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This paper presents a methodology to deaggregate the results of a multi-hazard damage analysis by extending the traditional multi-hazard damage analysis to consider both population characteristics and independent hazards. The methodology is applied to the joint seismic-tsunami hazard at Seaside, Oregon, considering four infrastructure systems: (1) buildings, (2) transportation network, (3) electric power network and (4) water supply network. Damages to all infrastructure systems are evaluated, and the networked infrastructures are used to inform parcel connectivity to critical facilities. US Census data and a probabilistic housing unit allocation method are implemented to assign detailed household demographic characteristics at the parcel level. Six dimensions of deaggregation are introduced: (1) spatial, (2) hazard type, (3) hazard intensity, (4) infrastructure system, (5) infrastructure component, and (6) housing unit characteristics. The damages, economic losses and risks, and connectivity to critical facilities are deaggregated across these six dimensions. The results show that deaggregated economic loss and risk plots can allow community resilience planners the ability to isolate high-risk events, as well as provide insights into the underlying driving forces. Geospatial representation of the results allows for the identification of both vulnerable buildings and areas within a community and is highlighted by the spatial pattern of parcel disconnection from critical facilities. The incorporation of population characteristics provides an understanding of how hazards disproportionately impact population subgroups and can aide in equitable resilience planning.


区域煤炭开发战略是国家总体开发战略的基础和核心。我国煤炭资源依据开发制约的主要因素可划分为三种类型,即资源约束型、环境约束型、区位约束型。晋陕蒙(西)地区的煤炭资源具有三大特征和两大瓶颈,即煤炭资源优势、生态环境劣势、区位中势之特征。以及生态环境、运输能力之瓶颈。研究并总结了该区域煤炭资源开发所特有的规律,即:资源禀赋对开发规模的约束规律;矿井在开采过程中对岩层体、水体的影响,以及对生态环境和生存环境的影响规律;不同地质条件、不同自然地理环境下,开发对环境的影响规律;煤炭开发的资源、环境、经济、社会成本和收益规律。提出了坚持资源开发与环境保护双赢。近期与长期兼顾的总方针。充分利用本地区的丰富资源,提高资源的有效供给能力,保障国民经济对能源的需求。实现煤炭资源开发的经济效益、社会效益、生态效益、人的生存与发展效益相统一的总体战略目标:以及产能东稳西增、开发布局时空有序、生态缀块差异管理、生产规模化现代化、稀缺煤类保护等五项具体战略。  相似文献   

经济全球化下的区域经济空间结构演化研究评述   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
马丽  刘毅 《地球科学进展》2003,18(2):270-276
近50年以来,交通与通讯技术的迅猛发展使以往许多限制生产活动区位选择的本地化生产要素丧失了固有的垄断性,国际金融市场自由化降低了资本流通的障碍,标准化生产减少了对工人特殊技能的依赖,因此跨国公司可以在全球范围组织生产活动,但是技术创新和知识创新又极大地突出了地区企业集聚、地区创新环境的重要性。因此在经济全球化时期,生产活动的空间区位呈现出复杂的集聚或扩散趋势,区域经济空间结构表现为特殊的形式和规律。在最近20年的地理学研究中,出现了大量关于经济全球化时代区域空间结构的讨论。以跨国公司对生产活动空间区位的影响为主线,对近10年来国内外关于经济全球化时期区域空间结构研究的主要热点问题和观点予以综述。  相似文献   

张玉韩  张寿庭  赵玉 《地学前缘》2021,28(3):403-411
2020年消除绝对贫困后,巩固脱贫攻坚成果、缓解相对贫困问题成为未来扶贫开发的核心任务.我国相对贫困地区蕴藏着丰富的矿产资源,但由于自然本底脆弱、产业基础薄弱等原因,其资源优势并未得到有效转化.本研究在系统分析影响相对贫困地区矿产资源开发各项要素的基础上,构建了包括矿产资源储量、资本投入、生态环境重要指数、交通优势度、...  相似文献   

中国煤炭资源具有天然的区域分异性,我国经济发展亦存在着地域上的不平衡,西煤东运、北煤南运,便是煤炭资源区域分异现象与经济区域分异性相悖之体现。两横:即天山-阴山线、昆仑-秦岭-大别山线;两纵:即大兴安岭-尺行山-雪峰山线、贺兰山-龙门山线。四条界线构成一个“井”字形,将国土分划为九个区域,此分布格局清晰的显示了各区域内煤炭资源之优劣,鲜明的表征了各区之经济、水资源、气侯、地质灾害、生态环境等强势及弱势特征。且“井”字之中心,又恰是中国煤炭资源分布和开发建设之重心。中国煤炭资源的“井”字型分布格局,是对煤炭资源地质的、地理的、社会经济的区域分异现象,进行综合考量后所得出之新认识。  相似文献   

廊坊市南部地区水资源优化配置研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵传青  张芳  徐鹤  易立新 《地下水》2008,30(6):61-64
针对廊坊市的水资源概况,对廊坊市南部地区水资源建立面向可持续发展的区域水资源优化配置模型。综合考虑地表水、地下水、处理后可回用水、外调水等水资源,同时充分考虑社会、经济、环境三个方面效益,运用多目标优化规划方法,确定不同用户的用水效益系数,调用Matlab优化工具箱中的fgoalattain函数对多目标进行求解。从而获得社会、经济、环境协调发展的最佳综合效益,为缓解廊坊市南部地区用水供需矛盾和环境规划提供依据。  相似文献   

蒸发是地表水量平衡和能量平衡联结的纽带, 研究长江流域蒸发的变化趋势对于区域水文循环变化、水资源管理至关重要。利用PenPan模型分析了1960—2019年长江流域蒸发皿蒸发量的时空演变规律及其驱动机制, 并基于最新发展的广义蒸发互补关系探究了长江流域实际蒸散发的演变特征。结果表明: ①长江流域的蒸发皿蒸发和实际蒸散发在1990年前后均存在先下降后增加的趋势。风速和辐射下降是1990年以前蒸发皿蒸发下降的主导因子, 气温升高和相对湿度下降是1990年后蒸发皿蒸发上升的主导因子。②长江流域两大主要气候区(高原气候和亚热带气候区)蒸发皿蒸发在1990年前后也存在趋势反转现象, 但时空变化特征和驱动机制差异明显。1960—1989年, 高原气候区气温和辐射是蒸发皿蒸发变化的主导因子; 亚热带气候区风速和辐射是蒸发皿蒸发下降趋势的主导因子。③ 1990—2019年, 高原气候区气温升高、风速增加和相对湿度减少是蒸发皿蒸发上升趋势的主导因素; 亚热带气候区气温升高和相对湿度降低是蒸发皿蒸发增加的主要原因。研究结果可为长江流域水循环变化和水资源配置等研究提供参考。  相似文献   

马来西亚拥有丰富的矿产资源,其找矿勘查与矿业开发投资历史悠久,矿业环境较为成熟。随着二十一世纪海上丝绸之路倡议的提出,该国的地理位置和基础设施优势不断凸显。本文对马来西亚的优势矿产资源地质特征和成矿规律进行了总结,介绍了马来西亚的成矿环境、典型矿床特征和成矿作用,并对找矿潜力进行了讨论,旨在加强对该国的矿产资源现状的认识,为我国“一带一路”倡议的推广提供参考。  相似文献   

Metamorphic processes are closely associated with the formation and evolution of the crust and highly related to petrogenesis and mineralization processes. Dynamic systematic analysis indicates that regional metamorphism-migmatization-metamorphic anatexis process is a temperature-pressure progressive process. Metamorphic anatexis process is a critical part with its unique pressure/temperature and thermodynamic, dynamic and geochemical characteristics. The concept of metamorphic anatexis system (MAS) introduced by the author includes the essential factors of material resources, energy resources, process format, material transportation and concentration, occurring time and location. Based on the essential factors of MAS, metamorphic anatexis process-related granitic rocks and deposit cases are discussed on their petrogenesis and/or mineralizaion mechanisms. The discussion points out that granites in the Ailaoshan and Yunkai metamorphic zones are of metamorphic anatexis origin. The genesis of pegmatite ore deposits in metamorphic zones and shear zone gold deposits in shear zones are highly related to metamorphic anatexis process. The study of metamorphism process involved in ore formation and material transport is a hot subject concerned by the international geological circles. Thorough investigations into the relationships between metamorphic anatexis and petrogenesis-meneralization processes are of great importance not only in geological theory, but also in industrial practice.  相似文献   

文登市地热温泉资源丰富,且开发历史悠久。为更好地保护开发地热资源,文登市国土资源局确立了"有效节约和保护矿产资源,加强地热资源开发利用管理,打造中国温泉之都,构建资源节约型、环境友好型社会"的指导思想。在充分考虑区域温泉地质条件、资源勘查程度、温泉水质量及其开发利用现状的基础上,结合规划区内各地段产业结构特点、地理条件、经济发展水平及未来产业结构调整方向,按照走集约化开发、规模化发展的总体思路,全面整顿和规范文登地热资源开发秩序。通过强化温泉资源开发审批、建立勘查开发利用投入机制、加强温泉资源的勘查与保护工作和加大查处力度等措施,全面提升了地热资源开发利用水平。  相似文献   

鄂西北山区是国内滑坡地质灾害多发地区,而且目前在鄂西北山区的交通、水电、能源、资源等基础设施建设的力度很大,由此造成及将来可能诱发大量的工程开挖型和水库蓄水型滑坡。因此,尽快建立该地区边(滑)坡的综合分类体系是进一步研究该地区边(滑)坡的发育规律、破坏模式、成灾机制、时空预测及相应防治对策等的基础性工作,为今后深入研究该地区边(滑)坡问题提供基础性成果资料。文中讨论了建立该地区边(滑)坡综合分类体系的基本原则,明确了构建该地区边(滑)坡综合分类体系的3个最主要的特征;提出了该地区边(滑)坡多层次综合分类体系框图;对该地区边(滑)坡主要典型类别划分进行了深入的分析探讨,初步划分出19类典型边坡。并列举了几个典型类别边(滑)坡的工程实例,初步分析了其变形破坏模式和机制,提出了相应的分析计算方法和处治对策建议  相似文献   

This paper argues that the process of establishing claims and control over resources, referred to as resource partitioning, structures frontier societies in ways which impede subsequent efforts at rural development. Conflicts over claims to resources create divisions among local elites which prevent the formation of coalitions to promote development. Struggles for control over the flow of resources out of a region cause regional development agencies to pursue transportation policies which retard development by isolating the region from all but one commercial center. A case study of resource partitioning and rural development efforts in the Ecuadorian Amazon illustrates the argument.  相似文献   

郝爱荣  王同兵  王辉 《地下水》2003,25(1):41-41,43
根据高青县城区的供水实际情况,分析开辟县城第三供水水源,实施水库连网的必要性。依据大芦湖水库的地理位置、水量及水质特点,把大芦湖水库作为高青县城理想的第三供水水源,技术可行,经济合理,从而解决城区供水矛盾。  相似文献   

内蒙古呼伦贝尔市阿尔善地区位于兴安岭成矿带西伯利亚板块南缘东乌旗早华力西褶皱带(Ⅱ2)内。区内矿产资源丰富,主要有铁、铅、锌、银、铜、金、钼多金属等重要矿产的资源。本次1:5万土壤地球化学测量以取得显著的地球化学普查信息为基础、以勘查地球化学理论、区域成矿理论和遥感地质理论并结合已有物化探成果为指导,在综合分析研究调查...  相似文献   

矿床模型综合地质信息预测技术研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
随着中国国民经济持续快速发展,中国对矿产资源的需求呈现了快速增长的趋势,资源短缺已经成为制约中国经济又好又快发展的主要瓶颈之一。为了解决矿产资源短缺问题,对陆地近地表未查明矿产资源潜力的区位、数量和质量的评价工作已经成为当前十分迫切的任务。文章对矿床模型综合地质信息预测技术体系进行了详细、系统的介绍。该体系以地球动力学、成矿动力学和成矿系列理论为指导,深入开展区域地质构造研究,最大限度地分析地质构造的成矿信息,以各级成矿区带为单元,划分主要矿产的矿床预测类型,建立矿床模型,总结区域成矿系列。全面利用物探、化探、遥感等资料所显示的地质找矿信息,运用体现地质成矿规律内涵的预测技术,全面、全过程应用空间数据库及GIS技术,在圈定成矿预测区的基础上估计潜在资源量。  相似文献   

尹泽生 《地质论评》2007,53(B08):160-164
地文旅游资源本质上是一种地学类旅游资源,它在自然旅游资源中占有重要位置,地文旅游资源的认定对区域旅游开发意义重大。地文旅游资源类型的划分,资源调查程序和方法的建立,均与地貌学、地质学、自然地理学有着密切的关系。本文从地貌学的角度对这一关联展开的一些讨论,有益于更好地理解地文旅游资源存在的学科基础。主要内容涉及地文的性质及其与地貌学的关系、地文旅游资源类型划分的地貌学基础、地文旅游资源认定的地貌学方法。  相似文献   

This paper explores spatial changes to knowledge transfer by Canadian and American corporate networks from 1976 to 1996. Results support facets of a World Cities approach for Canada. Toronto lies at the top of the hierarchy, while Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver fall into a third tier of specialized regional cities. The American knowledge network also possesses facets of the world cities approach. The world city, New York, lies at the top of the hierarchy. Further down, Chicago is a specialized national city, while a number of regional centers have emerged to play a larger role over the twenty-year study period. A third tier of cities has emerged to play the critical role of specialized regional cities. This geographical phenomenon can be explained in terms of industry, headquarters locations, and network maturity. Finance, insurance and real estate, as well as “other manufacturing” are three sectors of the economy that are prominent in the network. In Canada, these sectors have increasingly centralized in Toronto while decentralizing in the United States. Similarly, the headquarters location of American firms is decentralizing from New York and Chicago, while Canadian headquarters continue to be centralized in Toronto. Finally, results indicate that the potential for knowledge transfer depends upon maturity of the system under investigation. The mature US network with a large pool of qualified business individuals is better suited for knowledge transfer at the regional level. The Canadian network is less developed and not appropriate for regional systems of knowledge transfer. The result is a Canadian corporate knowledge threshold that encompasses the entire country while a number of much smaller corporate knowledge thresholds appear across the United States.  相似文献   

流域水资源合理配置的研究进展与发展方向   总被引:80,自引:0,他引:80       下载免费PDF全文
水资源合理配置是实现水资源可持续利用的有效调控措施之一。将现状的水资源合理配置研究划分为广义和狭义两类,进而从内在机制、实践进程和评价三方面系统综述了狭义流域水资源合理配置研究进展。指出目前中国在流域水资源配置过程中存在若干问题,主要表现为缺乏有效的初始水权分配机制、缺乏有机的补偿和机理机制、缺乏广泛的社会参与机制和缺乏系统的后效评价体系,致使现状水资源配置难以实现真正意义上的合理。为解决上述配置实践中存在的相关问题,今后我国水资源配置研究的重点主要集中在建立符合现代流域水循环过程的"天然 人工"二元认知模式,建立以水循环为基础的水资源合理配置模式、建立具有统一基础的水资源配置准则和建立水资源配置合理性评价标准和体系等。  相似文献   

In liner shipping, the objective of a shipping company is to gain profits with a certain number of dispatched vessels and shipping costs depending on the shipping line conditions and market trends. In view of the current need to address global warming and reduce carbon emissions, the issue of greenhouse gases produced by shipping line operations should be considered in addition to profits. This study applied centralized decision making involving centralized data envelopment analysis for optimal resource allocation for each shipping line in order to achieve optimal output and undesirable output levels with reallocation of resources while using currently available resources. In the empirical analysis, this study sought to verify the resource allocation model for the intra-Asia lines of a Taiwanese shipping company by using the network centralized data envelopment analysis. The results showed that the proposed model provides shipping line operators with information on the amounts by which they should reduce undesirable outputs (carbon emissions), increase line revenue and revenue TEU-nautical mile, and reallocate resources. As such, the model can serve as a guide for resource allocation in shipping lines.  相似文献   

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