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荣成市是全国重点渔业生产市之一。三面临海,海岸线长487公里,沿海分布10个海湾、72个大小岛屿,拥有可养滩涂15万亩,20米等深线内水面和海底各200万亩,水产资源十分丰富,自然条件得天独厚。 改革开放以来,荣成市充分发挥自然优势,适应市场经济的发展要求,不断改革完善经营  相似文献   

启东濒江临海,三面环水,拥有江海岸线203千米,其中海岸线长77.5千米;有潮间带滩涂36万亩,以启兴沙、黄瓜沙等为主的江心沙洲及辐射沙洲6万亩。2002年《海域使用管理法》实施以来,启东市紧紧围绕两法一条例的贯彻实施和全国海域使用管理百县示范活动的开展,切实加强区域建设用海综合管理,取得了明显成效。  相似文献   

福建省面临海洋,海域广阔,沿海经济区面积达13.6万平方公里,比整个陆域面积约大10%,福建作为一个海洋省份,开发和利用海洋,对本省的经济发展具有举足轻重的意义。据初步统计,我国等深线10米以内的浅海可养殖面积达2000多万亩;福建省约有300多万亩,但目前已利用的仅30多万亩,只占10%。再者,福建海岸线曲折蜿蜒,长达3300多公里,约占全国海岸线总长的  相似文献   

东沙是江苏省辐射沙洲中最大的一个沙洲,位于121°01′21″E~121°17′39″E,32°53′N~33°18′N,与大丰东台市海岸相对,距陆岸最近距离20公里。沙洲零米以上面积104万亩(其中0米~3米低潮区72万亩,3米~5米中潮区31万亩,5米以上高潮区1万亩)。东沙滩面平缓、底质含沙量高、滩面潮流畅通、海水盐度适中、营养盐丰富、藻类生物品种多,构成了丰富的海洋生物链,是贝类繁衍、栖息的理想场  相似文献   

如东县地处长江口北翼,全县总面积1872平方千米,人口108万,下辖15个镇和2个省级经济开发区,县域经济基本竞争力连续四年跻身全国百强县行列。如东是全省的海洋大县,是南通海洋经济发展的半壁江山,境内海岸线长达106千米,滩涂面积104万亩,均占全市的三分之二,全省的九分之一,素有第二如东之称,是全国最大的文蛤和紫菜生产加工出口基地。  相似文献   

启东市吕四港镇是江苏沿海的渔业大镇,全镇拥有海岸线15千米,潮间带滩涂面积8.4万亩。目前,吕四港镇已开发利用滩涂3.1万亩,滩涂实际利用率为37.1%,其中文蛤围网养殖面积2.29万亩,紫菜养殖面积0.8万亩,养殖户总数1373户(文蛤围网养殖户1143户,紫菜养殖户230户),  相似文献   

江苏省射阳县沿海滩涂十分广阔,海岸线长109公里,海堤内外现有滩涂总面积107.75万亩。其中:县属的71.62万亩,占66.5%。按潮位来分,高潮带(地面真高在1.56米以上)74.05万亩,居全省之首。潮间带33.7万亩。自然资源十分丰富,开发潜力非常之大,已被国家科委正式列入全国海岸带综合开发的示范县。十一届三中全会以来,为了加快我县滩涂开发的速度,我们坚持了“国家、地方、集体和个人一齐上”的集资办法,宣传了“谁投资、谁经营、谁受益”的优惠政策,有力地吸引了各方面的开发投资。不完全统计:1979—1986年开发滩涂的总投资为6054.48万元。其中:  相似文献   

为了更好地利用海洋资源,在同一海区内进行不同形式的多品种增养殖,不但能充分利用海区资源,维护海区生态的良性循环,而且,能够相互促进提高经济效益。 1.海区概况长岛县四面环海,浅海水域广阔,海产生物资源丰富,30米等深线以内的宜增养殖水面约达23万亩(1亩=0.0667公顷),随着增养殖技术的不断提高,向40米以外的深水海区发展,潜力更大。浅海海底可增养殖面积也很大,岩礁,砾石是理想的增养殖基础,40米水深以内的有3万多亩,5~20米水  相似文献   

柘汪镇位于赣榆最北端,西北与山东省临沂、日照接壤,全镇现有沿海村8个,2万余人。境内海岸线长11.8千米,滩涂面积4.2万亩,潮上带1.2万亩,潮间带3万亩,有渔船510条,总吨位13700吨,总功率达49600马力。全  相似文献   

烟台市地处山东半岛,濒临黄渤海,物产丰富、气候宜人、风景秀丽。海岸线长702.5公里,沿海岛屿众多,有大小岛屿63个,岛岸线长206.6公里。面积在万亩以上的海湾有8个,15米等深线内的浅海面积达984万亩,其中适养面积约280万亩,有滩涂46.2万亩。海洋水域开阔,且有辽阔的腹地和广泛的内外经济联系,这个得天独厚的自  相似文献   

崂山顶、涧、沟、坡、麓、滩、岬一带巨砾成因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崂山的地貌景观十分复杂,形成众多的奇山异石.研究发现:更新世期间,崂山发生过多次古冰川作用,从水下到山巅都留下古冰川活动的印记.崂山的冰碛物具有不成层、无分选、杂乱无章、大小不一、由带有磨光面的、个体差别很大的和带有棱角的岩块、砂等堆积而成,部分冰碛物伸入海下.崂山古冰川冰碛物的堆积地貌主要有终碛堤、冰碛丘陵和侧碛堤三种类型.崂山古冰川侵蚀地貌有:(1)拖蚀(拔蚀)岩块;(2)磨光面;(3)古冰斗;(4)"刃脊"、角峰、哑口;(5)削断山嘴"U"型谷;(6)冰臼.崂山低海拔古冰川遗迹的发现,对研究崂山地貌演化和第四纪黄渤海陆架环境变迁,具有十分重要意义.  相似文献   

崂山顶、涧、沟、坡、麓、滩、岬-带巨砾成因研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
崂山的地貌景观十分复杂,形成众多的奇山异石。研究发现:更新世期间,崂山发生过多次古冰川作用.从水下到山巅都留下古冰川活动的印记。崂山的冰碛物具有不成层、无分选、杂乱无章、大小不一、由带有磨光面的、个体差别很大的和带有棱角的岩块、砂等堆积而成,部分冰碛物伸入海下。崂山古冰川冰碛物的堆积地貌主要有终碛堤、冰碛丘陵和侧碛堤三种类型。崂山古冰川侵蚀地貌有:(1)拖蚀(拔蚀)岩块;(2)磨光面;(3)古冰斗;(4)“刃脊”、角峰、哑口;(5)削断山嘴“U”型谷;(6)冰臼。崂山低海拔古冰川遗迹的发现,对研究崂山地貌演化和第四纪黄渤海陆架环境变迁。具有十分重要意义。  相似文献   

From May to July, 1985, foulers on eleven navigation buoys have been surveyed in Shuidongand Bohe Harbours of Dianbai, Guangdong. Foulers on different parts of buoys (side, bottom and in-side tail tube) were sampled. The thickness and cover area of foulers were measured in the field andall the foulers on an area of 30×30 cm~2 were taken back for lab. identification. Thirty-four quatita-tive samples and several qualitative samples have been got and five hundred and twenty-four sampleshave been classified.  相似文献   

The potential for western mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, to negatively affect populations of black mudfish in New Zealand wetlands was investigated with annual fishing surveys of the Whangamarino wetland and by laboratory experiments evaluating competition and predation of mosquitofish on mudfish adults and larvae. Abundance of mudfish juveniles was reduced in the presence of mosquitofish at marginal wetland sites close to permanent water, but mosquitofish were not found at ephemeral adult mudfish habitats. In constructed wetland microcosms, mosquitofish reduced both growth and condition of post‐larval mudfish but did not attack or kill mudfish. In laboratory aquaria, mosquitofish rapidly consumed mudfish fry but survival time of the latter was significantly extended by an increase in density of submerged structures and by the presence of an alternative food source for mosquitofish. Because mosquitofish cannot survive in ephemeral wetlands that dry over summer, the impacts of mosquitofish on mudfish are likely to be minimal except in habitats where mosquitofish can survive year‐round owing to the presence of permanent standing water.  相似文献   

Discussion on Coastal Erosion Near Xizhuang, Penglai, China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
-In this work, on the basis of the characteristics of coastal erosion near Xizhuang (Penglai, Shandong, China) and the in-situ measured data and theoretical calculation, the causes of coastal erosion there are obtained: (1) natural erosion, (2) beach sand borrowing, and (3) sand borrowing at the Dengzhou shoal near Xizhuang, which results in the loss of the function of the wave force resistance of the shoal. Since the wave energy is increased, the longshore sediment transport rate is increased. Coastal erosions are more and more serious. A scientific basis to reduced the calamity of coastal erosion in local area is presented. Some experiences are accumulated for studying coastal erosion.  相似文献   

20 0 0年 10月~ 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,对青岛太平角养殖海区的贻贝寄生中华豆蟹的感染情况进行了调查。以肥满指数为指标 ,通过对感染和未感染贻贝的比较 ,分析了中华豆蟹对贻贝的危害程度。结果表明 ,中华豆蟹对贻贝的感染率为 2 .0 %~ 2 0 .4 %。2 0 0 0年 11月和 2 0 0 1年 11月出现 2次感染高峰 ,分别为 9.7%和 2 0 .4 % ;最低感染率出现于 2 0 0 1年 1月和 3月 (均为 2 .0 % )。感染强度为 1~ 5 ,多数为 1(占感染个体的 83.2 % )。贻贝所感染的豆蟹的性别及感染强度与宿主的大小有关。小个体贻贝仅见雄豆蟹感染 ,绝大多数雌豆蟹见于壳长大于 2 cm的贻贝。未发现同一宿主体内同时感染 2只或以上的雌豆蟹。在调查的 15个月中 ,有 11个月被感染贻贝的肥满度显著低于未感染的贻贝 ,且雌豆蟹对宿主肥满度的影响大于雄豆蟹  相似文献   

The history, methods, problems and regulation of fishing of the last remaining large queen conch resource in the world, located on a Jamaican fishing bank, are examined. The fishery activities for the queen conch, Strombus gigas Linnaeus are briefly described with the main activities in the industrial sector which produce the bulk of the harvest, which is exported. There are a few large producers harvesting the single major fishing ground of Pedro Bank, southwest of Kingston. These fishers harvested at least 1500 t annually between 1992 and 1998. Management is by licensing, individual quotas and a close season from July to October. Regulations related to CITES are thought to greatly assist in making licensed harvesters provide catch data to the Fisheries Division. The industrial operators have provided funding to undertake stock assessment studies in 1994 and again in 1997. We highlight the focus on management on a participatory consensual approach with meetings with all players in the industry. The conch fishery is thought to be one of the few areas of the Jamaica fishery where there is close and successful collaboration between fishers and the Fisheries Division. It provides an example of how rapid, precautionary, participatory action can provide an adequate basis for management until more definitive scientific information becomes available. The status of the conch fishery is thought to be sustainable at present, once reductions are made to the annual quota.  相似文献   

Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics - In order to develop astromineralogy, an emerging new research area, the results of studying the features of mineral genesis and geochemistry of native...  相似文献   

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