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利用地震背景噪声层析成像技术处理陕西及邻区所布设的257个宽频带台站的连续背景噪声数据,采用基于射线追踪的面波频散直接反演方法获得陕西及邻区地壳(6~39 km)高分辨率剪切波速度结构。成像结果显示:(1)渭河盆地顶部形成于新生代,厚的沉积层造成其浅部显著的低速异常,盆地中、上地壳为低速结构。渭河盆地与南北两侧地质构造单元交界区域的下方存在高速与低速结合带,以及在块体间相互运动的作用下,在块体内部,特别是界带深部可能存在着物质与能量的强烈交换,为渭河盆地及邻区的地震孕育发生提供深部环境。(2)南鄂尔多斯块体并不是一个均匀的整体,块体地壳浅层东薄西厚的低速异常结构,可能与鄂尔多斯自显生宙以来的整体掀斜,以及晚白垩纪以来差异性整体抬升和受强烈而不均匀的剥蚀有关。块体中地壳速度比上地壳和下地壳较高。壳内不存在显著的低速体,说明壳内低速体并没有贯穿整个鄂尔多斯地块。我们推测南鄂尔多斯块体仍保留着稳定克拉通的属性,其地壳结构可能反映了克拉通早期形成时的结构特征,至今还未遭受明显改造。(3)秦岭造山带东,西深部结构存在显著差异,具有分段分区的特征。造山带中地壳速度较高,可能因在板块碰撞和造山过程中,下地壳物质被抬升进入中地壳,从而造成中地壳速度偏高。  相似文献   

A Gibson half-space model (a non-layered Earth model) has the shear modulus varying linearly with depth in an inhomogeneous elastic half-space. In a half-space of sedimentary granular soil under a geostatic state of initial stress, the density and the Poisson’s ratio do not vary considerably with depth. In such an Earth body, the dynamic shear modulus is the parameter that mainly affects the dispersion of propagating waves. We have estimated shear-wave velocities in the compressible Gibson half-space by inverting Rayleigh-wave phase velocities. An analytical dispersion law of Rayleigh-type waves in a compressible Gibson half-space is given in an algebraic form, which makes our inversion process extremely simple and fast. The convergence of the weighted damping solution is guaranteed through selection of the damping factor using the Levenberg-Marquardt method. Calculation efficiency is achieved by reconstructing a weighted damping solution using singular value decomposition techniques. The main advantage of this algorithm is that only three parameters define the compressible Gibson half-space model. Theoretically, to determine the model by the inversion, only three Rayleigh-wave phase velocities at different frequencies are required. This is useful in practice where Rayleigh-wave energy is only developed in a limited frequency range or at certain frequencies as data acquired at manmade structures such as dams and levees. Two real examples are presented and verified by borehole S-wave velocity measurements. The results of these real examples are also compared with the results of the layered-Earth model.  相似文献   

SASW及MASW方法在隐伏断层探测中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对地壳浅部介质横向变化大的特点,用瞬态瑞利波SASW与MASW方法对河北夏垫断裂进行了探测与数据处理分析.分别用时间域互相关法和频率域f-k分析法提取频散曲线,然后进行反演得到横波速度结构.实验结果表明瞬态瑞利波法在应用中便捷、灵活,对于探测地表介质中非均匀异常体及断裂向浅部的延伸情况具有独特的应用前景.  相似文献   

当层状介质中存在低速层的时候,实际提取到的Rayleigh波频散曲线往往会发生“之”字形回折.已有研究表明,“之”字形回折与各模式的激发能量有关.特别的,“之”字形回折的“起跳点”(发生“之”字形回折的点)与介质参数有一定关系,因此在应用中它反映了介质的一些特征.但是,这一关系是怎样的还没有人进行详细研究.本文计算了三...  相似文献   

华北地区基于噪声的瑞利面波群速度层析成像   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用华北地震科学台阵2007年1~4月份、190个宽频带和10个甚宽带垂直分量的地震噪声数据,通过互相关方法提取了瑞利面波的经验格林函数,用多重滤波方法测量了瑞利面波的群速度频散曲线.我们将研究区域划分为0.5°×0.5°的网格,利用噪声层析成像方法得到了研究区域7 s、12 s、16 s、23 s的瑞利面波群速度分布图像,所得结果较好地揭示了地壳内部、尤其是浅部地壳的横向速度变化.研究表明,短周期的群速度分布同地表地质结构、地形密切相关;华北地区的地壳结构具有明显的横向不均匀性,华北盆地及山间的沉积盆地显示出低速异常,而基岩广泛出露的太行山和燕山隆起区,呈现高速异常;多数强震(M≥6.0级)都发生在高群速度与低群速度的过渡地带.  相似文献   

云南壳幔S波速度结构与强震的构造背景   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文选取云南及周边65个台站记录到的47个地震事件,利用相匹配滤波技术分离出了基阶Rayleigh面波信号.选取与震中处于同一大圆弧上的两个台站,利用双台格林函数法获取了台间相速度频散,频散的周期范围在10~80 s之间.从2000个波形记录中提取了152个台站对之间的相速度频散,最后,利用台间的相速度频散反演得到云南地区0~200 km深度范围内的S波速度结构.结果表明:云南地区地壳厚度整体上呈南北向变化趋势,从南部的30 km变化到北部的60 km.在局部地区Moho面呈现出隆起和凹陷,基本上呈"一隆两凹"的特征.另外,滇西地区大致以红河断裂为界,其两侧的岩石圈结构存在明显的差异.西侧从70 km深处开始,滇缅泰块体上的保山、畹町、沧源、思茅一带大范围内均为低速区,并且一直延伸到120 km深处.而红河断裂东侧的滇中块体,只有在康滇古隆起区存在上地幔低速区,其余大部分地区上地幔S波速度在4.4~4.6 km/s之间.  相似文献   

In this study, A time-domain seismic response analysis method and a calculation model of the underground structure that can realize the input of seismic P, SV and Rayleigh waves are established, based on the viscoelastic artificial boundary elements and the boundary substructure method for seismic wave input. After verifying the calculation accuracy, a comparative study on seismic response of a shallow-buried, double-deck, double-span subway station structure under incident P, SV and Rayleigh waves is conducted. The research results show that there are certain differences in the cross-sectional internal force distribution characteristics of underground structures under different types of seismic waves. The research results show that there are certain differences in the internal force distribution characteristics of underground structures under different types of seismic waves. At the bottom of the side wall, the top and bottom of the center pillar of the underground structure, the section bending moments of the underground structure under the incidences of SV wave and Rayleigh wave are relatively close, and are significantly larger than the calculation result under the incidence of P wave. At the center of the side wall and the top floor of the structure, the peak value of the cross-sectional internal force under the incident Rayleigh wave is larger than the calculation result under SV wave. In addition, the floor of the underground structure under Rayleigh waves vibrates in both the horizontal and vertical directions, and the magnification effect in the vertical direction is more significant. Considering that the current seismic research of underground structures mainly considers the effect of body waves such as the shear waves, sufficient attention should be paid to the incidence of Rayleigh waves in the future seismic design of shallow underground structures.  相似文献   

地震转换波法是探测地壳与上地幔构造的方法之一,在辽宁选取两条近垂直的测线,收集了有关台站资料并用转换波法进行了解释,获得了一些有意义的深部数据。  相似文献   

A total of 11 earthquakes with 15 Rayleigh wave paths, recorded at 11 broadband digital PASSCAL seismometers installed in the Tibet Plateau by the Sino-U.S. joint research group, were used to determine the phase velocity and attenuation coefficient of surface waves in periods of 10–130 s. The average shear wave velocity and quality factor {ie271-1} structures in the crust and upper mantle were obtained in this region. The result shows the average {ie271-2} is low and there exists a high attenuation ({ie271-3}=93–141) layer in the crust. The depth range of the low {ie271-4} value layer (16–42 km) is consistent with the range of low velocity layer (21–51 km) in the crust. Below 63 km in the lower crust, {ie271-5} decreases with depth from 114 to 34 at depth of 180 km. The low shear wave velocity and low value of {ie271-6} at the same depth range in the crust indicate that the rocks in the range is probably melted or partially melted. According to the shear wave velocity structure, the average thickness of the crust is about 71 km and a clear velocity discontiniuty appears at the depth of 51 km. The low-velocity zone (4. 26 km/s) at depth of 96–180 km may be corresponding to the asthenosphere. Contribution No. 96A0047, Institute of Geophysics, SSB, China. This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   

Summary The phase velocity curve of Rayleigh-waves is determined for a profile crossing the area of GDR from south to north. Two different methods of seismogram processing are used which are discussed in detail. The phase velocities found are checked for compatibility. An inversion of a common phase velocity curve is done by using hedgehog procedure.Akademie der Wissenschaften der DDR, Zentralinstitut für Physik der Erde, Mitteilung Nr. 579.  相似文献   

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