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Automatic pickings in earthquake real-time monitoring systems often contain noise bursts and/or phases of different event(s) occurring almost simultaneously. Typically, a locator uses these picks as P and S waves arrival times coming from a single event and, therefore, should be complemented by a distinctive phase association logic. The method we propose manages to automatically associate data related to different events and eliminates the influence of spoiled data from single events. The method is based on “network beamforming”, a robust and stable algorithm, which utilizes a hypocenter grid search for the stack maximum of a set of complex exponents applied to the P phase readings. The algorithm separates the residual outliers and then uses them for location. If successful, a hypocenter is established for the interfering event. The solutions obtained are overall robust and independent from the estimate of origin times. The preliminary epicenter for the grid search is provided by the intersection of perpendicular bisectors in the modified “arrival order algorithm” or by the modified “Tnow” algorithm, which uses non-arrival information. We applied this method to automatic first arrival phase readings of 915 events registered by the Hi-net Japan seismic network and our results are statistically promising. Here, we present two interesting and complicated examples.  相似文献   

设计了共线不连通断层物理模型,在概念上可模拟与地震孕育相关的障碍体或强固区。开展了中等尺度辉长岩标本的双轴破裂实验,对4600余次微破裂事件进行了精确定位,据此对共线不连通断层标本变形过程中群体微破裂事件时空演化的统计特征进行初步研究。由于强闭锁作用,变形过程中在98%的峰值强度,以前围绕不连通区域显示一系列在时间上依次递进、空间上逐步收缩、长轴方向随之改变的“空区”演化图像。在峰值强度后的弱化阶段,较大的声发射事件在被动盘明显丛集,而主动盘则小AE事件呈弥散性分布,与弹性变形阶段相比。弱化阶段AE主体活动区域从主动盘迁移至被动盘,并且AE较大事件次数明显增多、应变能释放急剧增加,声发射率在不连通区域破裂前的瞬间达到最高值。b值在不连通区域破裂失稳前显示“趋势性降低—快速回升”这一典型变化过程。对比研究还表明,破裂型失稳较粘滑型失稳具有更为明显、丰富的微破裂前兆。  相似文献   

In this paper, we extend the previous studies of semi-brittle flow of synthetic calcite-quartz aggregates to a range of temperatures and effective pressures where viscous creep occurs. Triaxial deformation experiments were performed on hot-pressed calcite-quartz aggregates containing 10, 20 and 30 wt% quartz at confining pressure of 300 MPa, pore pressures of 50-290 MPa, temperatures of 673-1073 K and strain rates of 3.0×10−5/s, 8.3×10−5/s and 3.0×10−4/s. Starting porosity varied from 5 to 9%. We made axial and volumetric strain measurements during the mechanical tests. Pore volume change was measured by monitoring the volume of pore fluid that flows out of or into the specimen at constant pore pressure. Yield stress increased with decreasing porosity and showed a dependence on effective pressure. Thus, the yield stress versus effective pressure can be described as a yield surface with negative slope that expands with decreasing porosity and increasing strain hardening, gradually approaching the envelope of strength at 10% strain, which has a positive slope. Creep of porous rock can be modeled to first order as an isolated equivalent void in an incompressible nonlinear viscous matrix. An incremental method is used to calculate the stress-strain curve of the porous material under a constant external strain rate. The numerical simulations reproduce general trends of the deformation behavior of the porous rock, such as the yield stress decreasing with increasing effective pressure and significant strain hardening at high effective pressure. The drop of yield stress with increasing porosity is modeled well, and so is the volumetric strain rate, which increases with increasing porosity.  相似文献   

The relative amplitude method(RAM) is more suitable for source inversion of low magnitude earthquakes because it avoids the modeling of short-period waveforms.We introduced an improved relative amplitude method(IRAM) which is more robust in practical cases.The IRAM uses a certain function to quantify the fitness between the observed and the predicted relative amplitudes among direct P wave,surface reflected pP and sP waves for a given focal mechanism.Using the IRAM,we got the fault-plane solutions of two ea...  相似文献   

极光电集流指数(AE)被广泛用来定量描述由电离层电流引起的极光带地磁活动.AE指数也是宏观描述亚暴事件强度和发展过程的一个主要指标,它的优点在于简单直观和快速.本文对1998年8月6日系列亚暴事件的极光活动、电流体系和AE指数的形态特征进行了分析.结果表明,伪亚暴期间虽然AE指数大于500 nT 且有快速增长和缓慢恢复的形态,但是极光没有明显的极向或者赤道向的扩展,极区电流体系主要呈现对流特征;伪亚暴和亚暴期间AE指数的形态变化没有本质区别,但电集流中心的位置有很大差异.我们进一步分析了台站分布对AE指数计算的影响,探讨了伪亚暴和亚暴期间磁场扰动最大值所处的磁地方时的差异.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the seismicity distribution in the CentralApennines (Italy) using the recordings of the Rete SismometricaMarchigiana (RSM). In particular, the selected events are relocated usinga 1-D model calculated by means of an inversion procedure. The robustnessof the 1-D model and the location accuracy are tested. The capability ofthe RSM to well constrain crustal and subcrustal events in the studied areais discussed. We find that in the inner side of the chain the seismicity liesin the upper crustal layers, following the structural trend of the Apenninicbelt. A W-deepening of the events is observed in the Apenninic foredeep,where the seismicity is mainly confined in the lower crust. This evidenceimplies the deepening of the brittle to ductile transition. Some well-locatedsubcrustal events are found. Their locations seem to confirm the W-dippingsubduction of the Adriatic lithosphere beneath the Apennines.  相似文献   

Dust storms are a major contributor to soil erosion in inland Australia, and the Simpson Desert–Channel Country region is one of the most active wind erosion regions. While information is available on wind erosion rates at the land‐type level, little is known about the influence that spatial variations in the erodibility within a land type have on the resulting dust concentration profile. A Gaussian plume model, DSIS, is presented along with tower‐based dust data, to describe the influence of different spatial combinations of dust source areas, during three dust events on the Diamantina River floodplain in Western Queensland, Australia. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用国际地震中心(ISC)提供的1964至2003年的高精度地震资料,给出了帕米尔-兴都库什地区中源地震带更完整、更明确的几何形态.兴都库什中源地震带(H带)和帕米尔中源地震带(P带)的倾向和最大深度沿走向有变化,可以进一步划分为HW段(H带西段)、HE段(H带东段)、PSW段(P带西南段)、PM段(P带中段)和PNE段(P带东北段).H带在170~190 km 深度附近存在地震空区,其下方地震带的倾角明显大于上方,接近垂直.同时,空区下方的地震带沿东西方向成连续的倒“V"字形,两个分支的交角接近垂直.西段分支属于HW段,较浅,没有双层结构;东段分支属于HE段,较深,有双层结构.中源地震的震源机制解规律明显.兴都库什地区主要以近垂直的T轴和近水平的垂直于地震带走向的P轴为特征.帕米尔地区的震源机制解由西南到东北逐渐由P轴近水平并沿地震带走向,转变为B轴近水平并沿走向,直至T轴近水平并沿走向.同时,P轴方向由西向东逐渐转为恒定地与地震带的走向相垂直.最后,我们讨论了这一地区地震活动可能的动力学成因.  相似文献   

在MapSIS里用震源机制解研究地震带的程序,只能作些剖面图和三维立体图,做震源机制解靠震相的初动符号,但是如何运用已有的震源机制解资料来画应力分布图等没有提供,不能满足我们的实际需要,为了在实际工作中更好地利用震源机制解分析地震活动性,我们编写了这个程序,利用本文程序可以做到,在任何区域、任何深度内地震带的应力分布情况及地震震源机制解的玫瑰图、地震的节面图、断层的性质。提供了行之有效的程序,对日常的地震活动性分析有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

应用综合震源机制解法推断南通市地壳应力场方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据南通市及周边地震台2001-2011年的波形资料,拾取P波初动,应用综合震源机制解法研究了该地区的地壳应力场方向,在本研究中使用了1391个P波初动.而在计算中,我们根据每个地震离南通市距离的不同赋予其P波初动符号不同的权重,加权后P波初动数据的总权重为289.39,加权后的初动符号矛盾比为0.37.研究结果表明:主压应力轴方位和倾角分别为97°和53°;中间应力轴方位和倾角分别为196°和7°;主张应力轴方位和倾角分别为291°和36°.只搜索到一个最优解,说明研究数据的分辨率还是相当高的.南通市位于华北应力分区和华南应力分区之间,所得主压应力方位介于华北应力分区主压应力场方向NEE-EW和华南应力分区主压应力方向NWW之间,这体现了应力场的连续性.此外,主压应力轴倾角较大,其它两个应力轴倾角相对较小,和穿过南通市的NNW向正断性南通—上海断裂相吻合,反映了本研究结果的可靠性.  相似文献   

计算了2001年1月至2018年9月鄂尔多斯块体西南缘地区(33°—38°N,103°—109°E)ML≥3.0地震的震源机制,分析了该区域震源机制解特征,在此基础上,采用平均矩张量技术反演了该区域的构造应力场特征。结果表明,研究区震源机制类型以走滑型和逆冲型为主,其空间分布基本与区域构造动力背景和断裂性质一致,少量不符合区域构造性质的震源机制则反映了局部地质构造的复杂性。区域构造变形主体为NE向压缩,NW向相对扩张,反映了青藏高原块体对鄂尔多斯块体的直接作用。  相似文献   

This study simulates how spatial variations in particle‐size emissions from a playa affect bulk and size‐resolved dust concentration profiles during two contrasting wind erosion events (a small local and a large regional event) in the Channel Country, Lake Eyre Basin, Australia. The regional event had higher dust concentration as a result of stronger frontal winds and higher erodibility across the playa. For each event, two emission scenarios are simulated to determine if measured size‐resolved dust concentration profiles can be explained by spatial variability in source area emissions. The first scenario assumes that particle‐size emissions from source areas occur at a uniform rate, while the second scenario assumes that particle‐size emissions vary between and within source areas. The uniform emission scenario, reproduced measured bulk dust concentration profiles (R2 = 0·93 regional and R2 = 0·81 local), however simulated size‐resolved dust concentration profiles had poor statistical fits to measured size‐resolved profiles for each size class (the highest were R2 = 0·5 regional and R2 = 0·3 local). For the differential particle‐size emission scenario, the fit to the measured bulk dust concentration profiles is improved (R2 = 0·97 regional and R2 = 0·83 local). However, the fit to the size‐resolved profiles improved dramatically, with the lowest being R2 = 0·89 (regional) and R2 = 0·80 (local). Particle‐size emission models should therefore be tested against both bulk and size‐resolved dust concentration profiles, since if only bulk dust concentration profiles are used model performance may be over‐stated. As the source areas in the first 90 m upwind of the tower were similar for both events, the percentage contributions of each particle‐size class to total emissions can be compared. The contribution of each particle‐size class was similar even though the wind speed, turbulence and dust concentrations were significantly different; suggesting that the contribution of each particle‐size to the total emitted dusts is not related to wind speed and turbulence. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用多个震源机制解求东大别地区平均应力场   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用地震的震源机制解资料,得到应力张量在地理坐标系下的表达式,进而可计算平均应力张量.通过求平均应力张量的本征向量,即可得到其主轴方向,并由此推断区域应力场方向.利用东大别地区219次地震的震源机制解资料,比较了不同相似程度和不同起算震级资料得到的主轴方向,认为该方法计算结果非常稳定,主轴方位角的误差小于5°,倾角的误...  相似文献   

We relocate the spatial distribution of the devastating 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its aftershocks.The relocation database is obtained from 89 stations deployed by the China Earthquake Administration,including 54 525 seismograms from 1 376 local earthquakes over MS3.5 between 12 May 2008 and 3 August 2008.The cross-correlation technique used in this paper has greatly improved the relocation precision by giving much more accurate P-wave differential travel-time measurements than those obtained from ...  相似文献   

2001年雅江6.0级地震序列震源机制解与应力场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述了利用P波初动和短周期体波振幅联合测定震源机制解和利用震源机制解求取区域主应力张量的方法,采用成都遥测数字地震台网在2001年2月雅江Ms 5.0、Ms 6.0地震前后的3.0级以上的26个地震,共14个台站的垂直分向速度波形记录进行计算。使用主事件定位法,确定了这些地震较准确的震中位置,并在此后的计算中采用该数据。震源机制解结果表明:5.0和6.0级地震与另外3次地震为走滑型,呈北东向分布;而外围的其他21次地震全部是倾滑型。分析认为,雅江震区位于鲜水河断裂带南端西侧的以贡嘎山为中心的地壳隆起区内,地壳的抬升运动导致震源体的形成,两种破裂方式与之有关。前震与余震时段的最大主压应力σ1轴的方向大致相同,5.0和6.0级地震期间,σ1轴的方向偏转了约100°。  相似文献   

We relocate the spatial distribution of the devastating 12 May 2008 Wenchuan earthquake and its aftershocks. The relocation database is obtained from 89 stations deployed by the China Earthquake Administration, including 54 525 seismograms from 1 376 local earthquakes over MS 3.5 between 12 May 2008 and 3 August 2008. The cross-correlation technique used in this paper has greatly improved the relocation precision by giving much more accurate P-wave differential travel-time measurements than those obtained from routinely picked phase onsets. At the same time, we pick P-wave polarity observations of the Wenchuan earthquake series (hereafter referred to as WES) from 1 023 stations in China and 59 IRIS (incorporated Research Institutions of Seismology) stations. Then, employing a newly developed program CHNYTX, we obtain 83 well-determined focal mechanism solutions (hereafter referred to as FMSs). Based on spatial distribution and FMSs of the WES, we draw following conclusions: (1) The region near the main shock exhibits a buried low-angle northwest-dipping seismic zone with the main shock at its upper end and two conjugated seismic zones dipping southeast with roughly equal dip-angle; (2) The compressional directions of all kinds of FMSs of the WES are subhorizontal, which reflects the dominant stress in this area is compressional; (3) The principal compressional direction of the regional stress around Wenchuan is roughly perpendicular to the strike of Beichuan-Yingxiu fault, while around Qingchuan it is roughly parallel to the strike of Qingchuan fault. In intermediate part of the Longmenshan area, the principal compressional direction of the stress should be in-between; (4) The possibly existed molten materials in the lower crust of Songpan-Garze terrain have small contribution to the local stress state in Longmenshan area. The listric geometries of the Longmenshan faults most probably resulted from subhorizontal compression along NW-SE direction in history.  相似文献   

H. Leenaers 《水文研究》1989,3(4):325-338
For a specific flood on the polluted River Geul in March 1988, the relationships between river discharge, sediment concentration, and associated metal levels have been investigated. It was found that river discharge has only a limited influence on the transport of sediment and Pb, Zn, and Cd. During flood peaks its role is prominent, but at the intermediate stages between peaks, the quantity and quality of transported sediment depend on the variable activity of various sediment sources upstream. Nevertheless, when data from more floods are assembled, sediment and metal rating curves are obtained, which provide correlation coefficients of 0-63-0-92. Using these curves, mass transport calculations were carried out which demonstrate that the bulk of the annual transport of sediments and heavy metals occurs during a limited number of major floods.  相似文献   

求解鹤岗强矿震震源机制解结果,表现出走滑伴随逆断层和正断层活动、非双力偶型的多样性。两组节面优势分布方向和节面的倾角优势分布不显著,两者分布无明显规律,反映出矿井下破裂面比较复杂。矿震震源主压应力释放优势方向北西310°左右,优势倾角为25°~60°;主张应力轴走向NE,主张应力场优势方向为北东60°左右,仰角在30~70°之间;中等应力轴(N)近于垂直,优势倾角为70~90°。矿震震源机制解显示的矿区最大主应力方向与区域构造应力场的最大主应力方向近似正交,矿震震源机制主应力轴优势倾角远大于区域构造地震,反映的是矿区采煤生产的次生构造应力环境重力应力场的贡献明显。  相似文献   

利用2007年8月1日至2013年7月21日发生在鄂尔多斯块体周缘的8499个地震的49844个P波初动符号资料,应用综合震源机制解法获得了鄂尔多斯块体周缘0.25°×0.25°的精细地壳应力场,所得应力场结果基本上覆盖了整个鄂尔多斯周缘地区.研究结果表明鄂尔多斯周缘地壳应力场具有以下特征: (1)在环绕鄂尔多斯周缘的银川—吉兰泰断陷带、河套断陷带、岱海断陷带、山西断陷带和渭河断陷带内,综合震源机制解结果以正断层型为主,且综合震源机制解节面走向大体与控制断陷带边界的主要断裂走向相一致,与鄂尔多斯周缘断陷带现今的拉张状态相一致.(2)在鄂尔多斯西南缘,综合震源机制解类型主要为逆冲、逆冲走滑和走滑型,反映了鄂尔多斯块体在西南缘受到青藏高原北东向挤压作用.鄂尔多斯西南缘的应力场的主压应力方向在远处为东向,源自于青藏高原向东北挤压作用,靠近鄂尔多斯块体表现为北东—南西向.(3)P轴方位在局部地区变化较大,但总体呈现规律性变化.P轴方位在鄂尔多斯块体西缘,从南向北,主压应力轴方位更加偏北;在其北缘,由西向东,主压应力轴方位更加偏东.在其南缘和东缘,主压应力轴方位变化不大,大体上平行于控制各断陷带主要断裂走向.P轴倾角在西南缘为近水平,在其周缘各盆地内P轴倾角近直立.(4)T轴方位总体表现为北西—南东向;在鄂尔多斯周缘各断陷带内,T轴走向大体与控制断陷带主要断裂走向以及断陷盆地走向相垂直.(5)鄂尔多斯块体在其西南角受到来自青藏高原的北东向挤压和其东北角深部物质上涌形成的北西—南东向拉张力联合作用,上述作用使得鄂尔多斯块体周缘地区除西南区为挤压区外,其余区域均为剪切拉张区,与先前研究认为鄂尔多斯周缘地区处于引张应力场作用相符合,较好地解释了环鄂尔多斯周缘的断陷盆地构造,亦符合鄂尔多斯块体东西两侧的右旋剪切拉张带以及南北两侧的左旋剪切拉张带的认识.  相似文献   

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