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Groundwater recharge and evolution in the Quaternary aquifer beneath the Dunhuang Basin was investigated using chemical indicators, stable isotopes, and radiocarbon data to provide guidance for regional water management. The quality of groundwater and surface water is generally good with low salinity and it is unpolluted. The dissolution of halite and sylvite from fine-grained sediments controls concentrations of Na+ and K+ in the groundwater, but Na+/Cl molar ratios >1 in all samples are also indicative of weathering of feldspar contributing to excess Na+. The dissolution of carbonate minerals yields Ca2+ to the groundwater, thereby exerting a strong influence on groundwater salinity. The δ18O and δ2H values in unconfined groundwater are enriched along the groundwater flow path from SW to NE. In contrast, confined groundwater was depleted in heavy isotopes, with mean values of −10.4‰ δ18O and −74.4‰ δ2H. Compared with the precipitation values, all of the groundwater samples were strongly depleted in heavy isotopes, indicating that modern direct recharge to the groundwater aquifers in the plains area is quite limited. The unconfined water is generally young with radiocarbon values of 64.9–79.6 pmc. In the northern basin, radiocarbon content in the confined groundwater is less than 15 pmc and an uncorrected age of ∼15 ka, indicates that this groundwater was recharged during a humid climatic phases of the late Pleistocence or early Holocene. The results have important implications for inter-basin water allocation programmes and groundwater management in the Dunhuang Basin.  相似文献   

In this study, analysis of hydrogeological conditions, as well as hydrochemistry and isotopic tools were used to get an insight into the processes controlling mineralization, recharge conditions, and flow pattern of groundwater in a typical arid alluvial-lacustrine plain in Qaidam Basin, northwest China. Analysis of the dissolved constituents reveals that groundwater evolves from fresh water (TDS =300–1000 mg/l) to saline water (TDS ≥5000 mg/l) along the flow paths, with the water type transiting from HCO 3?Cl–Na ?Mg to HCO 3?Cl–Na, and eventually to Cl–Na. Groundwater chemical evolution is mainly controlled by water–rock interaction and the evaporation–crystallization process. Deuterium and oxygen-18 isotopes in groundwater samples indicate that the recharge of groundwater is happened by meteoric water and glacier melt-water in the Kunlun Mountains, and in three different recharge conditions. Groundwater ages, estimated by the radiogenic (3H and 14C) isotope data, range from present to Holocene (~28 ka). Based on groundwater residence time, hydrogeochemical characteristics, field investigation, and geological structure distribution, a conceptual groundwater flow pattern affected by uplift structure is proposed, indicating that shallow phreatic water is blocked by the uplift structure and the flow direction is turned to the northwest, while high pressure artesian water is formed in the confined aquifers at the axis of the uplift structure.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical, multivariate statistical and inverse hydrogeochemical modeling techniques were used to investigate groundwater recharge, flow and the hydrochemical evolution within the Akaki volcanic aquifer system, central Ethiopia. The hydrochemical and multivariate statistical techniques are mutually supportive and the extracted information was analyzed together with environmental isotope data. Results reveal five spatial groundwater zones with defined hydrochemical facies, residence times, stable isotopic signals and hydrochemical evolution. These zones are designated as the (1) Intoto, (2) central, (3) Filwuha fault, (4) south zones and (5) a highly polluted sub-sector identified within the central zone. Both the hydrochemical and multivariate statistical analyses have shown the central sub-sector as being spite of differentially polluted by , Cl and and its tritium content shows recent recharge. Due to the fact that the main recharge source is precipitation, the hydrochemical and environmental isotope data clearly indicated that the central and southern sectors are also recharged from domestic waste water and leakage from water mains and reservoirs. Inverse hydrogeochemical modeling demonstrated reactions of silicate minerals in a CO2 open system and precipitation of kaolinite, chalcedony, and rare calcite satisfy the observed change in water chemistry from north to south following the regional flow direction.

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Résumé Des techniques relevant de l’hydrochimie, des statistiques multivariées et de la modélisation inverse hydrogéochimique, ont été utilisées dans le cadre de l’étude de la recharge des eaux souterraines, de l’écoulement et de l’évolution hydrochimique dans le système volcanique aquifère d’Akaki au centre de l’Ethiopie. Les techniques hydrochimiques et multivariées se supportent mutuellement et l’information extraite a été analysée avec les données isotopiques environnementales, des temps de résidence, des signaux isotopiques stables et une évolution hydrochimique. Ces zones ont été désignées comme le (1) Intoto, (2) le centre, (3) la faille de Filwuha, (4) les zones sud et (5) un sous-secteur fortement pollué identifié dans la zone centrale. Les analyses statistiques hydrochimiques et multivariées ont montré que le sous-secteur central a été différemment pollué par , Cl et , tandis que la teneur en tritium montre une recharge récente. Malgré le fait que la principale source de recharge soit les précipitations, les données hydrochimiques et isotopiques indiquent clairement que les secteurs centres et sud sont également rechargés par les eaux usées domestiques et les fuites de réservoirs et canalisations d’eau. La modélisation hydrogéochimique inverse a démontré les réactions des minéraux silicatés dans un système ouvert au CO2, et la précipitation de kaolinite, de calcédoine, et la rareté de la calcite satisfont les changements observés dans la chimie de l’eau du nord vers le sud en suivant la direction régionale de l’écoulement.

Resumen Se utilizaron la hidroquímica y técnicas de modelación hidrogeoquímica inversa y estadística multivariada, para investigar la recarga del agua subterránea, el flujo y la evolución hidroquímica, dentro del sistema acuífero volcánico Akaki, Etiopía Central. La hidroquímica y las técnicas estadísticas multivariadas se complementan entre si y la información así extraída se analizó junto con los datos de isótopos ambientales. Los resultados revelan cinco zonas diferentes de agua subterránea, con facies hidroquímicas, tiempos de residencia, improntas isotópicas estables y una evolución hidroquímica definidas. Estas zonas se designan como (1) Intoto, (2) Central, (3) Falla de Filwuha, (4) las Zonas del sur y (5) un sub-sector altamente contaminado identificado dentro de la zona central. Tanto los análisis estadísticos multivariados como la hidroquímica, han mostrado al sub-sector central como contaminado diferencialmente por , Cl y y su contenido de tritio muestra una recarga reciente. A pesar del hecho que la fuente principal de recarga es la precipitación, los datos de hidroquímica y de isótopos ambientales indican que los sectores central y del sur, también se recargan a partir de agua doméstica usada y del goteo de las conducciones del acueducto y de sus reservorios. El modelamiento hidrogeoquímico inverso demostró reacciones de minerales silicatados en un sistema de CO2 abierto, y la precipitación de caolinita, calcedonia, y rara vez de calcita, satisfacen el cambio observado en la química de agua del norte a sur, siguiendo la dirección del flujo regional.

This paper analyzed regional hydrogeochemical evolution characteristics of groundwater with respect to hydrogeological conditions in the Guanzhong Basin, China. Coefficient variation in the subregion between the Shichuan River and Luo River of the Guanzhong Basin is larger than other subregions, reflecting the more complicated hydrogeological conditions of this subregion. The hydrochemical components and hydrodynamic conditions of this area have distinct horizontal zoning characteristics, and hydrodynamic conditions play a controlling role in the groundwater’s hydrochemistry. The relationship between ions, and between ions and TDS (total dissolved solids) can give an indication of many charteristics of grounwater such as evaporation intensity, ion exchange, and the sources of chemical components. Results indicated that for the coefficient of variation (the coefficient of variation is a statistical measure of the distribution or dispersion of data around mean. This measure is used to analyze the difference of spread in the data relative to the mean value. Coefficient of variation is derived by dividing the standard deviation by the mean), the minimum value of pH parameters is 0.03-0.07, the minimum value of HCO3- parameters is 0.24, while the maximum is the SO42- coefficinet at 1.67. A PHREEQC simulation demonstrated that different simulation paths roughly have the same trend in dissolution and precipitation of minerals. Along the direction of groundwater flow, the predminant precipitation is of calcite and gypsum and the cation exchange of Na+ and Ca2+ in some paths. However, in other paths, the precipitation of calcite and dissolution of gypsum and dolomite are the main actions, as well as the exchange of Mg2+ and Ca2+ in addition to Na+ and Ca2+.  相似文献   

The unconfined High Plains (Ogallala) aquifer is the largest aquifer in the USA and the primary water supply for the semiarid southern High Plains of Texas and New Mexico. Analyses of water and soils northeast of Amarillo, Texas, together with data from other regional studies, indicate that processes during recharge control the composition of unconfined groundwater in the northern half of the southern High Plains. Solute and isotopic data are consistent with a sequence of episodic precipitation, concentration of solutes in upland soils by evapotranspiration, runoff, and infiltration beneath playas and ditches (modified locally by return flow of wastewater and irrigation tailwater). Plausible reactions during recharge include oxidation of organic matter, dissolution and exsolution of CO2, dissolution of CaCO3, silicate weathering, and cation exchange. Si and 14C data suggest leakage from perched aquifers to the High Plains aquifer. Plausible mass-balance models for the High Plains aquifer include scenarios of flow with leakage but not reactions, flow with reactions but not leakage, and flow with neither reactions nor leakage. Mechanisms of recharge and chemical evolution delineated in this study agree with those noted for other aquifers in the south-central and southwestern USA. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

民勤盆地地下水供需分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了民勤盆地水文地质条件和地下水资源的特点、开发现状,阐述了地下水开发利用中存在的主要问题.在此基础上提出了民勤盆地地下水开发利用的对策与建议.  相似文献   

Hundreds of precipitation samples collected from meteorological stations in the Ordos Basin from January 1988 to December 2005 were used to set up a local meteoric water line and to calculate weighted average isotopic compositions of modern precipitation.Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, with and gradually decrease in summer and fall,illustrating that the seasonal effect is considerable.They also show that the isotopic difference between south portion and north portion of the Ordos Basin are not obvious.and the isotope in the middle portion iS normally depleted.The isotope compositions of 32 samples collected from shallow groundwater(less than a depth of 150 m)in desert plateau range from for JD.Most of them are identical with modern precipitation.The isotope compositions of 22 middle and deep groundwaters(greater than a depth of 275 m)fall in ranges from-11.6‰to-8.8‰with an average of-10.2‰ for £18O and from-89‰ to-63‰ with an average of-76‰ for £D.The average values are significantly less than those of modern precipitation,illustrating that the middle and deep groundwaters were recharged at comparatively lower air temperatures.Primary analysis of 14C shows that the recharge of the middle and deep groundwaters started at late Pleistocene.The isotopes of 13 lake water samples collected from eight lakes define a local evaporation trend,with a relatively flat slope of 3.77,and show that the lake waters were mainly fed by modern precipitation and shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

Hundreds of precipitation samples collected from meteorological stations in the Ordos Basin from January 1988 to December 2005 were used to set up a local meteoric water line and to calculate weighted average isotopic compositions of modern precipitation. Oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, with averages of ?7.8‰ and ?53.0‰ for δ18O and δD, respectively, are depleted in winter and rich in spring, and gradually decrease in summer and fall, illustrating that the seasonal effect is considerable. They also show that the isotopic difference between south portion and north portion of the Ordos Basin are not obvious, and the isotope in the middle portion is normally depleted. The isotope compositions of 32 samples collected from shallow groundwater (less than a depth of 150 m) in desert plateau range from ?10.6‰ to ?6.0‰ with an average of ?8.4‰ for δ18O and from ?85‰ to ?46‰ with an average of ?63‰ for δD. Most of them are identical with modern precipitation. The isotope compositions of 22 middle and deep groundwaters (greater than a depth of 275 m) fall in ranges from ?11.6‰ to ?8.8‰ with an average of ?10.2‰ for δ18O and from ?89‰ to ?63‰ with an average of ?76‰ for δD. The average values are significantly less than those of modern precipitation, illustrating that the middle and deep groundwaters were recharged at comparatively lower air temperatures. Primary analysis of 14C shows that the recharge of the middle and deep groundwaters started at late Pleistocene. The isotopes of 13 lake water samples collected from eight lakes define a local evaporation trend, with a relatively flat slope of 3.77, and show that the lake waters were mainly fed by modern precipitation and shallow groundwater.  相似文献   


As the largest inland oil-bearing basin in China, the Tarim Basin is a large-scale composite basin that has experienced a complex tectonic evolutionary history from the Ediacaran to the Cenozoic. From the Ediacaran to the Ordovician, the Tarim Basin was in an extensional tectonic environment. From the Silurian to the Devonian, the Tarim Block switched from the presence of passive margins to active margins along its northern and southern edges, eventually colliding with the North Kunlun Terrane in the Silurian. From the Carboniferous to the Triassic, the transition of the Tarim Block from an independent landmass to an internal component of the Eurasian Plate resulted from collisions with the Yili-Central Tianshan Terrane to the north during the Late Carboniferous and the Qiangtang Terrane to the south during the Triassic. From the Jurassic to the Paleogene, several unconformities developed because of the subduction of the Meso-Tethys oceanic plate during the Late Jurassic and the Neo-Tethys oceanic plate during the Paleogene. After the Neogene, as a rejuvenated foreland basin, the Tarim Basin was activated along its margins and became an intermountain basin due to the intense regional compression induced by the Indian Plate. Based on a seismic profile cross-section of the basin, we conclude that the extension and shortening in the profile reflects the block amalgamation history and the structural evolution of the Tarim Basin. The structural-sedimentary evolution of this basin is closely related to the movement of the peripheral plates.  相似文献   

民勤盆地地下水开发利用红线指标研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李计生  李斌 《地下水》2014,(6):73-75
通过对红崖山下泄流量和民勤绿洲地下水资料的收集整理,在地下水均衡原理的基础上,用系统分析法分析了地表水、地下水与开采量的关系规律,建立地下水开采总量和水位双约束控制的地下水开发利用红线管理指标,提出利用民勤降水量考核盆下地水资源控制的刚性水位指标,为有关部门利用和管理地下水资源和制定经济社会可持续发展提供有益探索。  相似文献   

Connate saltwaters are contained within the upper Pleistocene and overlying sediments. The high salinity of phreatic water and subsoil has significant effects on the development of industry and agriculture in the area. This articie is a report on conditions of the salt-fresh ground-water in the North Jiangsu Basin (NJB), China. Connate saltwaters in the western part and within old dunes in the eastern part of the area have been flushed out by infiltrating meteoric water, since regression happened about 1,000 years ago. A broad transition zone of saltwater-freshwater exists due to repeatedly eustatic sea-level fluctuation during the Quaternary period, through analyzing relationships between marine beds and the distribution of salt-fresh groundwater. In the coastal plain, the distribution of salt-fresh water is quite complex. There are four types of vertical distribution represented by chloride and/or Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) profiles: (1) salt-fresh water inversion, (2) salt-brackish water inversion, (3) salt-fresh-brackish water superimposition, and (4) salt-fresh-salt-fresh water superimposition. Groundwater in the middle-layered aquifer system is replenished in some places in the west, and flows slowly eastward. Chemical characters of water result from halite dissolution and incongruent dissolution of some aluminosilicate minerals, ion exchange and adsorption, mixture of salt-fresh water, and others. Hydrochemical types evolve from HCO3 type to HCO3 Cl type, lacking the sulfate type due to the mixture of salt and freshwater. The Chebotarev hydrochemical evolution sequence is, therefore, not relevant.  相似文献   

近50 a,西北干旱内陆河流域经历了历史时期的水土资源过度开发和近期的生态保护修复的不同阶段,对区域地下水和生态环境产生了重要影响,但地下水长期演化规律及其生态效应认识尚不清晰。以新疆孔雀河流域为典型研究区,基于最新地下水监测数据与历史数据对比,分析流域地下水流场时空演化规律以及流域地下水对河岸带胡杨林的影响作用,探讨地下水长期演化的生态效应。结果表明:1971—2021年,孔雀河流域因过量集中开采地下水引起区域地下水流动系统发生根本性变化,地下水水位整体呈下降趋势,流域内累计降幅大于40 m的面积达204.69 km2,累计降幅20~40 m的面积为1735.81 km2,累计降幅5~20 m的面积为1018.56 km2,并形成地下水降落漏斗;生态输水前,中下游河道长时间断流,河岸带地下水水位埋深累计降幅超过10 m,导致河岸带胡杨林退化萎缩,2016年实施生态输水工程以后,埋深逐渐上升2~4 m,上升至胡杨林生长临界水位以上,2014—2018年天然胡杨林植被覆盖率增大17%。本研究有助于认识西北干旱内陆河流域地下水和生态环境演化规律,为类似区域地下水可持续开发利用与生态保护提供科学参考。  相似文献   

《Applied Geochemistry》2005,20(9):1658-1676
Geochemical and environmental isotope data were used to gain the first regional picture of groundwater recharge, circulation and its hydrochemical evolution in the upper Blue Nile River basin of Ethiopia. Q-mode statistical cluster analysis (HCA) was used to classify water into objective groups and to conduct inverse geochemical modeling among the groups. Two major structurally deformed regions with distinct groundwater circulation and evolution history were identified. These are the Lake Tana Graben (LTG) and the Yerer Tullu Wellel Volcanic Lineament Zone (YTVL). Silicate hydrolysis accompanied by CO2 influx from deeper sources plays a major role in groundwater chemical evolution of the high TDS Na–HCO3 type thermal groundwaters of these two regions. In the basaltic plateau outside these two zones, groundwater recharge takes place rapidly through fractured basalts, groundwater flow paths are short and they are characterized by low TDS and are Ca–Mg–HCO3 type waters. Despite the high altitude (mean altitude ∼2500 masl) and the relatively low mean annual air temperature (18 °C) of the region compared to Sahelian Africa, there is no commensurate depletion in δ18O compositions of groundwaters of the Ethiopian Plateau. Generally the highland areas north and east of the basin are characterized by relatively depleted δ18O groundwaters. Altitudinal depletion of δ18O is 0.1‰/100 m. The meteoric waters of the Blue Nile River basin have higher d-excess compared to the meteoric waters of the Ethiopian Rift and that of its White Nile sister basin which emerges from the equatorial lakes region. The geochemically evolved groundwaters of the YTVL and LTG are relatively isotopically depleted when compared to the present day meteoric waters reflecting recharge under colder climate and their high altitude.  相似文献   

第四系地下水是民乐山前地区居民清洁饮水的重要水源,而复杂的隐伏构造对区内地下水的运移和更新具有重要的控制作用。本文应用环境同位素技术,深入讨论了该区地下水的补给、更新能力以及隐伏构造对地下水更新的影响。结果表明:(1)民乐山前第四系地下水的补给来源包括出山河水渗漏和当地降水入渗,二者对地下水补给的贡献分别为89%和11%;(2)地下水更新能力由山前向下游变差,山前一带地下水更新周期在20~30年之间,下游的六坝北部一带地下水更新周期大于50年;(3)隐伏构造具有明显的阻水作用,导致地下水径流速度减缓。  相似文献   

Many cities around the world are developed at alluvial fans. With economic and industrial development and increase in population, quality and quantity of groundwater are often damaged by over-exploitation in these areas. In order to realistically assess these groundwater resources and their sustainability, it is vital to understand the recharge sources and hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in alluvial fans. In March 2006, groundwater and surface water were sampled for major element analysis and stable isotope (oxygen-18 and deuterium) compositions in Xinxiang, which is located at a complex alluvial fan system composed of a mountainous area, Taihang Mt. alluvial fan and Yellow River alluvial fan. In the Taihang mountainous area, the groundwater was recharged by precipitation and was characterized by Ca–HCO3 type water with depleted δ18O and δD (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O). Along the flow path from the mountainous area to Taihang Mt. alluvial fan, the groundwater became geochemically complex (Ca–Na–Mg–HCO3–Cl–SO4 type), and heavier δ18O and δD were observed (around −8‰ δ18O). Before the surface water with mean δ18O of −8.7‰ recharged to groundwater, it underwent isotopic enrichment in Taihang Mt. alluvial fan. Chemical mixture and ion exchange are expected to be responsible for the chemical evolution of groundwater in Yellow River alluvial fan. Transferred water from the Yellow River is the main source of the groundwater in the Yellow River alluvial fan in the south of the study area, and stable isotopic compositions of the groundwater (mean value of −8.8‰ δ18O) were similar to those of transferred water (−8.9‰), increasing from the southern boundary of the study area to the distal end of the fan. The groundwater underwent chemical evolution from Ca–HCO3, Na–HCO3, to Na–SO4. A conceptual model, integrating stiff diagrams, is used to describe the spatial variation of recharge sources, chemical evolution, and groundwater flow paths in the complex alluvial fan aquifer system.  相似文献   

The Ordos Basin is a large-scale sedimentary basin in northwestern China.The hydrostratigraphic units from bottom to top are pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks,Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks,Upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic clastic rocks and Cenozoic deposits.The total thickness is up to 6000 m.Three groundwater systems are present in the Ordos Basin,based on the geological settings,i.e.the karst groundwater system,the Cretaceous clastic groundwater system and the Quaternary groundwater system.This paper describes systematically the groundwater flow patterns of each system and overall assessment of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to establish a 3D groundwater flow modelling for evaluating groundwater resources of the North China Plain.First,the North China Plain was divided into three aquifers vertically through a characterization of hydrogeological conditions.Groundwater model software GMS was used for modeling to divide the area of simulation into a regular network of 164 rows and 148 lines.This model was verified through fitting of the observed and the simulated groundwater flow fields at deep and shallow layers and comparison between the observed and simulated hydrographs at 64 typical observation wells.Furthermore,water budget analysis was also performed during the simulation period(2002-2003).Results of the established groundwater flow model showed that the average annual groundwater recharge of the North China Plain during 1991 to 2003 was 256.68×10~8 m~3/yr with safe yield of groundwater resources up to 213.49×10~8 m~3/yr,in which safe yield of shallow groundwater and that of deep groundwater was up to 191.65×10~8 m~3/yr and 22.64×10~8 m~3/yr respectively.Finally,this model was integrated with proposal for groundwater withdrawal in the study area after commencement of water supply by South-North Water Transfer Project,aiming to predict the changing trend of groundwater regime.As indicated by prediction results,South-North Water Transfer Project,which is favorable for effective control of expansion and intensification of existing depression cone,would play a positive role in alleviation of short supply of groundwater in the North China Plain as well as maintenance and protection of groundwater.  相似文献   

Groundwater Systems and Resources in the Ordos Basin,China   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The Ordos Basin is a large-scale sedimentary basin in northwestern China. The hydrostratigraphic units from bottom to top are pre-Cambrian metamorphic rocks, Lower Paleozoic carbonate rocks, Upper Paleozoic to Mesozoic clastic rocks and Cenozoic deposits. The total thickness is up to 6000 m. Three groundwater systems are present in the Ordos Basin, based on the geological settings, i.e. the karst groundwater system, the Cretaceous clastic groundwater system and the Quaternary groundwater system. This paper describes systematically the groundwater flow patterns of each system and overall assessment of groundwater resources.  相似文献   

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