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Doe  Benjamin  Aboagye  Prince Dacosta 《GeoJournal》2022,87(1):295-317
GeoJournal - A key contributor to the growing levels of morbidity, mortality and poverty in slum settlements has been attributed to lack of basic sanitation services. To curb this menace, various...  相似文献   

Globally, transport literature indicates a strong effect of land use on urban travel as people living in low density suburban areas tend to travel more by car than people living in high density urban areas. This is because in dense areas, public transport is organised more efficiently and travellers tend to travel shorter distances. However, this assertion is frequently based on locations with efficient integration of transport within the land use planning framework. In Ghana and many African countries, it remains unknown whether the effect of land use on urban travel is strong as reported in developed countries and elsewhere. This research examines the effect of land use on urban travel in Ghana using Kumasi, the second largest city in Ghana, as a case study. Simple questionnaire survey with urban residents, semi-structured interviews with agencies and secondary data analysis were used for this research. Results indicate negative effect of land use on urban travel as there has been increased congestion in all the major road arterials in the city resulting in difficulty in commuting using motorised transport. Findings further show a weak effect of land use on urban travel, as areas experiencing change of land use have poor locational accessibility. The paper recommends innovative ways of meeting the growing travel demand of residents in the city such as the development of a light rail and bus rapid transit systems to help ease congestion and improve public transportation.  相似文献   

This research uses empirical data to explore the link between spatial plans and ‘actual development’ occurring in Kumasi, Ghana. The research found that urban development is determined by both spatial plans and spontaneous informal development patterns (i.e. self-organisation). However, self-organisation is more widespread compared to spatially planned neighbourhoods. This phenomenon was expressed in a context of uncertainty created by weak institutional planning system which promote and reinforce haphazard development disregarding urban planning requirements. These findings provide a perspective on urban development that differs from that occurring in cities of developed countries, where planning institutions in consultation with urban residents determine the patterns of urban development. Unfortunately in Kumasi, self-organisation is not viewed as important in mainstream planning system. The paper concludes that more needs to be done in terms of understanding self-organisation processes, and the way they could be integrated into mainstream planning process to respond more fully to the urban development challenges in Kumasi.  相似文献   

Urban soils, although crucial to defining urban vegetation types and strengthening the resilience of urban ecosystems, can be severely modified by human activities. Yet understanding of these modifications and their implications for soil properties is limited. This study examined the vertical and spatial variability of selected soil physicochemical properties (pH, SOM, OC, TN, and bulk density) in Kumasi, Ghana, using a stratified random sampling technique. Soil samples were collected at three depths (0–15, 15–30, and 30–60 cm) from 161 plots in eight green space types within two urban zones. Mean topsoil pH ranged between 5.0 in the natural forest and 6.5 in home gardens. Mean bulk density, nitrogen, and carbon concentrations differed among green space types and depths (p?<?0.0001). Soil nitrogen and carbon concentrations in the 0–15 cm depth were two times greater than those of the 30–60 cm depth. Soil pH and organic matter concentrations were higher in the core urban soils than in the peri-urban while the reverse was true for total soil N and bulk density. Canonical discriminant analysis showed considerable separation of green space types based on the soil physicochemical properties. Higher total nitrogen and C:N ratios separated natural forest and cemetery from the other UGS types, whereas higher pH and bulk densities separated plantations and home gardens from the rest of the UGS types. Furthermore, the subsoil layers were laden with undecomposed cloths, plastics, concrete, and metal parts which can obstruct root growth and water movement. Results generally demonstrate considerable variability in soil properties among urban green spaces and highlight the need for a better understanding of these patterns to ensure continued support for plant growth, green space sustenance and maintenance, and the ecosystem services derived from them.  相似文献   

This study assesses social vulnerability to hazards by analyzing the nature of biophysical hazards, and the characteristics of exposures, susceptibilities and adaptive capacities in Kumasi. A mixed method approach was used to collect primary data from farms and nearby markets. Water, soil, and plant samples were collected and tested for total coliforms and cadmium. Primary dataset was also collected from farmers and vendors using structured interview guide and from key informants through in-depth interviews. The analysis shows that several pressures residing within the coupled social-ecological system are threats to the health and livelihood of the farmers and vendors. The concentration of cadmium and total coliform in irrigation water, soil, and plants exceeded the WHO/FAO acceptable standards. Bio-toxins in plants were also found to be potentially high. However, the degree of exposure to these stressors and the strength of response and adaptive capacities were determined to be dependent on position within the urban agriculture value chain, type of plant, and socio-demographic characteristics. The study concludes that pollution of irrigation water, soil, and plant is an issue of environmental concern in the urban agriculture system and requires concerted efforts of all stakeholders to address. It is recommended that there should be frequent monitoring of the quality of irrigation water, soil, and produce from urban farms and markets to assess their physical, chemical, and microbial properties and possibly initiate remedial measures where necessary. Government policies must also focus on building the resilience of urban farmers and vendors to reduce their vulnerability to biophysical hazards.  相似文献   

Increasing urbanisation and the growth of urban areas in cities in developing countries present major challenges for local governments, policy makers and urban planners even though the phenomenon offers opportunities. Studies focusing on the quality of life (QoL) help in assessing objectively, urban conditions which inform urban policy and planning. Using Kumasi as a case study, this paper investigates the relationship between quality of life and socio-economic characteristics such as gender, age, marital status, educational background, household income and housing type. To this end, the paper uses data from 500 households to examine the relationship between urban dwellers socio-economic characteristics and quality of life index in Kumasi. Findings indicated that objective QoL varied considerably with some of the socio-economic variables (household income and housing type) in the study area and these variables contributed significantly to the objective quality of life in Kumasi. The paper concludes that there are six (6) dimension of quality of life in Kumasi.  相似文献   

Vast tracts of forests are lost globally every year especially in the developing countries of the tropics due to various human activities such as lumbering, farming, bush fires, surface mining and urbanization. The rainforest in Ghana has experienced rapid depletion since the 1980s. The impact of deforestation is widespread, affecting the livelihoods of local people and disrupting the tropical ecosystem. There is a serious concern in the study area about climatic change, soil erosion, siltation of rivers and loss in biodiversity which have an adverse impact on traditional medicinal plants of the local people. The study examined the extent of land cover change through image differencing of Landsat TM 1986 and 2002. The image classification indicated that, vegetative cover from 1986 to 2002 has been reducing whiles land use activities have been increasing. Closed canopy, open canopy and plantation have significantly diminished and land use activities especially built ups, farms, mining and openfields are more than doubled. The driving forces for the change in land cover are population growth, lumbering, socio-economic and cultural practices of the people. Lumbering and mining have been some of the major causes of the changing landscape in primary forest. Also the reliance on wood for domestic energy and the need to increase food productivity to feed growing population have also contributed greatly to the rapid depletion of the vegetative cover.  相似文献   

B. McCusker  E.R. Carr 《Geoforum》2006,37(5):790-804
Land use change and livelihood systems are often analyzed separately or with one “driving” the other. This “driver-feedback” relationship has been buttressed by approaches to social process that are often far too static. Actors are confronted with a bundle of choices that they must negotiate as they create pathways of change. These choices are always bound up in relations of power and the knowledges that are the conditions for and results of these relations. We suggest that land uses and livelihood are different manifestations of the social processes by which individuals and groups negotiate the everyday conditions that shape their lives. We propose a framework that extends current understandings of the relationship between land use change and livelihoods by treating social relations of power as the entry point into this complex relationship. We underpin our arguments with empirical examples from South Africa and Ghana that locate power/knowledge relations in the context of social change in both study areas.  相似文献   

This paper describes the geology and tectonics of the Paleoproterozoic Kumasi Basin, Ghana, West Africa, as applied to predictive mapping of prospectivity for orogenic gold mineral systems within the basin. The main objective of the study was to identify the most prospective ground for orogenic gold deposits within the Paleoproterozoic Kumasi Basin. A knowledge-driven, two-stage fuzzy inference system (FIS) was used for prospectivity modelling. The spatial proxies that served as input to the FIS were derived based on a conceptual model of gold mineral systems in the Kumasi Basin. As a first step, key components of the mineral system were predictively modelled using a Mamdani-type FIS. The second step involved combining the individual FIS outputs using a conjunction (product) operator to produce a continuous-scale prospectivity map. Using a cumulative area fuzzy favourability (CAFF) curve approach, this map was reclassified into a ternary prospectivity map divided into high-prospectivity, moderate-prospectivity and low-prospectivity areas, respectively. The spatial distribution of the known gold deposits within the study area relative to that of the prospective and non-prospective areas served as a means for evaluating the capture efficiency of our model. Approximately 99% of the known gold deposits and occurrences fall within high- and moderate-prospectivity areas that occupy 31% of the total study area. The high- and moderate-prospectivity areas illustrated by the prospectivity map are elongate features that are spatially coincident with areas of structural complexity along and reactivation during D4 of NE–SW-striking D2 thrust faults and subsidiary structures, implying a strong structural control on gold mineralization in the Kumasi Basin. In conclusion, our FIS approach to mapping gold prospectivity, which was based entirely on the conceptual reasoning of expert geologists and ignored the spatial distribution of known gold deposits for prospectivity estimation, effectively captured the main mineralized trends. As such, this study also demonstrates the effectiveness of FIS in capturing the linguistic reasoning of expert knowledge by exploration geologists. In spite of using a large number of variables, the curse of dimensionality was precluded because no training data are required for parameter estimation.  相似文献   

Daniel Buor 《GeoJournal》2002,56(2):145-157
The research primarily aims at testing a model, adapted from existing models, on the influence of distance on the use of health services in the Kumasi metropolis, an expanding urban centre in Ghana. Primary data, collected between August 2000 and February 2001, were used for the study. The data were analysed using a multiple regression model and compound bar graphs. A sample of 250, drawn through systematic random and stratified procedures, was used for the cross-sectional retrospective survey. Data were collected through formal interview schedules, after preliminary observational survey. The survey has established three principal findings. First, distance shows a strong inverse relationship with the utilisation of health services in the metropolis. Second, travel time and transport cost, variables that are related to distance, exhibit a weak negative and positive associations respectively with the use of health services. Third, the vulnerable groups of women, the aged, the sickly, the illiterate and the poor are not affected by distance decay in the utilisation of health services. Finally, independent variables that are statistically significant in influencing utilisation, alongside distance, are education, service cost, quality of service and health status. Recommendations for locational modelling of health services at the deprived periphery, an introduction of an insurance scheme to facilitate health care use, and recommendations for further research have been made.  相似文献   

The integration of remote sensing, geographic information system, landscape ecology and statistical analysis methods was applied to study the urban thermal environment in Guangzhou. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Normalized Difference Build-up Index (NDBI), Normalized Difference Barren Index (NDBaI) and Modified Normalized Difference Water Index (MNDWI) were used to analyze the relationships between land surface temperature (LST) and land use/land cover (LULC) qualitatively. The result revealed that, most urban built-up lands were located in the middle part, and high LST areas mostly and were in the middle and southern parts. Therefore, the urbanization and thermal environment in the middle and southern parts need to be determined. Land surface temperature increased with the density of urban built-up and barren land, but decreased with vegetation cover. The relationship between MNDWI and LST was found to be negative, which implied that pure water would decrease the surface temperature and the polluted water would increase the surface temperature. A multiple regression between LST and each indices as well as the elevation was created to elevate the urban thermal environment, which showed that NDVI, NDBI, NDBaI, MNDWI were effective indicators for quantifying LULC impacts on LST.  相似文献   

Opoku Pabi 《GeoJournal》2007,68(4):369-383
Accurate information on land-use/cover change is a critical input for natural resource use management policy decisions. In Ghana, however, land-use/cover change is premised on the assumption that there has been a historically simple, linear, and uniform degradation of vegetation across all landscapes. The Kintampo and neighboring districts have become a subject of intense debate as to the real nature of prevailing land cover changes .It is commonly assumed that there is ubiquitously progressive irreversible woody vegetation loss across the area. The paper reports on the process and amount of land-use/cover changes that have prevailed in specific localities across the area within a 10-year period. It is hoped this will improve understanding and management of land-use/cover change in Ghana. Remote sensing and Geographic information systems technologies were used for the investigation. A multi-site satellite imagery approach was adopted to ensure that inductive inferences could be made. The outcome of the study indicated that, in space and time, there have been significant land-use/cover changes. Variability in change was a constant, rather than occasional feature across these human dominated landscapes. The conversion and transformation processes indicated that the traditional land-use strategies are self-sustaining. Any effective land-use/cover management strategy should be built upon the existing traditional farming system knowledge and practices.  相似文献   

There is a need for research that advances understanding of flow alterations in contemporary watersheds where natural and anthropogenic interactions can confound mitigation efforts. Event-based flow frequency, timing, magnitude, and rate of change were quantified at five-site nested gauging sites in a representative mixed-land-use watershed of the central USA. Statistically independent storms were paired by site (n = 111 × 5 sites) to test for significant differences in event-based rainfall and flow response variables (n = 17) between gauging sites. Increased frequency of small peak flow events (i.e., 64 more events less than 4.0 m3 s?1) was observed at the rural–urban interface of the watershed. Differences in flow response were apparent during drier periods when small rainfall events resulted in increased flow response at urban sites in the lower reaches. Relationships between rainfall and peak flow were stronger with decreased pasture/crop land use and increased urban land use by approximately 20%. Event-based total rainfall explained 40–68% of the variance in peak flow (p < 0.001). Coefficients of determination (r2) were negatively correlated with pasture/crop land use (r2 = 0.92; p = 0.007; n = 5) and positively correlated with urban land use (r2 = 0.90; p = 0.008; n = 5). Significant differences in flow metrics were observed between rural and urban sites (p < 0.05; n = 111) that were not explained by differences in rainfall variables and drainage area. An urban influence on flow timing was observed using median time lag to peak centroid and time of maximum precipitation to peak flow. Results highlight the need to establish manageable flow targets in rapidly urbanizing mixed-land-use watersheds.  相似文献   

Natural Hazards - Analysis of long-term land use and land cover (LULC) changes requires up-to-date remotely sensed data to assess their effects on erosion. This is a particularly important...  相似文献   

A lack of safe sanitation threatens human wellbeing and has overlooked implications for environmental sustainability. There is a growing need to understand community-level drivers of sanitation use, as poor sanitation in a few households can create risks for neighboring households and contaminate the surrounding environment. This paper considers sanitation in the context of common-pool resources, focusing on processes of collective action and sustainable sanitation use, and draws on a case study conducted in Koassanga, Plateau-Central, Burkina Faso, where an ecological sanitation system intervention was implemented. Using a qualitative study design, 26 semi-structured interviews were conducted with residents using a social capital framework for water, sanitation and hygiene. Data were thematically analyzed to understand how collective action played a role in sustaining use of the sanitation system. The case study findings indicated that social capital characterized by membership in local groups and associations may have contributed to successful implementation of the intervention and ending open defecation, through normalization and monitoring of the use of ecological sanitation systems. In addition, community leaders played prominent roles in ensuring that collective management of the sanitation systems was sustained. These findings highlight potential for further examination of sanitation systems from a common pool resources perspective to identify other factors that contribute to long-term sustainability. With growing interest in community-led sanitation approaches, this understanding can inform more effective strategies for governments and NGOs to promote the health of entire communities to achieve SDG targets for universal coverage.  相似文献   

坝上地区位于北京北部、内蒙高原南部,为典型的农牧交错带,生态环境十分脆弱,对环境反映非常敏感,是研究环境变化最理想的地区。该区距京、津逾200km,又是京、津地区的水源地和生态屏障,区位十分重要。该区人少地多,土壤中很少施用化肥、农药,养分分析数据更趋于客观。  相似文献   

This paper argues that human vulnerability to flood hazards in urban slums in developing countries is greatly affected by the positioning and activities of their city governments. As a result, the paper explores the central role of city authorities in the production of flood vulnerability in selected informal settlements in Accra, Ghana. Using a case study research design, the study draws on multiple qualitative methods to gather evidence including: document review, focus group discussions, flood victims’ interviews, institutional consultation and field observation. The paper reveals two main positions of state and city authorities in Accra’s perennial floods: first, being present and complicit in informal urbanization through their involvement in the politics of land management in flood prone zones; and second, being absent through their inaction in informal growth in flood-risk areas. To each of these positions of the urban state, there are emerging responses from residents and other non-state actors operating within and outside these informal communities. The paper proposes a re-examination of the current structure and processes of urban governance, state-community engagements and urban citizenship in informal communities.  相似文献   

Access to safe and adequate water and to sanitation has been a global developmental priority due to their intrinsic impacts on the achievement of the sustainable development goals. Despite the implementation of several measures to improve access to safe water and sanitation, urban dwellers in Ghana struggle to acquire water and access sanitation facilities. This paper identified and examined the vulnerable conditions of households to environmental inadequacies of potable water and sanitation and measures aimed at reducing the risks associated with them in the Ashaiman Municipality. The study revealed that, access to adequate water supply was not necessarily dependent on the physical location of house units, but on factors such as lack of building permit, financial constraints, rental conditions, administrative procedures and ill-suited housing arrangement. Inadequate solid and liquid waste management practices and poor drainage systems were major problems identified in the Municipality. The paper argues that water, drainage systems and logistics for waste management in deprived communities must be provided by the local government and service providers through public–private partnership agreements. We conclude that, planning rules, regulations and procedures should be strictly adhered to and vigorously enforced by the Municipality in order to have a well-organized and planned urban environment.  相似文献   

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