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The Calomini hermitage is located on a steep slope, below an 80- to 130-m-high hanging rock wall. The hermitage, a significant example of religious architecture, has been a pilgrimage place since the Middle Ages. The monastery, completed by the tenth century, is built into the rock mass for more than half of its length. The stability and safety of the complex are threatened by stability problems in the rock slope. Structural and geotechnical investigations were carried out, showing the potential for rock blocks slides, particularly under dynamic conditions, with the fall of middle size blocks. Recently, some remedial works have been carried out, and wire meshes have been hung on the rock wall. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the Calomini hermitage area may be still dangerous and exposed to severe landslide hazard. Therefore, further research and countermeasures are necessary to protect a very important item of Italian cultural and architectural heritage.  相似文献   

In this paper, the updating of the landslide inventory of Tuscany region is presented. To achieve this goal, satellite SAR data processed with persistent scatter interferometry (PSI) technique have been used. The updating leads to a consistent reduction of unclassified landslides and to an increasing of active landslides. After the updating, we explored the characteristics of the new inventory, analysing landslide distribution and geomorphological features. Several maps have been elaborated, as sliding index or landslide density map; we also propose a density-area map to highlight areas with different landslide densities and sizes. A frequency-area analysis has been performed, highlighting a classical negative power-law distribution. We also explored landslide frequency for lithology, soil use and several morphological attributes (elevation, slope gradient, slope curvature), considering both all landslides and classified landslide types (flows, falls and slides).  相似文献   

We present a 3-D thermal model of the Larderello geothermal field (Tuscany) to evaluate (1) the extent and contribution of the heat transfer mechanisms (conduction vs. convection) at the intermediate-upper crust levels, (2) the variability of the heat and mass fluxes entering from below and (3) the crucial role of the formation permeability. The model, composed by three main layers, considers the upper 10 km of the crust to better constrain the simulations with experimental data from borehole, fluid inclusion studies and hypocentral distributions. Several sets of simulations were carried out with different bottom boundary temperatures and different formation permeabilities for the two deeper layers. The results indicate that the present temperature (T) and pressure distributions in the Larderello field require deep reservoir rocks with higher permeability than the overlying capping units and underlying intermediate crust. Permeability values of 1 mDarcy for the reservoir rocks are enough to allow fluid convection, if the temperature at 10 km depth is as high as 500 ± 50°C. The presence of localized zones with formation permeability 50–100 times higher than the surrounding rocks strongly favours the migration of over-pressurized fluids, which episodically break through the overburden, feeding the presently exploited geothermal fields.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the hydrogeological problems related to the closure of the mine at Gavorrano (Tuscany, Italy). The geological and geo-structural settings of the Gavorrano area affect the groundwater flow systems and their chemical composition; hence, the settings also affect the chance and modalities to rehabilitate and re-utilize these water resources. This paper reports the results of studies, analyses of existing data and the consequent implementation of preliminary numerical models with particular reference to the effects of controlled water recovery and the complex measures required for stopping dewatering. The study incorporates recent data and the available historical records in an analysis of the hydrodynamic impact of water recovery and an assessment of the consequences of water recovery for water resources restoration. The applied numerical simulations have been demonstrated to be a promising and effective tool for planning and managing the future applications of groundwater recovery in the Gavorrano mining area. Using these applications, it will be possible to implement mitigation measures and types of re-use that consider thermal, chemical and discharge features.  相似文献   

On June 19, 1996, an extremely heavy rainstorm hit a restricted area in the Apuan Alps (northwestern Tuscany, Italy). Its max intensity concentrated over an area of about 150 km2 astride the Apuan chain, where 474 mm was recorded in about 12 h (21% of the mean annual precipitation, with an intensity up to 158 mm/h). The storm caused floods and hundreds of landslides and debris flows, which produced huge damage (hundreds of millions of Euros), partially destroyed villages and killed 14 people. This paper reports the results obtained from a detailed field survey and aerial view interpretation. In the most severely involved area, 647 main landslides were investigated, mapped and related to the geologic, geomorphic and vegetational factors of the source areas. This was in order to define the influence of these factors and contribute to an evaluation of the landslide hazard in the study area. An assessment was also made of the total area and volume of material mobilised by landsliding. The study area, about 46 km2 wide, includes three typically mountainous basins, characterised by narrow, deep cut valleys and steep slopes, where many rock types outcrop. Most of the landslides were shallow and linear, referable to complex, earth and debris translational slide, which quickly developed into flow (soil slip–debris flow). Usually, they involved colluvium and started in hollows underlain by metamorphic rock (metasandstone and phyllite), often dipping downslope. Therefore, bedrock lithology and impermeability appeared to be important factors in the localisation of the landslide phenomena. The investigation of the geomorphic and land use features in the source areas also frequently highlighted a rectilinear profile of the slope, a high slope gradient (31–45°) and dense chestnut wood cover. In the area, about 985,000 m2 (2.1% of 46 km2) was affected by landsliding and about 700,000 m2 of this area was covered by chestnut forest. The landslides removed about 7000 trees. The volume of mobilised material was about 1,360,000 m3; about 220,000 m3 remained on the slopes, while the rest poured into the streams. In addition, about 945,000 m3 was mobilised by the torrential erosion in the riverbeds.  相似文献   

The geomorphological changes experienced by the middle and lower Calore River (Southern Italy) between 1957 and 1998 were investigated. Data derived from field surveys and interpretation of topographic maps and aerial photos were introduced into a geographic information system (GIS) and processed. The results showed that the Calore River underwent a mean narrowing of 66 %, with a peak of 86 %. The channel length increased by approximately 75 m and the sinuosity from 1.311 to 1.314. The extension of fluvial bars reduced by more than 83 %, while their number increased from 151 to 381. Field evidence of riverbed lowering, such as river terraces formed in the considered time span and exhumation of foundations of bridges and flood-walls, were also constantly detected. Due to these channel adjustments, the Calore River morphology changed from transitional to single-thread. These results were coherent with those reported in the pre-existing literature about channel adjustments experienced by many rivers during the twentieth century. They all were explainable with a reduction of the bedload transport; this latter, in turn, is completely in accordance with the environmental changes that affected the Calore River system in the considered period (i.e., damming and/or channelization of the main tributaries, reduction of liquid discharge due to water withdrawals and sediment mining from the riverbed).  相似文献   

The eastern side of the Mt. Amiata volcano is affected by a series of deep-seated gravitational slope deformations (DsGSDs). The San Piero and the Podere Mezzavia DsGSDs affect the lower part of the slope. The main escarpments are located on the outer edges of the lava flows, but the landslides mostly affect the pre-volcanic Ligurian Terrains. A deeper movement, possibly exceeding 100 m in thickness, is evidenced by a long trench at the base of the main escarpment that indicates a sagging type movement. This deeper movement is responsible for the activation of a series of superficial rock and mud flows that show evidence of ongoing activity. The most likely location of the sliding surface is the tectonized contact between the Santa Fiora and Argille a Palombini Fms within the Ligurian units, although the superficial landslides prevent our determining with certainty if a clear-cut sliding surface already developed connecting the upper and the lower parts of the slope. These DsGSDs were activated along the flanks of a larger movement that affects the lava flow units cropping out in the middle slope of the volcano. A long main escarpment, secondary escarpments, trenches and borehole data suggest that the thickness could locally exceed 200 m and generate another sagging type movement. Up-slope and up-movement-facing counterscarps indicate the existence of a listric elongated spoon-shaped compound embryonic sliding surface. This sagging, which hosts the towns of Abbadia San Salvatore and Piancastagnaio, appears to be in a quiescent stage, according to preliminary monitoring with a global positioning system (GPS) network. The downcutting of the river network along the softer Pliocene terrains of the Radicofani basin is enhanced by the general uplift of the Apennines and seems to be the major factor in the activation of these DsGSDs.  相似文献   

The present contribution summarizes the first results of a study focusing on microstructures from Alpi Apuane marbles. Its aim is both an analysis of the evolution of the metamorphic complex recorded in marbles and the supply of basic material for process-oriented studies on calcite microstructures due to natural deformation. Quantitative analysis of the variations of statically recrystallized microstructures suggest a relationship with the peak metamorphic temperatures. Previously unrecognized post-thermal peak shear zones, showing overprint microstructures typical of grain-boundary migration and dynamic recrystallization, are described; they document the natural deformation of Carrara marble.  相似文献   

The paper describes the degradation of the groundwater resources in the Cecina area, where seawater intrusion, B contamination and NO3 pollution are all affecting the heavily exploited Pleistocene aquifer. Over-pumping has brought water levels to about 0 m.a.s.l. as far as about 7 km from the shore line, thereby promoting the seawater intrusion. The intrusion, which is characterized by cation exchange phenomena and Ca–Cl type waters, enters the plain mostly through the shallower horizons. The saline front, which advanced from 0.5 to 1 km in 4 a, has by now reached the foot of the hills to the east of the town, where it is also affecting wells of the local aqueduct. Boron contamination, linked to past discharge of industrial waste transported downstream by the river, reached concentrations as high as 3.5 mg/L in the mid-1980s. Although a decreasing trend is now under way, B content is still close to 1 mg/L. The presence of high NO3, which, together with the seawater intrusion, represents a major issue for groundwater management in the area, is linked to the widespread utilization of fertilizers. Nitrate concentration, which reaches a maximum of about 300 mg/L in the shallow aquifer horizons and then decreases rather regularly with depth, is strongly influenced by precipitation. However, irrigation also contributes significantly to transporting the NO3 contamination to depth, as clearly shown by δ18O data. The severe decline in the quality of the groundwater resource in the Cecina area is further compounded by an overall decrease in water availability in the region of Tuscany, as evidenced by long-term monitoring of precipitation and fluvial discharge.  相似文献   

Geological and geophysical data on southwest Tuscany are reviewed in order to define the structure and evolution of the upper lithosphere from the Miocene to the Quaternary. Petrologic studies reveal the existence, below all of Tuscany, of Hercynian and older polyphased metamorphic rocks and of Hercynian granite, whose top is an important seismic reflecting horizon. The basement is characterized by NE-SW trending structures, in contrast with the main NW-SE “Alpine” structures of the uppermost levels. The heat flow map shows two broad areas with values higher than 80 mW/m2, reaching maximum values of 10.5 and 15 H.F.U. in the geothermal areas, which are also characterized by negative Bouguer anomalies. A Landsat study revealed a NE-SW band of subcircular structures passing through Larderello and coinciding with a regional fault system and a steep rise in the Moho. Petrologic, geochemical and radiometric data on the Tuscan igneous rocks show that partial melting took place in the Tuscan crust at different levels and to varying degrees from the Miocene to Quaternary, producing a continuous “Alpine” granitic layer. The known Tuscan intrusive bodies and two batholiths below the Larderello and Mt. Amiata geothermal fields represent culminations of the “Alpine” granite. The rise of the Tuscan magmas was closely correlated to a post-Tortonian tensional tectonics and followed its N-E migration. Tensional tectonics started after the last compressional phase (10–11 Ma B.P.) as a consequence of the anticlockwise rotation of Italy, the opening of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the swelling of the mantle below southwest Tuscany.  相似文献   

Foraminifera and molluscs from the 90 m deep ENEA borehole (Versilian plain, central Italy) were studied for paleoenvironmental purposes. Palaeontological analyses, integrated with U/Th and radiocarbon data, helped to recognize late Quaternary sea-level changes and supplied results on tectonic mobility of the area. The study highlighted four sedimentary phases. The first phase consists of a shore environment attributed to MIS 7.1. A hiatus corresponding to MIS 6 is hypothesized at the top of this interval. Recognition of the paleo-shoreline of MIS 7.1 at − 72.8 m signifies a vertical displacement due to the extensional tectonics of the Apennine orogenesis. The second phase consists of a transgressive succession with evidence of warm temperatures, which was interpreted as part of the transgression leading to the MIS 5.5 highstand. The third phase includes sub-aerial and lacustrine deposits. Radiocarbon dates and palaeoecological reconstruction led us to attribute this interval to MIS 4, MIS 3 and MIS 2. The fourth phase begins with a lagoon environment attributable to Holocene sea-level rise and ends with marsh episodes, signifying the progradation of the alluvial plain. This reconstruction confirms the hypothesis of tectonic stability for the Versilian area during the Holocene.  相似文献   

A detailed hydrogeochemical study of groundwater in the Cecina coastal plain (Livorno province, Italy) and its inner sectors was undertaken in 2008, as chemical analyses carried out on groundwater since 2006 have revealed Cr(VI) concentrations of up to 49 μg/L (well above the permissible limit of 5 μg/L). Ophiolite outcrops are present throughout the study area, and their fragments likely represent a significant portion of the existing multilayered aquifer skeleton. Waters delivered by the serpentinite outcrops have a typically Mg–HCO3 composition, whereas those of the coastal plain are prevailingly of the Ca/Mg–HCO3 type with significant Mg contents. Significant NO3 contamination characterises the studied coastal plain, and an interesting negative correlation exists between Cr(VI) and both NO3 and SO4 deriving from the widespread use of (NH4)2SO4 as a farm fertilizer. Chromium speciation calculations carried out using the EQ3NR code reveal that the prevailing Cr(VI) species in solution is CrO4 2?; however, CaCrO4° and MgCrO4° neutral complexes represent significant percentages (up to 42 %). These findings suggest that the mobility and consequently the bioavailability of Cr(VI) can be significantly enhanced by these neutral complexes, which are not considered to be affected by adsorption/desorption processes. The Cr(VI) source, investigated by means of the Mg/SiO2 molar ratio, seems to be represented mainly by Mg-bearing minerals of the chlorite group. Petrographic observations confirm the occurrence of this mineral group. The interaction between rainwater and the local serpentinite rock was simulated at different $P_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }}$ and $P_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}$ conditions by reaction path modelling using the EQ3/6 software package. $P_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}$ was varied in accordance with the assumption that redox conditions are determined in part by NO3. Results are in good agreement with experimental data on spring waters and subordinately with data on some coastal plain groundwater, which plot in a rather wide $P_{{{\text{CO}}_{ 2} }}$ and $P_{{{\text{O}}_{ 2} }}$ field. Although the dissolved Cr content is mostly of natural origin, fertilization may affect its fate.  相似文献   

In the Alpine-Mediterranean region, the continental redbeds and shallow-marine siliciclastics related to the early depositional phases of the Late Permian-Mesozoic continental rifting are referred to as the most common representative of the “Verrucano tectofacies”. The Verrucano-type successions exposed in southern Tuscany are diachronous, spanning from Triassic to earliest Jurassic in age, and accumulated within the Tuscan domain, a paleogeographic region of continental crust that due to the opening of the Piedmont–Ligurian ocean formed part of the Adria passive-margin. They belong to the metamorphic Verrucano Group and the non-metamorphic Pseudoverrucano fm. Viewed overall, these Verrucano-type successions appear to manifest five episodes or pulses of an ongoing continental rifting. With the exception of the first episode that developed entirely within a terrestrial setting, each one is represented by basal Verrucano-type continental siliciclastics overlain by compositionally mixed marine deposits, which resulted from four diachronous, post-Middle Triassic transgressions. This suite of tectonic pulses produced the progressive westward widening (backstepping) of the Tuscan domain in the rifting south-Tuscany area.  相似文献   

G. Testa  S. Lugli 《Sedimentary Geology》2000,130(3-4):249-268
The Messinian succession of Tuscany (central Italy) contains three evaporitic units. Among the several exposed evaporitic lithofacies, only selenitic gypsum precipitated directly from evaporating brines. All the other facies, nodular microcrystalline gypsum, gypsarenites and gypsum laminites, despite their macroscopic differences, display the same petrographic textures, indicating that they are the product of dehydration of gypsum to give anhydrite which has been successively rehydrated to secondary gypsum. These secondary facies show an entire array of textures ranging from cloudy ameboid (xenotopic) with anhydrite relics, to idiotopic without anhydrite relics, that are here interpreted as a sequence of progressive stages of rehydration. The presence of completely hydrated petrofacies at the core of nodules which display a less hydrated rim suggests that these rocks have undergone at least two cycles of a dehydration–rehydration process. This interpretation is supported by the presence of satin spar veins that are replaced by microcrystalline gypsum. Satin spar itself is considered to be a by-product of anhydrite hydration. The first dehydration–rehydration event affected the entire gypsum deposit, producing a completely hydrated (idiotopic) facies together with satin spar veins; the second affected only veins, fractures and the rims of nodules, turning the first generation of satin spar and idiotopic gypsum into cloudy ameboid gypsum. Sedimentary structures typical of sabkha environments indicate for the youngest formation that the first dehydration and rehydration process occurred syndepositionally. The preservation of primary gypsum facies only at sites with condensed sections, indicate for the oldest two formations that the first dehydration event occurred upon burial. This event has been estimated to have occurred in the earliest Pliocene. After the Early Pliocene, dehydration was favored even at shallow depths, due to an increased heat flow related with the emplacement of local crustal magmatic bodies. Rehydration possibly occurred when these formations were uplifted and exposed to ground and/or meteoric water. The Volterra Basin has undergone alternating subsidence and uplift events, that can account for two dehydration–rehydration processes at least, also driven by alternating circulation, in the tectonic fractures, of fresh and salty water, the latter derived from dissolution of Messinian halite.  相似文献   

 Mining activity in the Boccheggiano-Fontalcinaldo area (Southern Tuscany) dates back at least to the 16th century AD and lasted up to very recent times. Copper-rich hydrothermal veins, massive pyrite deposits, and their gossans were exploited. Two mine waste dumps (Fontalcinaldo, Fontebona), one flotation tailings impoundment (Gabellino), and one roasting/smelting waste dump (Merse-Ribudelli) in the study area were selected to ascertain the environmental effects of such protracted mining activity. Primary waste mineralogy is mainly characterized by pyrite, gypsum, quartz, carbonates, chlorites, and micas. Secondary oxidation mineralogy includes Fe and Cu sulfates and hydroxy sulfates, Cu carbonates, Fe and Al oxyhydroxides, and other phases [neogenic cassiterite at Fontalcinaldo; probable calkinsite, (Ce,La)2(CO3)3· 4H2O, at Fontebona]. Mine waste samples show extremely variable contents of toxic elements (Cu, Pb, Zn, Bi, Cd, As), with average values in the order of hundreds to thousands of parts per million (except for Bi and Cd). In some samples, the abundance of proper minerals of these metals cannot account for the entire metal load. Conceivably, either solid solution substitutions or adsorption processes contribute to the intake of released metals into newly formed minerals. Release and transport of pollutants was affected to variable degrees by acid-neutralization processes. The highest metal and acid concentrations occur close to the investigated wastes and rapidly decrease moving downstream some hundreds of meters or less, with the partial exception for Mn and Fe. Other than dilution effects, this phenomenon may be ascribed to metal adsorption and precipitation of solid phases. Received: 16 April 1995 · Accepted: 14 December 1995  相似文献   

The role of regional extension on the rise and emplacement of granites in the crust is still debated. Pluton ascent and emplacement widely occurred in Tuscany (Italy) since late Miocene during the post-orogenic collapse of the inner Apennines, and are presently occurring in the geothermal areas of Amiata and Larderello. Tuscany offers a preferred test site to study the role of regional extension on pluton ascent and emplacement at different crustal levels. Ductile extension enhanced the segregation and ascent of granitic melts in the lower crust, controlling pluton emplacement in correspondence with the brittle–ductile transition. In the brittle crust, magma ascent occurred through subvertical faults and fractures compatible with the regional extension direction; pluton emplacement mainly occurred by means of roof lifting. The case of Tuscany suggests that the extensional structures enhance melt segregation and ascent in the ductile crust, but are not efficient alone to provide a pathway for the ascent of granitic magmas in the brittle-extending crust. The estimated magmatic strain rates due to pluton emplacement in the geothermal areas are much larger than the regional tectonic strain rates. This suggests that regional tectonics did not control magma emplacement in the brittle crust and explains why nontectonic processes (roof lifting) accommodated the space required for pluton emplacement.  相似文献   

An integrated study based on fluid inclusion, δ18O composition and structural analyses was carried out on a Pliocene fossil hydrothermal system, located to the South of the present active Larderello geothermal field, in the Boccheggiano-Montieri area. The study area is typified by mineralized cataclastic levels related to Late Oligocene–Early Miocene thrust surfaces, and to the following two generations of normal faults of Miocene and Pliocene ages, respectively. Within the damage zone of the Pliocene Boccheggiano fault, the mineralization is mainly made up of quartz and pyrite. Quartz + Pb–Zn sulfides, or quartz + Pb–Zn sulfides + fluorite + carbonates assemblages occur instead in the older cataclastic levels. Two generations of liquid-rich fluid inclusions were recognized in quartz and fluorite: the first one, with homogenization temperatures ranging between 172 and 331°C and salinity between 0.0 and 8.8 wt.% NaClequiv., records the early stage of hydrothermal activity. The second generation of fluid inclusions documents a later stage, with homogenization temperature from 124 to 288°C and salinity from 0.2 to 1.9 wt.% NaClequiv.. Fluid inclusions analyses also indicate that mixing of fluid with distinct salinities and/or temperatures was a widespread process during the early stage, and that fluid temperatures decreased moving from the Boccheggiano fault toward the more distal and older cataclastic levels. The δ18O values of water in equilibrium with hydrothermal quartz, which range from −5.7 to −0.1‰, are related to the circulation of meteoric water mixed with saline water that leached the evaporite level and enriched in δ18O through water–rock interaction, and/or with magmatically derived fluids. Results indicate that the damage zone of the Pliocene Boccheggiano fault represented the main channel for the flow of meteoric water, which was heated at depth, then mixed with high salinity fluids, and finally ascend to infiltrate along the older cataclastic levels. Our results, based on fluid inclusions, oxygen isotopic compositions and structural analyses indicate that a single fluid flow path run through the damage zone of the Boccheggiano fault and the older cataclasites, which were thus hydraulically connected.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the tectonic control on the hydrothermal system that gave rise to Sb–Hg ore deposits in the Monte Amiata area that was one of the most relevant mining district for the exploitation of mercury in Italy. The study area (Selvena mining district) is located in southern Tuscany (inner Northern Apennines) one of the most important mineralized area in the western Mediterranean region. Southern Tuscany was severely affected by Middle–Late Miocene low-angle normal faults, later dissected by Pliocene–Pleistocene faults, coeval magmatism (Late Miocene–Pleistocene) and hydrothermal activity (Pliocene–Present). The Selvena mining district is located south of Middle Pleistocene Monte Amiata volcanic complex. Our structural and kinematic study is based on the integration among fieldwork, borehole and mine data. The results highlight two Pleistocene–Holocene left-lateral transtensional shear zones linked by normal faults, defining a coeval pull-apart structure. Here, the Sb–Hg mineralization, transported by meteoric hydrothermal fluids mainly, is particularly diffuse and concentrated in the cataclasites and in damage zones of the normal faults. Furthermore, a widespread mineralization also occurs in the cataclasites of Miocene low-angle normal faults. Mine evidence suggests that ore-bearing fluids percolated through structural conduits located along the fault planes and resulting parallel to the intermediate stress axis. Geological structures and ore deposit distribution are related to a single hydrothermal circuit, with meteoric water channelled to depth through conduits parallel to the intermediate stress axis of the transcurrent shear zones; then, hydrothermal fluids mainly ascended through the almost vertical deformation zones located at the intersection between normal and strike-slip faults. Thus, hydrothermal fluids permeated also the Middle–Late Miocene cataclasites. This study shed light on the relationships between geological structures and mineralization in southern Tuscany and underlines the importance to investigate mine areas to understand hydrothermal fluids path.  相似文献   

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