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There is increasing interest in the 18O/16O ratio of diatom silica, particularly for lakes where carbonates are absent. Here we compare the 18O/16O ratios preserved in diatom silica and authigenic calcite from an open, spring-fed, freshwater lake core from Turkey which spans marine oxygen isotope stage 3. The two sets of isotope data show contrasting trends in spite of their mutual dependence on the water 18O/16O ratio and lake-water temperature. The most likely explanation for this divergence is difference in seasonality of biological productivity mediated by the strongly continental climate of the Anatolian plateau. Diatom silica and authigenic calcite are precipitated from solutes in the lake-water at different times of the year. Diatom productivity follows a well-defined seasonal cycle, peaking first and most importantly in the spring and then in the autumn. The precipitation of calcite follows productivity by all forms of photosynthetic organisms that deplete CO2 but in most lakes this occurs during the summer months. The 18Ocalcite curve shows mean summer temperature maxima at ca. 30–35 and ca. 58 ka BP while the intervening data represent a period of relatively cool summers. The 18Odiatom curve shows bipolar results (15–20 and 29–33), which suggests that at least two discrete sources or processes contributed to the oxygen composition of the diatoms but probably involved a dilution mechanism to shift the isotopic values. The most likely source of depleted water is from snow entering the lake during the spring thaw. We infer that many authigenic calcite curves from regions with markedly seasonal climates may be temporally limited to a few summer months and that diatom silica provides complementary data on seasonally-specific water isotopic composition rather than a substitute for analyses based on carbonate.  相似文献   

We quantified differences in oxygen isotope fractionation among three biostratigraphically important subfossil ostracod species (Metacypris cordata, Pseudocandona rostrata and Candonopsis kingsleii) from an early Holocene freshwater tufa layer in northern Estonia. Estimated mean δ18O values are −10.05‰ for M. cordata, −9.34‰ for C. kingsleii and −8.75‰ for P. rostrata. All three species exhibit positive offset from the weighted mean annual δ18O of contemporary precipitation (−10.7‰ in δ18OV-PDB) and from the mean δ18O value of authigenic tufa carbonate (−10.64‰) in the ostracod-bearing layer. Assuming that the known oxygen isotope fractionation in P. rostrata (+2.5‰) and M. cordata (+1.5‰) has remained constant over time, the theoretical δ18OV-SMOW of the early Holocene lake water was calculated to have been between −11.52 and −11.92‰, slightly less negative than the local Ordovician groundwater (−11.7 to −12.2‰). δ18O values of the tufa carbonate differ by +0.6 to +1.0‰ from the calculated theoretical isotope composition (δ18OV-PDB) of lake water, indicating that the tufa also did not precipitate in isotopic equilibrium with ambient waters. Results show that the greater the δ18O offset from the calculated, theoretical isotope composition of lake water for an ostracod species, the lower is its preferred mean July temperature. Both our data and earlier published results on δ18O values in Holocene lacustrine carbonates and ostracods from north-eastern Europe, display pronounced decreases in δ18O with an increase in latitude of the study site. This suggests that temperature-dependent, and therefore latitude-dependent isotopic composition of meteoric waters controlled the δ18O values in lacustrine tufa and ostracods throughout the Holocene.  相似文献   

We report evidence for the physical-geographical characteristic of two large water areas of Turkey's wetlands, the Tuzla and Akyatan lagoons of the Mediterranean coast. Their location, morphometric parameters, and the characteristics of the hydrological regime are provided. For the first time, an assessment is made of the state of the lagoons from physicochemical and hydrobiological indices. The pioneering monitoring studies are used to make recommendations for optimization and the possible restoration of the lagoons.  相似文献   

Ostracods are small bivalved aquatic crustancean. They secrete shells of low-Mg calcite that are often preserved in lake sediments. Recent work has shown that the uptake of trace elements (especially Mg and Sr) into the shell may be a function of the salinity and temperature of the host water. Furthermore, ostracod shells are a source of carbonate for stable-isotope analysis. This paper reviews the application of ostracod shell chemistry to Quaternary palaeolimnology. Although such work has revealed the excellent potential of these techniques to provide quantitative palaeolimnological reconstructions, a number of problems have also emerged. These problems relate to (1) methods used for extraction of ostracod shells from sediment and their subsequent cleaning (2) post-mortem diagenesis and alteration of the shell (3) complications with the calcification mechanism (4) spatial and temporal variability in shell composition (5) the ecological tolerances of individual species and (6) the relationships between shell chemistry and palaeohydrology. To some extent, these problems are an inevitable outcome of the diversity of lacustrine systems: they may be overcome by developing a thorough understanding of the physiology, life-cycle and ecology of the species concerned, together with the modern limnology of the study site. Overall, these techniques have excellent potential in Quaternary palaeolimnology, especially when used with other palaeoenvironmental indicators.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from Lakes Punta Laguna, Chichancanab, and Petén Itzá on the Yucatan Peninsula were used to (1) investigate “within-horizon” stable isotope variability (δ18O and δ13C) measured on multiple, single ostracod valves and gastropod shells, (2) determine the optimum number of individuals required to infer low-frequency climate changes, and (3) evaluate the potential for using intra-sample δ18O variability in ostracod and gastropod shells as a proxy measure for high-frequency climate variability. Calculated optimum sample numbers (“n”) for δ18O and δ13C in the ostracod Cytheridella ilosvayi and the gastropod Pyrgophorus coronatus vary appreciably throughout the cores in all three lakes. Variability and optimum “n” values were, in most cases, larger for C. ilosvayi than for P. coronatus for δ18O measurements, whereas there was no significant difference for δ13C measurements. This finding may be explained by differences in the ecology and life history of the two taxa as well as contrasting modes of calcification. Individual δ18O measurements on C. ilosvayi in sediments from Lake Punta Laguna show that samples from core depths that have high mean δ18O values, indicative of low effective moisture, display lower variability, whereas samples with low mean δ18O values, reflecting times of higher effective moisture, display higher variability. Relatively dry periods were thus consistently dry, whereas relatively wet periods had both wet and dry years. This interpretation of data from the cores applies to two important periods of the late Holocene, the Maya Terminal Classic period and the Little Ice Age. δ18O variability during the ancient Maya Terminal Classic Period (ca. 910–990 AD) indicates not only the driest mean conditions in the last 3,000 years, but consistently dry climate. Variability of δ13C measurements in single stratigraphic layers displayed no relationship with climate conditions inferred from δ18O measurements.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes and trace elements in ostracod shells have been used widely in paleolimnological investigations of past lake hydrochemistry and climate because they provide insights into past water balance and solute evolution of lakes. Regional differences in lake characteristics and species-specific element fractionation, however, do not permit generalization of results from other regions or ostracod species to the southern Tibetan Plateau, in part because most common taxa from the southern Tibetan Plateau are endemic to the area. This study evaluated relations between present-day environmental conditions and the geochemical composition of modern ostracod shells from the southern Tibetan Plateau, to assess the suitability of using shell chemistry to infer hydrological conditions. We studied nine lakes and their catchments, located along a west–east transect in the south-central part of the Tibetan Plateau. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values and trace element concentrations in recent shells from the four most abundant ostracod species (Leucocytherella sinensis, ?Leucocythere dorsotuberosa, Limnocythere inopinata, Tonnacypris gyirongensis) were measured, together with hydrochemical properties of host waters at the time of sampling. Results revealed significant between-species differences in stable isotope fractionation and trace element incorporation into shell calcite. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of ostracod shells were correlated significantly with the stable isotope composition of the respective water body \( \left( {\updelta^{18} {\text{O}}_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} \,{\text{and }}\updelta^{13} {\text{C}}_{{{\text{H}}_{ 2} {\text{O}}}} } \right) \), reflecting salinity and productivity, respectively. Offsets between δ18Oshell and δ13Cshell and inorganic calcite, the latter representing isotopic equilibrium, suggest shell formation of T. gyirongensis during spring melt. L. sinensis reproduces throughout the monsoon season until September and shows several consecutive generations, and L. inopinata molts to the adult stage after the monsoon season in August/September. The influence of pore water δ13C was displayed by L. inopinata, suggesting shell calcification within the sediment. Mg/Cashell is primarily influenced by water Mg/Ca ratios and salinity and confirms the use of this shell ratio as a proxy for precipitation-evaporation balance and lake level. In addition, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca can be used to infer changes in salinity, at least in closed-basin lakes with calcite saturation. Observed effects of water Sr/Ca and salinity on Sr/Ca incorporation are biased by the presence of aragonite precipitation in the lakes, which removes bioavailable Sr from the host water, resulting in low Sr/Cashell values. Changes in carbonate mineralogy affect the bioavailability of trace elements, a process that should be considered in paleoclimate reconstructions. Oxygen isotopes and Mg/Cashell ratios were unaffected by water temperature. Positive correlations among Fe/Ca, Mn/Ca and U/Ca in ostracod shells, and their negative correlation with δ13C, which reflects organic matter decay, show the potential to infer changes in redox conditions that can be used to reconstruct past oxygen supply to bottom waters and thus past water-circulation changes within lakes. The intensity of microbial activity, associated with organic matter decomposition, can be inferred from U/Ca ratios in ostracod shells. These findings highlight the value of fossil ostracod records in lake deposits for inferring paleoenvironmental conditions on the southern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

A late Holocene palaeolimnological record for central Mexico has been obtained from Lake Pátzcuaro, using recent and fossil ostracods. Lake Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, is a closed-basin lake which responds rapidly to changes in the ratio of precipitation/evaporation in the region. The record from a single lake-sediment core, dated by AMS radiocarbon method, covers the last ~3,530 yrs, and is based on ostracod faunal palaeoecology coupled with analysis of the stable-isotope (18O/16O and 13C/12C) composition of ostracod valves. The faunal distribution is determined by the presence or absence of aquatic vegetation and, to a lesser extent, salinity. The 18O/16O and 13C/12C ratios in ostracod calcite show good agreement with palaeolimnological inferences from the faunal assemblages, principally recording changing precipitation/evaporation and primary-productivity levels, respectively. Wetter conditions existed in central Mexico between approximately ~3,600 and ~2,390 yr BP, between ~1,330 to ~1,120 yr BP, and from ~220 yr BP to present, characterised by fluctuating lake levels. A dilution of the sediment load in the lake reduced turbidity levels allowing for a marked increase in productivity. During these phases, the combination of a deeper lake and increased macrophyte cover reduced the degree of mixing of the waterbody. In the earliest of these phases there was sufficient stratification of the waterbody for methanogenesis to occur in the sediment interstices. The wet phases were separated by prolonged dry periods, during which time the climatic conditions were relatively stable. Good agreement was found between the findings of this study and others from the central Mexican/Caribbean region suggesting that abrupt climate changes occurred at least at a regional scale.  相似文献   

The trace-element and stable-isotope geochemistry of non-marine ostracod valves is a valuable tool in palaeolimnology. However, the potential effects of early diagenesis on geochemical composition are poorly documented. In this study, the effect of partial dissolution on the trace-element (Sr and Mg) and isotopic (18O/16O and 13C/12C) composition of late Quaternary non-marine ostracod valves was investigated. Both unaltered and extremely degraded valves of the species Cypretta brevisaepta recovered from the same core level had trace-element and stable-isotope ratios that were drawn from the same statistical population, suggesting that the geochemical effects of early diagenesis are minimal. However, since the possibility remains that diagenesis could under certain circumstances alter valve chemistry, only valves in pristine condition should be used in palaeoenvironmental studies whenever feasible.  相似文献   

Geochemical records of bivalve shells have been increasingly studied in the last decade to obtain information on climate conditions. In this paper we present stable isotope compositions of living and prehistoric shells of freshwater mussels (Unionidae) and their relationships with climate conditions in a shallow lake environment of Lake Balaton, West-Central Hungary. Physical conditions and stable oxygen isotope compositions of lake water samples were monitored where living bivalves were collected. Comparisons between seasonal variations in ambient temperature, water composition and within-shell isotopic variations indicate that the shells of Unio pictorum do reflect local changes at high resolution and thus can be used to study past conditions. Additionally, shells covering the last two decades were gathered at several locations along the lake in order to determine spatial and temporal variations in the shells’ isotopic compositions as a function of weather conditions. As an application, prehistoric shells collected in archaeological excavations were analysed in order to study past environmental variations. Climate variations during the Late Copper Age (5460–4870 cal. yr BP) have been assumed on the basis of geomorphological and archaeozoological observations at the site Balatonkeresztúr-Réti-dűlő (south of Lake Balaton), that suggested increasing humidity as a cause of changes in settlement location and domestic livestock husbandry. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of prehistoric bivalve shells were analyzed from excavations representing five archaeological subphases (Boleráz subphase, 5460–5310 cal. yr BP; two transitional subphases around 5310 cal. yr BP; Early Classic subphase, 5310–5060 cal. yr BP; Late Classic subphase, 5040–4870 cal. yr BP). The analyses revealed significant negative C and O isotope shifts in the transitional subphases relative to the earlier and later subphases. The isotopic variations indicate that the local climate became relatively wet and possibly cold around 5310 cal. yr BP, then it returned to drier (and likely warmer) conditions during the Classic subphases. This interpretation is in agreement with previous studies on climate changes related to the “5.3 ky event” in the European continental area and the North Atlantic Region, indicating an Atlantic influence in the Carpathian Basin.  相似文献   

Oxygen isotope analysis of the adult ostracod Eucypris mareotica cultured at controlled temperatures (10, 15, and 19°C) was used to measure isotopic fractionation during shell calcification. The ostracod shells that precipitated at experimental temperatures are almost in isotopic equilibrium with the culture water as compared to the oxygen isotope fractionation of inorganic carbonates. Moreover, they had almost constant offsets from equilibrium based on the oxygen isotope fractionation of inorganic carbonates. The δ18O values of ostracod shells from the 10°C cultures were higher than those of the 15 and 19°C cultures by 1.6 and 2.7‰, respectively. The observed fractionations are shown by the regression equations: *20c 10° \textC:d 1 8 \textO\textostracod = 1. 1 7+ 0. 5 7d 1 8 \textO\textwater 1 5° \textC:d 1 8 \textO\textostracod = - 0. 4 8+ 0. 6d 1 8 \textO\textwater 1 9° \textC:d 1 8 \textO\textostracod = - 1. 6+ 0. 6d 1 8 \textO\textwater \begin{array}{*{20}c} { 10^\circ {\text{C}}:\delta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{\text{ostracod}} = 1. 1 7+ 0. 5 7\delta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{\text{water}} } \\ { 1 5^\circ {\text{C}}:\delta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{\text{ostracod}} = - 0. 4 8+ 0. 6\delta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{\text{water}} } \\ { 1 9^\circ {\text{C}}:\delta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{\text{ostracod}} = - 1. 6+ 0. 6\delta^{ 1 8} {\text{O}}_{\text{water}} } \\ \end{array} The fractionation factors (α) are slightly lower for the 15 and 19°C cultures, but slightly higher for the 10°C culture, as compared to inorganic carbonates (O’Neil et al. in J Chem Phys 51:5547–5558, 1969). The oxygen fractionation factors of E. mareotica are very close to those of synthetic calcite formed in isotopic equilibrium. The ‘vital offsets’ of valve-δ18O for E. mareotica is so small that we can neglect its effect when using the δ18O of E. mareotica living in lake waters with high pH and salinity to reconstruct the paleoenvironment. The paleotemperature or paleoisotopic composition of lake water interpreted from a core of lacustrine sediment may be closer to the true values when the δ18O data for E. mareotica are used.  相似文献   

The Konya plain in south central Anatolia, Turkey, which is now largely dry, was occupied around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum by a fresh-oligosaline lake covering more than 4000 km2. Sediment cores from three residual water bodies (Pinarbai, Akgöl and Süleymanhaci) within the larger Pleistocene lake basin, have been analysed using a multidisciplinary approach. The sediment sequences are dated as spanning the last 50 Ka years, although breaks in sedimentation mean that there is only partial chronological overlap between them. Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses on lacustrine carbonate from the three cores give contrasting isotope profiles which reflect the different ages and independent hydrological behaviour of different sub-basins through the late Quaternary. Distinguishing changes that are regional from local effects is aided by modern isotope hydrology studies and by comparing the carbonate 13C and 18O values to diatom and other analyses undertaken on the same cores.  相似文献   

The modelling approach for sustainable management is outlined, the results of management scenarios obtained by the modelling studies are discussed and the results taken from the applications of the best management scenarios are presented as a case study. The best management strategy was observed to be the use of the lagoon as a recreational water body. It may be concluded that the WQRRS ecological model originally developed by the US Corp of Engineers can be used successfully to make a decision between various management strategies for maintaining the sustainability of coastal lagoons.  相似文献   

The CC1 core, with a length of 216 cm, was drilled in the west part of the Chen Co (Lake) in southern Tibet Plateau. The210Pb and137Cs measurement indicated that it was a consecutive sedimentary sequence since ca. 1400 years. The ostracoda and their assemblages under the level of 1 cm samples’ cutting interval were finished for this core to reveal the past environmental changes in the lake area. A total of 15 species of ostracods belonging to 7 genera in the core sediments had been identified. According to the ostracod distributions, abundances and preservations in the core, seven ostracod assemblages had been distinguished. The ostracod assemblages and their ecological features, together with the sediments dating decision were used to infer the past ca. 1400 years environmental changes of the Chen Co environmental evolutions in three stages, which had responded to the Medieval Ages Warm-period (MAW), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and modern warm period. The results show that the changes of the Chen Co environment had been mainly influenced by the climatic variations. The trend of the lake level fluctuations had been accorded with that of climatic variation during the past 1400 years.  相似文献   

The CC1 core, with a length of 216 cm, was drilled in the west part of the Chen Co (Lake) in southern Tibet Plateau. The 210Pb and 137Cs measurement indicated that it was a consecutive sedimentary sequence since ca. 1400 years. The ostracoda and their assemblages under the level of 1 cm samples' cutting interval were finished for this core to reveal the past environmental changes in the lake area. A total of 15 species of ostracods belonging to 7 genera in the core sediments had been identified. According to the ostracod distributions, abundances and preservations in the core, seven ostracod assemblages had been distinguished. The ostracod assemblages and their ecological features, together with the sediments dating decision were used to infer the past ca. 1400 years environmental changes of the Chen Co environmental evolutions in three stages, which had responded to the Medieval Ages Warm-period (MAW), the Little Ice Age (LIA) and modern warm period. The results show that the changes of the Chen Co environment had been mainly influenced by the climatic variations. The trend of the lake level fluctuations had been accorded with that of climatic variation during the past 1400 years.  相似文献   

Ice algae are the major primary producers in seasonally ice-covered oceans during the cold season. Diurnal change in solar radiation is inevitable for ice algae, even beneath seasonal sea ice in lower-latitude regions. In this work, we focused on the photosynthetic response of ice algae under diurnally changing irradiance in Saroma-ko Lagoon, Japan. Photosynthetic properties were assessed by pulse-amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry. The species composition remained almost the same throughout the investigation. The maximum electron transport rate (rETRmax), which indicates the capacity of photosynthetic electron transport, increased from sunrise until around noon and decreased toward sunset, with no sign of the afternoon depression commonly observed in other photosynthetic organisms. The level of non-photochemical quenching, which indicates photoprotection activity by dissipating excess light energy via thermal processes, changed with diurnal variations in irradiance. The pigment composition appeared constant, except for xanthophyll cycle pigments, which changed irrespective of irradiance. These results indicate that ice algae tune their photosynthetic system harmonically to achieve efficient photosynthesis under diurnally changing irradiance, while avoiding damage to photosystems. This regulation system may be essential for productive photosynthesis in ice algae.  相似文献   

Holocene Lake Evolution in the Elmali Basin,Southwest Turkey   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The spatial coverage of paleoecological research from southwestern Turkey is expanded by reporting on a ca. 12,690 14C yr BP (14,935 cal yr BP) proxy record recovered from the Elmali basin. Four AMS radiocarbon age determinations, the litho-stratigraphic analysis of a lake bed core, and the analysis of subsurface sediment samples from 15 shallow auger holes across the basin document sedimentation patterns during the Holocene. Based on the widespread occurrence of Chara gyrogonite, and several species of ostracoda and gastropoda, the Elmali basin was dominated by lacustrine and palustrine environments but was continually influenced by alluvial fan sedimentation. Contrasting stratigraphy in the Kara Göl and Avlan Gölü sub-basins is a result of basin morphology, and possibly hydrologic control by karst features, and sub-basin isolation due to alluvial fan development. The cyclical deposition of marl/lime mud, gyttja, and peat in the Kara Göl core is indicative of periodic fluctuations in water level across a broad shallow basin, whereas the continuous clay record observed at Avlan Gölü implies deep-water sedimentation within a plugged former karst collapse feature. Calcareous clay deposited between 14,935 and 11,180 cal yr BP signals the growth and expansion of paleo Lake Elmali, which at its peak during the late Pleistocene, may have inundated over half of the of the 180 km2 Elmali basin.  相似文献   

天津七里海古泻湖湿地环境演变研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦磊 《湿地科学》2012,10(2):181-187
七里海古泻湖湿地位于天津市宁河县西南部,是全新世以来海退过程在天津平原留下的众多古泻湖湿地之一。分析了七里海古泻湖湿地形成、演变的区域地质背景,指出七里海古泻湖至少经历了3次大规模萎缩,其西南部萎缩较快,东北部萎缩相对较慢。利用历史资料研究了近5000a七里海古泻湖湿地的形成、演变过程,并以1950年航空照片和1976年、1981年、1987年、2000年、2005年的MSS、TM和ETM+影像数据为主要数据源,用遥感和地理信息系统技术研究了近百年七里海古泻湖湿地的环境变化。结果表明,距今5000a,七里海地区为海相沉积环境,海岸线穿越宁河的潘庄镇、大海北、小海北一带;距今3800~3000a,海岸线退至造甲城、七里海镇一带;到清朝乾隆年间,七里海湿地逐渐被分割成前海、后海、曲里海3部分,湖底不断淤积,水面不断萎缩,逐渐演变为湖泊、沼泽湿地;1926~2005年间,七里海湿地大致经历了3个变化阶段:1926~1950年为自然变化阶段,七里海湿地的变化主要受自然因素的影响,该阶段七里海湿地仍由前海、后海、曲里海3部分组成;1951~1981年为改造治理阶段,七里海被潮白河拦腰截断,分为东、西七里海,后海被改造为农田;1982~2005年为围垦和水产养殖阶段,东、西七里海的大面积水域以及湿地周围的大片农田都被改建为养殖池,自然湿地在减少,人工湿地在不断增加,导致七里海湿地景观类型日趋单一,生物多样性明显减少。  相似文献   

Paleoclimate research based on the stable isotopic composition of lake sediments is often hampered by the lack of preservation of suitable material for isotopic analysis. We examined organic material as a proxy for past water isotopic composition in a series of experiments. First, we cultured aquatic moss under constant illumination, temperature, and water 18O, and show that new cellulose records source water 18O precisely (r2 = 0.9997). Second, we analyzed paired lakewater and vegetation samples collected from sites spanning strong climatic gradients. In field conditions, the relationship between organic 18O and water 18O is more variable, though it is still controlled by environmental water isotopic composition. However, terrestrial mosses in the arctic are often significantly enriched in 18O relative to aquatic mosses in nearby lakes due to their use of different water sources. Third, we measured 18O of cellulose extracted from disseminated sedimentary organic material. In the majority of the middle- to high-arctic lakes in this study, the 18O of disseminated sediment cellulose is greatly enriched relative to the expected values based on lakewater 18O, suggesting a significant component of terrestrial cellulose. This interpretation is supported by radiocarbon dates from a Holocene sediment core in which 14C ages of sediment cellulose are 700-5000 yrs older than the enclosing sediments. We conclude that aquatic cellulose can be used as a reliable tracer of lakewater isotope ratios, but terrestrial cellulose often dominates the sedimentary cellulose pool in places such as Baffin Island where sedimentation rates are low enough to allow the degradation of aquatic cellulose. Care must be taken when interpreting sediment cellulose 18O records where diagenesis has played a role, because terrestrial cellulose is more resistant to degradation, and therefore can predominate in environments with low organic carbon burial.  相似文献   

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