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The Metasedimentary rocks from the Adola metamorphic belt has been analysed for major, minor, and trace elements, including REEs, in order to investigate the provenance and tectonic setting of these rocks.On the basis of filed work, petrographic data and major element geochemistry the Adola sedimentary rocks are essentially greywackes with subordinate lithic arenite. Among the 27 samples analysed, only two samples are quartz arenite with SiO2 values above 89%. CaO-Na2O-K2O diagrams showed that most sample cluster around the average plots of granites and granodiorites. In order to determine the tectonic setting and provenance of the rocks, the samples are plotted on various binary and ternary diagrams. The plots on Fe2O3T+MgO versus TiO2, K2O/Na2O, Al2O3/SiO2 and Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O) plots show that the Adola sediments have Oceanic Island Arc(OIC), Continental Island Arc(CIA), Active Continental Margin(ACM) and Passive Margin(PM) characteristics. Most samples, however, show island arc affinity. Only two samples (the quartz arenites) fall in the Passive Margin (PM) field.The trace element characteristics of these rocks discriminate the rocks only into oceanic and continental arc fields. The relatively high abundance of the transition metals, mainly Co, Ni, Cr and the low concentration of TiO2 correlates well with the previously determined geochemical affinity of the basic rocks of Adola suggesting the dominance of the low- Ti oceanic tholeiites and even boninites in the source region.The REE patterns show three distinct groupings; a)With strong LREE enrichment, flat HREE and with out Eu anomaly, shows similar patterns with that of the oceanic island arc rocks; b) samples with strong Light REE enrichment, flat HREE pattern and strong negative Eu anomaly showing similar patterns to the Andean type andesites, probably derived from granitic gneisses and are affiliated to Active Continental Margin settings; c) this group is represented by a single plot having an enriched LREE pattern, flat HREE pattern and strong positive Eu anomaly. It is most likely that this pattern is related to a high normative plagioclase content due to local accumulation of feldspar during sedimentation rather than representing excessive Eu content of the precursor rock. The REE pattern represented by this sample is roughly similar to that of the Devonian greywackes of Australia.In conclusion, the use of geochemical characteristics of the sediments coupled with the geological information from the area strengthens the suprasubduction zone (SSZ) ophiolitic tectonic setting interpretation suggested (Yibas 1993) for the Adola belt. The trace element plots and their absolute abundance, and the REE patterns strongly constrain the tectonic setting and the provenance of the metasediments to an arc related setting. 相似文献
物源及其风化作用 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
华北北部洪水庄组黑色页岩是中元古代的富有机质沉积,它可能记录了当时重要的地球化学信息。通过对洪水庄组页岩中的常量和微量元素特征的分析,研究了洪水庄组的物源及其风化作用。高Th/Sc、Al2O3/TiO2、La/Sc、La/Cr、La/Co、Th/Cr和Th/Co值,低Cr/Zr和TiO2/Zr比值,Euan值、Co/Y Ti/Zr关系和La Th Sc组成表明洪水庄组页岩物源主要为上地壳中的长英质花岗闪长岩。洪水庄组页岩的Al、Ca、Na和K组成表明其具有较高的化学蚀变指数(CIA),同时,元素组成的化学风化作用轨迹反映了洪水庄组页岩受到钾交代作用的影响,可能导致CIA值被低估,其原始CIA值应在90以上。高的原始CIA、化学风化指数(CIW)和斜长石蚀变指数(PIA)表明洪水庄组物源区经历了强烈的化学风化作用。化学风化作用强度以及微量元素组成特征揭示了中元古代洪水庄组沉积时期可能处于温暖潮湿的气候条件,这与中元古代时期大气高CO2浓度以及华北板块古大陆当时位于低纬度地区重建的结果不谋而合。 相似文献
华北克拉通的变质沉积岩及其克拉通的构造划分 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
早前寒武纪花岗质岩年龄统计结果显示,华北克拉通经历了3.8,3.3,2.9,2.5和1.8~1.9 Ga等多个旋回才从陆核成长为陆台,与之对应沉积岩也由少变多,大约以500 Ma为一周期。由于沉积作用出现在成陆间歇期,所以二者在时间上相间互补,其状如同显生宙超大陆裂解和拼合的周期交替。这一现象不但是地壳演化的普遍规律,而且也可反过来用沉积岩反映陆壳的演化。然而,早前寒武纪尤其是太古宙的沉积岩毕竟太少,无法用来恢复当时古陆块的面貌,但古元古代的特别是陆缘沉积的孔兹岩,尽管已进入下地壳并成为克拉通基底的组成,则以保存甚多、分布延续,使其重塑克拉通的拼合成为可能。已有的华北克拉通的构造划分方案多种多样,但以陆缘沉积的古元古代孔兹岩作为地块的边界,理当最能反映当时古陆块的面貌。因此,以孔兹岩为主要依据,并综合考虑岩石组合、构造环境、变质p-T轨迹、同位素年龄、以及不变质的沉积盖层等地质特征,将华北克拉通主体从西往东划分为:鄂尔多斯地块 / 晋蒙弧形拼合带 / 冀鲁豫地块 /(郯庐断裂)/ 胶辽地块群等构造单元,所得到的不同于以往的构造轮廓,显示华北陆台并非一统的太古宙克拉通,而是吕梁运动拼合成的古元古代大陆。 相似文献
Sapphirine-bearing granulites have recently been found in the Daqingshan and Jining areas, both of which are located in a Palaeoproterozoic collisional belt, named the Khondalite Belt, along which the Yinshan Block in the north and the Ordos Block in the south were amalgamated to form the Western Block at~1.95 Ga, and then the Western Block collided with the Eastern Block along the Trans-North China Orogen to form the coherent basement of the North China Craton at~1.85 Ga. 相似文献
沉积盆地中碎屑沉积岩的地球化学特征主要受物源区的制约。对北羌塘盆地三叠系康鲁组碎屑沉积岩进行全岩测试,分析表明,样品的成分变异指数(ICV)和化学蚀变指数(CIA)变化不大,反映其源区物质较新鲜,成熟度相对较低,化学风化作用较弱-中等。岩石SiO2含量普遍较高,TFe2O3+MgO含量相对较高,但K2O/Na2O比值变化较大。微量元素标准化蛛网图与后太古代页岩和上地壳相似,且REE配分模式图显示富集LREE,δEu明显负异常以及δCe呈弱负异常。此外,Th/U、La/Sc、Th/Sc、Ba/Sr等微量元素比值以及TiO2-Ni、La/Th-Hf、Co/Th-La/Sc和Th/Sc-La/Sc判别图表明沉积物物源具有浅源、长英质的特征。沉积岩的SiO2-K2O/Na2O、La-Th、La/Y-Sc/Cr双变量图解和La-Th-Sc、Th-Sc-Zr/10、Th-Co-Zr/10三变量图解,以及Th/U、Rb/Sr等比值特征表明北羌塘三叠系康鲁组沉积砂岩的物源区构造背景以大陆岛弧为主,兼有大洋岛弧和被动大陆边缘构造背景特征。 相似文献
北祁连榴辉岩相变沉积岩的特征及其构造意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
在北祁连造山带中,出露典型的高压/低温变质岩石,前人对其中的低温榴辉岩已做过较多的研究,但对其中的变沉积岩研究涉及很少.本文展示了榴辉岩相变质沉积岩的岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素方面的一些新的研究结果.变沉积岩含有榴辉岩相的矿物组合,峰期温压条件为t= 450~520℃,p=1.9~2.3 GPa,与相邻榴辉岩的温压条件一致.地球化学显示这些岩石的原岩为不成熟的沉积岩,可能形成于大陆边缘或大陆岛弧环境.变沉积岩中的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄主要集中在1800 Ma左右和540~600 Ma之间,结合锆石Hf同位素特征,表明其原岩的碎屑来源既有周缘陆块的前寒武纪变质基底物质,又有新元古代-早古生代新生洋壳或增生物质.同时,这些数据也表明北祁连早古生代洋壳俯冲过程中发生了活动大陆边缘的构造剥蚀作用,即形成于上盘的沉积物(弧前盆地或增生楔)被构造作用运移到俯冲带中,并俯冲到60~70km深处,遭受榴辉岩相变质作用,然后折返到地表. 相似文献
北祁连西段石鸡河地区火山岩地球化学特征及其动力学意义 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
石鸡河一带是近年新发现的北祁连山多金属成矿带, 气侯和自然条件恶劣, 研究程度很低.该区地层岩性为阳起石岩、角岩和细碧岩; 岩石地球化学和Nd同位素数据显示岩石来源于亏损地幔, 具有N-MORB洋脊玄武岩特征; Sr同位素特征显示地层Sr同位素组成的改变是蚀变引起, 而不是由地壳物质加入引起的.Sm-Nd等时线年龄为481±20 Ma.提出了石鸡河地区地层形成于早奥陶世, 成岩环境为北祁连洋扩张环境, 而非区域资料上显示的残留海盆封闭、大陆碰撞造山环境. 相似文献
<正>1 Introduction Provenance studies are central to the reconstruction of paleo-drainage systems,which in turn may lead to an improved understanding of potential reservoir distribution(Preston J et al.,2002).Ordos basin developed tight gas sandstone reservoir in the Upper Paleozoic.The sandstone reservoirs show different terrigenous clastic components, 相似文献
Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Uraniferous Sandstones in Fault Zone, Wadi El Sahu Area, Southwestern Sinai, Egypt: Implications for Provenance, Weathering and Tectonic Setting

Paleozoic rocks in the Wadi El Sahu area are affected by many major faults in different directions. A reverse fault trending NE-SW is exposed for about 300 m of its length as it cuts through the Abu Hamata and Adedia formations on the south side of Wadi El Sahu. A secondary ascending hydrothermal solution carrying heavy metals and radioactive minerals passed through the fault plain and the surrounding fractures, forming mineralized and radioactive zone. The mineralized zone thickness ranges from 60 cm to 200 cm along the fault plain. These rocks were analyzed radiometrically using a portable gamma-ray spectrometer, chemically by employing ICP-ES and ICP-MS, as well as mineralogically by both binocular and Environmental Scanning Electron microscope. Gold content was also determined by fire assay. REE and U contents reached up to 2682 and 1216 ppm, respectively. Mineralogical investigations indicated the presence of uraninite, torbernite, autunite, sklodowskite, kasolite as uranium minerals, thorite as a thorium mineral, monazite, allanite and xenotime as REE-bearing minerals, zircon and columbite as accessory minerals, gold and nickel as precious and base metals, in addition to cassiterite, chalcopyrite, chalcocite and chrysocolla. High REE and U contents are attributed to the circulation of epigenetic U and REE-bearing hydrothermal solutions along the fault plain and its surrounding fractures. Hydrothermal alteration processes could then be confirmed by the presence of the M-type tetrad effect in the REE-patterns of the ferruginous sandstone. The non-chondritic ratio of Nb/Ta, Zr/Hf and Y/Ho in the studied sandstone may be attributed to the tetrad effect. The Ce and Eu anomaly with unusual REE-patterns was represented by the presence of conjugated M-W tetrad effects, indicating either the dual effect of hydrothermal solutions or groundwater with seawater. The results clarify that the tetrad-effects could be used as evidence for the environment of deposition and as an indication for gold mineralization. 相似文献
鄂尔多斯盆地东胜地区直罗组砂岩的地球化学特征与物源分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
沉积岩物源分析对揭示盆地砂体展布、物质组成、储集层性质及砂岩型铀矿床铀源等科学问题具有重要的意义。对取自鄂尔多斯盆地东北部8个钻井中的中侏罗统直罗组砂岩进行了详细的岩石学和地球化学研究,试图鉴别岩石的源区和形成的构造环境。研究表明,砂岩以中粗粒杂砂岩为主,其w(SiO2)值及w(Al2O3)/w(SiO2)值中等到较高,w(K2O)值相对较高,Fe2O3、MgO、TiO2含量较低,暗示碎屑物质的富长英质、贫镁铁质特征。Nb、Ta、Ti、P等不活动元素的强烈亏损和K、Rb、Sr、Ba等LILE的富集,共同指示源区具有明显的俯冲带的特征;而w(TFe2O3+MgO)-w(TiO2)、w(TFe2O3+MgO)-w(Al2O3)/w(SiO2)、w(Th)-w(Sc)-w(Zr)/10、w(Th)-w(Co)-w(Zr)/10等判别特征则表明砂岩源区岩石可能形成于大陆弧-活动大陆边缘环境。而且,在球粒陨石标准化分配模式中,LREE强烈富集,HREE无明显分异、有着较平坦的曲线,Eu无异常或表现为弱的正、负异常;在PAAS标准化曲线中,轻重稀土均无明显分异,仅Eu表现为明显正异常。本区直罗组砂岩与华北北缘显生宙闪长岩-花岗闪长岩有着很强的亲缘性。 相似文献
大别山北缘凤凰台组砾石地球化学特征及源区构造环境 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
根据大别山北缘合肥盆地凤凰台组暨毛坦厂组中的榴辉岩、角闪岩、斜长片麻岩等砾石地球化学研究,SiO2含量为43.31%~57.35%,原岩主要为古橄玄武岩-玄武岩-玄武安山岩-玄武粗安岩组成的火山岩,其次为斜长岩和辉绿玢岩等侵入岩.与原始地幔相比,岩石具有LILE富集、Nb-Ta负异常槽明显、Ti强烈亏损等特征.它们可能属于一个由苦橄玄武岩、拉斑玄武岩、英安岩和流纹岩等组成的火山弧,是一个SSZ型岛弧.砾石原岩与北大别杂岩("古岛弧根带")中的镁铁-超镁铁岩带、片麻岩等有成因上的联系.砾石主要不是直接来源于现在遭受剥露的"古岛弧根带",而可能是来自上部的火山弧. 相似文献
阿尔泰晚古生代早期长英质火山岩的地球化学特征及构造背景 总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17
新疆北部哈巴河一带出露的一套晚古生代早期长英质火山岩主要由英安质—流纹质火山岩组成。其Rb-Sr等时线年龄为405±57Ma,为早泥盆世。地球化学特征显示它们具有Ti含量低,Mg#含量中等—富集(42.2~88.7),Th/Ta为8.6~16.4,低—中等Ti/Zr值(介于4.9~53.46);稀土配分型式为LREE富集,无Eu或中等的负Eu异常;且在蜘蛛网图上显示LILE富集,Nb和Ta亏损的特征。Y-Nb和Rb-(Y+Nb)构造判别图解显示这些长英质火山岩形成于岛弧环境。结合前人的研究成果,认为新疆北部哈巴河晚古生代早期长英质火山岩是在古亚洲洋北侧岛弧构造环境下形成的,是作为古亚洲洋从SW至NE方向朝西伯利亚古板块俯冲的产物。 相似文献
为了开展钱家店铀矿床砂岩型铀矿的进一步找矿工作,对采集到的上白垩统姚家组19件砂岩样品进行了主、微量和稀土元素分析,并结合前人成果,对姚家组的沉积物源及源岩构造背景进行了探讨。结果表明,姚家组砂岩主要为长石砂岩,矿物成分主要为石英、钾长石和斜长石等;其轻重稀土比为6.96~14.66,均值为10.17;LaN/YbN为7.58~20.95,均值为11.74,说明轻稀土元素相对重稀土元素明显富集,分馏明显。稀土元素配分模式曲线高度一致,也表明姚家组砂岩具有同源性;其ICV值为0.86~2.78,平均值1.34,大部分大于1,表现为未成熟的性质,为初次旋回的沉积物;修正后的CIA均值62.5,暗示源岩经历中等化学风化作用;砂岩碎屑为近源的第一次旋回沉积物,受沉积分选和再循环作用影响不大;姚家组源岩以火山弧物质和大陆上地壳长英质物质为主,源岩主要形成于大陆边缘和大陆岛弧环境;开鲁坳陷形成于早白垩世随着古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲速度的减小而在东北地区出现的北西-南东向拉张构造环境中,并接受盆地西部大兴安岭南段海西期和燕山期岩浆岩、火山岩沉积。 相似文献
Cenozoic Crustally-derived Carbonate-rich Magmatic Rocks in West Junggar, North Xinjiang, Western China: Geochronology, Geochemistry and Tectonic Implications

The carbonate-rich magmatic rocks of West Junggar are distributed in the Baijiantan and Darbut ophiolitic mélanges in the forms of extrusive rocks overlying the mélanges and dykes, either along the margins of the mélange or cross-cutting components of mélanges. Chilled margin and flow structures are present. A SHRIMP zircon U-Pb age of 39.7 ± 1.3 Ma indicates that these carbonate-rich rocks in West Junggar were formed during the Eocene. They have low concentrations in REEs, Th, U, Nb, Ta and are characterized by extremely low εN d(t), high(87 Sr/86 Sr)i ratios, relatively high δ18 OV-SMOW values and high δ13 CV-PDB values, which is similar with most sedimentary carbonates. Furthermore, no contemporaneous mantle-derived silicate rocks have yet been found in West Junggar. The carbonate-rich rocks in West Junggar are thus distinct from mantle-derived carbonatites and are interpreted to result from melting of the Carboniferous sedimentary carbonates at crustal levels, these rocks therefore being referred to as 'crustal carbonatites'. The Eocene crustal carbonatites in West Junggar and other Cenozoic magmatic rocks in North Xinjiang are generally situated along regional strike-slip faults or fault intersections. Therefore, we propose that the reactivation of the Darbut and Baijiantan crustal-scale strike-slip fault zones(ophiolitic mélanges), due to the far-field effects of the Indian-Eurasian collision, enables decompression melting of the underlying continental lithospheric mantle. These resulting melts ascended to the lower crust through the strike-slip faults, causing partial melting of the Carboniferous carbonaceous sediments. The crustal carbonatites in West Junggar provide a new piece of evidence for Cenozoic magmatism in North Xinjiang and are also significant for the investigation of tectono-magmatic relations in North Xinjiang and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. 相似文献
Petrogenesis of the Chaihulanzi Gneiss and its Tectonic Implications for the North China Craton

The Chaihulanzi area in eastern Inner Mongolia is tectonically situated on the northern margin of the North China Craton (NCC). The main Precambrian lithologies of the area have been referred to the Archean Jianping Group meta-supracrustal sequences. Based on field observations, petrographic, whole-rock geochemical, and zircon U-Pb geochronological results, a magmatic origin for the units is proposed. Our results show that the Chaihulanzi gneisses are mainly of granitic, dioritic and granodioritic compositions, and show typical magmatic rock textures and mineral assemblages. The dioritic and granodioritic gneisses show Na-rich tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG)-like affinity with zircon U-Pb dates of ca. 2.57–2.59 Ga, representing a juvenile continental growth for the northeastern NCC. The granitic gneiss is indeed potassic granite and yielded a zircon U-Pb date of ~2.50 Ga, which is contemporaneous with the Jining–Jiaoliao microblock collision (2.53–2.49 Ga), implying another crustal growth event. The well-developed gneissosity in 2.57–2.59 Ga dioritic and granodioritic gneisses together with the 2.5 Ga potassic granite, which crosscuts the gneissosity implies a 2.57–2.50 Ga (mainly 2.53–2.51 Ga) collisional orogeny, probably related to the Jining–Jiaoliao microblock collision. Our new geology and chronological results provide new evidence for the early Precambrian tectonic evolution of the NCC. 相似文献
阿尔金北缘喀腊大湾地区早古生代中酸性火山熔岩岩石地球化学特征及其构造环境 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
阿尔金北缘喀腊大湾地区早古生代的中酸性火山岩为一套英安岩—流纹岩—粗面英安岩(少量)组合,在岩石地球化学上高SiO2、富碱(Na2O/K2O =0.4 ~22.2,Na2O+ K2O =2.49% ~9.74%)、低钛,里特曼指数(δ)为0.20~5.52,铝饱和指数A/CNK为0.8~1.4,指示这是一套低钾—中钾钙碱性—碱性钾玄质(少量)火山岩,自北向南具有从准铝质Ⅰ型向弱过铝质—强过铝质S型花岗质岩浆过渡的特征.LREE、K、Ba、Th(U)、Pb、Zr富集以及Nb(Ta)、P、Ti的亏损指示其形成于与俯冲消减作用有关的活动大陆边缘环境.岩石地球化学研究表明,英安岩和流纹岩不存在分异演化关系,其源岩分别为变质(基性)火山岩和变质泥质岩.结合区域地质特征,认为该套中酸性火山岩形成于活动大陆边缘洋壳俯冲消减后期同碰撞—碰撞后的环境,是俯冲碰撞过程中陆壳巨量增厚,碰撞后伸展阶段中下地壳(或岩石圈)拆沉,幔源岩浆底侵,诱发趋于成熟的大陆边缘弧地壳在不同深度位置上发生部分熔融的产物.这一地质过程是对同一时期阿尔金北缘地区古大洋自北向南俯冲消减到米兰—金雁山地块之下的动力学机制的响应,也为判断阿尔金北缘红柳沟—拉配泉地区蛇绿混杂岩带早古生代的俯冲极性提供了佐证. 相似文献
中条山铜矿峪铜矿区火山岩的地球化学特征及构造背景 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对铜矿峪火山岩进行常量元素、微量元素及稀土元素研究表明,SiO2质量分数为47.22%~76.00%,平均66.21%,Al2O3含量为11.03%~20.03%,属铝饱和类型。通过常量元素投点图分析,属一种高钾系列火山岩。稀土元素特征表明,火山岩的源岩浆来源于上地慢。在微量元素的球粒陨石标准化图上,表现为不相容元素Rb、K、Ba、Th的高度富集,同时,具有Sr、Tb和Nb、Ti的亏损,其总体配分型式类似于板内拉斑玄武岩。 相似文献
北祁连山早古生代硅质岩稀土元素特征及环境指相意义 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
本文通过对北祁连山不同地质环境与火山岩相伴生硅质岩稀土元素特征的分析,证明产于不同地质环境硅质岩的稀土元素,特别是∑REE、Ce/Ce*、LaN/YbN具有特定的规律性变化。该研究为利用硅质岩稀土元素判定古老造山带构造环境提供了参考标准。 相似文献
Geochemical Characteristics of Early Permian Pyroclastic Rocks in the Jimunai Basin, West Junggar, Xinjiang (NW China): Implications for Provenance and Tectonic Setting

SHANGGUAN Yunfei ZHUANG Xinguo LI Baoqing LI Jing QUEROL Xavier LIU Shunbin 《《地质学报》英文版》2021,95(3):794-809
During the Late Paleozoic, West Junggar(Xinjiang, NW China) experienced a shift in tectonic setting from compression to extension. Ha'erjiao is an important area for investigating collisional structures, post–collisional structures, and magmatic activities. Based on the petrological and geochemical characteristics of pyroclastic and other volcanic rocks in the Permian Kalagang Formation from the borehole ZKH1205 in the Jimunai Basin, the main types of source rock for the pyroclastic rocks deposited in the basin are identified and their implications for the Early Permian tectonic setting examined. The abundance of basalt and andesite lithic fragments in the pyroclastic rocks, together with the REE characteristics and the contents of transition and high field strength elements show that the source rocks were chiefly intermediate–basic volcanic rocks. High ICV values, low CIA values, low Rb/Sr ratios, low Th/U ratios and the mineralogical features suggest weak chemical weathering of the source rocks; the geochemical patterns of the pyroclastic rocks might not only have been impacted by crustal contamination but also might be related to the nature of the magma from the source area. The geochemical properties of the pyroclastic rocks distinguish them from arc-related ones, and such samples plot in the within-plate basalt(WPB) field in some diagrams. This is consistent with the formation background of the Early Permian volcanic rocks in this region. 相似文献