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根据中国气象灾害大典、年鉴、全国与河南省气候影响评价等文献,对豫东南区域1949-2011年30次龙卷风的历史记录逐个进行了时空分析和富士达分级:63 a来发生于6、7月的龙卷风占总次数的2/3;20世纪80年代集中发生在1984年和1986年,90年代仅1990、1993年没有发生,21世纪前10 a主要是2005年的3次(均为F1级)。有24个县(市)曾有龙卷风光顾过,发生最多的汝南和潢川曾遭遇过5次龙卷风袭击,其他县(市)分别出现1~4次不等。灾害特征是较低级别的F0和F1等级较多,F2等级较少,但发生的概率和强度等级均高于豫西。  相似文献   

查阅中国气象灾害大典、年鉴、全国与河南省气候影响评价等文献,对豫东南区域1949-2011年30次龙卷风的历史记录逐个进行了时空分析和富士达分级:63a来发生于6、7月份的龙卷风占总次数的2/3;20世纪80年代集中发生在1984、1986两年,90年代仅1990、1993年没有发生,21世纪前10 a主要是2005年的三次(均为F1级)。有24个县(市)曾有龙卷风光顾过,发生最多的汝南和潢川曾遭遇过5次龙卷风袭击,其他县(市)分别出现1~4次不等。灾害特征是较低级别的F0和F1等级较多,F2等级较少,但发生的概率和强度等级均高于豫西。  相似文献   

本文将黑龙江省1956-2009年222个龙卷风样本进行分类、分析时空分布特征、分析F2级以上龙卷风的环流背景并探讨其形成机制.结果表明:龙卷风有明显的时空分布特征,1956-1987年发生次数明显高于1988-2009年,一年中龙卷风主要集中在夏季,以7月最多,且多出现在午后至傍晚;龙卷风在空间分布上有明显的地域特征,山区很少或不发生,松嫩平原腹地是龙卷风高发地带,其中绥化地区出现的次数最多;龙卷风灾害呈并发性,主要是风灾,往往伴有冰雹、暴雨、雷击及飞射物,使灾害加重;不稳定的形势场是龙卷风产生的基础,暖湿气流的输送,冷暖空气的强对流运动为龙卷风的产生提供了条件.  相似文献   

对豫西1949-2008年龙卷风的有关史料调查分析表明:豫西(多丘陵山地)发生龙卷风的概率相对全省较低,富士达分级F0级17次,F1级12次,F2级仅有2次;90年代龙卷风发生较多,主要集中在6-8月,一天之中多出现在下午至傍晚;风力一般都在10级以上,持续时间8-60 min不等,平均25 min.豫西的龙卷风各有2个县(市)发生过4次和3次,7个县(市)发生过2次,11个县(市)发生过1次,其余33个县(市)没有龙卷风的相关记录.在豫西只有相对比较开阔、平坦的地域才可能促生龙卷风.  相似文献   

通过气象站记录、灾害大典、气候影响评价等多种途径,收集到湖北通山核电站周边300km×300km区域范围内1956-2000年龙卷风资料,对龙卷风的时间分布和灾害特征进行了分析。结果表明:龙卷风有明显的时间分布,一年中主要集中在夏春季,以7月、4月最多;一天中,午后至傍晚最多;龙卷风平均持续时间为17min;近45年,1976~1985年这10年中龙卷风出现最频繁;龙卷风出现时,蒲福风力等级一般在10级以上,平均12~13级,最大17级,富士达风力等级平均F1级,最大F3级,风速约70m·s^-1;龙卷风从NW→SE向移动的频次最多;龙卷风影响宽度一般在0.5km内,平均带长为10.0km;龙卷风灾害呈并发性,主要是风灾,往往伴有冰雹、暴雨、雷击及飞射物,使灾害加重。  相似文献   

湖北浠水核电站周边地区龙卷风特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马德栗  陈正洪  靳宁  郭渠 《气象科技》2011,39(4):520-524
根据湖北省浠水核电站周边300 km×300 km区域范围内1964—2007年龙卷风资料,对龙卷风的时间分布和灾害特征进行了分析。结果表明:龙卷风有明显的时间分布,一年之中主要集中在春、夏两季,秋、冬季无龙卷风发生,以7月最多;一天之中,午后至傍晚最多,集中在16:00—18:59之间,龙卷风平均持续时间27 min。近44年,21世纪头7年中龙卷风出现最为频繁。龙卷风出现时,蒲福风力等级一般在10级以上,集中出现在12级;富士达风力等级集中出现在F0、F1级,F2级以上出现的几率较小。龙卷风多以自西向东方向移动,影响宽度平均1.20 km,平均带长21.66 km。龙卷风灾害主要是风灾,往往伴有冰雹、暴雨、雷击,破坏力极强。  相似文献   

龙卷风曾给人类带来巨大灾难。据联合国公布的一份资料称 :全球平均每年发生的龙卷风次数高达 10 0 0次以上 ;美国在 1980~ 1984年的 5年中 ,龙卷风就发生过 45 0 0多次 ;仅在 1947~ 1970年这 2 0多年中 ,全世界就有 74.5万人被龙卷风夺去了生命。我国龙卷风出现频次也较多。如上海市近 3 0多年中 ,龙卷风肆虐达 74次 ;广东湛江地区在 1981年 4月到 5月的 40多天里 ,竟 4次遭龙卷风袭击。面对突如其来的龙卷风 ,难道人类真的就束手无策难逃厄运吗 ?龙卷风 ,又称龙卷 ,是一种破坏力最强的小尺度风暴 ,系自积雨云中下伸的漏斗状云体。龙卷漏…  相似文献   

本文根据美国《建筑和其它结构最小设计荷载》中t秒平均最大风速与1h平均最大风速的比值公式,推导出EF级别和F级别风速测量标准间的转换方法,将京津冀1956—2016年122个龙卷风个例由EF等级转化为F等级,再按照《核电厂厂址选择的极端气象事件》HAD101/10中推荐的龙卷风风险评估方法,对京津冀龙卷风风险度进行了定量评价,结果表明:京津冀122个龙卷风个例的风程1/4mile平均最大风速均比3s平均最大风速低,平均偏低2.1m·s~(-1),风速越大,两者差距越小;122个龙卷风个例分布在F0到F3共4个等级中,F0等级31个,F1等级78个,F2等级12个,F3等级1个;京津冀龙卷风发生次数最多依次为天津、唐山和张家口市,分别为21、21和14次,强龙卷发生最多的是廊坊市(3个),衡水、承德、保定、北京4个市没有发生过强龙卷;京津冀发生超越EF1、EF2、EF3、EF4等级龙卷风重现期分别为5.8、10.1、20.2、49.5a,发生超越F1、F2、F3、F4等级龙卷风重现期分别为4.9、13.8、38.5、130.7a;京津冀一年中单位面上(1km~2)10~(-7)概率水平对应的龙卷风设计基准风速为73.4m·s~(-1)。  相似文献   

1前言陆丰市地处粤东沿海,背靠海拔980m高的峨嵋蟑,面临南海,因同时受到南海季风的直接影响,和由北向南倾斜的地形抬升作用,使这里不但是广东三大暴雨中。动之一,而且也是龙卷风多发之地。据统计,建国以来陆丰市出现较强的龙卷风有6次,其中,强度达F3类(美国‘官士达”分类法)的有2次(据省气候应用研究所统计,解放以来珠江三角洲粤东地区出现强度达F3类的龙卷风仅3次)。笔者曾对陆丰的两次强龙卷风作过实地调查,本文就两次强龙卷风作一概述,并从天气学的角度对89817龙卷风的成因作一分析。2两次强龙卷风的概况2.11958年6月…  相似文献   

1956-2011年黑龙江省龙卷风气候特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用富士达—皮尔森强度分类法对1956—2011年黑龙江省229个龙卷风样本进行分类,分析龙卷风事件的时空分布特征,探讨典型龙卷风个例的环流背景及形成机制。结果表明:1956—2011年黑龙江省龙卷风灾害具有明显的时空分布特征,20世纪60—80年代龙卷风活动频繁,90年代龙卷风发生频次最少,2001—2011年龙卷风发生频次略增加。龙卷风主要集中发生在夏季,以7月发生最多,且多出现在午后至傍晚。对龙卷风空间分析发现黑龙江省绥化地区是龙卷风多发区,与该地区的地理位置、气候条件和大气环流特征有关。不稳定的形势场是龙卷风产生的基础,暖湿气流的输送和冷暖空气的强对流运动为龙卷风的产生提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

闪电活动对于强龙卷天气的发生有一定的指示作用,基于闪电定位资料,结合多普勒天气雷达、探空和ECMWF再分析资料对两次典型强龙卷风暴中地闪的时空演变、雷电流强度及正地闪活动特征进行了统计分析,结果表明:地闪主要发生在组合反射率因子≥30 dBZ的区域内,龙卷发生期间,地闪活动减弱且较为分散。不同龙卷风暴的地闪频次差异较大,这与风暴中上升气流的强度有关;当地闪频次从峰值降至最小值期间,龙卷及地,两次过程中地闪频次峰值分别提前龙卷发生约33 min和28 min。同时,龙卷及地之前,地闪会出现连续多次闪电跃增;龙卷等级越强,正地闪表现越活跃,特征越明显,在江苏盐城阜宁龙卷发生期间,还出现了地闪极性从正地闪主导向负地闪主导的反转;两次龙卷风暴雷电流强度随时间的变化规律并不明显,但均小于历史平均值,地闪发生愈频繁的龙卷风暴,对应的雷电流强度值愈小。   相似文献   

为揭示多普勒雷达速度谱宽资料对1522号台风“彩虹”螺旋雨带中衍生龙卷的超级单体演变规律的指示作用,基于常规观测资料、多普勒雷达资料和ECWMF再分析资料,分析3个衍生龙卷的超级单体速度谱宽和中气旋速度演变特征。研究表明,速度谱宽可提前10~30 min预示强对流风暴的变化。根据速度谱宽σ与湍能耗散率ε的关系分析,提出了谱宽变化与超级单体内中气旋和龙卷发生发展关系的概念模型。当对流单体进入新的发展阶段时,谱宽值加大呈增强状态;当对流单体处于维持稳定阶段时,谱宽值减小则呈减弱状态。衍生汕尾海丰水龙卷的中气旋最大切向速度19.5 m/s,属中等强度中气旋。衍生顺德龙卷和番禺龙卷的中气旋最大切向速度>27 m/s,均属强中气旋。用多普勒雷达中气旋算法识别的中气旋在距离较远(>80 km)和较近(<17 km)距离上有漏报现象,人工纠正有利于更正预报结果,更准确地指导防灾减灾。   相似文献   

The climatology of tornadoes and waterspouts in Italy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this work 10 years of reports collected by weather amateurs are used to define a preliminary climatology of tornadoes and waterspouts in Italy. The results show behaviors different from those observed in other countries. Generally, tornadoes and waterspouts are more frequent in late summer and autumn than in the other seasons. The seasonality of tornadoes and waterspouts appears different for different Italian zones, in particular in the Po Valley and Friulian plain and coast (south to the Alps) tornadoes and waterspouts are more frequent in spring and early summer while in the Tirrenian and Ionian coasts (western and southern Italy), tornadoes and waterspouts are more frequent in late summer and autumn. As observed in other studies (Brooks, H., E. and Doswell, C. A. III, 2001. Some aspects of the international climatology of tornadoes by damage classification. Atmos. Res., 56, 191–201.) Italian tornadoes and waterspouts are statistically weaker than in other countries but this difference cannot be completely ascribed to the presence of waterspouts. The “CAPE Storm-Relative-Helicity diagrams” and “Shear Magnitude diagrams” obtained for Italian tornadoes and waterspouts show different characteristics than those obtained for US. The cause of these differences is still unknown, it can rely in the sample selection (problems with the concept of proximity sounding) or in a real climatic effect.  相似文献   

皖北两次龙卷过程对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王德育  张学贤 《气象科技》2012,40(2):268-273
利用常规资料、NCEP再分析资料、高密度地面自动站资料、多普勒天气雷达资料,对安徽省灵璧县和泗县发生的两次龙卷过程进行对比分析。结果表明:龙卷风发生在低空急流的北端左侧以及高湿中心和水汽辐合中心的交汇处;龙卷风发生前低层垂直风切变强烈;龙卷风发生在地面辐合最强的地方,为判断龙卷风可能发生的区域提供了线索;龙卷风发生前10~20 min均有龙卷涡旋特征报警,同时有中等强度中气旋配合;灵璧龙卷风出现在母体风暴的南端,强回波在3 km以下;泗县龙卷风发生在带状回波的中部,中气旋由弱发展为中等强度后一个体扫龙卷出现,龙卷风发生时强回波有断裂和突前以及中气旋顶高下降的特征。  相似文献   

The Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (TORRO) was formed in the UK in 1974 in order to determine realistic spatial, temporal and intensity distributions of tornadoes in the UK and, eventually, throughout Europe. Currently, TORRO's databases contain nearly 2000 tornadoes and over 550 waterspouts for the UK alone. In 1972, TORRO's founder, Terence Meaden, devised the Tornado Intensity Scale. This scale enables the wind speeds of tornadoes to be rated on a scale from T0 to T10, or more (since it is an open-ended scale). Using this scale, estimates have been made of the statistical return periods of differing intensities of UK tornadoes. TORRO's research into understanding the conditions of tornado development is ultimately intended to lead to issuing forecasts of tornadoes. In 1991, TORRO issued the first tornado watch in the UK for 12 November and this proved to be accurate—not only did three property-damaging tornadoes strike East Anglia but the forecast maximum intensity of T5 was attained. In 1975, TORRO expanded its activities to include conventional thunderstorm reporting and investigations. In 1982, TORRO incorporated the British and Irish thunderstorm data-collection organisation, the Thunderstorm Census Organisation (TCO), which was established in 1924. By the early 1980s, TORRO's network of voluntary thunderstorm observers, located throughout the UK and Ireland and increasingly in other European countries, numbered around 350 and the network continues to grow. In addition to TORRO's early focus on tornadoes and thunderstorms, its data collection and research has expanded to consider other whirlwinds (such as waterspouts and land devils), hailstorms, lightning (including ball lightning) and blizzards/heavy snowfalls. In 1996, TORRO began providing easy access to its databases (e.g. post-1995 UK and European severe weather events, especially tornadoes and hailstorms) and other information via its internet site at http://www.torro.org.uk/. Building on over 25 years of experience—and of the half a century of the TCO before it—TORRO continues to expand its European role in severe weather data collection and research, helped by the on-going appointment of European representatives and its increasing European membership.  相似文献   


Other than the ground‐breaking work of McKay and Lowe (1960), little has been known about the incidence of tornadoes and the risk of tornado damage in Canada. Data concerning tornadoes during the period 1950 to 1979 (and earlier) have been gathered from many sources and processed to arrive at a set of quantitative conclusions concerning some of their physical characteristics and climatology.

The data indicate that tornado incidence (the number of tornadoes per unit area per unit time) in populated sections of Canada is compatible with the incidence values published for adjacent American States, and that the highest annual probability of tornado damage is in southwestern Ontario (0.05 to 0.1%) followed by southeastern Manitoba (0.05%).

In terms of size, the Canadian tornado (regardless of intensity) has median damage dimensions of 6 km in length, 80 m in width, and 1 km2 in area. In southwestern Ontario, the return period of a strong or violent tornado is 5 years, and it is likely to have median damage dimensions of 57 km in length, 790 m in width, and 78 km2 in area.  相似文献   

京津冀区域龙卷风灾害特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于气象报表、中国气象灾害大典、气象灾情数据库以及档案馆地方志等历史资料,查阅1956—2016年京津冀区域的龙卷风个例,按照"增强藤田级别"龙卷风强度等级分类标准,采用专家评定法对龙卷风个例进行定级,并运用时间序列、趋势分析和空间分析方法,对龙卷风的时空分布、灾害特征进行了统计分析。主要结论如下:①1956—2016年,京津冀区域共确认龙卷风个例188个,空间分布上,龙卷风发生最多的区域有2个,一是张家口坝上4县:张北、尚义、沽源、康保,二是京津冀东部地区,特别是沧州、天津、唐山、秦皇岛沿海地区是龙卷风高发区;②时间分布上,1985—1993年龙卷风发生次数最多,90年代以后呈下降趋势;③龙卷风在夏季发生次数占总数的81.9%,龙卷风主要发生时段为11:00—20:00;④对有灾情记录的122个龙卷风个例,经专家评定,EF4和EF3级各1例,EF2级14例,EF1级52例,EF0级54例。  相似文献   

The temporal distributions of the nation’s four major storm types during 1950–2005 were assessed, including those for thunderstorms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and winter storms. Storms are labeled as catastrophes, defined as events causing $1 million or more in property losses, based on time-adjusted data provided by the insurance industry. Most catastrophic storms occurred in the eastern half of the nation. Analysis of the regional and national storm frequencies revealed there was little time-related relationship between storm types, reflecting how storm types were reported. That is, when tornadoes occurred with thunderstorms, the type producing the greatest losses was the one identified by the insurance industry, not both. Temporal agreement was found in the timing of relatively high incidences of thunderstorms, hurricanes, and winter storms during 2002–2005. This resulted in upward time trends in the national losses of hurricane and thunderstorm catastrophes, The temporal increase in hurricanes is in agreement with upward trends in population density, wealth, and insurance coverage in Gulf and East coastal areas. The upward trends in thunderstorm catastrophes and losses result from increases in heavy rain days, floods, high winds, and hail days, revealing that atmospheric conditions conducive to strong convective activity have been increasing since the 1960s. Tornado catastrophes and their losses peaked in 1966–1973 and had no upward time trend. Temporal variability in tornado catastrophes was large, whereas the variability in hurricane and thunderstorm catastrophes was only moderate, and that for winter storms was low.  相似文献   

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