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本文以东海区海岸带为例,采用空间主成分分析法,对 2015 年东海区沿岸县级陆域的生态安全程度进行评价,并运用累积阻力模型,分析东海区海岸带的生态源地、廊道和核心节点,在此基础上提出优化布局思路。结果表明: (1) 林地、气候和地貌等自然要素及其质量对区域生态安全性有显著影响,植被覆盖度对生态安全的贡献率占 38.8%,是影响生态安全最重要的因子;此外,开发建设程度亦有影响生态安全的效果,此效果略小于自然要素; (2) 东海海岸带的生态安全指数在1.61~5.89 之间,表明东海区生态环境质量大体趋好,生态安全指数呈现出显著的南北分异和东西分异态势; (3) 构建以“四片区、三组团、两廊道、多中心”为核心的东海区海岸带生态景观的优化布局方案,以期为海岸带地区生态安全建设提供参考.  相似文献   

中国东部近海现代沉积环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东海近岸海域岛屿、入海河流众多,大量陆源物质随沿岸流自长江口向东迁移,是海陆相互作用最为强烈的区域之一。对2016和2017年夏季采集的570个东海近岸表层沉积物样品进行了沉积物物理化学性质、粒度特征、有机质含量等测试分析。结果表明,这些特征参数明显受区域沉积环境的控制。杭州湾区域沉积物偏弱碱性, 氧化还原电位(Eh)<0, 有机质含量北部偏高, 沉积物组成以黏土质粉砂为主,抗剪强度较低(普遍<0.5kpa),各指标无明显分布规律,相关性较强。浙江东部沿海区域沉积物近中性至弱酸性,Eh较高(>0),Eh与pH自陆向海降低,象山港、乐清湾海域有机质含量较高; 舟山至台州海域以粉砂为主,台州以南分布斑块状泥质区,抗剪强度比杭州湾区域偏高,各指标无明显相关性。整体来看,杭州湾与浙江东部沿海属于两个完全不同的沉积环境体系,主要是因杭州湾物质来源较为稳定,区域水动力较强,导致沉积物分布相对均一; 而浙江东部海域河流、岛屿较多,各个区域物质来源和水动力环境都存在较大差异。  相似文献   

Dimethylsulfide enrichment in the surface microlayer of the South China Sea   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A total of 22 sea surface microlayer samples collected from the Nansha Islands waters of the South China Sea were analyzed for dimethylsulfide (DMS), chlorophyll a and nutrients including nitrate, phosphate and silicate. The DMS concentrations in surface microlayer samples ranged from 82 to 280 ng S/l with a mean of 145 ng S/l. A significant correlation was found between DMS and chlorophyll a data both in the surface microlayer as well as in the subsurface water. However, no correlation was observed between DMS and nutrient concentrations in the surface microlayer. The DMS concentrations were higher in all surface microlayer samples, compared with subsurface samples. The enrichment factor (EF) of DMS in the surface microlayer varied from 1.21 to 3.08 with an average of 1.95. The EF of DMS was significantly correlated with that of chlorophyll a in the microlayer. The enrichment of DMS in the microlayer may be due to two factors, including the in situ production from phytoplankton and the transportation from the underlying seawater. The diel variations in DMS and chlorophyll a concentrations were studied at a fixed station. The highest concentrations of DMS in the surface microlayer and subsurface water were simultaneously observed in the late afternoon (1800 h), while the highest levels of chlorophyll a were simultaneously found at night (0200 h).  相似文献   

An extensive study collected in situ data along the Yellow Sea(YS) and East China Sea(ECS) to assess the radiometric properties and the concentration of the water constituents derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS). Thirteen high quality match-ups were obtained for evaluating the MODIS estimates of Rrs(λ), chlorophyll a(Chl a) and concentrations of suspended particulate sediment matter(SPM). For MODIS Rrs(λ), the mean absolute percentage difference(APD) was in the range of 20%–36%, and the highest uncertainty appeared at 412 nm, whereas the band ratio of Rrs(λ) at 488 nm compared with that at 547 nm was highly consistent, with an APD of 7%. A combination of near-infrared bands and shortwave infrared wavelengths atmosphere correction algorithm(NIR-SWIR algorithm) was applied to the MODIS data, and the estimation accuracy of Rrs were improved at most of the visible spectral bands except 645 nm, 667 nm and 678 nm. Two ocean-colour empirical algorithms for Chl a estimation were applied to the processed data, the results indicated that the accuracy of the derived Chl a values was obviously improved, the four-band algorithms outperformed the other algorithm for measured and simulated datasets, and the minimum APD was 35%. The SPM was also quantified. Two regional and two coastal SPM algorithms were modified according to the in situ data. By comparison, the modified Tassan model had a higher accuracy for the application along the YS and ECS with an APD of 21%. However, given the limited match-up dataset and the potential influence of the aerosol properties on atmosphere correction, further research is required to develop additional algorithms especially for the low Chl a coastal water.  相似文献   

东海西南近岸海域污损生物群落特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于2013年12月~2014年11月在东海西南近岸海域进行污损生物周年挂板试验,全年共记录污损生物10门49科69属84种,群落组成以近岸暖水种为主,为典型的亚热带内湾型群落,附着盛期为4–9月,夏季污损生物的附着强度最高。固定生活类型的悬浮物食者是该近岸海域污损生物群落的附着主体,网纹藤壶(Amphibalanus reticulatus)是最主要的优势种和代表种,其它优势种还有长鳃麦杆虫(Caprella equilibra)、中胚花筒螅(Ectopleura crocea)、太平洋侧花海葵(Anthopleura nigrescens)、今岛柄涡虫(Stylochus ijimai)、克氏无襟毛虫(Spirobranchus kraussii)、近江牡蛎(Crassostrea rivularis)、翡翠贻贝(Perna viridis)、廉形叶钩虾(Jassa falcata)、强壮板钩虾(Stenothoe valida)、光辉圆扇蟹(Sphaerozius nitidus)和大室别藻苔虫(Biflustra grandicella)等。污损生物群落个体间因附着空间和食物竞争而存在着相互依存或互相制约的关系,又依照对环境因子的适应性而存在着一定的时空分布规律。温度是决定污损生物地理分布的最主要环境因素,物种的温度属性是不同气候带污损生物群落组成差异的本质体现,污损生物的种类数、附着期和附着量与水温有着密切的关系;另外,盐度、水流、光、水产养殖等自然环境或人为因素也是影响污损生物附着的重要影响因子。  相似文献   

海洋水色遥感资料的经验正交函数分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王法明  李武  郑全安 《海洋学报》1999,21(6):110-115
海洋中浮游植物进行光合作用,固定有机碳,是海洋生物链的基础,因此,研究浮游植物生物量的指标——光合色素(主要是叶绿素a)的时空变化具有十分重要的意义。我国自50年代以来,对海洋浮游植物色素分布进行了大量的现场调查和研究,取得了一些初步结果[1-3]。  相似文献   

东海沿海季节性海平面异常成因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Based on the analysis of sea level, air temperature, sea surface temperature(SST), air pressure and wind data during 1980–2013, the causes of seasonal sea level anomalies in the coastal region of the East China Sea(ECS) are investigated. The research results show:(1) sea level along the coastal region of the ECS takes on strong seasonal variation. The annual range is 30–45 cm, larger in the north than in the south. From north to south, the phase of sea level changes from 140° to 231°, with a difference of nearly 3 months.(2) Monthly mean sea level(MSL)anomalies often occur from August to next February along the coast region of the ECS. The number of sea level anomalies is at most from January to February and from August to October, showing a growing trend in recent years.(3) Anomalous wind field is an important factor to affect the sea level variation in the coastal region of the ECS. Monthly MSL anomaly is closely related to wind field anomaly and air pressure field anomaly. Wind-driven current is essentially consistent with sea surface height. In August 2012, the sea surface heights at the coastal stations driven by wind field have contributed 50%–80% of MSL anomalies.(4) The annual variations for sea level,SST and air temperature along the coastal region of the ECS are mainly caused by solar radiation with a period of12 months. But the correlation coefficients of sea level anomalies with SST anomalies and air temperature anomalies are all less than 0.1.(5) Seasonal sea level variations contain the long-term trends and all kinds of periodic changes. Sea level oscillations vary in different seasons in the coastal region of the ECS. In winter and spring, the oscillation of 4–7 a related to El Ni?o is stronger and its amplitude exceeds 2 cm. In summer and autumn, the oscillations of 2–3 a and quasi 9 a are most significant, and their amplitudes also exceed 2 cm. The height of sea level is lifted up when the different oscillations superposed. On the other hand, the height of sea level is fallen down.  相似文献   

东海陆架前缘斜坡北部的滑塌带   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1994年对东海陆架前缘斜坡北部实测的8条浅地层记录中,我们发现这些测线上都有滑塌构造,并形成了一条平行于陆架转折线的滑塌带,滑塌带呈NNE向展布,平均宽约7.5km,它们是沉积物流从陆坡上部向下移动的证据。  相似文献   

东海沿岸海水表层温度的变化特征及变化趋势   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
根据东海沿岸引水船、嵊山、大陈、南麂、北礵、平潭、厦门和东山8个海洋观测站的40a表层海水温度(SST)资料进行了统计与分析.研究结果表明:东海沿岸SST主要受制于太阳辐射,呈南高北低分布,但也不同程度地受到当地地理环境、气候环境、水文环境的影响;SST的年变化具有显著的年周期和半年周期;东海沿岸SST存在多种显著周期的振荡,且南北测站SST的主导振荡有差异;就近40a的资料而言,东海沿岸的SST总体呈上升趋势,其中冬季上升幅度最大,暖冬是SST总体呈上升趋势的重要因素.  相似文献   

Lagrangian time series of dimethylsulfide (DMS) concentrations from a cyclonic and an anticyclonic eddy in the Sargasso Sea were used in conjunction with measured DMS loss rates and a model of vertical mixing to estimate gross DMS production in the upper 60 m during summer 2004. Loss terms included biological consumption, photolysis, and ventilation to the atmosphere. The time- and depth (0–60 m)-averaged gross DMS production was estimated to be 0.73±0.09 nM d−1 in the cyclonic eddy and 0.90±0.15 nM d−1 in the anticyclonic eddy, with respective DMS replacement times of 5±1 and 6±1 d. The higher estimated rate of gross production and lower measured loss rate constants in the anticyclonic eddy were equally responsible for this eddy's 50% higher DMS inventory (0–60 m). When normalized to chlorophyll and total dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), estimated gross production in the anticyclonic eddy was about twice that in the cyclonic eddy, consistent with the greater fraction of phytoplankton that were DMSP producers in the anticyclonic eddy. Higher rates of gross production were estimated below the mixed layer, contributing to the subsurface DMS maximum found in both eddies. In both eddies, gas exchange, microbial consumption, and photolysis were roughly equal DMS loss terms in the surface mixed layer (0.2–0.4 nM d−1). Vertical mixing was a substantial source of DMS to the surface mixed layer in both eddies (0.2–0.3 nM d−1) owing to the relatively high DMS concentrations below the mixed layer. Estimated net biological DMS production rates (gross production minus microbial consumption) in the mixed layer were substantially lower (by almost a factor of 3) than those estimated in a previous study of the Sargasso Sea, which may explain the relatively low mixed-layer DMS concentrations found here during July 2004 (3 nM) compared to previous summers (4–6 nM).  相似文献   

于2013年10~11月现场测定了东海中二甲基硫(DMS)及其前体物质二甲巯基丙酸内盐(DMSP,分为溶解态DMSPd和颗粒态DMSPp)的含量,研究其水平分布特征、DMSPp的粒径分布及DMSPd的降解速率,并对DMS的海-气交换通量进行了探讨。研究结果表明,表层海水中DMS、DMSPd和DMSPp的浓度平均值分别为(4.84±0.40)、(5.84±0.93)和(13.01±0.52)nmol·L-1。海水中DMSPd的降解速率在2.59~16.36nmol·L-1·d-1之间,平均值为(6.78±0.84)nmol·L-1·d-1。调查海域范围内,小型浮游植物(20μm)是DMSPp和叶绿素a(Chl a)重要贡献者。此外,秋季东海表层海水DMS的海-气交换通量为0.66~31.73μmol·m-2·d-1,平均值为(11.63±0.71)μmol·m-2·d-1。  相似文献   

This paper describes measurements of sediments during the 2000-2001 Asian Seas International Acoustic Experiment in the East China Sea. A number of techniques were used to infer properties of these sediments, including gravity and piston cores, subbottom profiling using a water gun, long-range sediment tomography, and in situ measurement of conductivity. Historical data from echosounder records and cores showed two regions of surficial sediments in the experimental area: a silty area to the west and a sandy area to the east. The tomography, cores, and water-gun measurements confirm the two surficial sediment regions seen in the historical data and also indicate that the subbottom structure at the experimental site consists of a thin (0-3 m thick) layer of sandy sediment directly beneath the sea floor. Below this layer, there is an extensive package of sediment with relatively uniform acoustic attributes. Core analysis shows that the surface sediment layer varies in compressional wave speed from a low near 1600 m/s in the west side of the experiment area to 1660 m/s in the east side of the experiment area. Long-range sediment tomography inversions show a similar spatial variation in the surface layer properties. In addition, the layer thickness as determined from tomography is consistent with the estimates from subbottom profiling.  相似文献   

Anoxia and hypoxia have been widely observed in estuarine and coastal regions over the past few decades; however, few reports have focused on the East China Sea (ECS). In June and August 2003, two cruises sampled at stations covering almost the entire shelf of the ECS to examine hypoxic events and their potential causes. In August, DO concentrations <2-3 mg l(-1) covered an area estimated at greater than 12,000 km(2) (or 432 km(3) volume). In contrast, water column DO concentrations exceeded 4 mg l(-1) throughout most of the shelf region. A sharp density gradient was observed under the mixed layer in August, restricting vertical re-aeration across this strong pycnocline. Oxygen depletion events, such as that described here for the ECS shelf, are fueled by decomposition of newly produced marine and river-borne biogenic substances (as well as older residual organic matter) deposited to the bottom waters.  相似文献   

A study is made on the surface distribution ofTrichodesmium thiebautii Gomont in the East China Sea during the years 1961–1967.
  1. This alga is very scarce or absent in the period from January to March, and begins to increase in May and June, reaching the maximum population density from July to September, and again decreases in October and November.
  2. In summerT. thiebautii is predominantly distributed in the area along the Kuroshio current with high densities of 102–103 filaments/l, occasionally exceeding 103 filaments/l. This alga is estimated to occupy the major part or almost all the parts of chlorophylla in situ contained in the surface water of this season.
  3. The occurrence ofT. thiebautii off the southern coasts of Central Japan seems to be caused rather by the multiplication in its own habitat than by the transportation by the Kuroshio current from the East China Sea.

We present a numerical model of Black Sea circulation based on primitive equations with improved spatial resolution in the coastal zone. The model equations are formulated in a two-pole orthogonal coordinate system with arbitrary locations of the poles and a vertical σ coordinate. Increased horizontal resolution is gained by displacing the pole into the vicinity of the separated subdomain. The problem is solved over a grid with a variable step. The northern coordinate pole is displaced to the vicinity of Gelendzhik; the grid step varies from 150 m in the coastal zone to 4.6 km in the main basin. We simulated the fields of currents, sea level, temperature, and salinity under the given atmospheric forcing in 2007. The model is capable of reproducing the large-scale Black Sea circulation and submesoscale variations in the coastal currents.  相似文献   

The main processes of interaction between the coastal water, shelf water and Kuroshiowater in the Huanghai Sea (HS) and East China Sea (ECS) are analyzed based on the observation and study results in recent years. These processes include the intrusion of the Kuroshio water into the shelf area of the ECS, the entrainment of the shelf water into the Kuroshio, the seasonal process in the southern shelf area of the ECS controlled alternatively by the Taiwan Strait water and the Kuroshio water intruding into the shelf area, the interaction between the Kuroshio branch water, shelf mixed water and modified coastal water in the northeastern ECS, the water-exchange between the HS and ECS and the spread of the Changjiang diluted water.  相似文献   

At present, in most oceans the lead (Pb) biogeochemical cycling has been disturbed by anthropogenic Pb through atmospheric input. The Pb concentrations in the upper water positively correlate with atmospheric input fluxes of Pb. The North Pacific is affected greatly by atmospheric substances via long-range transport from eastern Asia, especially from Mainland China. Mainland China may export considerable amounts of pollutants into the seas via rivers and the atmosphere owing to its recent fast growth in industry and economy. The East China Sea lies in an important geographical position--a transit between Mainland China and the western North Pacific. However, no data are available for seawater concentrations of Pb, a representative element with anthropogenic origin. In this work seawater samples from both 5 and 30-50 m water layers of 15 stations occupied over a cyclonic eddy in the southern East China Sea were analyzed for particulate Pb (PPb) and dissolved Pb (DPb). The Mean concentration of DPb (approximately 128 ng/l) in the southern East China Sea upper waters (< or = 50 m) is approximately several times higher than those in the Pacific; the high DPb concentrations in the southern East China Sea waters correspond to much higher atmospheric supplies of Pb to the East China Sea. Thus, this study partly fills the 'data gap' of the marginal seas. Also, it indicates that the East China Sea may be considerably contaminated by deposited polluted aerosols. Spatial distributions of DPb in the surface water show a tendency of increasing concentrations with distance offshore, that depends on the magnitudes of atmospheric Pb inputs and on particle scavenging processes. In contrast to DPb, spatial distributions of PPb basically display an 'omega'-like picture and a tendency of decreasing concentrations with distance offshore. These are related to riverine and scavenging sources and to the drive by the eddy. Additionally, the residence times of DPb in the surface water were estimated to be about 2 years, agreeing well with the reported data.  相似文献   

Methane in the East China Sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methane in the East China Sea water was determined four times at a fixed vertical section along PN line consisting of 11–14 stations, in February 1993, October 1993, June 1994 and August 1994. The mean concentration of methane in the surface water was not significantly higher than that in the open ocean. The methane concentration below the pycnocline increased during the stratified period in summer to autumn and reached to 15 nmoles/l at most in October. The concentration of methane was fairly well correlated with AOU in the layer below the pycnocline in the stratified season. This means that methane in the bottom water has only a single source, which is expected to be anoxic sediments near the coast, and that the oxidation rate of methane in the water is extremely slow in the oxic water. The high methane observed in October completely disappeared in February, indicating that the methane was escaped to the atmosphere or transported to the pelagic ocean by the Kuroshio current. The East China Sea, therefore, is not a large direct and stationary source for the atmospheric methane, but may have some role as a source by supplying it sporadically to the atmosphere in early winter or indirectly from the surface of the pelagic ocean.  相似文献   

Formation and tectonic evolution of outer marginupfold zone of East China Sea ShelfTXFormationandtectonicevolutionofoutermargi...  相似文献   

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