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While empirical works that analyse rural–urban differentials in accessibility to health services are common in the developing countries, systematic studies focusing on intra-urban variations in accessibility to overall healthcare resources remain scant. Yet, many urban dwellers especially in the Sub-Saharan Africa have to travel long distances within the urban space to access basic health services. This study employs composed index of critical accessibility (CICA) to analyse differentials in access to health resources in Ibadan, a traditional African City. Data on healthcare centre location, ownership, doctors’ population were collected through field survey while spatial data on the administrative units and populated places were obtained from archival sources. Also, data on road networks was collected. Results show that the distribution of health facilities across local administrative units varies. In terms health facilities, Ibadan South West has 26 (36 %) of the total number while Ibadan South east has only 7 (9.8 %). The Doctor-Population Ratio also exhibits similar variations as Ibadan North has 20.5 as against 2.2, 1.9 and 0.3 for Ibadan SW, Ibadan NW and Ibadan NE respectively. The CICA analysis shows that 228,938 inhabitants are in high risk of negative accessibility while 49,234 are faced with condition of low risk of negative accessibility, which implies that a significant proportion of the population still finds it difficult to access basic health services as and when needed. The variations in the distribution of this deprived population are also noteworthy as the largest proportion of this group was localized in Ibadan NW. This has grave implication for the health and wellbeing of the population and raises once again the question of spatial equity in the delivery of urban public service. Curiously, these differences in the level of accessibility cut across administrative boundaries which brings to the fore the role of jurisdictional partitioning in ensuring equity in the delivery of urban public services. This opens a vista of research opportunity into the role jurisdictional partitioning in service provision in the urban centres.  相似文献   

Yunjie Song  Xun Shi 《GeoJournal》2017,82(3):597-608
The exploration of the spatial association between Medicare physician spending and population densities and sizes could possibly facilitate the investigation of the causal mechanisms beneath the variation in medical care. We acquired the U.S. Medicare physician expenditures and regional demographic and geographic data in 2006 from the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Six geographic units—states, counties, Hospital Referral Regions, Hospital Service Areas, Metropolitan Statistical Areas, and state non-Metropolitan Statistical Areas—were used as units of study. Pearson correlation analysis, multivariable regression, and partial correlation analysis were employed. Among six geographic units, Pearson correlation coefficients between Medicare physician expenditures and logarithmic population densities ranged from 0.42 to 0.63 (p < 0.05 for all), and between the expenditures and logarithmic population sizes from 0.31 to 0.65 (p < 0.05 for all). When population health, differential demand, market structure, and data reporting bias were controlled, population densities and sizes were positively associated with Medicare physician expenditures in most models. Population densities and sizes could explain considerable amounts of regional variation in Medicare physician spending. We concluded that Medicare physician spending was contingent on population densities and sizes. Because population densities and sizes are produced by more fundamental qualities such as natural environments and resources and thus are not easily manipulated, they are suggestive in health policy studies. Further research might investigate population distribution associated properties such as geographic distribution of health care resources, spatial dynamics of medical technology distribution, and cultural and psychological factors.  相似文献   

The Paris–Abu Bayan area located along the Darb El Arbaein road is involved in the New Valley Project in the Egyptian Western Desert (EWD) as part of ongoing efforts since the 1960s. In this dryland area, groundwater stored in the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System (NSAS) serves as the only water resource for a number of different uses. A major concern is the significant groundwater withdrawals from 74 pumped wells since the beginning of agricultural activities in 2000. The recent rapid expansion of agricultural activity and the lack of sufficient groundwater recharge as a result of unplanned groundwater development have led to severe stress on the aquifer. Field measurements have shown a rapid decline in groundwater levels, creating a crisis situation for this sole source of water in the area. In this study, mathematical modeling of the groundwater system (single aquifer layer) of the Paris–Abu Bayan reclaimed area was implemented using MODFLOW to devise a new strategy for the sustainable use of groundwater, by applying a number of scenarios in a finite-difference program. The conceptual model and calibration were developed by generating and studying the hydrogeological records, NSA parameters, production wells, and water level measurements for 2005 and 2012. Three management scenarios were applied on the calibrated model to display the present and future stresses on this aquifer over a 30-year period (2012–2042). The results clearly show a high decline in the heads of the NSA, by about 13.8 m, due to the continuous withdrawal of water (first scenario: present conditions, 102,473 m3/day). In the second scenario, the water level is expected to decrease significantly, by about 16 m, in most of the reclamation area by increasing the pumping rates by about 25% (over-pumping) to meet the continuous need for more cultivation land in the area. To reduce the large decline in water levels, the third plan tests the aquifer after reducing the water withdrawal by approximately 25%, applying modern irrigation systems, and suggesting two new reclaimed areas in the northeastern and northwestern parts (areas 1 and 2), with 20 new wells, at 500 m3/day/well. The results in this case show that groundwater levels are slightly decreased, by about 9.5 m, while many wells (especially the new wells in the northern part) show a slight decrease in groundwater levels (0.8 m). The results comparison shows that the groundwater level in the modeled area is lowered by 0.3 m/year with an increase in the number of wells to 94 and increased cultivation area by about 18% (third scenario), versus 0.45 m/year and 0.60 m/year recorded for the first and second scenarios, respectively. Therefore, based on the results, the third scenario is recommended as a new strategy for improving groundwater resource sustainability in the region.  相似文献   

Indicators of road network vulnerability to storm-felled trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we exemplify the use of simple indicators of wind storm vulnerability of the road network that can be derived from existing geographic datasets. We point out the possible utilization of the datasets, applying GIS techniques, for highlighting road sections that, due to adjacency of high forest stands, are sensitive to closure by storm-felled trees. Indicators reflecting the reduced access to different areas or to the population in need of emergency aid can be derived based on the parameter tree height along roads and road network analysis. As a case in this study, the methodology is applied to elderly people (+80 years) with possible need of daily care at home following a severe storm. A comparison to the extreme 2005 storm felling in southern Sweden reveals that only limited estimates of road network disruption due to storm-felled trees are possible using the indicators, as other factors, for example, wind direction, which determine the exact impact of a particular storm are not taken into account. However, the indicators and network analysis also provide a possibility to draw attention to locations where disruptions of the road network would have significant effects on the accessibility to large surrounding areas. Potential critical road closures can be identified and preventive measures considered locally at these points.  相似文献   

We analyse the potential impacts of sea-level rise on the management of saline coastal wetlands in the Hunter River estuary, NSW, Australia. We model two management options: leaving all floodgates open, facilitating retreat of mangrove and saltmarsh into low-lying coastal lands; and leaving floodgates closed. For both management options we modelled the potential extent of saline coastal wetland to 2100 under a low sea-level rise scenario (based on 5 % minima of SRES B1 emissions scenario) and a high sea-level rise scenario (based on 95 % maxima of SRES A1FI emissions scenario). In both instances we quantified the carbon burial benefits associated with those actions. Using a dynamic elevation model, which factored in the accretion and vertical elevation responses of mangrove and saltmarsh to rising sea levels, we projected the distribution of saline coastal wetlands, and estimated the volume of sediment and carbon burial across the estuary under each scenario. We found that the management of floodgates is the primary determinant of potential saline coastal wetland extent to 2100, with only 33 % of the potential wetland area remaining under the high sea-level rise scenario, with floodgates closed, and with a 127 % expansion of potential wetland extent with floodgates open and levees breached. Carbon burial was an additional benefit of accommodating landward retreat of wetlands, with an additional 280,000 tonnes of carbon buried under the high sea-level rise scenario with floodgates open (775,075 tonnes with floodgates open and 490,280 tonnes with floodgates closed). Nearly all of the Hunter Wetlands National Park, a Ramsar wetland, will be lost under the high sea-level rise scenario, while there is potential for expansion of the wetland area by 35 % under the low sea-level rise scenario, regardless of floodgate management. We recommend that National Parks, Reserves, Ramsar sites and other static conservation mechanisms employed to protect significant coastal wetlands must begin to employ dynamic buffers to accommodate sea-level rise change impacts, which will likely require land purchase or other agreements with private landholders. The costs of facilitating adaptation may be offset by carbon sequestration gains.  相似文献   

Previous studies concerned with investigating the relationship between levels of physical activity and aspects of the built environment have often led to inconsistent and mixed findings concerning associations between the availability of recreational or sport facilities and area socio-economic status. Further complications may arise when analysis is conducted separately for access to either publicly available or private facilities or where alternative methodological approaches to measuring accessibility are adopted. This paper provides a review of such research before exploring the potential use of methods for examining variations in accessibility based on enhanced floating catchment area (FCA) models which are increasingly being advocated in medical geography applications. Using bespoke tools developed within a commercial GIS package, which are being made publicly available by the authors, and a national database of sport facilities, variations in accessibility are investigated in relation to a widely used measure of deprivation in the UK. Findings from this analysis suggest that whilst those living in deprived areas of Wales have greater potential access to publicly available sporting opportunities, associations with privately owned facilities are reversed for some distance thresholds and at different spatial scales. The paper concludes by drawing attention to the implications of such findings given current financial pressures on local government and other sport and leisure providers and highlights how spatial analytical techniques can be used to monitor such trends.  相似文献   

Costa Rica is a developing country whose citizens pride themselves on care for the environment. Environmental care is only slowly spreading to include safe and reliable water supplies. Plentiful water resources are used for energy production, industry, municipal water supply, and agriculture. The amount and quality of water resources must be understood and protected for future sustainable use. Based on interviews and conversations, some Costarricense are aware of the need for protection of natural water resources through preservation of forests; other steps toward sustainable water use are not universally valued. Streams are not the preferred source of domestic water supply due to potential water contamination; mostly from untreated sewage, sediment and agricultural chemicals. Quantity and quality of ground water supplies, the current main source of domestic water, are being investigated by scientists of Costa Rica. While 99 % of the population has access to a known supply of domestic water, only 82 % of the population has consistent access to potable drinking water. The potable water supply is smaller in rural areas. Three percent of sewage in Costa Rica is treated before release to the environment. The Río Tárcoles water basin, underlying the largest urban area of Costa Rica, is probably the most polluted in Central America. More is spent for treatment of water-borne diseases than on water supply and sewage treatment. Other potential sources of water contamination are examined.  相似文献   

In earthquake prone areas, calculation of seismic active earth pressure on retaining wall is very important. Analytical methods till date for computation of seismic active earth pressure do not consider the effect of Rayleigh wave though it constitutes about 67 % of the total seismic energy. In this paper a new dynamic approach is proposed by considering all possible seismic waves viz. primary, shear and Rayleigh waves for estimation of seismic active earth pressure on rigid retaining wall by satisfying all the boundary conditions. Limit equilibrium method is used for estimation of optimised seismic active earth pressure for a rigid retaining wall supporting cohesionless backfill with critical combinations of seismic accelerations. The seismic influence zone obtained in this study is about 22 and 17 % larger when compared with available pseudo-static and pseudo-dynamic methods respectively, which indicates the significant effect of Rayleigh wave. Also, there is an increase of about 14 and 6 % in seismic active earth pressure coefficient when the present results are typically compared with pseudo-static and pseudo-dynamic methods respectively. Moreover present results compare well with the available experimental results. Present results are more critical for the design estimation of seismic active earth pressure by considering all major seismic waves as proposed in the new dynamic approach.  相似文献   

A series of empirical studies involving typhoon rainstorm and flood risk scenario analysis were carried out on a medium spatial scale, covering Pingyang County. Considering a rainstorm/water-logging conversion process, active flooding submergence and per unit area values (million yuan/km2), two typical risk scenarios (50- and 100-year frequency) were simulated and analyzed. The study revealed that high-risk areas distributed across the towns of Aojiang, Qiancang and Xiaojiang, with a maximum submerged depth of 4.61 m for a 100-year flood hazard. In the case of a disaster loss rate >65 %, the potential maximum loss could be more than 10 million yuan/km2. For medium-scale disaster risk, more attention must be paid to catastrophic events, which have a low probability of occurrence but would induce great losses. An amended risk formula could determine the degree of priority for responses to hazards of equal risk value better. In Pingyang County, the 50-year flood risk for Kunyang, Aojiang, Qiancang and Xiaojiang is greater than that of 100-year events for the next 50 years. However, these areas should give priority to their responses to 100-year disaster events during the next 100 years. In addition, the attention of disaster risk should vary in different spatial regions.  相似文献   

This paper develops a methodology for analyzing spatial disparities in access to health care in situations where the data base is limited, and applies it in the context of Bangladesh. The proposed indirect measures of inpatient and outpatient service utilization, and of quality of available services, seem to provide reasonably accurate, consistent, and interpretable results; these indices are combined into a composite index of relative access to health care. The form of the composite index and its components permits the incorporation of Sopher's disparity index into the methodology for measuring urban-rural disparities in relative access to health care. The empirical analysis based on subdivision level data revealed that Bangladesh's health care delivery system is, in general, characterized by extremely low level of access and a high degree of disparity in favor of urban areas, especially in terms of inpatient services. Spatial patterns of relative access and urban/rural disparity were perused through cartographic and statistical analyses; although clear-cut regional patterns did not emerge, the considerable spatial variations could be explained largely with reference to urbanization and density of population. Assuming improved level of access and minimal urban/rural disparity as basic policy goals a method to prioritize spatial units for future allocation of health sector resources is recommended.The author gratefully acknowledges the helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper by Dr. S. M. Bhardwaj, Professor of Geography, Kent State University.  相似文献   

This study investigates how physical urban environments affect academic performance of urban public elementary schools in the Philippines by analysing the physical environment of school facilities and slum areas. Global, local, and semi-parametric regression analyses indicate that there is disproportionate provision of resources among the government schools and that lower academic performance is associated with the provision of fewer clinics rather than the proximity to poverty hotspots. Semiparametric, geographically weighted regression modelling outperformed global and local modelling, and estimated up to 30 % of the variation in math scores where the semi-parametric regression model is based on each school’s number of teachers and rooms, building conditions, availability of health clinics, and the location of slum areas near the school. On the basis of the research findings, it is concluded that the current state of school buildings is adequate and is a lower priority than the provision of health care support and smaller pupil–teacher ratios. Hence, government programs that aim to enhance the academic performance of children from the deprived physical urban environments should prioritize the provision of health clinics as well as maintaining few large schools with small pupil–teacher ratios.  相似文献   

This study investigates the variations of benzene concentration levels in district 1, situated in the north part of Tehran, capital of Iran. Thirty-three stations in five categories, namely roadsides, busy roads, residential areas, traffic intersections, and the vicinity of gas stations, were monitored during the rush hours in the afternoon once a week over a period of 1 year. Accordingly, benzene concentration levels were measured and predicted by inverse distance weight model. The recorded benzene concentration levels were then compared with those reported in other parts of the world. According to the results, the annual concentration levels of benzene was 13.85 ppb for roads with heavy traffic flow, 14.98 ppb for traffic intersections, 29.01 ppb for the vicinity of the gas stations, 3.26 ppb for residential areas, and 9.97 ppb for roadsides. The concentration of benzene in the vicinity of the gas station sampling point was higher than in the other stations, and at all locations was found to be so much more than the standard concentration levels (1.56 ppb) prescribed by Environmental Protection Agency for the ambient air quality. The results of the study revealed that the benzene concentration levels in Tehran are distinctly more than its standard level. This is mainly attributed to the poor quality of fuel and lack of a standard system for controlling petrol vapors in the gas stations.  相似文献   

Groundwater is the main source of water in arid and semi-arid regions, so it is very important to recognize vulnerable parts of aquifer under future climate change conditions. In this research, 16 climate models were evaluated based on weighting approach. HADCM3 and CGCM2.3.2a models were selected for temperature and precipitation prediction, respectively. LARS-WG was used for downscaling AOGCMs outputs. Results show that temperature increase by 1.4 °C and precipitation changes between +10 and ?6 % under B1 and A2 emission scenario, respectively. Runoff volumes will decrease by ?39 % under A2 emission scenario whereas runoff volume will increase by +12 % under B1 emission scenario. Simulation of groundwater head variation by MODFLOW software indicates higher groundwater depletion rate under A2 scenario compared to B1 scenario. Groundwater model outputs indicate that the most vulnerable part of the aquifer is located in the southwest region. Large number of extraction wells and low aquifer transmissivity are the reasons for high vulnerability of the region.  相似文献   

Human development has degraded Chesapeake Bay's health, resulting in an increase in the extent and severity of hypoxia (≤2 mg O2 l-1). The Bay's hypoxic zones have an adverse effect on both community structure and secondary production of macrobenthos. From 1996 to 2004, the effect of hypoxia on macrobenthic production was assessed in Chesapeake Bay and its three main tributaries (Potomac, Rappahannock, and York Rivers). Each year, in the summer (late July???early September), 25 random samples of the benthic macrofauna were collected from each system, and macrobenthic production in the polyhaline and mesohaline regions was estimated using Edgar's allometric equation. Fluctuations in macrobenthic production were significantly correlated with dissolved oxygen. Macrobenthic production was 90 % lower during hypoxia relative to normoxia. As a result, there was a biomass loss of ~7,320–13,200 metric tons C over an area of 7,720 km2, which is estimated to equate to a 20 % to 35 % displacement of the Bay's macrobenthic productivity during the summer. While higher consumers may benefit from easy access to stressed prey in some areas, the large spatial and temporal extent of seasonal hypoxia limits higher trophic level transfer, via the inhibition of macrobenthic production. Such a massive loss of macrobenthic production would be detrimental to the overall health of the Bay, as it comes at a time when epibenthic and demersal predators have high-energy demands.  相似文献   

Low birth weight (LBW), defined as a live birth weighing <2,500 g, is a significant public health problem in the United States, especially a few states including Georgia. Although much work has been done to study the epidemiology of LBW in various regions, the spatial–temporal patterns of LBW prevalence in Georgia remain unclear to a large degree. This paper investigates the temporal trend of LBW rates over a time span of 11 years and the spatial clusters of LBW prevalence in the state of Georgia at the county level. Comparison is also made between race and gender groups, and between county groups of different socioeconomic statuses to uncover disparities. Results showed a steady and prevalent increase of LBW rate in the state over the study period. Three counties and two county clusters with significantly higher LBW rates than the state rate were detected for 1999–2001, while one more county and two more county clusters of high LBW rates were detected for 2007–2009. More urbanized counties were found to have a relatively lower LBW rate when compared with the less urbanized ones as groups. The findings from this paper are expected to provide valuable insights to better understanding the etiology of LBW and more effective allocating prenatal health care resources in the future.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and geoaccumulation indices of four heavy metals were investigated in very shallow marine sediments of southwestern Spain. Surface sediments were collected from 43 sites with water depth ranging from 3 to 20 m. High to very high pollution levels (I geo > 4 for zinc, lead and copper) were detected near the end of the Huelva bank, whereas chromium shows a more hazardous distribution in the southwestern Spanish littoral. Low to moderate heavy metal contents (mainly zinc and lead) were also observed in other two areas at different water depths (Isla Cristina-Piedras River: 10–18 m water depth; Mazagón–Matalascañas: <10 m water depth), whereas unpolluted to moderately polluted sediments were detected in the very shallow zones (<8 m water depth) located between the mouths of the Guadiana and the Piedras Rivers. A regional scenario indicates a strong pollution of the adjacent marine areas by polluted inputs derived from the Tinto–Odiel rivers, with a partial transport of heavy metals by W–E littoral currents even 40 km eastward. The Guadiana River is an additional source of zinc–lead contamination near the Spanish–Portuguese border, mainly at water depths up to 10 m. All these rivers are affected by acid mine drainage processes, derived from millennial mining activities. This pollution affects the sediment quality even 40 km eastward.  相似文献   

Flood risk is expected to increase in many regions of the world in the next decades with rising flood losses as a consequence. First and foremost, it can be attributed to the expansion of settlement and industrial areas into flood plains and the resulting accumulation of assets. For a future-oriented and a more robust flood risk management, it is therefore of importance not only to estimate potential impacts of climate change on the flood hazard, but also to analyze the spatio-temporal dynamics of flood exposure due to land use changes. In this study, carried out in the Alpine Lech Valley in Tyrol (Austria), various land use scenarios until 2030 were developed by means of a spatially explicit land use model, national spatial planning scenarios and current spatial policies. The combination of the simulated land use patterns with different inundation scenarios enabled us to derive statements about possible future changes in flood-exposed built-up areas. The results indicate that the potential assets at risk depend very much on the selected socioeconomic scenario. The important conditions affecting the potential assets at risk that differ between the scenarios are the demand for new built-up areas as well as on the types of conversions allowed to provide the necessary areas at certain locations. The range of potential changes in flood-exposed residential areas varies from no further change in the most moderate scenario ‘Overall Risk’ to 119 % increase in the most extreme scenario ‘Overall Growth’ (under current spatial policy) and 159 % increase when disregarding current building restrictions.  相似文献   

Soil moisture variability and the depth of water stored in the arable layer of the soil are important topics in agricultural research and rangeland management. In this study, we use the distributed rainfall-runoff (DR2) model to perform a detailed mapping of topsoil moisture status (SMS) in a mountain Mediterranean catchment. This model, previously tested in the same study area against the Palmer Z-index, is run at monthly scale for the current scenario of land uses and under three scenarios that combine the land abandonment and the application of the new common agricultural policy (CAP) of the European Union. Under the current conditions, runoff yield is scarce and presents a high spatial variability when monthly rainfall intensity and depth are low, and infiltration processes mainly lead to water storage in the soil. When rainfall intensity is high, runoff accumulation along the hillslopes controls the depth of available water in the soil, and SMS is more homogeneous. On average, scrublands and pasture have the wettest values, crops of winter cereal and abandoned fields have intermediate conditions, and areas of bare soil and forest have the driest conditions all the year around. The abandonment and no revegetation of the low productive fields located in steep areas and the collapse of their landscape linear elements (LLEs) produce not only an increase of 2.3 % of the overall SMS in the catchment in comparison with the current scenario but also an increment of the effective runoff that cross the cultivated areas of the lowlands and the runoff depth that reach the wetlands, increasing the soil erosion risk and compromising the conservation of the lakes. When the new green areas of the CAP are installed in the upper part of the fields of the lowlands and around the lakes, the runoff depth and thus siltation risk clearly decreases but also SMS decreases 1.7 and 1.1 % considering the current land uses and adding revegetation practices in the abandoned fields, respectively. Hence, a management scenario where: (1) abandoned fields are covered with a dense cover of shrubs, (2) the LLEs are preserved, (3) the green areas of the PAC are created, and (4) runoff harvesting practices are applied to partially compensate the water deficit, will help to preserve the humidity of the soil and will be of interest to keep the agricultural land use around the protected lakes of the study area.  相似文献   

A relationship between globalization, cities and immigration is increasingly apparent. Whether one is trying to understand Dubai, Toronto, or London, immigrants are culturally, economically, and spatially changing cities in significant ways. This study compares the roster of world cities with that of major urban immigrant destinations. The number of major urban immigrant destinations is growing due to the acceleration of immigration driven by income differentials, social networks and various state and local policies to recruit skilled and unskilled labor and replenish population. This study will present urban-level data on the foreign-born for 145 metropolitan areas of over 1 million people. It will focus on the world’s 19 metropolitan areas with over 1 million foreign-born residents. Analysis of the data suggests that there is a range of destination types. Although not all world cities are immigrant gateways, many are.  相似文献   


Northern Algeria has experienced many destructive earthquakes throughout its history. The largest recent events occurred in El Asnam on October 10, 1980 (moment magnitude; Mw = 7.3), in Constantine on October 27, 1985 (surface-wave magnitude; Ms = 6.0), and in Zemmouri–Boumerdes on May 21, 2003 (Mw = 6.8). Because of the high population density and industrialization in these regions, the earthquakes had disastrous consequences and hence highlighted the vulnerability of Algeria to seismic events. To reduce seismic risk in Constantine, the capital city of East Algeria, we present a seismic risk scenario for this city, focusing on the vulnerability of the key historic areas of Coudia, Bellevue–Ciloc, and the Old City. This scenario allows us to assess the maximum ground acceleration using empirical attenuation laws, based on the following considerations: (a) the 1985 Constantine seismic event as an earthquake reference; (b) site effects related to regional geology; (c) damage to buildings, and (d) seismic vulnerability. This study shows the map of peak ground acceleration taking into account the effects of site lithology (Avib). We observe the strongest vibrations along the two rivers “Boumerzoug and Rhumel” and also, we note that the EC8 gives a good estimate acceleration in the image of the three studied areas (Bellevue–Ciloc, Coudia, and Old Town). By correlating with the geology, we observe an acceleration of 0.13 g in the neritic limestone of the rock (Old Town) something that fits with the value obtained 0.14 g (PGA) without taking into consideration the lithology. Moreover, according to the Algerian Earthquake Engineering Code (2003) (RPA), the Wilaya of Constantine is classified in the zone IIa (medium seismicity) with an acceleration data of 0.25 g. This study integrates geographic information system (GIS) data into risk models.


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