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Thermal observations of large asteroids at millimeter wavelengths have revealed high amplitude rotational lightcurves. Such lightcurves are important constraints on thermophysical models of asteroids, and provide unique insight into the nature of their surface and subsurface composition. A better understanding of asteroid surfaces provides insight into the composition, physical structures, and processing history of these surviving remnants from the formation of our solar system. In addition, detailed observations of the larger asteroids, accompanied by thermophysical models with appropriate temporal and spatial resolution, promise to decrease uncertainties in their flux predictions. Of particular interest are the near-Earth objects, which can be observed at large phase angles, permitting better assessment of the thermal response of their unilluminated surfaces. The high sensitivity of ALMA will enable us to detect many small bodies in all the major groups, to obtain lightcurves for a large sample of main-belt and near-Earth objects, to resolve the surfaces of some large objects, and to separate the emission from primary and secondary objects in binary pairs. In addition to the science goals of asteroid studies, these bodies may also prove useful operationally because those with known shapes and well-characterized lightcurves could be employed for flux calibration by ALMA and other high frequency instruments.  相似文献   

Asteroid 21 Lutetia is one of the objects of the Rosetta mission carried out by the European Space Agency (ESA). The Rosetta spacecraft launched in 2004 is to approach Lutetia in July 2010, and then it will be directed to the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Asteroid 4 Vesta is planned to be investigated in 2011 from the Dawn spacecraft launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 2007 (its second object is the largest asteroid, 1 Ceres). The observed characteristics of Lutetia and Vesta are different and even contradictory. In spite of the intense and versatile ground-based studies, the origin and evolution of these minor planets remain obscure or not completely clear. The types of Lutetia and Vesta (M and V, respectively) determined from their spectra correspond to the high-temperature mineralogy, which agrees with their albedo estimated from the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) observations. However, according to the opinion of some researchers, Lutetia is of the C type, and, therefore, its mineralogy is of the lowtemperature type. In turn, hydrosilicate formations have been found in some places on the surface of Vesta. Our observations also testify that at some relative phases of rotation (RP), the reflectance spectra of Lutetia and Vesta demonstrate features confirming the presence of hydrosilicates in the surface material. However, this fact can be reconciled with the magmatic nature of Lutetia and Vesta if the hydrated material was delivered to their surfaces by falling primitive bodies. Such small bodies are probably present everywhere in the main asteroid belt and can be the relicts of silicate-icy planetesimals from Jupiter’s formation zone or the fragments of primitive-type asteroids. When interpreting the reflectance spectra of Lutetia and Vesta, we discuss the spectral classification by Tholen (1984) from the standpoint of its general importance for the estimation of the mineralogical type of the asteroids and the study of their origin and evolution.  相似文献   

The mineralogy and geochemistry of Ceres, as constrained by Dawn's instruments, are broadly consistent with a carbonaceous chondrite (CM/CI) bulk composition. Differences explainable by Ceres’s more advanced alteration include the formation of Mg‐rich serpentine and ammoniated clay; a greater proportion of carbonate and lesser organic matter; amounts of magnetite, sulfide, and carbon that could act as spectral darkening agents; and partial fractionation of water ice and silicates in the interior and regolith. Ceres is not spectrally unique, but is similar to a few other C‐class asteroids, which may also have suffered extensive alteration. All these bodies are among the largest carbonaceous chondrite asteroids, and they orbit in the same part of the Main Belt. Thus, the degree of alteration is apparently related to the size of the body. Although the ammonia now incorporated into clay likely condensed in the outer nebula, we cannot presently determine whether Ceres itself formed in the outer solar system and migrated inward or was assembled within the Main Belt, along with other carbonaceous chondrite bodies.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectroscopic observations of asteroids Ceres and Pallas have been obtained in the 1.0- to 2.6-μm region. Combined with previous spectralmeasurements at other wavelengths, this work presents the broadband spectral reflectances of these asteroids over the 0.4 to 3.6-um region. This extended coverage permits new analyses of the surface mineralogies of these objects. Using laboratory comparison spectra of meteorites and mixtures of terrestrial minerals, the surfaces of Ceres and Pallas are consistent with mixtures of opaques and hydrated silicates, such as are found in types C1 and C2 meteorites. This research emphasizes the importance of the 3-um spectral region for studying by remote methods the relationship of carbonaceous chondrite mineralogies to asteroid surfaces.  相似文献   

We report the results of the Cornell Mid-IR Asteroid Spectroscopy (MIDAS) survey, a program of ground-based observations designed to characterize the 8-13 μm spectral properties of a statistically significant sample of asteroids from a wide variety of visible to near-IR spectral classes. MIDAS is conducted at Palomar Observatory using the Spectrocam-10 (SC-10) spectrograph on the 200-in Hale telescope. We have measured the mid-infrared spectra of twenty-nine asteroids and have derived temperature estimates from our data that are largely consistent with the predictions of the standard thermal model. We have also generated relative emissivity spectra for the target asteroids. On only one asteroid, 1 Ceres, have we found emissivity features with spectral contrast greater than 5%. Our spectrum of 4 Vesta suggests emissivity variation at the 2-3% level. Published spectra of several of the small number of asteroids observed with ISO (six of which are also included in our survey), which appeared to exhibit much stronger emissivity features, are difficult to reconcile with our measurements. Laboratory work on mineral and meteorite samples has shown that the contrast of mid-IR spectral features is greatly reduced at fine grain sizes. Moreover, the NEAR mission found that 433 Eros is covered by a relatively thick fine-grained regolith. If small bodies in general possess such regoliths, their mid-IR spectral features may be quite subtle. This may explain the evident absence of strong emissivity variation in the majority of the MIDAS spectra.  相似文献   

Photometry and thermal lightcurves of six large asteroids (1-Ceres, 2-Pallas, 3-Juno, 12-Victoria, 85-Io and 511-Davida) have been observed at 870 μm (345 GHz) using the MPIfR 19-Channel Bolometer of the Heinrich-Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. Only Ceres displayed a lightcurve with an amplitude (∼50%, peak to peak) that was significantly greater than the uncertainty in the observations. When thermal fluxes and brightness temperatures are corrected for heliocentric distance and albedo, there is a significant relation with the sub-solar latitude of the asteroid, or the local season of the asteroid. No such trend can be found between observations with solar phase angle. These results are evidence that most of the submillimeter thermal radiation is emitted from below the diurnal thermal wave. Comparing the observed trend with model output suggests that the submillimeter radiation from all the asteroids we observed is best modeled by surface material with low thermal inertia (<15 J m−2 s−0.5 K−1, consistent with mid-infrared observations of large main-belt asteroids) and a refractive index closer to unity relative to densities inferred from radar experiments, implying a veneer of material over the asteroid surface with a density less than 1000 kg m−3. More data with better signal-to-noise and aspect coverage could improve these models and constrain physical properties of asteroid surface materials. This would also allow asteroids to be used as calibration sources with accurately known and stable, broadband fluxes at long wavelengths.  相似文献   

We exploit observations at 1.25 mm with the ESO–SEST telescope of a southern galaxy sample, selected from the IRAS PSC and complete to S 60=2 Jy, to derive the FIR and mm luminosity functions and the conditional probability distributions of FIR and mm luminosity of galaxies. The reliability of these estimates is ensured by the good observed correlation of the far-infrared and mm emissions. This detailed knowledge of the millimetric properties of galaxies is used to simulate the extragalactic sub-mm sky (background intensity, small-scale anisotropy signals and discrete source statistics), which is the target of a variety of ground-based and space observatories. We find, in particular, that a recent tentative detection of a sub-mm background would require, if confirmed, strong evolution with cosmic time of the galaxy long-wavelength emissivity. We finally discuss ways to test such evolution with present and forthcoming facilities: while emphasizing the difficulty of achieving this with large mm telescopes on the ground (because of the poor atmospheric conditions of current sub-mm sites), we mention an interesting opportunity with the long-wavelength camera on ISO . Preliminary results of deep surveys, both from space and from the ground, seem indeed to require excess emission in the past by dusty galaxies with respect to no-evolution predictions.  相似文献   

A crucial topic in planetology research is establishing links between primitive meteorites and their parent asteroids. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of a connection between asteroids similar to 21 Lutetia, encountered by the Rosetta mission in July 2010, and the CH3 carbonaceous chondrite Pecora Escarpment 91467 (PCA 91467). Several spectra of this meteorite were acquired in the ultraviolet to near‐infrared (0.3–2.2 μm) and in the midinfrared to thermal infrared (2.5–30.0 μm or 4000 to ~333 cm−1), and they are compared here to spectra from the asteroid 21 Lutetia. There are several similarities in absorption bands and overall spectral behavior between this CH3 meteorite and 21 Lutetia. Considering also that the bulk density of Lutetia is similar to that of CH chondrites, we suggest that this asteroid could be similar, or related to, the parent body of these meteorites, if not the parent body itself. However, the apparent surface diversity of Lutetia pointed out in previous studies indicates that it could simultaneously be related to other types of chondrites. Future discovery of additional unweathered CH chondrites could provide deeper insight in the possible connection between this family of metal‐rich carbonaceous chondrites and 21 Lutetia or other featureless, possibly hydrated high‐albedo asteroids.  相似文献   

B. Schläppi  K. Altwegg  P. Wurz 《Icarus》2008,195(2):674-685
Asteroids (2867) Steins and (21) Lutetia are two flyby targets of ESA's cornerstone mission Rosetta. Since Rosetta is a cometary mission, some of the instruments are designed to investigate the surroundings of small bodies. To prepare the operation of these instruments, in our case the ROSINA instrument, for the asteroid flyby's, we adapted a Monte Carlo simulation code, initially developed to simulate the exosphere of Mercury. Modelled release processes are solar wind sputtering, micrometeorite impact vaporisation, photon stimulated desorption and in some cases thermal release. Released species were derived from estimations of the asteroid composition. This was done for both asteroids by using results from ground based observations and meteorite science. We used the estimated compositions and other known properties as input for the simulation. Our results suggest that neutral sodium and oxygen might be the best species to investigate by the means of mass spectrometry: We expect to be able to detect these species at least in the exosphere of (21) Lutetia.  相似文献   

Asteroids can be considered as sources of contamination of point sources and also sources of confusion noise, depending whether their presence is detected in the image or their flux is under the detection limit. We estimate that at low ecliptic latitudes, ≈10,000–20,000 asteroids/sq. degree will be detected with an E-ELT like telescope, while by the end of Spitzer and Herschel missions, infrared space observatories will provide ≈100,000 serendipitous asteroid detections. The detection and identification of asteroids is therefore an important step in survey astronomy.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the PACS photometer flux calibration concept, in particular for the principal observation mode, the scan map. The absolute flux calibration is tied to the photospheric models of five fiducial stellar standards (α Boo, α Cet, α Tau, β And, γ Dra). The data processing steps to arrive at a consistent and homogeneous calibration are outlined. In the current state the relative photometric accuracy is ~2 % in all bands. Starting from the present calibration status, the characterization and correction for instrumental effects affecting the relative calibration accuracy is described and an outlook for the final achievable calibration numbers is given. After including all the correction for the instrumental effects, the relative photometric calibration accuracy (repeatability) will be as good as 0.5 % in the blue and green band and 2 % in the red band. This excellent calibration starts to reveal possible inconsistencies between the models of the K-type and the M-type stellar calibrators. The absolute calibration accuracy is therefore mainly limited by the 5 % uncertainty of the celestial standard models in all three bands. The PACS bolometer response was extremely stable over the entire Herschel mission and a single, time-independent response calibration file is sufficient for the processing and calibration of the science observations. The dedicated measurements of the internal calibration sources were needed only to characterize secondary effects. No aging effects of the bolometer or the filters have been found. Also, we found no signs of filter leaks. The PACS photometric system is very well characterized with a constant energy spectrum νF ν = λF λ = const as a reference. Colour corrections for a wide range of sources SEDs are determined and tabulated.  相似文献   

Every three years the IAU Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements revises tables giving the directions of the poles of rotation and the prime meridians of the planets, satellites, minor planets, and comets. This report takes into account the IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) and the IAU Committee on Small Body Nomenclature (CSBN) definition of dwarf planets, introduces improved values for the pole and rotation rate of Mercury, returns the rotation rate of Jupiter to a previous value, introduces improved values for the rotation of five satellites of Saturn, and adds the equatorial radius of the Sun for comparison. It also adds or updates size and shape information for the Earth, Mars?? satellites Deimos and Phobos, the four Galilean satellites of Jupiter, and 22 satellites of Saturn. Pole, rotation, and size information has been added for the asteroids (21) Lutetia, (511) Davida, and (2867) ?teins. Pole and rotation information has been added for (2) Pallas and (21) Lutetia. Pole and rotation and mean radius information has been added for (1) Ceres. Pole information has been updated for (4) Vesta. The high precision realization for the pole and rotation rate of the Moon is updated. Alternative orientation models for Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are noted. The Working Group also reaffirms that once an observable feature at a defined longitude is chosen, a longitude definition origin should not change except under unusual circumstances. It is also noted that alternative coordinate systems may exist for various (e.g. dynamical) purposes, but specific cartographic coordinate system information continues to be recommended for each body. The Working Group elaborates on its purpose, and also announces its plans to occasionally provide limited updates to its recommendations via its website, in order to address community needs for some updates more often than every 3 years. Brief recommendations are also made to the general planetary community regarding the need for controlled products, and improved or consensus rotation models for Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.  相似文献   

We present ground-based thermal infrared observations of asteroids 1 Ceres and 2 Pallas made over a period of 2 years. By analysing these data in light of the recently determined occultation diameter of Ceres (933–945 km) and Pallas (538 km) and their known small-amplitude lightcurves, we have determined a new value for the infrared beaming parameter used in the “standard” thermal emission model for asteroids. The new value is significantly lower than that previously used, and when applied in the reduction of thermal infrared observations of other asteroids, should yield model diameters that are closer to actual diameters. In our formulation, we also incorporate the recently adopted IAU magnitude convention for asteroids, which uses the zero-phase magnitudes (including the opposition effect) the same as is used for satellites.  相似文献   

We present a flux calibration scheme for the PACS chopped point-source photometry observing mode based on the photometry of five stellar standard sources. This mode was used for science observations only early in the mission. Later, it was only used for pointing and flux calibration measurements. Its calibration turns this type of observation into fully validated data products in the Herschel Science Archive. Systematic differences in calibration with regard to the principal photometer observation mode, the scan map, are derived and amount to 5 ? 6 %. An empirical method to calibrate out an apparent response drift during the first 300 Operational Days is presented. The relative photometric calibration accuracy (repeatability) is as good as 1 % in the blue and green band and up to 5 % in the red band. Like for the scan map mode, inconsistencies among the stellar calibration models become visible and amount to 2 % for the five standard stars used. The absolute calibration accuracy is therefore mainly limited by the model uncertainty, which is 5 % for all three bands.  相似文献   

The Phoenix Deep Survey is an ongoing multi-wavelength survey of a 2° diameter field aimed at studying the properties of the sub-mJy and μJy radio population. Here, we present the latest 1.4 GHz observations of this field. The new data, reaching a 5 σ flux level of 45 μJy at the centre of a 50′ diameter field, comprise more than 700 sources with flux densities less than 1 mJy (187 of which have S1.4 < 100 μJy). This provides one of the deepest radio (1.4 GHz) surveys currently available. The 1.4 GHz source counts are presented and show a flattening down to the 50 μJy level. At flux densities around 300 μJy there are indications that the sources detected may exhibit higher clustering than those observed at higher flux levels. This suggests that deep radio surveys could be useful for studies of large-scale structure but it also presents a warning for the representativity of sources in deep pencil-beam radio surveys. The study of the optical counterparts of the μJy population seems to indicate that the median R magnitude starts to decrease below 100 μJy. Spectroscopic classification of a sample of sources in this survey confirms the trend for an increasing fraction of star-forming galaxies over other systems down to ~ 100 μJy.  相似文献   

The European Space Agency’s Rosetta spacecraft is the first Solar System mission to include instrumentation capable of measuring planetary thermal fluxes at both near-IR (VIRTIS) and submillimeter–millimeter (smm–mm, MIRO) wavelengths. Its primary mission is a 1 year reconnaissance of Comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko beginning in 2014. During a 2010 close fly-by of Asteroid 21 Lutetia, the VIRTIS and MIRO instruments provided complementary data that have been analyzed to produce a consistent model of Lutetia’s surface layer thermal and electrical properties, including a physical model of self-heating. VIRTIS dayside measurements provided highly resolved 1 K accuracy surface temperatures that required a low thermal inertia, I < 30 J/(K m2 s0.5). MIRO smm and mm measurements of polar night thermal fluxes produced constraints on Lutetia’s subsurface thermal properties to depths comparable to the seasonal thermal wave, yielding a model of I < 20 J/(K m2 s0.5) in the upper few centimeters, increasing with depth in a manner very similar to that of Earth’s Moon. Subsequent MIRO-based model predictions of the dayside surface temperatures reveal negative offsets of ~5–30 K from the higher VIRTIS-measurements. By adding surface roughness in the form of 50% fractional coverage of hemispherical mini-craters to the MIRO-based thermal model, sufficient self-heating is produced to largely remove the offsets relative to the VIRTIS measurements and also reproduce the thermal limb brightening features (relative to a smooth surface model) seen by VIRTIS. The Lutetia physical property constraints provided by the VIRTIS and MIRO data sets demonstrate the unique diagnostic capabilities of combined infrared and submillimeter/millimeter thermal flux measurements.  相似文献   

Isotopic and chemical compositions of meteorites, coupled with dynamical simulations, suggest that the main belt of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter contains objects formed in situ as well as a population of interlopers. These interlopers are predicted to include the building blocks of the terrestrial planets as well as objects that formed beyond Neptune ( [Bottke et al., 2006] , [Levison et al., 2009] and [Walsh et al., 2011] ). Here we report that the main belt asteroid (21) Lutetia – encountered by the Rosetta spacecraft in July 2010 – has spectral (from 0.3 to 25 μm) and physical (albedo, density) properties quantitatively similar to the class of meteorites known as enstatite chondrites. The chemical and isotopic compositions of these chondrites indicate that they were an important component of the formation of Earth and other terrestrial planets. This meteoritic association implies that Lutetia is a member of a small population of planetesimals that formed in the terrestrial planet region and that has been scattered in the main belt by emerging protoplanets (Bottke et al. 2006) and/or by the migration of Jupiter (Walsh et al. 2011) early in its history. Lutetia, along with a few other main-belt asteroids, may contains part of the long-sought precursor material (or closely related materials) from which the terrestrial planets accreted.  相似文献   

Existing and planned radiotelescopes working in the millimetre (mm) and sub-millimetre wavelengths range provide the possibility to be used for atmospheric line observations. To scrutinize this potential, we outline the differences and similarities in technical equipment and observing techniques between ground-based aeronomy mm-wave radiometers and radiotelescopes. Comprehensive tables summarizing the technical characteristics of existing and future (sub)-mm radiotelescopes are given. The advantages and disadvantages using radiotelescopes for atmospheric line observations are discussed. In view of the importance of exploring the sub-mm and far-infrared wavelengths range for astronomical observations and atmospheric sciences, we present model calculations of the atmospheric transmission for selected telescope sites (DOME-C/Antarctica, ALMA/Chajnantor, JCMT and CSO on Mauna Kea/Hawaii, KOSMA/Swiss Alpes) for frequencies between 0 and 2000 GHz () and typical atmospheric conditions using the forward model MOLIERE (version 5). For the DOME-C site, the transmission over a larger range of up to 10 THz () is calculated in order to demonstrate the quality of an Earth-bound site for mid-IR observations. All results are available on a dedicated webpage.  相似文献   

New UBVRI polarimetric observations of ten asteroids, including space mission targets 1 Ceres and 21 Lutetia, are presented. These observations were obtained with the 1.25-m telescope of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and have been used to study the wavelength dependence of polarization for a sample of asteroids belonging to the M and low albedo classes. A more general analysis including also a larger data set of UBVRI polarimetric observations available in the literature for more than 50 main belt asteroids belonging to different taxonomic classes shows that the variation of the polarization degree Pr as a function of wavelength is generally well described by a linear trend. It typically does not exceed 0.2% in the studied spectral range 0.37-0.83 microns and tends to increase for increasing phase angle. Asteroids belonging to the S and M classes are found to exhibit a deeper negative branch and smaller positive polarization for increasing wavelength (negative sign of the slope of ΔPrλ). Since the objects belonging to these classes are known to exhibit reddish reflectance spectra, the observed wavelength behavior of negative polarization contradicts the well-known inverse correlation of Pmin and albedo. Low albedo asteroids show larger dispersion of spectral slopes, but the overall trend is characterized by a shallower negative branch and a larger positive polarization for increasing wavelength (positive sign of the slope of ΔPrλ). A few exceptions from this general trend are discussed. The observed variety in the wavelength dependence of asteroid polarization seems to be mainly attributed to surface composition.  相似文献   

We used the VLA2 to search for continuum emission from icy grains in a halo around Comet Halley in mid November 1985. We found the 3σ upper limit to the 2-cm flux density from the comet to be 1 × 10−4 Jy, which is consistent with the detections at 1.3 and 3.5 mm by W.J. Altenhoff et al. (1986, Astron. Astrophys., in press) only if the emission comes from particles which do not radiate efficiently at centimeter wavelengths. These particles could be slightly dirty submillimeter-sized icy grains or small refractory grains.  相似文献   

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