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在1979年夏末,15°N以北的欧亚地区温度分布发生了显著的变化。在300mb上,大约8月23日欧亚地区沿 20°—25°N平均的纬向平均温度急剧地减小。南亚(50°—100°E)夏季风的撤退是造成这种纬向平均温度减小的重要原因。300mb纬向平均温度的突然减小在8月18日也发生在中纬度大范围地区(40°—55°N),这比南亚夏季风的撤退约早5天左右。 在夏到秋的过渡时期,南北方向垂直环流的强度和位置在欧亚地区也经历了明显变化。在20—25°N,过渡时期(8月18—27日)纬向平均的上升气流明显减弱。减弱的综向平均加热率可能是造成这种减小的主要因子。在45°N,过渡期纬向平均的下沉气流和冷却(辐射)率显著增加有关。 在15°N附近,300mb近于以40天周期准周期地脉动。这种脉动似与40天过滤的绝热冷却(加热)和欧亚平均经圈环流有关的非绝热加热(冷却)之间小的不平衡有联系。  相似文献   

Based on calculations of data from FGGE Level III b, a discussion is made of the energy balance in the 40-50 day periodic oscillation over the Asian monsoon region during the 1979 summer. It is found that the main source of 40-50 day periodic perturbation is the monsoon region extending from central South Asia to Southeast Asia. In the upper layer over the North Pacific subtropical area (10-20oN, 150oE-150oW) pres-sure work turns into kinetic energy that maintains 40-50 day periodic perturbation associated with the variation in position and intensity of the mid-Pacific trough. The mean energy budget in the three-dimensional space (0-30oE, 30oE-150oW, 100-1000 hPa) indicates that the 40-50 day periodic perturbation transports kinetic energy to a seasonal mean and a transient perturbation wind field.  相似文献   

East Asian summer climate is strongly affected by extratropical circulation disturbances.In this study,impacts of four atmospheric teleconnections over Eurasia on East Asian summer rainfall are investigated using National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis data and Climatic Research Unit (CRU) land precipitation data during 1979-2009.The four teleconnections include the Scandinavian (SCA),the Polar/Eurasian (PEU),the East Atlantic/Western Russian (EAWR),and the circumglobal teleconnection (CGT).Moreover,the related changes of lower-tropospheric circulation are explored,specifically,the low pressure over northern East Asia (NEAL) and the subtropical high over the western North Pacific (WNPSH).The results presented are in the positive phase.The PEU and SCA induce significant negative anomalies in North China rainfall (NCR),while the CGT induces significant positive anomalies.In the past three decades,the PEU and SCA explain more than 20% of the variance in NCR,twice that explained by the CGT,suggesting a more important role of the former two teleconnections in NCR variation than the latter one.Meanwhile,the PEU and SCA reduce rainfall in Northeast China and South Korea,respectively,and the CGT enhances rainfall in Japan.The rainfall responses are attributed to the SCA-induced northward shift of the NEAL,and PEU-induced northward shift and weakening of the NEAL,respectively.For the CGT,the dipole pattern of rainfall anomalies between North China and Japan is affected by both westward extension of the NEAL and northwestward expansion of the WNPSH.In addition,the EAWR leads to an increase of sporadic rainfall in South China as a result of the eastward retreat of the WNPSH.  相似文献   

根据1979年夏季季风试验时期较稠密的高空资料,本文对7月3—9日发生在孟加拉湾地区的一个季风低压进行了水汽场的分析,计算了可降水量、垂直加权的相对湿度、水汽通量散度和海面蒸发的分布,发现随着低压环流的发展,低压由一个干涡迅速地转变成一个湿涡.在成熟期,各种湿度参数都达到低压生命期的最大值.总的来说,这个低压湿度场的演变似乎是低压环流场发展的一种结果.可降水量与低压环流很相似;平均相对湿度与ω分布有更密切的关系;水汽辐合场很不对称(主要在低压以西和以南),它与实际云区和降水区一致.研究还发现;低压的发展和  相似文献   

Using the monthly geopotential heights and winds for 700 and 200 hPa for India during July and August, and the weekly M-100 Soviet rocketsonde temperature and wind data for Thumba (8.5oN, 76.9oE) during the last week of June and the first week of September for the two contrasting summer monsoon years 1975 (a very strong monsoon year) and 1979 (a very weak monsoon year), a study has been made to examine the mean circulation features of the troposphere over India, and the structures of the temperatures and the winds of the middle atmosphere over Thumba. The study suggested that the axis of the monsoon trough (AMT) at 700 hPa shifted southward in 1975 and northward towards the foothills of the Himalayas in 1979, from its normal position. Superimposed on the low-pressure area (AMT) at 700 hPa, a well-defined divergence was noticed at 200 hPa over the northern India in 1975.The mean temperatures, at 25,50 and 60 km (middle atmosphere) over Thumba were cooler in 1975 than in 1979. While a cooling trend in 1975 and warming trend in 1979 were observed at 25 and 50 km, a reversed picture was noticed at 60 km. There was a weak easterly/ westerly (weak westerly phase) zonal wind in 1975 and a strong easterly zonal wind in 1979. A phase reversal of the zonal wind was observed at 50 km. A tentative physical mechanism was offered, in terms of upward propagation of the two equatorially trapped planetary waves i.e. the Kelvin and the mixed Rossby-gravity waves, to explain the occurrence of the two spells of strong warmings in the mesosphere in 1975.  相似文献   

Several observational and modeling studies indicate that the Indian summer monsoon rainfall (ISMR) is inversely related to the Eurasian snow extent and depth. The other two important surface boundary conditions which influence the ISMR are the Pacific sea surface temperature (SST) to a large extent and the Indian Ocean SST to some extent. In the present study, observed Soviet snow depth data and Indian rainfall data for the period 1951–1994 have been statistically analyzed and results show that 57% of heavy snow events and 24% of light snow events over west Eurasia are followed by deficient and excess ISMR respectively. Out of all the extreme monsoon years, care has been taken to identify those when Eurasian snow was the most dominant surface forcing to influence ISMR. During the years of high(low) Eurasian snow amounts in spring/winter followed by deficient(excess) ISMR, atmospheric fields such as temperature, wind, geopotential height, velocity potential and stream function based on NCEP/NCAR reanalyses have been examined in detail to study the influence of Eurasian snow on the midlatitude circulation regime and hence on the monsoon circulation. Results show that because of the west Eurasian snow anomalies, the midlatitude circulations in winter through spring show significant changes in the upper and lower level wind, geopotential height, velocity potential and stream function fields. Such changes in the large-scale circulation pattern may be interpreted as precursors to weak/strong monsoon circulation and deficient/excess ISMR. The upper level velocity potential difference fields between the high and low snow years indicate that with the advent of spring, the winter anomalous convergence over the Indian region gradually becomes weaker and gives way to anomalous divergence that persists through the summer monsoon season. Also the upper level anomalous divergence centre shifts from over the Northern Hemisphere and equator to the Southern Hemisphere over the Indian Ocean and Australia.  相似文献   

利用站点观测资料和再分析资料,采用相关分析,Morlet小波功率谱分析和复合分析等方法,研究了 1961-2011年南半球夏季后期(1-3月)坦桑尼亚降水的年际变化特征,并探讨了相关的大气环流和海温异常情况,以及坦桑尼亚干,湿年发生的机制.研究结果表明:坦桑尼亚1-3月降水变化存在显著的2-8年的年际变化周期和8-12...  相似文献   

地表植被覆盖的变化能通过改变陆面参数,以及生地化循环过程,对区域和全球气候产生重要影响.文中利用1982-2002年欧亚大陆春季归一化植被指数(NDVI)和欧洲中期数值天气预报中心再分析资料,采用奇异值分解分析方法,研究欧亚大陆春季植被状况与东亚夏季大气环流的关系.结果表明,贝加尔湖以西区域(55°-65°N,60°-100°E)春季植被状况与东亚夏季大气环流存在显著联系.当春季该区植被指数偏高时,在对流层高层从巴尔喀什湖、贝加尔湖至日本北部,以及中国华南和中南半岛上空存在显著的纬向风正异常,中国华北地区和江淮地区以北为显著负异常,异常中心自北向南依次为"正-负-正"分布,说明东亚夏季200 hPa西风急流轴偏南;相应的在对流层中层15°-25°N地区西风偏强,伴随偏强上升气流,而在25°-42°N地区西风偏弱,并且在32°N附近存在显著下沉气流;在对流层低层,中国江淮流域以北、华北及贝加尔湖以东地区存在明显的反气旋型风场异常,而华南存在东北风异常.这种环流特征说明东亚夏季风偏弱,雨带偏南,并且使得中国华南降水偏多,华南以北大部分地区降水偏少,同时中国东南以及青藏高原东南部温度偏低,而中国北方以及江淮流域温度偏高.欧亚大陆春季植被状况与东亚夏季风的显著关系为东亚夏季风预测提供了有用的帮助.  相似文献   

1979年季风试验期间东亚地区夏季风爆发时期的观测研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
本文分析1979年季风试验期间5—7月从春到夏的季节转变过程。在亚洲南部和西北太平洋地区大范围夏季风爆发前1—2候,南半球40°—160°E之间中纬度地区高空西风急流有一次增强过程。南半球对流层中部的经向环流发展,对流层低层的越赤道偏南气流加强,这时亚洲南部和西北太平洋热带地区低空西南风风速增大,并且范围向北扩展,南亚地区对流层上部热带东风加大,季风环流圈加强,我国东部雨带出现季节性北移。看来南半球大气环流的变化对东亚地区夏季风的建立及其向北推进起着触发作用。  相似文献   

丁一汇 《大气科学》1984,8(3):272-282
本文计算了1979年夏季风爆发前后中国东部和日本上空天气尺度扰动和总的气流中动能的收支.发现最大涡旋动能制造时期分别对应三个研究区(华南,华中和日本)的雨季.涡旋动能主要在高层(300—100 mb)和部分在低层制造,其中很大一部分被摩擦作用消耗,但同时也有相当一部分由三个研究区输送到周围环境.因而这些地区在涡旋动能制造时期可以被看成是重要的涡旋动能源. 总气流中的动能收支密切地与高、低空急流活动有关.总之,根据能量分析得到的结果表明,夏季风的爆发和推进对东亚大气环流和扰动有非常重要的影响.  相似文献   

The vertical and horizontal temperature structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) were studied using aircraft observations made in the lowest 2.4 km above ground level during the summer monsoon.The vertical temperature structure of the ABL in the region may be classified into the following four categories.Category The ABL consisted of two layers of thickness 700–900 m separated by a thin transition layer. The lapse rates in the former two layers were dry adiabatic.Category The lowest layer of the ABL of thickness 400–600 m was adiabatically stratified and the overlying layer was stable with gradients of potential temperature 4–5°C km–1. The stable layer contained a thin adiabatic stratified layer of 200–300 m thickness at a height of 1.5 km.Category The lowest 200–400 m layer of the ABL was adiabatically stratified and the overlying layer was stable with potential temperature gradients of 5–6 °C km1.Category The ABL was mainly stable with potential temperature gradients of 6 °C km–1 or greater. Occasionally thin layers with adiabatic stratification were found embedded in the ABL.The temperature distribution of the horizontal temperature at 900 m was mainly normal. The high-frequency portion of the spectra lying between 0.05 and 0.16 Hz (corresponding to wave length 1 km to 300 m) oscillated around the –\2/3 power law line. The spectral curve showed a significant peak at 0.011 Hz having a wave-length of 5 km.Department of Geoscience, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27650, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Trends of summer dry spells in China during the late twentieth century   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary In the present study the trends in frequency and duration of dry spells in six sub-regions of China were analyzed for the summer-half-year season (April–September) in period 1956–2000. A dry spell was defined as a number of consecutive days without measurable precipitation. For the frequency of short dry spells (length <10 days), significant changes are observed in the North, Northeast and Southwest China. For the frequency of long dry spells (length 10 days) there are significant trends in North and Northeast China; while no remarkable trends in frequency are found in other regions. There are also significant lengthening trends in dry spell duration in North and Northeast China, resulting mainly from the long-term changes in short dry spells. No significant change is observed for the maximum length in all regions. It is found that the temporal distribution of precipitation within the rainy season would notably impact the features of dry spells. An increase in the precipitation amount does not necessarily mean a synchronous reduction in dry spell frequency and/or duration. Seasonal mean anomalies of 500hPa heights in association with the long dry spells show similar spatial patterns over the middle to high latitudes for five of the six sub-regions (with exception of the case of Southwest China), resembling a west–east direction dipole in latitudes about 30°N northwards. For the case of Southwest China the dominant feature in 500hPa heights is the negative anomalies over most middle to high latitude Asia. Among these cases there are recognizable differences, particularly, in the tropical regions in western Pacific. That would provide useful information of circulation background for understanding the climate extremes.  相似文献   

Hu  Lisuo  Huang  Gang  Hu  Kaiming 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2018,133(1-2):619-632
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Using multiple datasets, including three grid datasets (ERA-Interim, WFDEI, and SURF) and one station dataset, we analyzed the climatological distributions and...  相似文献   

欧亚冬季温带反气旋活动的气候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田笑  智协飞 《气象学报》2016,74(6):850-859
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,通过判定和追踪温带反气旋的客观方法统计分析了1948-2013年欧亚地区冬季温带反气旋的生成、消亡、移动、生命史、强度等气候特征。结果表明,反气旋的主要源地位于蒙古高原、伊朗及其周边地区、地中海沿岸、中西伯利亚、波罗的海西北部、俄罗斯东北部等地,其中,蒙古高原和伊朗等地也是强反气旋最主要的源地。反气旋活动的大值分布区和反气旋生成的大值中心分布十分相似,主要活跃区对应低空平均经向温度梯度大值区和高空脊前。除源于蒙古高原和西伯利亚东北部的强、弱反气旋的移动距离差别不明显外,其他地区的反气旋移动距离与强度有密切关系。持续1-2 d的反气旋占总数的44.2%,而只有3.2%的反气旋生命史超过一周,且强反气旋比弱反气旋更易持续较长时间。   相似文献   

Observations indicate a surface cooling trend during the East Asian summer in recent decades, against a background of global warming. This cooling trend is re-examined using station data from 1951 to 2007, and atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations are performed to investigate the possible influence of changes in external forcing. The numerical experiments are designed to investigate the effects of four types of external forcing: greenhouse gases (GHGs), Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), ozone, and the direct effects of aerosols. Results indicate that external forcing contributes to the cooling trend over East Asia. Furthermore, GHGs, and to a lesser degree the direct effects of aerosols, are the main contributors to the cooling trend. The possible linkages between the external forcings and the cooling trend are discussed.  相似文献   

为了研究青藏高原(简称高原)春末(5月)土壤湿度与初夏(6月)降水的关系,利用1979-2019年ERA-Interim土壤湿度月平均资料和同时段高原109站观测降水资料,分析了高原春季土壤湿度与汛期(5-9月)降水之间的关系.结果 表明:春末表层(0~28 cm)土壤湿度与高原初夏降水呈显著的正相关,在空间上土壤湿度...  相似文献   

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