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Seawater intrusion is a major threat to the rapidly depleting groundwater resources in the coastal areas of India. Groundwater-based irrigation, significant industrial development and rapid urbanization are some of the key contributors exacerbating the stress on groundwater resources. Vulnerability to seawater intrusion in the Ramanathapuram district of Eastern India is assessed here utilizing the GALDIT method, for a period of 10 years (2001–2010). Results revealed a drastic increase in percent area coverage under moderate vulnerability, from 19.5 to 53.88 %, between the years 2001 and 2010. On the contrary, areas classified as highly vulnerable underwent minor changes over the span of the study. Vulnerability of the study area was also analyzed for the year 2050 considering an average global mean sea level rise of 3.1 mm/year. Results from the analysis for the year 2050 showed that, almost, the entire study area (~97 %) was classified under moderate vulnerability. As a remedial measure to this imminent threat, favorable zones for artificial recharge were delineated on the basis of overlay analysis with weightage values for important controlling factors. Subsequently, the quantity of artificial recharge required to inhibit the intrusion of seawater, at specified favorable zones were estimated to be 674.87, 599.18 and 1,450.66 m3/year.  相似文献   

Hydrogeology Journal - Significant urbanization and industrialization, combined with strong population growth, have been witnessed in the Arabian Peninsula (Oman, United Arab Emirates, Saudi...  相似文献   

The present study deals with the hydrogeochemistry and water quality of shallow aquifers in two important river basins—the Ithikkara and Kallada river basins—draining the south western flanks of Western Ghats in Kerala, South West India. Well water samples were collected from 20 dug wells with a depth range of 1 m below ground level (mbgl) to 18.2 mbgl during pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons of the year 2011–2012. These samples were analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters following standard methods and were evaluated for their interrelations and drinking water suitability. The pH of the water samples shows wide variation from highly acidic to highly alkaline water. About 80% of pre-monsoon samples recorded Fe2+ concentration above the permissible limit of drinking water standard. Water Quality Index (WQI) shows that majority of the well water samples fall in the category of excellent–good for drinking purpose. The results of the irrigation suitability assessment using the procedures like Percent Sodium, Sodium Absorption Ratio, Residual Sodium Carbonate, Kelly Index, Permeability Index, and Magnesium Hazard reveal that the well waters of the study area are fit for irrigation purpose. Na+/Cl? ratio reflects the release of sodium to water due to silicate weathering. The samples have a Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio equal or greater than 2 indicating the effect of silicate minerals in contributing Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions to the well water. The saturation indices reveal that groundwater is supersaturated with SiO2. Among the causative factors that determine the hydrochemical quality of well water samples, silicate weathering plays a pivotal role with significant input of ions from anthropogenic sources.  相似文献   

河北平原第四系咸水同位素组成   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文讨论了河北平原地下咸水的同位素组成。并且依据水文地质、水化学和同位素特征将咸水成因分为两种类型,即大陆盐化成因和海水成因咸水。前者δ18O<-7.00‰,δD<-55.0‰,36Cl/Cl>57±9(×10-15),14C年龄为1000~4000a(校正);后者δ18O>-7.00‰,δD>-55.0‰,δ37Cl值接近海水值,14C年龄大于10000a(校正),咸水中的海水百分比大于38.0%。  相似文献   

Overexploitation of shallow aquifers on the Syrian coast, north of Latakia (Damsarkho) for irrigation and tourism has caused an intrusion of seawater. The seawater intrusion into this aquifer has been presented by a three-dimensional finite element model using the FEFLOW numerical code. This conceptual model is based on field and laboratory data collected during the period 1966–2003. Meteoric infiltration and flows from the adjoining carbonate aquifer recharge the aquifer; natural outflow occurs through a diffuse flow into the sea; and artificial outflow occurs through intensive extraction of groundwater from wells. Water exchanges in the aquifer occur naturally (leakage) and artificially (multi-screened wells). The model was calibrated for transient conditions. The model helped establish that seawater intrusion is essentially due to withdrawals near the coast during the irrigation season and that it mainly occurs in the Damsarkho plain. The effects of hypothetical aquifer exploitation were assessed in terms of salt budget.  相似文献   

Pollution of groundwater by seawater intrusion poses a threat to sustainable agriculture in the coastal areas of Korea. Therefore, seawater intrusion monitoring stations were installed in eastern, western, and southern coastal areas and have been operated since 1998. In this study, groundwater chemistry data obtained from the seawater intrusion monitoring stations during the period from 2007 to 2009 were analyzed and evaluated. Groundwater was classified into fresh (<1,500 μS/cm), brackish (1,500–3,000 μS/cm), and saline (>3,000 μS/cm) according to EC levels. Among groundwater samples (n = 233), 56, 7, and 37% were classified as the fresh, brackish, and saline, respectively. The major dissolved components of the brackish and saline groundwaters were enriched compared with those of the fresh groundwater. The enrichment of Na+ and Cl was especially noticeable due to seawater intrusion. Thus, the brackish and saline groundwaters were classified as Ca–Cl and Na–Cl types, while the fresh groundwater was classified as Na–HCO3 and Ca–HCO3 types. The groundwater included in the Na–Cl types indicated the effects of seawater mixing. Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2−, and Br showed good correlations with Cl of over r = 0.624. Of these components, the strong correlations of Mg2+, SO4 2−, and Br with Cl (r ≥ 0.823) indicated a distinct mixing between fresh groundwater and seawater. The Ca/Cl and HCO3/Cl ratios of the groundwaters gradually decreased and approached those of seawater. The Mg/Cl, Na/Cl, K/Cl, SO4/Cl, and Br/Cl ratios of the groundwaters gradually decreased, and were similar to or lower than those of seawater, indicating that Mg2+, Na+, K+, SO4 2−, and Br, as well as Cl in the saline groundwater can be enriched by seawater mixing, while Ca2+ and HCO3 are mainly released by weathering processes. The influence of seawater intrusion was evaluated using threshold values of Cl and Br, which were estimated as 80.5 and 0.54 mg/L, respectively. According to these criteria, 41–50% of the groundwaters were affected by seawater mixing.  相似文献   


Numerical modelling is increasingly used as a tool for improving management strategies in aquifers and to support the design of comprehensive projects considering natural and anthropogenic processes. Overall, numerical simulation in karstic aquifers poses a major scientific challenge due to the non-Darcian groundwater flow dynamics. In specific cases, the equivalent porous medium approach has shown acceptable results, particularly in poorly karstified aquifers with regional/subregional scales such as this case. The Yucatan coastal karstic aquifer (Mexico) has been defined as a complex regional heterogeneous system, partially confined, thus allowing the discussion of multiple conceptual models. In this research, a two-dimensional numerical model of flow and transport was implemented using SEAWAT for the NW Yucatan aquifer. Four likely conceptual models were audited, calibrated and verified using hydrogeological field data, to select the best one, considering their fit and complexity. The numerical model accuracy was evaluated using the root-mean-square error, Nash Sutcliffe efficiency and the Pearson coefficient. The Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion were included for evaluating the complexity of the numerical models. In addition, the signal of tide propagation into the aquifer was assessed as a proxy to improve the numerical calibration process. Results show that the most complex numerical model has a better calibration than the simpler models, but the model accuracy is worse when compared to less complex numerical models in the verification exercise. This research offers enhancement in the knowledge of numerical modelling in heterogeneous coastal aquifers within a conceptual-model uncertainty setting.


 The Valley of Hermosillo coastal aquifer, state of Sonora, northwestern Mexico, has been over-exploited for the last four decades, in order to maintain agricultural activity in one of the most important irrigation districts of the Mexican Republic. The over-exploitation has resulted in the development of several drawdown cones and in the lowering of the water table to as much as 50 m below mean sea level. Contamination of the aquifer in the form of salt-water intrusion from the Gulf of California and high nitrate concentrations is the consequence of human activities. A hydrogeochemical zonation of the aquifer, based on the presence of different water families, led to the identification of a coastal band approximately 30 km wide that is affected by salt-water intrusion. Conductivity of the sampled water and the interpretation of the ratio Na/Cl×1000 was used to identify the location of three major intrusion plumes in this coastal band. The background nitrate contamination of the aquifer is about 4 ppm, but contents as great as about 17 ppm occur in some wells. Irrigation with raw sewage and movement of contaminants in areas of high hydraulic gradients within the drawdown cones probably are responsible for localized peaks of the nitrate concentration. Received, October 1996 Revised, September 1997, May 1998 Accepted, July 1998  相似文献   

 Mathematical modelling of salt-water intrusion processes in three aquifers on the southern coast of Spain (Río Verde, Río Vélez and Castell de Ferro) reveals that, although all three systems are subject to the same climate and seasonal over-exploitation, geological and human factors have very different effects on the dynamics of contamination. In the Río Verde aquifer, the most important influence is the high volume of extractions occurring during the dry season; in Río Vélez, the intrusion is strongly controlled by infiltration of water from the river to the aquifer, and, in the Castell de Ferro system, an intensely karstified carbonate massif lying in contact with both the sea water and the detrital aquifer represents the main entrance point for influx of sea water and subsequent washing of the aquifer. We have undertaken a mathematical simulation of various possible measures to counteract intrusion, according to the specific characteristics of the process in each aquifer. These measures include artificial recharge, use of natural recharge from the river as a hydraulic barrier, and the construction of a low-permeability barrier. Received: 5 December 1995 · Accepted: 12 April 1996  相似文献   

Exploration and exploitation of groundwater in sedimentary areas are reasonably simple. However, the problem of salinity in coastal areas makes the job very difficult, especially when the freshwater aquifers are not extensive and are entrapped between saline aquifers. States along the eastern coast of India, particularly Orissa with respect to the Mahanadi basin, have acute problems with groundwater salinity. It has been possible to locate horizons of fresh groundwater entrapped between deep saline aquifers in the southwestern part of Mahanadi delta, with the help of deep resistivity soundings along the Delang-Puri profile. This finding has been validated through boreholes and checked with electrical logs of this region. Three freshwater aquifers have been detected: one at shallow depth between 20 and 60?m, the second in the depth range of 90??60?m, and the third in the fractured/weathered basement. The second freshwater aquifer has the most potential; it has a thickness range of 20??0?m and it could be exploited to overcome problematic salinity issues. In general, the depth to basement is variable and it increases seaward.  相似文献   

The applicability of geophysical techniques has been examined for evaluating aquifer properties like transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity of coastal aquifers, Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. The pumping test data of 10 wells are interpreted by using forward modelling to obtain the aquifer characteristics in the study area. The available vertical electrical soundings (VES) data in the vicinity of the sites of pumping test have been interpreted; and true resistivity and thickness are determined at each site in the study area. Empirical relationships are established for estimating the hydraulic parameters from the electrical data.  相似文献   

The Central Godavari delta is located along the Bay of Bengal Coast, Andhra Pradesh, India, and is drained by Pikaleru, Kunavaram and Vasalatippa drains. There is no groundwater pumping for agriculture as wells as for domestic purpose due to the brackish nature of the groundwater at shallow depths. The groundwater table depths vary from 0.8 to 3.4 m and in the Ravva Onshore wells, 4.5 to 13.3 m. Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) surveys were carried out at several locations in the delta to delineate the aquifer geometry and to identify saline water aquifer zones. Groundwater samples collected and analyzed for major ions for assessing the saline water intrusion and to identify the salinity origin in the delta region. The results derived from ERT indicated low resistivity values in the area, which can be attributed to the existence of thick marine clays from ground surface to 12–15 m below ground level near the coast and high resistivity values are due to the presence of coarse sand with freshwater away from the coast. The resistivity values similar to saline water <0.01 Ω m is attributed to the mixing of the saline water along surface water drains. In the Ravva Onshore Terminal low resistivity values indicated up coning of saline water and mixing of saline water from Pikaleru drain. The SO 4 ?2 /Cl?and Na+2/Cl?ratios did not indicate saline water intrusion and the salinity is due to marine palaeosalinity, dilution of marine clays and dissolution of evaporites.  相似文献   

Hydrogeochemical investigation of groundwater has been carried out in the coastal aquifers of southern Tamil Nadu, India. Seventy-nine dug well samples were collected and analyzed for various physicochemical parameters. The result of the geochemical analysis indicates the groundwater in the study area is slightly alkaline with moderate saline water. The cation and anion concentrations confirm most of the groundwater samples belong to the order of Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+ and Cl? > SO4 2? > HCO3 ?. Thereby three major hydrochemical facies (Ca–Cl, mixed Ca–Mg–Cl and Na–Cl) were identified. Based on the US Salinity diagram, majority of the samples fall under medium to very high salinity with low to high sodium hazard. The cross plot of Ca2+ + Mg2+ versus chloride shows 61 % of the samples fall under saline water category. Higher EC, TDS and Cl concentrations were observed from Tiruchendur to Koodankulam coastal zone. It indicates that these regions are significantly affected by saltwater contamination due to seawater intrusion, saltpan deposits, and beach placer mining activities.  相似文献   

The study on water level conditions of fractured aquifer system in northeastern part of Anantapur district is of immense importance as the area is covered by varied geological formations and has different irrigation patterns. The monthly groundwater level data of 154 observation wells for five year period (2001–06) is analyzed to decipher the behavior of water levels in different seasons and geo-environments. The hydrographs of the average water level data of each Mandal (group of villages) indicate steady declining trend ranging from 0.50 to 2.91m/yr. Yellanuru Mandal has both the shallowest and the deepest water levels among eight Mandals, highly undulating terrain could be one of the reasons for this contrasting condition. The pre-monsoon water levels show decline of 8.22 m in one year from May 2002 to 2003. A negative seasonal fluctuation of ?1.49m has occurred in the year 2002 during which the area received 32% less than normal rainfall. The mean water levels are deeper by 42% in areas covered by sedimentary formations than those of granite terrain. Raise in water levels is significant where monthly rainfall is more than 200 mm. Due to erratic rainfall in space and time, deeper water levels are noticed even in post-monsoon period and shallow in February month at some locations. The water levels in command areas are deep and exhibit falling trend as the area forms the tail end part of the Tunga Bhadra High Level Canal. The deeper water level conditions and its declining feature is directly related to groundwater development in the form of increased agriculture activity, reduced area under rain-fed crops, high horticulture development. Arid climatic conditions, low precipitation and continuous exploitation of groundwater resources could be other factors contributing for steady decline in water levels in the area. The wide variations in groundwater levels could be due to uneven topography, heterogeneous and anisotropic conditions of granites and poor porosity — permeability of shales, lack of vegetation, and increased groundwater extraction.  相似文献   

Saltwater has invaded the coastal aquifer along the southern Adriatic coast of the Po Plain in Italy. The topography, morphology and land use of the region is complex: rivers, canals, wetlands, lagoons, urban, industrial and agricultural areas and tourist establishments all coexist in a small area. Water table and iso-salinity maps show that in four study areas (Ancona-Bellocchio, Marina Romea, San Vitale Forest, Cervia) out of five, the water tables are below sea level and saltwater has replaced freshwater in the aquifer. The fifth area (Classe Forest) has a relatively pristine freshwater aquifer thanks to an average water-table height of 2 m above sea level, a lower hydraulic conductivity (< 7.7 m/day) and a continuous dune system along the coast. Only in this area is the topography high enough to maintain freshwater heads that can counteract saltwater intrusion according to the Ghyben-Herzberg principle. Furthermore, the climate, with an average yearly precipitation of 606 mm and an average temperature of 14.4°C, allows for little recharge of the aquifer. Ongoing subsidence, encroachment of sea water along rivers and canals, as well as drainage from agricultural land also enhance the salinization process.  相似文献   

中国沿海地区海水入侵机理及防治措施研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
早在1964年,中国大连市就发生了过量开采地下水引发的海水入侵现象。目前有十几座沿海城市发生了不同程度的海水入侵。海水入侵不仅恶化了滨海地区的生态环境,而且阻碍了沿海地区的经济发展。中国沿海地区海水入侵面积经历了20世纪80年代的快速增长后,近些年来呈缓慢增长态势,甚至有些地区海水入侵面积不再增加。为了深入了解海水入侵的机制,从20世纪70年代后期开始,有关学者相继开展了一系列研究,如通过水-岩间阳离子交换实验来了解海水入侵的地球化学作用,建立三维有限元变密度的过渡带数值模型模拟与预报海水入侵过程及发展趋势。为了预防和治理海水入侵,除了控制地下水开采量及开采布局外,沿海地区还园地制宜采取了相应的防治措施,包括人工补给、地下防渗帷幕、节水灌溉以及远距离调水等工程措施。  相似文献   

Carbon sequestration in shallow aquifers can be facilitated by water withdrawal. The factors that optimize the injection/withdrawal balance to minimize potential environmental impacts have been studied, including reservoir size, well pattern, injection rate, reservoir heterogeneity, anisotropy ratio, and permeability sequence. The effects of these factors on CO2 storage capacity and efficiency were studied using a compositional simulator Computer Modeling Group-General Equation of State Model, which modeled features including residual gas trapping, CO2 solubility, and mineralization reactions. Two terms, storage efficiency and CO2 relative breakthrough time, were introduced to better describe the problem. The simulation results show that simultaneous water withdrawal during CO2 injection greatly improves CO2 storage capacity and efficiency. A certain degree of heterogeneity or anisotropy benefits CO2 storage. A high injection rate favors storage capacity, but reduces the storage efficiency and CO2 breakthrough time, which in turn limits the total amount of CO2 injected.  相似文献   

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