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Surplus-production models are widely used in fish stock assessment and fisheries management due to their simplicity and lower data demands than age-structured models such as Virtual Population Analysis. The CEDA (catch-effort data analysis) and ASPIC (a surplus-production model incorporating covariates) computer packages are data-fitting or parameter estimation tools that have been developed to analyze catch-and-effort data using non-equilibrium surplus production models. We applied CEDA and ASPIC to the hairtail (Trichiurus japonicus) fishery in the East China Sea. Both packages produced robust results and yielded similar estimates. In CEDA, the Schaefer surplus production model with log-normal error assumption produced results close to those of ASPIC. CEDA is sensitive to the choice of initial proportion, while ASPIC is not. However, CEDA produced higher R 2 values than ASPIC.  相似文献   

The catch and effort data of Sillago sihama fishery in Pakistani waters were used to investigate the performance of two closely related stock assessment models: logistic and generalized surplus-production models. Compared with the generalized production model, the logistic model produced more reasonable estimates for parameters such as maximum sustainable yield. The Akaike’s Information Criterion values estimated at 4.265 and -51.152 respectively by the logistic and generalized models. Simulation analyses of the S. sihama fishery showed that the estimated and observed abundance indices for the logistic model were closer than those for the generalized production model. Standardized residuals were distributed closer for logistic model, but exhibited a slightly increasing trend for the generalized model. Statistical outliers were seen in 1989 and 1993 for the logistic model, and in 1981 and 1999 for the generalized model. Simulated results revealed that the logistic estimates were close to the true value for low CVs (coefficients of variation) but widely dispersed for high CVs. In contrast, the generalized model estimates were loose for all CV levels. The estimated production model curve parameter was not reasonable at all the tested levels of white noise. With the increase in white noise R2 for the catch per unit effort decreased. Therefore, we conclude that the logistic model performs more reasonably than the generalized production model.  相似文献   

In the Indian Ocean, bigeye tuna supports one of the most important fisheries in the world. This fishery mainly consists of two components: longline and purse seine fisheries. Evidence of overfishing and stock depletion of bigeye tuna calls for an evaluation of alternative management strategies. Using an age-structured operating model, parameterized with the results derived in a recent stock assessment, we evaluated the effectiveness of applying constant fishing mortality (CF) and quasi-constant fishing mortality (QCF) strategies to reduce fishing effort of purse seining with fish aggregating devices (FADs) at different rates. Three different levels of productivity accounted for the uncertainty in our understanding of stock productivity. The study shows that the results of CF and QCF are similar. Average SSB and catch during simulation years would be higher if fishing mortality of FAD-associated purse seining was reduced rapidly. The banning or rapid reduction of purse seining with FAD resulted in a mean catch, and catch in the last simulation year, higher than that of the base case in which no change was made to the purse seine fishery. This could be caused by growth overfishing by purse seine fisheries with FADs according to the per-recruit analysis. These differences would be more obvious when stock productivity was low. Transferring efforts of FAD-associated purse seining to longline fisheries is also not feasible. Our study suggests that changes are necessary to improve the performance of the current management strategy.  相似文献   

无人机是获取地表数字图像和进行样品采集的重要手段,近年来在沉积学领域正逐渐成为一种新兴的研究手段,改变着沉积学的研究范式。然而,目前国内基于无人机的沉积学研究尚处在起步阶段,本研究拟回顾近年来无人机在沉积学领域研究中的重要应用,对所涉及的关键技术背景和存在的问题进行了讨论,总结并展望了未来的发展前景,以期对后续相关研究提供参考。主要从沉积露头的三维数字重建、高分辨率沉积结构和构造特征的提取以及无人机协助样品采集3个方面综述了无人机在沉积学应用中的软硬件要求及典型研究案例。利用无人机摄影测量技术构建数字露头模型,有利于从多个空间尺度和视角观察沉积露头的几何形态、沉积相与岩相组合情况,结合数字露头模型信息提取软件,可对粒度、交错层理和生物遗迹等沉积结构和构造特征进行大范围的远程而高效的提取,未来还可进一步应用于沉积学野外实践教学工作中。此外,对无人机本身进行改造,还能够协助进行冰心等沉积物样品的采集。应用无人机技术进行沉积学研究,具有低成本和高效率的优势,保证了数据的时效性和连续性,也提高了野外工作的安全性。但是,无人机技术在数据可重复性、点云处理以及图像与模型质量方面也存在着不足。未来可借助人工智能方法,以及通过制定无人机图像采集与处理流程的标准规范来进一步改善。   相似文献   

以新时期海洋渔业发展现状为理论依据,探讨海洋渔业创新发展必要性。借助钻石模型建立海洋渔业创新驱动能力指标选择基准及评价指标体系。结合相关年份渔业经济数据,对沿海省市海洋渔业创新驱动能力进行实证评价,根据分析结果将我国沿海省市海洋渔业创新驱动能力特征分为强健型、臃肿型、潜力型及瘦弱型等4类,提出优化要素结构、产业结构、区域结构等3点政策建议,以此提升我国海洋渔业创新驱动能力。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionSnow/icestratigraphicprofileisoneofthetraditionalandimportantresearchfieldsinglaciology (Qin 1 995 ;Xie 1 988) .Thesnow pitprofilesareobserveddirectlyinthefield ,andthestratigraphicprofilesoficecoresaredelineatedandcompiledindetailat1∶1scalethroughnakedeyesinlow temperaturelaboratory .Themajorstratigraphicchar acteristicsobservedincludingcrystalgrainsize,structureofdepthhoar,lighttransmis sion,meltphenomena,windcrustetc.(ShojiandLangway 1 989) ,arenecessarytobedelineatedindia…  相似文献   

Pakistani marine waters are under an open access regime.Due to poor management and policy implications,blind fishing is continued which may result in ecological as well as economic losses.Thus,it is of utmost importance to estimate fishery resources before harvesting.In this study,catch and effort data,1996-2009,of Kiddi shrimp Parapenaeopsis stylifera fishery from Pakistani marine waters was analyzed by using specialized fishery software in order to know fishery stock status of this commercially important shrimp.Maximum,minimum and average capture production of P.stylifera was observed as 15 912 metric tons(mt)(1997),9 438 mt(2009) and 11 667 mt/a.Two stock assessment tools viz.CEDA(catch and effort data analysis) and ASPIC(a stock production model incorporating covariates) were used to compute MSY(maximum sustainable yield) of this organism.In CEDA,three surplus production models,Fox,Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson,along with three error assumptions,log,log normal and gamma,were used.For initial proportion(IP) 0.8,the Fox model computed MSY as 6 858 mt(CV=0.204,R~2=0.709) and 7 384 mt(CV=0.149,R~2=0.72) for log and log normal error assumption respectively.Here,gamma error produced minimization failure.Estimated MSY by using Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson models remained the same for log,log normal and gamma error assumptions i.e.7 083 mt,8 209 mt and 7 242 mt correspondingly.The Schafer results showed highest goodness of fit R~2(0.712) values.ASPIC computed MSY,CV,R~2,F_(MSY)and B_(MSY) parameters for the Fox model as 7 219 mt,0.142,0.872,0.111 and 65 280,while for the Logistic model the computed values remained 7 720 mt,0.148,0.868,0.107 and 72 110 correspondingly.Results obtained have shown that P.stylifera has been overexploited.Immediate steps are needed to conserve this fishery resource for the future and research on other species of commercial importance is urgently needed.  相似文献   

To realize potential cost savings in coastal monitoring programs and provide timely advice for marine management, there is an urgent need for efficient evaluation tools based on easily measured variables for the rapid and timely assessment of estuarine and offshore eutrophication. In this study, using parallel factor analysis(PARAFAC), principal component analysis(PCA), and discriminant function analysis(DFA) with the trophic index(TRIX) for reference, we developed an approach for rapidly assessing the eutrophication status of coastal waters using easy-to-measure parameters, including chromophoric dissolved organic matter(CDOM), fluorescence excitation–emission matrices, CDOM UV-Vis absorbance, and other water-quality parameters(turbidity, chlorophyll a, and dissolved oxygen). First, we decomposed CDOM excitation-emission matrices(EEMs) by PARAFAC to identify three components. Then, we applied PCA to simplify the complexity of the relationships between the water-quality parameters. Finally, we used the PCA score values as independent variables in DFA to develop a eutrophication assessment model. The developed model yielded classification accuracy rates of 97.1%, 80.5%, 90.3%, and 89.1% for good, moderate, and poor water qualities, and for the overall data sets, respectively. Our results suggest that these easy-to-measure parameters could be used to develop a simple approach for rapid in-situ assessment and monitoring of the eutrophication of estuarine and offshore areas.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities and natural processes are continuously altering the mountainous environment through deforestation, forest degradation and other land-use changes. It is highly important to assess, monitor and forecast forest cover and other land-use changes for the protection and conservation of mountainous environment. The present study deals with the assessment of forest cover and other land-use changes in the mountain ranges of Dir Kohistan in northern Pakistan, using high resolution multi-temporal SPOT-5 satellite images. The SPOT-5 satellite images of years 2004, 2007, 2010 and 2013 were acquired and classified into land-cover units. In addition, forest cover and land-use change detection map was developed using the classified maps of 2004 and 2013. The classified maps were verified through random field samples and Google Earth imagery (Quick birds and SPOT-5). The results showed that during the period 2004 to 2013 the area of forest land decreased by 6.4%, however, area of range land and agriculture land have increased by 22.1% and 2.9%, respectively. Similarly, barren land increased by 1.1%, whereas, area of snow cover/glacier is significantly decreased by 21.3%. The findings from the study will be useful for forestry and landscape planning and can be utilized by the local, provincial and national forest departments; and REDD+ policy makers in Pakistan.  相似文献   

Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we examined pelagic species diversity indicators,species richness,Shannon-Wiener index of diversity and Hurlbert's species evenness,for fish assemblages from two areas(north and south) in the North Pacific Ocean(2°±12°N,178°E±165°W) during May±July 2008.The assemblages were based on data collecte...  相似文献   

Evaluation of spatial-temporal variability of species composition and diversity in oceanic ecosystems is not easy because it is usually difficult to obtain sufficient data quantifying such variability.In this study,we examined pelagic species diversity indicators,species richness,Shannon-Wiener index of diversity and Hurlbert’s species evenness,for fish assemblages from two areas(north and south) in the North Pacific Ocean(2°±12°N,178°E±165°W) during May±July 2008.The assemblages were based on data collected by an onboard scientific observer during a commercial longline fishing trip.The species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index of fish assemblages in the northern area were slightly higher than those in the southern area,although these differences were not significant(t test,P.0.05).Non-parametric multidimensional scaling and analysis of similarities indicated that there were significant differences in fish assemblages between the two areas(P,0.01).  相似文献   

This study examines the spatial and temporal forest cover changes in Swat and Shangla districts to understand the deforestation pattern in context of the recent security conflict in these districts. We used multi-resolution satellite images to assess the long term deforestation from 2001 to 2009 and also to identify episodic forest cutting areas appeared during the conflict period of Oct. 2007 - Oct. 2008. There are only 58 ha of deforestation identified during the conflict period while 1268 ha of gross annual deforestation were assessed during last eight years. Most of the deforestation patches persist around the administrative boundaries at sub-district levels (tehsils) which can be attributed to ambiguity in unclear jurisdiction between the forest official. The results highlight that the forest cutting appeared in Swat and Shangla during the conflict period is not as significant when compared with the long term deforestation pattern in the area. On the one side the results of the study are supportive to the picture that emerges from international studies which report high rate of deforestation in the country and on the other side it negates any relation between the security situation and the increasing deforestation in the north western Pakistan. The study concludes that deforestation assessments require verification by independent sources of data, such as satellite imagery to improve our understanding of deforestation processes.  相似文献   

本文叙述用APPLEII微机在中文状态下对700多人的单位进行工资发放的方法和軟件的编程技巧。  相似文献   

Sea surface winds from reanalysis (NCEP-2 and ERA-40 datasets) and satellite-based products (QuikSCAT and NCDC blended sea winds) are evaluated using in situ ship measurements from the Chinese National Antarctic Research Expeditions (CH1NAREs) from 1989 through 2006, with emphasis on the Southern Ocean (south of 45°S). Compared with ship observations, the reanalysis winds have a positive mean bias (0.32 m·s-1 for NCEP-2 and 0.13 m·s-1 for ERA-40), and this bias is more pronounced in the Southern Ocean (0.57 m·s-1 and 0.45 m·s-1, respectively). However, mean biases are negative in the tropics and subtropics. The satellite-based winds also show positive mean biases, larger than those of the reanalysis data. All four wind products overestimate ship wind speed for weak winds (〈4 m·s-1) but underestimate for strong winds (〉10 m·s-1). Differences between the reanalysis and satellite winds are examined to identify regions with large discrepancies.  相似文献   

兖州煤田是我国重要的煤炭能源基地之一,区内煤炭资源丰富,煤质优良,煤炭资源的大规模开发极大地促进了鲁南地区乃至全省经济的快速发展,但也产生了一系列负面影响如地面塌陷、地裂缝、水环境污染、水源地破坏等地质环境问题。兖州煤田分布区地处汶泗河冲积扇地下水富水区,是农村经济发达、人口密集分布区。煤炭开采规模的不断扩大,使得周边地下水和土壤环境造成了严重污染,部分地区村镇饮用水水质已成为制约其生产发展和生活改善的难题。通过兖州煤田村镇饮用水水质调查分析,掌握区内村镇饮用水水质状况和地域分布,提出保证村镇饮用水水质安全和水源地保护的措施与建议,对于改善煤田居民饮水与健康状况,提高生活质量,构建和谐社会具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper studies electrical resistivity dataset acquired for a groundwater study in the Domail Plain in the northwestern Himalayan section of Pakistan. Through a combination of geostatistical analysis, geophysical inversion and visualization techniques, it is possible to re-model and visualize the single dimension resistivity data into 2D and 3D space. The variogram models are utilized to extend the interpretation of the data and to distinguish individual lithologic units and the occurrence of saline water within the subsurface. The resistivity data has been calibrated with the lithological logs taken from the available boreholes. As such the alluvial system of the Domail Plain has formed during episodes of local tectonic activity with fluvial erosion and deposition yielding coarse sediments with high electrical resistivities near to the mountain ranges and finer sediments with medium to low electrical resistivities which tend to settle in the basin center. Thus a change is depositional setting happened from basin lacustrine environment to flash flooding during the Himalayan orogeny. The occurrence of rock salt in the northern mountains has imparted a great influence on the groundwater quality of the study area. The salt is dissolved by water which infiltrates into the subsurface through the water channels. Variogram aided gridding of resistivity data helps to identify the occurrence and distribution of saline water in the subsurface.  相似文献   

Glaciers in the northern Pakistan are a distinctive source of freshwater for the irrigation,drinking and industrial water supplies of the people living in those regions and downstream. These glaciers are under a direct global warming impact as indicated in many previous studies. In this study, we estimated the glacier dynamics in terms of Equilibrium Line Altitude(ELA), mass balance and the snout position variation using remote sensing data between 2001 and 2018. Six glaciers, having area≥ 20 km2 each, situated in the Chitral region(Hindukush Mountains) were investigated in this study. Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and available cloud-free continuous series of Landsat and Sentinel satellite images from minimum snow cover season were used to monitor the variability in the studied glaciers by keeping the status of glaciers in year 2001 as a reference. The annual climatic trends of mean temperature and total precipitation from Chitral weather station were detected using the nonparametric Mann-Kendall's test. Results revealed a general increase in the ELA, decrease in the glacier mass balance and the retreat of snout position.Average upward shift in the ELA for the entire study area and data period was ~345 ± 93 m at a rate of~13 m.a~(-1) from the reference year's position i.e.~4803 m asl. Estimated mean mass balance for the entire study area indicated a decline of-0.106 ± 0.295 m w.e. a~(-1). Periods of snout retreat and advance in different glaciers were found but the mean value over the entire study area was a retreat of-231 ± 140 m.No obvious relationship was found between the glacier variation trends and the available gauged climatic data possibly due to the presence of debris cover in ablation zones of all the studied glaciers which provides insulation and reduces the immediate climatic effects.  相似文献   

苏锡常及上海地区已禁止或限制开山采石,使得该地区的建筑石料供应趋于紧张.为解决这一问题,为该地区可持续发展提供建筑石料资源,在对苏锡常及上海地区建筑石料开发利用现状和"十五"期间规划情况作初步调查的基础上,提出了该地区"十五"期间建筑石料用量和开采规划.  相似文献   

TheYarlungZangboRiver,alargeriverwithhighestaltitudeintheworld,2057kminlength,flowsthroughthesouthernpartoftheQinghaiXizang(Tibet)Plateaufromwesttoeastanddrainsanareaof240480km2beingasensitiveareatotheenvironmentalchanges(Guanetal.,1984;Yangetal.,…  相似文献   

面向土壤适宜性评价的本体知识库系统设计与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤适宜性评价过程是涉及多学科多领域,需要借助于多方面经验知识的问题。近年来,在智能信息处理、知识管理工程领域出现的本体是知识表示、共享和重用的崭新方法。本文将本体知识库系统构建应用到土壤适宜性评价领域中,首先,采用基于本体的知识表示方式,着眼于土壤资源对用地适宜性的影响,分析相关的领域知识,构建土壤适宜性评价领域本体知识库。在完整分析系统设计思路及系统结构基础上,结合本体知识库与规则推理技术实现系统的知识推理,完成系统构建。最后,文章给出一个本系统的土壤环境质量评价及适宜性分析的推理实例,并分析推理结果,以此验证系统可行性和实用性。  相似文献   

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