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Organic matter contained in particulate matter in Lake Michigan waters and sediments has been characterized by CN ratios and by distributions of biomarker fatty acids, alkanols, sterols, and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Differences in organic constituents of particulate matter from various depths and distances from shore indicate a complex interaction of production, transformation, and destruction of the organic matter contained in sinking particles. Near-surface material contains important contributions of landderived organic matter, presumably of eolian input. Midwater particles have predominantly aquatic organic material of algal origin. At the sediment-water interface, selective suspension of the finer fractions of surficial sediments enriches bottom nepheloid layers with these sediment size classes. As a result, near-bottom particulate matter has an aquatic biomarker character. Organic matter associated with sinking particles undergoes substantial degradation during passage to the bottom of Lake Michigan, and aquatic components are selectively destroyed relative to terrigenous components.  相似文献   

The Landscape Reconstruction Algorithm (LRA) overcomes some of the fundamental problems in pollen analysis for quantitative reconstruction of vegetation. LRA first uses the REVEALS model to estimate regional vegetation using pollen data from large sites and then the LOVE model to estimate vegetation composition within the relevant source area of pollen (RSAP) at small sites by subtracting the background pollen estimated from the regional vegetation composition. This study tests LRA using training data from forest hollows in northern Michigan (35 sites) and northwestern Wisconsin (43 sites). In northern Michigan, surface pollen from 152-ha and 332-ha lakes is used for REVEALS. Because of the lack of pollen data from large lakes in northwestern Wisconsin, we use pollen from 21 hollows randomly selected from the 43 sites for REVEALS. RSAP indirectly estimated by LRA is comparable to the expected value in each region. A regression analysis and permutation test validate that the LRA-based vegetation reconstruction is significantly more accurate than pollen percentages alone in both regions. Even though the site selection in northwestern Wisconsin is not ideal, the results are robust. The LRA is a significant step forward in quantitative reconstruction of vegetation.  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of 210Pb and 137Cs radioactivity measurements to determine the rates of sedimentation in the Great Lakes. Cores from eight locations in Lake Michigan were chosen for examination to cover as wide as possible a range of sedimentation rates and representative sedimentary environments. The surficial 210Pb activity in the sediments varies between 7 and 23 pCi/g dry wt and its profile in each core shows the expected exponential decrease with depth consistent with the assumption of uniform sedimentation rate over the last hundred years and secular equilibrium between supported 210Pb and 226Ra (0.5-1.0 pCi/g dry wt). Companion measurements of 137Cs indicate that the coring technique satisfactorily recovered the uppermost levels of the deposit and that the mobility of both radionuclides within the sediment is probably small.Based on the limited number of cores analyzed to date, it appears that modern sedimentation rates are not very different from average rates for the last 7000 yr. The excess 210Pb appears to originate primarily from atmospheric fallout, but a further inventory of the 210Pb distribution over the lake bottom must be made to properly assess the significance of other sources. The spatial distributions of both 137Cs and 210Pb at certain stations suggest that the mode of transport of these radionuclides are comparable and involve attachment to settling particles. A mathematical model is developed which accounts for the observed limited mobility of both 210Pb and 137Cs in several of the cores in terms of post-depositional redistribution by physical or biological mixing processes.  相似文献   

Trends in global and United States fish catches were examined to determine the status of estuarine fisheries yields relative to those from other ecosystems. Potential marine fish production, based upon primary production relationships, was estimated globally and for specific marine ecosystems, including estuaries. While global fish catches increased substantially during the past two decades and continued to increase through 1989, catches of estuarine-dependent species have peaked or stabilized. In the United States, total catches have increased but many estuarine-dependent fisheries have declined, although the declines in catches are no more dramatic than those of heavily-fished continental shelf species. Overfishing probably is the primary cause of declines in estuarine and shelf fisheries. A few estuarine-dependent species of the United States have experienced substantial increases in harvests since 1970, for example, Pacific salmons, menhaden, and penaeid shrimps. The percentage contribution of major estuarine fisheries to the United States commercial catch declined between 1970 and 1990, although the yield of these species increased substantially. Global marine fisheries production at trophic level 2.5 was estimated to be 1,359 million tons. Potential yield was estimated to be 307 million tons, but the 1989 world marine catch was only 86.5 million tons. The major fraction, 196 million tons, of the estimated potential yeild was for the open ocean where technological constraints may prevent its full realization. Of the remaining 111 million tons of the potential, 18.0 million tons (16.2%) may come from estuaries and probably already is fully exploited. The potential catches from shelves, 68.5 million tons (61.6%), and upwelling areas, 24.8 million tons (22.2%), while considerably larger than those from estuaries, are lower in a relative sense (per unit area) than fisheries production and potential catch in estuarine zones. Relationships between fish production, fish harvest, and primary production were examined in specific estuaries. The developing role of aquaculture and its effect on estuarine fisheries are discussed.  相似文献   

Lower Keweenawan diabase dikes from Marquette-Baraga Counties, and middle Keweenawan Portage Lake Lavas from upper Michigan, can each be subdivided into two chemically distinct groups: a low TiO2-P2O5 group characterized by higher A12O3 content, higher Mg ratio, and lower total Fe and REE abundances than a high TiO2-P2O5 group. Both groups, which are indistinguishable in the field, are enriched in the LREE relative to the HREE, and have similar normalized REE abundance patterns.The systematic variation of the REE's within the subgroups is consistent with a model of fractional crystallization of the observed phenocryst phases, olivine and plagioclase. The unique TiO2/P2O5 content of the subgroups cannot be explained by magma mixing or fractionation from a single primary liquid. Thus, two mantle sources of differing depth and REE abundance are required to produce the TiO2-P2O5 subgroups which are intercalated in the lava pile. Similar chemical trends within the dikes have been interpreted to mean that the same magmatic processes must have been operative during their emplacement in the early opening stages of the Keweenawan rift in Michigan.  相似文献   

Rocks of the North American Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) in the Keweenaw Peninsula of northern Michigan display a change in structural trend from east to west, varying in strike from 100° in the east to 35° farther west, before returning to a more east–west trend of 80° near Wisconsin. In general, curvature can be described either as of primary origin, meaning that the arc developed in its present curved state, or as of secondary origin, when the arc formed from an initially straighter geometry. A powerful tool in evaluating the origin and degree of curvature in any deformed belt is paleomagnetism, where coincident change in declination and strike is evidence for secondary curvature. Several paleomagnetic studies have been completed on rift-related sedimentary rocks, as well as lava flows, from the MCR in the Lake Superior region. Paleomagnetic directions for the sedimentary rocks vary much more in declination than in inclination, possibly reflecting a vertical axis rotation. If secondary rotation has affected the sedimentary rocks, then underlying volcanic rocks should also demonstrate a similar rotation.Thirty-one sites were collected from the Portage Lake Volcanics in the most highly curved part of the Keweenaw Peninsula in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Sites were chosen to maximize the variation in structural trend. Thermal demagnetization results showed two components in samples from most sites, a lower temperature A component (< 580 °C) as well as a higher temperature B component (> 580 °C). Both components were tested for primary remanence using a conglomerate test. The A component, carried by magnetite, passes the conglomerate test at a 95% confidence level, and is therefore considered a primary remanence. The B component, carried by hematite, fails at the 95% level and is considered a secondary magnetization. Most importantly, declination of the primary (A) magnetization between sites shows no correlation with strike, demonstrating that vertical axis rotations cannot explain the curvature of the Mid-Continent Rift. We conclude that curvature in the Lake Superior Region is a primary feature, likely reflecting a pre-existing zone of weakness that was exploited during rifting.  相似文献   

Comparison of the relative abundance of fish species from different life-history groups and their temporal patterns of estuarine habitat use from two estuaries north and south of Cape Cod indicates that the Cape acts as a zoogeographic boundary. Between April 1988 and December 1989, monthly seine and trawl samples were collected from nearshore, shallow-water marsh, and beach and deeper open-water habitats in Wells Harbor, Maine, and Waquoit Bay, Massachusetts. Forty-eight species and 80,341 individuals were collected from Waquoit Bay compared to 24 species and 22,561 individuals from Wells Harbor. Waquoit Bay had proportionally fewer resident species and more marine, nursery, and occasional species than Wells Harbor. Annual density and biomass values were greater across all habitats in Waquoit Bay, with the summer values from the marsh habitat an order of magnitude higher than comparable summer data from the Wells habitats. We suggest that marsh and beach habitats provide a nursery area for young-of-the-year fishes, while deeper, open-water habitats serve as a corridor for fishes moving to nearshore habitats or serve as a refuge during low tide.  相似文献   

Microzooplankton dilution grazing experiments were conducted with water collected from Pensacola Bay, Florida (USA) on 12 dates at 2 sites. Statistically significant grazing rates were observed in 22 of 24 experiments. Grazing rates in Upper Bay and Lower Bay were similar averaging 0.54 and 0.51 d−1, respectively. Phytoplankton growth rates were also similar at the two sites, averaging 1.02 and 1.00 d−1 at Upper Bay and Lower Bay, respectively. Phytoplankton growth rates usually exceeded grazing rates by about a factor of two, though microzooplankton grazing represented a significant mortality for phytoplankton. The literature suggests a linkage between phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing that spans a wide variety of aquatic environments. While individual growth and grazing rates were variable, growth frequently exceeded grazing by about two-fold. This implies that the role of microzooplankton is similar across a wide variety of aquatic systems.  相似文献   

The high topographic relief and physiographic diversity of British Columbia make it a particularly difficult region in which to consider the potential of global environmental change to affect lake and stream habitats important for freshwater sportfish production. More importantly these provincial features intensify problems in predicting the magnitude and sometimes even the direction of such effects. Nevertheless a number of useful models are available to help predict these changes acting through alterations in stream discharge and periodicity, ice-free period, water temperature, epilimnial depth and volume, dissolved oxygen level and hypolomnetic depletion rate, all of which are major determinants of sportfish habitat quality and quantity. Not surprisingly there is great regional difference in the direction and severity of probable effects of global environmental change within the province — in some areas negative and in others positive. These are reviewed and suggestions made regarding management policies required to meet their challenge.  相似文献   

煤层中的河道泥石流相沉积及相关采煤生产措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在陆相含煤断陷盆地,煤层中的河道泥石流相沉积通常比较发育,并成为影响采煤生产的重要地质因素。以铁法盆地大兴井田为例,文章论述了煤层中的河道泥石流相沉积发育的地质背景,指出冲积扇前泥炭沼泽是这类河道泥石流的多发地段,冲积扇源洪水是形成煤层中河道泥石流相沉积的主要因素;从岩石学、几何形体等方面阐述了煤层中河道泥石流相沉积特征;并根据煤层中河道泥石流的平面分布规律,提出相关采煤生产方案以减小或避免这类泥石流相沉积对采煤生产的负面影响。  相似文献   

Rapid population increase and economic growth in eastern China has lead to the degradation of many water bodies in the region, such as Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake in China. Using data from recent investigations, the correlations between algae (measured as chlorophyll-a) and water quality indices in Lake Taihu were described by multivariate statistical analyses, and the key driving factors for the lake eutrophication were identified by principal component analysis. Results revealed strong spatiotemporal variation in the correlations between algae and water quality indices, suggesting that the limiting factor for the dominant algae growth depends on seasonality and location and it is necessary to reduce both nitrogen and phosphorus inputs for a long-term eutrophication control in this hyper-eutrophic system. Water temperature was another important controlling factor for algal growth in the lake. Using principal component analysis, nutrient contaminations from anthropogenic and natural inputs were identified as the key driving factor for the water quality problems of the lake. Moreover, five principal components were extracted and characterized with high spatial and seasonal variations in Lake Taihu. The key driving factors were believed to influence spatial variations including heavily polluted areas located in the northern and northwestern parts of the lake, where many manufacturing factories were built and wastewater from domestic and industrial plants was discharged. Based on this analysis, attention should be paid to effective land management, industrial wastewater treatment, and macrophytic vegetation restoration to reduce the pollutant loads and improve water quality. Principal component analysis was found to be a useful and effective method to reduce the number of analytical parameters without notably impairing the quality of information in this study.  相似文献   

Flume nets of various lengths and a 3-m seine were used to sample the fishes and macrocrustaceans using a flooded Louisiana salt marsh and the adjacent tidal creek. The experiment allowed for species-specific comparisons of the flooded marsh at the creek edge versus the interior. Of the 37,667 organisms collected in flume nets from January through November 1989, 89% were decapods (nine species) and 11% were fish (29 species). An additional 18,539 organisms (75% decapods and 25% fish) were collected from concurrent seine samples taken from July through November. Comparison of catches among different flume lengths and low tide versus high tide seine collections revealed distinct patterns of marsh habitat utilization. Densities of most organisms were highest within 3 m of the water’s edge, but significant numbers of marsh-resident fish species used the interior marshes. The edge marshes appeared to be used by both transient and resident species; however, the interior marshes were used primarily by marsh-resident species (Cyprinodontiformes andPalaemonetes sp.) that are excellent food sources for adult transient-species. Four zonations of marsh use are described for transients, residents, and rare species.  相似文献   

Garnet-sillimanite gneisses, locally known as khondalites, occur abundantly in the Chilka Lake granulite terrane belonging to the Eastern Ghats Proterozoic belt of India. Though their chemistry has been modified by partial melting, it is evident that the majority of these rocks are metapelitic, with some tending to be metapsammitic. Five petrographically distinct groups are present within the khondalites of which the most abundant group is characteristically low in Mg:Fe ratios — the main chemical discriminant separating the five groups. The variations in Mg:Fe ratios of the garnets, biotites, cordierites, orthopyroxenes and spinels from the metapelites are compatible with those in the bulk rocks. A suite of granitoids containing garnet, K-feldspar, plagioclase and quartz, commonly referred to as leptynites in Indian granulite terranes, are interlayered with khondalites on the scale of exposures; in a few spots, the intercalated layers are thin. The peraluminous character of the leptynites and presence of sillimanite trails within garnets in some of them suggest derivation of leptynites by partial melting of khondalites. Here we examine this connection in the light of results derived from dehydration melting experiments of micas in pelitic and psammitic rocks. The plots of leptynites of different chemical compositions in a (MgO + FeO)-Na2O-K2O projection match the composition of liquids derived by biotite and muscovite dehydration melting, when corrected for co-products of melting reactions constrained by mass balance and modal considerations. The melt components of the leptynites describe four clusters in the M-N-K diagram. One of them matches melts produced dominantly by muscovite dehydration melting, while three clusters correspond to melting of biotite. The relative disposition of the clusters suggests two trends, which can be correlated with different paths that pelitic and psammitic protoliths are expected to generate during dehydration melting. Thus the leptynites evidently represent granitoids which were produced by dehydration melting in metapelites of different compositions. The contents of Ti, Y, Nb, Zr and Th in several leptynites indicate departures from equilibrium melt compositions, and entrainment of restites is considered to be the main causative factor. Disequilibrium in terms of major elements is illustrated by leucosomes within migmatites developed in a group of metapelites. But the discrete leptynites that have been compared with experimental melts approach equilibrium melt compositions closely.  相似文献   

文章按水文地质条件将全区划分为12个地下水系统,并选择43组控制性水点分丰枯两季进行有机样品采集和测试,在此基础上对研究区地下水中有机污染物的检出、超标、分布及来源均进行了分析。结果显示,参评的86组地下水样品中,有32组检出有机污染物;27种参评有机组分中,10种有机组分存在不同程度的检出,其中,三氯甲烷检出25次,检出率29.07%,其余组分检出率均低于5%;仅有1,2二氯丙烷超标1次,超标率低;区内地下水有机污染物检出浓度较低,超标率低,处于轻度污染阶段;12个系统中,有9个系统发现有机物污染物检出;检出点多分布于工矿企业的下游地段,排污河渠两侧;污染物多来源于中小型工矿企业,以污染物通过落水洞、天窗等进入含水层为主要污染途径;地下水系统排泄区的近源污染多发,危害程度大。针对上述污染特征,提出加强对中小企业污染源的集中管理,加大污水管网建设力度等对策建议。   相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of seven heavy metals (As, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn) in the water, sediments, and nine tissues of eight fish species in Chaohu Lake were detected. And the ecological risk of sediments and food safety caused by heavy metals were evaluated. The mean concentrations of metals (As: 8.21, Cd: 0.58, Cu: 2.56, Cr: 0.50, Ni: 26.47, Pb: 3.51, Zn: 23.05 μg/L) in the water were found lower than the threshold values for the first-grade water quality (China environmental quality standards for surface water). The mean concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the sediments were 41.79, 19.31, 7.61, 7.09, and 102.85 μg/g, respectively, while the concentration of As and Cd was recorded below the detection limit. The ecological risk assessment demonstrated that metals in the sediments posed low ecological risk. The bioaccumulation of metals in fish tissues showed relatively high concentrations in liver, brain, kidney, and intestines while low levels of metals were detected in muscle. A fascinating phenomenon was firstly noticed that all metals highly existed in fish brain and exhibited an especially significant positive correlation with the metal concentrations in sediment, indicating a health risk for Chinese due to their consumption favor of fish head.  相似文献   

A correlation has been detected between the volume density of pulsars and the density of interstellar ionized gas on scales of more than 500 pc in Galactic longitude and 200 pc in Galactic latitude. On smaller scales, the correlation is present only for pulsars with ages less than 60000 years, which are located predominantly near supernova remnants and H II regions. This all indicates that pulsars are born in regions with high concentrations of interstellar gas. The minimum emission measures observed in the directions toward pulsars are inversely proportional to the pulsar ages. It is concluded that the ionized gas in the vicinities of a number of pulsars was formed during supernova explosions, and corresponds to Strömgren zones. The ionization of the gas in these zones requires a radiation energy on the order of 1050–1051 erg.  相似文献   

Transition and heavy metals within the calcified otoliths of estuarine fishes may represent valuable tracers of environmental exposures, allowing inferences on natality, habitat use, and exposure to pollution. Accurate measurement of very low concentrations of these metals in otoliths by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is often precluded by the interferences of predominant calcium matrix. We coupled a solid phase extraction procedure to an ICP-MS instrument to overcome the matrix problems and improve the limits of detection. To test this novel application and the utility of otolith transition and heavy metals as tracers of habitat use, otoliths of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) captured from 6 locations (George Washington Bridge, Haverstraw, Newburgh, Kingston, Athens, and Albany) throughout the Hudson River estuary were analyzed for site specific differences expected due to varying environmental exposure. Several trace elements, including Al, Bi, Cd, Co, Cu, Ga, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn, were selectively extracted from otolith solutions and preconcentrated on a microcolumn of chelating resin. The concentrations of all elements inA. rostrata otoliths were above the limits of detection that ranged from 0.2 ng g?1 for Co to 7 ng g?1 for Zn. Differences in the elemental composition of the otoliths among the groups were significant indicating different levels of exposure to environmental conditions. Discriminant analysis yielded an overall location classification rate of 78%. Al, Bi, Cd, Mn, Ni, and V contributed most to the discriminant function. Samples collected at George Washington Bridge showed 100% discrimination from other locations, and higher levels of many transition and heavy metals, consistent with higher exposure to these metals in the most polluted region of the Hudson River estuary.  相似文献   

Doklady Earth Sciences - The paper presents the results of chronological and lithostratigraphic studies of five small lakes located in the northern part of the Karelian Isthmus, where the...  相似文献   

近来,为缓解北京市日趋紧张的供水情况,需启用1995年建成的北京某应急备用地下水源地。该水源地建有30眼水井,属第四系河旁非承压含水层,当时静水位埋深为4m,单井平均出水量超过4000m3h。近年来由于各种原因,尤其是2003年该水源井出水量大幅减少的主要原因是含铁碳质化合物附着对井壁的堵塞。针对这一情况,通过试验确定了以强力正反冲洗活塞洗井工艺为核心的复合洗井方案,对17眼水井实施洗井处理,使井群出水量恢复到了建井初期的水平,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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