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根据散列式居民地中独立房的分布特点,提出了一种适合此类居民地的聚类方法。此法利用邻近原则,将符合聚类条件的独立房快速找出,并聚类在一起,并且本方法不存在过于复杂的运算,速度较快。同时,本文还分析了顾及障碍物的情况下独立房聚类的条件。 相似文献
融合时空邻近与专题属性相似的时空聚类是挖掘地理现象时空演化规律的重要手段。现有方法需要的聚类参数许多难以获取,影响了聚类方法的可操作性与聚类结果的可靠性。提出一种基于重排检验的时空聚类方法。首先,通过重排检验发现时空数据集中的均质子区域;进而,采用均方误差准则合并均质子区域内的时空实体生成时空簇,并通过簇内重排检验自动识别聚类合并的终止条件;最后,借助时空拓扑关系在保证结果精度的前提下发展一种快速重排检验的方法,提高了聚类方法的运行效率。通过实验和比较发现,该方法一方面可以发现不同形状、大小的时空簇,聚类质量优于经典的ST-DBSCAN方法;另一方面聚类过程中人为设置参数的主观性显著降低,提高了聚类方法的可操作性。 相似文献
区域划分是依据人口和社会经济指标将行政统计单元或其他地理实体划分成若干个不同水平或类别的集合。由于大多数的人口和社会经济指标来源于面状数据-行政统计单元,常用的区域划分的空间聚类方法是基于面状数据的,本文通过分析现有面状数据的聚类算法特点和不足,进而提出一种新的算法,该方法提出将面状统计单元进行网格划分,引入基于网格密度聚类算法的思想,克服现有面状聚类的诸多缺点,打破行政区划的限制,更好地发现潜在信息。 相似文献
为解决聚类数未知条件下面状地理实体的聚类问题,文中提出了一种基于聚类有效性函数的聚类方法。给出了适合面状地理实体k-中心点聚类算法的聚类有效性函数;将该有效性函数改写为适应度函数,设计了基于遗传算法的面状地理实体聚类算法。该算法在计算聚类数的同时能得到划分聚类结果。实验结果从一定程度上反映了数据集的结构信息特征。 相似文献
基于聚类有效性函数的面状地理实体聚类 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为解决聚类数未知条件下面状地理实体的聚类问题,文中提出了一种基于聚类有效性函数的聚类方法.给出了适合面状地理实体k-中心点聚类算法的聚类有效性函数;将该有效性函数改写为适应度函数,设计了基于遗传算法的面状地理实体聚类算法.该算法在计算聚类数的同时能得到划分聚类结果.实验结果从一定程度上反映了数据集的结构信息特征. 相似文献
基于聚类算法进行车辆轨迹点信息提取与挖掘,在高精度车道信息提取与更新、道路拥堵时空分析与治理、用户出行线路规划与推荐等应用中具有重要意义.针对现有聚类算法的不足,提出基于核距离的车辆轨迹点聚类方法.首先给出车辆轨迹点的定义,分析车辆轨迹的几何特征和轨迹聚类的要求,然后基于核函数的概念,推导核距离的计算过程,提出核距离密... 相似文献
从空间数据场的角度出发,提出了一种基于场论的层次空间聚类算法(简称HSCBFT)。该算法是通过模拟空间实体间的凝聚力来描述空间实体间的相互作用,进而采取层次凝聚的策略进行聚类。通过实验分析可以发现,层次空间聚类算法具有如下优势:①空间聚类簇中各空间实体很好地满足了空间邻近且专题属性相似的要求;②能发现任意形状的空间簇,且具有良好的抗噪性;③输入参数较少。 相似文献
建立了一种新的聚类算法——模糊投影寻踪聚类(fuzzy projection pursuit cluster, FPPC)算法,实现了投影寻踪聚类(projection pursuit clustering,PPC)算法与模糊聚类迭代(fuzzy clustering iterative,FCI)算法的良好融合。FPPC算法首先建立了一种新的投影指标函数,该函数由投影值标准差和投影点广义欧氏权距离平方和构成,能避免传统PPC中选取惟一参数密度窗宽时完全依赖经验来决定的问题;然后采用投影技术对高维数据进行降维处理,执行FCI步骤来对低维样本集进行初次聚类运算;接着通过寻找最优投影方向的过程,对样本集进行PPC的二重聚类。在FPPC求解过程中,运用了由混沌理论、文化算法与差分进化算法融合而成的混沌文化差分进化算法进行优化处理。实验仿真表明,FCI与PPC双重迭代聚类的FPPC算法拥有更优的聚类精度及有效性。 相似文献
设计了一种度量邻近域内空间实体局部分布的新指标——中值角度,在此基础上,提出了一种基于空间实体局部分布的空间聚类算法。该方法递归搜索空间实体集中所有局部分布度量值相近且非离群的点,并将其聚为一类。通过模拟数据和实际数据进行实验发现,所提出的算法比DBSCAN算法的聚类结果更合理,具有很好的抗噪性,能发现任意形状的聚类。 相似文献
利用SOFM对鸡西盆地城子河组储层综合评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对已有的储层评价方法优势与不足的分析,提出了在空间数据库基础上应用自组织特征映射神经网络进行油气储层评价。通过对鸡西盆地城子河组表征储层性能参数的分析,建立储层评价参数标准,并按照建立空间数据库-网格化-文件转换-文件合成-神经网络评价-类别评价-图形绘制的评价流程,生成鸡西盆地城子河组储层综合评价图。评价结果显示:Ⅰ级储集层主要发育于鸡东坳陷中央即鸡D6井东侧呈东西向条带状分布和鸡D6井西侧不规则分布;梨树镇坳陷西部:梨树镇周缘即鸡D2、鸡1、鸡3井周缘呈块状分布;Ⅱ级储集层区块主要发育于鸡东坳陷中部;Ⅲ级储集层区块最大;Ⅳ级在鸡西盆地零星分布。 相似文献
Peter Doucette Peggy Agouris Anthony Stefanidis Mohamad Musavi 《ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing》2001,55(5-6)
The extraction of road networks from digital imagery is a fundamental image analysis operation. Common problems encountered in automated road extraction include high sensitivity to typical scene clutter in high-resolution imagery, and inefficiency to meaningfully exploit multispectral imagery (MSI). With a ground sample distance (GSD) of less than 2 m per pixel, roads can be broadly described as elongated regions. We propose an approach of elongated region-based analysis for 2D road extraction from high-resolution imagery, which is suitable for MSI, and is insensitive to conventional edge definition. A self-organising road map (SORM) algorithm is presented, inspired from a specialised variation of Kohonen's self-organising map (SOM) neural network algorithm. A spectrally classified high-resolution image is assumed to be the input for our analysis. Our approach proceeds by performing spatial cluster analysis as a mid-level processing technique. This allows us to improve tolerance to road clutter in high-resolution images, and to minimise the effect on road extraction of common classification errors. This approach is designed in consideration of the emerging trend towards high-resolution multispectral sensors. Preliminary results demonstrate robust road extraction ability due to the non-local approach, when presented with noisy input. 相似文献
This paper describes an improved algorithm for fuzzyc-means clustering of remotely sensed data, by which the degree of fuzziness of the resultant classification is decreased as
comparing with that by a conventional algorithm: that is, the classification accuracy is increased. This is achieved by incorporating
covariance matrices at the level of individual classes rather than assuming a global one. Empirical results from a fuzzy classification
of an Edinburgh suburban land cover confirmed the improved performance of the new algorithm for fuzzyc-means clustering, in particular when fuzziness is also accommodated in the assumed reference data. 相似文献
A partitional clustering-based segmentation is used to carry out supervised classification for hyperspectral images. The main contribution of this study lies in the use of projected and correlation partitional clustering techniques to perform image segmentation. These types of clustering techniques have the capability to concurrently perform clustering and feature/band reduction, and are also able to identify different sets of relevant features for different clusters. Using these clustering techniques segmentation map is obtained, which is combined with the pixel-level support vector machines (SVM) classification result, using majority voting. Experiments are conducted over two hyperspectral images. Combination of pixel-level classification result with the segmentation maps leads to significant improvement of accuracies in both the images. Additionally, it is also observed that, classified maps obtained using SVM combined with projected and correlation clustering techniques results in higher accuracies as compared to classified maps obtained from SVM combined with other partitional clustering techniques. 相似文献
The nonsymmetry and antipacking pattern representation model(NAM) ,inspired by the concept of the packing problem,uses a set of subpatterns to represent an original pattern.The NAM is a promising method for image representation because of its ability to focus on the interesting subsets of an image.In this paper,we develop a new method for gray-scale image representation based on NAM,called NAM-structured plane decomposition(NAMPD) ,in which each subpattern is associated with a rectangular region in the imag... 相似文献