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《伦敦公约》(下简称公约)是1972年在伦敦召开的政府间关于海上倾倒废物公约会议上通过的。该公约的问世,是鉴于到本世纪70年代初期,已认识到海洋环境净化人类工业活动废物的能力并不是无限的,海上倾倒作为处置废物的一种手段所带来的弊端,已逐渐引起国际社会的关注,在这种背景情况下召开的特别国际会议,终于通过一项防止海上倾倒造成海洋污染的多边公约。公约自1975年生效以来,已成功地对海上倾倒实施了管理,完善了控制海上倾倒体系,交流处置废物科学方法的信息等方面起到了积极作  相似文献   

This article examines Indonesian-Malaysian relations in the light of Indonesia's new archipelagic regime. Archipelagos are defined and the rights and duties of archipelagic states under the Law of the Sea Convention are outlined. Indonesian-Malaysian relations from the 1974 Memorandum of Understanding to the 1982 bilateral treaty are described. The author examines the implications of an Indonesian suspension of passage on Malaysian transport, submarine cables and pipelines, fishing, oil and gas, and search and rescue. The author concludes by indicating how the two countries should adjust to the regime.  相似文献   

Regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) collectively manage the largest distinct area of the world, the high seas, but their effectiveness in conserving the fish stocks therein has been questioned lately, as many stocks have declined. This study quantitatively assesses the effectiveness of the world's 18 RFMOs, based on a two-tiered approach, concentrating first on their performance ‘on paper’ and secondly, in practice. The former was determined by assessing how well RFMOs scored against 26 criteria that together reflect current RFMO best practices. The latter assessment referenced the current state of the stocks RFMOs manage, through biomass and fishing mortality reference points and biomass trends through time. Results show low performance of RFMOs for both assessments, i.e., average scores of 57% and 49%, respectively. The latter result is emphasized by findings that reflect two-thirds of stocks fished on the high seas and under RFMO management are either depleted or overexploited. Findings also indicate that there is no connection between the two sets of scores, suggesting a disparity between organization intent and action.  相似文献   

This is a historical review of Canadian policy at the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea. Canadian objectives with regard to the territorial sea, fisheries, pollution prevention and the continental shelf are outlined and the role played by the Canadian delegation at UNCLOS is described. The article then examines the impact of the Convention on Canada, particular attention being paid to the Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone and the Canadian role in the controversy over seabed mining. The author concludes by arguing that Canada was a major beneficiary of the Convention, but that US opposition has placed the future of the Convention in jeopardy.  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to present Brazil's interests and concerns in the South Atlantic, through the analysis of the ongoing governmental plans to its adjacent sea, and the security and defense issues in the ocean region. First, it will introduce four important programs, namely the Proarquipelago, Protrindade, Leplac, and Proarea, launched by the country after the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Then, it will discuss some of the domestic and international initiatives taken by Brazil to build a stable political and economic environment in the South Atlantic. Despite the peaceful purposes of the Brazilian agenda and policy to the sea, there are underlying reasons, such as keeping secure its oil and gas fields and consolidating its role as a major player in the ocean region, that must be considered as well. However, changes in the domestic scenario may provoke unprecedented modifications in this agenda.  相似文献   

This article considers Thailand's problems with the 1982 LOS Convention, especially the exclusive economic zones. Despite the disadvantages, it recommends that Thailand should ratify the Convention.  相似文献   

联合国海洋法公约于1994年11月26日生效后,各沿海国家的海洋开发与管理都将面临新的形势与任务.本文对我国专属经济区调查工作进行了回顾与展望,供有关部门领导和专业人员参考。  相似文献   

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