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大东沟—小营沟南部区己发现有数条小规模的磁铁石英岩型铁矿体。通过对测区开展高精度磁测工作,在Ⅰ号磁铁石英岩型铁矿体北东部发现规模和范围更大的磁异常带,经过定性分析和各种定量计算,结合测区地质资料,推断该异常为近直立的厚板状铁矿体引起。  相似文献   

The Mellin transform is a mathematical tool which has been applied in many areas of Mathematics, Physics and Engineering. Its application in Geophysics is in the computation of solution of potential problems for the determination of the mass as well as the depth to the basement of some solid mineral deposits. In this study, the Mellin transform is used to determine the depth to the top (h) and the depth to the bottom (H) of the basement of a profile of an anomalous magnetic body. Ibuji, the study area is located in Ifedore Local Government area of Ondo state, Nigeria, underlain by Precambrian complex rocks and bounded by geographical co-ordinate of Easting 5°00t’00″ to 5°4t’30″ and Northing 7°24t’00″ to 7°27t’36″. The magnetic anomaly profile due to a two- dimensional body(vertical thin sheet)over magnetic spring of the study area was digitised and the values of magnetic amplitude (nT) with respect to its horizontal distance (say interval of 5 m) obtained from the digitized profile was then used in the computation of Mellin transform using Matlab programs. In order to determine the depths H and h, the amplitudes were considered at three arbitrary point (s = ¼, ½ and ¾) such that, (0 < s < 1), where s is a complex variable of real positive integer. The value obtained for H was 47.95 m, which compared favourably with the result obtained using other methods. Meanwhile, the value obtained for h has a convergence restriction, whereby, at lower values of s, there is divergence, while at higher values of s, (about 0.9), the result converges and h was obtained to be 32.56 m. The Ibuji magnetic anomaly was therefore analysed to have a depth to the bottom (H) of 47.95 m and depth to the top of 32.56 m using this mathematical tool.  相似文献   

通过对新疆比勒提地区1∶50000水系沉积物测量Cu、Pb、B、Ti元素进行多重分形分析,划分出两类多重分形特征模式,即多重分形幂律图可用2段直线来拟合的模式一和可用3段直线拟合的模式二。模式一中元素可分解为背景与区域异常2个部分,无明显富集,不具成矿潜力;模式二元素除了具有模式一的背景与区域异常外,还发育较强的局部异常,在局部异常处,有较大的找矿潜力。通过对该区地球化学和地质特征分析,圈定靶区4处,为寻找Cu、Pb多金属矿产提供了依据。  相似文献   

The granite-greenstone terrain of south-central Zimbabwe, encompassing the Belingwe (Mberengwa) greenstone belt and sections of the Great Dyke, provides important constraints on models for the evolution of the Zimbabwe craton and the Archaean crust in general. In this paper we enhance and model existing and recently acquired gravity data from the region and correlate the anomalies and their derivatives with the known basement geology to evaluate models for greenstone belt development. We also study the spatial gneiss-granite-greenstone association in general, and the geologic implications of models of the anomaly patterns in particular. Although the Belingwe greenstone belt has been mapped, its subsurface geometry is poorly known. Similarly, the Great Dyke is well studied, but no systematic study of the extent and cross-cutting relations of other mafic dykes in the Archaean crust has been undertaken.The regional gravity field shows no evidence for crustal thickness variations in the area and the gravity anomalies can be explained by lateral density variations of the supracrustal rocks. Prominent gravity highs are observed over the high density ( 3000 kg/m3) volcano-sedimentary piles (greenstone belts) and ultramafic complexes. Well-defined elongate, sub-oval/elliptical gravity lows are associated with intrusive granitic plutons. The granite-greenstone contacts are marked by steep gravity gradients of up to 5 mGal/km that imply steeply dipping or near-vertical contacts for the anomalous bodies. This is tested and confirmed by 21/2D modelling of gravity profiles across the Belingwe and Fort Rixon greenstone belts, constrained by measured densities and observed geological data. The modelling also indicates that these belts, and possibly all the belts in the study area (based on comparable densities and anomaly amplitudes), have limited depth extents in the range of 3–5 km. This is comparable to thicknesses obtained elsewhere from deep seismic reflection data and geoelectrical studies, but mapped stratigraphic thicknesses give a maximum depth extent of about 9.5 km. Present studies and previous work support the idea that the volcanics were extruded within rift zones and laid on older granitic crust, followed by subsidence and rapid deposition of sediments that were sourced from the adjacent basement terrains. The volcano-sedimentary sequences were subsequently deformed by intruding younger plutons and affected by late-stage strike-slip activity producing cross-cutting structures.  相似文献   

通过对新疆比勒提地区1∶50000水系沉积物测量Cu、Pb、B、Ti元素进行多重分形分析,划分出两类多重分形特征模式,即多重分形幂律图可用2段直线来拟合的模式一和可用3段直线拟合的模式二。模式一中元素可分解为背景与区域异常2个部分,无明显富集,不具成矿潜力;模式二元素除了具有模式一的背景与区域异常外,还发育较强的局部异常,在局部异常处,有较大的找矿潜力。通过对该区地球化学和地质特征分析,圈定靶区4处,为寻找Cu、Pb多金属矿产提供了依据。  相似文献   

由于断裂两侧的磁性、密度的纵横向差异在重力、磁力异常上有所表现,因此所获得的重力、磁力数据为深入研究关键的地质课题提供了科学基础,如郯庐断裂带的基底性质、断裂形成特征和岩浆岩分布。利用最新的高精度航空重力和磁力数据以及地面重力数据,绘制了郯庐断裂带地区的1∶50 000重力和磁力异常图,并结合区域地质数据分析了重力和磁力异常特征。分析结果认为:存在连体的郯庐—大别古老构造带,郯庐断裂带南段是元古宙和燕山中期岩浆活动的复合反映带;郯庐断裂带为中元古—新元古代时期南华北陆块与下扬子陆块的界限;磁力、重力异常图对比说明,合肥盆地范围由老到新向东扩展。  相似文献   

大兴安岭东南部油气资源勘查区重磁异常初步解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
区域重磁异常的初步解释表明,西拉木伦河以北的松辽盆地外围地区存在诸多中、新生代盆地,发育3条NW向深大断裂和近NEE向的弧形构造.1∶20万重力异常显示,本区中、新生代盆地边界具有较明显的梯度异常特征,1∶5万航磁异常可较为清晰地勾画中新生代火成岩的分布.重、磁、电剖面联合反演揭示,中生代地层厚度1~4km,古生界规模宏大,厚度可达4~6km,是本区寻找油气的重要层位;古生界含油气盆地基底为志留系及更老地层;大兴安岭NE向展布的花岗岩具有蘑菇状侵入特征.通过重、磁异常联合反演,消除火成岩影响,得出突泉和扎鲁特地区的中生代基底深度1.5~4km,古生代的基底深度为2~6km.  相似文献   

RGIS软件中2.5D重磁联合反演模块采用2.5D人机交互重磁异常反演方法,具有界面简洁、操作方便、反演曲线实时显示等优点.笔者以甘肃敦煌地区甘C-2011-0011航磁异常反演为例,介绍了该软件数据输入、参数设置及模型建立的具体方法.反演结果与实际钻孔验证结果基本吻合,表明反演结果可靠.  相似文献   

从原理上分析了音频大地电磁阻抗相位在静位移和垂向电性异常体影响下的变化特性,并采用二维有限元方法进行了正演模拟。考虑到阻抗相位在静位移和真实垂向异常中的响应差异,认为利用阻抗相位开展综合解释对于识别二维垂向电性异常具有十分积极的意义。理论模型计算和工程实例表明,基于阻抗相位的综合解释方法对于识别二维垂向电性异常具有较好的应用效果。  相似文献   

通过对新疆比勒提地区1:50000水系沉积物测量Cu、Pb、B、Ti元素进行多重分形分析,划分出两类多重分形特征模式,即多重分形幂律图可用2段直线来拟合的模式一和可用3段直线拟合的模式二。模式一中元素可分解为背景与区域异常2个部分,无明显富集,不具成矿潜力;模式二元素除了具有模式一的背景与区域异常外,还发育较强的局部异常,在局部异常处,有较大的找矿潜力。通过对该区地球化学和地质特征分析,圈定靶区4处,为寻找Cu、Pb多金属矿产提供了依据。  相似文献   

快速成像反演方法是近几年重磁勘探定量解释的一个发展热点,由于其在计算过程中不需要加入先验信息,故而可以较为快速地估算场源的深度与密度等相关参量。DEXP(depth from extreme point)成像法由于在深度加权函数中考虑了构造指数,使得成像结果更为准确。笔者基于DEXP快速成像法的基本理论,首先,推导了重力异常及重力梯度张量的DEXP变换形式,并将其应用到场源解释之中;然后,采用理论模型试验,分别分析了数据的点距、误差、计算范围以及背景场对成像结果的影响;最后,将该成像方法应用于实测的全张量重力梯度数据,并与前人研究结果进行了对比与分析。理论模型试验与实际应用均表明:DEXP成像法能够有效压制数据噪声的影响,具有计算稳定性和准确性特点;数据的点距、计算范围和背景场均对DEXP成像结果具有一定的影响,因此在实际数据处理时,应该综合考虑它们对成像结果的影响,并且需要进行相关数据预处理以提高定量解释的精度。  相似文献   

塔里木盆地中部航磁异常带新解译   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
横亘于塔里木盆地中部的纬向航磁高ΔTa异常带,一直是探讨盆地及深部基底的物质组成及结构构造的焦点。根据钻井及地震资料综合分析,发现满加尔坳陷中南部上奥陶统内发育大型地震反射异常体,平面上主要由8个地震反射异常体近东西向呈带状展布,与盆地中部航磁高ΔTa异常带相关。从地层发育及地震相特征分析,这些地震反射异常体应为辉绿岩-玄武岩等基性火成岩体,且与航磁ΔTa异常带上的磁力高相对应。异常体具有垂直向下的通道,与断裂及岩浆活动通道有关。盆地中部高航磁异常带为多期构造易活动带,反映了满加尔坳陷震旦纪与中晚奥陶世处于拉张的构造背景。  相似文献   

 The Basque country magnetic anomaly follows a NW–SE trend over the Basque country (northern Spain) with intensities up to 250 nT measured at 3000 m above sea level. The paired negative part of the anomaly is located to the north and presents intensities down to –60 nT. A model of the magnetic properties of the crust in the area, taking into account previous geological and geophysical data, indicates a wedge of material with a magnetic susceptibility of 0.07 SI emplaced along a NE-directed basal thrust. The anomalous wedge is composed of basic and/or ultrabasic Cretaceous intrusives and lower crustal rocks, and reaches a minimum depth which increases towards the northwest from 5–7 to 12 km. According to previous works, geological features of the rocks on top of the anomalous wedge indicate that during the Cretaceous this zone constituted a deep marine environment which underwent important crustal thinning related to rifting. The transition towards the southwest was to a normal continental platform. Alpine deformation gave rise to displacement on a basal thrust, which can be correlated with the lower contact of the magnetic wedge, and emplacement of this wedge towards the northeast. The southeastern termination of the anomaly can be related to the lateral termination of the basic rocks which constitute the anomalous wedge in a transform fault related to the rifting event. Received: 30 January 1995 / Accepted: 9 February 1996  相似文献   

应用地面高精度磁法,对甘肃省龙首山铀成矿带西岔地段进行了研究,成果显示该地段磁异常场呈北西向展布,中部为醒目的正异常和南北两侧平缓的正负异常特征.中部醒目的正磁场区,由磁性较强的斑状花岗岩、闪长岩引起,北部、南部平缓变化正负磁场区为弱磁性的花岗岩、大理岩、板岩等引起.马路沟断裂(F101)带受挤压应力作用,岩石破碎,热液活动及蚀变作用造成岩石磁性减弱或消失,从而使蚀变岩石磁性降低,其磁异常特征出现明显差异,南部断裂表现为北西向磁异常线性梯度带,而北部断裂表现为明显的线性负磁异常带.  相似文献   

The Chilean Iron Belt is an important location for Fe and Cu(Fe)-Au deposits and includes the recently developed Candelaria deposit, which is located some 20 km south of the city of Copiapó in northern Chile. This mine is now a major Cu producer in Chile but its discovery in the late 1980s was relatively fortuitous. The exploration programme included a ground magnetic survey from which lessons can be learnt in the search for further such deposits. Palaeomagnetic studies throughout the northern part of the Chilean Iron Belt indicate major crustal rotation of the region, probably, related to oblique convergence and transpression at the Andean Margin. The application of palaeomagnetic techniques to a magnetite-apatite deposit, Mina Fresia, indicates that magnetite-rich ores in this area are capable of maintaining a significant remanence component which will contribute to their magnetic anomaly. As with the volcanics, intrusives and sediments of the region this, remanence is clearly rotated clockwise. Using 2.5D and 3D magnetic modelling, it is demonstrated that the magnetic anomaly associated with the Candelaria deposit is also dominated by a remanence component which is significantly rotated but of reversed polarity. Recognition of clockwise-rotated, remanence-dominated anomalies should provide a new key to the search for deposits in this part of Chile and elsewhere. An example of an unexplored anomaly showing this key feature of a clockwise-rotated remanence component dominating over the induced component is presented. Modelling of this anomaly indicates a pair of sources which are either ten times as big or ten times as magnetic as the Candelaria deposit. It is suggested that the low cost of palaeomagnetic study of an exploration target should be a prerequisite to magnetic anomaly interpretation of targets in tectonic areas where vertical axis crustal rotations may be a significant element of the overall deformation pattern. Received: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 5 October 1999  相似文献   

黑龙江省虎林市幅重磁场特征及其地质解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林泽付  薛进  杨恕  吴东国 《世界地质》2004,23(4):397-401
以区域地质资料和物性资料为依据,对黑龙江省虎林市幅重磁场特征进行了综合分析。根据航磁△T异常以及布格异常平面等值线展布特点,对该区的杂乱磁场区、线性磁场区和平稳磁场区进行了相关的地质解释,描述了30条断裂构造带及其重力场特征;结合重力异常和航磁异常等综合资料,按结晶基底起伏形态,将虎林盆地划分为4个隆起、3个凹陷共7个构造单元。  相似文献   

在高精度磁测数据精细处理解释中,通常需要定量解释磁性体的深度信息,对于研究区域地质构造、岩浆岩发育和找矿分析研究都具有重要意义。功率谱法是计算磁性体深度的常用方法,但由于程序采用滑动窗口的方法,参数选择存在主观性,会造成计算误差。笔者通过人机交互2.5D重、磁联合反演拟合和钻井资料对比分析,甄选最佳参数组合,利用功率谱法反演计算了银额盆地居延海坳陷磁性体的埋深信息。  相似文献   

吉林板石沟铁矿是鞍山式铁矿,受南北、近东西与北东向三期构造形变作用,复式向形褶皱构造复杂。笔者对比了向上延拓方法与小波分析方法,得出小波分析方法更能够揭示板石沟铁矿太古宇杨家店组上段的角闪质含铁建造的特征。通过小波分析得出,板石沟铁矿向形北翼呈弧形,南翼是次一级的背斜,并且南翼连续、向东延伸。板石沟铁矿南翼为东西向低缓异常带,与具磁性的太古宇杨家店组上段的角闪质含铁建造对应较好,南翼东段深部的磁异常连续且有一定规模,具有找矿的潜力;推断了南翼古元古界老岭群与珍珠门群地层之下可能还有隐伏的铁矿层。对板石沟铁矿区磁测资料进行2.5D交互反演,其中47线验证结果获得较好的地质效果。  相似文献   

以往对化探异常主要进行平面和剖面的二维解释,难以准确地反映化探异常与地下油气分布的关系。以库车坳陷米斯布拉克地区油气化探为例,系统研究了该区沉积—构造演化、生烃过程、油气运移特征及异常展布规律,并以油气垂向运移理论为指导,建立了该区化探异常立体解释模型(地质体模型、输导空间模型、异常压力模型和化探异常立体模型),直观反映了该区油气垂向运移的方式、动力来源、运移空间和运移路径,系统解释了米斯布拉克地区地表化探异常的形成过程及其与地下油气的关系,发现断裂面凸面引起的油气聚敛运移导致异常加强,而断裂凹面引起的油气发散运移导致异常减弱。总体来看,化探异常立体解释模型在米斯布拉克地区化探异常解释中取得了良好的效果,有效地提高了化探异常解释的确定性和准确性。  相似文献   

随着铀矿找矿空间的战略转移,攻深找盲成为大势所趋,建立不同景观区、不同矿床类型的勘查技术方法有效组合的地球物理找矿新模式应用而生,使得多信息间依存关系探索在成矿预测中显得尤为重要.基于这一思路,在内蒙古二连盆地艾勒格庙地区210po异常解释时,通过对地面γ照射量率与210Po间的趋势回归,发现二者存在紧密的对数(In)相关性,结合区域地质背景资料的进一步分析,较为客观地预测了其铀成矿的可能性.  相似文献   

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