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信息化基础设施战略规划是美国长期生态学研究网络(LTER)战略规划的重要组成部分。在美国国家科学基金会资助下,来自多个领域的专家在系统分析美国长期生态学研究网络信息化基础设施的现状及面临挑战的基础上,提出了为支持LTER在未来(几)十年的核心科学计划——社会与环境综合科学计划,在站点、网络办公室、网络层次需要开展的一系列信息化基础设施活动及产出,为未来开展LTER信息化基础设施建设提供指导。同时也可为中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)及世界其他长期生态学研究网络的规划与发展提供启示。  相似文献   

美国长期生态研究计划:背景、进展和前景   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
由美国国家科学基金会支持的长期生态研究计划于1980年启动,至今在理论研究、开发技术和服务社会方面都取得了举世瞩目的成就。该计划的发展分为 3个阶段,每一阶段大约为10年。在其发展的第一个阶段,是以研究站所代表的生态系统为研究对象,主要开展了生态系统的过程与格局方面的研究并系统采集和存贮了有关数据;在1990 -2000年的第二个发展阶段中,其研究工作的重点是开展跨站的网络研究和人类活动对生态系统的影响,以揭示生态系统的过程与格局在较大空间尺度上的特征;按照规划,美国长期生态研究计划的发展进入到第三个阶段后,其工作的重点是开展综合研究、进行生态预测和更好地为社会发展服务,同时加强生物多样性的研究和信息学的发展。  相似文献   

魏纲  张金菊  魏新江 《岩土力学》2006,27(Z2):825-828
利用径向基函数网络理论,采用Matlab软件进行编程,对盾构隧道引起的轴线上方地面长期沉降进行预测。在实际操作中,将训练(即拟合)和仿真(即预测)融为一体,使预测结果具有较高的精度。6个算例分析结果表明,径向基函数网络方法可以较好地预测盾构隧道引起的地面长期沉降。  相似文献   

在分析国际上生态学的发展趋势和国家战略需求的基础上,提出了中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)的战略定位,科学目标,研究方向与近期工作重点。  相似文献   

在分析国际上生态学的发展趋势和国家战略需求的基础上 ,提出了中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)的战略定位、科学目标、研究方向与近期工作重点  相似文献   

在分析国际上生态学的发展趋势和国家战略需求的基础上,提出了中国生态系统研究网络(CERN)的战略定位、科学目标、研究方向与近期工作重点。  相似文献   

中国区域大地构造学的研究展望   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
中国区域大地构造学是对中国区域地质调查成果的理论概括,回答所研究地区的地球动力学环境及其在地质历史上的演变。中国占据亚洲东部环太平洋与特提斯构造域结合部位,在过去4亿年期间由具有不同地壳结构、生物地理区系和演化历史的地质体镶嵌拼合而成,具有复式大陆构造的典型特征。中国的区域构造研究有可能在如下方面对全球构造理论作出自己的贡献:(1)与北美、非洲等巨型克拉通相比,中国地台的规模小、刚性化程度低、盖层变形强烈,这种相对高的构造活动性正好提供了有关大陆生长和演化规律的窗口;(2)复式大陆中并列的陆块来自不同源区,意味着中国区域构造的"世界性",因此开展大区域古地磁、古生物-地理区、古沉积、古构造与古成矿作用与环境复位的综合研究,厘清中国各陆块不同地质历史时期在全球构造中的位置,必然对完善全球构造演化做出贡献;(3)中国是世界上造山带最多的国家之一,青藏高原和台湾海岸山脉是正在进行中的大陆碰撞和弧-陆碰撞场所,从极为丰富的实例中总结出古、新造山带的类型和基本演化规律,可以丰富全球大陆增生的理论;(4)古特提斯洋从古亚洲退却的过程与路径是迄今尚未解决而长期受人关注的科学问题;(5)中国广泛存在的中—新生代陆内变形与盆山构造-地貌的形成,应该是大陆动力学深入研究的命题;(6)内、外动力地质作用对环境变化的影响扩展了区域构造研究的领域。面对新世纪科学技术的发展,学科交叉和新技术应用对地学研究的促进,将迎来中国区域大地构造学研究蓬勃发展的新前景。  相似文献   

矿床学的发展突破在很大程度上取决于其研究思路的发展变化上。矿床学从传统的对单一矿种、单一矿床和单一成矿模式的研究发展到对成矿系列、成矿系统的全面探讨和整体认识,妥善处理了局部与整体、片面与全面、个体与群体、定性与定量、时间与空间等种种复杂关系,这种研究思路上的变化体现了系统的、辨证的哲学思维方法。  相似文献   

【意义】第21届国际沉积学大会于2022年8月在北京召开。会议热点主要包括深时气候与环境、构造与火山沉积学、环境与灾害沉积学、生物沉积过程、陆相碎屑沉积体系、海相碎屑沉积体系、海相碳酸盐岩沉积、现代沉积过程、资源沉积学、沉积地球化学和地球科学研究新方法技术。【进展】与往届国际沉积学大会相比,深时气候演化以及中新生代温室效应和极热事件、新生代亚洲—青藏高原气候变化机制及沉积响应、特提斯构造与沉积作用、亚洲大陆边缘源—汇系统与沉积机制、碎屑沉积和生物沉积作用、海盆与湖盆混合沉积过程与时空差异、火山沉积学与灾害沉积学、有机—无机相互作用与碳中和、大数据与人工智能等方面受到广泛关注,深海油气资源及沉积矿床等相关研究得到了快速发展。【结论与展望】国际沉积学大会的前沿动态和热点问题综合分析表明,未来中国沉积学研究应当不断推动沉积地质学由定性描述向定量分析发展,创建具有中国区域地质特色的沉积学理论体系,为确保我国能源资源安全作出地质贡献。  相似文献   

Coastal areas are located in marine-terrestrial interlaced zone. With their unique geographical positions, the coastal ecological risk assessment has both the complexity of regional ecological risk assessment and its own particularity. In recent years, due to the coastal economic development and the deterioration of ecological environment, coastal ecological risk has received more and more attention, but there are still lacking in further systematic study about the coastal ecological risk assessment. With the summary and analysis of the existing research results from home and abroad, based on land-ocean interaction plan and full consideration of the uniqueness, regionalism and complexity of the coastal zone environment, this paper made scientific conclusion on the definition of the coastal ecological risk assessment concept and its components from risk source, habitat and risk suffer-the three basic elements. Moreover, from risk source, risk suffer and comprehensive evaluation-the three aspects, it discussed in detail the related research topics, progress as well as main conclusions. Then, it analysed the characteristics and evaluation methods, and put forward the framework model of coastal ecological risk assessment. Finally, it analysed and proposed the existing deficiencies and future research direction, providing new ideas for future research on coastal ecological risk assessment.  相似文献   

Water resource is the focus and hinge between ecological environment and socio-economic development. Watershed is the basic unit of hydrology and water resource studies. It is the current hotspot in water science research to carry out the integrated research of the hydrology and water resource at the watershed scale. The Heihe River Basin is the second largest inland river basin in northwestern China, which becomes one of the hot watersheds for its unique hydrological and geographical characteristics. Based on the Web of Science Core Collection, the scientific advances achieved in the Heihe River Basin were estimated from the new sight by combining disciplinary development and problem focus, time evolution and spatial variations. The results indicated that the Heihe River Basin has made positive contribution to the world science in remote sensing, evapotranspiration, water cycle, water resources management and utilization, and climate change research in arid areas. The great achievements has promoted the Heihe River Basin up to the same levels as the international typical basins in the past 30 years, especially after the performances of the major research program entitled “Integrated Study of Eco-hydrological Processes in the Heihe River Basin” (referred to as “Heihe River Program”) supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China and large field observation experiments. The number of published articles has ranked the top 20 in the global watershed science research. Some important scientific achievements have been obtained at the mechanisms of eco-hydrological processes in inland river basins, which can actively serve the decision making of the water resource management and sustainable development in the Heihe River Basin. The data mining and contrastive study based on bibliometrics can afford scientific reference for the watershed science research.  相似文献   

Centering on the scientific problems faced by subsurface hydrology in arid regions and ecological effect, the urgency of national ecological civilization and the Belt and Road construction towards the research of groundwater discipline, this article analyzed the formation and evolution mechanisms of groundwater and studied the groundwater function of arid regions. Based on the analysis and research, this article discussed domestic and overseas research status, existing problems and developing trend from six aspects, raised key and scientific problems which urgently need to be addressed, aiming at the existing bottlenecks of subsurface hydrology and ecological effect in arid regions and national requirement, so as to make some contribution to the innovative development of China’s groundwater science and national economic construction.  相似文献   

Coastal area is the region with the highest degree of economic and social development and the largest ecological stress in current China, where the proportions and the spatial patterns of developed coastal resource and environment are determined by projects planning. Ecological carrying capacity evaluation is the necessary prerequisite for sustainable utilization of natural resources and protecting ecological environment to ensure healthy and sustainable economic and social development to project planning. Based on the pressure types of projects planning on resources and environment, the concept and contents of coastal ecological carrying capacity were redefined for enhancing the practical value of ecological carrying capacity evaluation. The domestic and foreign research progress and advances related with coastal ecological carrying capacity evaluation were reviewed, which included habitat suitability evaluation, suitability assessment of construction land development, reclamation suitability evaluation and assessment of sea water environmental capacity. The conclusion noted that domestic research of coastal ecological carrying capacity needs to build a complete system of ecological carrying capacity evaluation methodology based on extensive reference to foreign research results, and quantitative evaluation and spatial visualization research related with coastal ecological carrying capacity should be carried out to provide strong support for ecological civilization process of economy and society in coustal areas.  相似文献   

According to the national key research and development program of China “Evolution, integrating treatment and technological demonstration of rocky desertification in karst graben basin”, the task of “ecological, environmental and geological differentiation of rocky desertification and its driving mechanism in karst graben basin” was to reveal the migration of carbon, nitrogen, calcium and water, as well as evolution process and driving mechanism of ecosystem succession and rocky desertification. In this respect, the factors of lithology, topography, ecology, hydrology, vegetation, socio-economy, meteorology, soil, etc. were studied in the demonstration areas of Mengzi and Luxi rocky desertification control. Moreover, the interaction between vegetation and hydrological processes in the typical watershed was established, and the critical period and water requirement of the ecological water demand in the watershed were established. The ecological and hydrological process of the vegetation, as well as nitrogen, calcium and water cycling, and the carbon sequestration ability of ecosystems were used to predict the evolution of ecosystem succession and rocky desertification. The results provided the theoretical basis for the rational allocation of ecological water resources and ecological restoration in rocky desertification area.  相似文献   

地球空间传感器网络将无线传感器网络与地理信息系统、全球定位系统、卫星遥感等技术进行了有效的交叉与融合,但目前仍缺乏统一的体系结构;因此,提出了一种面向水质监测的地球空间传感器网络架构,重点内容是其中数据管理子系统的软件设计与具体实现。考虑到监测数据具有分布式、多源、异构等特点,因而数据管理子系统的设计是基于面向服务的软件体系架构(SOA),采用富互联网应用(RIA)技术作为主要的软件开发方式,使整个系统具有自动刷新、负载平衡等特点。通过在加拿大安大略省的具体应用,与传统的各种水质监测手段进行对比,该架构具有监测内容更全面、数据显示更直观等优势。  相似文献   

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