洲盆地群显生宙以来的构造演化,并造成其盆地类型和后期保存的明显差异。  相似文献   

沉积盆地地层及其结构记录了盆地的构造演化过程,并由其所处的不同历史时期的构造背景所决定。全球油气勘探的不断深入和大量地震剖面的完成为系统认识盆地构造演化提供了大量基础资料。本文在板块构造理论的指导下,收集了全球上百个重要沉积盆地的资料编制了2条洲际纬向超长剖面:(1)北美-北非-中东-中亚-东亚纬向超长剖面;(2)南美-非洲纬向超长剖面。这两条洲际纬向超长剖面能直观地显示出不同类型盆地构造演化阶段及其时空对应关系受控于板块运动。盆地发育的程度(沉降厚度、沉降率、构造间断)及其完整性(规模大小、剖面形态、垂向结构),受控于其所处区域的构造背景。北美和南美大陆不同类型沉积盆地存在有序并列的特征:自西向东均为大洋盆地、海沟、弧前盆地、弧后前陆盆地、克拉通盆地、裂谷盆地和被动陆缘盆地。由于板块边界作用影响,相同板块上不同的盆地群之间具有密切的构造-沉积联系和构造事件响应,北非和非洲中部东西向剖面依次发育被动陆缘(西部)-克拉通(中部)-裂谷(偏东部)的特征。  相似文献   

关于编制盆地构造演化剖面的几个问题的讨论   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
漆家福  杨桥等 《地质论评》2001,47(4):388-392
本文根据平衡剖面原理,从构造地质学基本原理出发,讨论了采用“地层回剥”方法编制构造演化剖面时遇到的影响古构造复原的若干问题,强调建立平衡地质剖面和利用平衡剖面技术编制盆地构造演化剖面时,“地质概念上”的平衡和地质逻辑上的合理比纯粹的“几何学上”的平衡更重要。  相似文献   

平衡剖面技术在新疆焉耆盆地断裂和圈闭研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶建元  欧少佳 《河南地质》1999,17(4):297-302
简要地介绍了平衡剖面的基本原理及在新疆焉耆盆地断裂演化和圈闭研究中的应用。借助该项技术确定了盆地内断发育的时空关系及性质,指出盆地内中、新生代的断裂发育过程中有早缓晚骤、早正晚逆(反转)的特征,认为盆地内的构造圈闭主要有两个形成时期,即侏罗纪末的燕山运动时期和第三纪末的喜山运动时期,并且前者形成的圈闭有效性要好于后者。  相似文献   

华北盆地地震剖面地质解释及其构造演化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
从地震剖面显示华北盆地发育为手风琴式演化史,大体上形成有三层“断-坳”结构:(l)中新元古界的“断”古生界—三叠系的“坳”;(2)侏罗系的“断”上白垩统的“坳”;(3)古近系的“断”新近系的“坳”。断陷与坳陷分别由拉张与挤压应力场所致,这种应力场的变化是由相邻洋壳板块俯冲倾角由小到大的变化所引起的。由于地壳的多旋回运动,多次发生构造沉积演变,构成了多套生储盖组合,多领域、多种圈闭类型的油气藏,从中新元古界—古生界—中生界—新生界,各断陷-坳陷结构的盆地都有可能形成油气藏的地质条件。  相似文献   

Young  GM 鲁守柱 《世界地质》1991,10(1):140-141
近几年来,人们正逐渐趋向于用板块构造的概念来解释早元古代盆地的成因。加拿大地盾早元古代的典型层序为位于休伦湖北岸的休伦超组、休伦组(厚度达12km)不整合于太古宙基底岩石之上,在某些地带二者被一古土壤层分开。休伦组的下部主要由河成陆源碎屑岩组成,伴生有火山碎屑岩及浊积岩和化学沉积岩(白云岩和石灰岩),该组下部产有冰碛岩。这些岩石分布局限并具有一定的岩相特点,认为是形成于裂谷环境。与此相反,休伦组的上部分布广汇,主要由浅海相岩石组成,认为是被动大陆边缘的一个台楔或mioclinal沉积。Mioclinal层序的基底冰积岩(Gowganda组)发育。苏比利尔湖地区早元古代层序的下部(Miocolay组和Mille Llacs组)可与休伦超组的上部  相似文献   

沉积盆地地层及其结构可记录盆地构造演化过程,而盆地演化则记录了不同历史时期的构造背景。为系统认识盆地 构造演化及其演化背景,本文在全球构造理论指导下,收集全球上百个重要沉积盆地资料,编制了洲际超经向长剖面 2 条:(1) 印度—西伯利亚—北美—南美经向超长剖面;(2)非洲东海岸—地中海—欧洲—北冰洋沿岸—西伯利亚—澳大利亚超长剖面。 它们成为探讨沉积盆地结构特征、构造演化对比的重要基础,由此获得的主要认识包括:超长剖面是全球沉积盆地分类的 基础,不同类型的沉积盆地有序并列。盆地构造演化和发育受控于板块构造边界作用以及基底沉降作用。不同的盆地类型 在时间演化和空间分布具有密切成因联系。从板块边缘出发一般为大洋盆地、海沟、弧前盆地、弧后前陆盆地、前陆盆地、 克拉通盆地、裂谷盆地、被动陆缘盆地。位于欧亚板块的各个盆地均受到阿尔卑斯造山运动(喜马拉雅运动)影响,亚洲 大陆盆地群发育及其后期改造受古亚洲、特提斯和西太平洋构造域控制。受板块边界作用影响,相同板块上的不同盆地群 之间具有密切的构造—沉积联系和构造事件响应。全球油气最富集的巨型盆地主要出现于板块内部、远离挤压板块边界的 环境下。  相似文献   

北部湾盆地北部坳陷古近系NE-NEE 向断裂控制凸凹格局, NEE 与NW 向断裂控制次级构造单元发育展布,整体 表现为一个北西断、南东超、呈NEE 向展布的新生代箕状断陷盆地,其中涠西南凹陷为复式半地堑,海中凹陷为简单半地 堑,而涠西南低凸起为单断式低凸起。研究区古近纪构造演化分为裂陷期(长流组-涠三段沉积期)和断拗转换期(涠二 段-涠一段沉积期)两个阶段,而裂陷期又分为裂陷Ⅰ幕(长流组-流二段沉积期)和裂陷Ⅱ幕(流一段-涠三段沉积期)。 响应于盆地结构特征和构造演化,研究区在裂陷Ⅰ幕,构造活动强烈,形成了统一湖盆,沿陡坡处发育较多扇三角洲、近 岸水下扇,缓坡则为辫状河三角洲,洼陷内主要为湖相及少量湖底扇;裂陷Ⅱ幕,构造活动较强,涠西南低凸起出露水面 而对涠西南凹陷与海中凹陷起一定分隔作用,在陡坡处仍发育有较多近岸水下扇、扇三角洲,缓坡处主要为大型辫状河三 角洲,而洼陷内为湖相与较多湖底扇,且沿涠西南凹陷长轴方向发育大型辫状河三角洲和曲流河三角洲;断拗转换期,构 造活动微弱,整体以滨浅湖亚相为主,陡坡和缓坡都发有大量辫状河三角洲,涠西南低凸起仍暴露水面而遭受剥蚀。  相似文献   

黄骅盆地孔西构造带的构造演化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过平衡剖面技术复原古构造演化,并结合区域构造分析,可将孔西构造带的发育过程大致分为三个构造变形阶段:晚三叠世末期为挤压褶皱变形期;晚三叠世沉积后至侏罗系沉积前为逆冲构造变形期;早-中侏罗世为逆冲构造“轻度”渐进变形期。晚侏罗世以后,区域构造作用发生反转。随着晚侏罗-早白垩世、早第三纪裂陷盆地的发育,孔西构造带作为潜山构造被掩埋。裂陷盆地时期的伸展构造对孔西构造带前第三系的逆冲构造基本上没有大的改造。  相似文献   


The broad zone between old oceanic lithosphere of the NW Pacific and Eastern Eurasian continental lithosphere is home to a chain of marginal basins. Different from oceans, marginal basins are more influenced by the underlying subduction zone both geophysically and geochemically and are more likely to be blanketed by sediments from the nearby continent. This special issue collects 19 papers that explore the tectonic, magmatic, sedimentary and fluid activity features of marginal basins during rifting, spreading and post-spreading stages. Most papers in this special issue focus on South China Sea marginal basins, where abundant research provides interesting insights into how marginal sea basins evolve. Because South China Sea basins are fully evolved and their key features have not been overprinted by younger deformation, the results of this special issue are very useful for understanding the evolution of other marginal basins.  相似文献   


新疆北部西准噶尔造山带的构造属性长期以来存在争议,确定该地区中、新生代的构造事件及隆升过程是研究该地区陆内变形的关键所在。本文对造山带内山间盆地——和什托洛盖盆地的构造抬升事件进行系统分析,基于研究区野外地质调查及断裂解析,识别出C/J、J/AnJ、J/E和K/E以及E/N等5期区域不整合面,这些不整合是构造活动的直接证据。盆地中、新生代受南北两条控盆断裂近N-S向挤压应力持续挤压。砂岩样品磷灰石裂变径迹年龄分布在晚侏罗世末期—早白垩世早期(149~125 Ma)、早白垩世中期(121~109 Ma)和晚白垩世早期(80.0~77.7 Ma)3个区间,反映出该地区在这3个时期发生了明显的冷却抬升事件,3期冷却抬升事件与野外地质特征有很好的地质响应。热史模拟表明晚侏罗世—早白垩世(160~110 Ma)、晚白垩世(85~65 Ma)和渐新世—上新世(30~5 Ma)发生了快速隆升事件。盆地构造抬升的主要应力为周缘山系抬升及断裂活动挤压。综合研究表明,盆地中、新生代经历了3期明显的构造抬升事件,与中、新生代印支运动、燕山运动和喜山运动远程效应有很好的耦合性。


The Armutlu Peninsula and adjacent areas in NW Turkey play a critical role in tectonic reconstructions of the southern margin of Eurasia in NW Turkey. This region includes an inferred Intra-Pontide oceanic basin that rifted from Eurasia in Early Mesozoic time and closed by Late Cretaceous time. The Armutlu Peninsula is divisible into two metamorphic units. The first, the Armutlu Metamorphics, comprises a ?Precambrian high-grade metamorphic basement, unconformably overlain by a ?Palaeozoic low-grade, mixed siliciclastic/carbonate/volcanogenic succession, including bimodal volcanics of inferred extensional origin, with a possibly inherited subduction signature. The second unit, the low-grade znik Metamorphics, is interpreted as a Triassic rift infilled with terrigenous, calcareous and volcanogenic lithologies, including basalts of within-plate type. The Triassic rift was unconformably overlain by a subsiding Jurassic–Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian) passive margin including siliciclastic/carbonate turbidites, radiolarian cherts and manganese deposits. The margin later collapsed to form a flexural foredeep associated with the emplacement of ophiolitic rocks in Turonian time. Geochemical evidence from meta-basalt blocks within ophiolite-derived melange suggests a supra-subduction zone origin for the ophiolite. The above major tectonic units of the Armutlu Peninsula were sealed by a Maastrichtian unconformity. Comparative evidence comes from the separate Almacık Flake further east.Considering alternatives, it is concluded that a Mesozoic Intra-Pontide oceanic basin separated Eurasia from a Sakarya microcontinent, with a wider Northern Neotethys to the south. Lateral displacement of exotic terranes along the south-Eurasian continental margin probably also played a role, e.g. during Late Cretaceous suturing, in addition to overthrusting.  相似文献   

This paper reports LA–ICP–MS U–Pb dates and in situ Hf isotope analyses of detrital zircons from the Mesozoic basins in western Shandong, China, with the aim to constrain the depositional ages and provenances of the Mesozoic strata as well as the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern North China Block (NCB). The Mesozoic strata in western Shandong, from bottom to top, include the Fenghuangshan, Fangzi, Santai and Wennan formations. Most of the analyzed zircon grains exhibit oscillatory growth zoning and have relatively high Th/U ratios (generally 0.2–3.4), suggesting a magmatic origin. Zircons from the Fenghuangshan Formation in the Zhoucun Basin yield six main age populations (2489, 1854, 331, 305, 282, and 247 Ma). Zircons from the Fangzi Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield eight main age populations (2494, 1844, 927, 465, 323, 273, 223, and 159 Ma) and ten main age populations (2498, 1847, 932, 808, 540, 431, 315, 282, 227, and 175 Ma), respectively, whereas zircons from the Santai Formation in the Zhoucun and Mengyin basins yield nine main age populations (2519, 1845, 433, 325, 271, 237, 192, 161, and 146 Ma) and six main age populations (2464, 1845, 853, 277, 191, and 150 Ma), respectively. Five main age populations (2558, 1330, 609, 181, and 136 Ma) are detected for zircons from the Wennan Formation in the Pingyi Basin. Based on the youngest age, together with the contact relationships among formations, we propose that the Fenghuangshan Formation formed in the Early–Middle Triassic, the Fangzi Formation in the Middle–Late Jurassic, the Santai Formation after the Late Jurassic, and the Wennan Formation after the Early Cretaceous. These results, together with previously published data, indicate that: (1) the sediments of the Fenghuangshan Formation were sourced from the Precambrian basement and from late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB; (2) the sediments of the Fangzi and Santai formations were sourced from the Precambrian basement, late Paleozoic to early Mesozoic igneous rocks in the northern part of the NCB, and the Sulu terrane, as well as from Middle–Late Jurassic igneous rocks in the southeastern part of the NCB; and (3) the Wennan Formation was sourced from the Tongshi intrusive complex, the Sulu terrane, and minor Precambrian basement and Early Cretaceous igneous rocks. The evolution of detrital provenance indicates that in the Early–Middle Triassic, the northern part of the NCB was higher than its interior; during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic, the eastern NCB was uplifted, resulting in a period of non-deposition; and an important transition from a compressional to an extensional tectonic regime occurred during the Middle–Late Jurassic. The presence of Neoproterozoic and Triassic detrital zircons in the Fangzi Formation sourced from the Sulu terrane suggests that large-scale sinistral strike-slip movement along the Tan-Lu Fault Zone did not occur after the Middle Jurassic (ca. 175 Ma).  相似文献   

Considerable debate on whether and how the Sulu Orogenic Belt extends eastward to the Korean Peninsula has remained over the past decade. New results reported here include the following: (1) an eclogite and retrograded eclogite-bearing complex (Hongseong Complex) is discovered in South Korea, in which the eclogite occurs as lenses in circa  810–820 Ma granitic gneiss. SHRIMP zircon dating of the eclogite yields  230 Ma for the metamorphic age and  880 Ma for the protolith age; (2) The basement of the Rangnim, Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs have affinities to the basement of the North China Block (NCB). However the Gyeonggi Massif encloses a minor amount of large or small slabs of the Hongseong Complex that are similar to the rocks of the Sulu Belt. (3) Two main Paleozoic basins within the Rangnim and Gyeonggi massifs have a similar Paleozoic tectono-stratigraphy to the NCB. (4) The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts do not exhibit any metamorphic characteristics of collisional orogenic belts. Based on these facts, we propose a crustal-detachment and thrust model and suggest that the collision belt between the Yangtze Block (YB) and NCB (Sino–Korea Craton) is preserved along the western margin of the Korean Peninsula. The lower part of the UHP metamorphosed lithosphere of the YB was subducted under the Korean Peninsula and not uplifted to the surface. The lower crust of the YB (the Hongseong Complex) was detached from the subducted lithosphere and thrust over the Korean Peninsula, and inserted into the basement rocks of the Gyeonggi Massif. The upper crust of the YB possibly was detached from the lower crust and overthrusted along the Honam and Chugaryong shear zones. The Imjingang and Ogcheon belts possibly represent the detached upper crust of YB and their present occurrences are controlled by a Mesozoic strike–slip shear structure. All these detached lower and upper crustal slabs were strongly deformed during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous tectonic event leading to their present geological distribution and characteristics.  相似文献   

The geothermal fields in the Pericaspian, Pripyat, and North German basins are considered. These basins are characterized by widespread Upper Paleozoic evaporite sequences, which underwent halokinesis with the formation of salt domes and plugs owing to tectonic and gravity instability. Heat flow refraction occurs at the boundaries of the domes with country rocks due to the contrast in thermal conductivity of evaporites and terrigenous rocks between the domal zones. This is the main cause of heat flow variation in the lateral and vertical directions in the salt-dome basins. Close correlation between zones of elevated temperature in the sedimentary rocks and petroleum occurrences is confirmed by the results of 2D and 3D modeling of the geothermal field. The previously noted relations of oil and gas fields to the deep faults in the studied basins create prerequisites for consideration of the geothermal field as a genetic factor controlling the tectonic features and petroleum resources of the salt-dome basins.  相似文献   

谢皓  刘彩彩  张会平  詹艳  赵旭东 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1107-1125
阿尔金断裂带是青藏高原自印度与欧亚大陆碰撞后向北扩展的前缘断裂,其新生代活动性对于研究青藏高原隆升与扩展过程和机制具有重要意义。近些年,运用热年代学、断裂几何学和运动学、沉积学、磁性地层学和地震学等方法对阿尔金断裂带的性质、组成结构、断裂活动时代、走滑断裂运动特征、走滑位移量和走滑速率等进行了细致的研究,而对阿尔金断裂带沿线受其控制的新生代沉积盆地的地层年代、沉积演化特征虽然也有一定研究,但往往仅限于单个盆地,缺乏对沿线盆地整体的对比认识,造成对阿尔金断裂带走滑起始时间及阿尔金山的隆升历史存在不同的认识。本文对近二十年来阿尔金断裂带沿线新生代沉积盆地的磁性地层年代与沉积相演化的研究进展进行综述,建立阿尔金断裂带沿线盆地新生代沉积序列和年代框架;辅助热年代学等资料,提出阿尔金断裂带的三阶段演化模型:始新世-中中新世,阿尔金断裂带以大幅度的走滑运动为主,同时伴随着阿尔金山小范围的隆升;中中新世开始,阿尔金山开始大规模的隆升,伴随着较少量的走滑运动;晚中新世以来,阿尔金断裂带构造活动加强。  相似文献   

地表植被改变对气候变化影响的模拟研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈星  雷鸣  汤剑平 《地球科学进展》2006,21(10):1075-1082
由于人类活动的影响,在过去的几百年里全球植被发生了很大的变化。地表植被的变化通过地面的能量和水汽交换而改变气候,研究目的是通过数值模拟认识这一过程的有关气候效应。方法上使用AGCM+SSIB模式对由于植被变化而可能导致的气候变化进行了敏感性模拟试验,研究区域为欧亚大陆。模拟主要对1700年、1800年、1900年、1950年所代表的气候特征时期植被改变所造成的气候变化响应进行平衡态试验。欧亚大陆在这些时段内植被变化是非常明显的,有大片的土地覆盖从森林变为草地或者耕地,或者从自然草地变为耕地。结果表明地表植被的改变对于气候的作用是非常复杂的,但中纬度地区在统计上有着比较明显的作用。得出的主要结论是,从1700年到1950年由于植被的退化,东亚地区夏季变得更热而冬季变得更冷,欧洲冬夏都变冷了;中国南部的降水在夏季不断减少,亚洲夏季风被削弱。  相似文献   

TTG(英云闪长岩-奥长花岗岩-花岗闪长岩)片麻岩是太古宙陆壳的重要组成部分,探究其形成过程可以获得地球早期大陆地壳增生-演化的关键地球动力学信息。本次研究从华北克拉通东部辽北清原地体中识别出了柴河、摩离红两个奥长花岗岩岩株,在空间上它们与时代相近的赞岐岩类(石英二长闪长岩)伴生,SIMS锆石U-Pb定年指示二者结晶年龄和变质年龄分别为2550~2546Ma和2510~2480Ma。柴河岩体SiO_2含量介于70. 7%~73. 5%之间,Na_2O/K_2O比值为2. 15~4. 89,Al_2O_3含量为14. 3%~15. 5%;富集Rb、Ba、Sr等大离子亲石元素(Sr=356×10~(-6)~464×10~(-6),Sr/Y=71~392),亏损Nb、Ta和Ti等高场强元素,轻重稀土强烈分异,(La/Yb)_N比值介于45~144之间,部分样品发育Eu正异常(δ_(Eu)=1. 17~2. 41)。摩离红岩体SiO_2含量为64. 7%~75. 7%,Na_2O/K_2O比值为1. 86~2. 78,Al_2O_3变化范围较大(13. 7%~17. 7%);同样富集大离子亲石元素并亏损高场强元素,Sr/Y比值为22~36,轻重稀土分异明显,具有中等至偏高的(La/Yb)_N比值(7~47),Eu异常发育不明显(δ_(Eu)=0. 86~1. 34)。二者均具有接近亏损地幔的全岩ε_(Nd)(t)(+1. 9~+3. 8)和锆石ε_(Hf)(t)(+3. 9~+7. 1)值。以上特征指示柴河、摩离红岩体可能分别形成于低角度俯冲大洋板片或岛弧下地壳在榴辉岩相和石榴角闪岩相条件下部分熔融。区域岩浆-变质事件的时-空分布关系表明,华北克拉通东部新太古代晚期热事件主要受控于初始板块构造体制下的短周期、小规模俯冲-碰撞-伸展造山旋回。俯冲带岩浆活动在新太古代晚期陆壳生长-分异过程中已经扮演着非常重要的角色。  相似文献   

左鹏飞  李雨  刘思聪  郑德顺 《岩石学报》2019,35(8):2545-2572
华北克拉通(华北)南缘中元古代早期熊耳群火山活动之后,在渑池-确山地区发育了一套中-新元古代沉积(汝阳群、洛峪群、黄连垛组、董家组以及罗圈组和东坡组),记录了该时期沉积-构造演化过程。通过该区碎屑锆石和洛峪群顶部凝灰岩年龄的约束,将汝阳群-洛峪群的沉积时代基本限定于约1750~1600Ma,导致洛峪群由中元古界上部或新元古界下划到中元古界长城系。因此,在现有的地层年代格架下,需要重新对该区中-新元古代沉积演化进行讨论。本文通过对洛峪口组上覆黄连垛组和董家组沉积环境和物源分析,同时借助古生界辛集组源区分析的约束,揭示华北南缘中-新元古代沉积-构造演化。沉积环境分析显示,黄连垛组沉积初期发育了河口湾沉积环境。伴随海侵扩大,在下汤地区沉积了潮上带长石石英砂岩与泥质粉砂岩,而叶县地区发育了潮间带泥晶白云岩。晚期下汤和叶县地区发育潮下带泥晶白云岩与含硅质条带白云岩。董家组与下伏黄连垛组为平行不整合接触,董家组沉积初期为陆源碎屑物质供给充分的滨海相,在下汤和叶县地区沉积底部细砾岩及长石石英砂岩。随后,两个地区发育潮坪相长石石英砂岩与泥质粉砂岩,在顶部沉积了局限台地钙质泥岩。黄连垛组在豫西下汤和叶县地区沉积于河口湾-潮坪沉积环境,整体表现为自南向北的海进序列,而董家组总体上沉积于局限海盆的滨浅海-潮坪环境。由于下伏汝阳群-洛峪群分别沉积在河流-滨海-潮坪和浅海-滨海-潮坪环境,黄连垛组和董家组指示其沉积时期盆地产生收缩。碎屑锆石定年结果显示,黄连垛组和董家组碎屑锆石年龄主要峰值为1800Ma、2250Ma、2350Ma、2650Ma,两者物源均为华北克拉通。但下汤地区早古生界辛集组碎屑锆石显示主要峰值年龄为1850Ma、2500Ma、2200Ma、2700Ma,其次为1200Ma。结合华北克拉通发育大量的中元古代末期到新元古代碎屑锆石以及南缘中元古界官道口群和新元古界栾川群沉积特征,黄连垛组和董家组代表的局限盆地(海盆)沉积可能构成了该时期盆地的边缘相,期间伴随的抬升和盆地中心迁移可能与同期大地构造演化密切相关。  相似文献   

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