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This study provides geochemical, mineralogical, and isotope data for rocks and ores from Lower Proterozoic black shale formations of the Kodar–Udokan structural and formational zone, which host the Khadatkanda gold—uranium deposit. The results indicate that the uranium and gold mineralizations were formed at different times in relation to different geodynamic settings. The gold mineralization is associated with the inception of the Syulban fault and has a juvenile source. The later Th–U mineralization originated during tectonic rejuvenation of the Syulban fault zone, while the sources of radioactive elements were presumably the underlying sediments of the Kodar Group, which are widespread throughout the area of the Baikal mountain region (BMR). Based on the above results, the Au–U mineralization in the study area can be recognized as unconformity-type deposits, analogous to the well-known deposits of Australia and Canada. In this connection, the Baikal mountain region has a good potential for the discovery of Au—U deposits.  相似文献   

Magmatic PGE and Ni–Cu deposits form in contrasting geologic environments and periods. PGE deposits predominantly occur in large layered intrusions emplaced during the late Archean and early Proterozoic into stabilized, relatively S-poor cratonic lithosphere that provides enhanced preservation potential. The magmas ascend through intracratonic sutures where extension and rifting is limited. Crystallization under conditions of low regional stress, with limited magma-induced sagging due to underlying thick buoyant sub-continental mantle lithosphere, is consistent with their laterally continuous layering. Most of the global resources occur in three large intrusions: Bushveld, Great Dyke and Stillwater. Due to the large size (tens of kilometres) and limited complexity of the deposits, they are relatively easy to locate and delineate. As a result, the search space is relatively mature and few new discoveries have been made in the last few decades. The parental magmas to the intrusions are predominantly derived from the convecting mantle but, in addition, the involvement of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle is suggested by the relative Pt enrichment of most of the major deposits. In contrast to the PGE deposits, Ni–Cu deposits form throughout geologic time, but with the largest deposits being younger than ca. 2 Ga. The sulfide ores are concentrated under highly dynamic conditions within lava channels and magma conduits. The deposits are preferentially located near craton margins towards which mantle plumes have been channelled and where mantle magmas can readily ascend through abundant trans-lithospheric structures. Magma flow is focused and locally enhanced by shifting compressive–extensional tectonic regimes, and abundant S-rich crustal rocks provide an external S source that is required for the majority of deposits. The igneous bodies hosting the deposits tend to be irregular and small, tens to hundreds of metres in width and height, and are difficult to locate. As a result, the search space remains relatively immature. Understanding their tectonic setting helps reduce the prospective search space for world-class examples.  相似文献   

Magnesite is relatively frequent as a mineral, there are, however, only two types of economically important deposits:The world's largest reserves are found in deposits of theVeitsch type. These are strata-bound lensoid and nearly monomineralic bodies consisting of coarsely crystalline »spar« magnesite hosted by marine platform sediments. Conspicuous are sedimentary and diagenetic features of the magnesite bearing suites, which indicate formation within a subtidal, evaporitic environment closely associated with sabkhas, mudbars or other inter- to supratidal highs. The coarse crystallinity of these magnesites is a product of diagenesis.As spar magnesites as a rock are mainly characterized by diagenetic features it is now often concluded that the main phase of magnesium concentration would also have taken place during late diagenesis or early metamorphism from fluids formed by these processes. In that case, their origin would be by hydrothermal replacement.Contrary to this trend it is here concluded by integrating important data that Veitsch type magnesites are essentially ofsyngenetic origin. A genetic model is presented, which stresses their kinship with shallow water marine chloride type evaporites.Deposits of cryptocrystalline magnesite of theKraubath type are much smaller and less frequent than spar magnesites, although they are quite important because of their high quality product. Deposits include veins and stockworks of snow-white magnesite in ultramafic country rocks.Genetic models of Kraubath type magnesites include the extremes of supergene alteration versus hypogene-hydrothermal formation. In this paper, arguments are discussed which favour the second interpretation, illustrated by a model asSynearsurface epithermal deposits.
Zusammenfassung Magnesit ist zwar ein relativ häufiges Mineral, seine wirtschaftlich bedeutenden Lagerstätten erscheinen aber nur in zwei Typen:Die größten bergbaulichen Reserven liegen imVeitsch Typ vor, das sind schichtgebundene, linsige Körper von nahezu monomineralischem, grobkristallinem »Spatmagnesit« in marinen Plattformsedimenten. Besonders auffällig sind charakteristische sedimentäre und diagenetische Merkmale dieser Lagerstätten und ihrer Nebengesteine, welche insgesamt auf Bildung in einem subtidalen, evaporitischen Milieu in enger Nachbarschaft zu naheliegenden Sabkhas oder Schlammbänken und anderen inter- bis supratidalen Hochzonen verweisen.Daß Spatmagnesite ihre Hauptprägung offenbar während der Diagenese erfahren führt dazu, daß heute auch die erstmalige Konzentration des Mg in den Lagerstätten in diese Phase verlegt wird. Daraus ergäbe sich eine hydrothermal-metasomatische Entstehung durch Fluide, deren Herkunft zur Zeit meist in Zusammenhang mit diagenetischen oder metamorphen Prozessen gebracht wird.Im Gegensatz zu diesem Trend wird hier auf Grund einer Zusammenschau aller wesentlichen Daten zu diesen Lagerstätten eine im wesentlichensyngenetische Entstehung der Spatmagnesite vertreten. Es wird ein Modell vorgestellt, in dem die Ähnlichkeit mit chloridischen Seichtwasserevaporiten betont ist.Ogerstätten von kryptokristallinem Magnesit desKraubath Typs sind seltener und relativ klein, doch infolge der Rohstoffqualität besonders gesucht. Es sind Gänge und oberflächennahe Stockwerkkörper von schneeweißem Magnesit in ultramafischen Nebengesteinen, der oft kolloforme, selten auch faserige Texturen zeigt.Genetische Modelle der Bildung solcher Magnesitlagerstätten liegen zwischen den unvereinbaren Extremen einer supergenen Entstehung durch Verwitterung und einer hypogen-hydrothermalen Bildung. Es werden Argumente für das zweitgenannte Modell angeführt, wobei auffällige Parallelen zuoberflächennahen, epithermalen Lagerstätten festgestellt werden.

Résumé Bien que la magnésite soit un minéral relativement fréquent, elle ne constitue que deux types de gisements d'importance économique:Le premier est le type Veitsch dont les gisements comportent les plus grandes réserves de magnésite du monde. Il s'agit de corps lenticulaires «strata-bounds», formés de magnésite grossière («spathique») presque monominérale et contenus dans des sédiments marins de plate-forme. Diverses structures sédimentaires et diagénétiques dans les roches de ces séries indiquent une formation dans un milieu sub-évaporitique, en association étroite avec des sabkhas, des «mud bars» et d'autres milieux inter- à supratidaux. La cristallinité grossière de ces magnésites est d'origine diagénétique. Comme ces magnésites spathiques portent surtout l'empreinte du stade diagénétique, on tend aujourd'hui à rapporter aussi à ce stade la phase principale de concentration du Mg. Ceci impliquerait une formation par métasomatose hydrothermale de carbonates pré-existants, les fluides responsables de ce métasomatisme étant d'origine diagénétique ou métamorphique.Contrairement à ce modèle courant, et se basant sur une revue de l'ensemble de données actuelles, on conclut ici que les magnésites du type Veitsch sont essentiellement d'origine sédimentaire. L'auteur présente un modèle génétique qui fait appel à une relation étroite avec des évaporites marines du type chloruré.La deuxième source économique de magnésite est représentée par les gisements du type Kraubath, dont les réserves sont beaucoup moins importantes mais la qualité supérieure comparées à celles des magnésites spathiques. Il s'agit de filons et Stockwerks de magnésite d'un blanc de neige dans des roches ultramafiques.Les interprétations génétiques avancées pour les gisements du type Kraubath comportent des modèles extrêmes: origine par altération supergène d'une part et formation à partir des fluides hydrothermaux d'autre part. Les arguments discutés dans la présente note sont en faveur de la deuxième interprétation; ils sont illustrés par un modèle de gisements épithermaux peu profonds.

, . Veitsch, - «» . , - , . , , , , , . , , . , , . . . , . Kraubath . - . , ; , . : - . , .

World-class deposits of magnesite and siderite occur in Riphean strata of the Southern Urals, Russia. Field evidence, inclusion fluid chemistry, and stable isotope data presented in this study clearly proof that the replacement and precipitation processes leading to the formation of the epigenetic dolomite, magnesite and hydrothermal siderite were genetically related to evaporitic fluids affecting already lithified rocks. There is, however, a systematic succession of events leading to the formation of magnesite in a first stage. After burial and diagenesis the same brines were modified to hot and reducing hydrothermal fluids and were the source for the formation of hydrothermal siderite. The magnesites of the Satka Formation as well as the magnesites and the siderites of the Bakal Formation exhibit low Na/Br (106 to 222) and Cl/Br (162 to 280) ratios plotting on the seawater evaporation trend, indicating that the fluids acquired their salinity by evaporation processes of seawater. Temperature calculations based on cation exchange thermometers indicate a formation temperature of the magnesites of?~?130 °C. Considering the fractionation at this temperature stable isotope evidence shows that the magnesite forming brines had δ18OSMOW values of?~?+1 ‰ thus indicating a seawater origin of the original fluid. Furthermore it proves that these fluids were not yet affected by appreciable fluid-rock interaction, which again implies magnesite formation in relatively high crustal levels. In contrast to the magnesites, the siderite mineralization was caused by hydrothermal fluids that underwent more intense reactions with their host rocks in deeper crustal levels compared to the magnesite. The values of 87Sr /86Sr in the siderites are substantially higher compared to the host rock slates. They also exceed the 87Sr /86Sr ratios of the magnesites and the host rock limestones indicating these slates as the source of iron as a consequence of water-rock interaction. The siderites were formed at temperatures of?~?250 °C indicating a relatively heavy fluid in equilibrium with siderite of 13 ‰ δ18OSMOW, which is in the range of diagenetic/metamorphic fluids and reflects the?±?complete equilibration with the host rocks. Carbon isotope evidence shows that the fluid forming the siderites underwent a much higher interaction with the host rocks resulting in a lowering of the δ13C numbers (?3,3 to ?3,7 ‰). The light carbon was most probably derived from decaying hydrocarbons in the Riphean sediments. In a very early stage after sedimentation of the Satka Formation (~1,550 Ma) magnesite was formed by seepage reflux of evaporitic bittern brines at the stage of riftogenic activity in the region (1,380–1,350 Ma). Sedimentation of the Bakal Formation (~1,430 Ma) and intrusion of diabase dykes (1,386?±?1,4 Ma) followed. Diagenetic/epigenetic mobilization of these buried fluids at?~?1,100 Ma resulted in the formation of hydrothermal siderite bodies.  相似文献   

The Hetai ductile shear zone-hosted gold deposit occurs in the deep-seated fault mylonite zone of the Sinian-Silurian metamorphic rock series. In this study there have been discovered melt inclusions, fluid-melt inclusions and organic inclusions in ore-bearing quartz veins of the ore deposit and mylonite for the first time. The homogenization temperatures of the various types of inclusions are 160℃, 180 - 350℃, 530℃ and 870℃ for organic inclusions, liquid inclusions, two-phase immiscible liquid inclusions and melt inclusions, respectively. Ore fluid is categorized as the neutral to basic K+ -Ca2+ -Mg2+ -Na+ - SO2- 4-HCO3-Cl- system. The contents of trace gases follow a descending order of H2O>CO2>CH4>(or < ) H2>CO>C2H2>C2I-I6>O2>N2.The concentrations of K , Ca2 + ,SO2-4,HCO3-,Cl- H2O and C2H2 in fluid inclusions are related to the contents of gold and the Au/Ag ratios in ores from different levels of the gold deposit. This is significant for deep ore prospecting in the region. Daughter minerals in melt inclusions were analyzed using SEM. Quartz, orthoclase, wollastonite and other silicate minerals were identified. They were formed in different mineral assemblages.This analysis further proves the existence of melt inclusions in ore veins. Sedimentary metamorphic rocks could form silicate melts during metamorphic anatexis and dynamic metamorphism, which possess melt-solution characteristics. Ore formation is related to the multi-stage forming process of silicate melt and fluid.  相似文献   

Long-term shoreline shifts reflect eustatic changes, tectonic activity, and sediment supply. Available lithostratigraphical data from northern Africa, Arabia, and the Tethys Hymalaya, coupled with facies interpretations, permit us to trace late Silurian–Middle Devonian long-term shoreline shifts across the northern Gondwanan margin and to compare them with constraints on global sea-level changes. Our analysis establishes a regression–transgression cycle. Its coincident global sea-level changes reveal the dominance of the eustatic control. A transgression–regression cycle observed in Arabia is best explained by regional subsidence. Our study highlights the importance of constraining the role of regional tectonics when interpreting shoreline shifts.  相似文献   


Metamorphism of the Askore Amphibolite, metabasaltic and metasedimentary medium-grade hornblendebearing schists at the northernmost portion of the Ladakh Terrane and of the Shyok Suture Zone, mainly a low-grade volcano-sedimentary series, has been studied in the area between the Chogo Lungma glacier and the Indus river halfway between Skardu and Rondu.

In the Askore Amphibolite the peak assemblage in the amphibolite facies defines the regional metamorphic foliation, and is overprinted by a later static recrystallization at comparable P-T conditions. In spite of similar peak temperatures (630–650°C), geobarometry based on amphibole composition reveals a marked difference between garnet – epidote – andesine amphibolites exposed just above the Main Mantle Thrust at the head of Turmik valley, which equilibrated at high pressures (about 10 kbar) in late Miocene (Tortonian), and biotite – epidote – oligoclase amphibolites outcropping at the mouth of Turmik valley, which equilibrated at pressures of c. 6 kbar before late Eocene (Priabonian).

The Dasu Ultramafite and other smaller lens-shaped bodies of low- to medium-grade metaperidotite separate the Ladakh Terrane from the Shyok Suture Zone. They are antigorite serpentinites, often with talc and magnesite, in which relict cumulitic structures are locally recognisable. The ultramafites may represent remnants of oceanic lithosphere separating the Ladakh-Kohistan island arc from the Asian plate, or they may be deep crustal rocks stripped from the basement of the arc.

The mostly greenschist-facies Shyok Suture Zone shows the lithology of a calc-alkaline volcano-sedimentary series. It is supposed to be a remnant of a back arc basin of early Cretaceous age, separating the arc from the southern margin of Asia. Chloritoid, kyanite and biotite have been found in individual thrust sheets occurring at different structural levels and totally subordinate in volume to very low- and low-grade rocks. Such sharp differences in mineral paragenesis, together with field evidence of local shear, suggest a complex internal structure for the Shyok Suture Zone. From the head of Chogo Lungma glacier to the Basha valley, close to the contact with the Karakorum Metamorphic Complex, the rocks of the Shyok Suture Zone record a late Miocene metamorphic event at medium pressures and temperatures. Thermobarometric and geochronological evidence suggests that this event can be related to the exhumation and thrusting of the Karakorum metamorphic core over the Shyok Suture Zone.  相似文献   

The present paper reports the first detailed petrological and geochemical study of non-sulfide Zn–(FePb) deposits in the Riópar area (Prebetic Zone of the Mesozoic Betic Basin, SE Spain), constraining the origin and evolution of ore-forming fluids. In Riópar both sulfide and non-sulfide Zn–(FePb) (“calamine”) ores are hosted in hydrothermally dolomitized Lower Cretaceous limestones. The hypogene sulfides comprise sphalerite, marcasite and minor galena. Calamine ores consist of Zn-carbonates (smithsonite and scarce hydrozincite), associated with abundant Fe-(hydr)oxides (goethite and hematite) and minor Pb-carbonates (cerussite). Three smithsonite types have been recognized: i) Sm-I consists of brown anhedral microcrystalline aggregates as encrustations replacing sphalerite; ii) Sm-II refers to brownish subhedral aggregates of rugged appearance related with Fe oxi-hydroxides in the surface crystals, which replace extensively sphalerite; and iii) Sm-III smithsonite appears as coarse grayish botryoidal aggregates in microkarstic cavities and porosity. Hydrozincite is scarce and appears as milky white botryoidal encrustations in cavities replacing smithsonite. Also, two types of cerussite have been identified: i) Cer-I cerussite consists of fine crystals replacing galena along cleavage planes and crystal surfaces; and ii) Cer-II conforms fine botryoidal crystals found infill porosity. Calcite and thin gypsum encrustations were also recognized. The field and petrographic observations of the Riópar non-sulfide Zn–(FePb) revealed two successive stages of supergene ore formation under meteoric fluid processes: i) “gossan” and “red calamine” formation in the uppermost parts of the ore with deposition of Fe-(hydr)oxides and Zn- and Pb-carbonates (Sm-I, Sm-II and Cer-I), occurring as direct replacements of ZnPb sulfides; and ii) “gray calamine” ore formation with deposition of Sm-III, Cer-II and hydrozincite infilling microkarst cavities and porosity. The stable isotope variation of Riópar smithsonite is very similar to those obtained in other calamine-ore deposits around the world. Their CO isotope data (δ18O: + 27.8 to + 29.6‰ V-SMOW; δ13C: − 6.3 to + 0.4‰ V-PDB), puts constrains on: i) the oxidizing fluid type, which was of meteoric origin with temperatures of 12 to 19 °C, suggesting a supergene weathering process for the calamine-ore formation under a temperate climate; and ii) the carbon source, that resulted from mixing between two CO2 components derived from: the dissolution of host-dolomite (13C-enriched source) and vegetation decomposition (13C-depleted component).  相似文献   

In this study, the whole-rock geochemistry of 35 Oligocene–Miocene sandstone and shale samples from the Zivah Formation, Moghan area (NW Iran) were collected and analyzed for evaluation of their provenance, tectonic setting and the intensity of paleo-weathering. Low to moderate values of the chemical index of alteration (mean CIA?=?53/68 for sandstones/shales) and relatively high values of index of compositional variability (mean ICV?=?1.23/1.08 for sandstones/shales) suggest weak chemical weathering and an immature source. These results support for the semi-arid and semi-humid paleoclimate conditions in the source area. The geochemistry results reveal that the sediments were deposited in a basin related to the island arc and active continental margin tectonic settings, probably indicating the time of initial collision between Arabia and Eurasia. The enrichment of Cr, Ni and V in the sandstone and shales are consistent with mafic input from the source area. However, La/Th vs. Hf and La/Sc vs. Co/Th plots reveal mixed source of felsic and intermediate volcanic rocks. The data indicate that the sediments most likely originated from a mixture of mafic, intermediate and felsic igneous source areas, possibly as the erosional products of localized topography of the Talysh and the Lesser Caucasus mountains (south to southwest), created by compression in the Moghan region during the syn-collisional development of the Caucasus.  相似文献   

Clay minerals from different Cretaceous stratigraphic successions of Egypt were investigated using XRD,DTA,dissolution analysis(DCB),IR,Moessbauer and X-band Electron Spin Resonance(ESR) spectroscopies.The purity of the samples and the degree of structural order were determined by XRD.The location of Fe in the octahedral sheet is characterized by absorption bands at-875cm^-1 assigned as Al-OH-Fe which is present after chemical dissolution of free iron.The Moessbauer spectra of these clays sow two doublets with isomer shift and quadrupole splitting typical of octahedral coordinated Fe^3 ,in addition to third doubler with hyperfine parameter typical of Fe^2 in the spectra of Abu-Had kaolinite (H)sample.6-lines magnetic hyperfine components which are consistent with those of hematite are confirmed in the spectra of both Isel and Rish kaolinite samples.Goethite was confirmed by both IR and DTA.Multiple nature of ESR of these clays suggested structural Fe in distorted octaedral symmetry and as non-structural Fe.Little dispersion and low swelling indices as well as incomplete activaiton of investigated montmorillonite samples by NaCO3 appear to be due to incomplete disaggregation of montmorillonite particles.This can be explained by the ability of Fe-gel to aggregate the montmorillonite into pseudo-particles and retard the rigid-gel structure.However,extraction of this ferric amorphous compound by dithonite treatment recovers the surface properties of the montmorillonite samples.On the other hand,amounts and site occupation of Fe associated with kaolinite samples show a negative correlation with the parameters used to describe the degree of crystalline perfection,color,brightness and vitrification range of these kaolinite samples.  相似文献   

Upper Triassic to Upper Jurassic strata in the western and northern Sichuan Basin were deposited in a synorogenic foreland basin. Ion–microprobe U–Pb analysis of 364 detrital zircon grains from five Late Triassic to Late Jurassic sandstone samples in the northern Sichuan Basin and several published Middle Triassic to Middle Jurassic samples in the eastern Songpan–Ganzi Complex and western and inner Sichuan Basin provide an initial framework for understanding the Late Triassic to Late Jurassic provenance of western and northern Sichuan Basin. For further understanding, the paleogeographic setting of these areas and neighboring hinterlands was constructed. Combined with analysis of depocenter migration, thermochronology and detrital zircon provenance, the western and northern Sichuan Basin is displayed as a transferred foreland basin from Late Triassic to Late Jurassic. The Upper Triassic Xujiahe depocenter was located at the front of the Longmen Shan belt, and sediments in the western Sichuan Basin shared the same provenances with the Middle–Upper Triassic in the Songpan–Ganzi Complex, whereas the South Qinling fed the northern Sichuan Basin. The synorogenic depocenter transferred to the front of Micang Shan during the early Middle Jurassic and at the front of the Daba Shan during the middle–late Middle Jurassic. Zircons of the Middle Jurassic were sourced from the North Qinling, South Qinling and northern Yangtze Craton. The depocenter returned to the front of the Micang Shan again during the Late Jurassic, and the South Qinling and northern Yangtze Craton was the main provenance. The detrital zircon U–Pb ages imply that the South and North China collision was probably not finished at the Late Jurassic.  相似文献   

The first U?Pb dates are obtained for detrital zircons from Upper Precambrian deposits of the Sredni (Zemlepakhtinskaya and Kuyakan formations) and Rybachi (Lonskii Formation) peninsulas. The spectra of ages of detrital zircons in sandstone samples from the Zemlepakhtinskaya and Kuyakan formations are similar to a significant extent to each other, which implies the dominant role of the same provenances. Most zircon grains are the Paleoproterozoic and Mesoproterozoic in age; some of them are characterized by Mesoarchean and Neoarchean ages. Zircons dated back to 1.0?2.0 Ga with maxima at approximately 1.8, 1.5, 1.3, and 1.1 Ga are the most abundant. The youngest zircon grains are the Mesoproterozoic in age: 1050 ± 21Ma (i.e., close to the Mesoproterozoic?Neoproterozoic boundary) and 1028 ± 21 Ma from the Zemlepakhtinskaya and Kuyakan formations, respectively. The distribution spectrum of ages obtained for zircons from sandstones of the Lonskii Formation significantly differs from that characteristic of zircons from sandstones of the Zemlepakhtinskaya and Kuyakan formations. The zircon population from the Lonskii Formation is dominated by detrital zircons with Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic ages (2.8?1.6 Ga); Paleoarchean and Mesoarchean grains are scarce. Their age maxima are registered at levels of approximately 2.7 and 1.8 Ga. The minimum age obtained for zircons from sandstones of the Lonskii Formation (1349 ± 35 Ma) allows the Rybachi block to be considered as being older as compared with the Sredni bock. Crystalline complexes of the Baltic Shield served as a main provenance for the Upper Precambrian deposits of the peninsulas under consideration. The dates obtained for detrital zircons from the Upper Precambrian deposits of the Sredni and Rybachi peninsulas are compared with similar data on the Upper Precambrian sequences of the Timan and Varanger Peninsula areas to reveal differences and similarities in the distribution of ages.  相似文献   

Illite Kübler index (KI) and oxygen isotope (brachiopods and micrites) investigations have been performed on more than 300 Frasnian limestones sampled in one borehole and numerous outcrops in the Dinant Synclinorium (Belgium, northern France) of the northern Variscan front. The illite Kübler index and 18O data of a 3-km-thick, tectonically repeated Frasnian series from the Focant borehole are compared with their surrounding surface correspondents and document in-situ reheating induced by Variscan tectonic loading, which post-dated sedimentary burial alteration. The boundary between these two thermal processes (sedimentary burial and tectonic loading) on the Focant profile corresponds to an important location where the heat induced by the tectonic loading was equivalent to that Frasnian strata suffered during maximum sedimentary burial. Mainly based on this knowledge and on a former conodont colour alteration index study, the thickness of the eroded thrust sheet in the Focant area is estimated to be around 3,000 m. Oxygen isotopic exchange in these Frasnian closed carbonate systems, occurring under highest-grade diagenesis and anchimetamorphism, records two events. Brachiopods present a quite different and more homogeneous pattern, due to their higher resistance to heat alteration. These thermal events caused both 18O records to become increasingly lighter than the presumed original seawater signature. The comparison between KI and 18O profiles indicates that illite KI analysis is more appropriate than 18O in highlighting the temperature variations in the burial metamorphism at the periphery of orogenic belts.  相似文献   


The Zentralgneise in the Hohe Tauern (Penninic Zone, Eastern Alps, Austria) can be interpreted essentially as metamorphosed Late Paleozoic orogenic plutonites with original compositions mainly of granites, granodiorites and tonalites, rarely also of diorites, quartzdiorites, quartzmonzodiorites, quartzmonzonites and quartzsyenites. Most of the granitoids show attributes of “Cordilleran I-type granites” respectively “volcanic arc granites”.

Due to their similarity to subduction derived granitoids from present day active continental margins in the Circum-Pacific area, it is assumed, that the I-type granitoids of the Hohe Tauern reflect the influence of a Variscan destructive plate boundary.

Among the Zentralgneise also minor amounts of granites with features towards the S-type occur, which are more likely related to collision than to subduction.

Seen as a whole, the Late Paleozoic plutonism played probably part in a compressional continental margin and originated during a Variscan subduction-collision scenario, that occurred along the southern flank of Central European Hercynian fold belt.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers in semi-arid regions, like Querença-Silves (Portugal), are particularly vulnerable to climate variability. For the first time in this region, the temporal structure of a groundwater-level time series (1985–2010) was explored using the continuous wavelet transform. The investigation focused on a set of four piezometers, two at each side of the S. Marcos-Quarteira fault, to demonstrate how each of the two sectors of the aquifer respond to climate-induced patterns. Singular spectral analysis applied to an extended set of piezometers enabled identification of several quasi-periodic modes of variability, with periods of 6.5, 4.3, 3.2 and 2.6 years, which can be explained by low-frequency climate patterns. The geologic forcing accounts for ~15 % of the differential variability between the eastern and western sectors of the aquifer. The western sector displays spatially homogenous piezometric variations, large memory effects and low-pass filtering characteristics, which are consistent with relatively large and uniform values of water storage capacity and transmissivity properties. In this sector, the 6.5-year mode of variability accounts for ~70 % of the total variance of the groundwater levels. The eastern sector shows larger spatial and temporal heterogeneity, is more reactive to short-term variations, and is less influenced by the low-frequency components related to climate patterns.  相似文献   

We consider the structural position and petrology of eclogites in the North Kokchetav accretion-collision zone located north of the Kokchetav metamorphic belt formed by high- and ultrahigh-pressure rocks. In the Early Ordovician North Kokchetav tectonic zone, thin sheets of mylonite and diaphthoric gneisses with eclogites are tectonically conjugate with the volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Stepnyak paleoisland-arc zone. Eclogites have been revealed at two sites of the North Kokchetav tectonic zone—Chaikino and Borovoe. The Chaikino eclogites formed at 800–850 °C and 18–20 kbar, and the Borovoe eclogites, at 750–800 °C and 17–18 kbar. Study of pyroxene-plagioclase symplectite replacing omphacite of the eclogites at both sites has recognized three stages of regressive magmatism: (1) formation of coarse-grained clinopyroxene-plagioclase symplectite at 760–790 °C and 11–12 kbar, (2) formation of fine-grained clinopyroxene-plagioclase symplectite at 700–730 °C and 7–8 kbar, and (3) amphibolization of pyroxene at 570–600 °C and 5–6 kbar. The Ar-Ar age of muscovite from the Borovoe mica schists hosting eclogites is 493 ± 5 Ma, which corresponds to the time of cooling of metamorphic rocks to <370 °C. Hence, the peak of high-pressure metamorphism and all recognized stages of retrograde changes are dated to the Cambrian. The geological data evidence that eclogite-schist-gneiss sheets were localized in the accretion-collision zone and became conjugate with sedimentary and volcanic rocks no later than in the Middle Ordovician.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2060-2082
The Kazda?? Massif was previously considered as the metamorphic basement of the Sakarya Zone, a microcontinental fragment in NW Anatolia. Our new field mapping, geochemical investigations, and radiometric dating lead to a re-evaluation of previous suggested models of the massif. The Kazda?? metamorphic succession is subdivided into two major units separated by a pronounced unconformity. The lower unit (the Tozlu metaophiolite) is a typical oceanic crust assemblage consisting of ultramafic rocks and cumulate gabbros. It is unconformably overlain by a thick platform sequence of the upper group (the Sar?k?z unit). The basement ophiolites and overlying platform strata were subjected to a single stage of high-temperature metamorphism under progressive compression during the Alpine orogeny, accompanied by migmatitic metagranite emplacement. Radiometric age data obtained from the Kazda?? metamorphic succession reveal a wide range of ages. Metagranites of the Kazda?? metamorphic succession define a U–Pb discordia upper intercept age of ca. 230 Ma and a lower intercept age of 24.8 ± 4.6 Ma. This younger age agrees with 207Pb/206Pb single-zircon evaporation ages of 28.2 ± 4.1 to 26 ± 5.6 Ma. Moreover, a lower intercept age of 28 ± 10 Ma from a leucocratic metagranite supports the Alpine ages of the massif within error limits. Reconnaissance detrital zircon ages constrain a wide range of possible transport and deposition ages of the metasediments in the Sar?k?z unit from ca. 120 to 420 Ma. Following high-temperature metamorphism and metagranite emplacement, the Kazda?? sequence was internally imbricated by Alpine compression, and the lowermost Tozlu ophiolite thrust southward onto the Sar?k?z unit. Field mapping, internal stratigraphy, and new radiometric age data show that the Sar?k?z unit is the metamorphic equivalent of the Mesozoic platform succession of the Sakarya Zone. The underlying metaophiolites are remnants of the Palaeo tethys Ocean, which closed during the early Alpine orogeny. After strong deformation attending nappe emplacement, the unmetamorphosed Miocene Evciler and Kavlaklar granites intruded the tectonic packages of the Kazda?? Massif. During Pleistocene time, the Kazda?? Massif was elevated by EW trending high-angle normal faults dipping to Edremit Gulf, and attained its present structural and topographic position. Tectonic imbrication, erosion and younger E–W-trending faulting were the main cause of the exhumation of the massif.  相似文献   

New seamless onshore to offshore bedrock (1:10 k scale) mapping for the Lyme Bay area is used to resolve the westward termination of the Purbeck–Wight Fault Zone (PWFZ) structure, comprising one of the most prominent, long-lived (Variscan–Cimmerian–Alpine) structural lineaments in the southern UK. The study area lies south of the Variscan Frontal Thrust and overlays the basement Variscide Rhenohercynian Zone, in a region of dominant E-W tectonic fabric and a secondary conjugate NW-SE/NE-SW fabric. The PWFZ comprises one of the E-W major structures, with a typical history including Permian to early Cretaceous growth movement (relating to basement Variscan Thrust reactivation) followed by significant Alpine (Helvetic) inversion. Previous interpretations of the PWFZ have been limited by the low resolution (1:250 k scale) of the available offshore BGS mapping, and our study fills this gap. We describe a significant change in structural style of the fault zone from east to west. In the Weymouth Bay area, previous studies demonstrate the development of focussed strain associated with the PWFZ, accompanied by distributed strain, N-S fault development, and potential basement uplift in its hangingwall. In the Lyme Bay area to the west, faulting is dominantly E-W, with N-S faulting absent. Comparison of the newly mapped faulting networks to gravity data suggests a spatial relationship between this faulting variation and basement variability and uplift.  相似文献   

An Oligocene paleosurface (regolith) lies on top of the high-pressure metamorphic rocks of the Sesia–Lanzo Zone near Biella, NW Italy. Only the saprock, the lowermost part in a regolith profile, is preserved. No evidence for any paleosoil can be observed. Field observations indicate that the regolith developed through in situ mechanical fracturing of the rocks of the Sesia–Lanzo Zone in a continental environment. Density estimations of the regolith and the underlying rocks of the Sesia–Lanzo Zone confirm the field observations and imply that a relatively small amount of alteration minerals was formed. The main detected alteration phases are chlorite, various carbonates, quartz, clay minerals, Fe-oxides, and Fe-hydroxides. Chlorite differing in chemistry and crystallographic ordering demonstrates different stages of alteration. Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of carbonates suggests temperatures higher than surface conditions. Illite and chlorite thermometry indicates temperatures related to the anchizone (~250–300°C). These data are considered as a robust indication of the re-burial of the regolith together with its substrate and its volcanic cover. The burial is closely related to the tilting of the preserved stratigraphic sequence formed by the rocks of the Sesia–Lanzo Zone, the regolith, and the rocks of the Biella Volcanic Suite (Lanza, in Schweiz Miner Petrogr MItt 57: 281–290, 1977; Lanza, in Geologishe Rundschau 68: 83–92, 1979). Furthermore, the burial is consistent with this sequence of subaerial rocks being very close to the intrusion depth of the Valle del Cervo Pluton at the time of its emplacement (4–7 km; Zanoni et al., in Rend Online SGI Note Brevi 1: 199–202, 2008; Zanoni et al., in Int Geol Rev 52: 1244–1267, 2010 and references therein).  相似文献   

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