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Molluscs, ostracodes, diatoms, pollen, plant macrofossils, peat, and wood have been found in glacial Lake Algonquin sediments, and estuarine-alluvial sediments of the same age, in southern Ontario. Molluscs and ostracodes are particularly abundant and widespread. Pollen analysis of Lake Algonquin sediments, bogs on the Algonquin terrace, and upland bogs above the Algonquin terrace, indicate that Lake Algonquin was still in existence at the time of the spruce-pine pollen transition, previously dated at an average of 10,600 yr BP at a number of sites in Michigan, Ohio, and southern Ontario. Wood in estuarine-alluvial sediments graded to the Algonquin level is of similar radiocarbon age. Evidence from several sites in the eastern Great Lakes area suggests the presence of a preceding low-water stage (Kirkfield outlet stage); drowned and alluviated valleys and fining-upward sediment sequences have been identified in this study as further supporting evidence. Lake Algonquin drained from the southern sites by isostatic tilting and eventual opening of the “North Bay outlet” some time shortly after 10,400 yr BP.Our radiocarbon dates suggest the low-water stage has an age of about 11,000 yr BP, and that Lake Algonquin drained 10,000–15,000 y. a. Dates previously published for the Lake Michigan basin are generally too young in comparison with ours, and dates on the Champlain Sea are generally too old. More critical evaluation of all dating results is desirable.From fossil remains we suggest a rapidly expanding fauna in the waters of Lake Algonquin. The spruce pollen period was a time of rapid faunal and floral migration, when the ice front was retreating from Kirkfield to North Bay, Ontario. Diversity of some species and fossil numbers increased substantially at the transition from spruce to pine just before Lake Algonquin drained.  相似文献   

新疆雅满苏铁矿床赋存于下石炭统雅满苏组中,矿区发育火山岩、碳酸盐岩及矽卡岩,因此,研究碳酸盐岩与矽卡岩及成矿的关系对厘定矿床成因类型和指导找矿勘查具有重要的理论和实际意义。文章在野外地质剖面测制和调查研究的基础上,对矿区及外围碳酸盐岩进行了岩相学、主量元素、稀土元素及微量元素分析,探讨了矿区碳酸盐岩的地质、地球化学特征。研究结果表明,雅满苏铁矿区的碳酸盐岩含有浅海相生物化石、鲕粒结构及内碎屑构造,与火山岩互层产出,指示沉积作用及火山喷发活动发生于浅海环境;矿区碳酸盐岩岩石类型包括微晶灰岩、细晶灰岩、大理岩、含凝灰质大理岩、糜棱岩化碳酸盐岩和方解石构造片岩,它们的主量元素含量差别不大,说明在变质变形和成矿作用过程中没有主量元素组分的明显带入带出;稀土、微量元素含量除方解石构造片岩稍有降低外,其余岩性均变化不大,也表明变质变形和成矿作用过程中没有外来物质的明显加入,包括成矿物质;与矿体毗邻的碳酸盐岩为方解石构造片岩,没有发生矽卡岩化,表明该碳酸盐岩在构造及成矿作用过程中只发生了构造片理化和热液重结晶,没有发生接触交代。因此,雅满苏铁矿床不是狭义的矽卡岩(接触交代)型铁矿床,而是海相火山岩型铁矿床。研究区的矽卡岩并非是接触交代的产物,而应是火山热液交代含碳酸盐的火山岩而成。是否有下部地层中的碳酸盐岩提供成岩成矿物质还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

Mollusks were studied from six sites in Lake Algonquin deposits (12,000-10,000 yr B.P.), five transitional (Lake Stanley low stage; 10,000 – 6000 yr B.P.), and six Nipissing stage sites (6000-4000 yr B.P.) east of Lake Huron in southwestern Ontario. The sites represent a variety of near-shore, lagoonal, estuarine, and fluvial environments. Eighteen species were limited to occurrences in Algonquin stage deposits; 8 were found only in the transitional age sites; and 14 species were restricted to Nipissing stage localities. With the possible exception of Goniobasis livescens, which occurred at five of the six Nipissing stage sites, the remaining stratigraphically limited species were usually restricted to one or two localities and probably cannot be used as zone fossils. Some cold-tolerant species (e.g., Anodonta grandis simpsoniana) were very early migrants into the study area, while others arrived later, apparently from eastern, southern, and western sources. Mollusks proved useful in paleoenvironmental reconstructions and to a lesser extent in biostratigraphic zonation.  相似文献   

The lithofacies of the uppermost Pleistocene ( ca 11 800 to 10 400 14C yr  bp ), cold-temperate, coarse-grained beach deposits of Lake Algonquin, the precursor of the present Lake Huron of North America, have been studied and interpreted based on analogous features of modern beaches from the same region. Ice foot and ice-cementation develop during winter but, unlike Arctic beaches, ice-related sedimentary features are seldom, if ever, preserved in the Pleistocene and recent deposits of the Great Lakes. Instead, the deposits retain the typical characteristics of wave-dominated, pure gravel and mixed sand and gravel beaches, there including the classical subdivision of infill zone, swash zone/sand run, imbricated zone, coarse flat-clast zone and coastal dunes. These zones form a regular succession on the surface of many modern beaches; however, they seldom occur as quasi-complete vertical successions in older deposits. In the studied uppermost Pleistocene deposits, the various components are separated vertically by erosional contacts (bounding surfaces) readily recognizable on working faces of large sand and gravel pits and mappable in the subsurface by ground-penetrating radar. The lithofacies are sufficiently diagnostic to allow recognition of depositional settings, and the lithofacies architecture allows the deciphering of important geological events, such as: (i) local input of fluvial material onto the shoreface, where it was partially reworked by waves and moved onto the beachface; (ii) occurrence of major storm events; and (iii) repeated rapid transgressions and regressions typical of the glacial-lake precursors of the modern Great Lakes.  相似文献   

则不吓铅锌矿床为冈底斯成矿带中部西段新发现的热液脉型铅锌矿床。依据成矿地质条件、地球化学异常、高磁异常和激电异常、矿体特征等综合分析,区内成矿元素以Pb、Zn、Ag等元素为主,是寻找中低温热液型铅锌银多金属矿的有利地区,并指示其深部可能存在隐伏岩体,地表出露的断裂构造很可能是岩浆侵入在顶部引爆形成的裂隙,而各类岩脉为深部岩体向上延伸的分支。综合认为,该矿床找矿前景很好,后续通过进一步勘查可望取得更大的找矿突破,同时应注意在热液脉型铅锌矿体深部对斑岩型钨钼铜矿或隐爆角砾岩型铅锌银矿的识别和寻找,以拓展区内找矿空间和矿种类型。  相似文献   

The importance of pre-excavation permafrost detection within ancient burial mounds in the Altai by geophysical methods is hard to overestimate. There was no way of detecting small quantities of frozen ground or ice under stone mounds, and this is a topical issue in Russian archeology. Frozen mounds, which retain organic matter owing to natural processes, are an exceptional source of information about historical and cultural processes in the Early Iron Age. Pre-excavation geophysical prospecting is especially important in the context of global warming, which might destroy a whole layer of cultural and historical information.The integrated geophysical studies conducted in recent years focused on a group of archeological sites of the Pazyryk culture whose burial constructions are very likely to contain frozen artifacts. As a rule, such burial mounds are located at a considerable altitude and contain permafrost, which creates unique conditions for the preservation of artifacts. Such localities include the Ukok high plateau (southern Altai) and the northwestern part of Mongolian Altay. Systematic field studies were conducted on the Ukok Plateau in 2003 and 2007 and in the adjacent territory of Mongolian Altay in 2005 and 2006. The following geophysical methods were used: vertical electrical sounding (VES), electrical tomography (ET), shallow frequency scanning, georadiolocation, magnetic susceptibility measurements, gamma-ray spectrometry, and chromatography. The field works were planned with a heavy reliance on the 3D mathematical simulation of electric and EM fields, which is meant for a realistic estimate of the possibilities of geoelectrics and the best ways of its application to burial-mound studies and data interpretation.The excavations conducted in 2006 in northwestern Mongolia within the Altai Mts. confirmed the geophysical prediction of permafrost at all the sites identified by the geophysical studies in 2005. In one of the mounds, they yielded a unique intact tomb of a Scythian warrior.  相似文献   

Associated rocks from the Seabrook Lake, carbonatite complex in Ontario show an increase in total REE (rare earth element) content and in light REE enrichment in the following order: fenite quartz monzohite 2 and H2O-rich fluids.  相似文献   

通过对广山―江藻锌多金属矿区大比例尺地质矿产填图、土壤地球化学测量、高精度磁测以及可控源音频大地电磁测深等,了解矿区含矿构造蚀变带分布、地球化学元素组合特征及深部控矿断裂的延伸情况。矿区土壤发育Zn、Cu、Pb、Ag、As、Sb、W、Sn、Bi等组合异常,异常强且套合好;地磁场基本为平缓正值场区,花岗岩与碳酸盐岩地层接触交代矽卡岩矿化蚀变带磁性总体不强,一般为40~80nT,构成NE向条带,但局部含矿地段显示为较强正磁异常;CSAMT测量较好地反映深部构造特征,显示在矽卡岩蚀变带深部-500~-1000m存在NE向低阻断裂带及近直立长条状低阻体。土壤地球化学、高精度磁法测量及CSAMT测量综合应用较好地圈定了矿区找矿地段,为下一步验证提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对内蒙古鄂伦春旗奎中林场地质特征介绍,结合本区开展的激电中梯及土壤测量成果,发现了4处土壤异常及1处激电中梯低阻高极化异常,确定该区的找矿方向,本区成矿地质条件良好,是寻找热液型(斑岩型)铜金、银铅锌多金属矿床的有利地段。  相似文献   

夏塞银铅锌矿床位于义敦岛弧带中段,为典型的与早白垩世A型花岗岩有关的热液脉型矿床。矿体呈脉状、透镜状产于NNW向断裂构造中,具有向北侧伏、尖灭再现特点。从花岗岩体接触带往北发育Sn-Cu→Cu-Zn→Ag-Pb矿化分带。硅化、绢云母化、绿泥石化等蚀变与成矿关系密切。成矿过程划分为锡石、毒砂、闪锌矿-黄铜矿、含银矿物-方铅矿、黄铁矿-碳酸盐5个成矿阶段。高精度磁法测量ΔT正异常能有效识别矿化带或控矿断裂带。土壤地球化学测量Ag、Pb、Zn、Cu元素变化曲线峰值能指示矿化体的存在。据此建立了夏塞银铅锌矿床地质、磁法和土壤地球化学测量综合找矿模型,经验证找矿效果良好。有望为夏塞—连龙银锡多金属矿集区热液脉型矿床找矿勘查和评价工作提供重要参考。  相似文献   

桃溪地区位于安徽省休宁县—歙县金多金属矿整装勘查区中部,具有良好的金多金属矿成矿地质条件。通过专项地质填图发现,桃溪铅锌矿受近EW走向多期活动叠加的断裂控制,其中第3期高角度张性正断层与成矿作用关系密切;矿化体多为脉状,含矿热液于密集裂隙带充填而成。土壤化探圈定有AP18综合异常,呈长轴近EW走向的长条椭圆状,受上述断裂控制,该异常面积2.6 km^2,由Au、Ag、Cu、Pb、Zn多元素套合。高精度磁法测量圈定有M2和M3异常,与化探异常相吻合;激电中梯和激电测深测量结果进一步反映了异常的真实性,并剖析了极化体的深部特征。通过桃溪地区地质及物化探特征的综合分析,认为该地区具有多金属矿勘查的潜力。  相似文献   

A schematic but quantitative geochemical, petrological, model of the sub-marine lithosphere and its genesis is given. With this model we calculate numerically, a priori, the geophysical characteristics of the lithosphere, its acoustic properties, density, oceanic heat flow and ocean bottom topography. Comparison with observational data for these characteristics shows good agreement. Particular attention is given to anomalous upper mantle in the vicinity of spreading centres. Compressional and shear wave velocity distributions are given in tabular form for the submarine lithosphere as a function of age. Comparison between observations for Vp, Vs and the calculated acoustic properties suggests that the lower marine lithosphere is anisotropic. Possible thickening of layer 3 with age is discussed. Melt distribution in the ridge axial region has been evaluated. All calculations were done for a plate velocity of 1 cm y−1.  相似文献   

Thickened heavy oils in China are genetically characteristic of continental fades. As to their physico-chemical properties, these oils are very high in viscosity and low in sulphur and trace element contents. In the group constituents, the concentrations of non-hydrocarbons and asphaltene are very high but those of saturated hydrocarbons and aromatics are very low. The gas chromatograms of alkanes show that these heavy oils have high abundances of iso - alkanes and cyclic hydrocarbons. In all the steroids and terpenoids, bicyclic sesquiterpenoids, tricyclic diterpenoids, re - arranged steranes and gammacerane are strongly biodegradation - resistent. The formation of heavy oil reservoirs is controlled mainly by late basin ascendance, biodegradation, flushing by meteoric water and oxidation in the oil - bearing formations. According to their formation mechanisms, heavy oil reservoirs can be classified as four categories: weathering and denudation, marginal oxidation, secondary migration and thickening of bottom water. Spatially, heavy thick oil reservoirs are distributed regularly: they usually show some paragenetic relationships with normal oil reservoirs. Heavy oil reservoirs often occur in structural highs or in overlying younger strata. Their burial depth is about 2000m. Horizontally, most of them are distributed on the margins of basins or depressions. Weng Weijin, Guo Jiaofeng and Li Huaqi also took part in this work.  相似文献   

青海沱沱河地区那日尼亚铅锌矿床 地质与地球化学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
那日尼亚铅锌矿床是在青藏高原近来发现的、与钾质火山岩岩浆活动有关的矿床.分析表明,新鲜赋矿火山岩siO2含量62.9% ~~68.6%,K2O含量5.1%~5.8%,属钾玄岩系列,其轻稀土和大离子亲石元素相对富集,Nb、Ta、Ti等元素强烈亏损,Sr/Y-Y图解投影点落入已报道的藏北钾质-超钾质岩分布范围之内,指示岩浆起源于富集地幔或受下地壳物质混染的软流圈地幔.矿床的矿体呈脉状出现在粗面岩中,由一系列细脉状的矿石构成,硫化物主要是方铅矿和黄铁矿,也含少量闪锌矿和黄铜矿,脉石矿物以石英为主,并发育方解石、白云石、绢云母,围岩蚀变以白云母化和黄铁矿化为主.石英中流体包裹体为盐水体系,均一温度为170~~300℃、盐度为2%~9%NaCleq(质量分数),指示成矿流体可能来自岩浆活动驱动的地表水;方铅矿δ34S值介于-0.1~1.7之间,铅同位素组成落入藏北钾质-超钾质岩石的组成范围内,指示硫和铅均来自赋矿的钾质火山岩.那日尼亚铅锌矿床与沱沱河地区碳酸盐岩容矿铅锌矿床的地质和地球化学特征差别明显,两者不是一套成矿系统的产物.  相似文献   

下嘎来奥伊铅锌矿位于黑龙江省西北部,大地构造位置位于额尔古纳地块额木尔山隆起带南缘与大兴安岭火山岩带北缘交切部位的西段。矿体主要产于中酸性浅成侵入岩与新元古界—下寒武统倭勒根群吉祥沟组大理岩接触带,是一个以铁、铅、锌、钼矿为主的矽卡岩型矿床。通过野外工作和室内观察将其成矿期划分为2期5个阶段:①矽卡岩期:干矽卡岩阶段、湿矽卡岩阶段(形成富集的磁铁矿)、氧化物阶段(形成少量辉钼矿),②石英-硫化物期:早硫化物阶段(形成部分辉钼矿)、晚硫化物阶段(主要形成闪锌矿、方铅矿等铅锌硫化物)。结合成矿地质背景、矿区物化探特征,得出成矿控制因素为:①吉祥沟组大理岩及片岩在成矿过程中提供了部分成矿物质,②花岗斑岩、花岗闪长岩、细粒花岗岩等中酸性岩体在侵入过程中提供了成矿物质和能量,③矿区中部复式褶皱构造及北东向和北西向断裂是区内的主要控矿构造。在GIS平台上开展综合信息成矿预测,共圈出2处找矿预测区,指出了今后的找矿方向。这些认识对矿区及外围找矿工作具有重要的指导意义,为进一步开展深部找矿和相关理论研究提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

杜利明 《地质与勘探》2021,57(3):563-571
三山岛断裂是胶东重要的控矿断裂,自三山岛北部海域至仓上地区,包括新立金矿床在内的多个金矿床受其控制。以往地质勘查资料显示,三山岛断裂在新立金矿床深部2000m以下仍有延深,但深部断裂及矿化蚀变带的形态及找矿靶区尚不清楚。本次选用区内典型剖面0勘探线的CSAMT测深、钻孔原生晕资料,结合已知地质资料综合研究认为,电阻率断面能够客观反映深部断裂带的展布规律,为推测蚀变带赋存形态提供了证据,矿体深部尾晕元素不发育、尾晕和前晕共存、呈反分带等轴向分带及叠加特征,指示深部仍存在盲矿体。本文运用综合物化探方法,综合研究莱州新立矿区深部三山岛断裂带赋存规律,预测一处深部找矿靶区,为今后该地区的深部金矿勘查工作提供参考。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to propose a method to assess the long-term chemical weathering mass balance for a regolith developed on a heterogeneous silicate substratum at the small experimental watershed scale by adopting a combined approach of geophysics, geochemistry and mineralogy. We initiated in 2003 a study of the steep climatic gradient and associated geomorphologic features of the edge of the rifted continental passive margin of the Karnataka Plateau, Peninsular India. In the transition sub-humid zone of this climatic gradient we have studied the pristine forested small watershed of Mule Hole (4.3 km2) mainly developed on gneissic substratum. Mineralogical, geochemical and geophysical investigations were carried out (i) in characteristic red soil profiles and (ii) in boreholes up to 60 m deep in order to take into account the effect of the weathering mantle roots. In addition, 12 Electrical Resistivity Tomography profiles (ERT), with an investigation depth of 30 m, were generated at the watershed scale to spatially characterize the information gathered in boreholes and soil profiles. The location of the ERT profiles is based on a previous electromagnetic survey, with an investigation depth of about 6 m. The soil cover thickness was inferred from the electromagnetic survey combined with a geological/pedological survey.Taking into account the parent rock heterogeneity, the degree of weathering of each of the regolith samples has been defined using both the mineralogical composition and the geochemical indices (Loss on Ignition, Weathering Index of Parker, Chemical Index of Alteration). Comparing these indices with electrical resistivity logs, it has been found that a value of 400 Ohm m delineates clearly the parent rocks and the weathered materials. Then the 12 inverted ERT profiles were constrained with this value after verifying the uncertainty due to the inversion procedure. Synthetic models based on the field data were used for this purpose. The estimated average regolith thickness at the watershed scale is 17.2 m, including 15.2 m of saprolite and 2 m of soil cover.Finally, using these estimations of the thicknesses, the long-term mass balance is calculated for the average gneiss-derived saprolite and red soil. In the saprolite, the open-system mass-transport function τ indicates that all the major elements except Ca are depleted. The chlorite and biotite crystals, the chief sources for Mg (95%), Fe (84%), Mn (86%) and K (57%, biotite only), are the first to undergo weathering and the oligoclase crystals are relatively intact within the saprolite with a loss of only 18%. The Ca accumulation can be attributed to the precipitation of CaCO3 from the percolating solution due to the current and/or the paleoclimatic conditions. Overall, the most important losses occur for Si, Mg and Na with −286 × 106 mol/ha (62% of the total mass loss), −67 × 106 mol/ha (15% of the total mass loss) and −39 × 106 mol/ha (9% of the total mass loss), respectively. Al, Fe and K account for 7%, 4% and 3% of the total mass loss, respectively. In the red soil profiles, the open-system mass-transport functions point out that all major elements except Mn are depleted. Most of the oligoclase crystals have broken down with a loss of 90%. The most important losses occur for Si, Na and Mg with −55 × 106 mol/ha (47% of the total mass loss), −22 × 106 mol/ha (19% of the total mass loss) and −16 × 106 mol/ha (14% of the total mass loss), respectively. Ca, Al, K and Fe account for 8%, 6%, 4% and 2% of the total mass loss, respectively.Overall these findings confirm the immaturity of the saprolite at the watershed scale. The soil profiles are more evolved than saprolite but still contain primary minerals that can further undergo weathering and hence consume atmospheric CO2.  相似文献   

用OpenGL绘制物化探数据等值线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在Visual C 6.0环境下调用OpenGL库用网格法绘制标准物化探数据等值线,以图示形式给出数据集的二维和三维方式的等值线图,并给出相应的数字高程模型图,方便用户分析和理解数值分布情况。用线性内差法计算所有网格边上的等值点,横边上的等值点到前一个最近网格点的距离存放在二维数组X中,纵边上的等值点到下一个最近网格点的距离存放在二维数组Y中。调用自编的搜索函数在网格边上搜索等值线的线头,用追踪函数对这个线头所在线上的点进行追踪,并把追踪到的等值点的坐标按顺序存放在二维数组DW中,用OpenGL中绘制Bezier曲线的方法分段连接DW数组中的等值点,并按颜色从红到蓝递变的顺序在屏幕上绘制等值线。  相似文献   

西昆仑木吉西北地区产有一种特殊类型的碳酸盐质岩体。该岩体内发育围岩的捕虏体,并与围岩呈港湾状侵入式接触,其边部发育穿入围岩的岩枝和岩脉,这些地质特征表明这种碳酸盐质岩体实为火成碳酸岩岩体。该碳酸岩在地球化学上具有富CaO、CO2,贫SiO2、TiO2、K2O、Na2O、Al2O3、FeO、Fe2O3、MnO、P2O5的特征,各种稀土和微量元素的含量和稀土元素的总量均很低,轻重稀土元素比值较小,稳定同位素δ18O、δ13C高,显示壳源碳酸岩的成因特点,明显不同于幔源成因的碳酸岩。据上述特征判断,该碳酸岩为沉积碳酸盐岩在内侵幔源岩浆作用下发生熔融而形成的壳源成因的火成碳酸岩。  相似文献   

Pelitic and calcareous rocks in the Whetstone Lake area havean unusually wide range of chemical composition. Metamorphicreactions have been deduced that represent the observed ‘discontinuities’in compatible mineral assemblages, and by plotting the reactantand the product assemblage of each reaction on a map, metamorphicisograds have been delincated ‘from both sides’.For the pelitic rocks, successively higher-grade isograds arebased on the following reactions: (1)chlorite+muscovite+garnetstaurolite+biotite+quartz+water; (2) chlorite+muscovite+staurolite+quartz kyanite+biotite+water; (3) kyanitesillimanite; (4)staurolite+museovite+quartzsillimanite+garnet+biotite+water. A fifth isograd, based on the reaction (5) biotite+calcite+quartzCa-amphibole+K-feldspar+carbon dioxide+water intersects the isograds based on reactions (2), (3), and (4)in such a manner as to indicate that the H2O/CO2 fugacity ratiowas significantly higher in the vicinity of a granite plutonthan in the metasedimentary rocks remote from the pluton. Chemicalanalyses of the coexisting minerals in reaction (5) indicatethat the real reaction may involve plagioclase, epidote, sphene,and Fe-Ti oxides as well.  相似文献   

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