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工程爆破施工过程中如何控制其对周围建筑物、正在施工项目和处于养护龄期内的混凝土结构的影响一直是爆破施工中的实际问题,直接关系爆破施工的单响药量和施工进度。隧道爆破掘进施工中为了追求施工进度,往往在爆破方案中使用较大的单响装药量,从而忽略了大药量爆破产生的冲击波效应对隧道岩壁、已有结构的破坏,本文简单介绍了施工前或施工中,进行质点振动速度监测的实际应用。  相似文献   

运用爆破振动测试与混凝土声波检测相结合的方法,对汤渡河水库大坝混凝土拆除爆破进行了有效的控制,在保证大坝安全的前提下,大大加快了施工进度,是一种行之有效的方法,对同类工程有较大的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

In order to smooth ore production during the transition from open pit to underground mining at Yanqianshan Iron Mine, China, it is necessary to select an appropriate mining method to operate simultaneously open-pit mining and underground mining for inner-slope (hanging-wall) ore-body. Based on practical geologic setting of the hanging-wall ore-body, a comprehensive evaluation model for selecting the underground mining method to extract handing-wall ore-body was proposed, which is constituted by 3 sub-systems of safety factors, production factors and technical–economic factors. This evaluation model could be analyzed by the mutation progression method, which based on catastrophe theory and fuzzy mathematics. In addition, the FLAC3D is employed to simulate the mining process of hanging-wall ore-body, and finally the optimal mining scheme is determined. By using mutation progression analysis and numerical modeling, some useful conclusions for hanging-wall ore-body mining have been drawn, which will be beneficial to mining safety during transitional period from open-pit to underground mining.  相似文献   

针对河北某铁矿投产初期巷道掘进爆破效果差、效率低的问题,重点从炮孔间距和布置上对爆破参数进行了优化。生产实践证明,优化后的掘进爆破参数达到了提高巷道掘进效率、降低爆破成本的目的。优化后的爆破参数已在该矿实际生产中推广应用,为今后掘进爆破参数进一步优化积累了经验。  相似文献   

青海热水煤矿多年冻土区列车引起的地面振动检测与模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对热水煤矿铁路多年冻土地段的地面振动情况进行了现场实测,得到了列车经过时多年冻土地表振动加速度的衰减情况,在此基础上对列车运行时所引起振动在冻土区地面振动问题建立了数值分析模型.数值分析得到的结果与现场实测吻合较好,为研究多年冻土振动问题提供了分析方法.  相似文献   

叶里克一带位于慕士塔格–阿克赛钦Fe-Cu-Au-Pb-Zn-白云母-宝玉石成矿带及新疆西昆仑塔什库尔干铁矿勘查区中部,成矿地质条件优越.中国国土资源航遥中心在赞坎-苏巴什一带完成1∶5万航磁勘查,于叶里克一带圈出10个1∶5万和1个1∶100万航磁异常,结合1∶1万地面高精度磁法及1∶1万磁法剖面测量,发现4处铁矿床,表明该区航磁异常和地面磁异常由磁铁矿体引起.采用航磁大面积选区,地面磁法进行验证,在叶里克一带找铁矿效果显著.  相似文献   

陈昌富  朱朝银 《探矿工程》1999,(5):22-23,18
新疆雅苏露天铁矿东采下盘边坡坡体出现张拉裂缝,在分析边坡稳定性及其破坏模式的基础上,阐述了露天采场皮受爆破震动影响时的预应力锚杆加固治理设计原理和方法,同时介绍了锚固施工技术和工艺。  相似文献   

Vibrations due to production blasting can induce damage to the rock mass at large distances by altering larger geological structures, fault areas or other structures, where the orientation with respect to the mine geometry is unfavorable and can cause displacement of large rock volumes. Past occurrences of this nature in Escondida Mine placed geomechanical safety restrictions as to maximum allowable blast size in the northeast area of the mine. These restrictions limited the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations seriously limiting daily production. This is what prompted this study to attempt to increase shot size while reducing stability problems. This would permit keeping stable the slope over which the ore extraction belts are located, as well as the main access ramp to the mine. Using a rigorous and systematic instrumentation and monitoring effort of blasting vibrations at multiple locations with respect to an unstable location allowed the development of a database to establish acceptable vibrations limits. A parallel effort was the development and gauging of a mechanistic model for the prediction and simulation of blasting vibrations. Excellent results were obtained from a comparison between the measured and predicted results. This allowed the use of the gauged model to verify the practicality of increasing the shot size in the restricted blasting zones, without exceeding safe vibration limits. The practical success achieved using this research approach resulted in increased blasting size, with a consequent increase of blasted material per shot, and contributed to more flexible mining operations.  相似文献   

在抽水蓄能电站上水库盆的岩体开挖过程中,通常采用工程爆破的技术手段。爆破施工中要尽可能减小爆破震动对上水库盆的影响,控制岩体松动破坏的范围,为下一步防渗工程的实施奠定基础。如何在提高工程施工效率的同时严格控制爆破震动对岩体产生影响,需要通过各种监测手段和技术方法来监测、分析和评价爆破施工对岩体的影响范围,然后来指导爆破施工。本文通过具体工程案例,介绍了施工前或施工后通过声波测试的实际应用,来评价爆破震动对周围岩体的影响,并圈定具体影响范围。  相似文献   

赵连奎 《江苏地质》1996,20(2):123-125
我国每年铁矿石供应缺口较大,并在逐年扩大,认真抓好现有矿山,充分利用现有铁矿资源,减少缺口,已势在必行。文章结合冶口 铁矿实际,提出有关措施,继续对矿山优惠政策,并鼓励矿山充分利用资源,加强矿山技术改造,坚持采矿与找矿并重,努力提高矿石的开采回收率,减少损失率,降低  相似文献   

攀枝花兰尖铁矿兰营采场边坡泥化夹层的成因探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了攀枝花兰尖铁矿兰营采场边坡中泥化夹层的地质特征、矿物成份和化学成份。根据矿物成份对泥化夹层成因进行了分析,根据化学成份运用巴尔特岩石计算法分析了泥化夹层的成因,为兰营边坡稳定性分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

奥陶系灰岩构造、岩溶发育,对许多井田安全开采构成严重威胁。利用放水试验及数值模拟方法可以有效地查明该含水层主要水文地质特征。运用区域分解法的基本思想对某井田放水试验进行数值模拟。根据井田内的主要构造分布及性质,选择界面上通量一致的条件将原问题分解为各子域问题,各子域内采用有限单元法求解。模拟结果显示区域分解算法可以有效的应用于矿区含水层地下水运动的数值模拟。  相似文献   

郑思光  赵志杰  王克佳  刘墨  王蒙 《探矿工程》2011,38(7):36-39,46
总结了滦县司家营(南区)铁矿大贾庄矿段复杂地层深孔钻探施工技术经验,着重分析了厚覆盖层和破碎漏失、坚硬"打滑"地层的钻进方法,同时介绍了保证复杂地层岩心采取率及控制钻孔弯曲超差偏离勘探线的技术措施。通过大贾庄矿段深部钻探施工,提出了千米以深钻孔复杂地层的钻探施工技术措施和保证钻探施工质量应注意的事项及措施。  相似文献   

冯玉国 《探矿工程》2006,33(3):31-32,40
针对马鞍山钢铁矿业有限责任公司姑山铁矿疏干巷道水量大的实际情况,提出用注浆法截水的可行方案。经施工验证,达到预期的目的。介绍了截水方案设计、施工工艺及截水效果。  相似文献   

湖南道县一个矿区,铁锰矿体储量约2200万t。由于复杂的水文地质和工程地质条件,从20世纪70年代发现后,一直没有开采。笔者通过多年大直径工程井的实践经验,查阅国内外资料后,提出了钻井-气举反循环法试开采的方法,并在现场进行了单孔开采试验,获得了比较满意的效果。以该矿体Ⅱ号矿为例,介绍了钻井-气举反循环法采矿的适用条件、工艺过程以及试采情况,并就以后大面积开采提出了若干技术措施。  相似文献   

左文喆  任永强  杨豹  刘帅洲 《地球科学》2020,45(4):1427-1438
为了解沉积变质型铁矿床开采后矿区地下水化学特征的变化趋势,在充分掌握矿区含水系统划分和流动系统发育规律的基础上,通过对四含上、四含下、基岩含水层148个水样常规离子的相关性、水化学类型及公因子的分析,得出水化学类型分区和公因子得分等值线,将二者叠加,分析各含水层潜在的形成作用及其控制因素.研究结果表明,四含上以碳酸盐溶滤、污染、氧化作用为主;四含下以污染、溶滤、局部脱硫酸作用为主;基岩含水层以离子交换吸附、第四系水的混合、硅酸盐矿物的不全等溶解作用为主.除了背景因素外,矿山开采后的三维流场控制了基岩含水层的形成作用和原生水化学类型,影响了第四系含水层的局部形成作用,水化学类型分区界线明显移动.   相似文献   

El Teniente Mine has developed the method of panel caving as an innovative pre-conditioning caving alternative for traditional mining of sectors located in primary rock. In applying this method, caving speed and area incorporation are the most relevant parameters to establish a desired production level in a specified sector. This is the context in which continuous improvements to several design alternatives have been developed and applied to optimize mine caving. Mine caving, by drilling and blasting, results in a narrow base cut of ore columns not larger than the height of the caving galleries, which usually measure 3.6 m. These confined blasting operations require drilling parallel blastholes that extend from the floor to the roof of the caving gallery. Panel caving aims at mitigating subvertical field stress transmission to the lower levels of the caving gallery. This improves the stability and helps maintain the advancement of the caved zone at the caving level, with respect to the development, preparation and ore mining activities in the production level. This paper analyzes and evaluates different panel caving alternatives. The result is the identification of the most adequate panel caving alternative for conditions in the Esmeralda Mine given safety, technical, operational and economic considerations.  相似文献   

大冶铁矿大采空区动力稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对大冶铁矿尖林山1~#矿体大采空区(顶板水平暴露面积6434平方米,高45米)的特点,进行地质调查、振动测量、岩石力学试验、三维空间边界元分析及光弹性试验、动力模型试验。各项资料经综合研究后得出的结论是:该采空区基木稳定,在监测和限制爆破作业条件下,可以不放顶进行强采。现大冶铁矿尖林山1~#矿体已全部安全强采完毕,采终后大采空区空间尺寸为:长200米、宽78米、高73米,顶板水平最大暴露面积达9850平方米,该大采空区仍基本稳定。实践证明,本研究所作出的结论是正确的,它已取得显著的经济效益,它是岩石动力学应用于工程的一个典例,对于类似矿山的大采空区稳定性评价有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

In view of the characteristics of the large goaf of jianlin hill, Daye iron mine (with horizontal exposed area of the roof being 6434m2 , and the height being 45m) , are conducted the geological investigation, vibration measurement, geomechanical tests, 3-dimensional BEM analysis, photoelastical tests and dynamics model tests. The comprehensive studies gave the conclusion that the goaf is basically stable and can undergo mining under the condition of monitoring and restriction of blasting jobs. At the present the mining in No.1 ore body has been finished and the large goaf still remains basically stable with it length of 200m, width of 78m and height of 73m, and the maximum horizontal exposed area of 9850m2. The conclusion proved to be correct and had led to an apparent economical affects. It is a typical example of the application of rock dynamics in the engineering and have significance for appraisal of the stability of the large goaf in similar mines.  相似文献   

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